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27-29 June 2013 Institute of Education, University of London, UK

The Third Annual London Film and Media Conference

1. Draft Conference Schedule

General Information
Our Registration Desk will be visible as you enter the Institute of Education on Level 3 from Bedford Way on Thursday 27 June and Friday 28 June. Please come there to check in and collect your Conference materials. The Desk will be staffed throughout the Conference if you arrive later. On Saturday 29 June the Registration Desk will be located on Level 4. Conference Programme The Conference Programme, available at the event, will contain the Final Conference Schedule e together with all Abstracts and Speaker CVs.

Admission to all events is free to Registered Speakers and Delegates only. Guest Privileges are held by the Conference Administration only.

For security reasons, your badge must be worn at all times. You may be asked for Proof of Identity if your badge is not worn. The safekeeping of personal property in this busy Central London venue remains the responsibility of the owner. Please take care!

Room Allocations
Room allocations will be listed in the final Conference Programme. All rooms are close together in the venue. All rooms are provided with an Internet-connected PC with major packages on board, linked to a data/video projector. Multiregion DVD playback is also available.

Please come and check in, collect your Conference materials, and enjoy a Welcome Coffee and Croissant between 9am and 10am on the first day, Thursday 27 June 2013. We also offer coffee and croissants from 8.45-9.15 prior to the morning sessions on Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June. Coffee, Tea and biscuits are provided in the middle of each morning and afternoon session. Lunch is self-organised at one of the many local cafes or restaurants. Farewell Drinks are offered following the final Keynote Address. 1

Thursday 27 June 2013 9.00-10.00 Registration and Welcome Coffee and Croissant. Plenary Session 1 Thursday 27 June 2013 10.00-11.00 Keynote Address 1: Sharon Ament (Director, The Museum of London) 'Mediating the Global City: Knowledge, Pleasure and Spectacle at the Museum of London Plenary Session 2 Thursday 27 June 2013 11.30-12.30 Keynote Address 2: Jeremy Black (Exeter University, UK) 'The Cinematic Spectacle of Britishness: James Bond at 50' Plenary Session 3 Thursday 27 June 2013 5.30-6.30 Keynote Address 3: Laura Mulvey (Birkbeck London, UK) Title to be confirmed Plenary Session 4 Thursday 27 June 2013 6.30-8.00 CONFERENCE RECEPTION

Plenary Session 5 Friday 28 June 2013 5.30-7.00 Joe Ahearne in Conversation

Leading British film and television writer and director Joe Ahearne in an illustrated discussion of his work with FILM AND MEDIA 2013 Director Phillip Drummond.

Plenary Session 6 Saturday 29 June 2013 3.30-4.30 Keynote Address 4: Toby Miller (City University, UK) 'The Displeasures of the Media Spectacle: Towards an Ecology of Film and Television'

Thursday 27 June 2013 1.30-3.00

Panel Sessions 1-8

Panel 1: Action Cinema
Chair: Dr. Esther Yau (University of Hong Kong, SAR) [to be confirmed]
1. 2. 3. Rizki Briandana (Mercu Buana University, Indonesia) Gender and the Action Film: Questions of Female Heroism Nick Jones (Queen Mary London, UK) Paraspaces of the Action Film: Nolan's Inception and Snyder's Sucker Punch Dr. Esther Yau (University of Hong Kong, SAR) Martial Arts Spectacle and Cultural Memory in Trans-local Hong Kong Action Cinema

Panel 2: The Body as Media Spectacle

Chair: Dr. Alexandra Simon-Lopez (University of Eastern Finland)
4. 5. 6. Enrique Fibla Gutirrez (San Francisco State University) The Politics of the Female Body: HBO's Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire Prof. Adele Nel (North-West University, South Africa) The Body as Spectacle: Beauty and Abjection in Aronofskys Black Swan Dr. Alexandra Simon-Lopez (University of Eastern Finland) The Pleasures of Silence and the Flesh: Andreas Dresens Cloud 9

Panel 3: Digital Engagements

Chair: Prof. Jim Collins (Notre Dame University, USA)
7. 8. 9. Prof. Jim Collins (Notre Dame University, USA) The Spectacle of Subjectivity in the Personal Digital Archive Dr. Lizzie Falvey (Emmanuel College, USA) YouTube: Gender, Voyeurism and Pleasure Friedrich Kohle (NHTV, University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands) The Spectacle of Social Media: Perspectives for Documentary Producers

Panel 4: Media Ontologies 1

Chair: Prof. Livia Monnet (University of Montreal, Canada)
10. Simon Hewitt (Independent Scholar, UK) The Essential Narrativity of Cinema? Morvern Callar 11. Dr. Maria Ester Maciel (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) Cinema as Cross-Media Project: The Work of Peter Greenaway 12. Prof. Livia Monnet (University of Montreal, Canada) Infinity Machines: Quantum Consciousness in the Animated Films of Mirai Mizue

Panel 5: Narrative and Genre

Chair: Dr. Georgia Tres (Oakland Communty College, USA)
13. Linda Huszar (University of Sfezed, Hungary) The Pleasure of Appearances: Image and Narration in Film Noir 14. Lena Mller (Independent Scholar, Berlin, Germany) Cinema, Suspense and Spectacle 15. Dr. Georgia Tres (Oakland Community College, USA) Great Escapes in Film, TV and Videogames

Panel 6: Spectacles of History 1

Chair: Prof. Frank Scheide (University of Arkansas, USA)
16. Mason Kamana Allred (University of California Berkeley, USA) History as Sensual Experience: Lubitschs Madam Dubarry 17. Dr. Tom Brown (Kings London, UK) Abraham Lincoln and the Spectacle of Historical Film 18. Prof. Frank Scheide (University of Arkansas, USA) Sydney and Charles Chaplins Evolving Ruritanian Spectacle: King, Queen, Joker (1921) and The Great Dictator (1940)

Panel 7: Technologies of Pleasure 1

Chair: Dr. Miriam Ross (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
19. Jesko Jockenhovel (University of Film and Television Postdam-Babelsburg, Germany) The Immersive Spectacle: From Analogue to Digital 3-D 20. Dr. Miriam Ross (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) Stereoscopic Affect: Embodied Relations in 3D Cinema 21. Dr. David Woods (Nottingham Trent University) High Frame Rate Cinema: A Cultural Mapping

Panel 8: Transnational Encounters

Chair: Jaap Verheul (New York University, USA)
22. Iris Haukamp (School of Oriental and African Studies, London) Transnational Cinematic Encounters in Critical Times: Germany and Japan in World War II 23. Katerina Lawless (University Limerick, Ireland) Representations of Russia and The Soviet Union in the James Bond Films 24. Jaap Verheul (New York University, USA) Media Convergence and the Pan-European Audience: The Spiral

Thursday 27 June 2013 3.30-5.00 Panel Sessions 9-16

Panel 9: Americana 1
Chair: Dr. Jennifer Beckett (University of New South Wales, Australia)
25. Dr. Jennifer Beckett (University of New South Wales, Australia) Spectacularly Ordinary: The Intricate Pleasures of Everyday Life in the Films of Wes Anderson 26. Dr. Gurevitz, Dr. Dan Arav (College of Management Academic Studies, Israel) Revisiting the Society of the Spectacle: Mad Men 27. Dr. Jasper Sharp (Independent Scholar, UK) Cinerama: Selling Americana

Panel 10: Cinema and the Psyche

Chair: Alice Haylett Bryan (Kings London, UK)
28. Maria Anglica Amncio (Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)/Universit Paris-Diderot Paris VII (France)/CAPES) Freud, France and the Cinema: Sartre's Freud, The Secret Passion and Robbe-Grillet's It's Gradiva Calling 29. Will Bligh (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Theories of Cinematic Identification: Sympathy, Empathy and Conflict 30. Alice Haylett Bryan (Kings London, UK) Cinema and the Primal Scene: Gaspar Noe and the New French Extremism

Panel 11 Cinema from India 1: Institutional Perspectives

Chair: Dr. Nikhila Haritsa (The English and Foreign Languages University, India)
31. Dr. Vaishali Diwakar (St. Mira's College for Girls, India) The Changing Patterns of Film Consumption in India 32. Dr. Nikhila Haritsa (The English and Foreign Languages University, India) Cinema and the Making of a Bhakti Public: The Case of Kannada Films of the 1950s and 60s 33. Vamshi Reddy (University of Hyderabad, India) A Critical Analysis of Pre-independent Telugu Cinema

Panel 12: Global Queerdom 1

Chair: Rajesh James (Sacred Heart College Thevara, India)
34. Rajesh James (Sacred Heart College Thevara, India) Queerdom and Pleasure in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema

35. Dr. Gilad Padva (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Camp, Oriental Identities and 'Bourekas' Television in the Israeli Gay Sitcom Mommy Queerest (Johnny) 36. Sathyaraj Venkatesan (National Institute of Technology, India) The Spectacle of AIDS: Mapping Indian Queer Cinema, 1985-2010

Panel 13: Literature and Silent Cinema

Co-Chairs: Dr. Bob Hasenfratz (University of Connecticut, USA), Dr. Gregory M. Coln Semenza (University of Connecticut, USA)
37. Dr. Bob Hasenfratz (University of Connecticut, USA) The Literary Film in Britain, 1898-1903: A Radical Cinema of Sensations 38. Dr. Gregory M. Coln Semenza (University of Connecticut, USA) From Adaptation to Usurpation: Changing Attitudes towards Literature in 1920s Cinema

Panel 14: Media, Politics and Religion in America

Chair: Dr. Nathalie Dupont lUniversite du Littoral Cte dOpal, France)
39. Bethany Berard (University of Winnipeg, Canada) Politics, Religion, and The West Wing 40. Dr. Nathalie Dupont lUniversite du Littoral Cte dOpal, France) Pleasure, Spectacle, Religion: Cinema and Christianity in America 41. Ahlam Tariq (RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia) Another Other: The Muslim Woman in Hollywood

Panel 15: Screening the Nation 1

Chair: Dr. Aida Mokhtar (International Islamic University, Malaysia)
42. Jennifer Allan (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) The Pleasures of Recognition and Mediation in the Spectacle of the Nation 43. Dr. Aida Mokhtar (International Islamic University, Malaysia) Television Advertising, Censorship and Nation Building in Malaysia 44. Abongile Vanda (Film and Publications Board, South Africa) Content Regulation in the Era of Media Convergence: The South African Experience

Panel 16: Television and Its Audiences

Chair: Dr. Jonathan Lupo (Saint Anselm College, USA)
45. Dr. Itay Harlap (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Irregular Television: The Israeli Television Serial Nevelot and the TVIII Spectator 46. Margaret Hass (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India/University of Bergamo, Italy) Consume, Purge, Repeat: The Spectacular Pleasure of Cultural Bulimia in U.S. Television 47. Dr. Jonathan Lupo (Saint Anselm College, USA), Dr. Chani Marchiselli (Saint Anselm College, USA) Television and Its Vampires: The Spectral Trance of Binge Viewing

Friday 28 June 2013 9.30-11.00 Panel Sessions 17-24

Panel 17: Bollywood and the West
Chair: Prof. Debashis Chakrabarti (College of Applied Science, Oman)
48. Prof. Debashis Chakrabarti, Saba Naqvi (College of Applied Science, Oman) From Hollywood to Bollywood: Spectacle and Cultural Value in Cameron's Titanic and Lutharia's A Dirty Picture 49. Dr. Marit Knollmueller (University of Maryland, USA) Bollywood does Regency: Costume and the Spectacle in Mira Nairs Vanity Fair 50. Dr. Ins Loureno (University of Lisbon, Portugal) Watching and Dancing Bollywood in Portugal

Panel 18: Expanded Cinema

Chair: Sarah Breen Lovett (University of Sydney, Australia)
51. Ins de Carvalho (Independent Scholar, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal) The Cinematic Spectacle and the Audio-Walk 52. Sarah Breen Lovett (University of Sydney, Australia) Theoretical Intent and Spectacle in Expanded Cinema and Architecture 53. Tabita Rezaire (Central St. Martins College, UK) Film, Kinetic Theatre and Spectatorship: The Danse Macabre of Carolee Schneemann

Panel 19: Femininity and Violence

Chair: Dr. Adriana Stefanel (University of Bucharest, Romania)
54. Chia-wen Kuo (National Chengchi University, Taiwan) Violence, Fantasy and the Female Body: The Spectacle of Tomie 55. Samantha Lindop (University of Queensland, Australia) Postfeminism, Pleasure, and Spectacle in Tarantino's Kill Bill 56. Dr. Adriana Stefanel, Ms. Andreea Toma (University of Bucharest, Romania) The Punishment of Women in Romanian New Wave Cinema

Panel 20: Narratives of Conflict 1

Chair: Dr. Debra Ramsay (Independent Scholar, Leicester, UK)
57. Prof. Jose Mauricio Saldanha Alvarez (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil) Images of National Identity: France's Lost Wars in the Films of Pierre Schoendoerffer 58. Serena Daalmans (Radboud University, Netherlands) Generation Kill: Representing Moral Complexities in the First Stages of the Iraq War 59. Dr. Debra Ramsay (Independent Scholar, Leicester, UK) Something to see? War as Spectacle in the First Person Shooter Videogame

Panel 21: Projecting the City 1

Chair: Rahoul Masrani (London School of Economics, UK)
60. Prof. Wu-Tso Lin (Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Love, Anxiety, and the City: Woody Allen's Europe 61. Prof. John F. Lyons (Joliet Junior College, Illinois, USA) London in the American Imagination, 1945 to the Present 62. Rahoul Masrani (London School of Economics, UK) Spectacles of Exclusivity and Exclusion: Glamorous London in Film

Panel 22: Spectacles of History 2

Chair: Adam Gallimore (University of Warwick, UK)
63. Adam Gallimore (University of Warwick, UK) History, Spectacle and Subjectivity: Malicks The New World 64. Hannah Graves (University of Warwick, UK) Sensationalism and Specious Melodrama: The Spectacle of Lynching in Warner Brothers Storm Warning 65. Brian Neve (University of Bath, UK) The Crowd as Spectacle in Cold War America: Cy Endfields The Sound of Fury/Try and Get Me

Panel 23: Technologies of Pleasure 2

Chair: Nicholas Camfield (University of Nottingham, UK) [to be confirmed]
66. Nicholas Camfield (University of Nottingham, UK) Videophilia and the Commerce of Authorship 67. Sam Roggen (University of Antwerp, Belgium) CinemaScope, Panoramic Perception and the Cinephiliac Moment 68. Tomasz Zaglewski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) Postcinematic Experience: The Spectacle of IMAX

Panel 24: Visions of Britain 1

Chair: Steve Presence (University of the West of England, UK) [to be confirmed]
69. Carolyn Ellam (University of East Anglia, UK) An Ordinary Spectacle: Realism and Fantasy in Ken Loachs Looking for Eric 70. Steve Presence (University of the West of England, UK) Spectacle, Melodrama and Affect in Social-Realist Cinema: Oldmans Nil by Mouth 71. Marinela Saraci (State University of Durres and Tirana, Albania) Early Pinter and the Theatre of the Absurd: The Room

Friday 28 June 2013 11.30-1.00 Panels 25-32

Panel 25 Cinema from India 2 - The Role of Women
Chair: Dr. Pradipta Mukherjee (Vidyasagar College for Women, Kolkata, India)
72. Gauri D. Chakraborty (Amity School Of Communication, India) Representations of Womanhood in Zoya Aktars Zindagi na Milegi Dobara Gauri Shindes English Vinglish 73. Ruta Dharmadhikari (LAD and Smt. R P College for Women, Nagpur, India) Violence, Agency and the Female Gaze in Kashyaps Gangs of Wasseypur 74. Dr. Pradipta Mukherjee (Vidyasagar College for Women, Kolkata, India) Women, Media and Resistance in Contemporary Indian Cinema

Panel 26: Early Cinema

Chair: Prof. Jon Solomon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
75. Dr. Jonathan Gilhooly (University of Brighton, UK) Spectacles of Deception: Residual Magic in the Films of Buster Keaton 76. Dr. Fabrice Lyczba (Universit Paris Est (Crteil), France) The Performance of Cinematic Realism: Engaging the Audience of the 1920s 77. Prof. Jon Solomon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Ben-Hur: The Avatar of the American Spectacle

Panel 27: Families on Screen

Chair: Prof. Cristina Signo (Cavite State University, Philippines)
78. Prof. Cristina Signo (Cavite State University, Philippines) Representations of Family Life in Filippino Cinema: Guillens Tanging Yaman and Lamangans Mano Po 79. Prof. Maria Komninos, Dr. Yannis Lambrou (National and Kapodistrian University of Questions of Postmodernism and Greek Cinema: Language and the Family in the New Weird Wave 80. Dr. Jamaluddin Aziz (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Audience Understandings of the Representation in Malay Cinema of Fathers Athens, Greece)



Panel 28: Mediating Sport

Chair: Dr. Carrie Dunn (Regents College, London, UK)
81. Dr. Carrie Dunn (Regents College, London, UK) Gender, Pleasure and the Look: Female Fans and Men's Soccer

82. Dr. Marcus Free (University of Limerick, Ireland) Diego Maradona and the Psychodynamics of Football Fandom in International Cinema 83. Dr. Gerald Vorhees (Oregon State University, USA) Sportive Videogaming: The Spectacle of Manhood and the Rationalization of Play

Panel 29: Media Ontologies 2

Chair: Dr. Sandra Meiri (Open University, Israel)
84. Dr. Julio Cesar Lemes de Castro (University of Sao Paolo, Brazil) Cinema, Consumer Society and Spectacle 85. Dr. Sandra Meiri (Open University, Israel), Dr. Odeya Kohn-Raz (Sapir College/Tel Aviv University, Israel) Visual Pleasure in Crisis: Actors, Characters, Spectators 86. Ryan Mitchell Wittingslow (University of Sydney, Australia) Cinematic Spectacle and the Ontology of Film

Panel 30: Sound and Image 1

Chair: Dr. Woodrow Hood (Wake Forest University, USA)
87. Dr. Woodrow Hood (Wake Forest University, USA) Renegotiating Early Cinema: New Soundtracks for Old Films 88. Dr. Nataliya Kononenko (State Institute for Arts Studies, Moscow, Russia) On the Cinematic History of a Baroque Musical Theme: Bach's Erbarme Dich 89. Dr. Samuel Paiva (Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil) Cinema and Music in Brazilian Road Movies, 1960-1980

Panel 31 Technologies of Vision and the Pleasures of Appropriation

Chair: Prof. Martine Beugnet (University of Paris 7 Diderot, France)
90. Prof. Martine Beugnet (University of Paris 7 Diderot, France) Pleasures in Minature: On Watching Films on an iPhone 91. Dr. Jeffrey Geiger (University of Essex, UK) Rethinking Aerial Affect 92. Prof. Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli (University of California Davis, USA) Network Identities and Political Dissidence: The Work of Anonymous

Panel 32: Violence, Identity and Spectatorship

Chair: Dr. Dominique Liao (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
93. Dr. Shannon Brownlee (Dalhousie University, Canada) Spectacle and Trauma: The Cinematic Legacy of Alices Adventures in Wonderland 94. Dr. Dominique Liao (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) Questions of Violence and Identity in the Gangster Film 95. Dr. Sean Moreland (University of Ottawa, Canada) Violence and Spectatorship in Laugiers Martyrs and Hanekes Funny Games


Friday 28 June 2013 2.00-3.30 Panels 33-40

Panel 33: Americana 2
Chair: Prof. Lawrie Barnes (The University of South Africa)
96. Prof. Lawrie Barnes (The University of South Africa) Visions of the Amish: Witness and Amish Grace 97. Izabela Kurczewska (University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland) Postmodernism and the Spaghetti Western: Tarantinos Django Unchained 98. Tamas Nagypal (York University, Canada) The Post-Phallic Spectacle of American Snow Noir

Panel 34: Darkness, Voyeurism and Desire

Chair: Sarolta Mezei (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
99. Sarolta Mezei (University of Debrecen, Hungary) Darkness in Contemporary Ghost Movies: An Interpretation 100. 101. Jakub Morawski (Jagellonian University, Poland) The Origins of Pleasure: Cinematic Desire David Evan Richard (University of Queensland, Australia) Embodied Voyeurism in Campions In the Cut

Panel 35: Ethics and Aesthetics of Virtuality

Chair: Dr. Kit Wise (Monash University, Australia)
102. Susan Engel (92Y, New York, USA) The Live Event in a Digital World 103. Scott Wark (University of Melbourne, Australia) Media Aesthetics and Network Relations 104. Dr. Kit Wise (Monash University, Australia) Rethinking De-realisation: The Ethics of the Spectacle

Panel 36: Media Education 1 Strategies for Learning and Understanding

Chair: Dr. Nigel Morris (University of Lincoln, UK)
105. Prof. Paul Chilsen, Christine Wells (Carthage College, USA) Transformative Learning through Making Media



Dr. Ali Nihat Eken (Sabanci University, Turkey) Student Understandings of Media Representations: Findings from a University Classroom

Panel 37: Michael Bay and the Aesthetics of Spectacle

Chair: Dr. Bruce Isaacs (University of Sydney, Australia)
107. Dr. Bruce Bennett (Lancaster University, UK) Michael Bay and the Aesthetics of Excess 108. Dr. Leon Gurevitch (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) The Industrial Object as Spectacular Commodity: Transformers - Adverts in Disguise? 109. Dr. Bruce Isaacs (University of Sydney, Australia) The Mechanics of Continuity: The Image of Action in Michael Bays Transformers Franchise

Panel 38: Projecting the City 2

Chair: Martin Ed Chatterton (Southern Cross University, Australia)
110. Dr. Jennifer Brown (University of Tasmania) Projecting Canberra: Centenary Dis/pleasures 111. Martin Ed Chatterton (Southern Cross University, Australia) A Multimedia Book of Liverpool: The Last Slave Ship 112. Lydia Jakobs (University of Trier, Germany) Poverty as Spectacle? Victorian Magic Lantern Shows and the Urban Poor

Panel 39: The Spectacle of the Other

Chair: Dr. Azza Ahmed (Cairo University, Egypt/Abu Dhabi University, UAE)
113. Dr. Azza Ahmed (Cairo University, Egypt/Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates) The Impact of Television Drama Viewing on Student Perceptions of Egyptian Society in the United Arab Emirates 114. Yoo Mi Chin (University of California Los Angeles, USA) Understandings of Womens Higher Education and Career Paths in the Hollywood Romantic Comedy on the Part of Female College Students in Korea 115. Ankhi Mukherjee (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India) Tintin and the Spectacle of the Non-West

Panel 40: Visions of Britain 2

Chair: Dr. Brett Bebber (Old Dominion University, USA)
116. Dr. Brett Bebber (Old Dominion University, USA) A National Endeavour? Media and Race Relations Organisation in Postcolonial Britain

117. Dr. Lindsay Davies (New York University, USA) Questions of British National Identity and Scottish Devolution in Chariots of Fire 118. Dr. Barbara Knorpp (Brunel University, UK) Towards an Ethnography of the National Film and Television Archive


Friday 28 June 2013 4.00-5.00 Panels 41- 48

Panel 41: The Digital Spectacle
Chair: Dr. Anastasia Logotheti (DEREE, The American College of Greece)
119. Dr. Dario Llinares, Sarah Arnold (Falmouth University, UK) Rethinking Spectatorship, Space and Spectacle: The Pleasures of the Digital 120. Dr. Anastasia Logotheti (DEREE, The American College of Greece) In the Service of the Virtual: Redefining the Internet through Spectacle

Panel 42: Generic Pleasures - Comedy 1

Chair: Dr. Orna Ben-Natan (Open University, Israel)
121. Dr. Orna Ben-Natan (Open University, Israel), Dr. Gilad Padva (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Intercultural Language as Comic Device in the Israeli Internet Sitcom Pinney 122. Dr. Iris Fruchter-Ronen (University of Haifa, Israel) Gender and Humour in the Films of Nadin Labaki

Panel 43: Media Education 2 - Theories of Screen Literacy

Chair: Dr. Nigel Morris (Unversiy of Lincoln, UK)
123. Dr. Patrick Crogan (University of the West of England, UK) Film and Media Literacy: Questions arising from the Work of Gunning and Stiegler 124. Prof. Jane Mills (University of New South Wales, Australia) From Word to Image: Challenges for Screen Literacy

Panel 44: Music Video 1

Chair: (Dr. Daniela Chana (Independent Scholar, Austria)
125. Sierra Austin (Ohio State University, USA) Transnational Hip Hop Feminism: The Performative Politics of Nicki Minaj 126. Dr. Daniela Chana (Independent Scholar, Austria) Music, Text and Image in the Songs and Music Videos of Tori Amos and Fiona Apple


Panel 45: Nollywood

Chair: Dr. Emily Oghale Godspresence (Port Harcourt University, Nigeria)
127. Rev. Fr. Damian Amana, Dr. William Onogu (Kogi State University, Nigeria) Remediation of Religion in Nigerian Cinema 128. Dr. Emily Oghale Godspresence (Port Harcourt University, Nigeria) Female Identity and Visual Culture: A Study of Two Nollywood Films

Panel 46: Pakistani Cinema

Chair: Dr. Ali Khan (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan)
129. Ahmad Bilal (Nottingham Trent University, UK) New Developments in Pakistani Cinema 130. Dr. Ali Khan (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan) Film Poster Art and the Pakistan Film Industry

Panel 47: Representing Femininity 1

Chair: Dr. Kim Nguyen (Oregon State University, USA)
131. Dr. Kim Nguyen (Oregon State University, USA), Dr. Krista McQueeney (Merrimack College, USA) Femininity and Meanness in the American Media Landscape 132. Barbara Plotz (Kings College London, UK) The Spectacle of Fatness in Hollywood Cinema

Panel 48: The Social Narratives of Turkish Cinema

Chair: Dr. Eylem Atakav (University of East Anglia, UK)
133. Dr. Eylem Atakav (University of East Anglia, UK) Women and Turkish Cinema: Gender Politics, Cultural Identity and Questions of Representation 134. Prof. Senem Duruel Erkilic, Prof. Hakan Erkilic (Mersin University, Turkey) Narrative and the Carnivalesque in New Turkish Cinema: The Films of Ezel Akay


Saturday 29 June 2013 9.30-11.00 Panels 49-56

Panel 49: Intercultural Identities
Chair: Vinod Balakrishnan (National Institute of Technology, India)
135. Vinod Balakrishnan (National Institute of Technology, India) Beowulf: An Allegory of Yoga 136. Juanita Kwok (Charles Sturt University, Australia) Spectacle and Subversion in Trenchard-Smiths The Man from Hong Kong 137. Nathaniel Weiner (York University, Canada) Fashion, Film, and Subculture: The Button-Down Shirt

Panel 50: Music Video 2

Chair: Dr. Stephanie Shonekan (University of Missouri, USA)
138. Dr. Yael Maurer (Tel Aviv University/Kibbutzim Teachers College, Tel Aviv, Israel) Englishness and Its Discontents: Morrissey's Every Day is Like Sunday Dr. Stephanie Shonekan (University of Missouri, USA) Nigerian Hip Hop Videos: Hybrid Sounds, Alien Images


Panel 51: Narratives of Conflict 2

Chair: Dr. Christa Van Raalte (Teesside University, UK)
140. Richard Gehrmann (University of Southern Queensland, Australia) The Hidden Reality of War in Afghanistan and Iraq: Challenges for the Fiction Film 141. Dr. Marcus ODonnell (University of Wollongong, Australia) Film, Spectacle and Torture: Zero Dark Thirty 142. Dr. Christa Van Raalte (Teesside University, UK) Renegotiating the Spectacle: Authorship and the Gaze in Bigelows Zero Dark Thirty

Panel 52: Projecting the City 3

Chair: Dr. Sherin B.S. (English and Foreign Languages University, India)
143. Federico Passi (RMIT University, Australia) The Uncanny Pleasures of the Urban Spectacle: Marvellous Melbourne City Queen of the South (1910) Dr. Sherin B.S. (English and Foreign Languages University, India) The Indian City as Cinematic Spectacle: Spatial Hierarchies in Cinema from Kerala


145. Sabrina Rocha Stanford Thompson (UNICAMP Campinas, Brazil) Candomble and the Expression of Ethnic Identity in Farias City of Women


Panel 53: Representing Femininity 2

Chair: Dr. Elena Boschi (Liverpool Hope University, UK)
146. Dr. Helena Bassil-Morozow (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) The Poetics of Maternal Loss in Tarkovskys The Mirror

147. Dr. Elena Boschi (Liverpool Hope University, UK) Performing Women and Foreignness in Carlo Verdones Sono pazzo di Iris Blond 148. Prof. Louis-Paul Willis (University of Quebec, Canada) Beyond Lolita: Traversing the Cinematic Fantasy of Girlhood

Panel 54: Spectacles of Death and Destruction

Chair: Dr. Douglas Keesey (California Polytechnic State University, USA) [to be confirmed]
149. Dr. Douglas Keesey (California Polytechnic State University, USA) Seeing Your Own End: Prefigurations of Death in the Final Destination Films 150. Elena Woolley (Kings College, University of London, UK) The Unlikely Pleasures of the Destructive Spectacle

Panel 55: Spectacles of History 3

Chair: Dr. J. E. Smyth (University of Warwick, UK)
151. Dr. Harvey Cohen (Kings College, London, UK) Footlight Parade and the New Deal 152. Justin Harrison (Victoria University, Australia) Pleasures of Nostalgia, Problems of Authenticity: 1970s America in Crowes Almost Famous, Linklaters Dazed and Confused, and Scorseses The Last Waltz 153. Dr. Jennifer E. Smyth (University of Warwick, UK) The Spectacle of Postmodern Cinematic History: Formans Ragtime

Panel 56: US Serial Drama

Chair: Dr. Michael Richardson (Goldsmiths College, London, UK)
154. Dan Arav, Shikma Sharon (Israel) The Politics of the Television Vigilante since 9/11: The Case of Dexter 155. Joanna Kellond (University of Sussex, UK) Representations of Therapeutic Culture in Television Drama: In Treatment 156. Dr. Michael Richardson (Goldsmiths College, London, UK) The Untouchables: The Making of a Myth


Saturday 29 June 2013 11.30-12.30

Panels 57-64 Panel 57: Authorship and Ideology
Chair: Dr. Sian Mitchell (SAE Institute, Australia)
157. Dr. Alex Ling (University of Western Sydney, Australia) Lars von Trier and the End of Cinema: Melancholia

158. Dr. Sian Mitchell (SAE Institute, Australia) Deleuzian Affect and the Transformative Film Experience: Lars von Triers Melancholia

Panel 58: Changing Forms of Exhibition

Chair: Ana Moraes (University of Glasgow, UK) [to be confirmed]
159. Dr. Teresa Duarte Martinho (University of Lisbon Institute for Social Sciences, Portugal) The Astute Melancolia of Fernando Pessoa: Exhibition Strategies for Botelho's Film of Disquiet 160. Ana Moraes (University of Glasgow, UK) Alternative Cinema Exhibition Venues: A Threat to the Traditional Theatrical Format?

Panel 59: Cinema and Literature 2

Chair: Robyn Ludwig (Independent Scholar, Victoria, Canada)
161. Robyn Ludwig (Independent Scholar, Victoria, Canada) From 2D Page to 3D Screen: Intertextual Spectacle in Scorseses Adaptation of The Invention of Hugo Cabret

162. Dr. Linda A. Robinson (University of Wisconsin Whitewater, USA) The Age of Innocence in the Age of Cinematic Remediation

Panel 60: Generic Pleasures - Comedy 2

Chair: Niels Henrik Hartvigson (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
163. Niels Henrik Hartvigson (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Questions of Gender and Sexuality in Cross-Dressing Comedies 164. Dr. Beatriz Oria (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Generic Pleasures: Snchez Arevalos Primos, a Spanish homme-com


Panel 61: Gender and Genre: The Horror Film

Chair: Raphael de Boer (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
[to be confirmed] 165. Raphael de Boer (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) Horror, Gender and the Gaze 166. Erez Genish (San Francisco State University, USA) Reality Horror: The Abject

Panel 62: Ideas of Documentary

Chair: Rayma Watkinson (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) [to be confirmed]
167. Haruka Kawakami (Osaka City University, Japan) Surrealism and the Documentary Film 168. Rayma Watkinson (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) Disrupting the Ethnographic Spectacle: Rouchs Les Matres Fous

Panel 63: Turkish Media Identities

Chair: Ayca Ciftci (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) [to be confirmed]
169. Dr. Aysun Akan (Izmir University of Economics) A Critical Analysis of Kemalist Press Coverage of the Kurdish Peace Initiative 170. Ayca Ciftci (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) Politics of Text and Context: Kurdish Films in Turkey

Panel 64: Visions of Britain 3

Chair: Lucy Brown (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
171. Lucy Brown (University of Hertfordshire, UK) The Spectacle of the Reveal: Grand Designs 172. Lottie Hoare (Institute of Education, UK) Gender, Education and the Television Documentary: John Boormans Citizen 63: Marion Knight


Saturday 29 June 2013 1.30-3.00 Panels 65-71

Panel 65: Global Queerdom 2
Chair: Jessica Escue (Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA)
173. Jessica Escue (Pacifica Graduate Institute, USA) Androgyny and Queer Sexualities in Alternative British Film Culture: Jose Larrazs Vampyres

174. Maria Golinelli (University of Bologna, Italy) Queerdom, Popular Cinema, and the Tourist Gaze' 175. Andree Lafontaine (Concordia University, Canada) Lesbian Pleasures and Dorothy Arzners Spectacularly Spineless Men

Panel 66: Masculinities

Chair: Dr. Joanne Knowles (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
176. Dr. Debbie Ging (Dublin City University, Ireland) The Spectacle of Male Linguistic Anxiety in Recent Irish Cinema 177. Dr. Joanne Knowles (Liverpool John Moores University, UK) Masculinity, Masquerade and Cultural Politics in Popular Film Comedy 178. Linda Wight (University of Ballarat, Australia) Pleasure, Masculinity, and the Spectacle: Skyfall

Panel 67: Narrative and Ideology

Chair: Dr. Michael Richardson (Goldsmiths College, London, UK)
179. Smita Dalvi (Indian Institute of Technology, New Bombay) Spectacle, Space and the Tragic in the Hindi Devdas films 180. Wajiha Raza Rizvi (Centre for Research on Pakistani Media/Film Museum, Pakistan) Politics. Propaganda and Film Form: Battleship Potemkin and Triumph of the Will

181. Dr. I-fen Wu (Tamkang University, Taiwan) Spectacles of Asian Minimalism: The Long Shot/ Long Take Stylistics of Contemporary East Asian Cinema


Panel 68: The Politics of Cultural Memory in Spanish Film and Television
Chair: Prof. Norberto Mnguez-Arranz (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain) [to be confirmed]
182. Prof. Norberto Mnguez-Arranz (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain) The Politics of Memory in Spanish Fiction and Non-Fiction Film: A Comparative Analysis 183. Dr. Laura Miranda (University of Oviedo, Spain) Cinema, Religion and Politics in Francos Spain: Juan de Ordua's Teresa de Jess

184. Dr. Elena Oliete-Aldea (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Visual pleasures of a Traumatic Past: Re-visiting the Civil War and Francoism in Contemporary Spanish Television

Panel 69: Screening the Nation 2

Chair: Dr. Terri Ginsberg (International Council for Middle East Studies, USA) [to be confirmed]
185. Paula Callus, Dr. Reza Yousefzadeh (Bournemouth University, UK) The Politics of Identity and the Exotic Spectacle: Moving images by Artists from the Middle East and Africa 186. Dr. Terri Ginsberg (International Council for Middle East Studies, USA) The Politics of Contemporaneity: Koffs Occupied Palestine

Panel 70: Sound and Image 2

Chair: Titas Petrikis (Bournemouth University, UK)
187. Karolina Albinska (University of Lodz, Poland) Visualised Radio? Research Findings from Britain and Poland 188. Titas Petrikis (Bournemouth University, UK) Creating a New Sound World for Todd Brownings Dracula (1931)

189. Dr. Heidi Wilkins (University of Essex, UK) Spectacular Soundscapes in Jurassic Park

Panel 71: Stardom and Celebrity

Chair: Dr. Chin-Pang Lei (University of Macau)
190. Dr. Chin-Pang Lei (University of Macau) Questions of Stardom and Gender in Post-colonial Hong Kong Culture: Anita Mui 191. Tracy Miles (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Judy Davis and the Pleasures of Private Performance 192. Prof. Lisa Pecot-Hebert (DePaul University, USA) Celebrity and Media Spectacle: Toddlers and Tiaras


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