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2008 Ruben James All Rights Reserved

How I Discovered The Quantum Experience

And Transformed My Life From Futility To Fulfillment
By Ruben James Has there ever been a time in your life when you needed help, but didnt know where to get it or where to turn? When everything you tried failed and when disillusionment, disappointments, frustrations, old pains and traumas surfaced and threw up massive barriers that discouraged you to the breaking point? It was that way once for me actually for many years. I was living an empty life devoid of meaning or joy and was so disillusioned that I was trying to drink myself to death, all the while denying I even had a drinking problem. This had gone on for so long that I didnt feel I had a future or any hope left. I had tried everything I knew, to no avail. Life sucked and it wasnt getting better. Until one day when I was asked a simple, innocent question. Let me tell you how it happened In 1981, I was visiting a dear friend of mine, Nan, who, because of a botched operation on her neck, ended up a quadriplegic. Her assistant (an attractive young lady), asked if I would be interested in helping Nan get healthier. I said, Sure, of courseand the next thing I knew, I found myself sitting in a lotus position holding hands with a circle of strange people wearing beads and headbands, chanting oohm and clearing our chakras of negative energy uh-huhOK sure... How this was going to help my friend, Nan, I had no clue. And, I confess, I was looking for the nearest exit, ready to make a mad dash to my car for a fast getaway. This was just a bit out of my comfort zone! Dont ask me whybut, for some reason (probably because of the attractive young lady), I DID stick with it. For the next seven years I

bounced back and forth between San Francisco, Berkeley and Marin County taking all kinds of classes and courses from Higher Consciousness teachers to Kung-fu masters to Personal Mastery facilitators. I spent several years with Lynn Lumbard of San Francisco. Lynn was the top assistant to Brugh Joy, author of, Joy's Way, A Map for the Transformational Journey: An Introduction to the Potentials for Healing with Body Energies. Lynn was also a Facilitator with Hal and Sidra Stone, authors of, Embracing Ourselves: The Voice Dialogue Manual. I also spent several years with Sharon Hart, the founder of Hartmont Institute in San Francisco. While there, I took part in a year-long course called, Self-Mastery which concluded with a sacred journey to Mount Shasta. Later, I co-created and taught Energetics courses with Ms. Hart at the Institute. My Kung-fu teacher was GrandMaster Bob Cook. Sifu Cook learned his craft from the first generation of Chinese Kung-fu Masters to come to the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s. One of his most famous teachers was the Legendary Bruce Lee. Sifu Cook taught many Kung-fu systems, such as Tai Chi, Shaolin and othersbut he always stressed learning Taoist Energetics above all. In other wordsI REALLY got into it! It was fascinating work. Not that it was all fun and games. A large part of the trainings involved dealing with past traumas and the emotional baggage that comes with them. Having had a father who was extremely angry at the world and took out his rage through verbal, emotional and physical abuse on his family gave me PLENTY to work on. My mother told me that he was trying to help me become a better person that by telling me (actuallyscreaming at me!) that I was stupid, ugly, worthless, would never have any friends, would never amount to anything my whole life.that I would rear back and say, Ill show youand then Id become a SuperStar! Yeah, right! That might work in bootcamp breaking down marinesbut I was just a child, for crying out loud (which I did plenty of, by the way). In other words, I believed what he pounded into me! My life, not surprisingly, was NOT a bowl of cherries. I was a loner most of my life,

not by choice, and I always felt like a floating cork on a stormy ocean. In my desperate attempts to escape the pain and loneliness I felt, I turned to drugs, alcohol, excessive sleep, overindulgence in food, late night TV evangelists, etc. I had more than enough stuff to keep my teachers and facilitators very busy in helping me shovel out my compost heap! On the bright side, Nans assistant (the same attractive young lady that got me into this) became my fiance! A couple of years later, we got married and moved several hours drive away from the Bay Area. It was just too far away to continue with the trainings, which many times consisted of almost daily classes. Besides, those classes were really expensive and we were moving into a new house! Now, because of the distance and the expense, I no longer had the luxury of being able to work my stuff out with my teachers and support groups. Times got really tough (remember, I was still working out my drug and alcohol dependencies) and many of the loose strings that I still hadnt fully resolved came back to haunt me with a vengeance! As much as I would have loved a quick and easy fix, the truth is, drug and alcohol addictions are very complex, especially with my background of abuse from my father and my repeated failures in life. I knew I needed to continue working on myself and facing my demons or I could easily slip back into a drunken, drugged oblivion. I started looking for ways I could do the processes that I had learned on myself. At first I thought it would be impossible to do. How could someone possibly work through their own emotional issues by themselves? Without support and guidance? WellI found out that it IS possible! It just took time to allow the process to make itself fully known to me. I went back in my mind over all the courses and classes I took. What were the elements that made them so effective? Why were they so powerful? Eventually, the answers became clear to me. There were three main elements that made the difference:

1. Structure 2. Process 3. Tools Structure: I noticed that just about EVERY class or process I ever did had its own ritual or ceremony. Be it lining up with my fellow students and bowing and saluting my Kung-fu masterto very elaborate and solemn ceremonies involving very precise details to just lighting a candle. I began to understand that rituals not only set the tone, but demonstrated respect and commitment. So, I developed my own personal ritual that became a structured foundation to the work I was doing on myself. Process: Over the years, I had learned many different processes of working with emotions, emotional blocks and limiting beliefs and how to release or transform them. I was able to pull together the most effective processes into a new powerful system. A new synergy developed. Because my teachers came from different disciplines, it was fascinating to see how they came together like a big jigsaw puzzle and worked like magic to resolve the tough issues that I was working on at that time. Tools: One of my most surprising discoveries was the power of therapeuticgrade essential oils. My wife had been using them for years and suggested I try them. To my amazement, they boosted the effectiveness of the process ten-fold. As I experimented with them and became familiar with the characteristics of each oil, I became more and more amazed at their effectiveness. I liked them so much, that I started using them even outside of my formal processes. I truly feel that I gained tremendous value when I began including essential oils. They have become an integral and indispensable part of my self-growth processes. To learn more about essential oils, visit:

The Remarkable System That Transformed My Life Can Be Yours! With this complete system, my drug and alcohol addictions became a thing of the past - and I knew I didnt need to choose that path ever again. I could think much clearer now and I finally understood myself. I gained confidence and belief in myself that I never had before. I felt like a new man! I let go of so much of the rage and resentment I held against my father, that the last time I saw him just before he died, I held his hand and told him I loved him and really meant it. I had finally come to the understanding that he did the best he could with what he had. I had put together a new "system" that I utilized every time that I felt the need to work through my baggage. It became a "step-by-step" process that I walked through many times -- ALWAYS with remarkable results. I call my system, The Quantum Experience because it changed my entire universe and because it penetrates down to the quantum levels of your life. When I told my friends about it, they encouraged me to write down my process for other seekers to use on their own journeys. As the process got more powerful and more time passed, I noticed that I started to feel guilty that I, indeed, was not sharing this process. What held me back was that I knew that portions of the process just couldnt be properly explained through writing alone because it is experiential. These portions can only be taught through personal instruction or by actually taking part in a Quantum Session. What kinds of problems or issues can be successfully dealt with by doing Quantum Sessions? In my own case, I overcame severe alcoholism and drug abuse; stopped smoking like a chimney; and I lost over 40 pounds and have kept the weight off for years. Some of the problems and issues that I've used the Quantum Experience successfully on myself and my clients include:

Anger Addictions Anxiety Burn-out Communication issues Depression Emotional blocks Family issues Fear Grief Guilt Health concerns Internal conflicts Low self-esteem Marital/Couple problems Money issues Organizational problems People-pleasing Relationship issues Self-Sabotage Shame smoking Stress Management Unresolved childhood issues Unsatisfying career Weight loss Havent you been carrying around emotional dead weight long enough? Havent you been confused and frustrated long enough wondering why real success and real happiness seems to elude you? It doesnt have to be this way. Now you have the solution. Its time to let go of the emotional baggage. The Quantum Experience can help change the direction you are goingand give you the results you want. Heres what people are saying about the Quantum Sessions they had with me: "When I had my session with Ruben over the phone, I received much more than I expected. I had expected nothing more than a chat about what he can do for me and perhaps a short demonstration, but I got much more than that. After he walked me through clearing my chakras, I became much more attuned to my higher self and felt that the communications between my conscious self and higher self were much

clearer than they were before. I feel that I now know and feel that I'm being guided in my life journey. I now know the extraordinary beings that are helping me in my daily life challenges and steering me to fast solutions with fewer bumps in the road. I have never felt that way before. It was an experience that I will never forget. I highly recommend Ruben to anyone considering furthering their spiritual journey." Bryant G. Salem, OR * Dear Ruben: I want to take this moment to thank you so much for your time and talents. In such a small amount of time you clearly presented a wide number of useful techniques, then gracefully used them all to go right to the core and shine a light on the road to healthier living. I felt as if we spoke for weeks to get to where we got in just 1 session. Jeffrey D. New York City, NY * *

Over a twenty five year period I developed a unique process that Works! I was given these amazing techniques and processes that changed my life forever...and now I want to share the Quantum Experience with those who Truly want to change their lives for the better. The only way to see how powerful the Quantum Experience is, is to actually DO a Quantum Session! If youd like a FREE 1/2 hour Quantum Experience phone session with me, please contact me at: ruben [at]

2008 Ruben James All Rights Reserved

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