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Buffy Summers sighed as she looked out her window. How had she ended up in this situation?

She had lost everything that was important to her. A husband, a son, her life. She'd understood from the beginning that her husband was a busy and powerful man, but she had no idea that it would tear them apart. She had supported him in every way she knew possible. She had not only accepted his 2 year old child he had had with his first wife, but had grown to love him as her own. Had Connor not accepted her as his mother? Buffy seemed to think so. His own mother had died in tragic accident not long after his birth, leaving her to be seen as his only memory of a mother. Yet, here she was alone after only three months of marriage. Most of which was spent without her husband seeing as how he was away on business most of the time. She hadn't even had contact with him the last five weeks before their breakup, his assistant Lindsey handled all his communication for him. She had tried to call him at every number she knew possible, but still only found contact with Lindsey. Soon she felt utter confusion, did he not want to speak to her? What was going on? Then she received her answer. Not from her husband, but from Lindsey. "I'm sorry Buffy", he had told her. "But Mr. Donnelley has decided it's best if you just left, it's not working out." Too shocked to answer or question Lindsey, Buffy had simply hung up the phone while silent tears ran down her face. Had they not been in love? Did it matter now if he wanted her gone? She'd leave and never look back. Or could she? Was it fair to Connor? No, but Liam Donnelley was not a man to fight against. She wished she could have taken Connor with her, but she had no entitlement to him, he wasn't really her son. Making up her mind she had quickly packed what little belonged to her in the home she once lived as Mrs. Donnelley and after peeking in to look at a napping Connor had left. It had been a month since she had left. The memory was still fresh in her mind and brought tears to her eyes. She had quickly left Donnelley manor in England to return to her place of birth New York, where she now resided in a small apartment in China town. If she was lucky she'd never have to lay eyes on Liam Donnelley ever again, the man had destroyed her heart. Fate however had a different plan in store for her. She sighed as she placed her hand on her stomach, Liam had left her an eternal reminder of their life together. When she first found out about the baby, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to keep it, thinking it would be too much of a reminder of her heartbreak. She soon however decided to look at the baby not as a burden, but as a gift, something to live for. A reminder of what once had been. Liam Donnelley grumbled as he leafed through the proposals left on his desk. Sometimes he wondered if it was all worth it. To him it seemed like all he did was work, he could hardly wonder how his new wife felt. How long had it been since he had seen her last? Far too long. He missed her dearly. Two months into his marriage he found himself separated from her calming yet radiant presence. After his failed marriage to his first wife Darla, he never thought he would be able to marry again. He and Darla had however made the mistake of trying to save their marriage by having a child. Sadly Darla and Liam never had a chance to see if their marriage could have been salvaged, she was killed in a car accident a few weeks after Connor's birth. Devastated by the sudden loss of his wife and confused by the presence of a baby in his life Liam hired a nanny for his son and planned a trip as an escape two years later. Little did he know he would meet the future Mrs. Donnelley on his vacation. It had been love at first sight. Thinking of his wife made Liam sick for home. He promised himself he would return home as soon as his work let up a little. Work however failed to slow down and Liam found it had been three months since he had been home. It was then he realized he had not heard from Buffy in over five weeks. Why wouldn't she contact him? What possibly could have happened to keep her away from him? He knew she was busy taking care of Connor, but no contact was very unlike her. Being so caught up in his work he had failed to notice he himself had not called her as well. Making up his mind he picked up the phone to call home, when another one of his lines rang. He sighed and answered. "Liam Donnelley." "It's Lindsey." His assistant replied. "I'm sorry sir, but I have some bad news." "Is this about the Tricom merger? I knew it wasn't going to go through..." "No sir," He interrupted. "It's about your wife..." Liam cringed as he thought of that day, the day his wife had left him. Nearly a month later, he stilled mourned her sudden disappearance from his life. That day had changed his life forever... work became less

of priority as he was forced to deal with the effects Buffy's departure had on Connor. His informants told him only one thing about her departure. That she had found someone else. 1 "Happy Birthday Am!" Buffy said happily as she pulled her daughter into her arms. "How's it feel to finally be ten?" Amelie turned to look up at her mother with eyes that reminded her so much her father. Buffy smiled into the warm chocolate depths. "Tell me again?" She pleaded her mother. Buffy responded without a pause knowing just what she wanted to hear. "You never get tired of this story do you sweetie." She smiled sadly. "It all started 16 years ago, when very cool dancer named Buffy decided to travel the world. Little did she know how far her travels would take her." Buffy laughed remembering how she had fallen down a sandy slope to land nearly on top of Liam Donnelley. "Her travels took her all the way to Egypt, where she stumbled upon a man. A man named Liam Donnelley. The two immediately feel deeply in love at first sight and were married in Africa. Soon, however it was time for Liam to return home, for he had a family business he had to run. So, the happy couple returned to England where Liam's family had made it's fortune. Buffy was however, not the Donnelley's idea of wife befitting their Liam and despite the love Buffy felt for him she soon found herself alone." (Except for Connor, Buffy thought to herself, but did not have the heart to tell Amelie of her half brother she had never been told of.) "Three months of living in house without her husband Buffy began to worry, so she called every place she could think of to try to get hold of her beloved. When finally she was told by her husbands employees that her husband no longer wanted her and to leave her new home. So, despite the love she felt. Buffy left England never to return to the man who broke her heart. Little did she know, he had given her the greatest gift of all. A child. A girl who was born eight months later." Buffy sighed as she finished her tale. "You." Amelie smiled. "Thank you, mom. It always makes me feel better to hear that story on my birthday." She responded as she pushed her blond hair out of her face. " I love you." "I love you, too." Buffy replied before kissing her forehead. "Good night, sweetheart." "Goodnight mom." Buffy turned off the light and left the room. As Amelie lay in the dark she thought of the mysterious man who was her father. What was Liam Donnelley like? Why had he driven her mother away, a woman who clearly, even now still loved him? What had happened. She sighed deeply and turned to look at the picture beside her bed. Chocolate brown eyes looked back at her. "Goodnight Liam." She whispered to her father's picture. Unwanted tears sprang to Buffy's eyes as closed the door to her daughter's room. 'This is ridiculous', she thought. For the past ten years on this very day she had found herself unable to control the emotions she normally held dormant about her past. Amelie's birthdays had turned into a sort of anniversary for her. Buffy always found herself not only thinking of the beauty of her lost love, but of the child she had left behind. "Connor..." She sighed wishing she knew what had become of her adopted son. She had thought about seeking out this information many times in the past, but never had managed to actually do it, for exactly one reason. Liam. Any contact with Connor, would involve his father, Amelie's

father and that wasn't something she was sure she could handle. She felt the breakup had been far to abrupt and heart wrenching for her to cope with any sort of contact with her estranged husband. Especially since he had no knowledge of Amelie. Buffy often struggled with her decision of hiding her from Liam. It wasn't really fair to either of them, yet she knew in her heart that if Liam had married her love and dismissed her so easily, he could do the same with his own child. Amelie deserved better than that, she deserved the world. Wiping her tear stained face with the sleeve of her sweater Buffy forced herself to think of the present and not the past. She was lucky to have the things she had. Sure she had lost wealth, privilege and love, but she had Amelie. The one thing that brought light to her life. Without Amelie's inspiration Buffy would have not only lost her family, she would have lost her love for dance. Amelie was the reason Buffy had started teaching dancing lessons, now ten years after her personal retirement from dancing. Buffy was once again accepted into a dance company, a world renowned company. Thinking of her upcoming tour Buffy smiled, this was what she had waited her whole career for. An opportunity to share the gift of dance with the world. She could hardly believe, the company had accepted her. When she first auditioned for a placement in the company she had feared having a child would be a disadvantage. The company however wanted her so much they offered Buffy not only a salary but a free tutor to travel with her so she would be able to bring Amelie. She could hardly believe the deal, and quickly accepted. Soon her daughter would be leaving the only home she had ever known. Buffy felt sad forcing Amelie out of public school, but decided that a European education was important for her daughter to have with her heritage "Watch out Europe" Buffy had jokingly told her daughter. "The Summers women are coming to break your hearts!" Connor sighed. How could his father do this to him? Hadn't he been a good son? It looked like that didn't matter now. He quickly packed the last of his clothes into his truck and proceeded to gather his personal items from the shelves in the closet. Pulling large box from the top shelf that was far too heavy for the twelve year old boy to bear on his own, he stumbled and spilt the boxes contents across the floor. Grumbling as he steadied himself Connor glanced at the floor to see what the contents of the mysterious box held, and found himself staring at what appeared to be scattered pictures across the floor. Quietly he bent down and picked up the picture closest to him, looking at the picture he was met by familiar hazel eyes. Curious to where this memory steamed from he began to study the picture more closely. It was of a young woman with blonde hair and radiant smile, her eyes shone with joy and love. Recognition finally settling within his mind Connor whispered aloud "Mom...". Just as the words crossed his lips Connor heard the door to the room creak open and looked up with blurry eyes into the face of his father. "Connor, I heard a bang are you al...." He stopped abruptly. Quickly entering the room Liam assessed the mess and quickly recognized what it was his son was looking at. His eyes blazing with fear and pain he snatched the picture from Connor and swept it along with the rest back into the box. Too startled at first to say anything Connor looked questioningly up at his father. Liam trying his best to shield his emotions looked back. "What were you doing?" He asked. "I......I...." Connor stammered. "I was trying to finishing packing for school, when...when I moved the box and it fell." "Oh.." Mumbled Liam.

"Why?" His son questioned. "Why hide it from me?" Liam let out an exasperated breath. "I...I wasn't hiding them from you. Not really. I...I just could stand to look at them, and remember..." "You lied to me." Connor hissed. "You told me there weren't any pictures....didn't you think I deserved to have proof other than my dim memories of mother!" His father paused in thought. "She wasn't your mother." He said bluntly. "Not by birth!" Connor yelled as tears of frustration began to flow. "But she WAS my mother, that other woman, that Darla has no meaning to me! How could you do this??!!!" Bending down to meet Connor's eyes, Liam forced his own emotions back. "It wasn't....I mean, I wasn't..." He paused gathering his thoughts. "I didn' it to hurt you. Frankly I didn't really think about how it would hurt you. At the time I was so hurt that I couldn't stand to see them anymore, to see her...especially happy." Seeing his son's pain Liam reached forward and gently brought him into a hug. "I'm sorry" He whispered. "So very sorry....take whatever you want. I should have never have kept them from you." Slowly releasing Connor he got up and went over to the box and took back out the picture he had taken from the boy. Refusing to look at the picture himself he quickly handed it to him and put the box back on the shelf. Connor paused looking down at the picture his father had given him. He smiled sadly. "Thank you dad..." He Whispered. Liam nodded slightly and slowly turned to leave the room. Just short of the door he stopped and looked back. "Are you almost finished packing?" He asked. Connor nodded in return. "Do you think I'll like boarding school in France?" He asked quietly. "You'll love it." Liam answered. "There are many beautiful things in Paris." Connor smiled and slowly stood. Putting on a brave face, he nodded. "I'm sure there are." He agreed. "I'll be finished packing soon, I'll call you when I'm ready." Liam grinned at his son's brave front and left the room. Connor looked down at the picture and smiled at the memory he was now finally able to totally recall. Maybe boarding school wouldn't be so bad after all? Setting down her bags, Amelie looked out at the planes currently on the runway. In a few hours she herself would be on a plane headed far from what had once been her only home. She wasn't really sad, excitement for the journey and her mothers opportunity soon drove that away. This was the chance of a lifetime. Her mother had worked so hard to make her life prefect, this was her gift to her mother. A positive outlook on what could be considered as a incredibly scary change. Smiling at that thought she turned to look for her mother. Buffy looked a little worse for wear, her auburn hair pulled back from her face in a messy bun her clothes slightly rumpled. She was stressed about her design to leave New York, this was her first trip out of the country since she left England over ten years ago, and her first trip with Amelie. Noticing Amelie's dark eyes fixed on her Buffy smiled nervously and pushed at the hairs falling in her face. Amelie smiled reassuringly.

"Your hair is a mess." She stated. "Let me fix it." Moving to sit over by her mother Amelie gently took her hair out of the bun it was in and began straightening it with a brush she had pulled from her purse. "I don't understand why you insist on coloring it, mom." She breathed. "I think you'd look beautiful with blonde me." She smiled. Buffy frowned and ran her fingers through Amelie's long blonde hair. Creases furrowed in her brow as she contemplated how to answer her daughter. "He liked blondes." She stated bluntly. "Oh." Amelie responded, knowing from experience not to push her mother for more information. She could tell from her mother's tone that the subject was closed. "Tell me about where we are going, mom." She asked changing the subject while pulling her mother's hair back into a low ponytail. "Europe?" Buffy asked with a laugh. "Or do you mean our new home?" "Home?" Amelie questioned moving away to look at her mother. "What do you mean? Home? I thought we were traveling with the company? You know from city to city..." "Well," replied Buffy. "I've been thinking....and I've decided that I'd rather rent a flat for us to stay in when I'm not with the company than using hotels all the time. I thought it would seem more...homey than traveling all the time. What do you think?" Amelie grinned brightly at her mother. "I'd like that, it makes me feel a little better about all this." "I thought so." Buffy sighed. "Are we doing the right thing?" Her daughter nodded and placed her head in her lap. "Whatever makes you happy, mom." She whispered. "Where are we going to live?" Buffy basked in her daughter's warmth. "I was thinking.....Paris." She responded. 2 The door opened slowly, creeking a bit at the hinges to reveal a small loft like apartment. The main hall in the flat lead to a small unfurnished living room with a kitchenette, where it branched off into another hall. Pausing in the main room Buffy asked, "So what do you think?" Amelie took in her surroundings observing the atmosphere that surrounded her. "It's nice." She said. "Are the bedrooms down that hall?" Buffy nodded and grasping Amelie's hand pulled her down the hall to see the rooms. Opening the first door she came to in the hall, they entered. The room was medium sized and had a beautiful view from a balconied window out on to the city of Paris below. "This is your bedroom." Buffy told her daughter. "Mine is the one across the hall, the bathroom is the door at the end. There's bathtub, with a built in shower. It's quite nice." Amelie was still looking out the large window in 'her' new bedroom. "Are you sure you don't want this room?" She asked. "I mean the view is beautiful! It's not fair..." Buffy smiled. "My room is a little bigger, and don't worry in Paris all the views are beautiful! Are you sure you

like the place?" Her blonde daughter turned to face her. "Of course." She replied. "What did you think I was expecting? A mansion?". Buffy laughed. If Amelie only knew where she could have lived! Donnelley manor...was defiantly classified as a mansion. Amelie shook her head at her mom, she was strange sometimes. "So when does the company start up?" She asked. "We have rehearsal all next week, Willow the choreographer is calling me on my cell with the details later today. But I know we are in Paris for a least a month...after that I'm not sure where were headed." Buffy answered. "Good, I'm glad were here for awhile. Maybe we can makes some friends then." Amelie stated. "I hope so, sweetie." Her mother replied.

Liam grimaced. He wasn't so sure if sending Connor to boarding school was such a good idea, but his family had insisted on it. All the rest of the Donnelley's had attended boarding school and Connor should as well. He was twelve now and capable of living on his own, or at least that was what his grandmother and aunt Cordelia had said. It was too late to change his mind now though, they were already in Paris and on their way to the school. Connor seemed to be handling it well, although since the previous week when he had found Buffy's picture he hadn't spoken much to his father. He was still angry about the fact that the pictures had been hidden from him. Liam inhaled sharply, he couldn't afford to think about Buffy right now. He was far to busy getting Connor settled in at school. Arriving outside the dormitories he turned off his Jaguar's engine and got out of the car to stretch. It had been a long drive from London, but he refused to let anyone but himself take Connor to Paris. After he dropped him off he wouldn't be seeing his son until Christmas, a whole four months from now. Connor who slept most of the drive down asleep was just beginning to stir in the passengers seat. Hearing his father exit the car he assumed they had arrived in Paris....his new home. It sounded pretty strange to him, he had lived in Donnelley manor his whole life. Everything outside of London seemed so foreign to him. Stretching he exited the car and looked up to see the large majestic building that was his dormitory. He gaped up at it. "Kind of overwhelming? Isn't it?" Liam asked. "I felt the same way when I first got here, but don't worry it really is a great school." He smiled. Connor gulped and nodded silently gathering his bags his father had taken out of the car. Together they began the walk up the steep staircase to the entrance. "Here goes nothing." Connor sighed. Entering the main room of the dormitory they came to the student check in desk. The young women seated at the desk looked up to greet them, her attention immediately focusing upon Liam. "Hello." She smiled reaching out to shake his hand. "My name is Gwen. My son goes here as well, I'm

volunteering here today for check in. How can I help you?" Liam smiled back, used to the attention females tended to lavish upon him. His dark and handsome looks often found him the center of attention. "Donnelley." He replied grasping her hand and kissing it instead. "Connor, what room is he dorming in?" "Donnelley? Your Liam Donnelley?" Gwen asked blushing. "Wow, it's an honor to have *your* son attending St. Francis." Looking down at the housing list she located Connor's room number and pulled out a large move-in packet with keys and handed it to Liam. "Room 207. Next floor up, third door to you right. If need anything else...just ask. I'll be here all day." She flirted. Liam nodded in thanks and turned with Connor in tow to find room 207. Up the stairs and right three door down they found it, just like Gwen had said. Removing the keys to the room from the package Liam unlocked the door and stepped in. The room seemed cozy enough, a small bed, fridge and desk cluttered the minimalist space. "Just the same as when I went here." Liam said shaking his head. "You think they could afford more with what we pay." Connor snorted. "It's fine." He replied. "Thanks dad, you know for bringing me here your self. I know your you should probably be on your way." Liam turned to look at his son, eyeing him with interest. "Your welcome, Connor." He sighed. "I know I'm busy, just remember I'm never to busy for you. You mean the world to me. Your right though, I should get going.....are you all right if I go?" His son smiled and nodded. "I'll be fine" "OK." Liam responded. "Just remember that I'll be in Paris for the next week because of work, so if you need anything, anything at all to call my cell." "I know." Connor laughed. "Now get going!" Laughing in return Liam pat his son on the back. "All right, I'll see you soon." He grinned as he left the room. After his father's departure Connor looked around the bare room as fear began to sink into his system. It wasn't so easy being brave now. Straightening his shoulders in determination he set about unpacking his things. He was going to be okay, he was after all a Donnelley wasn't he? Buffy jumped into conciseness when she heard the phone ring. Running a hand through her below the shoulder length hair she sat up. She had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room again. The phone continued to ring, she quickly reached over to the table where the receiver sat and answered it. "Hello." She said trying to sound as awake as possible. "Buffy?" The voice answered. "It's Willow." "Oh, hey Wil." Buffy greeted her employer. "What can I do for you?"

"I was just calling to remind you that tonight after the opening there's going to be a big gala type thing. An after party I guess sums up what I'm talking about. Any ways, word has it there are going to some real big wigs there. So dress to kill, not that you need to try." Willow's voice spoke pleasantly. "Thanks for telling me. Any ideas on who will be attending this 'thing'?" Buffy asked. "Not sure really, just some big names in the dance and music industry. I have a feeling this is going to mean an even bigger break for you Buffy, and you deserve it. You are the best dancer the company has!" Willow answered. Buffy smiled slightly. "Thanks Willow, but I'm fine with how things have worked out already. I love working for your company, how else would I have gained such a great friend as you." "Same to you Buffy." Willow giggled. "Your a great friend, that's why I think you have what it takes to make a real name for yourself.....which brings me to another point. Why won't you just agree to put your actual name in the program?.." "Willow, we've been over this. I just prefer to maintain a private and a public persona, when I dance I want it to be under a different name. It makes me feel more comfortable....a lot of famous people do it, why shouldn't I be allowed to do it as well?" Willow sighed. "All right, all right. I guess there's no changing your mind. I'll see you at rehearsal before the 3 hours....oh gosh. I'd better go!" "See you then." Buffy responded before clicking the phone off. 'Three hours!" Buffy thought in panic. 'Time to get it together'. Getting up from the couch Buffy stretched and turned to walk down the hall to shower. Passing Amelie's door she peeked in. Seemed her daughter too had fallen asleep. She knocked quietly on the door, causing Amelie to stir. Amelie open her eyes sleepily to look at her mother. "Hi." She yawned Buffy smiled. "Only three more hours, until dress rehearsal. We'd better get a move on." "Wow, I can't believe it's opening night already!" Amelie grinned. "I know sweetie." Buffy answered. "Oh....and tonight. I have to attend some stupid after party for the opening. So I'll have to call someone to take you home and watch you for the evening after the show." "Oh. Okay" Amelie nodded. "You should call Fred. I like her." Buffy smiled. Fred was a good choice, she was the wife of the dance company's director Wesley WyndamPrice. The two had quickly become good friends and she often watched Amelie when Buffy was at rehearsals. "Good idea. I'll give her a call, but let's get a move on. We're running out of time to get pretty for tonight! I need you to help me choose something dressy for the after party." "All right. Let's go then mom!" The two quickly exited the room to prepare for the evening ahead of them. 3 Liam looked at his watch to check the time. Quater to nine, he didn't have a lot of time to get there before the performance started. The only reason we was going to this 'stupid' show was because his good friend Wesley requested that he did. Wesley kept bragging to him about how much talent the company held. He

thought some of the dancers might be of interest to him to use for his newest project. 'We'll see about that.' Liam thought to himself as he finally reached the theater. Jogging up the stairs in an effort to not be late he, grabbed a program guide placed by the entrance and pulled out his ticket to give to the nearest usher. Soon he was placed in his seat, a very nice one at that. Being friends with the director certainly had it's benefits, he was seated in one of the side balconies with a good view of the stage. He glanced around the theater to see if he could recognize anyone in the crowd, when a small blonde head in the front row caught his attention. But before he could get a good look at her the lights dimmed and the show began. Vaguely interested in the show Liam paid it little attention. The dancers were good from what he had seen so far, but nothing stood out in his mind...or at least no one did until he saw, her. The dancer was beautiful, her movements fluid and precise. Her auburn hair curled beautifully around her face, which looked equal elegant. Even from the distance Liam was at he could tell she was gorgeous. He licked his lips nervously, he hadn't felt this kind of attraction to a woman....since, well since his wife had left him. He found it frightening, but also exhilarating. He had to meet this auburn beauty. He had to make her his. When a Donnelley wanted something they usually got it. Sometimes it was a benefit to be rich, powerful and good-looking. Liam smiled gleefully. Suddenly remembering the program guide he had placed by his seat, he picked it up and began his search for the goddesses' name. Scanning the guide he quickly found her. Playing the lead, Elizabeth Rourke. He'd have to ask Wesley to introduce them at the after party...and perhaps even set it up to be a private moment for the two of them. 'Well.' He thought. 'Today's your lucky day, Elizabeth Rourke."

"Final curtain!!!" Willow yelled to the dancers backstage. "Hurry up everyone and get out there to take your bows! This is your moment relish in their applause!!" Frantically gathering all the dancers together she pushed them out in groups to bow to the crowd. Buffy fidgeted nervously, for some reason she had felt nervous all night. Like someone important had had their eyes on her the whole night she shook off the feeling and put a smile on as prepared to cross the stage. She bowed in the center and glowed from the applause she received. Looking up she met Amelie's eyes and practically burst into tears seeing the love and honor her ten year old held for her. Smiling brightly she bowed again and exited the stage. Buffy entered her dressing room and began to change out of her dance costume into a robe. She needed to shower before the after party she was just a little sweaty from the show. Just as she got her robe tied around her waist there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Buffy called, turning to face the door. The door open to reveal Willow holding Amelie's hand. In a mere second Amelie was crushing her mother in a hug. Buffy smiled as tears began to fill her eyes. "You were awesome mom!!"Amelie stated proudly. "Thank you, sweetie. Your praise means the world to me, even more than what the reviewers say." "You mean it mom?"

"Of course she does." Willow supplied. "Fred will be here in a few minutes to take Amelie back home. You don't have long to get changed for the after party, Buffy." "Oh....I'll try my best to hurry. I just need to jump into the shower....I'll be ready in 15 minutes tops!" "Good good! I'll go see if I can find Fred." Willow said turning and exiting the room only to run into Fred. "Oh, Fred.....sorry." She smiled. "It's all right. Is Amelie all ready to go?" Fred asked. "I think so." Buffy stated. "I'll see you at home, have a fun night with Fred. I'll tell you all about the party tomorrow." Amelie nodded. "Night mom. Have fun, I love you." "Love you too." She whispered as she kissed the top of Amelie's head. "Now get a move on, I got to look respectable for this party. What would people say if I showed up in a bathrobe!" Everyone giggled at the image as Fred took Amelie's hand and lead her from the dressing room. Looking down the hall to make sure Amelie was out of earshot Willow closed the door and turned to face Buffy. "Willow?" Buffy questioned. "Ok.... I didn't want to say anything in front of Amelie, but after the show one of Wesley's good friends approached him about you. He said he was very interested in meeting you. This could be big Buffy!!!" Willow squeaked excitedly. "Oh..." Buffy responded. "And what did this 'friend' say he wanted?" "I'm not sure. But I do know that this guy is big time." "Guess, I'll just have to wait and see then. I'd better hurry up and get changed. I'll meet you in the common room in 15 minutes from now." "OK. See you then." Willow nodded as she exited the room. Slight panic pulsed through Buffy's veins. What would someone want from her? Curious to find out she quickly gathered her things to get ready for the party. 4 Buffy smoothed the front of her dress trying to steal her nerves. Glancing beside her, she looked at her reflection in the mirror that hung decoratively in main hall outside of the party. Taking in her reflection she analyzed herself, the knee length emerald green silk dress she wore accented her auburn hair. She pulled at the strands framing her face, sighing she set her shoulders let her hands drop to her sides. She was delaying the inevitable, she was going to have to go into the party eventually. "Oh come on Buffy." Willow called from in front of her. "There's no time like the present. Let's go." Before Buffy had a chance to answer Willow had grabbed her by the wrist and was dragging her in towards the party. Finding an empty space at the edge of the room Willow stopped. "See, it's not so bad." Willow chided. Buffy smiled nervously and looked across the room to see one thing that would help her relax....the bar. "I'm going to get a drink, Wil." She supplied. Willow nodded.

"You want anything?" Buffy asked. "No I'm okay. In fact I see Wesley over there." Willow pointed. "I should go talk to him. I'll see you later." Walking over to the bar Buffy ordered herself a martini. Hopefully a drink would help her relax. Why was she feeling so nervous any ways? Wesley turned around when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Willow. "Oh, there you are Willow." He said with his British accent. "I was just telling my friend about your wonderful choreography in this production." Willow blushed and turned to look at Wesley's friend. He was tall, over six feet she'd bet, with dark hair and even darker eyes. He was breathtakingly handsome, if you went for the godly type. Even Willow had to admit attraction to this man despite her personal preference for woman lovers. Suddenly Willow was struck with a sense of recognition looking at the man. "I'm sorry.' She asked. "But have I met you before.....something seems very familiar about you..." "I don't think so." He replied. "I'm Liam Donnelley, it's very nice to meet you Willow." "Donnelley?" Willow gasped. "As in Donnelley productions? Are you the friend who was interested in our lead?" Liam nodded his head. "Yep, that'd be me. She was incredible I can't wait to meet her." "What do you want with Bu...Elizabeth?" Willow corrected herself quickly. Not noticing Willow's stumble on her name Liam continued. "I think she might be just what I'm looking for, for my next project." "Oh." Willow answered sensing something else lying behind Liam's motivation. 'Maybe, he likes her.' She thought. 'Buffy could use a relationship to perk her up, and this man is gorgeous!' "Have you seen Miss Rourke?" Wesley questioned Willow. Turning around to look at where she had left Buffy, she wrinkled her nose. Where had she gone now? "She was over there a minute ago." Willow answered. "Elizabeth is probably hiding out somewhere, you know how she hates social gatherings." Wesley laughed. "All right, if you see her would you tell her I'm looking for her." "No problem Wes." Willow smiled. "I'll be sure to tell her. I'm off to start looking." Willow turned and left the two men standing in wonder as she went off in search for Buffy. 'Where could she have gotten too?' She wondered. Liam smiled. "So, she a shy one then Wes?" "You could say that..." Wesley replied sensing more than business behind his friend's question. "Now, that we are alone again. Maybe you can tell me what you really want from Elizabeth." "Wes!' Liam spoke in mock shock. "What makes you think I have other motives, than business?" Wesley smiled tightly. "Because I know you Donnelley. Elizabeth is a very beautiful woman, she's a good friend. Let me put it words you'll understand. If you hurt her, you'll be in big trouble." "What makes you think I'll hurt her?"

"Maybe because you've hurt every woman you've dated since I've met you. Six years of painful break ups, Elizabeth deserves better than you." "Maybe I've changed." Liam shrugged. "Yeah...I'll believe that when I see it." Wesley replied. "But I'll give you this last chance to prove me wrong. If you screw this one up Liam, I'm never helping you out again." Liam smiled. "Thata boy, Wes! Don't worry the Donnelley's will be donating a large sum to your dance company." "They'd better be. Otherwise I'm headed straight to hell for helping you out." He muttered. "Go to the back, my office is the first door to the left. I'll see if I can usher Elizabeth in for a 'private' moment." Liam smiled. "Thanks again Wes." Scanning the crowded party Willow looked for Buffy. It took nearly fifteen minutes before she caught a glance of golden red hair in the back corner of the room. She approached to see Buffy gulping down a martini. Brow furrowing with concern she asked, "Buffy? How many of those have you had?" "Just a few. You should try one, they're wonderful!" Buffy giggled twirling the stir stick between her fingers. "Buffy!" Willow gasped. "Are you drunk?" "Pfft, me. Never." Buffy waved off Willow's accusation. "You so are!" "Maybe a little." She whispered holding her fingers in front of her showing a small amount. "Ok." Willow said pulling Buffy further into the corner. "Pull your self together. Remember how I told you Wes had a friend who wanted to meet you? I just meet him,!" Buffy nodded and stopped. "Wow?" She questioned. "Why wow?" Willow licked her lips nervously. "He is an important guy in Europe Buffy. Even I've heard of him before, but that's not all...he's very attractive. I got the impression he was interested in more than just a business deal with you." "Oooooh, a sexy man." Buffy smiled. "I haven't had one of those in awhile...this is looking better and better, but then again that might be the alcohol!" She giggled. Willow frowned. She wasn't sure how this was going to work out. She'd never seen Buffy act drunk before. 'Hope she can pull this off.' She thought to herself. Turning around she saw Wesley approaching them. "Willow. Buffy, there you are." He smiled. "Wes!" Buffy beamed grasping his arm. "Where is this good-looking friend of yours I keep hearing so much about?" "Buffy?" Wesley questioned, looking up at Willow. Willow smiled tightly at Wesley and gave him the 'drinky-drinky' motion. 'Oh.' Wesley mouthed at her. He shrugged. "If you come with me Buffy, I think he's waiting in my office to meet you."

"Good! Let's go!" Buffy chirped happily. "I'm completely up for meeting attractive men." Leaving Willow behind to worry about Buffy, Wesley lead her towards his office. "Right this way Elizabeth." He smiled as he opened the door to his office. "Have good meeting." With that he closed the door and left the room leaving Buffy alone with his colleague. 5 Putting down her glass on the bookshelf beside her Buffy straightened her appearance the best she could and turned to look at the man who had requested her presence. He was sitting at Wesley's desk his back to her. She couldn't tell much from this view, but she knew he had dark hair. She liked dark hair. Smiling she spoke. "So Mr. Big Wig guy. You wanted to see me?" Without turning he responded. "Your a hard woman to find Elizabeth." His voice was rich and velvety. Recognition twinged deep within Buffy's mind, pushing it aside she blamed it on her swimming conciseness. Maybe she did drink too much. Blushing at the idea she shifted her attention to the bookshelf she stood beside and tried her best to focus on the books it held. Her companion stood. She could see him out of the corner of her eye through her hair that hung over her face. He was tall, well muscled and looked like a god...from what she could see. Sucking in breath, she tried her best to concentrate. The alcohol in her body was making it harder for her to think. He slowly crossed the room so he was standing behind her. "Your a beautiful dancer." He commented reaching out to run a finger down her arm. Excited shivers running down her spine, Buffy's head shot up. "Thank you." She whispered hoarsely. If only the spinning would stop, she steadied herself by leaning on the book shelf. "I was wondering...." He asked. "If you'd be willing to go out with me?" Still looking at only the back of her head, he continued to stroke her arm. Suddenly realizing the position she was in Buffy's eyes flashed with anger. How dare this man think he could weasel his way into her bed, by using his position of power. "Listen here buster!" She exclaimed turning suddenly to face him. Meeting his chocolate brown eyes she stammered. "I...I...I" Panic hit Liam has he looked into her fiery hazel depths. He went with his first urge and pulled her towards him silencing her with his lips. The first few minutes she was cold and rigid against his lips, but slowly she relaxed and responded by pulling him closer. He ran his tongue over the inside of her mouth gently savoring the feeling. Instinct taking over he pushed her into the bookshelf causing her to jump up and wrap her legs around his waist dropping her strapless shoes to the floor. He brought one his hands up behind her head to hold her lips to his mouth and ran the other over her thigh to rest gently on her silk encased bottom. She panted in satisfaction at the connection they had made. Without breaking their lips Buffy began to tug his shirt out his pants and worked the buttons feverently with her fingers. Her skirt already bunched around her hips, Liam pushed it higher with his hand that now rested on her thigh. Pushing the bunched silk to her waist her caressed the skin it revealed, and gasped when he realized she was wearing only a skimpy thong.

Slowly removing her legs from his waist he put her back on the ground. Kissing his way down her neck he threw his now unbuttoned shirt onto the ground as she worked quickly at unfastening his belt buckle. Passion driving them both on they, had little time to think about what it was they were doing. Alcohol and passion pulsing through her blood Buffy dropped his pants to reveal his turgid member encased in black silk boxers. She gasped as he kissed his way down her chest stopping to place wet open mouthed kisses on her hardened nipples. Stiff and scraping against her silk dress he found easy access to them as he pushed her straps down her shoulders. Circling his tongue around her aureoles Buffy gasped and ran her fingers through his hair. Pulling his head up to meet hers in another searing kiss, the dress fell to floor. Leaving Buffy clad in only her skimpy underwear. Seeing his chance Liam backed the two of them up and turned to push her back down onto Wesley's desk. Buffy lay on her back on top of the desk breathing rapidly Closing her eyes in hopes to focus on the situation, her efforts to concentrate flew out the door the moment he pressed his mouth to her stomach. Liam kissed a trail between the valley of her breasts down the flat plain of her stomach and stopped to lavish attention on her delicate hip bones. Pressing a a delicate kiss on top her panties he brought his fingers up to loop beneath at the hem and tugged them down towards the floor, baring her golden curls to his eyes. Parting her lips he inserted a finger testing her readiness for him. She was dripping wet and tight to boot. She mewled as he pushed another finger into her. No longer able to control himself he quickly removed his fingers and pulled his shoes and boxers off. His hard cock ached for her, pushing her legs further apart he entered her hard and fast. They both sighed at the contact. Pulling her so she was sitting on the desk with her ankles linked behind his back he began to move rhythmically within her. Hiding her face in the crook of his neck she began to pant hard as her first orgasm approached, snaking his hand down between their bodies he pinched her slick nub causing her to go over the edge. As she came down from her high he pulled her into another kiss. Mimicking the motions going on in another lower area with tongue he found himself close to the edge. When she reached behind him to grasp his shoulders, running her nails down his back. He lost control, he pumped harder bringing her to the edge once again. This time though, the fluttering of her walls around him caused him to come as well. He jerked as he released his hot seed into her womb, keeping her close until they both came down from their high. Fever dying down Buffy opened her eyes to find her self resting in the arms of a man. Head still spinning from the martinis she had drank. She panicked and tried to pull away. "Let me go." She croaked. "Let me go." Tears began to run down her face, sensing her distress Liam let her go. She jumped up quickly, hair covering her face as she grabbed her dress and put it on quickly, keeping her eyes on the floor. Embarrassed by her actions she could not look this man in the eyes....eyes so similar....she shook her head it was the alcohol paying tricks on her. Unsure on how to handle the situation Liam quickly dressed himself in his boxers and pants. Pausing to grab his shirt from the ground he looked up to see Elizabeth curled in the corner by the bookshelf crying. Shrugging his shirt on he approached her again. "Look..." He spoke as gently as he could. " happened. I'm sorry....this isn't how I wanted it to happen." He placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her hair away from her face. Once again met with her eyes he gasped, looking back at him was the one person he and longed to see for so many years. "Buffy?" He question running his thumb over her lips. Closing her eyes her pain, tears brimming at their edges she nodded. Not wanting to accept what had happened.

Liam continued to caress her face. "Your's not blonde." He stated the first thing he mind could concentrate on. Turning her head harshly from his grasp, Buffy steeled herself. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" She yelled. "I can't....I can't.....I left you." She stood up quickly and backed towards the door hiding from him. "I...I ...HATE you!" She screamed. "I hate you, Liam Donnelley!" Grasping at the door knob she managed to open the door. Liam bringing himself back to the reality of the situation stalked over to her and grabbed her wrist. "Where do you think your going?" He gritted through his teeth. "Where ever you aren't!" She retaliated. "Let go of me!!" Pulling away quickly she managed to free her arm and ducked to grab her shoes from the floor. She ran out of the room right into Wesley. "Wesley, oh Wesley!" She sobbed into his chest. "Buffy?" He questioned looking up to see Liam standing radiating anger from the doorway. "You! Donnelley I knew you'd only hurt her! Stay away from her." Liam set his jaw. "If it were only that simple Wes. I can't." "You can't?" Wesley questioned angrily as he held the weeping woman. "What did you do to her? I never knew you were a monster Liam!" "She.." He started. "Buffy, she's my wife." "WHAT!!?!" Wesley shouted. Looking up from her place nestled in Wesley's arms Buffy looked up to meet Liam's face. Her eyes blazing with hatred. "I'm not your wife!" She cried. "Maybe I was once...." Bringing back her arm she threw her right shoe at him. "You, you LYING! CHEATING!! BASTARD!!!" She followed suit by throwing her left shoe at him. He ducked missing being struck by either of her drunken attempts to nail him. "Are you drunk, Buffy?" He asked. "If I was, it would be none of your business!!" She shrieked. "Stay out of my life!" Buffy ran as fast as she could back to her dressing room at the other end of the building and locked the door. Sliding down the back of the door she fell into a pile and began to weep. Why did the world have to be so cruel? 6 Staring at Liam Donnelley, Wesley tried his best to comprehend the situation. "You were married to Buffy?" He asked.

Liam nodded. "I'm taking things didn't end well." "Well gee Wes, I'm sure she just threw her shoes at me to tell me how much she missed me. Of course it ended badly....don't most marriages?" Wesley coughed into his hand. "Taking in both of your apperances....I figure it couldn't have been only shoe throwing that went on...and IN my OFFICE!" Liam smiled gravely. "That was before she figured out it was me....I didn't realize it was her until, well until after either. As strange as that sounds." "I dunno, having a beautiful and willing woman is enough to make any man forget about anything else but the moment. But it doesn't make it right." "Your right...god this just makes things worse. Connor was just beginning to accept my apologies from keeping Buffy's pictures from him. If he finds out she's in Paris, and that I know she's here....he'll never speak to me again. DAMN IT!" Liam cursed. "Connor?" Wesley questioned. "Your he...Buffy's?" "No." Liam answered shortly. "But he might as well be, she's the only mother he ever remembers having." "Oh....well, what about Amelie?" "Am-a-who?" Liam looked confused. "Guess not." Wesley mumbled. "What? Who are you talking about?" Liam asked harshly. "Buffy's daughter." "She has a kid!" Liam shouted shocked. "No wonder she left me, probably got pregnant by her 'lover'.....that bitch." "Don't you talk about Buffy that way. She is a wonderful person! Just because you were an ass and lost her, it's not fair to treat her like, like...." "What? A whore? She just proved to me she was. She didn't know it was me Wes, but she begged for it!" "Liam, I know things are out of hand right now. Take a few days to cool down. I'll talk to her, see if I can get her to be willing to talk to you....I...We'll figure something out." "Forget it Wes, I don't ever want to lay my eyes on Buffy Summers again!" Liam said determinedly.

Soft knocking reached Buffy a few minutes later as she lay on the floor of her dressing room. Unable to answer the door she heard someone softly speaking. "Buffy. It's me Willow. Let me in." Gathering herself up Buffy managed to open the door a enough to let Willow in. Even though she didn't much feel like company at the moment. She smiled sadly. "Sorry, I'm a mess." Buffy said as she tried to smooth her crumpled dress and rub the black away that she was sure was gathering under her eyes.

"Oh Buffy!" Willow exclaimed pulling her into a hug. "What happened? All Wesley would tell me was that you needed a friend right now..." Buffy sniffled into her friends shoulder. Gasping for breath between the tears she manage to get out, "It was hi..him!" More confused than ever Willow gently removed Buffy from her arms and placed her on the small lounge the room held. Crouching to her knees she looked Buffy in the eyes. "It was who?" Willow questioned. "Let me help you Buffy..." Wiping her face with her palms Buffy looked at Willow. "" She supplied. "You saw him?" Buffy nodded. "More than that...I...I was drunk. Didn't realize....too late." "Oh, you.....Oh!" Willow surmised her meaning from the present appearance of her clothes. Anger getting the best of her again Buffy screeched. "Fucking Donnelley.....thinks he owns the world! The bastard!" "Whoa! Whoa! Donnelley?" Willow questioned. "You were married to Liam Donnelley?...seriously." Buffy returned to sobbing pitifully. Nodding through her tears she answered, "Yes I once was....a long time ago." Putting it all together Willow jumped her feet. "OH MY GOD!" She gasped. "Amelie.....he's....Amelie....oh god! I knew I recognized him from somewhere....his eyes..." Buffy buried her face in her hands. "Yes...." She bawled. "It's true..." "Does he know?" A long silence followed, before Buffy finally shook her head. "No." She answered quietly. "He doesn't even know I was pregnant, he didn't even care.... He, he forced me to leave him." Realization hitting her once again Willow sighed. "You still love him...." It wasn't a question it was a fact. "Oh Buffy! You have to tell him, you have to tell him everything." "No! No. I can't, I can't. I, I... I won't!" She cried. "All right Buffy." Willow soothed. "We'll work something out, but right now you just need to relax. Let's get you cleaned up and put back together. It'll all be different tomorrow....and in a few days who knows what might change?" "Your right." Buffy mumbled. "I'll get through this....I'm, I'm strong!" Gathering her up Willow forced Buffy into the shower, while she called Fred to inform her that Buffy would be spending the night at her place. She was sure Buffy wouldn't be able to handle Amelie in her current condition. After Buffy had showered and changed. Willow forced her to tell her the entire story of her meeting and marriage to Liam Donnelley. Buffy depicted Liam as a saint, her savor until he broke her heart. But what had Willow even more worried was Buffy's admission of another child, of Connor.

"Does Amelie know she has a brother?" Willow asked. Buffy shook her head. "No I didn't want to tell her, it hurt her enough knowing she'd never know her father...I didn't want to add." "Oh. What about Connor? Is it fair to him?" "Oh Wil! I didn't want to leave him....I really didn't...I love him. But, but I couldn't stay. Once Liam makes up his mind about what he wants there's no stopping him, and he wanted me gone." Tears brimmed her eyes again. Willow sighed. "Buffy as much as it pains me to say it, your in a big mess and the only way out is the truth. I know it's going to hurt, but in the end I think it will make it better." Buffy nodded. "Your right." She whispered. "Your right...I just need some time to pull myself together. I need to bury my feelings before I can see him again...I can't let him win. Not again. But Amelie deserves to meet him, if I do it...then I do it for her I owe the Donnelley's absolutely nothing!" 7 Buffy held her breath as read the review in the paper. Opening night for the performance had been over a week ago, and the papers had just now gotten around to reviewing it. Scanning the article Buffy came across a few words.....brillant, beautiful. She sighed a breath of relief, apparently the review was a good one. A bad review on top the situation she was already in could have possible killed her. Rubbing her eyes in frustration, she pushed away the thoughts of Liam's chocolate eyes blazing into her and the feel of his skilled hands on her skin. Fighting temptation was hard, especially when a thought as simple as his lips brought a rush of color to her cheeks. She shook her head, she needed more time before she'd be able to have any contact with him. She needed to be able to be the one in control of the situation when the time came to tell him about Amelie. Thank god she was leaving Paris. The tour was already on its way to Rome, she was leaving this very day to meet up with the rest of the crew. After spending a day at home relaxing with Amelie, she was feeling refreshed and able to move on. Despite the fact that she now had trouble looking Amelie in the eye. She felt ashamed keeping her latest contact with her father secret...but she couldn't very well tell Amelie what had occurred between the two of them that fateful night. Buffy shivered in memory of not only the pleasure he had brought her, but of the pain he had caused. "Mom?" Buffy jumped in fright, fearing Amelie had been able to read her thoughts at that very moment. " scared me!" She sighed. "Are you ready to go? I think I just heard the taxi pull up front." Amelie smiled, totally unaware of her mother's distress. "Oh....yes. Yes. Let's get the bags and go." Grabbing their luggage the two headed down to the entrance of the building to meet their cab. The cabbie leaning against his cab saw their exit, rushed over to carry their bags and opened the trunk, stuffing them in. Buffy open the taxi door and ushered Amelie into the back-seat, shortly following behind her. Smiling at the cab driver Buffy gave him permission to pull away. Looking out the window, relief once again washed over Buffy as she thought of the time she had before she would be forced to see Liam Donnelley again. When suddenly she turned to hear a large crash and blacked into unconsciousness.

Glass shattered against the wall, as Liam threw his newest paperweight in anger. He was seething again, ever since he had seen her, touched her, tasted her, she was all he could think about. "DAMN IT!" He cursed. If he hadn't known better he would have though that this was some sort of sick game Buffy was playing. To make him feel again, and then leave him wanting more. He however knew, Buffy had done no such thing. She hadn't even realized it was him until after it had all happened. What had happened to his innocent Buffy? He wondered as he pulled the only possession of her he had left of her from his pocket. Her skimpy underwear she had left in Wesley's office. Would his Buffy wear such a thing? Perhaps for him as his wife, but publicly? Had she only been a dream he conceived? Something he had thought her to be, but she never was. He wondered, had she always planned to marry him only to leave a few months later? Liam's body shook with frustration. How was he supposed to get any work done. It had been at least a week since he had seen her, wasn't that enough time to move on. 'No.' Liam thought to himself . It wasn't, there were too many questions that still hung in his mind. The most important being the question of her daughter. The thought of Buffy with another man made him feel sick, let alone the thought of her giving birth to a child other than his own. But it had happened, more than once he was sure. Buffy was a gorgeous woman, of course she would have many man lusting after her to be a lover. He himself had not always remained faithful to her since their split...why should she? He ran his fingers through his hair. Frustration was getting the best of him. He needed to pull it together. Settling down, he sat at his desk in his Paris office and began to shuffle through the paperwork that scattered its surface. Just as he was in the middle of reading the latest office bulletin, his phone rang. "Liam Donnelley." He answered all business. "Mr. Donnelley." A female voice replied. "I'm, I'm afraid I have some bad news..." "Bad news?" Liam questioned confused. "There was an accident....your, your child was injured. I suggest you come to Paris General Hospital as soon as possible." "Injured? What? I....I..." "I understand your confusion and shock sir, but I suggest you come as quickly as possible." "Yes, yes...of course." Liam muttered in shock. "What's the address?" "1300 rue Saint Charles. We'll see you soon." She replied as she hung up the phone. Without pausing to think Liam quickly grabbed his coat and headed out his office door directly to Paris General.

Head pounding Buffy struggled to open her eyes. Blinking rapidly at the bright light that flooded into them she tried to focus. Where was she? What happened? The last thing she remembered was....

"Oh, god!" She gasped out loud, hardly recognizing her own raspy voice. Her eyes finally focusing she realized she was in a white room. Crisp white sheets surrounded her body and she was dressed in only a paper gown. Her breath rapidly increasing, it dawned on her that she was in a hospital. "Amelie!" She cried. "My baby? Where's my baby?" Noticing her consciousness suddenly a nurse ran to her aid. "Shh..." She said. "Try to remain's going to be ok. Your all ok. Your daughter is in surgery right now with a broken arm, but she's going to be all right. Just breathe..." Relaxing slightly Buffy's breathing began to return to normal. Thank god Amelie was okay. "We've taken care of everything." The nurse soothed. "Your husband will be here shortly Mrs. Donnelley." Catching only two words of the last sentence, husband and Donnelley, Buffy's eyes grew wide once again as she began to rasp for breath. "No!" She cried. "No...I...I no..." Pinning her down on the mattress the nurse tried her best to calm Buffy down. "Mrs. shouldn''s not good....please RELAX!" Finally realizing her efforts were useless the nurse resorted to giving Buffy a shot to calm her down, but not enough to knock her out. Feeling the drugs burn through her veins, Buffy could do little more than cry. Tears spilled down her cheeks as felt herself drift into an altered state. Moments later a figure burst in through the hospital room door. "Where? Where is he?" Liam asked frantically looking around the room, only to see a small red headed woman curled up on a bed. Confusion muddled his brain. "What?" He questioned. "What is going on?" The nurse took his question as a cue. "Mr. Donnelley, I presume?" "Yes....wha...what?" He paused seeing Buffy's face for the first time. "Buffy?" "It's best if we step outside for a moment while I fill you in." The nurse requested. "Your wife needs her rest." "My wife?" Liam bellowed. "What is going on? She's not my wife! I came because I was told my child was in this hospital!" Walking over to where Buffy lay he hovered above her. "If I find out you were trying to take Connor away...and..and that you hurt him...I'll I'll!!!" He threatened her. "Connor?" Buffy interrupted quietly. "Where is he?" She cried. "Is he here? I want to see him...I...I love him!" Liam looked at her closely and noticed her dazed expression. "What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"Shock...that and some medication." The nurse replied simply. Looking up and noticing Liam for the first time since his arrival Buffy clasped her hand around his wrist. "Liam!" She cried. "My love." Liam tried his best to pull away, but fearing worsening her present condition he relented and knelt beside her bed. Buffy released his wrist only to reach out and run her fingers along his jaw. Tears spilling from her eyes she spoke. "So much pain. I'm Need to know.....Amelie.....daughter. She....she's yours. Ours...mine and yours." Pulling away from him in fear she curled up on the bed once again as the drugs took final possession of her and she dosed off. Too shocked to move a muscle Liam simply stared at her prone figure. What was happening? 8 Waking a few hours later Buffy tried to grasp at what had taken place, but everything was so muddled. Reaching her right hand up to rub her eyes she noticed the iv cord taped firmly to her skin. 'Hospital...right.' She thought without opening her eyes. Her mind continued to slowly process the last few hours. 'Liam!' Her mind leaped. He had been here....and she had told him... 'Oh God!' Her eyes flew open to examine the room, unsure if she wanted it to be the truth or just a dream. Her gaze stopped, falling on his figure slouched in a chair across the room. "Liam." She murmured without realizing she had spoken. Hearing her words, he looked up to meet her eyes. Buffy quickly turned her head away in fear. Seeing her hesitation Liam quietly stood and moved to place his chair beside her bed. Taking a seat beside her he calmly asked, "How are you feeling? It seemed like the drugs they gave you didn't sit well with your system." Still facing away from him, she whispered, "Don't." "Don't what Buffy, make this easier?" He replied angrily. "Look at me....we have to talk. We've been needing to talk for what? 10 years now?!! This is the only chance I'm giving Buffy, so you'd better explain yourself!" Slowly she turned to face him, her face stained with tears. "I don't know if I hurt me so much." She struggled emotionally. Taking in her disheveled appearance Liam sighed heavily. "Would it help if I apologized for the other night? I'm sorry I hurt you, I was angry....and I have every right to be. You think I hurt you? What did you do to me?" "Your the one who wanted me gone..." Buffy replied, closing her eyes from his intense gaze. "What? Buffy when did I ever tell you I didn't want you?" Pulling the stiff hospital sheets closer to her body Buffy wept silently. "You stopped never called...I went for weeks without hearing from you..." "I never heard from you either." Liam answered sternly.

"I tried!!" Buffy sobbed opening her eyes to stare into his brown orbs. "I tried!" "Buffy...I..." "Why did your numbers change? Why weren't you there?" She continued staring him down. From the intensity of her gaze Liam knew she was telling the truth, he gritted his teeth. "Did you ever get through to a number?" "Once." She replied. "I was so happy....I wanted to talk to you so tell tell you about....the baby." She looked down at her hands. " I was told the reason I couldn't get a hold of you was....was because it was over...." "So you left." He answered bitterly for her. Radiating anger he stood and stalked over to the window to look outside. Looking up from her hands to see Liam glowering by the window, Buffy was struck by realization. "You didn't want me to go? Did you?" She wept. Turning once again to face her, he cast his eyes to the ground. "No." Anger pulsing through Buffy's veins, she groped for the nearest object. Her hand settling on a TV remote she picked it up and threw it across the room. "The Donnelley's!" She shrieked. "I fucking hate your family...they ruined my life!" "Your life?" Liam commented. "They're my family and they took away the thing I cared the most about..." Meeting her gaze again, he walked back towards the bed and sat back in his chair. Turning he reached out and tilted Buffy's chin forcing her to look him in the eyes. "How could you keep her from me?" He questioned not breaking their connection. Buffy tried her best to pull away but was stopped by Liam's firm grip under her chin, she closed her eyes. "Open your eyes." He ordered gently. "How could know how much Connor means to me. To know I have another child..." He paused emotionally. "Your child....Buffy it's not fair." Tears running down her cheeks she struggled with words. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She sobbed repetitively. "I..I didn't want her to be hurt too....I wouldn't be hurt by you again!" Wiping her tears away with the pad of his thumb he brought her head to rest against his chest. "Shh...." He soothed. "I won't hurt her....she's daughter. I haven't even met her yet, but I already love her. She's part of you Buffy, part of us....she represents the love we once had." Buffy pulled away. "Is Amelie okay?" She questioned. "I remember the nurse saying...." "She's fine, a broken arm. She's in recovery right now...sleeping, she's not allowed visitors yet." "So, you haven't seen her yet?' She questioned. Liam shook his head. "I'm not sure I could yet even if she was awake...what would I say to her? Would she even know who I was?"

"Yes...she's seen pictures. She's dreamed her whole life of meeting you...." "She's always known?" He asked. Buffy nodded. "There never was anyone else to tell her about...who could possibly be her father..." "Are you telling me, that in the past ten and half years you've never had a relationship?" "Not any Amelie has known about, but of course I've had some dates...." "So there never was anyone else?" He questioned locking his eyes on her face. "No...." She whispered sadly. "I was still too much in love with you to move on..." Lifting her hand to his mouth he kissed her palm gently. "Tell me about her." He asked softly. "Tell me about Amelie....our daughter." Buffy smiled slowly. "She's beautiful. She has your eyes and blonde hair...." "Like you..." Liam said fingering her now auburn locks. "Why did you change your hair color?" He asked. "You always told me how much you loved my long blonde hair. My golden locks...after I left I chopped my hair off and changed the color. It was a rebellion of sorts..." Liam smiled crookedly. "Well, it didn't still look beautiful." Brushing off his compliment she continued. "Amelie is always after to me to let it be blonde again...she doesn't like it auburn. She's so stubborn, just like you." He sighed. "Connor seems to have picked up that habit as well." Grasping his hand Buffy looked into his eyes. "Connor?" She questioned. " is he?" "He's good...he's in here right Paris. Attending boarding school...he'll want to see you...if if...well..." "Of course!" She interupted. "I want to see him. I want Amelie to meet her brother....oh god she's going to be angry. She's got your temper too..." "She doesn't know about Connor?" He asked. "No...I couldn't tell her. It was bad enough, I kept you from her. To know she had a brother too...she would have forced me to drag her across the continent. My feelings be damned!" Liam laughed thinking of the fiery daughter Buffy portrayed. She sounded very much like a good mix of their personalities. Gazing into Buffy's face again he was absorbed by the moment and leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips. Before either of them could contemplate what their present actions could mean. Buffy's nurse entered the room, causing them to jump apart. She smiled at Buffy and Liam. "I see things have settled down." She said happily. "Good timing! I came to bring you some good news. Your daughter should be awake soon and ready for visitors." Sitting up slowly Buffy nodded in appreciation, while Liam looked unsure of how to respond. He clung tightly

to Buffy's hand. "There's more..." The nurse continued. "After the accident when we were running the basic tests we discovered your pregnancy." 9 "Pregnancy? What....?" Buffy asked shrilly. Liam looking just as shocked as Buffy sounded, released her hand and jumped to his feet. He then began pacing and running his hands through his hair in dismay. The nurse smiled nervously. "I'm guessing this wasn't something you knew about then... Just let me check your stats. Then I'll leave you alone to discuss it." Neither Buffy or Liam responded from their spots on opposite sides of the room. The nurse proceeded to walk over to Buffy and quickly checked her vitals. Noting that everything looked in order she turned to leave. Stopping a few feet from the door she turned back to look at the room's occupants. "Mrs. Donnelley, I want you to remember how important it is for you to relax's bad for the baby." She spoke. "Right...I..I remember." Buffy replied dazly before the nurse exited the room. Buffy shakily pulled the bed sheets down below her waist in order to rest her hands on the currently flat plain of her stomach. She smiled slowly tracing small patterns across her abdomen before stopping abruptly. She could feel his eyes burning into the top of her head and looked up to meet his gaze. His eyes held a blazing anger she'd never seen before. "How can you smile?" Liam glared. Unsure of how to deal with his anger Buffy spoke softly. "I...I never thought, I'd get to be a mother again....after Amelie." She said wistfully. "I don't expect you to ecstatic about....but honestly...." "Honestly what Buffy? You want me to be happy your pregnant?" He laughed bitterly. A pained expression crossed Buffy's face as she tried to block her emotions by gazing back down to her stomach. Not bothering to look at her face he continued. "So when are you going to tell the father?" Her head shot up to look him in the eyes, understanding passing over her features. "That set for doom and gloom aren't you?" She laughed in a dismissive tone. "For gods sake Buffy, it's not funny!" "But it were always such a jealous bastard....I'd forgotten. Yet, you were always like this when there was no need....the baby's yours Liam." "What?" He asked angrily. "How can you be so sure? We've was just that once." "One time is enough." She smirked rasing an eyebrow. "Need me to go all sex-ed on you? With the charts, pictures and everything?" "It has to be someone else's..." He gritted.

Buffy sighed, tired of the battle. "Nope." " can't be anyone's but yours Liam..." "Why? Because you say so? It doesn't work that way Buffy..." "LISTEN TO ME!" Buffy yelled frustrated. "It. Is. Yours." She accentuated each word hoping it would sink in. "No, it..." "STOP!" She cut him off. Pausing to look directly into his eyes she blurted. "I haven't slept with anyone else." Liam looked at her quizzically. "What?" "You were my in a long time." "How long?" He asked stepping closer to her. Blushing under his gaze she fidgeted with the paper gown she wore, refusing to answer. "How long?" He stepped closer still. " least....two years..." She mumbled. "Two years?" He repeated, looking at her. Buffy shifted uncomfortably. "Two years?" He laughed. "God Buffy are you a nun now?" "I'm just picky...." She muttered. Regaining his composure Liam spoke seriously again. "So....we're having a baby..." "Again...." Buffy replied. Liam tensed thinking of how much he had missed out on by not knowing of Buffy's first much he had missed of Amelie's life. It wasn't going to be like that this time. "It's our second chance." He whispered. "We can do it right this time...." A long silence followed before Buffy questioned his meaning. "What are you saying....? "'s obvious that we still care about each other...and with the new baby Connor and Amelie....don't you think...we should try?" "I know you mean try to be civil....because you can't possibly mean a....a reationship." She blustered. "Why not? I'm willing to try...." He answered reaching for her hand. "We can make it work." Struggling with a reply to his suggestion Buffy sighed. "I'm not sure...." She paused again to think.

"...why are they calling me Mrs.Donnelley? Our marriage was annulled." Her mind flew away from the real subject at hand. "I know.....but your health records...the ones here in Europe, you never had them changed..after, well after. Now answer my question...." Nodding she reluctantly agreed. "Alright....I'll try..." 'For Amelie and Connor's sake...and the baby.' She added silently. Liam smiled. "Good. I'll go find your nurse to see if Amelie is ready to see you." He stood and exited the room. "I hope I'm doing the right thing." Buffy huffed aloud. 10 Buffy peered through the crack in the door into the room. She couldn't see much from her vantage point sighing she steadied her nerves. She had a lot to tell Amelie, and wasn't really sure how to start. She practically had to arm wrestle Liam to prevent him from rushing into Amelie's room when the nurse informed them it was all right to visit. She had won though by explaining how disruptive to Amelie's health it might be to suddenly see the father she dreamed of meeting all her life in the hospital. Buffy knew she had to hurry, she wasn't sure how long her conviction over Liam would last. Finally facing the inevitable she wheeled her wheel chair into the room. Amelie was turned facing away from her, hearing someone entering the room she turned around to see who it was. Seeing her mother she burst into a blinding smile. "Mom! Oh mom!" She cried. Buffy made her way over to the bed and leaned over and brought her into a hug. Tears spilt down from her eyes, she had almost lost her daughter today. They stayed crushed together for several moments before Buffy slowly pulled away and brushed Amelie's hair away from her face. Truly looking at her for the first time she noticed her casted arm, Buffy sighed in could have been much worse. Amelie gazed at her mother sensing something stirring. "Mom?" She asked. "Are you alright?...Why are you in a wheel chair....did something?" Buffy ran a soothing hand over her daughter's hair. "'s ok. The nurse made me use this stupid chair, so I can save my energy or crap like that..." She spoke distractedly, her mind turning over the other matters in her mind. "Good." Amelie smiled. "Now you wanna tell me what else is going on? You got something face." Buffy laughed stressfully. "You know me too well.... I do have something to tell you...and it, it's big." Amelie wrinkled her nose trying to understand. "I've tried to never hide things from you...always tell you the truth...but....even I fail sometimes. I've kept a few things from you. Important things." Buffy clasped Amelie's hand. "Everyone has secrets, mom. I mean, I don't tell you everything either...."

Buffy shook her head. "No this is different.....these are things you should know about....they, Oh god! They involve your father." Amelie looked at her mother in shock. "My dad? But...I thought you told me everything...." "I did....mostly. The truth have a brother Amelie." Buffy said speedily. "WHAT??" Her daughter squawked. "How do I....what?" "A half brother...he's two years older than you. Your father was widowed shortly before we met. Connor, your brother is his son from his first marriage." "I can't...I can't believe you kept this from me." Amelie said as tears welled in her eyes. "I'm SO sorry sweetie!" Buffy soothed. "I'll make it up to you I swear...." "I don't think this is the type of thing you can make up mom." "Your right....but it will be better, things have happened....that are...that are going to change our lives forever." Amelie looked questioningly at her mother. "Your father's here." Buffy blurted. "WHAT??!!" Amelie shrieked again. " up a few weeks ago, accident. We've been seeing each other since..." Buffy lied. "Are you saying....that you are back together with...with my father?" "Yes." Amelie began to shriek yet again....this time happily. "Really? Really? You aren't just saying that?" She grinned. Finally smiling in return Buffy replied. "Nope...he's been hanging around outside. He's dying to meet you." "My dad is here? As in here, here?!!" "Yes....and I'd better go get him before he tries to sneak in." Buffy giggled, sensing her daughter's joy. "Wow...I can't believe it's finally happening....Hey! my brother here too?" She asked hopefully. Buffy shook her head. "I promise you'll meet him though....I'll go get..." She started, when Liam burst in through the door. He looked incredibly nervous. Buffy smiled thinking how sexy he looked all tousled. Frowning at her train of thoughts she opened her mouth to speak. "I could wait any longer..." Liam gibed before Buffy could utter a word. "You were hiding outside the door weren't you?" She asked. "No..." He lied. "Well, yeah okay..." Stopping his conversation with Buffy, he turned to look at his daughter for the first time. She was beautiful,

she held all of Buffy's physical features but staring right back at him were his own eyes. There was no doubt that this was indeed his child. Walking over to Amelie's bed he stopped a short distance away. "Hello." He said, not knowing what else to say.

Amelie starred at him, interest flooding into her dark eyes. She observed his movements as he spoke to her mother, watching his every motion. When he turned towards her and said hello....she was unable to respond. She simply looked up at him unblinking. He was really here. Slowly a small half smile began to creep across her face. "Hi." She replied quietly. Her father smiled in return. "Your even more beautiful than I could have imagined." He declared gazing at her. Amelie blushed and pushed her hair out her face. "I'm glad to finally meet you...Mr.Donnelley?" She questioned unsure of what to call him. At his unhappy expression she corrected. "Dad?" "Liam. How about you just call me Liam for now....until we are both comfortable..." She nodded. "OK, Liam it is." "Amelie....I know I haven't been there for you before...I mean I didn't even know about you until today...but I want to If you'd let me." Liam encroached. Amelie smiled reassuringly. "Of course...especially since your happy with mom again." Remembering Buffy's presence in the room Liam turned to look at her. 'Happy?' He wondered. 'Could they be?' He was willing to try. Unable to meet his gaze Buffy looked down, still feeling overly emotional from everything that had happened that very day. When a thought struck her, had anyone called Willow or Wesley to inform them of her whereabouts? She looked up with panic in her eyes. "Buffy...what...?" Liam questioned. "I...I just was thinking....I don't think anyone has called the company. Willow will be worried sick about me, not to mention....Oh god! The show....." She spoke quickly. Looking back and forth between her daughter and her estranged husband, she realized now was probably not the best time to be panicking. "Sorry." She apologized. "I'll just go see if I can call....I'm sure they'll figure something out..." Liam simply nodded, figuring it was better not to push her in her present condition. "Besides, I'm sure you two would rather have a few moments alone." She smiled softly as she wheeled herself out into the hallway.

Liam turned to look back at his daughter. Both looked at each other uncomfortably, breaking into laughter when they noticed the others discomfort. "So....." Liam laughed. "I guess we should be catching know bonding..." "Yeah...probably...." "Tell me about yourself." He responded pulling a chair up to sit by her bed. "Well..." Amelie started. "I like lots of things...." "Like?" "Books, and reading. Dancing like mom....drawing and painting. Pizza and movies! All sorts of stuff...." Liam nodded. "Tell me more....where did you grow up?, Who were your friends?, Were you and your mother happy? I want to know everything!" "I'm glad. Your really interested in what mom went through aren't really do care about her. Growing up... in New York." She clarified. "Mom was always reluctant to talk about you...but I made her, I wanted to know about you. She was hurt by you....but she never stopped loving you..." Her father's face wrinkled in thought. 'Buffy still loved him? Even now?' "Now it's my turn to ask a question. When will I get to meet my brother?" Amelie asked hopefully. "Soon, very soon." Liam smiled. Buffy hovered outside the door to her daughter's hospital room. She knew she was perhaps intruding on Amelie's private conversation with her father, but her curiosity got the better of her. Just what would they be talking about? She sighed deeply. Everything that was happening was beginning to weight down upon her soul. She had yet another secret to keep from her daughter. She placed her hand on her flat abdomen, still unable to believe that she was pregnant again after ten years. Not only that she was pregnant, but pregnant once again with Liam's child. Buffy practically had to beg to prevent Liam from telling the existence of their new child. She figured it was better to first get things sorted out with Amelie and Connor before they brought up the subject of another child publicly. Liam however, was hard to convince. It was almost like he wanted her to beg him and it made her feel powerless and weak. The Donnelley's were like that....they had to be in control. Had Liam always been in control of her when they were involved before? She was young when she married him ten years ago...twenty hadn't seemed so young back then. But thirty...twenty seemed completely different. Liam always seemed more grown up than her, but perhaps it was his five extra years of life he had over Buffy... Buffy shook her head trying to rid herself of the thoughts her brain couldn't seem to stop bringing to surface. If she was going to make this 'deal', as she choose to call it privately work with Liam she needed to get her feelings out of the way. She was determined to become emotionless towards him... But her plan did have it's faults. She still had to convince her friends and maybe even family that she was indeed 'in love' and that everything was settled between her and her estranged husband. She had her work cut out for her...Amelie would be the hardest of all to fool. She knew her mother too well, but perhaps now as Buffy eavesdropped on Amelie's conversation with Liam she was mistaken. She had never considered that her daughter's need for a father might create a blind spot in her favor. Watching her now through a small crack in the door Buffy could see the love that shone in

Amelie's eyes...she already loved her father. Maybe that love would be enough for her to be blind to her mother's lack of affection to Liam, she was after all only a child and not a rocket scientist. Buffy relaxed. lessening her grip on the wheelchair she was forced to sit in. Then she smiled crookedly. 'Yes.' She thought sarcastically. 'We'll be one big happy family.' 11 Both Amelie and Buffy were held over night at the hospital for observation, despite their quick recoveries. Liam had been less than thrilled by the news, he was in a hurry to make up for lost time with his...well family he supposed. He had had the hardest time not being able to call Connor and bring him to meet Amelie, but Buffy was right, they needed to wait. She first needed to visit with Connor before they threw the idea of a sibling...let alone two into Connor's life. He was used to being an only child, a spoiled one at that. Liam tensed. What was he going to do about his family? It had clearly been their influence that had rid his life of Buffy in the first place. What would they do if they found out he was involved with her again....he'd have to keep it a secret for now. It wasn't like he saw them much anyways...and when the time came to tell them....well, he's think of something. But for right now he needed to sort things out with Buffy. He knew he had once loved her, but was Buffy the same person she had once been. Liam doubted so. Could he love her now that she was a different person? He'd have to wait and see. As of now his deal with Buffy wasn't that of a marriage, but of a business deal. He was bound to her because of their children, he owed her enough to look after her. 'But love?' He wondered as he turned the ignition of his car off. Looking up at the school dormitory he pushed his other thoughts out of his mind. He had more important things to deal with at the Connor. Straightening his broad shoulders Liam brought his fist up to knock on room 207's door. Connor looked up from his textbook to the door. Who would be knocking at his door on a Saturday morning? All of his friends surely were still asleep as it was far too early for them to be awake. Slowly climbing out of his bed he went to answer the door, opening it to reveal his father. "Dad?" He asked confused. "What are you doing here?" "Hey kiddo." Liam answered quickly. "Can I come in?..." "Sure." Connor replied eyeing his father strangely. "Is everything OK?" Liam shifted uncomfortably, pausing to think of what to say. Connor had never seen his father act so weird before. "What is it?" He asked. "Well..." Liam answered slowly. "I guess the easiest way to put this that I meet someone." "You came here to tell me you have a new girlfriend?" Connor questioned exasperated. "I guess you could look at it that way...." "Why do I care? You date women all the time...." Liam paused looking directly at Connor. "This has everything to do with you...." "Oh, god!" Connor gasped. "Your not getting married...are you?!?"

Liam laughed. "No...not yet any ways." Connor looked at his father's uncomfort oddly. "Well then, if it' not that....then what do I care?" " know her." "It's that Gwen lady isn't it...the one that showed us in...I knew..." "No." Liam interupted. "It's not''s her." He pointed to the picture of Buffy he had given Connor that now sat in a pictured frame on his sons desk. Looking in the direction his father was pointing Connor's eyes went wide with shock. "You can't be serious, Dad!" He cried. Liam nodded. "I wouldn't lie about something that had to do with Buffy....we met a few weeks ago in town. We've been seeing each other since." Connor turned to look his father in the eyes....his gaze never wavered. He was telling the truth. "I....I want to see her." He whispered. "I know." His father answered bringing him into a hug. "She wants to see you too. I'll take you to her...she's, she's at the hospital." "The hospital!!" "She's okay...there was an accident, but everything is fine now. But the accident made us see how important it was to move forward with our lives...." Connor pulled away nodding in understanding. "Now, quickly grab your things...and we'll go see her." Liam ushered gently. Quickly changing and straightening his appearance Connor was ready to leave a mere five minutes later. "All right." He sighed heavily controlling his emotions the best he could. "Let's go." 12 Buffy sat up her in hospital bed, pushing the pillows behind her to lean against. It gave her a better view out the window...not that there was much to look at. But being able to seeing anything outside of the bleak room gave her comfort. She nervously tucked the wispy pieces of hair that fell in her face behind her ears. She was leaving the hospital at the end of day. She felt frightened, what would happen to her once she left the safety of these walls? Buffy knew she would be required to actually try to move on in her life...with Liam, and it scared her to death. Where was he? He was supposed to be back already... back from telling Connor of their newly 'restored relationship'. She closed her eyes and tried to gather her strength for when they arrived. A few minutes later she heard footsteps approaching the room. Forcing her eyes open, she looked up to meet Liam's dark gaze. "Buffy..." He started. "Mom?" Connor whispered stepping out from behind his father.

Buffy dropped her eyes to see a small boy that hit Liam at his elbow. "Connor!" She gasped. Looking him over she realized how much he looked like his father, dark hair, strong jaw...but with softer features and blue eyes. Buffy had seen pictures of Darla and knew that Connor had gained these assets from her. Tears began to run down her cheeks as she looked over the son she had lost. "Oh baby!" She cried reaching her arms out to him. Looking at her first questioningly then with tremendous love, Connor practically leaped into her arms. Tears misted in his blue eyes as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. "Mom." He sobbed repeatedly holding onto her tightly. "Shhh...."Buffy soothed kissing the side of his head. "It's all right Connor....everything is all right." She calmed trying her best to remain the same as well. Liam could only stand uninvolved a few feet away and stare. He had no idea, how strong their short connection had truly been. Feeling uncomfortable and left out, he slowly backed out of the room and went to visit with Amelie. Buffy and Connor held on to each other for a long time before he pulled away and began drying his eyes with his sleeves. Buffy looked at him quizzically, unsure of how to proceed. Connor looked back equally as unsure. "Is it true?" He finally asked. Panic shot through Buffy's system. Had Liam already told Connor about Amelie....or perhaps even the baby? Noticing her hesitation Connor continued. "I knew it wasn't....your gonna leave again." Realization dawned on Buffy. "No!" She said sternly. "I am not going to leave." " really are back with dad?" He questioned. Not missing a beat Buffy replied. "'s true." She didn't want to upset the twelve year old boy with indecisiveness. "If he hurts you again or makes you leave....I'll,I'll..." He spoke angrily. Buffy had no idea that Connor had blamed her sudden disappearance on his father. Yet, despite Buffy's personal joy at the fact, she had to push her own feelings back to help rebuild a family. "Connor." Buffy said sternly, cutting him off. "Things happen between adults sometimes...and it's not anyones fault. It takes more than one person to make a relationship work, and usually more than one to make it fail. It's not fair to blame your father for everything that happened between us before, I know there were things I did wrong too." He listened intently to every word she said. " won't leave me again? Will you?" Tears sprang to Buffy's eyes as she realized how much her absence had truly hurt Connor. "Of course not....I love you." "Good." He sighed, sitting himself next to her on the bed and snuggling into her embrace.

The two cuddled in silence, enjoying each others familiar comfort. Buffy lightly stroked his dark head. "I'm sorry." She whispered breaking the silence. Connor turned to look up into her gorgeous hazel eyes and smiled softly. Realizing Liam's absence from the room long ago, Buffy knew where he had gone. To Amelie...she needed to tell Connor about her, before Liam spilled the details of his son's presence. "Connor....sweetie...I...I have to tell you something." He looked at her, interest filling his bright eyes. "You have a sister." She whispered. Confusion struck his soft features. Unsure of his response Buffy contiued speaking. "She's ten, her name is Amelie. She's mine....and your father's." "She's really my sister?" He asked. "By blood? I bet dad blew a gasket when you told him!" Buffy laughed slightly at Connor's depiction of Liam's reaction. "You could say that." She smiled. "Would you like to see her?" "My sister?" He questioned. "She's here?" Buffy nodded. "Just down the hall....I'm sure that's where your father disappeared too." " both were in the accident?" He asked. "Yes....Amelie broke an arm...but other than that we were both very lucky. We should go see..." Buffy was interrupted from an excited squeal down the hall followed by the thunder of quick footsteps. Liam appeared in the door frame grasping Amelie lightly by the waist a few feet off the ground. "Sorry." He smiled wryly. "Couldn't stand the tension could you." Buffy shook her head, some things never change. She looked down at Connor who was nervously looking towards the door. "Put me down! Put me down!" Amelie shouted excitedly. Waiting to judge Connor's reaction Buffy hesitated. Finally seeing the boy nod, she spoke. "You can put her down Liam." Liam gently placed Amelie on the ground avoiding bumping her cast. The second her feet touched the ground Amelie raced over to greet Connor. "Hi!" She chirped. "I'm Amelie....I guess, I guess I'm your sister. You look an awful lot like your dad...well OUR dad. It's pretty crazy huh? Not knowing about each other and now here we are...I mean it's weird!" She spoke in a rush. Buffy had never seen Amelie so excited about anything in her whole life. Connor just stood gaping at his sister, unsure how to reply. "I thought you might be really quiet and stuff, you know like Liam...I mean your dad...OUR dad is. Guess I

was right. That's okay though..." Amelie continued, causing Buffy to break into laughter. "She not....always so.....pushy!" Buffy managed between laughs. Amelie looked back and forth between her parents, although Liam wasn't laughing like her mother was he was clearly amused. Connor still was staring at her. Amelie's blond hair and face was so much like Buffy's, but he could see his father in her too. He turned to look at Liam, "I really do have a sister." He stated. Liam nodded in response. Looking back at his sister Connor smiled. "Hey." He said uncomfortably. "Nice to meet you." Ego bruised slightly Amelie smiled back. "It's the little sister's job to make her brother nervous." She chimed. This time the whole room joined in laughing. Buffy smiled knowing she had succeeded in winning her family back. Now if only she could figure things out with Liam. 13 The scene at the hospital had taken place over a month ago. Buffy now found herself settled back in her flat in Paris unable to dance and bored out of her mind. Amelie was now attending a prestigious all girls school and was gone all day leaving Buffy alone. Liam had thought it unfair if Connor received 'better' education than his sister and so despite losing her daughters company during the day Buffy had relented. It was easier than fighting any ways. Since her return home things had defiantly changed. Liam came over for dinner nearly every night to spend time with Amelie and Connor visited on the weekends. Buffy thought her life would be happier than it was. Connor and Amelie were happy though, and she figured that was all that mattered. They had grown very close since they had met, as had Amelie and her father. But why hadn't Buffy and Liam re-bonded? It was then Buffy realized they avoided each other. They spoke only when questioned by the other and pushed only when they thought an issue important. Buffy sighed. Life was great. Looking at her calendar Buffy suddenly remembered her first baby checkup appointment, how could she forget with all the liquids she had been forced to drink. She guessed other things were on her mind. The baby had been the only thing Liam had managed not to spill yet, but then again he did avoid her. When she was carrying the child inside her it would be hard to not touch her to touch the baby. Now, nearly a month and a half along she still showed no sign of carrying. She looked at the calendar again. It had been a month since the company had left. Buffy gasped learning they were due to return back to Paris tomorrow. A mere few hours and she would have to face her friends, correction she and Liam would have to face her friends. Could they pull it off could they fool them? Her phone rang. Reaching out reflexively she answered. "Hello?" She asked. "Buffy." It was Liam.

"Liam. What can I do for you?" "I just got off the phone with your doctor, she said you missed your appointment this morning. You knew that right?" "No." She flustered. "I've never had a baby before....of course I know. I was just looking at the calendar..." "Good." He interrupted ignoring her snarky tone. "I've rescheduled your appointment this afternoon. I had to pull some strings to get it...but your in." "Oh did you now. How am I supposed to get there?" "I'm coming to pick you up. Be ready in about an hour." "Fine." Buffy replied before hanging up the phone. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. 'Stupid hormones!' She thought, knowing very well it had been Liam's instructive manner that had her upset. Couldn't he just treat her like a normal person and not something else that belonged to him? An hour later Buffy was wrapped up in her coat waiting in front of her building. She stood outside not wanting to make Liam wait, or have to get out of his car. He arrived right on time too. Pulling his car to the curb, Liam was confused to find Buffy outside waiting for him. She opened the door and sat down rubbing her hands together. "Cold?" He asked. Buffy shook her head. "No. Worried." Panic crossed Liam's face. "Worried? Is it the baby? Is it OK?" Buffy looked at Liam calmly. "The baby's fine. I'm fine...thanks for asking. I'm worried friends." "Your friends?" He questioned pulling the car out into the street. "They'll be back tonight...they'll call. I'll have to see them. We'll have to see them." "Oh." He answered. "Oh? Is that all sweetheart?" Buffy replied sarcastically. "What are we going to do?" "About what?" "US!" She exasperated. Liam looked over at her in the passenger seat. "Remember, your supposed to be staying calm." He answered evenly. "Calm...oh, you are one step away mister!" "All right Buffy. Breathe. It's not going to be a problem." "Easy for you to say, they aren't your friends!" "Relax! We can play nice. Haven't we been civil so far?" "Until now." She mumbled. "Never mind." "Good, were at the clinic. Time for your checkup." Liam stated. Too busy arguing Buffy hadn't even realized the car had stopped. She opened to the door after gathering

her purse only to find Liam standing with his hand stretched out in offering to help her out. "I can do it myself." She spoke cruelly. Liam shrugged and started towards the building leaving Buffy to get herself out of the Jaguar. Once inside the clinic Buffy and Liam were ushered right into the doctors office. Sometimes having the Donnelley name was an asset. A few minutes later the doctor walked in and handed Buffy a paper gown to change into. Buffy reluctantly exited the room to change after Liam seemed certain to stay. She changed quickly in the adjoining room and reentered the doctor's office. "Hello." The doctor said. "My name is Doctor Jakobson." Buffy smiled politely at the woman. "Nice to meet you, I'm Buffy. Buffy Summers." "Summers?" She questioned looking over at Liam. "So you two aren't married?" "No." Liam answered coolly. "Not anymore." Buffy muttered. "But you are the father?" She asked. "Yes, he's the father. Let's move on." Buffy answered. "All right....This is basically just a normal checkup. I need to know your history, previous births that sort of thing and then we'll do an ultrasound....see if we can give you a due date." Buffy nodded, while Liam hovered in the corner of the room. "So have you ever been pregnant before?" Dr. Jakobson asked. "Yes, about ten years ago. That's when I had my daughter." "Ten years?" The doctor asked looking down at her Buffy's paperwork to see how old she was. "Was it a difficult pregnancy?" "No, I didn't have any complications. It was the birth that was difficult." "The birth? Why? What happened?" "I'm not sure...but I was in labor for hours on end. I ended up hospitalized for a week after." Liam looked shocked at her admission He never told her she had had trouble before. "Hmmm...I'll have to get your old doctor to fax over your records." Dr. Jakobson replied. "OK, let's see what this baby looks like. You've had an ultrasound before, right?" "Of course." Buffy answered. "Now if you'll just lay down on the table and lift the gown over your stomach. I'll get the jelly and the ultrasound machince...after that we can do the rest of the checkup. Ummm, since I'm sure you'd prefer to have it performed without the father present." Buffy smiled thankfully at the doctor, she wasn't sure if without her help she would ever get Liam to leave. After the doctor left the office to get the equipment Buffy hoisted herself onto the table, but waited for her to return before pulling her dressing gown up. She might as well save her humility for as long as she could. She glanced to see Liam still standing in the back of the room. She sighed deeply. "There are chairs you know."

Sensing her irritation he walked across the room and sat in the chair beside her. "Happy?" He asked. "Now, that is a layered question if I've ever heard one." She whistled. Taken aback by her ever growing sarcasm and grouchiness Liam was unsure how to answer. So instead he changed the subject. "I think...I think you and Amelie should come live with me." "What?" Buffy asked surprised. "I...I don't like you home alone all day. What if, what if something were to happen?" "I've managed through most of my life living alone Liam." "I know...but if we are going to make this work, we should live together. Sooner or later we won't be able to keep your pregnancy from everyone....this just makes the explanation a little easier." Buffy faltered, he was right. "Fine." She mumbled in reply "We'll move in with you." Just then Dr. Jakobson reentered the room. "All set?" She smiled as Buffy began to pull her gown up. 'It's not like he hasn't seen it all before.' Buffy told herself about her present nudity. Liam tried his not to ogle her beautifully revealed body. It was hard to believe that he had touched it over two months ago. Dragging his eyes to rest on her currently flat abdomen, it amazed him to know that she carried his child in there. Buffy jumped a little as the doctor rubbed the cold jelly on her stomach. "Sorry..." Dr. Jakobson apologized. "Now...lets have a look." She turned on the TV screen facing Buffy and began to scan her stomach with the transductor. She pointed at the screen. "Look right here, you should your baby in just a few....oh look there it is." Both Liam and Buffy turned and leaned in to get a closer look. The baby look more or less like a bloby thing on the screen, but still they both smiled. A sudden soft whir filled the small room. "That's the baby's heart beat." Dr. Jakobson announced happily. "I'll make sure to have copies of the pictures sent to your work address Mr. Donnelley." "Thank you." Liam replied distractedly, he was too busy focusing on the picture on the screen. Allowing the parents to have a few extra minutes the doctor was forced to turn off the machine. "Everything looks great so far, now Mr. Donnelley if you would leave the room I have a few more test I need to perform." Liam nodded in understanding and left the room. Once the door shut Dr. Jakobson turned to Buffy. "He's very protective isn't he?" "About things he cares about, yes." Buffy replied. "Your very lucky then." Buffy chose not to answer. 14

Amelie had been more than pleased when Buffy informed her of the plan to move in with Liam. Buffy however, still had her doubts. Willow had called her just as she had expected on the day following her doctor's appointment t o inform her of her return to Paris. Buffy sighed, she'd only be in Paris another few weeks before moving to England. When she talked to Willow on the phone she hadn't mentioned the situation she was in, not yet. She had however asked Willow, Wesley and Fred to come to dinner at the end of the week. That's when she'd break the news...since Liam would be there as well. She had informed Liam of the upcoming situation, and he didn't seem worried at all. He of course also reminded Buffy to keep her stress level down. The man infuriated her! Since they had broken this deal she felt like little more than another one of Liam Donnelley's possessions, something he could control. It wasn't fair, but Buffy knew it was better than battling for custody over Amelie in the long run. Buffy tried to picture what her new life at Donnelley Manor would be like. It certainly wouldn't be the same as before, she had once held a position in the house. Now she felt once she arrived she would become little more than a nanny for the kids, a nanny who happened to be their mother. She certainly wouldn't be the mistress of the house. Liam seemed unattracted to her physically since the discovery of her pregnancy. She was sure he had a string of lovers lined up any ways, he had had a strong sexual appetite when they were married. Unless he had drastically changed, which she figured he had not because of her first encounter in Paris with him, that he must be finding his consort elsewhere. Not that Buffy really cared. She was far to angry with him to care if he wanted her sexually, not to mention his recent behavior towards her. No. Buffy was more than happy to not share Liam's bed. Everything he did now made her feel uncomfortable and like she was with a different man. He wasn't compassionate to her, unless it involved the baby she carried. Buffy realized that he felt obligated. Obligated because of her pregnancy, she felt as though if it weren't for her pregnancy he would have simply battled for custody of Amelie. The unborn child made everything different. Liam shuffled through his paperwork again. He was trying his hardest to lose himself in his work, it wasn't working very well. He ran his hands through his hair and sat down exasperated facing out his office window. Things were going well. At least they were between himself and Amelie, they had bonded quickly and he already felt like he could never live without her. His relationship with Connor was getting stronger too, although his son still was nervous about Buffy leaving. there lay his problem. Since they had decided to go ahead with a reconciliation, she seemed, well irreconcilable. She acted coolly towards him most of the time and the rest she was completely cold. How was he expected to react to such hostility? He wanted to be excepted back into her life, to become her lover again, to comfort her...but how could he when she clearly wanted none of those things from him. The answer was simple, she didn't love him. She was no longer the sweet, innocent, loving Buffy he had married ten years before. She had changed, but there were times he would catch a minor glimpse of the beautiful energetic creature she once been. When these few moments happened he would cherish them before Buffy quickly pushed her past self back into hiding. Tonight would be their first real test. Having dinner with their friends, they would have to prove exactly what this deal wasn't, a lie. Liam figured their friends would be harder to fool than Connor and Amelie, because despite the children's young age they had something else blinding them. Love, Amelie and Connor loved both himself and Buffy. They wanted their parents to be happy, and so they would create an illusion around the idea of that happiness. They'd believe what he and Buffy told them because they wanted it to be true. Wesley would be the hardest to convince. He had seen the aftermath of his first meeting with Buffy in ten

years, he knew the pain he had caused her. He also knew what kind of man Liam was, or at least thought he knew. Liam would just have to prove him wrong, Buffy nervously pulled at the hem of her black skirt, running her hands over her stomach to check that her pregnant stomach was still invisible. She felt that you could tell she was pregnant just by looking at her. Straightening her Lacey top she steadied her breath, it was going to be okay. "You look fine." Liam chasted, sitting on the couch across the room. Her nervous fidgeting was driving him nuts. Why couldn't she just relax? Buffy jumped unaware he had been watching her. She flushed embarrassed at being caught. "Are you sure Amelie will be okay spending the night at a friends house?" She changed the subject. "Of course she will be. She told me she wanted us to have some time alone." Buffy was shocked by Amelie's suggestion, but even more by Liam's simple admission. She knew however that she and Liam would be spending very little time alone. "Is everything ready?" Buffy asked again ignoring the situation Liam hinted upon. "Yes. Now sit down and relax!" He replied irritated. But instead of following Liam's direction Buffy began to pace back and forth in front of the door. "Buffy." Liam scolded. "Can't you just...." She turned to glare at him. Sighing in frustration Liam stood and stalked off to the kitchen to check on things. Buffy feigned relief only to have it shattered by a knock on the door. "No time like the present." She mumbled to herself. Sucking in a deep breath she answered the door, only to be crushed into a hug by Willow. "Oh Buffy!" Willow cried happily. "I've been so worried about you!" "We all have." Wesley added drawing his wife to his side. "It's good to see your OK." Buffy smiled nervously. "Come...come in." Ushering them in through the door Buffy wondered where Liam had gotten too. "So how are thin..." Wesley was interrupted by Liam entering the living room from the back of the apartment. He stared at him. "Liam." Wesley stated. "Hey Wes." Liam replied evenly. "How's it going?" Willow and Fred's eyes both drifted over to gauge Buffy's reaction. Buffy stood almost shaking on the other side of the room. Liam continued across the room in a fluid movement drawing the trembling Buffy into his arms placing a gentle kiss against her cheek. Their guests still too shocked to speak merely stared at the couple. "Sorry." Liam purred into Buffy's ear. "I had an important phone call to make."

Buffy nodded her head trying to adjust to Liam's new put on affection. "It's all right." She answered softly pulling herself gently from his embrace to look in his eyes. What did she see there? She wasn't sure. Wesley coughed interrupting her train of thought. "So..." He asked. "I'm guessing you two have made up then?" Liam and Buffy both turned to face their guests. Liam smiled warmly. "Of course we have, Buffy is the only woman I've ever loved." Buffy was shocked by his admission, until she remembered it was all an act. They were acting, they had to prove to their friends that they were back together because they were desperately in love. "I see." Wesley replied skeptically. "It's true." Buffy spoke finding her voice. She ran her hand along Liam's arm and across his chest. Looking into his eyes she lied. "We're in love." Liam looked at her passionately and Buffy had to struggle to remember it was all an act. When he brought his head down to kiss her, she almost bolted. Instead she stood trembling in her shoes. Liam brought her closer and kissed her until she was breathless, the moment their lips touched he forgot all of the issues they were facing. He knew only one thing, how right it felt to be kissing her. Finally breaking apart they turned back to their guests, Buffy blushed furiously realizing her friends had seen Liam kiss her so openly. Now they stared in shock at her and Liam. Nobody said anything for a long while. Liam continued his attentions on Buffy, rubbing her arms, drawing her near and occasionally kissing some part of her bare skin. She tried her best to ignore him, but felt herself melt under his touch. She remember how ten years ago, when they first met he really used to treat her like this. Like she was loved. "Liam." She scolded sweetly. "Honey, our friends." Liam reluctantly pulled away, only to stand behind her pulling her flush against his hard chest. It was then Buffy felt it, felt just how turned on he was at that moment. She gasped quietly and looked up into his eyes and was met with dark passion. She quickly looked away and back at the guests. She smiled nervously. "Sorry." She giggled tightly. "His still working on self control." Willow and Fred blushed at the suggestion. Wesley did not look pleased. "I'm sorry." Liam apologized. "Wait. No I'm not. I love Buffy and she hasn't been in my life for a long time...I'm more than happy she's back." 'God he's good.' Buffy thought to herself. Willow looked at Buffy, she certainly seemed conformable with Liam Donnelley. In fact she looked incredibly happy to be back in his arms. Willow broke into a generous grin. "Good." She said. "I'm beyond pleased for you both." "When did this happen?" Fred asked. "Well I know, after the last time you saw each other....what changed?" "It was the accident." Buffy answered evenly. "The hospital called Liam, since I forgot to have my European documents changed."

"It wasn't easy." Liam chimed in. "You should have seen the fight she put up!" Buffy felt her skin go red again. "Eventually, after LOTS of begging he won me back." She smiled up at him, her eyes dancing excitedly. He smiled back never breaking character. "Now here we are." "Wow!" Fred and Willow said in unison. "Oh Buffy!" They cried running over to her and dragging her away from Liam. Buffy nearly cried at feeling the physical loss of Liam's body, it was his presence...if even only a persona that made her able to handle the situation. The girls pulled Buffy with them down the hall towards Buffy's bedroom. "Don't worry!" Willow shouted over her shoulder. "We'll bring her back....we just need to have some girl talk." Liam smiled at their departure, then turned to face Wesley. The two men had been left alone in the living room. Wesley still did not look impressed. He continued to look Liam over carefully. Pausing he spoke, "If you hurt her again. You'll find yourself in great deal of trouble." Liam gazed harshly back. "I love her, I would never intentional hurt her. I'm making sure that this time she's safe." Wesley absorbed his tone and posture. "Good." He allowed himself to crack a small smile. "Congratulations." "Thank you Wes." Liam answered knowing he had won his friend's trust. "What would you like to drink?"

15 All three women sat down on Buffy's bed. Fred and Willow turned anxiously to look at Buffy, she smiled tightly. "I can't believe it!" Willow cried. "You got him back! Have you seen Connor yet? What does Amelie think of this all?" Buffy shifted. "Yes...I've seen Connor, he visits every week. He's at boarding school...Amelie is in heaven, you should see her with Liam. It's amazing! And Connor and Amelie are already bickering like siblings..." "That's wonderful Buffy!" Fred smiled. "It's want you've always wanted isn't it?" Willow questioned. 'Is it?" Buffy wondered to herself. It would be if Liam really loved her, and it wasn't all an act. "Of course." She lied easily. Fred smiled. "There's something I wanted to tell you before....but I didn't want to take away from your moment Buffy. I...I...Wesley and I....we're...we're expecting a baby!" For the first time that night Buffy truly smiled. "Oh Fred! That's wonderful! I know you'll both make great parents. I'm so happy for you." "Seeing how much trouble Liam has keeping his hands off you Buffy, I wonder how long it'll be until your pregnant as well!" Willow joked.

Buffy's face drained of all color. Seeing Buffy reaction Willow asked. "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Buffy shook her head. "'s just we hadn't discussed having a baby yet." She lied. "Oh." Said Fred. "I'm sure Liam would love to have another baby. He cares so much about Connor....and Amelie I'm sure." Smiling politely Buffy changed the subject. "So have you thought of any names?" She asked Fred. Sensing her friends decision to avoid the subject Fred replied, "Not really. I guess we haven't thought that far ahead." A long round of silence followed. "So Buffy." Willow asked. "What's Liam like in bed?" "Willow!" Buffy shrieked. "What do you care? He's not a woman." Willow mocked hurt at Buffy's words. "I care because I'm not blind Buffy. Anyone who shows that much affection has to be a great lover." Fred nodded in agreement. Buffy laughed nervously. "Oh...." She paused thinking. He was wonderful in bed when they had been married, but the last time. The time he had gotten pregnant had not been the same, he wasn't making love to her. He was fucking her. "So?" Willow pushed the subject. "Yes." Buffy lied once again. "Liam is the prefect lover." It wasn't a complete lie. He once had been.

The rest of the evening went off without a major confrontation. Yet, all during dinner Liam kept one hand on Buffy's knee, where he softly caressed her skin. It was driving her nuts. It was frustrating physically and mentally. What was he playing at? She planned on finding far could she push him? Taking things into her own hands Buffy took her foot out of her shoe and began running her foot up the back of Liam's pant leg. He jumped slightly and turned to look at her. She merely looked down at her plate casting him a glance through her dark lashes. Two could play that game. Liam was confused by her sudden actions. Hadn't she blatantly refused his touch since the hospital? What was she doing? Acting, he decided. She was playing the part of an infatuated women, and doing quite well. Wasn't he in fact doing the same thing? Yes...he was, but he was finding the line to be a dangerous one. He still had feelings for Buffy, feelings he was unsure about...what did he want from her? He gazed over to look at her. Her auburn hair was loosely piled on top of her head cascading down to her shoulders, which were bared except for the small straps of her Lacey top. The top itself dipped down to reveal a small amount of her ample cleavage. Liam's eyes hungrily took in her was then he realized he hadn't been with another women since he had been with Buffy. What did it mean? It wasn't like him to be distracted by one women...but, it was Buffy. He once loved her, enough to marry her and swear off all other women. Did he still feel the same way? Feeling Liam's eyes on her Buffy turned to look at him. She caught him red-handed looking down her top. She flushed at the idea of him checking her out. She smiled mischievously meeting his eyes. Suddenly Buffy's eye grew wide. What was she doing? She was acting, wasn't she?

A few hours later Wesley, Fred and Willow decided it was time to leave. They thanked their hosts and wished them well. They were genuinely glad for their supposed reconciliation. After they had left Buffy merely sat in the living room, unable to meet Liam's eyes. An uncomfortable silence followed. "I think that went well." Liam finally announced, breaking the silence. "Yeah." Mumbled Buffy. She quickly decided it was better to leave the subject of their flirtation alone, then to push into a tender subject. She felt they both were unsure of what it was they really wanted and perhaps linking old feeling where they didn't belong. "Do you need help cleaning up?" He asked. Buffy shook her head. "No it's okay. I think it's best if you just...." "Go...all right. I'll just get my things...." "Liam?" She asked causing him to pause and look at her. "I....I wanted. Thank you." She stumbled not sure of what she really wanted to say. Liam nodded. "Your you need any help packing for the move?" "No. Amelie and I will be fine...we'll be ready by the end of the week." "Okay...if, if you need anything, anything at all call me." "I just...I just need some time alone." She answered quietly. After agreeing to give her space Liam left Buffy's apartment unsure more than ever what was going on between them. As the end of the week approached Buffy found herself dreading spending more time with Liam. She was glad for Amelie and Connor, but she wasn't sure about herself. Willow had been surprised when she had announced her decision to move in with Liam. She was glad Buffy was happy though and gave her the best. It was a nice coincidence that the company was headed to London for their next show, allowing Willow and Buffy to stay in close contact. When the day arrived for Buffy and Amelie to move, Buffy found her personal freedom and independence a hard thing to let go off. Liam was determined to handle all of her needs for her, something Buffy had been doing by herself for the past ten years. It was hard to allow someone to take care of you, when you are so used to taking care of yourself. As they approached Donnelley Manor, Buffy's breath hitched in her throat. She forgotten all the memories the house held for her. She had once been a woman very much in love and complete in this home. Buffy shook the feelings away, she had been young and stupid mistaking her feelings for more than what they really were. She looked over to Amelie who sat beside her gaping at the house as they drove up to the gates. Amelie had no idea her father lived in a place like this, that she was going to live in a place like this. It was incredibly beautiful, so beautiful in fact that it left her speechless. "Wow!" Amelie finally managed to gasp. "I know, pretty amazing huh?" Buffy answered. "Connor grew up here?"

"Yes, he did." "Crazy!" Buffy smiled at Amelie's excitement as they pulled up in front of the house. The driver Liam had arranged to pick them up stopped the car and before either Buffy or Amelie could get out he had removed their luggage from the vehicle. Buffy sighed this was what life was going to be like from now on, she would be unable to do things herself. Liam seemed to think she was made of glass. She might of found it endearing if the concern was truly about her, but Buffy knew it had to do with the child she was carrying. Buffy tried her best not to think about her anger and prepared for the situation at hand. Upon hearing the car arrive at the house Liam himself bounded down the steps only to sweep Amelie into his arms giving her an enormous hug. He had missed her in the short time they had been apart. Putting her down he realized the need to keep up appearances and turned to greet Buffy. Gently bringing his hand up cup the side of her face he lightly kissed her on the lips, before turning to face his hired driver. "Thank you for getting them here safely. My staff will bring the bags in." Liam spoke. "Your welcome sir." The driver answered before heading on his way. Liam grasping Amelie's hand lead the way into the house. While Buffy remained outside, trying to steady her nerves. It had been ten years since she had left this place. Looking up the steps to the door Buffy saw Jonathan, the Donnelley's butler. Jonathan gracefully descended the stairs and began to retrieve their bags. Noticing Buffy he paused. "Miss Summers. How nice to see you again." He smiled. "Jonathan. How are you?" Buffy answered. "Quite well Miss. I'm glad Mr. Donnelley found you again....things haven't quite been the same since you left." "Thank you Jonathan." Jonathan nodded in reply gathering the bags up and entering the house. Buffy sucked in a breath and entered as well. Looking around the house, it was as if time stopped. Nothing had changed, it was still breathtakingly gorgeous. Noticing she was alone in the entrance hall Buffy decided Liam had taken Amelie to show her her new bedroom. If Buffy could only remember where the spare bedrooms were? She climbed the stairs to the second floor and began once again familiarizing herself with the halls. Walking for several minutes she was unsure of her destination, when suddenly she recognized where she was. She was standing outside of the master bedroom, the room she and Liam had once shared. Slowly she reached her hand out to open the door. Her hand was shaking, she was shaking. The door creaked open to reveal the room,it was still the same. The glorious oak four post bed still sat in the room surrounded by matching furniture. Buffy stared at the bed. Tears began to spill from her eyes, she shook her head trying to rid herself of the feeling. Unable to stop the tears she angrily threw herself onto the bed and began to openly weep. "Why? Why?" She cried. Curling into a ball she let her pent up emotions surface. A few hours later this was how Liam found her. She lay sprawled across the bed face down her hair spilling around her. Liam would have thought the picture of Buffy once again in his bed to be quite erotic, but she was a mess. "Buffy?" He asked quietly.

Hearing him speak Buffy removed her face from his pillows to look at him with a reddened face. Her eyes were pink and swollen and tear trails clearly mapped her face. Looking at him her face remained expressionless. "I'm sorry." She mumbled as she immediately began to straighten herself. "Stupid hormones, sometimes they get the better of me." Rising from the bed, she busily began trying to remove the creases in the covers she had made. Approaching her from behind Liam grabbed her wrists. "Don't." He stated. Buffy went rigid in his grasp, unwilling to move. Leaning in he whispered in her ear. "Don't you think it's hard for me too? The idea of you being's almost too much." She began to struggle away from his grip. "Let me go." She asked quietly. Hanging on for a few moments longer Liam stepped away from Buffy. "This isn't your room anymore. I've arranged for you to be in the adjoining bedroom, that way it will seem less obvious to everyone that we don't share a bed." "I'm glad you've planned everything out." Buffy spat. "It makes me that much easier to handle." "That's enough Buffy. I've only done my best to make this worthwhile for you. I'm able to offer you and Amelie anything you want." "Worthwhile?!?!" She cried. "I knew you'd be just like the rest of them, that one day you'd become cold and heartless. Just like the rest of the Donnelley's! What happened to you?" "I lost... The women I loved more than anything destroyed who I once was." "That's not fair! Putting the blame on me, I know the man I once loved is in you somewhere. I've seen him...I've seen him with my daughter!" "Perhaps... I do love Amelie and Connor. They are my children, they are scarred to me, they are my blood. We will always be connected, they will always love me. But I will never love a woman again, they have only caused me pain." "So that's what you offer me then? Care for my children! You don't care about me at all?!!" Buffy shrieked between tears. "I never said I don't care about you..." "Just that you'll never love me. Well I have news for you Mr. Donnelley. Love isn't that simple. We don't always get to choose who we love, sometimes despite everything a person has done we still love them!" Deciding to be finished with the conversation, Buffy stormed out of the room. If Liam wanted it this way, she cooperate. But it didn't mean she'd make things easy for him. Liam stood in middle of his bedroom unable to move. Had Buffy just admitted to him that she still loved him? He knew he had promised himself that he would never love a woman again. Could he keep that promise? If anyone could make him break that promise, it would be Buffy. Maybe he should just give in. It would make his life in the next few years much easier. Why was he holding back? Realization dawned on him. He didn't need to fall in love with Buffy, because the truth was he already loved her. He was just too busy denying his feelings to know it. But could he make it work? Could he win her back?

Their most recent conversation coming back to mind Liam groaned. It wasn't going to be easy 17 The first months after Buffy's return to Donnelley Manor went slowly. She spent most of her time trying to avoid contact with Liam. When it couldn't be avoided she made sure they weren't alone, she shunned him not only with words, but with her touch. Every time he tried to touch her she backed away, but she was careful not to react too much publicly. They still needed to keep up their apperances. She knew she was making Liam miserable, but she was unsure of how far she could push him before he had a heated argument with her. Her mind was made up, she wasn't backing down. Not unless Liam begged her, and knowing The Donnelley' would take him a long time to just ask her nicely, to treat her like a person and not an object. Pulling her top down over her abdomen Buffy looked in the mirror. Almost four months pregnant she was barely showing, no one was the wiser. She had only gained a little weight and her stomach remained flat, but in the next few months it would become harder to cover up. Buffy frowned running her hand over her stomach. The thought of bringing a new child into this mess of a realtionship upset her, but what else could she do? She needed Liam to break, she needed him to realize how stuborn he had become....easier said than done. A knock on the bedroom door disrupted Buffy from her thoughts. Thankfully it wouldn't be Liam, as it was too early for him to be back from work. She answered the door. "Telephone for you Miss." Jonathan announced. "Thank you Jonathan, I'll take it in the study." Buffy replied starting on her way to the phone. She entered the study and picked up the phone on the desk. "Hello." She answered. "Buffy! It is you." A British male voice answered. "I...yes. Who's this?" She asked unsure of who she was speaking to. "It's Will." "Oh my god! William!" Buffy shrieked. "How did you find me?" "Easy there Summers. I reconized you in Paris...dancing, for the Wyndam-Price company, I called and your friend....Willow, I think was her name, she gave me this number. I'm good by the way." He joked. "Oh Will. It's so good to hear from you, it's been too long!" "It has. We should get together. Meet me for lunch tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" She questioned. "All, all right...I can do that." "Don't sound too sure. What you got some new man tying you down or something?" "Or something." Buffy agreed. "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow." "Oh....sounds like Buffy's got secrets abrewing." He teased. "You don't the half of it. So where and when do you want to meet?" "How about at the Royal Lancaster? One O'clock?"

"Sounds good. I'll meet you then. Take care." She hung up the phone, thankful for something to do outside of the house. She'd have find some way to convince Liam it was all right for her to go into town though, otherwise she'd have to sneak out. Liam was having another bad day, work was hectic and life at home with Buffy was stressed. He wanted her back in his life, as a companion, a friend perhaps even a bed mate, but as a lover? Despite his internal protests he knew the truth was he wanted her just as much as he had when they had first been married. Yet she wasn't the same sweet innocent girl he had married, she had become cold and aversive towards him. She didn't trust him anymore....but he knew she still loved him, if only he could break into that love and use it to get her back. He had tried, but failed miserably so far. His pride always got in the way and Buffy wanted nothing more than to make him suffer before accepting him once again. Liam knew he should fold and just give Buffy what she wanted but his upbringing turned him against it...he'd have to win her back another way. Perhaps if he made her jealous he'd be able to use her emtions against get her to admit to him how much she wanted him to herself. That was it, he'd bring her to the next company function and flirt in front of her...perhaps getting a rise or two out of her. Once that happened and she scolded him, he could admit he'd only done it to prove she still loved him. Then he would have her back, body and soul. Getting Liam to allow her to go to town had been easier than Buffy had thought. She had simply told him she needed get some fresh air before she went stir crazy. He complied, but gave her strict perameters. She could only be out for five hours and she'd have to call him on her cell phone to tell him when she got back home. The term 'short leash' came to Buffy's mind, but at least she was able to get out for the day. She arrived promptly at one o'clock at the Royal Lancaster feeling a bit nervous seeing William after so long. The hostess at the restaurant seated her near the entrance and after getting her a glass of water left her alone to wait for her companion. William arrived a few minutes later, Buffy could have spotted him a mile away. He had barely changed since she had last seen him over ten years earlier. His hair was still bleached a fetching white blonde and he wore his favorite black leather coat. He approached her smiling, drawing her into a hug and kissing her cheek. "Buffy! You look beautiful, as usual." He smiled. "It's great to see you again!" "Thanks Will, you look wonderful too. Exactly the same as I remember." Buffy responded. "You always knew how to flatter a man." He answered as he sat himself in the chair across from her. "So, you gonna tell me why you left without telling me? Without telling..." "Will." She interrupted. "Don't. I was wrong. I know that now....I had no right to just leave, but I was going through some issues...." "Issues? Buffy you left your left the country, without telling anyone. Family, friends. No of us knew where you went!" "I....I know. I'm sorry." Buffy sniffled trying to hold her tears back. William reached across the table to grasp Buffy's hand in his own. He gently squeezed it. "I don't want to make you upset. I'm sorry..." "No. It's okay, you have every right to be mad at me. I was just hurting too much to think of anyone but was selfish..." "Your right. It was...but from what I've heard about that bastard ex of yours...." Upon hearing his harsh words tears began to fall from Buffy's eyes. She shook her head violently. "No! No, don't..."

William was becoming greatly confused by her actions. "Don't defend you? Buffy? I don't understand..." "I...I...I'm back with my husband." She stated bluntly. "What!?!" Will gritted. "Well....mostly." Buffy mumbled. "Mostly? Buffy? What the bloody hell are you saying?" Meeting his gaze wearily she replied. "There's a lot you don't know....I'm living with him again. It's like you said I was selfish when I I, I'm not." William continued to look her in the eye prompting her for more information. "We have a child." She sighed. "When I left....I was, I was pregnant." William broke into laughter. "Your telling me, that you have a child with Donnelley? That right bastard!" Buffy nodded. "Amelie....she's ten." "A girl, bet she'll be a knock out just like the rest of you Summers women. I'm guessing Donnelley was none too pleased that you kept her from him?" "It didn't go so well at first....but he adores her, and she loves him. Connor is thrilled to have a sister too." "I'd forgotten about him. How old is he now?" "Twelve." "Shit! Time flys. So, what? All is forgiven now? After all the trouble you took to leave without telling anyone...your back with him? I've never meet Donnelley myself, but he doesn't sound like the nicest person." "It's not that simple." "I was shocked when you married him in the first place, it was so sudden. Not like you at all Summers." "I thought I was in love." "Weren't you?" Buffy shrugged. "I'm not so sure now." "Wait a mentioned being selfish. Your not back with your husband because you love him? Buffy! What are you doing?" William asked harshly. "Will! Please...don't tell anyone. It has to seem like crazy to you...but I can't take Amelie away from him. It's not either of them." "That's why there's a thing called joint custody!" Buffy's eyes grew wide as she noticed the waitress approaching their table to take their orders. She begged William with her expression to hold the conversation off until after they had ordered. "Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked politely. Buffy nodded. "Sure are." Will smiled. "We'll have a bottle of your Chianti and I'll have the club house."

"And for you miss?" "The penne please." Gathering the menus the waitress left the table to fill their orders. "Your willing to suffer through a loveless relationship for your child?" Will pushed as soon as the waitress was out of hearing range. Buffy refused to look at Will, instead choosing to straighten the utensils surrounding her plate while chewing her bottom lip. "All by damned!" Will gasped. "You still have feelings for him! Don't you?" Buffy continued to stare her plate down. Heaving a deep sigh she tilted her face up to meet his. "Maybe a little..." She whispered. William burst into laughter again. "God Summers! That man really got to you didn't he! The day I thought I'd see Buffy Summers put down by a man...I remember when you used to eat men for breakfast! What happened to you?" "I let one in....and lost everything." "Buffy look at yourself! What has he reduced you too? I bet he has quite the leash on you, doesn't he?" Buffy's eyes grew wider as she took in William's words. "Oh he does, doesn't he!" "It's just because he's worried...." "Does he even care about you? Or is he only with you because of your kid?" "I, I...I'm not sure." She sighed. "Your not sure! Well you'd better get sure then!" "I'm's just, he's so stubborn!" "Seduce him then. Buffy, a man will admit almost anything to get what he wants. Use that sexy little body of yours to win him back...if that's what you want!" "Seduce? I, I don't know. I'm not sure if, if I want him back." "Pfft! Buffy, how long have I known you? And even after not seeing you for almost ten years I can still read you. You want him back!" Buffy glanced at him through her lashes shyly. "HA! I knew it! My first piece of advice, go back to blonde. What's up with the red hair any ways?" Unsure how to answer Buffy opened and closed her mouth quickly, but was interrupted by the arrival of their lunch before she was able to fully answer. "Thank you." William praised the waitress ushering her away so they could continue their catching up. He poured himself a glass of wine and began to pour Buffy some when she stopped him. "No. None for me." She said off handily. Will cocked an eyebrow at her. "Buffy's refusing a glass of wine?" Looking at her beverage again he

continued. "She's also not drinking coffee? With that rosy glow you have, you'd almost think your pregnant!" Buffy felt her face drain of color at Will's comment as she protectively covered her stomach with her arms. "OH MY GOD! You are, aren't you?" Will responded from her reactions. Buffy nodded sadly. "It isn't Donnelley's is it?" Buffy chewed her bottom lip and nodded. "It is." "Geeze, this just gets better and better doesn't it! What the hell is going on Buffy?" William asked seriously. Buffy sighed deeply gathering her thoughts. She'd have to tell Will everything, if anyone could help her figure out what to do it would be him. She was glad he'd know the truth, if there was one person she couldn't keep a secret from, it was Will. They had know each other too long, to not know when the other was lying. 18 Entering the main hall of the manor Buffy could hardly believe she had agreed to William's ridiculous suggestion off coloring her hair back to blonde. She was relieved however to have a confidant, someone who knew the truth of her situation. Not to say Will wasn't shocked at her situation, but he defiantly saw the humor in it. That was Will though, always seeing things positively. As she was hanging up her coat she heard footsteps descending the stairs into the main entrance. Looking up she was surprised to see it was Liam approaching. Self conciously her hand flew to her hair, Liam however failed to notice the change. His posture was rigid and he radiated anger. "Buffy! It is you, I thought you were going to call, do realize what time it is?!?" He nearly shouted. Buffy's hand flew to her mouth in a gasp. "I forgot...I. Wait a minute!" She demanded suddenly remembering her promise to Will about letting Liam push her around. "Who are you to keep track of me any ways? I've been trapped here all day for the last month! Don't I deserve some freedom?" 'Trapped!?! Your hardly trapped Buffy...I offer you everything I possibly could..." Liam rebutted. "Ha! Everything! You righteous bastard!" Buffy shouted. "How dare you!" "Mom?" Amelie's voice called from the top of the stairs. Buffy and Liam both turned to look at Amelie coming down the stairs to meet them in the front hall. "Your home!' Amelie cried crushing her mother in hug. "Your not fighting, are you?" She asked looking between her parents. "Don't be angry with him." She pleaded for her father. "Dad was just so worried about you, he hasn't been able to....." She paused noticing her parents strange expressions. "What?" " just called Liam dad." Buffy gulped. "I guess I did. He is, isn't he? What's the big deal?" Amelie asked. "It''s just the first time I've heard you say it. That's all." Buffy smiled softly glancing at Liam. Liam looked at Amelie proudly before pulling her tightly into a hug. "I love you so much." He whispered. "I don't fight with mom. I know you were worried, but she's here now and she's fine." She scolded. He sighed and nodded releasing her. "Buffy....I. Your hair." Liam paused finally looking at her. "It looks

good." Buffy smiled slightly. "It's too much trouble keeping it dyed anyways...blonde is easier." "I always knew you'd be beautiful blonde." Amelie smiled. "Connor didn't like it colored either, wait until he sees it!" Buffy smiled genuinely. "Is dinner ready yet? I'm starving!" "Right this way." Liam ushered up the stairs pausing to glance back at Buffy. She definitely suited blonde hair better than auburn. Dinner was quiet and somewhat uncomfortable. Or at least Buffy felt that way, since she had admitted her feelings to William earlier that afternoon she found it hard to look at Liam. It was Liam however who finally broke the silence. "Connor will be home from school for Christmas soon. End of next week I think..." Buffy gasped. "Christmas? Oh my god, it's December isn't it. I think I've lost total track of time." Amelie giggled. "Aren't you excited? It's our first Christmas together, as a family." "Thrilled." Buffy pushed un-enthused. "The company Christmas ball is coming up too. Next Friday...I think you should go with me Buffy." Liam continued. "What about Amelie and Connor?" Buffy asked. "Oh! Can Fred come over? I want to hear more about her new baby!" Amelie asked excitedly. Buffy paled slightly at the mention of Fred's pregnancy thinking of her own that was unknown to Amelie. "I'm sure Fred will want to attend the party sweetie, since it's for work and I'm sure Wesley will be there." Buffy recovered. "What about Willow?" Liam asked. "Yeah! Willow, I'm sure she'd come over." Amelie said excitedly. "Oh mom, say you'll go! We can go shopping and I'll help you pick out a dress and everything!" "Ok, I'll go." Buffy folded. Buffy wrapped herself in her large fluffy bathrobe and exited the bathroom, only to run into her daughter. "What are you doing, waiting outside the bathroom?" Buffy questioned her. "I said I'd help you get ready for the party tonight, remember?" Amelie answered sweetly. Buffy could hardly believe it had been a week already. Connor had returned from school for vacation and Amelie was home as well. It was sort of a difficult adjustment for Buffy to have others home all day with her. "You did, didn't you?" Buffy remembered. Panic suddenly flew through Buffy's veins, Amelie was unaware at this point that she and Liam didn't share a room, let alone a bed. How would she be able to keep things this way with Amelie helping her get ready? "Will you let me change into a slip first? Then I'll meet you in the bedroom? 15 minutes?" She pushed. "It's not like I haven't seen you change before mom." Amelie replied. Change? Buffy hadn't even thought about that possibility. Amelie couldn't see her change either in fear of

her noticing Buffy's minuscule bump on her abdomen. "Sweetie, I just need a moment alone, ok?" Amelie nodded and allowed Buffy to pass her on her way to the bedrooms. Once Buffy reached the door of her bedroom she quickly looked around to make sure Amelie hadn't followed. Relieved that the coast was clear she ducked inside. Quickly she gathered her clothes, make-up and undergarments for the ball. Just to make sure the room looked more believably inhabited by herself, Buffy grabbed a few extra pieces of clothes to throw on the floor. She entered Liam's bedroom through the adjoining door in her room and quickly began spreading her things around the room. Placing her slip across the back of the vanity chair she untied her robe and began to slip it off her shoulders. Just as the robe touched the floor she heard the door creak open. Buffy quickly snatched her slip and clutched it too her chest, looking up she met sparkling dark eyes. "Liam!" She gasped fully recognizing her unclothed state. Liam smiled as he took in her damp skin and hair and her vain attempt to keep herself covered by her flimsy gown. "I might question why I find you here in my room undressed..."He spoke softly. Buffy could feel her skin flushing from his approving gaze. He approached her slowly and turned his head to gently place a kiss on her bare shoulder. Buffy shivered at the contact, but remained still. His affectionate actions now wouldn't make up for the last unbearable month. Casting his eyes down her lithe frame Liam's face came into a sexy half smile. "If you wanted back into my bed Buffy....all you had to do was ask." His words angering her Buffy backed away from him towards the wall. "You pig!" She screamed. "I want nothing of the sort!" Liam just continued to smile from his vantage point across the room. Despite her current actions there was no mistaking the passion that flooded her eyes when he first approached her...she still wanted him. Tears spilled down Buffy's cheeks, her uncomfort was too much to bear. "I was trying to protect Amelie!" She sobbed. "She wanted to help me get ready for tonight....I couldn't...I couldn't let her see that...that, we don't share a room!" Liam glanced around his bedroom to see a few pieces of Buffy's clothing scattered around the room. She was telling the truth. "Good, I'm glad you recognized the need to keep the appearance up for our children. Now finish getting dressed and clean yourself up. I'll go find Amelie to help you get ready." Buffy sniffled against the wall holding her slip tightly against her naked body. At Liam's words she looked up to glare at him hatefully. "Don't worry Buffy. The offer still stands, your welcome in my bed any time." Liam smiled seductively at her before exiting the room. Once he had left the room Buffy pounded her fist into the wall. How dare he! The arrogant asshole! His actions now caused her resolve to double, she'd make him beg her to take him back. She would follow William's advice and seduce him. She dressed quickly into her slip and dried her eyes and began waiting for Amelie to come help her finish getting ready for the dance. Amelie approached her father slowly. She was always careful when entering his study, it was his private space and he often went there to be alone. "Dad?" She asked quietly. Liam looked up from his desk to see his daughter standing in the middle of the room. He smiled warmly at her. "Mom's all ready. She looks beautiful! We were just wondering when Willow is getting here..."

Liam checked his watch quickly, it was almost 5:30pm. The party started at 6pm. "She should be here any minute I expect. I should go finish getting ready myself then." Amelie nodded politely. "Mom's with Connor, she wanted him to see her dressed up before you left. I'll go wait with her for Willow." He smiled again before rising from his desk and heading towards his bedroom. Tonight was going to change everything between himself and Buffy. Promptly ten minutes later Willow entered the main hall and was greeted by Buffy, Amelie and Connor. Willow gasped taking in Buffy's appearance, she look absolutely stunning. "Buffy! You look wonderful...I love your hair!" Willow praised. Buffy tugged at her loose golden waves distractedly. "Thanks Willow. Also thank you so much for watching the kids." "My pleasure! If only all kids could be as well behaved as these two!" She smiled at Connor and Amelie. "This place is incredible!" "I'd forgotten you hadn't seen it yet." Buffy gasped. "Would you like me to show you around?" "I'm afraid you don't have time love." Liam answered for her coming down the stairs. "We don't want to be late, now do we." "Of course not." Buffy smiled tightly taking in his appearance. He had dressed more casually for the party. Gone was his sports coat and tailored pants, he instead wore a loosely buttoned red shirt with simple black dress pants. He looked gorgeous, not that Buffy would admit it. "You look stunning." Liam breathed huskily placing a kiss on her temple. Buffy had chosen a simple black gown that fell the floor. The front of the gown however dipped drastically towards her belly button, allowing Buffy to use her newly pregnancy amplified cleavage. The back of the dress also dipped dangerously low and her newly coifed blonde hair hung loosely in large waves. Gathering her coat Liam slipped it on over her revealing dress and began to lead her out the door. Buffy turned suddenly looking back at Willow. "Willow! Make sure they don't stay up too late...we have a cell in you need anything. Am, Connor make sure you show Willow around, and behave yourselves!" Buffy rushed. Willow smiled at her friends concern. "Yes mom." Amelie and Connor replied. "Now have a good time." Connor waved pushing Buffy out the front door. "We will." Liam smiled. 19 Buffy remained silent the entire ride to the party. Keeping her gaze out the window she refused to acknowledge Liam's presence. Liam however kept casting hungered glances towards Buffy freely, finding her in his bedroom undressed had almost been too much. It had been over 4 months since he had touched a women and his libido was beginning to drive him nuts. Buffy smiled softy to herself as she gazed out the cars window, she could feel Liam continues glances towards her. He was getting closer to breaking, she could feel it. Arriving at the ball Buffy exited the car and waited for Liam while he gave the valet specific directions not to harm his car. Finally satisfied in his cars protection he arrived at Buffy's side and placed a hand on the small

of her back to guide her through the entrance. The inside of building was beautifully decorated with trees, garlands and sparkling lights. Liam removed Buffy's coat and handed it to the doorman along with his own. Upon their entrance a slight hush had fallen over the crowd and Buffy felt as if all eyes were upon her. Liam ignored the crowd and draping his arm across Buffy's shoulders guided her further into the room. He was stopped only a few feet from the entrance by an acquaintance. "Mr. Donnelley." The man said. "How lovely to see you. Thank you for inviting me to your party." Liam smiled politely. "No problem Mr.Mercader. Thanks for coming." "Might I ask" continued Mr. Mercader. "Who this beautiful women is you've brought with you?" "Of course, where are my manners. This is Buffy Summers. Buffy, John Mercader." "Very nice to meet you sir." Buffy answered quietly. "Sweetheart? I see Fred and Wesley right over there." Liam pointed. "Who you mind going to hang out with them? I have a few boring business details I have to discuss with John here..." Buffy nodded and slipped from Liam's embrace to head over to where she'd seen Liam indicate. John watched Buffy walk away approvingly. "You are the luckiest S.O.B. I've ever met Liam! Where do you find these girls?" Liam smiled proudly. "She is quite the catch isn't she?" "Catch?" John laughed out loud. "Oh boy! You are in trouble aren't you. You actually care about this one, don't you?" "You could say that." Liam muttered. "Now lets get to business..." "Buffy!" Fred cried upon spying her friend. "I'm so glad you came!" Thankful for the presence of someone she knew other than Liam at the party Buffy beamed. "Fred, you look positively radiant!" "So do you Buffy. I'm not so sure about me though." Fred giggled as she placed her hands on her obviously protruding stomach. "Here I am only 3 months pregnant and already showing!" "You look wonderful." Buffy smiled as she placed one of her own hands protectively on her own stomach. "She's not lying." Wesley grinned coming up behind Fred and kissing her on the cheek. "You are beautiful my dear." "Your only saying that because you have to!" Fred laughed as she swatted him playfully. Buffy stared only have no interested at what it was Fred and Wesley were talking about. She was more interested in their actions, the two were clearly in love. Their companionship made her jealous. "Buffy?" Wes questioned. "What?" Buffy drawled. "Are you all right?" He continued. "You've been awfully quiet..." She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, guess I zoned out."

"Where's that devilishly good looking man of yours Buffy?" Fred asked. "Who?" Buffy asked. Causing both Fred and Wesley to laugh out loud. "Why Liam of course silly!" Fred burst. "Oh, right. He's around here somewhere..." Buffy covered. "Are things not going well between you Buffy?" Wesley asked. "No they're fine, great. Where the bathroom?" She asked distractedly. "Just down that hall and to the left." Fred smiled pointing the way. "Thanks. Excuse me?" Fred nodded watching Buffy head towards the bathroom. "Something is bothering her." She spoke aloud. "I agree." Wes replied. "And I'm sure it was to do with Liam..." Looking across the room Wesley and Fred turned to see Liam surrounded by various women who were equally throwing themselves at him. Liam didn't seem to unsettled by their attention, in fact he seemed to be relishing in it. Wes cringed. What was Liam up too? Buffy entered the bathroom and barricaded herself in a stall. Sitting down on the toilet she placed her head in hands and tried her best to steady her nerves. She was so busy concentrating on calming herself that she barely heard the other women in the bathroom. It was only when she heard the mention of Liam's name that she began to listen. "Have you seen Liam Donnelley tonight?" A women asked. "Who couldn't!" Another laughed. "Well I guess you saw the newest conquest he brought with him to the party then?" "Poor girl. I hope she doesn't actually think she can hold on to him." "I doubt it. Just another society climbing bitch if you ask me. I mean I haven't even seen her around for the last hour." "Plus he seems far too busy with the rest of the ladies to notice her absence." "Did you see the dress she was wearing though? That girl has some serious guts wearing that in public!" "That or she's an enormous whore!" Both women broke into bitter laughter. Having heard enough of there conversation Buffy exited the bathroom stall she was in and stood behind them. "Glad to know what you think of me." Buffy chided. "And oh, just for the record I'm not his latest conquest I'm his ex-wife!" With that Buffy hustled out of the washroom to find Liam. True to the washroom ladies words Liam was indeed surrounded by a bunch of women who were throwing themselves at him. Buffy paused a few feet away to observe Liam's response to their ministrations. Disappointingly Liam wasn't only allowing them to continue flirting with him, he was pushing them on. He was flirting back. Buffy weighed her options carefully. She had the option of either ignoring Liam's current actions or reaming

him out publicly. She however, choose to go with ignoring the situation, she wanted Liam to want her, not the other way around. If he wanted to sow his wild oats that was fine with her, but his chances of getting her would become slimmer. Hanging back in the crowd Buffy waited until Liam had spotted her and smiled sweetly. Liam's eyes widened in anticipation. How much had Buffy seen? Her reaction was sure to come any minute, but instead of raging she stood quietly gazing at him with little more than a smile. He looked at her quizzically, it seemed his plan of breaking Buffy had failed miserable. What else could he do? 'Beg me.' Buffy thought to herself staring him down. Finally breaking eye contact she moved closer. "Liam sweetheart." She spoke seductively while caressing his arm. "Don't you think it's time we went home?" Completely forgetting the other women around him Liam focused his full attention on Buffy. The way she moved, the color of her eyes, the way she smelled everything about her called his attention towards her. He licked his lips nervously. "What time is it?" He asked. "A little after ten...I don't want to stay out too late." "Right. You need your rest." He nodded. "I'll go get our coats then." He left quickly to grab their things. The few girls who had remained around after Buffy's arrival starred at her in disbelief. How had she gotten the great Liam Donnelley to buckle so quickly? And why hadn't she been mad about his open flirting in the first place? Buffy smiled to herself. 'Mission accomplished.' Safely back inside the car Buffy felt herself begin to relax, no more putting up a false facade of happiness. All this acting was beginning to wear her out. She slouched in the passenger seat and closed her eyes shutting out the rest of the world. "Buffy?" Liam asked stirring her back into consciousness. "Hrmm?" She replied groggily. "You really are tired. Is everything...?" "I'm fine, we're fine." Buffy waved away his suggestions placing her hand on her stomach. "Oh...good. I've been thinking..." Thinking? 'Oh god!' Buffy thought her eyes flying open to look at him. 'Is he breaking already?' Of her look Liam continued. "I think we should sleep together." "What!?!" Buffy shrieked, that was definitely not what she expected him to say. "If you think I'm just gonna crawl back between the sheets and give it up to you! You've got another thing coming..." "Buffy!" Liam scolded. "I didn't mean it like that...not that I wouldn't be willing to, never mind. The point I was trying to make, is that I think we should sleep in the same bed. And by sleep I mean 'sleep'." "I thought you didn't want me in your room. What's changed?" She asked confused. "You weren't wrong earlier tonight when you were protecting Amelie...with the kids home all day for the holidays, it will only be matter of time before they figure out we don't share a room. They aren't stupid Buffy." "Your right...but there has to be another way. Couldn't we tell them you...I dunno snore or I can't sleep in the same room as you." "Come on Buffy, you know I don't snore."

"No actually I don't. I know didn't use to." She snapped. "Now I don't really know anything about you now." "Fair enough." Liam mumbled. " I know one thing though, you certainly have gotten a lot more snippy!" "Snippy! Maybe if you didn't push me into it, I'd....arggg. Can we not do this now?" "Fine, but your sharing my room from now on." "Well I guess your sleeping on the floor then! Because I most certainly am not sleeping in the same bed as you!" Liam sighed heavily. "If that's what it takes. Fine, I'll sleep on the floor." "Good." Buffy replied hotly. Both decided it was better to leave the conversation where it was and didn't speak the rest of the night. Upon arriving at home however they quickly gathered most of Buffy's things and placed them in Liam's bedroom. After changing into her nightgown in the ensuite bathroom Buffy entered the bedroom to find Liam making himself a bed on the floor. Without exchanging a word she passed him and got into the large kingsize bed.

20 It had been two weeks since Liam had first started sleeping on his bedroom floor and his back was beginning to kill him. He often found himself falling asleep late at night on the couch in front of the TV just in order to get some real sleep. It was getting harder and harder for him to stay awake during the day, something had to be done. But what? Since Buffy's move into his bedroom, he felt a lot more at ease with Connor and Amelie. Surely they didn't expect anything to be wrong between their parents, but could he continue to go on like this? The simple answer was no. He'd need to talk to Buffy about it. Despite their close living conditions they barely spoke to one another. In fact they avoided it. He knew Buffy wouldn't agree to share his bed, and there was no way he'd make her sleep on the floor in her delicate state. What could he do? Racking his brain for ideas he was disrupted from his thoughts by the phone ringing at his desk. Picking it up after a few rings he answered. "Liam Donnelley." "Liam darling! How are you?" A female voice asked. "I'm fine thanks Cordy." Liam answered. "What can I do for you?" "Well, mother wanted me to call to tell you that we are coming home for Christmas of course!" "Home?" He pressed. "To Donnelley Manor of course silly! We want to spend Christmas with you and Connor, like we do every year. Remember?" Liam cringed. He wasn't going to able to keep his family away from their home at Christmas, but he hadn't told them about Buffy's return. He had kept his new involvement with her secret in light of his family's obvious betrayal in her original also meant his family had no idea about Amelie either. "Right, of course. When are you coming?" He hoped he had enough time to prepare for their impending arrival.

"Are you hiding something?" Cordelia snapped. "I know! Got to clear out your most recent conquest before the family blows into town, isn't it?" Refusing to answer Liam pressed on. "When will you be here?" "Whatever, don't answer me. Friday, we'll be there Friday." "All right Cordelia. I'll see you then, I've got to go. I've got a lot of work to do." "You definetly are in one of your moods aren't you? I hope your nicer to your sister in person!" "Good-bye Cordelia." Liam answered aggravated. "Bye." With that Liam hung up the phone and ran his hand through his hair roughly. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse. "Buffy!" William begged. "Please come visit with me?" "I wish I could." Buffy replied honestly. "But I can't leave Connor and Amelie home alone." "Fine then I'm coming to visit you." "No! You can't!" Buffy panicked. "Why not?" Will asked. "Liam..." Buffy started. "Oh bloody hell luv! We've been over this before. Stuff the bastard! You've gotta stir things up a bit and throw him on his arse." "I know Will. I am's just..I can't , you can't come over." "All right I give in. All talk to you later then." He sighed. "Thank you Will. I promise I'll see you soon!" "Bye." Will answered as he hung up the phone. Buffy sighed deeply after ending her conversation. There were many reasons she was glad the kids were home now during the day, but not getting to see William anymore was hard for her. Deciding to see what it was the kids were up to she began to search the house. It was the hum of the television that alerted her to their location. "No! I don't wanna watch that!" Connor cried. "It's a girly movie!" "Well I like it!" Amelie shouted back. "Of course you do! Your a girl!" Buffy smiled upon hearing Connor and Amelie arguing, they really were siblings. Entering the media room she called out. "Enough!" Amelie and Connor both turned from their spots on the floor to look up at their mother. They smiled sheepishly. "Who choose the movie last time?" She asked causing both children to point to each other. Buffy shook her head. "Are you sure?" She asked rasing an eyebrow. "Fine!" Scowled Connor. "I did....but I'm older, and, and I don't want to watch a girly film!" Buffy laughed at Connor's logic. "That sounds like an argument your father would use!"

Amelie rolled her eyes. "All right I give up, we don't have to watch a so called 'girl movie'. But I'm still choosing!" Connor's scowl lightened slightly. "Really?" "Yeah, how about this?" Amelie asked handing him a different movie. "Oh...I like this one!" Connor smiled. "Mom, watch it with us?" Amelie asked. "Well I guess I..." Buffy started only to be interrupted by Jonathan's entrance. "Sorry miss, but there's someone at the gates for you." Jonathan said. "For me?" Buffy asked confused. "A Mr. Lancaster, I believe." Buffy frowned. "Will?...why that no good lying..." "Should I have him escorted off the premise?" Jonathan asked. "What!? Oh no, it's let him in." She sighed. "Someone's here to see you?" Amelie asked. "An old friend...come on I'd like you to meet him." Buffy nodded as she escorted her children towards the entrance of the house. William smirked proudly as he stood in the main hall waiting for Buffy to arrive. Glancing around the room he was amazed at the sheer size of the place. "William Lancaster!" Buffy scolded upon entering the room. "Thought you could get rid of me that easily did you?" He grinned. Buffy rolled her eyes at him. "I'm letting you off easy buster, just because your my friend! Besides as long as your here....I'd like you to meet.." "The famous duo of Connor and Amelie! Well now, what a nice looking young lad you are." Will began upon seeing Connor. "Nice to meet you sir." Connor replied politely shaking Will's hand. "And you, you must be a Summers!" Will laughed spotting Amelie. "Look just like your mum, just as beautiful!" Amelie blushed at his compliment. "Amelie." She giggled. "And I'm not a Summers I'm a Donnelley, like my dad." "Ah, of course you are! I only meant Summers since you look so much like your mother's side of the family." Amelie gazed at him quizzically. "All right kids..." Buffy ushered quickly. "I'm glad you met William, but now it's time for you to go watch your movie so we can have grown up time." "OK mum, it was nice to meet you." Connor responded heading back towards the media room. Amelie however paused staring at Will before following her brother out of the room.

Buffy grabbed William by the arm and pulled him up the stairs and into the her 'old' bedroom. When she was sure they were out of the kids hearing range she scolded him. "What are you doing here!" "I'm sorry Buffy....but I needed to see you. There are some things I need to tell you...things I should have told you already." Will apologized. Buffy scrunched her forehead in confusion. "What? What are you talking about?" "Well this for one thing." Will answered holding up his left hand. Buffy glanced at his hand to see a a gold ring wrapped around his ring-finger. "Your married?" She gasped. "It's true." Will responded jutting his chin out. "I don't believe it! Who'd marry you!?" "I'll try my best not to be insulted by your comment Buffy." He chuckled. "You'd be surprised...." 21 Liam groaned as he closed the front door. How was he going to tell Buffy about his family coming... not to mention his sleep issues? Things were definitely about to get much worse between the two of them. "Dad!" Amelie squealed wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad your home! You didn't happen to buy me any Christmas presents on your way home did you?" She looked around him quickly checking for bags. Liam smiled at her enthusiasm. "Why would I do that? Santa's the one who brings the presents..." "Sure..." Amelie narrowed her eyes at him. "Just as long as I get my Power Puff Girls doll..." Liam laughed. "Guess we'll have to wait and see." "Hey dad." Connor called from the other room. "Nice to see you too!" Liam answered back. "Sorry! Movie! Can't talk now..."Connor responded. Liam shook his "Where's your mom?" He asked Amelie. "Oh, she must still be upstairs talking with her friend." She shrugged. "Friend? As in Willow right?" "Oh, no...some guy. I just met him today..." "Some guy?" Liam raised an eyebrow at the idea. "Why don't you go finishing watching the movie with your brother...I'll, I'll see you in a little while." "Sure." Amelie answered confused. Why were grown ups so strange? Noting Amelie's disappearance from the room Liam bolted up the stairs to find out just what it was Buffy was up to with her 'man friend'. Approaching the door to the bedroom that Buffy had first claimed as her own upon her arrival he heard

muffled noises. "Oh Will!" Liam heard Buffy's voice cry. Fury rose up in Liam's body as the slammed open the door to find Buffy in the arms of another man. "How dare you!" He screamed. "In my house! With my children home! Buffy, how could you!" Buffy turned to look at Liam with raw eyes and face pink from crying. Sensing his anger she turned into the shelter of William's arms pulling him tighter. "Now just hold on a minute mate!" Will responded. "I wasn't talking to you!" Liam spat. "And I most definitely am not your 'mate'! Let go of her!" Liam approached Will staring him down and raised his fist to hit him. "Let her go, or I'll make you let her go!" At his threat of violence Buffy lifted her head from Will's shoulder. "Don't." She whispered. "Stop...just stop!" She sobbed. Liam lowered his arm slightly. "Buffy...I know we haven't been on the best of terms, but did you...did you have to do this?' He questioned. "If it's about making me jealous...." "Jealous!" Buffy laughed coldly. "Everything is about you isn't it! You think think we?!?" Liam rubbed his face in confusion. "Just because your not sleeping with him right now doesn't mean..." "Sleeping! Sleeping! I'd never sleep with Will!" "Hey!" Will interjected. "Sorry Will." Buffy smiled at him through her tears. "It's the truth." "Besides, he's married!" She continued turning to face Liam. "Like that means anything!" Liam shouted. "Maybe not to you mate!" Will jibbed. "But me, I keep my promises!" "If your insinuating that I cheated on Buffy when we were married, you are dead wrong pal!" "You can't deny the truth!" Will answered standing to meet Liam's gaze. "Oh, says you! Your the one holding a crying woman in her bedroom!" "Liam!" Buffy scolded loudly. "Will would never sleep with me!" "And why not?" Liam asked. "Because....because..." She stumbled. "Because he's married to my sister!" "Sister!!?! ....You mean Dawn?!?" Buffy nodded solum "Yes, Dawn...she's twenty-five now." "I guess, I guess she would be." Liam agreed. "I only met her once though...after, after we were married." "She came here to visit." Buffy nodded again. "She was fifteen...she met William then too. After I disappeared the two of them grew close...they bonded over their lose of me, and they feel in love. Will just told me they were married a few months ago. I didn't even know where Dawn was for the last ten years..." Buffy broke down into tears again. "Will and I were friends from school....I, I only started seeing him again a

few weeks ago. I just found out today, about, about Dawn." "Oh, Buffy!" Liam soothed reaching out to touch her. "Don't you touch me!" Buffy screeched. "Not after the way you treated Will, after the way you treated me!" "I'm sorry!" Liam cried honestly. "I'm sorry!" Buffy looked at him strangely. "Did you just say your sorry?" She laughed. "I think all this crying might have made me a little crazy..." "I did and I am. I should, I should trust your judgment Buffy. It's not like I have any claim on you anyways...your not my wife anymore..."Liam continued to apologize. "Leave! Just leave!" Buffy sobbed. "Buffy I..." Will started. "Both of you!! I want to be's just too much right now. I can't....GO!" Buffy continued to weep throwing herself into her pillows on the bed. William looked at Liam and shrugged. What else could they do, but give her her space? Pausing briefly to take one last look at Buffy huddled figure on the bed both men left the room closing the door quietly behind them. Liam sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Look." He said. "I'm sorry about before...William was it?" Will nodded slightly offering his hand. "William Lancaster, happy to finally meet you Liam Donnelley." "Well I'm glad to hear that at least one of us has heard of each other..." "Ah well, Dawn rants about you all time. Blames you for Buffy leaving. Not sure if she's right, but a man's gotta respect his wife." Will jibbed. "I'm sure..." Liam drawled. "Listen mate." Will interrupted. "I know things are stressed between you and Buffy, but she really does care about. God knows why! Any ways I'm going to give you a bit of advice, just love the girl! Quit fawning over her and protecting her...your making her feel like an object!" "You'd be best to mind your own business..." "Buffy is my business! Not only is she my friend, she's family. Family! Think Donnelley! Treat her like you love her, like you respect her! Cause right now, she feels like the only reason your keeping her here is because of the baby!" Liam's eyes bulged at the mention of Buffy's unborn child. "How do you..." "She told me! I may not like you Donnelley, but it seems your always gonna be a part of Buffy's life, even if it's only through her children...and Buffy will always be part of life because of Dawn. So I'd better at least learn to respect you, but I can't even do that until you start treating her better! Smarten up!" "Thanks for the advice 'mate'." Liam seethed. "No, get out of my house!" "With pleasure! Tell Buffy...I'll call her in a few days. I, I haven't told Dawn about her yet...but I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep it from her." Will replied sadly. Liam nodded letting Will pass by him down the hall towards the exit. "I'm sure she'll be happy to see Buffy.." "Not the way she is right now." Will drawled before leaving the hall.

Buffy tried her best to dry her eyes. Steadying herself she glanced in the mirror, and what she saw there shocked her. She saw a woman who looked ragged, beaten....perhaps even abused. What she saw haunted her. Squaring her shoulders, she set about trying to fix her appearance. Hearing a soft knock at the door Buffy turned her head to see the door crack open. Liam gazed sheepishly through the crack at her. "Buffy?' He asked gently. Buffy turned away from his view dropping her shoulders. "I thought I told you to leave me alone." She sighed tiredly. "I's just, it's just...I'm worried.." "About what Liam! I'm still pregnant, your child's safe!" She replied hotly. "Buffy..." Liam sighed approaching her. His motions causing Buffy to glance at him. "Don't look at me like that!" She scolded. "Like what? Like I care..." Twirling her hair between her fingers Buffy cast her eyes down ignoring Liam's words. "Buffy. I don't like seeing you like this..." Liam pressed. "If this is going to work, your going to have to talk to me!" Buffy looked up again only to face to face with Liam lips trembling. "I...I...I" She struggled. "It's all right." Liam soothed reaching out and clasping her hand. "Dawn is your sister. She loves you, she'll forgive you. Everything will be all right." "Love?" Buffy questioned gazing deep into his warm eyes before casting them down nervously. "Sometimes love isn't enough." She whispered. Caressing her hand, he drew delicate circles with his thumb trying to calm her. "I know things aren't going very well between us." He announced offhandedly. "But your strong! I know that much about you strong. You'll make it through." Buffy laughed bitterly. "At least we have something in common now....bad relationships with our family!" At the mention of his family Liam went stiff. Gauging his reaction Buffy responded, "What? Did I strike a nerve? Hurt your precious family?" Liam shook his head. "No. I don't deny we have our's just..." "What?" Buffy asked intrigued. "They're coming. Here, for Christmas. We have two days before they get here." He stated bluntly. Buffy began to tremble. "Great...more fun to look forward too." Liam pulled Buffy with him to sit on the bed, taking her into his arms. "They, they don't know about you....or Amelie.." He sighed heavily. Despite her uncomfort Buffy allowed Liam to hold her, he was clearly shaken up about his family's impending arrival. "And the fun just keeps on coming..." Buffy mumbled. "We'll get through it." Liam stated. Buffy wasn't really sure if he was trying to convince her or himself.

"Promise me...promise me, you won't let them hurt you." Liam breathed pulling Buffy tighter. Wiggling out of his embrace Buffy looked into his eyes. "I won't, but you'd better make sure they don't hurt Amelie!" Liam nodded solemnly before standing. "You should call William, get things sorted out with'll make handling my family easier..." "You right." Buffy whispered. "I know I sure can't wait to see Cordelia." She rolled her eyes.

22 Will?" Dawn asked upon seeing her husbands hardened features. "What is it?" William pushed his way past Dawn into their apartment. Refusing to look her in the eye he slouched onto the couch. "Will!" She scolded. "What is going on?" Looking at Dawn for the first time since he'd left Donnelley manor Will felt his resolve melt. "It's Buffy, luv." He whispered. "Buf...Buffy?" Dawn trembled, tears welling in her eyes. Will nodded standing. "I found her....she's here. In London." He stated as he approached her. "How, how long have you known?" She questioned. "A few weeks..." "A few weeks!" She shouted angrily. "How could you keep this from me?" "I...I had to, I had to understand why she left..." Dawn glared at him bitterly. "What's to understand! It was that husband of her's....he drove her away! He made me lose my sister!" "There's more you should know before I go on luv." Will stated gently. "About why she's here..." Dawn looked at him confusedly through her tears. "She's living with Donnelley again..." "What!?" Dawn asked confused. "What, why would she go back to him?" "All those years ago, when she left...she left with something of his. A child." Will continued carefully. "Buffy, Buffy is a mother?" She asked disbelievingly. Will nodded. "Amelie...she's ten. Beautiful, looks just like the rest of you Summers." "So Buffy is back with him because of her child...their child?" "Basically yes...but there's more to it. It's not that simple." "Things are never simple, are they?" Dawn asked. Will shook his head. "Not usually...I probably shouldn't tell you the rest..." "What?" Dawn asked her eyes flashing.

"I think it's be better for you to ask Buffy yourself." Dawn's eyes grew wide in fear. Talk to her sister after all these years? Of course she wanted to...but what would she say. As if on cue the phone began to ring. Dawn looked at Will expectantly. He shook his head, "You get it." Dawn nervously picked up the receiver. "Buffy?" She asked quietly. Silence followed. "Buffy?" She asked again only to hear muffled tears. "I...I've missed you!" Dawn sobbed. "Oh Dawnie!" Buffy cried in response. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" "Buffy, I...I don't know what to say..." "I can't take back the last ten years Dawn...but I want, I want to make things better between us." "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" "I was so hurt....I felt like I had done something wrong. I...I wanted to be punished, I didn't want anyone to support tell me it would be all right." "Buffy, that's horrible!" "I know...I understand now it was stupid to think that way, but I was young and weak. When your in love, it blinds you..." "You still love him, don't you?" Dawn realized. Buffy paused. "It doesn't matter what I feel anymore....everything is such a mess..." "Relationships aren't easy have to work at them." "Hey, whose the older sister here?" Buffy laughed slightly. "Your right though...I need to start somewhere, and I want to start with you." "Me?" Dawn asked quietly. "Yes you...I want us to be a family again. I want you in my life. I need you in my life." "I...I don't know..." "Please Dawnie....please forgive me.." Dawn closed her eyes taking in her sister's words. "Okay..." She managed. "I love you to much...your my sister....of course I forgive you!" "Oh Dawnie!" Buffy cried bursting into tears. "I've missed you so much!!" "Me too." Dawn smiled despite her wet face. "So when do I get to meet my niece?"

Hanging up the phone Buffy felt a wave of relief wash over her. Dawn had forgiven her! Not only had Dawn forgiven her, but now she wanted to be part of her life again. She wanted to meet Amelie, she wanted to spend time together. Buffy smiled happily for the first time in a long least some things were looking better. There was however, still the problem of the Donnelley's to deal with. Buffy knew that Liam's sister and mother had never approved of her when she had first married him. They most certainly still would not

approve of her. Thankfully Amelie would probably be spared their cruel hatred because of who her father was...Amelie was a Donnelley, and Donnelley's stuck together. Despite Buffy's role as Amelie's mother, she knew she still would not be accepted by Liam's family. Liam's words came back to her...hadn't he said "Don't let them hurt you?" What did he mean by that? Protecting her unborn child Buffy surmized...he was worried about the child, wasn't he? Buffy shook her head. It was too much to worry about her lack of a real relationship with Liam right now. She had to make things right with Dawn first. Dawn was coming over for dinner with William the following evening, and Buffy still had a lot to explain to her. Let alone explaining to Amelie that she had a sister... 23 Buffy was completely relieved by Amelie's reaction about Dawn. Amelie had simply rolled her eyes at her mother and asked her if she was sure she'd told her everything yet. She had nodded despite her one last secret...her pregnancy, but it wasn't time to reveal it yet. Dawn and William were coming over for dinner tonight, and that in itself was making Buffy nervous enough. Since their talk in the bedroom Liam had been distant, he even failed to return to his bedroom to sleep that night. He was probably grateful to have an excuse to sleep in a real bed and have a proper night's sleep. Buffy knew sleeping on the floor for two weeks couldn't possibly be comfortable. Buffy sighed things weren't getting any easier between them. They either spent all their time arguing or avoiding each other. Was he even planning on having dinner with them tonight? She wondered. She'd have to find out. Approaching his office she noticed the door was slightly ajar. Peering through the small space she looked in to see he had fallen asleep at his desk. His head lay on the top surface resting upon his arms, he really must have been having trouble sleeping the floor. Guilt twinged Buffy as she realized she was the cause of his current state. Opening the door wider she tiptoed across the room towards Liam's desk where she stopped to gaze at his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, so gentle. His dark lashes spread over his cheeks, his strong brow was un-furrowed for once...troubles forgotten in rest and his lips slack with sleep he had never looked more sensuous to Buffy. His lips pulled into a gentle smile. "I love you..." He mumbled sleepily. His sudden words caused Buffy to jump unexpectedly bumping into a chair. If Buffy thought Liam made her jump she was mistaken. Liam practically flew off his desk when he heard the chair hit the floor. "What....Buffy?" Liam asked dazily. Buffy smiled sheepishly. "Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you. I'll just go, you look like you could use some more rest." "It's okay. Is there...was there something you wanted?" He asked rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "It's, it's not that important. I just wanted to know if you were joining us for dinner....Dawn's coming and..." "Not important? It's important to you isn't it? Of course I'll be there." Buffy nodded. "Do me a favor first. Go get some sleep, you look exhausted!" "Yes, because I fall asleep at my desk all the time." Liam smirked. "Go!" She demanded. "Business can wait a day, besides it's week before Christmas...don't people have better things to do?" "Okay, okay. I'm going." Liam sighed in defeat. "It's the least I can do after making you sleep on the floor the last few weeks." Buffy stated.

"The floor seems less comfortable than I remember..." "Please! Like you ever...." She paused mid-sentence placing her hand on her stomach. Liam's eyes flew to where Buffy's hand now lay. "Buffy?" He questioned concerned. "Oh..." Buffy responded looking Liam in the eyes across the room. "It's okay....It's just...I just felt it kick..." "It moved?" Liam asked. Buffy nodded. "Oooh. There it goes again...." She smiled softly looking at her hand spread across her abdomen. Looking back at Liam she noticed his sad expression, he appeared to be disconnected. Buffy rolled her eyes at him. "Come here." She directed. Liam slowly moved across the room to stand beside Buffy. Before he knew what was happening Buffy had grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. "Do you feel it?" She asked quietly. Liam paused concentrating on his hand, a few seconds later he felt it. A small push against his hand. He smiled looking up at Buffy. "Yes." He whispered. He gazed deeply into her eyes. "Buffy....I..." His thoughts were interrupted by the telephone ringing. Buffy looked at him shocked, confused by what it was he was trying to say. She stumbled to find her words, her eyes never leaving his. Liam backed away quickly and answered the phone. "Hello, Liam Donnelley. Yes, yes of course. She's right here." He turned back to Buffy. "It's for you, it's William." Buffy accepted the phone graciously. "Will." "Hey Summers. Just wanted to call to tell you that Dawn and I will be at that huge place of yours a little earlier than expected. I'm having trouble keeping Dawn from rushing over right now." He laughed. "Sure, that sounds fine." Buffy replied distractedly, her mind still focussed on what it could have been that Liam was about to say. "You sound busy." William commented. "Spending some quality time with that bastard of yours?" "Will!" Buffy scolded. "Okay, okay. I'll see in an hour or so." Buffy turned off the phone and handed it to Liam. "They're going to be a little early..." She explained. Liam nodded. "I should go try to make myself more presentable then." He hung up the phone and exited the room to go get redressed. After he had left the room Buffy found herself still standing in the same spot. "All right." She said to herself. William and Dawn arrived about an hour later. Buffy found herself nervously straightening her clothing before she opened the front door to greet her sister and William, well brother-in-law she supposed. Taking a deep breath she opened the door...only to be crushed into a hug. "Buffy!" Dawn cried bringing her into her arms. "Dawn?" Buffy questioned pulling back to get a good look at her little sister. Dawn stood before her as a woman, no longer a child. Her soft brown hair was still long and hung well below her shoulders, but she was much taller than Buffy remembered. Taller than herself in fact, which wasn't hard considering her 5'3 frame.

Buffy giggled slightly. "Aren't you supposed to be my 'little' sister?" "It's not my fault your a midget." Dawn teased. "You look great though! I bet nobody believes you to be a day over 20. You always looked so young..." "Thank you." Buffy blushed. "So." Dawn asked. "Where's everybody else?" "I'm guessing by everyone mean the kids." Buffy smiled shyly. "Amelie! Connor!" She called. "They should be here in a second..." "But it's at the best part!" Connor whined slowly entering the room. "Shh!" Amelie commanded. Buffy coughed loudly interrupting their bickering. "Kids, I'd like you to meet your Aunty Dawn. My sister." Dawn's eyes grew wide as she looked at Connor and Dawn. "I still can't believe your a mother!" She gasped. "And Connor's so big, last time I saw him he was only two!" "It's hard to believe he's all grown up, isn't it?" Buffy smiled. "God!" Dawn exclaimed. "He looks so much like his father..." Connor rolled his eyes. "I know, I hear it all the time." Amelie jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. "Sorry." She smiled mischievously. Dawn moved closer to look at Amelie. "And you, you look so much like your mother!" Amelie smiled. "You look a lot like mom too. Except for not having blonde hair..." Dawn giggled. "It's true...I'm doomed to be a brunette. Brown hair can be okay though, look at Connor." "He'd look funny with blonde hair." Amelie crinkled her nose. "Do you have any kids?" She asked. William's eyes went wide at the suggestion causing Dawn to burst into laughter. "Not yet." She smiled. "Maybe in a few years..." "Good to see you again Mr. Lancaster." Amelie greeted Will. "Oh no, no luv. It's Uncle Will from now on!" He laughed. "Sounds like things are going well." Liam commented entering the room from the stairway. Everyone stopped to watch him enter the room. He smiled politely stepping beside Buffy. "William, Dawn how nice to see you again." "Liam." Dawn greeted him hostilely Ignoring Dawn's obvious displeasement with him Liam continued. "I believe dinner is ready. The dining room is this way." He directed. The rest of the evening went well. Buffy learnt all about what it was Dawn had been up too in the last ten years. From her descion to attend University in London, her marriage to William, to her current job as a high school teacher. In return she told Dawn about her life in New York, dancing and bringing up Amelie. She however failed to mention how she ended up in London living once again with Liam. She hoped Will would fill her in on that information, but she wasn't sure if that would be the best option. As of now Dawn was being openly hostile towards Liam, her dislike for him was extremely evident. Buffy supposed she'd have to convince Dawn otherwise, but for now she was happy yo have Dawn back in her life. Besides it was fun

seeing Liam try to ignore Dawn's glares and biting comments. Buffy sighed, soon she would be the one on the receiving end of hatred. She couldn't wait until Liam's family arrived. 24 Buffy paced back and forth, her frustration was beginning to get the better of her. Liam's mother and sister were due to arrive at the manor any moment. Buffy hadn't seen either woman since she had left 10 years earlier. She was sure Cordelia and Katherine Donnelley would be less than pleased to see her back in their precious Liam's life. To sum it up, she wasn't looking forward to seeing them again. Liam glanced up from the paper he was reading to watch Buffy pace past him, before he looked back at what he was reading. Sensing his eyes on her Buffy stopped. "How can you just sit there?" She huffed at him. He set his paper down beside him. "Cause your pacing is really making things easier?" Buffy paused thoughtfully. "Okay. It's not...but I can't sit. Couldn't you have called them and least softened the blow? I mean they don't know anything about me, or Amelie!" "Relax Buffy." He commented. "They'll just have to deal with it." "Deal with it? Because you'll tell them too?" Liam glared at Buffy knowingly. "If we don't look at this positively, it's never going to go well." He sighed. "Arrrg!" Buffy growled, before continuing her distractive pacing. Liam shook his head at her actions, but decided it was best to leave her alone for now. Little did Liam and Buffy know that their somewhat unwelcome guests had already arrived and were making their way through the front entrance at that very moment. "We're here!" Cordelia called as she opened the front door expecting Jonathan and her older brother to be waiting in the hall. She was disappointed to see that not only was Liam not there, no one was. "Well." Katherine sighed. "It's nice to be welcomed home." "Liam better have a good excuse this time." Cordy grumbled as she shut the door. "Jonathan! Where is that man?" Katherine and Cordelia were so busy wondering what was going on that they failed to notice Connor enter the hall. "Grandma! Aunty Cordy!" He cried upon seeing them, rushing over to hug them. "I've missed you!" "We've missed you too!" Katherine told him. "How's my favorite grandchild?" "Very good Grandma." He answered politely. "How's schoo..." Cordelia began to ask stopping mid-sentence upon seeing a young girl peeking around a doorway into the hall. "Hello." Cordy waved. Amelie smiled shyly peeking a little further around the doorway. "Whose your 'friend'?" Cordy winked at her nephew. Connor wrinkled his nose at his Aunt's suggestion. "Oh...Amelie. She's not my friend..." "If she's not your friend, then what is she doing here?" His grandmother asked plaintively.

"She lives here." "Lives here!" Cordy shrieked. "Your telling me, your father has stooped to dating a woman with a child and has them both living here!" Katherine just shook her head thinking of her son's current actions. What was he thinking! Rushing to her own defense Amelie entered the room in a rage. "Don't you say mean things about my mother!" She cried. " father for that matter either!" "I didn't say anything about your father! Although I'm sure he's some low life who left your mother pregnant and alone!" "Uhhh Aunt Cordy..." Connor interjected. "What Connor!?!" Cordelia asked harshly turning her attention to him. Connor balked at his Aunt's apparent anger. "She's, she's my sister." He blurted nervously. Katherine gasped at his words, while Cordelia grew even more angry. "What!!!?!" She asked. "Dad....her...her dad, well, well he's my dad." He stammered. "Your telling me that your father has another child, and that that's her?" Cordy asked pointing at Amelie. Amelie shifted nervously under her Aunt's gaze. "It true." She managed to squeak. Cordelia began to laugh bitterly. Finding her voice Katherine finally spoke. "How old are you, girl?" "Ten." Amelie answered as politely as she could. Hearing Amelie's answer Katherine began to pale. "Your telling me...that my son has had a daughter for ten years and never told us?" "We only just found out." Connor answered. Cordelia's laughing silenced "That's it I've had enough of this! Where is your father? Liam! LIAM! LIAM!" She bellowed. Upstairs, Buffy stopped in her tracks when she heard yelling. Her eyes grew wide with fear....they were here. Liam jumped to his feet and rushed to the door, pausing with the knob in his hand he turned back to face Buffy. "Let me handle them first...come down in few minutes..." He sighed. Buffy nodded meekly wringing her hands together before Liam rushed out of the room. Jogging down the stairs he saw the scene before him. Connor stood in the middle of the room beside Amelie surrounded by his mother and sister. "Mom! Cordelia!" He called entering the room. "How nice to see you! I'm glad to see you've already met Amelie." Cordelia turned to face her brother and glared. "Liam! What, what is going on here!" "Well I think we are having a family Christmas..." "Don't you patronize me, or your sister!" His mother scolded. "What is going on?"

"Like I said." Liam continued pulling Amelie into his arms. "We are having a family Christmas and I figured what's better than having your daughter here to spend it with you." "Surely, you must be joking! This child can't be yours!" Katherine gasped. "Of course she is! She has the Donnelley eyes." Liam supplied causing both Katherine and Cordelia to take a closer look at Amelie. Amelie looked up at them with her dark chocolate eyes, causing them both to gasp. "If, if she's your daughter...then, then whose her mother?" Cordelia managed to stammer. "That'd be me." Buffy answered entering the room. Upon seeing Buffy, Katherine and Cordelia's eyes both bulged in disbelief. 25

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