New Types of CC and Escapes

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New types of CC|utility|gapclosers|escapes

Created by Xeran Version 2: 15-07-2013

New types of CC and Escapes

I wanted to make a list of possible new and unique types of CC (especially more soft types), utility and gapclosers/escapes, without the need of giving everyone a leap or dash. This list can be used for further god design concept inspiration or as an example for how new gods could be designed without giving them everything. Especially carrys, assassins (and mages) should been giving less (or not at all) higher tier of CC/escapes. To create balance between power, CC/utility and escapes. I would appreciated any feedback, but moreover additions and suggestions of you own, because I want to make an as complete list as possible. Therefore I will try to make several updates if needed. Disclaimer: Because this is only about new ideas an concepts I didn0t bothered about mana costs, CDs and actual values, because this arent finalized abilities. Most arent complete abilities and need some extra effect, other target area (cone, circle, line) and/or damage applied to it.

Currently in general and in my opinion:

CC: Stun>taunt>Root>mesmerize>silence>cripple>etc. Escapes: Jump>dash>etc. (teleport depends)

Crowd control
Disarm (cant AA)
For X amount of seconds auto attacks cannot be used by enemies (doesnt affect minions). This is basically a specialized version like silence, cripple and cleave. <

Chill (attack speed debuff)

Thought of, because of Chromzepher The attack speed of enemies is decreased by XXXX % for XXX seconds.

Cleave (Cut through buffs, cancels all channeled buffs like steroids)
Enemies hit by this ability will cancels their active steroids and buffs at that moment (like Ne Zha, Artemis, Fenrir, Odin, Ares, etc.). This is basically like silence, but that only works on channeled abilities (Thor, Anubis, etc.), while this one only works on channeled buffs.

Seal (last used spell is silenced until a new seal is made or XX seconds is passed)
Enemies hit by seal will have their last used ability silenced/disabled until a new seal is made or XXXX seconds passed. This is basically a stronger version of silence, but only works on 1 ability and 1 god at a time. It has great potential if you time it right and play it strategically.

Freeze (no not Ymirs stun, need a better name for this, possibly extra effect added to it)
The enemies cooldowns are frozen in time for XX second. So basically their cooldowns wont progress further for XX seconds and therefore their abilities are delayed by a little bit. Also this is no silence, abilities which were already of cooldown can still be casted as usual.

Enemies affected by this will act as an ward(, make peeping sounds) and glow during its duration. Basically this CC allows you to mark someone for a certain period of time so you can follow him.

Disrupt = Silence + Cleave + Cripple + Disarm, basically you are disabled for XXX seconds, but you can still move.

Threshold stuns/Petrify
Suggested by Inuki The stuns which are in between mesmerizes and hard stuns. I'd call them "Threshold Stuns". e.g Ymir Rank 1 frost breath = Stuns for 1 second or until 100 damage has done Ymir Rank 2 frost breath = Stuns for 1.2 seconds or until 200 damage has been done Alternatively Ymir Frost Breath Rank 1 = Stuns for 1 s or until someone attacks the target once Ymir Frost Breath Rank 2 = Stuns for 1.2s or until someone attacks the target twice.

Sore feet(distance movement based stacking slow)

Suggested by DrHook94 The further distance you walk away for its effect the harder the slow will become. So its basically like a delayed/increasing slow when you try to run away.

Vision distortions
Have to think of good ones first without making it too similar too Ras blind or Xbas ult.

Switching visions (between two)

The vision is switched between two targets.

Confusion (inverted movement controls)

By Inuki For XXX seconds the movement controls of the enemies are inverted.

Idea by Pipmalice For XXX seconds all sound is muted for its duration. (complete silence, no sound)

Inversed channels
Idea by Pipmalice For XXX seconds the right and left audio channels are switched.

Hallucinations/Fata morgana
Random sounds and objects appear to distract you and obstruct your view for XXXX seconds.

Already Existing Crowd Control (for a complete list)

Enemies are completely disabled and cant move, use abilities, etc. for XXX seconds.

Enemies which are rooted cant move, (movement abilities still work)

Basically stun, but any damage will break it early.

When an enemy is taunted they are forced to fight you or flee for XXX seconds.

All abilities are disabled for XXX seconds and interrupts any channeled spells.

For the duration of its effect all movement abilities are silenced.

XXX protections are temporary removed.

Protection steal
For XXX seconds, XXX protections are stolen and given to you/allies.

Enemies movement speed is slowed by XXXX%

Curse (healing reduced, possibly extra effect added to it)

Enemies hit by cursed will have reduced healing (XXX%) for as long as the effect is active. This will be a counter CC against healers and basically provides the same function as two items, which already has this passive.

Enemies are blinded for XXX seconds limiting their vision.

Enemies which are pulled are stunned for a short duration and are pulled towards the caster.

Knock up
Enemies are knocked up in the air and are disrupted.

Knock back
Enemies are knocked back. Small displacement.

Banishes enemies into the air for XXX seconds. The enemies cant be hit or take action for its duration.

Enemies are drunk for XXX seconds and or forced to move right and left for its duration.

Enemies which are tempted are forced to move in the direction of the temptation. This is basically a weaker version of fear/taunt, but will be very effective.

Mana drain
Drain XX amount of mana for every enemy in a certain target radius. But youll have to pay for it with XX amount of your health.

Mana leak
The enemy is cursed and start leaking XXX mana for every XXX ft he walks for its duration. If the affected enemy has 0 mana, than he is stunned for 1 second. This skill gives the enemy the choice for standing still and being more vulnerable or escaping, but reducing their mana (a little bit).

Suggested by DrHook94 The enemy is cursed and start leaking XXX health for every XXX ft he walks for its duration. If the affected enemy has 0 health, than he is stunned for 1 second. This skill gives the enemy the choice for standing still and being more vulnerable or escaping, but reducing their health (a little bit).

Spell steal (steal last used spell of target)

The last spell the targeted enemy used will be stolen and the ability user can use this (for XX seconds or having a way to refresh it). The ability will have the same mana cost, damage, cooldown and rank as when the spell was stolen. (start hunting for those awesome ults)

Brings minions to your control for XXX seconds (or alternatively till they die). This works on all minions, except jungle buff holders, Fire giant and gold fury. Possessed minions will follow you and attack anything you also attack with your basic AA. They have 100% health and protections (or could scale) as they normally would have, but their power scale with the level of the ability. Like 33/75/125/175/250 (making them not as dangerous as normal creeps, but also little bit more useful later)

Multiple projectiles
Carry steroid. For a short period of time (XXX seconds) you will shoot multiple projectiles which do XXX% of the basic AA damage. Less damage overall, but an sort of AOE for ranged attacks. Leveling this up may increase the damage, amount of projectiles or (added attack speed increase or damage).

Keen precision
Carry steroid. For XXX seconds you gain XXX extra ft in ranged attack range.

Magic mirror
A magic mirror will appear which reflects every projectile (ranged and maybe also some other things) for XX seconds. It may need a damage reduction on return or there should be a delay on the mirror so that it can be used as an effective zoning tool.

Time vortex
Projectiles are slowed inside a sphere of XX radius by XXX%. Movement speed isnt changed by this, but it allows for better dodging of AAS (or maybe also stacking them if tactically used)

Shield (Basically Aegis)
You will be immune to (most) CC and a max of X amount of damage for X seconds and will be rooted for its duration. Once the cap damage is hit youll take the extra damage. This can be used as a very good escape if you can time it good. Even though its an escape it has some drawback (being rooted) and cannot be used as an gapcloser.

Force field (different version of shield)

You cast an force field with XXX radius for XXX seconds. Allies can pass through its wall, but enemies cant. The force field will burst early if XXX damage is done to its walls. This skill can be used to trap enemies within a certain radius or be used as a temporary safe haven for allies.

Static charge (moves faster in the direction of target)

You have increased movement speed when you move towards an enemy with electric charges. The higher the electric charges the higher the relative velocity. I made this on up when I was discussing some unnecessary extra powerful changes to Zeus recently and made this as a joke of the next addition in Zeus kit. This is also a gapcloser(/sticking power) without making it a skill which can be used in too much extent for escaping.

Change positions (double edge sword)

You and the targeted enemy will switch places. This skill is an double edge sword, because you could bring both of you in worse positions and isnt a real gap closer when youre alone. You basically need a team to make this effective.

Shadow walk (walking faster while being immune to most types of CC)
You walk in the shadows and gain XXX increased movement speed, while being immune to (most types) of CC for XXX seconds. I propose immunity to knockups, stuns, slows and roots, but not for silence and more)specific types of CC)

Clone (Create a clone which moves in mirrored direction of you)

A clone is created upon activation of this skill and a (invisible) mirror plane is created in the direction which you was facing when the skill activated. Your clone will have mirrored HP and mana bar above his head, but cannot be damage and all movement you do will be mirrored for the clone with respect to the mirror plane the effect last XXX seconds. This skill can be used very effectively as an escape and will be in most cases both of the clones could be you (it may cause problems or is too easy in small areas). I think with my method it will be possible to great something like this in a game like Smite.

Transform (little bit gimmicky)

This would fit great with Sun Wukongs lore. This ability allows him to transform for XXX seconds into: In jungle: Rock or tree In lane: Minion In base: Minotaur He can autoattack and move during the duration. Also he can cancel his skill early. OR: Sun Wukong select an ally or enemy in which he copies to for XXX seconds. May or may not gain their 3 basic abilities.

Mount (carry an ally)

You can select an ally and carry him for XXX secods, while gaining XXX% movement speed increase. During this the ally (and ability user) cant AA or use abilitys, but the ally is immune to damage and CC.

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