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The ingredient under discussion is called pearl essence. (Some sources give this as "pearlescence.

") It's the silvery stuff found in fish scales that's used in some lipsticks, nail polishes, ceramic glazes, etc., to make them shimmery. Pearl essence is obtained primarily from herring and is one of many by-products of large-scale commercial fish processing. Synthetic versions have been developed, but to what extent they've supplanted the natural variety I hesitate to say. The cosmetics companies were not forthcoming and I got contrary stories from different industry observers. Fishermen still collect the stuff, though, and one presumes it's being put to good use. how pearl essence is harvested: "The purse seine draws the herring up from the bottom and into an ever-decreasing circle, where the pumper [boat] pumps the fish out, and into the hold of the buyer's boat. In the meantime, due to thrashing in the seine and going through the pumper, nearly all of the herring scales are removed and diverted into bags on the pumper's deck." This is perhaps not the world's kindest process. I also learned that global herring production is threatened by overfishing, raising the specter of a world full of nonshimmering lips. Pearl essence is just one of a long list of unsuspected animal ingredients in cosmetics. If you think fish scales in lipstick is gross, get a load of cerebrosides, used in skin-care products to create a smoother skin surface, increase moisture retention, heighten "luminosity," etc. According to the Food and Drug Administration, "the raw material for cerebrosides in cosmetics comes from cattle, oxen, or swine brain cells or other nervous-system tissues."

In order to give some lipsticks (as well as nail polish, some paints and some ceramics) a nice "shimmery" effect an ingredient called pearl essence (also known as "pearlesence") is added to them. Pearl essence is the silvery stuff found in fish scales and is harvested primarily as a by-product of Herring fisheries. Lipstick DOES contain fish scales. Fish scales are sometimes added to cosmetics such as lipstick and nail polish to give it the same shimmering effect that they give the fish. Of course, you won't find the ingredient fish scales' on your cosmetic labels. Not unlike the fancy term caviar' that has been given to fish eggs, fish scales that are ground into a shimmery additive for cosmetics are called pearl essence' or pearlesence'. What Is Pearl Essence?

Pearl essence, also called pearlesence, is the silvery substance found in the scales of shimmering fish such as the herring. The collection of pearl essence is a lucrative byproduct of the herring fisheries industry as it is sought after for use in cosmetics, paint, ceramics, nail polish, and jewelry.

Preparation of pearl essence

Pearl essence, or rather the essence of the fish scales, obtained from different scales silverywhite fish. Obtaining such essences is reduced to the separation of scales thin silver surface. For preparation of pearl essences are best used scales ablet, but in its absence scales inconnu. Naturally, fresh scales produced a brilliant essence the highest quality, however, in the production, especially those away from the big rivers, getting fresh scales is quite impossible. At the beginning of the birth of this production used the scales of only some varieties of fish, such as ablet, sturgeon, white salmon, roach, sabrefish, herring, etc.

Further observations showed that the scales can be used any fish with shiny, iridescent glitter scales. In addition, we must bear in mind that in order to conserve the scales in a certain amount of hexamine, which sometimes has a detrimental effect on the pearl essence, therefore, should be taken without scales or the content of hexamine, or with the smallest of its content. To eliminate the harmful influence hexamine scales washed with water, to which is added a small quantity of hydrochloric acid, after which the scales washed with clean water. The silver stuff scales represents an accumulation of small crystals with silver glitter. The crystals are very complex protein composition, they dissolve in ammonia and acetic acid. Preparation of pearl essence boils down to the allocation of these crystals as possible in a pure form.

Usually, pearl essence is prepared on the water. If the essence is used in a mixture with gelatin, the water goes directly to the essence of the case. If the stalemate is used for making celluloid varnish, the essence to be liberated from the water. Do this as follows:

After a long settling merge with the silvery sludge water and add alcohol. Then mix and give back to defend, then poured into a sludge alcohol. Repeating this procedure several times, you can completely remove the water. Here are some recipes pearl essences.

Serebristoblestyaschih fish scales, such as: bleak, inconnu, roach, sturgeon, and others, placed in a rotating barrel and poured a solution of salicylic acid. The solution of salicylic acid obtained by dissolving 3 liters of salicylic acid per 1 liter of water. Barrel is rotated, with silver cover is rubbed scales. After some time of quiet advocacy provide fluid to drain into a large jug, and the remaining mass of scaly, and treated with salicylic pounded with water, as described above. The treatment is salicylic water is repeated until the merge until the water stops to contain a silvery substance. Next, collect all liquids together in a jug and allow to settle a silvery mass.

The pooled water is drained and poured into clean, with the addition of a small amount of salicylic water. The mixture is shaken, give back to settle the mass, merge-settled water and thus for a thorough cleaning silver masses repeat this operation every 12.10. After the merge the latest washing water held firm to the mass gain 40 alcohol (vodka). Essence remain in bottles with ground stoppers. In order to protect the prepared thus pearl essence of fish scales from decay, you can add to it a very small amount (a drop or two) of ammonia. However, it should be borne in mind that ammonia impairs shine essences and therefore, if you can keep the essence, in the filled top to bottom clean and dry bottles with well-stoppered flask in a dry cool place, it is better to dispense with the use of ammonia. Removed from the fish (bleak, white salmon, sturgeon), the scales, carefully watching the intactness easily removable layer of silver flakes. Then the scales are placed in large earthenware, porcelain, brick or terracotta dishes, pour clean water and give the scales melted within an hour, and treated her hands gently, so how much impossible to rub it. This treatment is designed to free the scales from the mud and animal mucus. Then water is poured and poured into a clean, repeating this operation for as long as the scales will not be completely washed free of dirt. Then begin to ottirke silver layer of flakes.

Ottirka produced in the same bowl with a beater hardwood (oak, birch, etc.). After 15 minutes ottirki scales filtered through a cloth or sieve, and the fabric is only scales; silver uholit substance with water substituted in the bottom of the bucket. Remaining on the fabric is washed with water scale for removal of adhering particles of silver substance. Usually it is sufficient to double the repetition of this work to completely separate the silvery substance of scales.

Ottsezhennym waters containing a silvery substance that gives settle, and after a 24-hour settling sediment is placed in a bottle, fill with clean water, shaken, give weight to settle, pour the water and, finally, add distilled water. To protect it from rotting, as well as in the first case, added a few drops of ammonia. If the storage defending liquid becomes turbid, it is necessary to merge and pour a new distilled water. If this condition is satisfied cooked such a way essence, you can save for a few months, keeping in mind the above about the harmful effects of excess ammonia to shine essences. In another method, invented in Paris, pearl essence are using as a raw material not only to fish scales, but also the fish's skin and the fish bladder. To separate the silver from the main substance of organic material, raw material is treated at a temperature of 50 neutral aqueous soap solution. For the same purpose instead of soap can be used saponins, enzymes, pancreatin, diastase, and others. Pearl silvery substance is separated by repeated washing.

Purification crude pearl essences From 4 to 10 liters of crude essences mixed with 30% saponin, added 10 liters of distilled water, heated at 20-60 in a water bath and mix thoroughly. Next, add more water and leave defended. After 2-4 hours the remainder not containing crystals, is removed and the liquid containing suspended in pure crystals, left to defend. After washing with pearl essence has a great line, and purity. Instead of saponin can take 100-200 g Sound of soap.

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