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1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
Phone : 2283-5157, Fax : (033) 2283-5082
Website :
1. The Concept of Open University
2. Vision & Mission of Netaji Subhas Open University
3. A Brief about Rehabilitation Council of India
4. Guideline for Special Education-Distance Education
5. Programme Structure
6. Evaluation Scheme
7. Framework of the Contact Programme
8. B. Ed. in Special Education (Distance Education) Degree Programme
9. Rules & Regulations for B. Ed. Special Education (MR, HI & VI) Course
10. Eligibility and Admission Procedure
11. Language of Instruction
12. Guideline for Students
13. Eligibility for appearing in Term-End Examination
14. Degree
15. Study Materials
16. Study Centres and Student Support Services
17. Qualifying for Additional Specialization.
18. Provision for Unsuccessful Candidates
19. RCI Certification as a Registered Professional Teacher
20. List of Study Centres
21. Whom to Contact for What
22. Do's and Dont's
23. Students' Feedback Form
24. Admission Form
25. Student Identity Card
1. The Concept of Open University
An open learning system is one in which the onus of learning is primarily on the students.
Despite this, they are formally enrolled in a system which takes in other learners too. Thus, we draw a
line of distinction between the above-mentioned category of students and (a) those borrowing books
from Libraries and (b) those formally attached to a conventional University where classroom teaching
is the principal mode of instruction.
The Open University represents an alternative approach to higher learning. It stands apart from
a highly formal, institutionalized and centrally administered system of education. Its philosophy is
built around the principles of universality, flexibility and innovativeness. Its ideas and institutions, its
methods and procedures are all shaped accordingly. Conceptually, it can be viewed as a system
drawing upon the best elements in formal and non-formal education.
The 'openness' consists of a variety of features. First, it offers easy access to the learners. The
entry requirement is not too exacting. A genuine interest in picking up knowledge is all that it
expects. Consequently, it would try to embrace as many learners as possible.
Secondly, its territorial reach is visibly wide. It aims at bringing education to the doorstep of
the learner wherever he or she may be. Various methods of communication and contact are used for
this purpose. The classroom of the University, thus, is as wide as the entire land it seeks to serve.
Thirdly, the Open University is learner-oriented. It devises its courses and methods of teaching
to suit the needs of the learners. Their options and inclinations are given due priorities. A variety of
coursesshort-term or long-term, liberal or professional-can be pursued under the University.
Fourthly, it believes in fair distribution of quality education, teaching aid, consultancy and
study materials. Whatever resources the University has are made evenly available to all learners
wherever of whoever he or she might be. It eliminates variations and discrimination.
Fifthly, its administration is decentralized. In promoting Distance Education, the University
creates a wide network of Study Centres. Students need only to come to the nearest available centre
for collecting all information, completing all formalities, discussing their academic issues and
appearing for evaluation of their work at intervals chosen by them.
Sixthly, student assessment under Open University is based on continuous assessment and
credit system. It does not require students to get bogged down in one final examination. One can
study at one's own pace.
It short, the Open University seeks to open up the treasure house of knowledge to the maximum
number of users. Thereby it would enhance their skills for productivity and further learning. Socially,
too, the University promises steady empowerment of those who suffered backwardness for want of
these skills. Considering the current trends all over the world, the Open University is going not only
to complement the conventional system of higher education but may soon occupy the centre stage
also in developing countries where the resources do not measures up to the vastness of the clientele.
2. Netaji Subhas Open University : Vision and Mission
Vision :
Netaji Subhas Open University, the state university of West Bengal, will contribute to the building
up of quality human resource base of the State and collaborate with other open Universities of the national
and state levels towards the improvement of the quality of distance education and to promote and
develop appropriate technology to create the distance education scenario of an international standard in
our country keeping in view of the demands of the knowledge seekers for education appropriate to the
twenty first century.
Mission :
To spread higher education in different parts of the state and to cooperate with Universities to
provide access to higher education and to different skill enhancing educational programmes Netaji
Subhas Open University shall :
l provide quality education in a flexible mode to serve the aim of establishing an equitable
knowledge society within the state, provide higher education through distance learning
through the language of the state, i.e. Bengali
l make education affordable to disadvantaged
l provide facility for lifelong education to intending learners
l strive for upgradation of technology without compromising the basic values of the society
l contribute to the development of the state and the nation and to motivate learners to strive for
secular, scientific and democratic education.
3. Rehabilitation Council of India : A Brief Introduction
In 1992, Parliament passed the Rehabilitation Council of India Act, which was notified and
became effective from June 1993. The Act casts the following important responsibilities on the Council.
l Standardization of syllabi for all professionals needed for the special education or
rehabilitation of the disabled.
l Recognition of lnstitutions offering courses for training of rehabilitation professionals.
l Maintenance of A Central Register of all qualified persons in the field of rehabilitation.
The Act also provides that any person delivering services to people with disabilities without
acquiring qualification would be committing a cognizable offence. The Rehabilitation Council of India
has done a tremendous work in offering a better quality of life for the disabled in the last few years.
4. Guideline for Special EducationDistance Education
The Distance Education Programme is being offered jointly by NSOU and RCI. It aims to develop
professionals for Special Education within a broad perception of Education in the Twenty First Century.
The Distance Education Programme aims to develop professionals for Special Education within
a broad perception of Education in the Twenty First Century in the ensuing Age of IT Revolution and
Globalization. Within this broad perception the so called disabled are perceived as differently abled
and that teaching is not a profession but a mission. The programme aims to educate and train the
aspirants to become agents of change as teacher-professional through imbibing required knowledge,
understanding, attitude and skill. The education and training will enable them to tap the hidden talents
and potentialities buried in the differently abled; develop in them faith as well as sense of freedom,
self-respect and dignity not only to stand on their own leg but also to contribute their services to the
society and the nation.
l To develop a broad perspective of the role of specially trained professionals as an agent of
change in the prevailing and emerging Indian society in the ensuing Age of IT Revolution
and Globalization.
l To perceive the so called 'disabled' as 'differently abled' and develop in them the confidence
about their potentialities, abilities and usefulness to serve the society with a sense of
freedom self-respect and dignity.
l To develop professional competencies to educate the disabled group of learners.
l To know and understand various methods and approaches of organizing learning
experiences of disabled group of learners in disability area for inclusive/integrated/special
education set up.
l To develop competencies for selection and organization of learning experiences.
l To understand the nature of disabled children and their learning process.
l To develop competencies to deal with the academic and personal problems of the disabled
l To know and understand the various methods and techniques of evaluation and their
l To develop competencies for selection development and use of evaluation tools.
l To develop competencies to organize various co curricular and extra curricular activities.
l To know, understand and develop the ability to manage a special school.
l To develop competencies for organizing various instructional and student support activities.
Netaji Subhas Open University
Academic Inputs such as development of curricula and instructional materials, selection of
eligible candidates for admission and placement in Study Center, providing guidelines for
selection of academic staff for curricular transaction.
Examination, Evaluation and Certification.
Offering additional Specialization Course.
Financial support to Study Centers for running the programme.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Programme for Quality Control and Improvement
Innovation and Research.
Rehabilitation Council of India
Statutory support.
Regulate the training of rehabilitation professionals
Recognition of Study Centers for running Special Education through Distance Mode.
Certify successful candidates as 'REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL' on application to enable
them to serve as professional teachers.
Monitoring & Evaluation.
5. Programme Structure
Course Marks Credits
Group-A : Core Pedagogy ( 4 Papers)
SECP-01-Education in
Emerging Indian Society 100 8 credits
Psychology and Disabled 100 8 credits
Planning and Management 100 8 credits
Curriculum Designing and
SECP-04-Introduction to
Disabilities 100 8 credits
SESM-01-Identification and
Assessment of Persons with
Mental Retardation. 100 8 credits
SESM-02-Mental Retardation :
It Multidisciplinary Aspects. 100 8 credits
SESM-03-Curriculum and
Teaching Strategies. 100 8 credits

Group-B : Specialization Courses in Disability Areas

(MR / HI / VI) (Any one set) (3 Papers)
SECM-01-Teaching of English 100 8 credits
SECM-02-Teaching of Bengali 100 8 credits
SECM-03-Teaching of Science 100 8 credits
Teaching of Mathematics 100 8 credits
Teaching of Social Studies 100 8 credits
OR Set-2
SESH-01-Foundations of
Education for the
Hearing Imparied Children 100 8 credits
SESH-02-Audiology and
Aural Rehabilitation 100 8 credits
SESH-03-Education of
the Hearing Impaired. 100 8 credits
OR Set-3
SESV-01-Introduction to the
Education of Visually
Impaired Children 100 8 credits
SESV-02-Educational Perspective
on Visual Impairment 100 8 credits
Methods 100 8 credits
Group-C : General Content-based Methodology
Courses (Any Two as follows) (2 Papers)
Group-D : Practical Course
Non-disability Area
SEP-01 : Core training in Teaching
Skills, Work Experience, Craft
Education, Psychology Practicals,
Co-Curricular Activities and
Computer Operations, Using and 200 16 credits
Preparing Teaching aids in
the area of Specialisation
Disability Area
SEP-02 Training in the
Disability area 100 8 credits
SEP-03 Training of the
Equipments in the
Disability Area 100 8 credits
SEP-04 Project work in the
Disability 300 24 credits
Practice teaching
SEP-05 Non Disability
Area 100 8 credits
SEP-06 Disability Area 100 8 credits
The semester system shall be followed for instructions and examinations. The semester-wise
plan of the B.Ed (SE-DE) Programme shall be as follows :-
Semester Theory Practical
Semester I SECP-01 SECP-02 SECP-04 SEP-01
Semester II SECP-03 First Optional Frist SEP-02
Paper Special
(Group C) Optional
Semester III Second Remaining SEP-03 SEP-05
Optional Two Special
Paper Optional
(Group-C) Paper
Semester IV SEP-06 SEP-04
6. Evaluation Procedure
The method of evaluation of students is different in an Open University. Students would be subject
to continuous evaluation for 20 percent of the total marks in each Course. A Course carries a certain
number of credits. One credit is equivalent to thirty-hours of study time (which includes all the
learning activities) from the point of view of an average learner. The rest of the marks are
reserved for term-end examinations. In case of Practical Papers, continuous evaluation carries 60 percent
of the total marks.
Continuous evaluation is made on the basis of assignment which every student is required to
submit before each Term-end examination. The number of such assignments is usually two for each
Paper taken.
Term-end examinations are held at the end of every semester (for the concept of 'semester' refer
to 'Academic Session'). Students who intend to appear at a term-end examination are required to fill
in application forms by themselves and submit them to the University through the Study Centres
sufficiently in advance. The student who misses a particular term-end examination may avail
himself/herself of the next one to clear a backlog.
The details of the credit system are given below :-
Total credit : 144 for 1800 marks
Area Theory Practical Total Credits
Non-Disability 500 300 800 64
Disability 400 600 1000 80
Total 900 900 1800 144
The Evaluation of each subject will be made in two ways :-
A. Assignment / Internal Assessment :
Every student is required to submit the assignment papers before each Term-end Examination
which is due at the end of each semester. The assignments papers will be evaluated by the University
centrally. But in no case a student shall be allowed to fill in the application form to sit for the
examination if he/ she has not submitted assignment paper before the filling in of the examination
The formative and summative evaluation will be conducted in all curricular and co-curricular areas of
the Course. Regular feedback to the student based on the evaluation of the assignments, practicals and
assessments will be ensured. The evaluation system shall include the following :-
a. Self Evaluation Exercise (No weightage)
b. Assignments (20% weightage)
c. Term-end Examination (80% weightage)
B. Term-End Examinations :-
80 % of the total credit points of the subjects would be reserved for Term-end examination
scheduled to be held at the end of the semester.
Minimum qualifying marks in each paper (theoretical & practical separately) is 40% of the grand
total of marks in that paper.
The final gradation will be as given below :-
% marks obtained Class Grade
70% and above 1st Class A+
60% to below 70% 1st Class A
55% to below 60% 2nd Class B+
40% to below 55% 2nd Class B
7. Framework of Personal Contact Programme (PCP)
Instruction will be imparted through Personal Contact Programme (PCP) for a-short period held
at regular intervals. PCP will be held at all Study Centres to be announced from time to time.
The programme and venue of practical work will also be announced well in advance.
Students attending PCP/Practical work will have to make their own arrangements of board and
Sl No. Semester Allotment of Allotment of Allotment
total hours for total hours for total hours
Theory Practical Semester wise
1. 1st Semester 75 hours 50 hours 150 hours
2. 2nd Semester 75 hours 25 hours 100 hours
3. 3rd Semester 75 hours 50 hours 150 hours
4. 4th Semester 25 hours for preparation 75 hours 100 hours
of Project Work
5. Total 4 (four) Total 250 hours Total 200 hours Total 450 hours
Besides Personal Contact Programme, audio-materials, audio-visual presentations-
teleconferences and occasional discussion sessions through T.V. network are being introduced.
Radio-counselling in collaboration with IGNOU is arranged on every fourth Sunday of a month
between 4 P.M. and 5 P.M. Transmission through GYAN - VANI F.M. channel (l05.4 MHZ) has
also introduced.
8. B.Ed. in Special Education (Distance Education) Degree Programme :
Special Education leading to B.Ed. (Special Education) Degree. The programmes include one in
Mental Retardation, Hearning Impairment & the other in Visual Impairment.
9. Rules and Regulations for B.Ed. Special Education (MR, HI & VI) Course :
Netaji Subhas Open University offers two-year B.Ed. Special Education Course in MR, HI & VI
as announced in our advertisements issued from time to time.
A. Academic Session :
Academic session is of 2 years duration. The Term End Examination will be held once in a year
on completion of the Course.
B. Admission :
Admission Notice will be given in newspapers. The details will be available in Website.
Admission will be made on the basis of an entrance test by the University. The list of the
successful candidates will accordingly be published.
Prescribed fees as detailed below are to be submitted to the designated Bank within the
date announced.
C. Fee Structure :
l Course fee Rs. 20,000/-
A candidate has to pay Rs. 20,000/- as course fee at the time of admission. Students have also to
pay the Examination fees as to be decided by the University. If it is not paid within the last date
stipulated for the purpose, a late fee, as decided by the University, will have to be paid along with the
Examination fees. Students will have to pay requisite fees for duplicate copy of any document, as to
be decided by the University.
Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
D. Identity Card :
The candidates who are admitted shall receive an identity card duly authenticated. Identity Card
should be produced by the students at the time of Personal Contact Programme (PCP), Practical work
& Examination on demand for verification.
10. Minimum Eligibility Conditions
l The applicant should have at least 50% (45% for SC/ST) (No rounding of marks is
allowed) marks either in three years Bachelor Degree and / or in the Master Degree
or any other qualification equivalent there to.
l Weightage will be given to the candidates fulfilling any one of the following conditions :
a) Parent of a child with disability - 10 marks.
b) Person with disability - 10 marks.
c) Possesses RCI Registration Certificate - 10 marks
For those eligible at (a) Disability Certificate of Child from the competent authority must be
enclosed, & (b) Disability Certificate from the competent authority must be enclosed.
For those eligible at (c) copy of RCI Registration certificate must be provided.
Note : The applicants claiming the weightage must submit attested photocopies of certificates as
mentioned above at the time of filling of admission form and produce original certificates for
verification of documents.
l Admission Procedure
Candidate will be selected on merit basis and also through a Common Entrance Test. The
distribution of marks / weightage for selection will be as follows :
Sl. No. Criteria Weightage
1. Entrance Test Marks (Total-100) 50%
2. Graduation 30%
3. Post-Graduation 10 Marks
4. (Weightage will be given on any one of the 10 (Maximum)
following subjects to maximum)
l Parent of child with disability 10
l Candidate with disability 10
l Possess RCI Registration Certificate 10
Total (Including Maximum Weightage) 100
The Entrance test will consist of a paper of 100 marks and the content of question paper
along with typology will be as follows :-
Sl. No. Content Marks Typology of the question
1. G. K. and Teaching Aptitude 25 MCQ
2. Logical and Analytical Reasoning 25 MCQ
3. Educational and Disability 50 MCQ
related Awareness
Examination will be conducted through OMR in order to ensure objectivity in evaluation.
11. Language of Instruction :
The Study Materials are written in Bengali. A Student is, however, free to write answers in
12. Guidelines for Students :
l Learner should have good habits of regularity and punctuality, reading and comprehension,
concentration and determination are needed to carry out independent studies after the clear
directions given by the Counsellors/Teachers.
l Learner should go through all study materials thoroughly and note down the points where
they felt difficulty to discuss with counselor in Face-to-Face programme.
l Learners will know regarding course curriculum/syllabus in Induction Programme theory as
well as practical subjects
l Learners should attain in contact classes to clear doughts, i.e. 80% attendance is compulsory.
l Learner should submit Assignments and Practical records on the date prescribed by the
study center.
l Learner may approach the study center for help.
l Learner should follow all instructions prescribed by the study center time to time.
l Learner should devote at least 2 hrs daily to learn course material
l Learner should clear the doubt's from Counselor by reading course material
l Learner should follow the instructions given by the Study Center and Counselor time
to time.
l Learner should submit their Assignments, Project in time to that Counselor could
correct and give them feedback accordingly.
l Learner should note down the schedule at work for the course, to work it accordingly.
l Learners should have confidence in their ability to work on their own
l A student, who is seeking admission to Special Education (DE) is supposed to follow
the guidelines strictly during the course period:
v A student shall strictly follow all the rules and regulations listed in the Handbook
and issued by the University and Study Center from time to time.
v He/She shall attend the Induction Programme conducted at the Study Center and
get examined all the documents/certificates etc.
v He/She shall be attentive to the 1st Introduction about the course, Study Center,
University etc. arranged at the Study Center during Induction Programme.
v He/She shall collect the SIM from the Study Center and shall get all details related
to timings of the Personal Contacts Programmes likely to be organized throughout
the session.
v He/She shall study the course material at home and shall solve the exercises given
at the end of each chapter. He shall note down his problems and shall seek
clarification during the Personal Contact Programmes .
v He/She shall go prepared to the Study Center during the Personal Contact
v He/She shall take care that he is regular in attending classes/session during PCP's
to ensure 80% attendance to make them eligible to be eligible for the examination.
v He/She shall submit the prepared assignments in time to the Study Center & shall
appear in all the tests of each theory and practical papers.
v He/She shall be regular in completing practicals during PCP and otherwise and
shall submit all records in time.
v He/She shall clarify his doubts related to course contents during session during PCP .
v He/She shall strictly maintain discipline at the Study Center and shall extend full,
respect to his teachers .
v He/She shall decide about his subject option related to Group B course with full
thoughts and University will not allow him to change his options time to time
again. Similarly he shall also decide about his medium of transaction finally. He
will not be permitted to change his medium time and again .
v He/She shall come prepared for the practical exams. He shall take care that he is
carrying all practical note books prepared for the practical course and shall reach
for the examination center in time .
v He/She shall also take care that he has prepared for the same paper for which
examination has been fixed and reaches in time. He shall ensure that he is not
using unfair means during the exams for which he can be disqualified .
v On having any doubt he shall seek clarification from the Study Center and/or University.
13. Eligibility for Appearing in Term-End Examination :
a. 80% Attendance in PCP to make the student eligible for examination.
b. Submission of assignment answer paper
c. Fees clearance
14. Degree :
After successful conclusion of the Programme the students will receive B.Ed. degree which is
equivalent to any such degree awarded by a recognized University and the Rehabilitation Council of
India as well. The degree will be awarded in the annual convocation of the University, medals and
other prizes are also awarded on the basis of performance of the students.
15. Study Materials :
Self- Instructional Study Materials will be distributed to the students in instalment through the
Study Centres where they may be admitted. Besides Study Materials, students will be supplied with a
list of reference books for suggested reading. Library services will be available to the students at the
Study Centres and also at the University Central Library to the extent possible.
16. Study Centres and Student Support Services :
The University provides Study Materials to the students to be studied and learnt by them at their
convenience. The University provides various student - support through a network of Study Centres. A
list of Study Centres is enclosed. These Centres are located at convenient points connected by public
transport. A Study Centre is placed under the supervision of a co-ordinator assisted by the staff of his/her
office. It provides all information including prospectus and application forms for enrolment.
All the beginning of each session, Study Centres invite the students for an induction meeting
where they are familiarized with the aims, objectives and activities of the University and the
methodology of Distance Education.
The Study Centres draw schedules of counselling sessions and notify the same for the students.
Normally, the counselling session will be held as per suitability of the host institutions in consultation
with the University.
Study Centres distribute the home assignment papers and arrange for their evaluation.
Prospectus, information, assignments etc. are not issued by the headquaters to the learners.
Students should contact the Study Centres for all their requirements.
The Study Centres also arrange for holding of examinations in accordance with the schedule
fixed by the University from time to time.
In short, each Study Centre acts as the day-to-day link between the students and the University.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in worthy and dignified manner to maintain high
academic and moral standards.
17. Qualifying for Additional Specialization :
Any successful candidate in this Programme with a certain specialized area can take up
additional specialization (s) subsequently with the benefit of exemption from appearing in core
pedagogy papers and general content-based methodology Papers.
18. Provision for Unsuccessful Candidates :
l Candidates declared unsuccessful shall be permitted to appear in all the components of the
Courses in which they have failed at subsequent examination (s) subject to the restriction of
period mentioned-after the expiry of this period the students will have to seek fresh
admission and no credit shall be carried over.
l Candidates eligible under the above provision and willing to appear in the subsequent
examination (s) in any theory / practical Course (s) shall have to submit application in
prescribed form together with a copy of statement of marks obtained at the preceding
examination through the Coordinator of the Study Centre so as to reach the Registrar by the
date notified by him for subsequent examination (s)
l A candidate will have to clear all Courses in a maximum period of 60 months after admission.
19. RCI Certification as a Registered Professional Teacher :
The successful candidates of this B.Ed. special Education-Distance Education programme will
be able to obtain "Registered Professional Certificate" from the Rehabilitation Council of India
to work as a teacher in the field of special education. For this the applications of the successful
students will be forwarded to RCI by the study centre.
20. Names & details of the Study Centres :
Sl. Name of the Address with Phone No. Code No. No. of Area of
No. Study Centre and E-mail Seats Specialization
1. Bikashayan 40, Bonhooghly SEMR- 40 Mental
Govt. Colony, Kolkata-35 01 Retardation
Ph. No.-25781665/25784833
E-mail :
2. SHELTER 3, Bholanath Bhaduri Sarani SEMR- 40 Mental
Bhadreswar 02 Retardation
Ph. No. - 26337543
E-mail :
3. Society for Ananda Niketan, PO & Vill-Kajurdihi SEMR- 40 Mental
Mental Health Katwa, Burdwan-713518 03 Retardation
Care Ph. No. - 03453-255262
E-mail :
4. Vivekananda Faridpur, Dakshin Dauki SEMR- 30 Mental
Loksiksha Purba Midnapure-721464 04 Retardation
Niketan Ph.No.-03220-284060/284687
9932950383 (M)
E-mail :
5. Pradip Centre P-864 Block-A, Lake Town, Kol.-89 SEMR- 40 Mental
for Autism Ph. No. - 2534-0891 05 Retardation
Management 9830628623 (M)
E-mail :
Sl. Name of the Address with Phone No. Code No. No. of Area of
No. Study Centre and E-mail Seats Specialization
6. 'Abhoy Mission' Ramnagar Road No-1 SEMR- 20 Mental
PO- Ramnagar, Agartala 07 Retardation
Tripura West, Pin - 799002
Ph. No. - (0381) 2338607
E-mail :
7. Monovikas 482, Madudah, Plot - I, 24, SEC-J SEMR- 40 Mental
Kendra Eastern Metropolitan 08 Retardation
Rehabilitation Bypass, Kolkata - 700107
and Research Ph. No.-(033) 40012733 / 40019166
Institute for the Ext. - 220
Handicapped E-mail :
8. North Bengal Nivedita Market, Hospital Road SEMH- 30+30 Mental
Handicapped Siliguri-734401, Dist.-Darjeeling 01 = 60 Retardation
Rehabilitation Ph. No.-0353-2535701 &
Society Mobile : 9734970407/9434716599 Hearing
E-mail : Impairment
9. Ali Yavar Jung B. T. Road, Bonhooghly SEHI- 40 Hearing
National Institute Kolkata - 700 090 01 Impairment
for the Hearing Ph. No.-25311427
Handicapped. 25310507, Ext. 212
(ERC) E-mail :
10. Midnapure Gitanjali, Vidyasagar Road SEHI 40 Hearing
Rehabilitation Paschim Midnapure-721101 02 Impairment
Centre For Ph. No.-03222-271490/275646
Children Mobile : 9434055029
E-mail :
11. Helen Keller Borakhola, Krishak Pally SEHI 40 Hearing
Badhir Mukundapur, Kolkata-78 03 Impairment
Vidyalaya Ph. No.-24264743
Mobile : 9163560639 / 9732717362
E-mail :
12. Dr. Sailendranath Chandni More, G.T.Road SEHI 40 Hearing
Mukherjee Muka Burdwan-713101 Impairment
Badhir Vidyalaya Ph. No.-03422540451
Mobile : 9434123923
E-mail : snmashakiran.bdn@
13. Ramkrishna 7, River Side Road SEVI- 30 Visual
Vivekananda Barrackpore, North 24 Parganas 01 Impairment
Mission Ph. No. - (033) 25351228 / 65401174
E-mail :
21. Whom to contact for What
For administrative problem like non availability of study materials, enrolment number,
service of study centre, a learner may contact :
Name & Designation
Contact No. Reason
Registrar Ph. : 033-2283 5157 Relating to registration,
Netaji Subhas Open University enrolment number etc.
1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
Dr. Ashit Baran Aich Ph. : 033-2283 5358 Functioning of the study
Director (Study Centres) centre, malpractices etc.
Netaji Subhas Open University
1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
Controller of Examinations Ph. : 033-2465 6936 Relating to examinations
134/1, Meghnad Saha Sarani 033-2463 0293
2nd Floor (PBX) 033-2463 0292
Kolkata - 700 029
Prof. Atindranath Dey Ph. : 033-4004 7569 Functioning of the Study
Director (School of Education) 033-4004 7568 centre, malpractices,
25/2, Ballygung Circular Road 033-4004 7570 support services etc.
Kolkata - 700 019 033-4004 7571
E-mail : schooledunsou
Ms. Nilanjana Chatterjee Ph. : 033-2283 5157 Any grievance
Asst. Director (Study Centres) Ext. - 19
and Convener E-mail : asst.director
Students Grievance Redressal Cell
1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
N.B. : Admission in study centres / Partner Institutes in provisional subject to determination of
eligibility by the University at the time of giving enrolment number. If any discrepancy is revealed
later, responsibility will rest on the applicant and his/her admission will be cancelled and no claim for
refund of fees will be entertained. Students are, therefore, advised to satisfy themselves as regards
their eligibility for a particular course before taking admission in a study centre.
22. Do's and Dont's
n Read the Prospectus carefully, Preserve
it for future reference.
n Ensure that you fulfill the eligibility
criteria given in the Prospectus for the
Course you are applying for.
n Fill in the application form yourself
giving correct information about your
name, address, date of birth etc.
n Ensure that al l the supporti ng
documents are enclosed with the
application form.
n Pay the prescribed amount of fee for
admission and examination and collect
receipts from the Study Centre.
n Attend Personal Contact Programmes
and Practical Training Sessions at your
Study Centres as per the Time Table
fixed by it.
n Register for the examination at the
appropriate time.
Do's Dont's
n Do not fill in the Application Form
without reading the instruction given
in the Prospectus.
n Don't apply for admission if you do
not fulfill the eligibility. You will not
get the admission and your fees will be
n Do not take admission in any of the
institute or pay fees to any institute
whose name is not included in the
n Do not pay extra amount over and
above the prescribed fees.
n Do not ignore the dates for registration
for examination otherwise you will not
be allowed to appear at examination.
23. Students' Feedback Form (SFF)
Questionnaire : Students' Feedback Form (SFF)
(The information will be used for improvement of teaching-learning process under quality assurance programme)
To be filled in by Learner :
Course / Programme :
Year : 1st / 2nd Semester / Year : 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Study Centre : Code :
1. Did the counselor cover the syllabus?
2. Did the Counsellor miss classes (PCP) allotted to him / her?
3. How well does the Counsellor (teacher) prepare for Class?
4. How well is the Counsellor able to communicate in Class?
5. Does the Counsellor encourage learners participation in the Class?
If yes, which of the following methods were used?
i) through questions,
ii) through open discussion among learners,
iii) through inviting comments and suggestions.
6. Do you feel you can approach the teacher with your academic problems beyond the classroom?
7. Your suggestions about the Study Materials (if there is any mistake, please indicate the Page No.,
Line No. and Page No.) :
a) Mostly c) Poorly b) Adequately
a) Not at all c) Many b) Very few
a) Satisfactorily c) Poorly b) Thoroughly
a) Very well c) Poorly b) Not to well
a) Yes, always c) Rarely b) Yes, sometimes
a) Yes c) Not sure b) No
8. Comment about the service that you receive from your Study Centre where you have taken
9. Give some suggestions for the Study Centre to give you service better (Additional page may be
Signature of learner
Study Centre code
The duly filled in form may be sent to (Photo copy of the form may be used) :
The Director, School of Education
Netaji Subhas Open University
25/2, Ballygunge Circular Road
Kolkata - 700 019
1. Specialization Area : (Put Tick ( ) mark on appropriate box)
a) MR HI VI b) Study Centre Code
Methodology Paper : (Write down the subject chosen. One subject must be chosen from given options in both following categories.)
Bengali / English Science/Mathematics/Social Studies
2. Name
(in block letters)
3. a) Present Address :
b) Permanent Address :
c) Mobile No. :
e) Email : (if any) .............................................................................................................
4. Personal Data :
a) Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) : (enclosed attested certificate)
b) Sex : Male Female (put mark on appropriate box)
c) Category (Tick one box ) : General SC ST OBC
(enclose attested copy of certificate if category is other than general)
d) Whether Physically challenged : Yes / No (if yes attach attested copy of certificate)
e) Father's / Husband's Name :
f) Mother's Name :
g) Whether parent of child with disability : Yes / No (if yes attach attested copy of certificate)
h) Candidate's Occupation : (i) Govt. Service (ii) Semi Govt. (iii) Private Service
(iv) Self-employed (v) Retired (vi) Student (vii) Unemployed (viii) Others

l l

Sl. No. 13/.............

Seal of the
receiving centre
Passport size
of applicant
attested by the
1, Woodburn Park, Kolkata - 700 020
Phone : (033) 2283-5157, Telefax : (033) 2283-5082
d) Telephone No. : if any
i) Whether belong to BPL : Yes/No
If Yes, BPL No. :-
j) Monthly Income (Tick one box) : (i) Less than Rs. 5,000/- (ii) Between Rs. 5,001/- to Rs. 10,000/-
(iii) Between Rs. 10,001 to Rs. 20,000/- (iv) Above Rs. 20,001/-
k) Nationality : ............................................................................................................
l) Religion : ................................................................................................................
m) Residential area : (i) Panchayat ( ), (ii) Municipal ( ), (iii) Corporation Area ( )
5. Whether already registered in NSOU : Yes No
[If Yes then mention Enrollment No. and name of programme(s)]
Enrollment No. Programme(s)
6. Academic Record : (attested copies of Mark sheets and certificates must be enclosed)
Examination Board Year of Subject % of marks obtained
passed University Passing with aggregate
7. Rehabilitation Qualification : [enclose attested copy of RCI registration certificate]
Course Name of Institution Year of Passing CRR No.
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the Programme and for the course for
which I seek admission.
I fulfill the minimum eligibility criteria and I have provided necessary information in this regard. In the event of any
information being found incorrect or misleading my candidature shall be liable to cancel by the University at any time
and I shall not be entitled to refund of any fee paid by me to the University.
Place :..............................
Date :................................ Full Signature of the Candidates
All the certificate in Original must be verified by the Coordinator at the time of admission.
Co-ordinator..................................(Study Centre)
Seal of the Study Centre
Tick the relevant boxes
Affix photograph and enclose the following attested copies
(i) Certificate in support of your educational Qualification(s) (Graduation onwards)
(ii) Category Certificate for SC/ST/PH candidates wherever required.
(iii) Age Certificate wherever required.
(iv) Student I-Card duly filled in along with photograph.
(v) Proof of weightage claim.
Note : This form duly completed with all enclosures must be submitted only by selected candidates only at
concerned Study Centre where he/she is selected.
Identity Card
1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
1. To be carried by the candidate whenever
he/she visits any Centre/H.Q. of the
2. In case of loss of the card an FIR is to be
lodged and an application is to be
submitted with a copy of the FIR along
with a DD of Rs. 100/- (hundred) in
favour of Netaji Subhas Open University,
payable at Kolkata.
3. If this card is found by anybody else it
should be sent to the address on the right.
Identity Card
1, Woodburn Park
Kolkata - 700 020
1. To be carried by the candidate whenever
he/she visits any Centre/H.Q. of the
2. In case of loss of the card an FIR is to be
lodged and an application is to be
submitted with a copy of the FIR along
with a DD of Rs. 100/- (hundred) in
favour of Netaji Subhas Open University,
payable at Kolkata.
3. If this card is found by anybody else it
should be sent to the address on the right.
Identity Card
Enrolment No.
Address :............................................................
Telephone (if any)..............................................
Study Centre :....................................................
Course : .............................................................
Signature of the Candidate :
(To be filled in by the candidate)
Name of the Study Centre with Code :
(To be filled up by Centre)
Signature of the Coordinator
with Seal
Size Photograph
(To be affixed by
Identity Card
Enrolment No.
Address :............................................................
Telephone (if any)..............................................
Study Centre :....................................................
Course : .............................................................
Signature of the Candidate :
(To be filled in by the candidate)
Name of the Study Centre with Code :
(To be filled up by Centre)
Signature of the Coordinator
with Seal
Size Photograph
(To be affixed by
B.Ed. (SEDE)
B.Ed. (SEDE)
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