The Code of Hammurabi

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The Code Of Hammurabi Hammurabi is the most famous of the Kings of Babylon.

He was a Moor, & his name means Black Lord. He united the city states of Mesopotamia in about 1750 B.C. & governed them well. During his rule, the laws of Nimrod were set down in a uniform way. The laws of Hammurabi are called The Code Of Hammurabi. Human societies have always had rules to guide peoples actions. In early times, laws were usually passed down by word of mouth. Younger members of a society would learn the rules from the older members. A group of people would often be given the job of remembering all the laws & deciding if they had been broken. Under this system, justice depended on the opinion of a small group of people, or even on only one person. There was no list of laws to which anyone could go for guidance. The laws under Hammurabi were collected, classified, & listed by a society, from this time on; judges could decide someones guilt or innocence by looking at the written law instead of deciding for themselves that judgment could be passed. The Code of Hammurabi has told historians much about life in ancient Mesopotamia. Women held a high position in society & foreigners were treated well. There were many laws that regulated industry & trade, so these must have been important activities. The Code also indicates that the land was owned privately; but peasants who rented the land could not be put off the land until their leases ran out. Marriage was a legal contract, & both husband & wife had definite rights. Even though a wife was thought to be the property of her husband, she could return to her family if her husband mistreated her. A divorced woman was allowed to keep her children. Also, women

were allowed to conduct business & had the same rights in business as men did. People who falsely accused others of crimes received the punishment that the accused would have received. If a city was not able to catch a thief, that city had to pay the victim of the robbery. Members of society had special duties toward their neighbours. For example, a farmer who did not keep his dikes in good repair had to pay for any damage to the fields of his neighbours. If he could not pay, the farmer could be sold into slavery. Doctors fees were regulated by the code. A doctor could be punished for injuring a patient or for failing to do what he had promised to do. However, justice in Babylon did not apply equally to everyone. Crimes committed against nobles were punished more severely than those against ordinary people, farmers or slaves. But nobles also received severe punishment for their crimes. Merchants were punished for dishonesty more severely than their employees. And punishment by death was not uncommon. Hammurabi The Sixth King of the First Dynasty of Babylon. He established & enforced 'The Laws of Nimrod', which consisted of laws that could be applied to the newly civilized leper. Hammurabi Issued laws & regulations that covered everything from wages & processes to the establishment of punishment & penalties for offenders. Hammurabis Code Set forth a complete system of politics on that which is known as: The Code of Hammurabi Excerpts Taken From: World History, The Story of Mans Achievements, By Harrerton, Roth, Spears. (Pp 41.42.43.) Copyright 1962. THE FINAL STORY Now let us go back & trace the dispersion of the seed of Utnafishtim (Noah) to see if we might find any other pale race other than Libana (Canaan). Utnafishtims (Noahs) first son was Shem. The children of Shem were Elam, Assur, Arphaxad, Lud, & Aram. Elam, or Elamites, were the original inhabitants of the country called Persia. An account given in The Book of Jubilee & Apocrypha (Hidden) says the following: Blessed be the Lord Elohim of Shem & may the Lord dwell in the dwelling of Shem. And he knew that the garden of Eden was the Holy of Holies, & the dwelling of the Lord, & Mount Sinai is the center of the desert, & Mount Zion is the centre of the navel of the Earth: These three were created as Holy places facing each other. And he blessed the Creator of the created things who had put the word of the Lord into his mouth, & the Lord for evermore, & he knew that a blessed portion & a blessing had come to Shem & his sons unto the generations forever. The whole land of Eden & the whole land of the Red Sea, & the whole land of the east, & India, & on the Red Sea & all the Mountains of Somir & Amaria, & the Mountains of Asshur towards the north, a blessed & spacious land & all that is in it very good. This quote makes it clear that Shems sons divided land as far as India. Also, in Sir Percy Sykes, A History of Persia, he writes concerning Negrito Aborigines, or Moorish Original Inhabitants; how it should be put:

NubiansDiuelofoy & Morgan, who both head expeditions to Elam, & who studied the question most exhaustively on the spot, concur in the opinion that there was a very ancient occupation of the Susian Plain (In Elam) by Negritos, (Moors) & so far these were the original inhabitants. Again, there is the fact that in the most ancient base reliefs, Moorish figures appear with frequency. A good example of this is the case of the famous stele of Naram Sin, where the Monarch, who is of Semitic descent, is portrayed as leading his people to victory. In this Stele of Naram Sin, the Monarch is wearing a helmet & his structure is not really clear enough to make him distinct. Hall (A British Historian) would derive the dark section of the inhabitants of Elam & the Sumerians from this stock. In other words, Shems seed, who produced the original inhabitants of this area, were Moors. It is still evident today by the amount of dark skinned people in parts of Iraq, Arabia, Iran, Baluchistan, & India to the south, the Andoman Islands & many other places in that area. Then Sumerians were High Priests of the descendancy chart of the Semitic tribes in the Land of Shinar. The Indus Valley Civilization is also attributed to this seed, interesting! Let us move on to Japheth, Utnafishtims (Noahs) youngest son. The Sons of Japheth: Gomer, & Magog & Madai & Javan & Tubal, & Meshech, & Tiras, as seen in Genesis 10:2. It also states in The Book of Genesis 9:27 that Japheth would dwell in the tents of his brother Shem. The land they were to occupy was north of the land of the seed of Shem; that is towards the Caspian & on to what is today called China, but he is not an Edomite. The next & the last son is Ham. The Sons of Ham were: Cush, Mizraim, Phut & Libana (Canaan). The account given in The Book of Jubilee is as follows: And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gihon towards the south & it extends to all the Mountains of Fire (Referring to the volcanic mountains of Kenya) & extends towards the west till it reaches the Sea of Mauk that sea into which everything that is not destroyed descends. And Ham divided amongst his sons, & the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east & to the west of him for Mizraim (Egypt) & to the west of him (And to the west of him thereof) on the sea (Mediterranean Sea) for (Libana) Canaan (Europe to the South). To make this clear, Cush is what is today called Ethiopia, (Genesis 2:13) & other areas encompassing Kenya, parts of Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, & other countries in Africa (Or Sudan). Mizraim is Egypt. Although the Europeans & Euro Americans try to attribute the greatness of Egypt to themselves, in their ignorance, they do acknowledge that Egypt was inhabited by Moors with thin features & some with Nuwbun features. He makes this up & many people fall for it, not realizing, as I have shown, that the Europeans come from the descendants of Ham. Next, to last we have Phut, who inhabited the region west of Mizraim, which is called Libya today. Other Sub Saharan Moors also lived there. Also, the population of Moors who once inhabited Spain & the well known Carthaginians who produced great men like Hamilcar, & his son Hannibal who were originally from the Mediterranean island of Sicily.

They are descendants of Phut. The Carthaginians challenged the Roman Empire & almost conquered it. It is quite clear that Shem, Ham & Japheth had to be Moors. This leaves us with the pale people The Canaanites. Let us now concentrate on their tribes, families & Diaspora. It will be in two parts: One dealing with tribal classification & Diaspora & the other with the languages & scripts of these peoples (Genesis 10:15 19). This is the reason the Canaanites were allowed to be ousted from Canaan by the incoming Israelites. They were taking back the land that was theirs. On close examination of the areas they dwelt in, one can visualize their boundaries. The land called Haran in northern Syria was also inhabited by this seed. The travels of Abraham brought him to: Ur of Chaldea, Haran, Canaan (Palestine, Israel), Egypt, Makkah (Beer Sheba). A fact that should be made clear to you is that there was originally no pale man in the land of Shinar. They entered, with Nimrod & displaced the original population. These pale people who came in contact with Abraham acquired a language with close affinities to the languages of Abraham. This is why the pale man tries to say that the Amorites are Semitic or speak a Semitic language. However, he overlooks the many Amorites who entered Mesopotamia as Horites & Hittites who did not speak a Semitic language. The point is that not all the descendants of Libana (Canaan) spoke Semitic. Some spoke Indo European, Jurion, Ugaritic, Etc. The languages are nothing more than Semitic offshoots, or improperly spoken Semitic (Arabic, Gheez, Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian; this is what I mean by Semitic). Lets overview the sons of Libana (Canaan). The first one we hear spoken of is Sidon or Zidon. Sidon was called Phoenicia, by the Greeks, however as mentioned previously, the original Phoenicians were Moors. Keeping this in mind, let us examine their doings. Phoenician history relates that they were traders. In this lies their significant role in history, which they owed largely to the geographical location & topographical (shape of the surface of the land) features of their country. In their narrow, Mountainous strip of land on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, they found little opportunity for agriculture; but owning excellent seaports (notably Sidon & Tyre), they became the foremost navigators of their time. The Sidonites (Phoenicians) established colonies as remote as Cadiz in Spain, traded with Gaul, Celts & Britain (from which they implored tin), & through their widespread activities carried Egyptian & Babylonian Civilization to many areas of the Mediterranean coast. The Sidonites (Phoenicians) also made alliances with Moorish colonies like Carthage, who later were also called Phoenicians. Today these Phoenicians still reside in Lebanon, Syria, and North Africa & make up part of the population of the Southern part of Europe. These are the Mediterranean type of European. They, however, remain incognito (in disguise) to many people. Sidon Fortified Sidonites (today known as Lebanese & Sicilian {Southern Italians}, they mixed in with the Moors from that area. Heth Terrible Hittites (Modern Turkey, Aegean Coast they invaded & dwelt here later constructing a powerful empire. Thus their culture combined indigenous elements embedded in additions from conquered neighbouring people. The neighbouring people were Amorites, Girgashites, Arvadites, Sidonians, & Hamathites (dark skinned Canaanites), among others. The neighbouring tribes who called themselves Phrygians & Lydians conquered & overthrew the Hittite Empire. Jebus Jebusites Dryness (they first ruled the Hurrian tribe (the Hivites); they joined together during the Jebusite reign. According to the Bible Jebusites inhabited Jerusalem, then were

evicted by the incoming Israelites, who were leaving Egypt. The Jebusites mixed with the Israelites from Egypt. This took place 1000 B.C.E. Today they are called Jews. Holy Bible, Joshua 15:63 As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out: but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day. The King James Version of the Bible. Amor Amorites Mountain Dwellers (This son has intermingled with the rest of the seven younger brothers, also diffusing the Hurrian (Hivites) who mixed with the people of Mesopotamia, Anatholian Syria, & Palestine, who were their brothers. Today they are known as Edomites, Japanese & some Chinese & Black Indonesians. Incoming Canaanite tribes called Kassites, (however the original Kassites were Moors), brought an end to Hammurabis Kingdom. These Kassites were joined by Hittites & Hurrians (Horites). Their merging led to the subsequent takeover of the Mesopotamian region. Iranians are (Amorites) related to Aryans. Most people dont know these words (Amorite & Aryan) are coming from Semitic languages. (Aryan is a term denoting Nobility & not a tribal name). This came from Sanskrit, then later from Semitic sources. It is from the Amorite that we get subtribes, which call themselves Indo Aryan, Iranian, & Kassite. From the Indo Aryan group, we get the French, Germans, Spaniards, English, Dutch, East Indians; Etc. Nimrods Empire brought Amorites into The Land of Shinar (Sumeria). Nimrod built Babel & other cities. His successor was Hammurabi, sixth king of the Babylonian Dynasties, & he recorded Nimrods Code. Amorite & Hurrian mixtures constructed the Mitanni Empire. Also in this empire were Indo Aryans. The Hittites Empire was also in this region. Through this seed you get what is today called Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Georgians, or the people of the Trans Caucasian region of Russia. It is from the intermingling of Amorites, Hittites & Horites that we get the contemporary empire. Assyrians were composed from Asshur, son of Shem, Horites, Amorites & Hittites. This area was indeed a melting pot! The dispersion of Amorites from the Syrian highland into the European Continent, & Hittites from Anatolia, brought about subtribes who called themselves Hellenics, Macedonians, Athenians, Spartans or Laconians, Scythians, Samaritans, Goth, Celts, Illyrians, Vandals, Magyars, Normans, Danes, & Lombards. Most of these subtribal names evolved from the names of Goddesses, or Gods; other names were descriptive of a physical trait or a cultural tradition. Girgash Rough Girgashites (this tribe mixed their seed with Amorites, Canaanites, Phrytons & Lydians. Today they are known as French & American. Hivy Hivites (Hurrians) (they invaded Palestine & settled in a city called Edom. Here they mixed with Esau (Son of Isaac), through his wife Aholibamah. Today they are known as Europeans, Koreans, & Mongols (Koreans & Mongols are Moors who have mixed their seed.) Arky Arkites (Arga North West Tripoli in Syria. Their history is basically lost & they mixed their seed with the Amorites, & Lydians. Today they are known as British, Australian, Irish & American. Siny Yearly Sinites (they also mixed with other Canaanite tribes. They were located in Lebanon (Mount Sinon). Presently, they are known as Dutch. Arvad To Diverse Arvadites (Migrated to Northern Syria & became great sailors, warriors, & military soldiers. They intermingled with invading tribes such as Amorites, & other Canaanite tribes. Eventually they dispersed & mixed with the Greeks, Romans & Phoenicians. Known today as Northern Italians.

Zemar Counsel Zemarites (Migrated to the city of Syria in Lebanon & to Sumra. They also mixed their seed with Amorites producing what we call The Scottish People today. Hamath The Darkest Hamathite (Black Canaanites Migrated into the city of Hameth in Syria. Also mixed with the Amorite Kingdom during the 1370s, as well as with Hittites. They were during this time conquered by the Assyrians & were a tribe that were constantly under siege by other tribes that wanted their city & wealth. These invasions were followed by many others, including Muslim, Egyptian, & Turkish groups. They are known today as East Indians, Pakistanis; some of which are Moors. Presently, Indo European is the most important language family. About half the people in the world speak a language that belongs to this family. The tribes of Libana (Canaan) found in India today, belong to this Hamathite tribe. This is the result of mixing; Canaanites also mixed with the original Orientals, & today are known as Chinese, who are cursed with Mongolism. Conclusion This scroll that you are reading lets you know that the sons of Canaan know who they are & where they are from. You should have known that there was something different about him when you realized that he could not (naturally) live under the sun. Think about it. They claim, they were the first people on the planet earth, why would God allow his chosen people to get burned or catch all types of skin cancers from the Sun, which is something that this same God created to sustain life on the Planet Earth? Are you saying that God made a mistake? That He didnt know the Sun would have those effects on his Chosen People? It doesnt add up, & they know this. This is why he has you worshipping his image. And now that we have entered the Sun Cycle, He knows his 6,000 year rule is now over (since 1999 A.D.). The Melaninite recessive race has to hurry up & move underground or he will be burned up by the Sun. He is afraid that you will takeover. Why else would he want you under so much control? It is because he is jealous of you. He knows that if he gives you an inch, you will find a way to take a mile. This is why he steals everything from you & takes the credit for it. As in the case of Egypt, he knows that Moors are responsible for the construction of all those great civilizations, yet he tries to say that it belongs to them & will do everything to make you believe that. Why would you suppress someone if you are not intimidated by them? Thats why he is trying all kinds of ways to keep you & your children under the spell. For what other reasons would he not want you to get ahead in life? There wouldnt be any other reason other than jealousy. Ezekiel 16:3 And say, thus saith the Adonai (Master) Lord (Yahayyu) unto Jerusalem; Thy birth & thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother a Hittite. The King James Version of the Bible We must stand up & come together as one to break the Evil, Hypnotic Spell that was cast on us called The Spell Of Leviathan because that is whats keeping you bound. (Read The Spell of Leviathan 666, The Spell of Kingu, Scroll #15) Stop wanting to live in the image of the beast. Live in the image of your own great ancestors. Stop trying to be like him dressing like him, walking, & talking like him, dying your hair blond, Relaxing, Texturizing & Perming your hair, Bleaching your

skin, Piercing your lips, tongue, eye brows, & multiple places on your ears. Stop dressing in Gothic black & motorcycle boots, & altering your appearance to look like his. The Luciferians have done an excellent job in making you hate yourselves. Start being yourselves. Build your own nation, return to your own culture, create your own style of dress, eat your own foods, even create & make your own film & music industry, distinguished from his, etc. When will you realize that he does not, & will not ever accept you in his society, now matter how much you try to emulate him, you will not be fully accepted. It is time to wake up. The Beginning The original devils (200 Fallen Eloheem) who were Melaninites (Dark Skinned) want for us Nuwaubians to destroy ourselves. These Cainite devils do not want you to know that they are even worse than the Caucasian devils; he (Satan) does not want you to overstand his origin & lineage; & also his seed. He wants you to keep thinking & believing (believe [Lying to Eves Seed]) that the only devil is the Caucasian devil, & gives you false images of himself to mislead you & keep you spellbound. This is why you may still believe that he is red, with two horns, a pitchfork & pointy tale. These devils see you from where you see them not as told to you in the Bible; meaning the Devil (Shaytaan) is not who you expect him to be, he sees you but you dont see him. The Holy Tablets: El Istaklaag or El Khalqu (The Creation) Chapter 1 (The Story of Lucifer) 3:1 5 Lo! Oh my children let me warn you about Lucifer & his host. (2) Do not fall into the delicacies of Lucifer & his host. (3) Oh you who are faithful, reject Lucifer & his companions. (4) He, Lucifer, comes in many forms to trick & deceive you. The Faithful Ones. (5) Lucifer the evil Reptilian who is also called Haylal, or Samael, was number three of his order. These 200 Fallen Eloheem who were disagreeable, were cast of the Orion Skies where they came to earth & mixed in with the Seed of Cain, son of Kadmon & Nekaybaw, your scriptural Adam & Eve. These Black Shaytaans are then Cainites, who was a Black Devil himself. Later these Cainites produced Canaanites through Libana (Canaan), the fourth son of Noah. There is a race of people who are truly cursed in this world & the next. These people are called Canaanites, who are Europeans after they migrated to & settled in Europe. These are the cursed seed of the Reptilian Lucifer or Satan. There leprous condition made Africa detrimental to them, & they were forced to migrate to Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains. This cold climate stabilized their condition. The original devils (200 Fallen Eloheem) have a programme running on earth promoting Caucasian features (genes) as beautiful (Superior) & Moorish (Nubian) features (genes) as ugly (Inferior). They do this knowing full well that us Nubian (Melaninites) were/are made in the image of the Eloheem, Anunnaqi (Allahumma). El Istanjaal, The Revelation 9:1 And the fifth of the seven Anunnagi Aluhum blew his trumpet & I saw a light like a meteorite star fall from the Orion skies upon the Planet Earth & it was given the key of the bottomless pit. The Millennium, 1000 years, begins when Shaytun is locked in the pit. There is a continuous war being waged between the devil (Shaytaan) & Enosites (Man) through woman & her Zera Seed.

Translated By: Noble. Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York - El The Holy Bible, Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! King James Version of the Holy Bible This is why we Suns (Humin Male Nubians) must light the Moons (Humim Female Nubians) with right knowledge. Brothers & Sisters, you must see the importance of us raising awareness in our communities & within ourselves. Learning all of this is the easy part when compared to the task of applying this Outformation into your everyday existence. It is easy, only for those who are upright & untainted by the devils illusion. Shine, by way of the light that shines within the depths of each & everyone of us. This is the true light, the same light that lighteth every man that come into the earth, & become a Human Magnet. Respect yourselves & attract a respectable Nubian spouse, in order to strengthen our Nuwaubian Nation. This is called Eugenics, something that the European has been doing for a very long time. Marriage is a sacred & divine contract between Male & Female. Childbirth & the 9 months leading up to it is sacred & divine. Sex was sacred & divine & we must work to restore the sacredness in our culture which was once sacred. Brothers & Sisters, dont follow the trends of his western societies & avoid marriage, because in doing so, you only deprive yourselves of what THE MOST HIGH & His Aluhum prescribed for you. Marriage is completion & there is much blessing therein. In this way you will make children in true love & not accidents, as you here some might say their child wasnt planned. Plan to have your youths knowing Allah sees everything. In this way your youths will be legitimate. Neterts (Goddesses) who love Allahs mercy & blessings should no longer wish to live in the image of the beast, wasting time in the illusion of hair, that so many sisters seem lost in. You should know that your Melanin is something divine, a gift given to you by your parents, The Eloheem, Anunnaqi. Love your hair that is hard to comb, your big nose & thick lips etc. For we were made in Gods (Eloheems) image & likeness. (Genesis 1:26). So why is it that Orthodox Sunni Muslims & others are so quick to believe people are Shaytaans (Devils), but refuse to believe that a man could be an Angel in flesh (Ilah Mutajassid), as Neter: Aaferti Atum Re (As Sayyid Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi 1945 A.D. Still Living) is? Even though these things are written in the confines of their scriptures (Korans, Bibles, [Torahs]), as Angels descending to earth in the form of mortals in flesh (Bashar). Is it because they dont believe in their scriptures, books, their own Korans or Bibles? Is it because they simply can not overstand their scriptures or is it because they just dont know much, I ask again? Orthodox Sunni Muslims are quick to point fingers & criticize others of different faiths. They scrutinize any & everything that is not mentioned in or differs from their interpretation of the noble Koran, but they dont scrutinize their own religion, or book (the Arabic Koran) & it teachings, & they cant take it when others do it for them. They turn violent. The scholars & other devils (Shaytaans) are well aware that Noble. Rev. Dr Malachi Z. York El 33/720 is an Ilah Mutajassid (A God In Flesh), that has been sent by THE MOST HIGH, (ANU) as prophesized in the book of Malachi and the book of Revelation (Bible Old Testament).

The Holy Bible, Revelation 6:1 And I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals, & I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come & see. The King James Version of the Bible The Holy Bible, Malachi 4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in its wings; & ye shall go forth, & grow up as calves of the stall. King James Version of the Bible On Earth we call him Melchizedek (in Aramic) the Zodoqite Priest of EL Eloh or EL Elyon (The MOST HIGH), Anointer of the Prophets (Hebrews 7:1-3). He is the King of Salem (King of Peace {Islam}), a city in the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn, on the 8th Planet, Rizq. He is said to be 10,000 years old, but is actually much more ancient than 10,000 years old. Melchizedek is an Etherian that has incarnated into the body of Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El 33/720 degrees.Pa Munzul "The Incarnated One" He is the Master Teacher, our Aaferti Pharaoh for this day & time. The Incarnation of Neter: Tehuti (Egiptian Deity of Time,Communication, Measurement & Knowledge,.This Tehuti taught man by the Quill.He is also called Neter:A'afert Atum-Re and Amunnubi Rooakhptah "Faithful Informer","Soul of the Ptahites".Tehuti is called Thoth/Hermes by Greeks/Caucasians.) He is known by many different names. Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El Melchizedek "My Angel of Justice,Trustworthy" Al Qubt "The Axis" Al Mukhlis "The Purified One" El Mujaddid "The Reformer" Father Time Baba Africa Abba Issa "Father Africa" Rabboni Yashua Bar El Haadi El Mahdi As Sayyid Imam Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi Neter: Aaferti Atum Re Amunnubi Rooakptah-Hidden Messenger, Soul Opener Chief Black Eagle The Lamb of EL Yahuwa Yaanuwn "the Galactical Master" MiykaEL "Who Dares to Be like EL" El Khidr "The Green One" Pa Munzul "The Incarnated One" Murdoq, among others Nobody has been able to or will be able to prove him wrong, because those that know him, know that he speaks only the facts that ANU sent him to reveal unto us. He is the only scholar qualified by The Creative Forces (HUHI) who is also called El Eloh and/or Allah (swt). His coming is prophecy

fulfilled! Ques: Who Is this Melchizedek (Melchisedec)? Ans: Melchizedek, referred to in the Hebrew language as Malkiy Tsedeq (Mal kee tseh dek) meaning My King or Angel is Just or Righteous or My Just Angel & Greek as Melchisedek (Mel khis ed ek) meaning King of Righteousness is known as King of Salem Peace or the holy Jerusalem (Revelation 21:10) in Genesis 14:18. Melchizedek was also called Malachi or Michael meaning My Angel or Miykael (Me kaw ale) meaning Who Dares To Be Like El (Daniel 10:21, 12:1, Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:7). All of the Prophets were after the Order of Melchizedek. Yet, Melchizedek was a priest of the Most High Elyon. Melchizedek is the head of all the Angels (Daniel 7:9). He was a throne watcher as stated in Daniel 4:17 & in Daniel 4:13 it tells you that the Watchers & the Holy Ones comes down to earth. The Serapheem were the holy & the Cherubeem were the guardians (Genesis 3:24). Melchizedek was a Kohane priest of Elyown Elyown El, who is God EL, The Highest of all the Elis Gods (Psalms 82:1) (Refer to the scroll #66 GOD, God, god, what is the difference? By Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El 33/720) Psalms 82:1 God (Eloheem) standeth in the congregation of the mighty (El); he judgeth among the gods (Eloheem). King James Version of the Bible Psalms 110:1 uses Lord (Yehovah) & Lord (Adown) making it clear that there are more than one lesser God mentioned in the Bible & I quote: Bible & Old Testament, Psalms 110:1 (A Psalm of David.) The LORD Yehovahs aid unto my Lord Adonai, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The King James Version of the Bible The Levitical Priesthood comes from the descendants of the tribe of Levi (Genesis 29:34), the third son of Jacob son of Isaac son of Abraham & Sarah. The Levites were the ones responsible for giving you your Greek Nommos rightly called Torah (Towrah) in Hebrew & today called Lawiy which became English Law. The Order of Melchizedek was the highest order of information & out formation in the universe, which Melchizedek or Malachi Zodoq My Angel of Justice was the Kohane Priest of Elyown Elyown El, THE MOST HIGH, HIGHEST Source. In the Islamic world, it became known as the highest order of Sufism called The Order of Al Khidr or Al Khalwatiyah. The Order of Aaron comes from the descendants of the prophet Aaron, the brother of the Eloheem Moses (Exodus 7:1) the Kohens, Kohen, Kahn, Khon, or Cohanim priests which became Khan in

Arabic. The order of Aaron became assistants to the Levitical priesthood (Refer to The Luciferian Conspiracy, by the Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El 33/720). As mentioned before, the order of Melchizedek is the highest order, which gave birth to the Judaic Mystery Society referred to as Cabalaism & the book called the Kabala, which is considered the secret knowledge hidden in codes within the Old Testament called The Order of Melchizedek, A.M.O.M. (Genesis 14:18). This Order of Melchizedek, A.M.O.M. is not to be mistaken for the fake order of Melchizedek used by the Mormons of the latter day saints, located in Utah (America). They are not real; it is just another trick as so many other orders that exist today founded by wolfs or goats in sheeps clothing. Light in Freemasonry & Shrinendom is symbolic of Knowledge, which is not to be mistaken with the Fire or Torch Bearer, Lucifer, known in the Bible book of Isaiah 14:12 as Heylel (hey lale), meaning Light or Torch Bearer, Shining One, Morning Star. Isaiah: 14:12 How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 2 Corinthians 11:14 calls Lucifer or Satan an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, The King James Version of the Bible Ques: Is Fire Light? Ans: Yes. If you look at the Greek word for Light (Phos) foce (Force), you will see it means Light, fire because it is light & sheds light, a star, a lamp or torch. So Lucifer, a Cherubeem, was an angel of the Amber Light, a dim light, but a powerful force of evil, for he was created from fire of a scorching wind, called Naar As Samuwm Poisonous Fire, Wind (Koran 15:27). The Noble Koran, 15:27 And the race of evil demons we created from before (Adam & Eve), from the soul that is a poisonous fire (Naarus Saamoon). Translation by: As Sayyid: Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi Noble: Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York El 33/720 Whereas the light of the Serapheem was emerald green as the light of Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18), who is called Nabi Khidr, Nabi being each prophet of pure light& Khidr

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