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Australian Prayer Network Inspires Worldwide 40 Day Prayer Call

Global Call for 40 Days Prayer, Fasting and Repentance 6 August - 14 September 2013
The global call inspired by the Australian Prayer Network for a 40-day period of prayer will conclude on Saturday 14 September 2013. This International Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance coincides with Yom Kippur, Israels National Day of Atonement. On 30 January 2013 the former Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, announced the Federal Election date as 14 September 2013. Although unprecedented, it took the title of the longest election campaign in our nations history and allowed for effective prayer planning. The Australian Prayer Network announced 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting for the 40 days leading up to the election date. The team at the National Day of Prayer and Fasting, aware of the historic importance of 14 September as an International Day of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance and also the ancient Biblical Day of Atonement, decided to talk with International Prayer Leaders about a worldwide prayer focus. After the success of gathering 28 countries to pray and fast for 72 hours for the USA in early May, they held a period of consultation with international prayer leaders. It was decided to call the whole world to 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance in the lead up to Yom Kippur on 14 September 2013. Julia Gillard is no longer Prime Minister and the new Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, has not confirmed the final election date, which may even remain at 14 September. In the light of this, the team at the National Day of Prayer and Fasting is still calling Christians across the earth to pray but is asking the praying people of Australia to prioritise prayer for the coming Federal Election as first articulated by Brian Pickering of the Australian Prayer Network. We encourage Christians everywhere to sign up for the Australian Prayer Networks informative weekly emails. Please see their website for details: We greatly appreciate the supportive prayers of the praying people of Australia for this global call for 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance as the core problems are the same across the globe. Governments cannot fix these problems, only Jesus Christ can. We need Gods intervention across the whole world at this time. We need revival and transformation not only in our nation, but in the nations of the world. Warwick Marsh, one of the team from Australia who is organising this International call to prayer, said, Our world is in desperate need. Of the 7.1 billion men, women and children alive today, only 2.2 billion call themselves Christian. Widespread sexual immorality, promoted by much of the media, is ruining marriages, families and our individual lives. The attack on marriage continues in our Western countries. Marriage redefined is marriage destroyed. Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world with an estimated 42 million unborn babies being killed each year. In Australia alone 100,000 lose their lives to abortion each year. All this, and more, takes place in the context of a world that is in increasing turmoil. The time has come for a worldwide call for prayer and repentance.

David and Marilyn Rowsome, also members of the organising team said, We believe it is time to humble ourselves before God, praying and fasting and repenting with fervency and urgency for ourselves, the Church and the nations. As the worldwide Body of Christ, let us come before God and cry out for healing, revival and transformation as it says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us believe together for a harvest of at least a billion souls who find a living relationship with Jesus Christ. Please check out the Australian Prayer Networks website for updates on praying for the Australian Federal Election. For more information: or to like or follow us on Facebook: Four Point Prayer Plan 1. Pray for a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit for revival and transformation of the nations of the world. 2. Pray for a billion people to find Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. 3. Pray for an end to abortion and for God to turn back the tide of death and immorality that is sweeping the nations of the world. 4. Pray for a multiplication of prayer, praise and worship to God across the world as never before, to bring great glory to God. For more information contact: Warwick Marsh - 61 418 225 212 David and Marilyn Rowsome 61 734 220 969 Email: Download Poster/Flyer:

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