Surfaces Surfaces: Dr. Regalla Srinivasa Prakash

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Dr. Regalla Srinivasa Prakash

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash

Introduction to Parametric surfaces

Wireframe modeling can not be used to model realistic physical surfaces such as those of ship hull, hull car bodies etc. etc C Creating ti surfaces f requires i some quantitative data (such as points, tangent vectors) t ) and d some qualittative litt ti data d t (such ( h as intuition of the desired shape and smoothness) th )
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 2


Just Jus like e cu curves, es, su surfaces aces ca can a also so be interpolating as well as approximating Bezier surface is an approximator whereas B Spline surface can be made interpolator B-Spline In addtion to modeling geometric objects, surfaces can be used to fit experimental data, tables of numbers, and discretized solution of differential equations
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 3


So the general objective here is to model a multi-dimensional surface, given points in 3-D space, and parameter value at each point For example:
constructing the surface representing the presure distribution over a 2-D domain, z=p(x,y), on an oblique airplane wing Stress distribution in a mechanical part Contour p plot is an alternative but is normally y not clear to everyone

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


Merely e e y locating oca g so some e po points s o on the e surface can also be a very simple but y of constructing g a surface ineffective way because the properties of the surface can judged g from it not be j On the other hand, hand an interpolating or approximating function with proper parametric equation can help understand the properties of the curve far better
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 5

Practice of CAD packages

All CAD packages build surfaces on the curve description that we learnt till now When two curves are specified a ruled surface may result whereas when only curve specified a surface may be produced d db by revolving l i it around d an axis i The display of a surface is done over a mesh of parameters mn, controlled by the user ser inp input t
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 6

Surface models
A surface model is a more complete and less ambiguous representation than its wireframe model. d l Surface models define only the geometry of their corresponding objects. objects Th They store t no information i f ti about b t the th topology t l of f these objects. For example, example if two surfaces share an edge, edge neither the surfaces nor the edge (curve) itself have any information of this connectively in their parametric representations. I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 7


To o c create ea e a su surface, ace, the e use user beg begins s by constructing wireframe entities and g them appropriately pp p y by y p proper p connecting surface entities

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash

Wrongly digitized locations result in absurd or undesirable surface patches Mesh size for display p y affects the visualization; but higher the mesh size longer g the CPU time taken for display p y Shading is available in surfaces and solids, not in wireframe models Disadvatage Di d t of f surface f representation t ti is i that the ambiguity is still not completely remo ed removed
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 9

Surface entities
Plane surface Ruled surface Surface of revolution Tabulated cylinder (or surface) Bicubic Hermite spline surface Bezier surface - Rectangular and triangular Bezier patches B Spline surface B-Spline Coons patches Gordon surface Fillet surface Offset surface
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 10

Non-parametric Non parametric surfaces

P = [x y z ]T = [ x y f ( x)]T P = Position vector of a point on the surface The most natural form of f(x, y) for a surface to p pass through g all the g given data p point is a p polynomial y as shown below. z = f ( x, y ) = amn x m y n
m =0 n =0 p q


where the surface is described by an XY grid of size ( + 1) (q (p ( + 1) points. i t

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


Parametric representation of surface

P (u , v) = [ x y z ]T = [ x(u , v) y (u , v) z (u , v)]T , umin u u max , vmin v vmax

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


Concept of surface patches

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


Surface Analysis Tangent vectors of surface patch

For example, a topologically rectangular t l patch may have two ta ge t tangent vectors defined at any point on it.

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


Tangent Vectors

The tangent v ector at any point P(u, v) on the surface is obtained by holding one parameter constant and differenti ating with respect to the other. Therefore there are two tangent v ectors for each point. Along the v = constant curve, curve P x y z = + + u min u u max , vmin v vmax u u u u and along the u = constant curve it will be, Pu (u , v ) = P x y z + + = v v v v In matrix form, Pv (u , v ) = i j x Pu u P = x v v y u y v z u z v
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 16

, k

u min u u max , vmin v vmax

, k

Based on the nature of the surface at any point (ui, vj), the tangent vectors in u and v directions, directions P P u , and v P P
ij ij

at that point can be at any acute angle to each other other. When they are perpendicular to each other, then their dot product is zero. The tangent vectors at the four corners of the rectangular surface patch are
P u P v P00 P00 P u P v P01 P01 P u P v P10 P10 P11 P v P11 P u

I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash


The magnitudes g tangent g vectors : P x y z = Pu = + + u u u u

2 2 2

P x y z = Pv = + + v v v v and the unit vectors, ,

2 2

Pu u = n Pu Pv v = n Pv
I/C, Regalla Srinivasa Prakash 18

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