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MB0040 Statistics for Management

Master of Business Administration MBA Semester 1 MB0040 Statistics for Management Assignment Set - 1
Name Registration No. Learning Center Learning Center Code Course Subject Semester No. : : : : : : : Shafeer Sulaiman Sait 531210475 Global Institute for Management Science 02519 Master of Business Administration Finance Statistics for Management Semester 1

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MB0040 Statistics for Management

Q1. What are the functions of Statistics? Distinguish between Primary data and Secondary data. A1. Statistics as a discipline is considered indispensable in almost all spheres of human knowledge. There is hardly any branch of study which does not use statistics. Scientific, social and economic studies use statistics in one form or another. These disciplines make-use of observations, facts and figures, enquiries and experiments etc. using statistics and statistical methods. Statistics studies almost all aspects in an enquiry. It mainly aims at simplifying the complexity of information collected in an enquiry. It presents data in a simplified form as to make them intelligible. It analyses data and facilitates to draw better conclusions. Now let us briefly discuss some of the important functions of statistics. Presents facts in. simple form: Statistics presents facts and figures in a definite form. That makes the statement logical and convincing than mere description. It condenses the whole mass of figures into a single figure. This makes the problem intelligible. Reduces the Complexity of data: Statistics simplifies the complexity of data. The raw data are unintelligible. We make them simple and intelligible by using different statistical measures. Some such commonly used measures are graphs, averages, dispersions, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regression etc. These measures help in interpretation and drawing inferences. Therefore, statistics enables to enlarge the horizon of one's knowledge. Facilitates comparison: Comparison between different sets of observation is an important function of statistics. Comparison is necessary to draw conclusions as Professor Boddington rightly points out. the object of statistics is to enable comparison between past and present results to ascertain the reasons for changes, which have taken place and the effect of such changes in future. So to determine the efficiency of any measure comparison is necessary. Statistical devices like averages, ratios, coefficients etc. are used for the purpose of comparison. Testing hypothesis: Formulating and testing of hypothesis is an important function of statistics. This helps in developing new theories. So statistics examines the truth and helps in innovating new ideas. Formulation of Policies: Statistics helps in formulating plans and policies in different fields. Statistical analysis of data forms the beginning of policy formulations. Hence, statistics is essential for planners, economists, scientists and administrators to prepare different plans and programmes. Forecasting: The future is uncertain. Statistics helps in forecasting the trend and tendencies. Statistical techniques are used for predicting the future values of a variable. For example a producer forecasts his future production on the basis of the present demand conditions and his past experiences. Similarly, the planners can forecast the future population etc. considering the present population trends. Derives valid inferences: Statistical methods mainly aim at deriving inferences from an enquiry. Statistical techniques are often used by scholars planners and scientists to evaluate different projects. These techniques are also used to draw inferences regarding population parameters on the basis of sample information.

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Statistics is very helpful in the field of business, research, Education etc., some of the uses of Statistics are: Statistics helps in providing a better understanding and exact description of a phenomenon of nature. Statistics helps in proper and efficient planning of a statistical inquiry in any field of study. Statistical helps in collecting an appropriate quantitative data. Statistics helps in presenting complex data in a suitable tabular, diagrammatic and graphic form for any easy and comprehension of the data. Statistics helps in understanding the nature and pattern of variability of a phenomenon through quantitative observations. Statistics helps in drawing valid inference, along with a measure of their reliability about the population parameters from the sample data.

Any statistical data can be classified under two categories depending upon the sources utilized. These categories are: 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data Primary Data: Primary data is the one, which is collected by the investigator himself for the purpose of a specific inquiry or study. Such data is original in character and is generated by survey conducted by individuals or research institution or any organization. 1. The collection of data by the method of personal survey is possible only if the area covered by the investigator is small. Collection of data by sending the enumerator is bound to be expensive. Care should be taken twice that the enumerator record correct information provided by the informants. 2. Collection of primary data by framing a schedules or distributing and collecting questionnaires by post is less expensive and can be completed in shorter time. 3. Suppose the questions are embarrassing or of complicated nature or the questions probe into personnel affairs of individuals, then the schedules may not be filled with accurate and correct information and hence this method is unsuitable 4. The information collected for primary data is mere reliable than those collected from the secondary data. Importance of Primary data cannot be neglected. A research can be conducted without secondary data but a research based on only secondary data is least reliable and may have biases because secondary data has already been manipulated by human beings. In statistical surveys it is necessary to get information from primary sources and work on primary data: for example, the statistical records of female population in a country cannot be based on newspaper, magazine and other printed sources. One such source are old and secondly they contain limited information as well as they can be misleading and biased. Secondary Data:

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Secondary data are those data which have been already collected and analysed by some earlier agency for its own use; and later the same data are used by a different agency. According to W.A.Neiswanger, A primary source is a publication in which the data are published by the same authority which gathered and analysed them. A secondary source is a publication, reporting the data which have been gathered by other authorities and for which others are responsible. 1. Secondary data is cheap to obtain. Many government publications are relatively cheap and libraries stock quantities of secondary data produced by the government, by companies and other organizations. 2. Large quantities of secondary data can be got through internet. 3. Much of the secondary data available has been collected for many years and therefore it can be used to plot trends. 4. Secondary data is of value to: - The government help in making decisions and planning future policy. Business and industry in areas such as marketing, and sales in order to appreciate the general economic and social conditions and to provide information on competitors. Research organizations by providing social, economical and industrial information. Secondary data can be less valid but its importance is still there. Sometimes it is difficult to obtain primary data; in these cases getting information from secondary sources is easier and possible. Sometimes primary data does not exist in such situation one has to confine the research on secondary data. Sometimes primary data is present but the respondents are not willing to reveal it in such case too secondary data can suffice: for example, if the research is on the psychology of transsexuals first it is difficult to find out transsexuals and second they may not be willing to give information you want for your research, so you can collect data from books or other published sources. Q2. Draw a histogram for the following distribution: Age 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No. of people



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Q3. Find the median value of the following set of values: 45, 32, 31, 46, 40, 28, 27, 37, 36, 41 A3. Arranging in ascending order 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 45, 46 Median= 36+37/2 = 36.5 Q4. Calculate the standard deviation of the following data: Marks 78-80 80-82 82-84 84-86 86-88 88-90

No. of students





A4. Arithmetic mean= 3+15+26+23+9+4 6 = 15 X 3 M 15 (X-M) -12 (X-M)2 144

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15 26 23 9 4

15 15 15 15 15

0 11 8 -6 -11

0 121 64 36 121



= =9


Q5. An unbiased coin is tossed six times. What is the probability that the tosses will result in: (i) exactly two heads (ii) at least five heads

Q6. Explain briefly the types of sampling. A6. Sampling is categorized in to two categories namely, Probability samples and NonProbability samples. PROBABILITY SAMPLES The idea behind this type is random selection. More specifically, each sample from the population of interest has a known probability of selection under a given sampling scheme. There are four types of probability samples described below. 1. Simple Random Sampling: The most widely known type of a random sample is the simple random sample (SRS). This is characterized by the fact that the probability of selection is the same for every case in the population. Simple random sampling is a method of selecting n units from a population of size N such that every possible sample of size and has equal chance of being drawn. An example may make this easier to understand. Imagine you want to carry out a survey of 100 voters in a small town with a population of 1,000 eligible voters. With a town this size, there are "old-fashioned" ways to draw a sample. For example, we could write the names of all voters on a piece of paper, put all pieces of paper into a box and draw 100 tickets at random. You shake the box, draw a piece of paper and set it aside, shake again, draw another, set it aside, etc. until we had 100 slips of paper. These 100 form our sample. And this sample would be drawn through a simple random sampling procedure - at each draw, every name in the box had the same probability of being chosen.

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In real-world social research, designs that employ simple random sampling are difficult to come by. We can imagine some situations where it might be possible - you want to interview a sample of doctors in a hospital about work conditions. So you get a list of all the physicians that work in the hospital, write their names on a piece of paper, put those pieces of paper in the box, shake and draw. But in most real-world instances it is impossible to list everything on a piece of paper and put it in a box, then randomly draw numbers until desired sample size is reached. 2. Stratified Random Sampling: In this form of sampling, the population is first divided into two or more mutually exclusive segments based on some categories of variables of interest in the research. It is designed to organize the population into homogenous subsets before sampling, then drawing a random sample within each subset. With stratified random sampling the population of N units is divided into subpopulations of units respectively. These subpopulations, called strata, are nonoverlapping and together they comprise the whole of the population. When these have been determined, a sample is drawn from each, with a separate draw for each of the different strata. The sample sizes within the strata are denoted by respectively. If a SRS is taken within each stratum, then the whole sampling procedure is described as stratified random sampling. The primary benefit of this method is to ensure that cases from smaller strata of the population are included in sufficient numbers to allow comparison. Stratification is a common technique. There are many reasons for this, such as: 1. If data of known precision are wanted for certain subpopulations, than each of these should be treated as a population in its own right. 2. Administrative convenience may dictate the use of stratification, for example, if an agency administering a survey may have regional offices, which can supervise the survey for a part of the population. 3. Sampling problems may be inherent with certain sub populations, such as people living in institutions (e.g. hotels, hospitals, prisons). 4. Stratification may improve the estimates of characteristics of the whole population. It may be possible to divide a heterogeneous population into sub-populations, each of which is internally homogenous. If these strata are homogenous, i.e., the measurements vary little from one unit to another; a precise estimate of any stratum mean can be obtained from a small sample in that stratum. The estimate can then be combined into a precise estimate for the whole population. 5. There is also a statistical advantage in the method, as a stratified random sample nearly always results in a smaller variance for the estimated mean or other population parameters of interest.

3. Systematic Sampling: This method of sampling is at first glance very different from SRS. In practice, it is a variant of simple random sampling that involves some listing of elements - every nth element of list is then

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drawn for inclusion in the sample. Say you have a list of 10,000 people and you want a sample of 1,000. Creating such a sample includes three steps: 1. Divide number of cases in the population by the desired sample size. In this example, dividing 10,000 by 1,000 gives a value of 10. 2. Select a random number between one and the value attained in Step 1. In this example, we choose a number between 1 and 10 - say we pick 7. 3. Starting with case number chosen in Step 2, take every tenth record (7, 17, 27, etc.). More generally, suppose that the N units in the population are ranked 1 to N in some order (e.g., alphabetic). To select a sample of n units, we take a unit at random, from the 1st k units and take every k-th unit thereafter. The advantages of systematic sampling method over simple random sampling include: 1. It is easier to draw a sample and often easier to execute without mistakes. This is a particular advantage when the drawing is done in the field. 2. Intuitively, you might think that systematic sampling might be more precise than SRS. In effect it stratifies the population into n strata, consisting of the 1st k units, the 2nd k units, and so on. Thus, we might expect the systematic sample to be as precise as a stratified random sample with one unit per stratum. The difference is that with the systematic one the units occur at the same relative position in the stratum whereas with the stratified, the position in the stratum is determined separately by randomization within each stratum. 4. Cluster Sampling: In some instances the sampling unit consists of a group or cluster of smaller units that we call elements or subunits (these are the units of analysis for your study). There are two main reasons for the widespread application of cluster sampling. Although the first intention may be to use the elements as sampling units, it is found in many surveys that no reliable list of elements in the population is available and that it would be prohibitively expensive to construct such a list. In many countries there are no complete and updated lists of the people, the houses or the farms in any large geographical region. Even when a list of individual houses is available, economic considerations may point to the choice of a larger cluster unit. For a given size of sample, a small unit usually gives more precise results than a large unit. For example a SRS of 600 houses covers a town more evenly than 20 city blocks containing an average of 30 houses apiece. But greater field costs are incurred in locating 600 houses and in traveling between them than in covering 20 city blocks. When cost is balanced against precision, the larger unit may prove superior.

Important things about cluster sampling: 1. Most large scale surveys are done using cluster sampling; 2. Clustering may be combined with stratification, typically by clustering within strata;

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3. In general, for a given sample size n cluster samples are less accurate than the other types of sampling in the sense that the parameters you estimate will have greater variability than an SRS, stratified random or systematic sample. NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING Social research is often conducted in situations where a researcher cannot select the kinds of probability samples used in large-scale social surveys. For example, say you wanted to study homelessness - there is no list of homeless individuals nor are you likely to create such a list. However, you need to get some kind of a sample of respondents in order to conduct your research. To gather such a sample, you would likely use some form of non-probability sampling. To reiterate, the primary difference between probability methods of sampling and non-probability methods is that in the latter you do not know the likelihood that any element of a population will be selected for study. There are four primary types of non-probability sampling methods: 1. Availability Sampling: Availability sampling is a method of choosing subjects who are available or easy to find. This method is also sometimes referred to as haphazard, accidental, or convenience sampling. The primary advantage of the method is that it is very easy to carry out, relative to other methods. A researcher can merely stand out on his/her favorite street corner or in his/her favorite tavern and hand out surveys. One place this used to show up often is in university courses. Years ago, researchers often would conduct surveys of students in their large lecture courses. For example, all students taking introductory sociology courses would have been given a survey and compelled to fill it out. There are some advantages to this design - it is easy to do, particularly with a captive audience, and in some schools you can attain a large number of interviews through this method. The primary problem with availability sampling is that you can never be certain what population the participants in the study represent. The population is unknown, the method for selecting cases is haphazard, and the cases studied probably don't represent any population you could come up with. However, there are some situations in which this kind of design has advantages - for example, survey designers often want to have some people respond to their survey before it is given out in the "real" research setting as a way of making certain the questions make sense to respondents. For this purpose, availability sampling is not a bad way to get a group to take a survey, though in this case researchers care less about the specific responses given than whether the instrument is confusing or makes people feel bad. Despite the known flaws with this design, it's remarkably common. Ask a provocative question, give telephone number and web site address ("Vote now at, announce results of poll. This method provides some form of statistical data on a current issue, but it is entirely unknown what population the result of such polls represents. At best, a researcher could make some conditional statement about people who are watching CNN at a particular point in time who cared enough about the issue in question to log on or call in. 2. Quota Sampling:

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Quota sampling is designed to overcome the most obvious flaw of availability sampling. Rather than taking just anyone, you set quotas to ensure that the sample you get represents certain characteristics in proportion to their prevalence in the population. Note that for this method, you have to know something about the characteristics of the population ahead of time. Say you want to make sure you have a sample proportional to the population in terms of gender - you have to know what percentage of the population is male and female, then collect sample until yours matches. Marketing studies are particularly fond of this form of research design. The primary problem with this form of sampling is that even when we know that a quota sample is representative of the particular characteristics for which quotas have been set, we have no way of knowing if sample is representative in terms of any other characteristics. If we set quotas for gender and age, we are likely to attain a sample with good representativeness on age and gender, but one that may not be very representative in terms of income and education or other factors. Moreover, because researchers can set quotas for only a small fraction of the characteristics relevant to a study quota sampling is really not much better than availability sampling. To reiterate, you must know the characteristics of the entire population to set quotas; otherwise there's not much point to setting up quotas. Finally, interviewers often introduce bias when allowed to self-select respondents, which is usually the case in this form of research. In choosing males 18-25, interviewers are more likely to choose those that are better-dressed, seem more approachable or less threatening. That may be understandable from a practical point of view, but it introduces bias into research findings. 3. Purposive Sampling: Purposive sampling is a sampling method in which elements are chosen based on purpose of the study. Purposive sampling may involve studying the entire population of some limited group (sociology faculty at Columbia) or a subset of a population (Columbia faculty who have won Nobel Prizes). As with other non-probability sampling methods, purposive sampling does not produce a sample that is representative of a larger population, but it can be exactly what is needed in some cases - study of organization, community, or some other clearly defined and relatively limited group. 4. Snowball Sampling: Snowball sampling is a method in which a researcher identifies one member of some population of interest, speaks to him/her, then asks that person to identify others in the population that the researcher might speak to. This person is then asked to refer the researcher to yet another person, and so on. Snowball sampling is very good for cases where members of a special population are difficult to locate. For example, several studies of Mexican migrants in Los Angeles have used snowball sampling to get respondents. The method also has an interesting application to group membership - if you want to look at pattern of recruitment to a community organization over time, you might begin by interviewing fairly recent recruits, asking them who introduced them to the group. Then interview the people named, asking them who recruited them to the group.

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The method creates a sample with questionable representativeness. A researcher is not sure who is in the sample. In effect snowball sampling often leads the researcher into a realm he/she knows little about. It can be difficult to determine how a sample compares to a larger population. Also, there's an issue of who respondents refer you to - friends refer to friends, less likely to refer to ones they don't like, fear, etc.

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