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Power Generation from Plastic Waste, Tires and Waste Oils

Company Profile
The company GB Consulting s.r.o. delivers unique technologies introducing the concept of new and high standard for the secondary raw material utilization in the field of renewable energy, using plastic waste, used tires and all types of waste polymers as the raw material input.
The company GB Consulting supplies low-temperature depolymerization technologies developed by the company Plasma Energy (P) Ltd. The final product of the depolymerization technology, delivered by the company GB Pyrolysis Europe, is the production of the so-called green synthetic (fuel) oil Poly-fuel, carbon black Poly-carbon and synthetic gas Poly-gas. Moreover, tire treatment technology facilitates the recovery of steel.

GB Consulting with the support of RCFG*, constituting the part of the company Plasma Energy (P) Ltd., delivers the technol-ogy for the synthetic oil processing, the outcome of which is patented fuel Polyfuel , i.e. a hydrocarbon liquid, composed of petrol, kerosene and diesel. Depolymerization technology is energetically self-sufficient and for its operation uses the outlet raw materials. On the other hand, the technology can generate electrical power and heat by the cogeneration (a combined generation of heat and electricity) and can exploit the waste polymers ecologically and in a way providing the benefit in the form of the power generation. Otherwise, the disposal of the waste polymers would be rather demanding, possibly harming and polluting the environment. In consequence of global warming and large-scale utilization of all types of plastics, rubbers and used oils the waste recycling and its conversion into another usable raw material is a very important step for the future of not only the Czech Republic, but the whole planet. Depolymerization tech-nologies, delivered by GB Consulting, convert the polymer into fine raw material applying the process, which is highly effective and environmentally friendly (completely ecological process) GB Consulting introduces the unique technology, which can dramatically change the polymer waste manage-ment, currently prevailingly consisting of the pure and simple waste storage. However, the polymer waste storage is nothing else than postponing the problem with the disposal to future generations. GB Consulting launches the equipment onto the European market, which can tremendously help the environment.
GB Consulting put together a team of experienced and qualified experts in recycling, power engineering, consultancy and marketing taking a considerable effort to produce the energy from the wastes. Our professionals and technology suppliers are globally recognized and operate in different countries all over the world.
Moreover, we are also active in the field of technological and waste heat exploitation and its technological conversion into the electrical power or chill. We furnish ORC technologies, absorption cooling technologies, highly efficient gasifying units. We are involved in the energy management and we are engaged in the complex savings of the electrical and heat power as well.

* RCFG Research Centre for Fuel Generation Pyrolysis Systeme

We are pioneers and leaders in the manufacturing, deliveries and installations of depolymerization plants.
We will provide complete turn-key solutions: machinery manufacturing, delivery, installation, commissioning, training.

Who we are, what we offer and deliver, benefits of our technology:

our technology offers the purest quality of the synthetic oil comparable to the industrial diesel, selling price
comparable to the industrial diesel LDO (light diesel oil)

depolymerization process output is a cheap and high quality fuel as the substitution of diesel and LDO in the industrial production through long-term research our research centre has developed own fuel Polyfuel , i.e. a hydrocarbon liquid with the mixture of petrol, diesel and kerosene

own patented technology - low-temperature catalytic depolymerization- reduces the reduction temperature (275 C to max. 445 C, other technolo-gies functioning from > 550-650C) and reaction time, the overall transformation process energy efficiency is improved and, consequently, the profit-ability and power self-sufficiency of the overall production process are enhanced

time-tested technology guarantees very high efficiency of the depolymerization process plants and processes proved by the installations already since the year 2004, results and experience from more
than 75 installed depolymerization plants all over the world and 25 years of the research experience

we use patent protected catalyst, developed by our own research centre, improving the maximal efficiency of the entire
depolymerization process and facilitating the operation of the technology already from 275 C to max. 445 C (compared to other technologies operating > 550 C) with higher technological efficiency of produced fuel for more than 10 %

we assist in removing the heavy ecological burden by the landscape pollution reduction, by considerable ecological disposal in the low temperature catalytic depolymerization plant we reduce degradation of the plastic waste, used tire waste, and we solve the prob-lem of the oil managements with the old used oil disposal.

we deliver maximally environmental friendly depoloymerization technologies and pro-cesses, we widely use the waste-free technologies: without any escape of carbon black, odor, harmful emissions, without any danger to the plant staff health

we use three safety levels preventing the fire break out we comply with all emission requirements, specified by the EU as the Pollution Control Board
the operation of the depolymerization plant is energetically self-sufficient: no other exter-nal energy is necessary to heat and operate the plant, which considerably influences the economy of the operation and provides more considerable economic return on invest-ment compared to other similar technologies

depolymerization technologies, delivered by our company, are designed for continuous production process with the emphasis on safety and profitability such as added value, without the risk of explosion
fully automated process: no manual loading of carbon black or intermediate products, technology solution reduces manpower requirements

daily input capacity of the continuous type of depolymerization plants from 1 to 25 tons of the polymer per day raw material flexibility: all types of polymers and oils can be used matter of fact is: PLC control, remote monitoring, sensor technology of the process monitoring complete turn-key solution: machinery production, delivery, installation, commissioning &1 week to 1 month
training at the site (depending on the size of technology)

Depolymerization Technology
The company GB Consulting delivers revolutionary technology using the processing of the waste plastic, oils and tires.
Development of depolymerization technology of the processing of the plastics, oils and tires includes:

synthetic oil production - in the standard of the light diesel oil: completely transparent synthetic oil with the best quality
design Kateina Vlkov, ELVEKO CZ s.r.o.,

development of more effective catalysts, shortening the reaction time and significantly reducing the reaction temperature compared to other technologies

process transformation from the intermittent operation to the 3rd generation of the continuous type of the depolymerization plants

advanced systems of the heat exchange, guaranteeing more profitable development of the electric generators, burning the synthetic oil
Waste plastics and tires are long-chain polymers, containing more than 50,000 carbon atoms, directly linked by the cross-link or branched chains. Depolymerization decomposes the long-chain to shorter chains - see below. Thermochemical decomposition of the plastic or tire polymer

The co-operation between the company GB Consulting and the technology producer Plasma Energy (P) Ltd. resulted in the development of commercially viable technology of the depolymerization of waste plastic, oils and tires, offering the following benefits:

decreased reaction temperature from 275C to max. 445C (depending on the raw material type) with more than
10% yield of the synthetic oil compared to other technologies)

zero emission process: no harm to the environment reduced reaction time and substantial energy saving
optimal conversion of the polymer waste to the hydrocarbon liquid with negligible wax content the latest scrubbing systems guaranteeing the sulphur content in the synthetic oil less than 75 ppm

patented - highly efficient process catalyst with very low costs for the production process continuous production process with less manpower and attendance staff requirements final product - synthetic oil - is very cheap and quality fuel perfect solution of the polymer waste management plant is energetically self-sufficient dimension and capacity of delivered lines from 1 ton to 25 tons of processed waste per day
Based on the research, carried-out for more than 25 years, the company Plasma Energy (P) Ltd. has successfully developed unique process and production facility for the industrial low-temperature catalytic depolymerization of the polymer waste. Since 2004 we have been developing depolym-erization plants in India, we have achieved phenomenal successes in the field of waste plastic, waste oil and tire depolymerization.

Process of Low-Temperature Catalytic Depolymerization

Depolymerization is the process of the molecular decomposition, larger molecules are pyrolyzed to smaller molecules.
Depolymerization plant is an industrial facility for the waste plastic and tire processing. As regards the plastics/tires, the long-chain polymer is decomposed into shorter chains of the synthetic gas and synthetic oil. Heat and catalyst are necessary for the subsequent reaction.







The technology does not burn the polymer waste; instead, the waste is decomposed into the usable final products such as synthetic oil, synthetic gas and carbon black. Low-temperature catalytic depolymerization of plastics, oils and tires offers the following benefits:

generates quality fuel with low emissions facilitates to solve the issue of the soil pollution with plastic, oils and tires recovers energy from the waste

helps to recycle the carbon with its subsequent utilization

Depolymerization is the best available alternative for the waste oil and polymer management compared to the incineration or dumping in the refuse storage area. The incineration means a direct waste oxidation, leading to the loss of valuable energy from the polymer waste. The polymer waste dumping in the refuse storage area results in the soil pollution. Low-temperature catalytic depolymerization of the polymer waste helps us to recover a valuable energy from the waste in the form of the synthetic oil, synthetic gas and carbon black.

Process Flow Chart: Conversion of Waste Plastic (Tire) into Industrial Fuel
synthetic oil

Proc ess
Collection of waste Plastic

Equipment Name

Storage of syntheti c oil outside building

Transportat ion of waste Plastic to factory Storage Of hydrocarbon Gas

Agglomerator Loading Conveyor Reactor Number:1

Firing of hydrocarbon gas to heat reactors, scrubbing of flue gas and exhaust

Shreddin g of Plastic

Material Loading Plastic Melting

Separa tion of solid phase

Reactor Number: 2 &3

Vapor Column

Plastic pyrolysi s


Saperation of vapor phase Filtration and purification system Cond ensation of condens able fraction Hydrocarbon Gas Storage Facility Liquid and gas saperation Hot air generator, Suction blowers, Scrubbing Filtratio n and purification of system, Chimney Syntetic oil underground storage

Car bon Bla ck rem ova l and coll ecti on Sys tem

Material Balance per 24 hrs*

8.5MT mixture of: Polyfuel in Liquid form + Polygas

7MT of Polyfuel Liquid at bottom and 1.5MT of hydrocarbon gas at top

10M T of wast e plast ic

10MT of shred ded plasti c

10MT of shredded plastic loaded in reactor

7MT of Filtered and purified Poly-fuel

7MT of Poly-fuel (Industrial Disel)

10MT of plastic in molten form

10MT mixture of: Polyfuel in vapor form + Polygas + Polycarbon

1.5MT of Poly-gas
10,000Kcal/hr of energy to run the plant + Clean flue gases that follows Prevention & Control of Pollution Act

1.5MT of Polycarbon

8.5MT mixture of: Polyfuel in vapor form + Poly-gas

that is used as filler in plastic, rubber and tyre recyclin g

* Variable depending on quality of Raw material and catalyst

Depolymerization of Plastics, Tires and Waste Oils

Depolymerization of plastics or tires is the process of the plastic waste and tire conversion into the synthetic oil, carbon black and synthetic gas. Depolymerization plant converts the polymers into the fine fuel-plastics under controlled conditions and with the presence of the catalyst.

Depolymerization of Plastic, Oils & Tires: Input-Output Ratios

Input Material

Input Quantity

Output Quantity* 700 - 900 liters Poly-fuel

Mixed plastic wastes

1,000 kg

50 - 100kg Poly-gas 30 - 50kg Poly-carbon 450 - 600 liters Poly-fuel

Nylon tire waste

1,000 kg

100 - 120 Poly-gas 250 - 350kg Poly-carbon 400 - 550 liters Poly-fuel 100 - 120kg Poly-gas 200 - 300kg Poly-carbon 80 -100 kg steel wire fine fragments 900 - 1000 liters Poly-fuel

Radial tire waste

1,000 kg

Motor oil and industrial oil waste

1,000 kg

* technology yield entirely depends on the type of the input waste and its composition

Various polymer waste materials are suitable as the raw materials. Below see the list of the plastic raw materials applicable to the depolymerization: waste plastic electronic waste mixed plastics (HDPE, LDPE, PE, PP, nylon, Teflon, PS, ABS, FRP etc.) mixed waste from the waste paper recycling multi layered plastic Resin Identification Codes waste tires rubber plastic or rubber parts of the vehicles waste engine oils, industrial oils, food industry and other oils etc.

polyethylene terephthalate

high-density polyethylene

polyvinyl chloride

low-density polyethylene



other plastics, including acrylic, polycarbonate, polyactic fibers, nylon, fiberglass

soft drink bottles, mineral water, fruit juice containers and cooking oil

milk jugs, cleaning agents, laundry

detergents, bleaching agents, shampoo

bottles, washing and

shower soaps

trays for sweets, fruit, plastic packing (bubble foil) and food foils to wrap the foodstuff

crushed bottles, shopping bags, highly-resistant sacks and most of the wrappings

furniture, consumers, luggage, toys as well as bumpers, lining and external borders of the cars

toys, hard packing, refrigerator trays, cosmetic bags, costume jewellery, audio cassettes, CD cases, vending cups

an example of one type is a polycarbonate used for CD production and baby feeding bottles

Synthetic Oil Poly-fuel

Our customers can produce the purest quality synthetic oil using the technology, which we manufacture and supply. Produced oil has the identical specifications as the light diesel oil (LDO). (*chemical analysis per request) Typical industrial applications for the exploitation of Pyro-fuel as the fuel:

boilers burning LTO (central district heating plants, industrial boilers) diesel generators (cogeneration units) hot-water and steam generators hot-air generators thermic fluid heaters electric generators (mixed with 50% diesel) diesel pumps (mixed with 50% diesel)
Polyfuel Synthetic Oil Usage:

Electric power and heat generation (cogeneration), industrial processes, heating, vapour production Refining production of diesel, petrol and kerosene
Electric Power Generation:

Combusting synthetic oil in cogeneration units - CHP

Conversion to electric energy with high efficiency of approx. 38 - 41,5 %, heat efficiency 45 - 49%, Green Machine ORC modules for the utilization of heat

Performance range from 80 kW to 3 000 kW

(Cogeneration unit suppliers: Caterpillar, Cummins, Perkins, Volvo) Industrial Processes:

Thermo-oil boilers Central heating, hot water production, vapour generation

Refining in Refineries: Production - diesel, petroleum and kerosene - sale and distribution

Depolymerization Plant
Depolymerization plant is the technology converting the waste plastics, tires and waste oil into the syn-thetic oil, carbon black and pure synthetic gas.
The benefits of the depolymerization plants delivered by our company:

the highest quality of the synthetic oil as the end product with guaranteed parameters use of green technology to guarantee environmentally friendly processes fully ecological process without any demands to the safety provisions plastics, tires as well as waste oils can be used as the raw materials continuous type of the low temperature depolymerization process
breakthrough technology used to improve the safety,

profitability and facilitation of the operation

more than 90% of the mechanical components are stationary, i.e. lower routine mainte-nance demands

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