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The core mandate of the evangelical commission is the preaching of salvation from sin. However, we cannot successfully preach what we do not understand or possess experientially. Salvation implies the cancellation and blotting out of all records of sin held in Gods account against us based on our confession of them, forsaking them and accepting Christs sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. It has been variously described as Repentance, Conversion, New Life in Christ, New Birth, becoming Born Again and Redemption. 11 Corinthians 5:17 Repentance, Salvation or Redemption is usually followed by a definite commitment to righteous living and good works which are fruits of repentance. A fruitless repentance is a worthless repentance. John the Baptist emphasized the necessity of living remarkably changed lives after repentance. Following repentance and conversion to Christ, Custom officials will no longer inflate taxes or collect bribes. Military and paramilitary men will cease from extra-judicial or unjustifiable use of force or violence. They ought to stop all kind of extortions and live lives of contentment. All those who are significantly endowed with good things of life above others should for Christs sake share with those who have less. Luke 3:1011

Salvation in Christ sets us free from the guilt of our past sinful lives, gives us peaceful, quiet and clear consciences, makes us profitable and fruitful in Gods kingdom and gives us assurance and hope of eternal life. Immediately a persons salvation is settled and his/her position in Gods book and record secured, there should be in him or her a desire for the salvation of others and their preservation in faith. Evangelism is every believers ministry. Those who have been saved are expected to spare no time and effort at helping others to get saved and to abide in Christ. Christ, in a parable spoke of a shepherd with hundred sheep who turned in only ninetynine at the end of the day, on discovering that one is still missing, left the ninety and nine and went back to search for the missing sheep. Using Christs Illustrations what ratio can we safely allot to the numbers of Christs followers today in comparison with those who are nonChristians? If the shepherd in Christs parable was concerned about one missing sheep out of hundred and searched for it until found, should Christians not show concern regarding the spiritual state and eternal wellbeing of the ungodly multitude around us where we live and work? There is a beggar laid at the gate of every believer whom he/she is expected to care for, there is a wounded you might encounter on your way from Jerusalem to Jericho on whose wound you are to pour oil and bound. We are expected to show concern for the plight of our brothers and neighbors who are still lost in the world of sins and trespasses. We are watchmen over the souls of those

within our realm of influence. If they die without Christ and without us preaching to convert them from their sins and wicked ways, their blood will be required from us. Therefore, we are to share the message of Christs love and sacrifice for the remission of sins with all within our vicinity and realm of influence and leave the choice to them. It is a debt we owe the world and the purpose for our living. Besides, we are also to watch over one another in the household of faith. We are to be helpers of one anothers joy and hope of eternity with Christ. Those who are converted should be brought into the church. There is need for follow up and discipling of new converts. We must identify with plans and efforts to plant new churches and strengthen existing ones. All true believers must be involved in the process of making Gods kingdom to expand and depopulate Satans kingdom. Great rewards await us in time and eternity as we continue to labour and carry out our evangelical mandate in the cities, villages and from house to house as our Lord Jesus did more than two thousand years ago. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. ............. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

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