The Council of Seven - IGOS - International Guild of Occult Sciences

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International Guild of Occult Sciences College and Research Society

The Council of Seven

copyright2013 IGOs Scott James

International Guild of Occult Sciences

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The Council of Seven

The Council represents the Seven Continents of planet earth and the spiritual energy contained there. Each continent contains a unique energy stream connection, to an ascended spiritual reality of great wisdom that draws its knowledge from the god source knowledge streams. Meaning, this is the purest knowledge available for ascended humans to access through the Council. It can only be contacted by a Grand Master, through a special process only known to them. The Council does have earth bound ascended Masters that serve as a conduit for this Stream of knowledge.

North America
The American Indian and Siberian Shaman, energies are located here. These cultures go far longer back than common science knows, making contact with all kinds of spiritual beings that have passed knowledge to them. Indian lore is rich with great wisdom, some tribes are closely linked with ancient Europe and other tribes have languages similar to ancient Tibetan.

South America
This areas culture is closely linked with the ancient world of Lemuria and the Atlantean colony of Egypt. There are also great mysteries connecting this culture with Star people that made the Crystal Skulls. These unique power centers has much to offer the advanced occult scientist that has been trained enough, to understand the wisdom that can be accessed from this Spiritual Reality stream.

As with all the continents vast areas are covered with strong Streams of connections made in many different areas of the continent. The ancient mysteries of Asia have only been slightly touched, vast Streams of knowledge are to be found throughout this continent. Tibet, India, Japan, and China, all have strong Streams that the advanced Occult Scientist can learn to connect with. This area appears to be the seat of magical practices that the world uses today. Once inhabited by large numbers of Atlanteans after the destruction of Atlantis, much knowledge is still kept here in secret books and Orders. Learning to connect to this Stream is vitally important if the occult scientist seeks the higher levels of power and wisdom.

The internal power systems offered through this Stream need to be learned for long life and high occult power abilities. Here too is the seat of the Immortals with some men of Wisdom, living hundreds of years.

This continent offers a unique Stream of ascended Master knowledge. It has strange life forms that are only present there, offer an unusual knowledge Stream that is less about word knowledge and more about feeling and being knowledge, knowledge that is learned by becoming one with the energy of the place itself.

There is great wisdom from the ancient native tradition here, for those that can understand the deeper meaning of it all. Dream Time visits to new realities can teach you a great deal. This strong Stream of knowledge is difficult to enter and requires great training.

The vast natural environment that is part of this continent and surrounds it is the greatest teacher here, giving the Stream connector an unusual new reality of the rest of the world.

This is another unique continent that offers great knowledge to those that connect to its Stream. Vast knowledge is deeply hidden here. With modern cultures destroying much of the ancient wisdom or hiding it in secret Orders far away from the common man. Northern Africa holds, Egypt, the Altantean colony that flowed much knowledge into the entire African continent.

This knowledge Stream is commonly known for its Witchcraft traditions that birth modern VooDoo and HooDoo. Those seeking a core understanding of these practices need to connect to this Stream for pure, real answers, to the now highly corrupted practices. Entering into these, deep dark, secret knowledge Streams is difficult as well. None of these Streams, just welcomes anyone, you must be highly trained and represented by a Guild. The lazy common occultist will never access these deep realms of awesome power. This is how it has always been and always will be.

There are dangerous, powerful spirits found here, much of the recent terrors on this continent comes from Evil Demons that were released by Evil Sorcerers seeking great power, only to have the demons escape and reap terror on entire countries. Accessing this Stream is extremely dangerous and cannot be attempted, until you reach Master Level in the Guild.

This continent is the combination of all. Its location and diverse populations encouraged the seeking out of knowledge internationally, while other continents being so far away from each other could not. European people travelled to Asia, Africa, South America and even North America, obtaining vast knowledge from these travels. This vast knowledge was brought back to Europe and housed in many Secret Orders that still have it to this day. The further conquering practices, throughout the ages brought even more treasures of knowledge back this continent. The Greeks started the knowledge flow from Ancient Atlantis, through Egyptian practices and documents, adding much western wisdom to it. Roman and Nordic tribes found more knowledge through their conquering. This massive contact with other advanced cultures, helped European consciousness develop in a unique and powerful way, forming a Guild like training system compiled from vast sources of knowledge. This refining of knowledge into a practical effective occult science makes it the core of all advanced learning, we have today. No other continents energy Stream holds more knowledge than the European Stream. This Stream is the combination of all others Streams and is accessible by most human consciousness on some level. Here too the higher levels of pure knowledge are not accessible to everyone. Only highly conscious, initiated individuals have the ability to connect to this Stream, in the higher levels. Highly advanced knowledge is not given away it must be accessed through the guidance of those that have advanced knowledge. This Stream has the finest spiritual ascension knowledge and the deepest darkest knowledge, that all fear.

This is the continent, of the most mysterious knowledge of all. Hidden, deep within this Stream, are the secrets of the ages, the secrets of mankind on this planet and the secrets of who we are. This Stream connects you with off world reality wisdom, from God to extraterrestrials, interwoven into a confusing Stream of consciousness that can be accessed, but that few can understand. It is a trickster Stream that Master Level students only understand. Wisdom is not limited to only this planet and our reality. There is an entire Universe out there, with untold wisdom that is far beyond even Guild trained reality. Few Occult Scientists will understand the wisdom from this Stream, it so advanced that only a few on the planet, understand the deep wisdom held here. There are many traps in this Stream that pulls poorly trained people into a false slave reality, as this Stream contains the Greatest of all Evil and Purest Form of Good or God Power. Those seeking this seductive path, must be carefully guided through this Stream or less they be seduced, by great evil, they can never escape. Knowing the ultimate truths in life, are not for the common folk and those common folk that seek it without great guidance, will be forever lost in the abyss of this Stream of consciousness. The contact with the many varied realities of Other Worlds is far beyond the understanding of even the most evolved human. It is not something that can be understood easily or experienced without great fear, or false understanding will be gained from it. Dealing with non-human physical beings from others worlds is the ultimate reality breaking moment, few can handle. It is frightening beyond anything else and exciting as well. I am talking about physical Beings, not spirits or dimensional beings, but real being from our own Universe.

This cannot be laughed at or shied away from, they are here, they are part of us, and we need to deal with it, learn from it, and understand our place in this vast universe. These Beings bring an entirely new reality, wisdom and science to us. Few can access these Beings of Light or connect to this Stream, but the Guild Grand Masters have and are connecting to these Beings, few others will ever have this opportunity. Most will be lead to deceivers and liars that will lead them to destruction, here again great power, comes with great dangers

I cannot speak further, of this here. This is only for advanced Guild members, of the highest quality. This could be the source for the ultimate magic of the universe. These could be the Beings evocations are calling to

Spiritual Advisors
The Council of Seven serves as spiritual advisors, connecting the Grand Masters to the Seven Continents, Streams and guiding them to the knowledge they seek. This is done through a physical being, residing on that continent that is connected to that Stream. Antarctica has an astral being that is connected to its Stream.

Anytime the Guild needs assistance, in making a judgment of some kind or needs knowledge that a special Stream offers, the Grand Master seeks the guidance of the Council. When seeking knowledge the Council will safely navigate through the Stream seeking the knowledge needed by the Guild. This guidance is only available to a select few that have reached Grand Master level training.

The Council of Seven as it is known in modern times, has been assisting Secret Orders and Secret Guilds for over 100 thousand years. All important knowledge ever learned has come through their guided help.

Common masters of all kinds have accessed the Council, whether they knew it, or not. People like, Da Vinci, Tesla, Einstein and even great Generals, like Patton, all have accessed this consciousness that has brought them the wisdom to create and understand, what they did. Tesla spoke of connecting to the universe that held all knowledge and so have many other geniuses. This is the place your consciousness goes, to find the solution to any problem no matter how small or large the problem is. All great people access this Stream at one time or another. It is the sources of all.

Basic Streams are accessible to all people, as the knowledge gets greater and greater access becomes more and more limited to geniuses, initiated people, high adepts, and those of pure consciousness. Occult Guilds have been training people to access, the higher Streams for thousands of years, this one of the little known practices of Secret Guild Orders and one of the most important. When people talk of getting divine inspiration, what they are really doing is connecting to the Stream of Divine knowledge. To think some type of God would be assisting humans is pretty silly. God designed a system to work without his personal guidance needed all the time. Humans have everything they need to access everything physical, mentally and spiritually, all within themselves. This is how a perfect system works, not from constant outside help from a being that does not make much sense. From the smallest achievement, to the formation of the Immortal Light Body, everything is within you. All that needs to be done is for you to be taught or connected to a Stream that will awaken this within. Ultimately all teaching is done in this fashion. It must be drawn out of you. Even common training in schools and colleges, deep understanding of the principles taught, come from within your being, not given from without. There is a Stream Technology, or Stream access for every level of consciousness. Beginning students in the Guild will access the lower Streams of the Guild, these are much higher Streams than you can contact on your own or offered in common occult study. It takes many years to reach upper Stream levels, nothing that has value, is easy to do, nor happens fast. Every known Master doing every known task spends years learning their profession or trade. A Sushi Chef, needs FIVE years just to learn the basics, how long do you think it will take to master the Streams? Stop believing liars that promise instant magic or power with a system of silly machines, get involved in a true Masters path, not a fantasy path that will never come true.

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