Film & Theology: The Matrix

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The Matrix

Knock, Knock, Neo. -Trinity Neo as Unbeliever/New Believer Name: Thomas (Doubt) Anderson (Son of Man)

Becomes: Neo (Anagram for The One, meaning New) Anderson (man). (New Man)

Can sense there is something wrong with the world (God-shaped hole analogy?) Drawn by Trinity (Who symbolized The Holy Spirit at various points in the film)

At first refrains from pursuing The Matrix because of his job (worldly distraction) Guided toward the truth by Morpheus, a being outside his realm

Upon leaving the Matrix, trained and discipled by Morpheus.

The Matrix

You may have spent the last few years looking for me, but Ive spent my entire life looking for you. Morpheus

Salvation in The Matrix Being taken outside of the systems and control of The Matrix (Galatians 1:4b, to deliver us from the present evil age) Neo appears to pursue Morpheus, but is only doing so because Morpheus has already been actively pursuing Neo (1 John 4:19, Not that we love God but that He first loves us) An offer to believe the truth about humanity or to continue to believe and function under the lie of The Matrix, unaware of the truth. (Romans 1:25b, some people exchange the truth for a lie the lie is more comfortable) Upon exiting the Matrix, you are born into the real world as you are extracted from the pods that Machines have kept you in. This resembles a second birth. (John 3:3, You must be born again.) You then truly see for the first time Neos eyes hurt, because he has never used them before. (John 12:40, Their eyes have been blinded to the Truth)

The Matrix

You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage Born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch. Morpheus The Matrix as the Present Age Those freed from the bondage of The Matrix do not remain away from it rather they place themselves within it willingly in order to free more captives. (John 17:15a, Jesus does not ask that we be taken out of the world) Red Pills flee at the sight of an Agent. (John 17:15b, .. but that we are kept from the evil one.) Those still within the Matrix are captives, not enemies, who have been deceived by the enemy (2 Cor. 4:4, The god of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever) Therefore, the fight is not against deceived humans but against the Agents who are able to possess any of those still unaware of their state of bondage. (Eph. 6:12, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities.) By virtue of knowing the truth about The Matrix, Red Pills are able to perform magnificent feats such as jumping over buildings or dodging bullets. (Phil. 4:13, we are able to do all things through our belief in Him.)

The Matrix

He is the One. Morpheus Neo as Messiah Prophesied to come from the beginning of The Matrix (Gen 3:15, the earliest of many predictions regarding the coming Messiah, Jesus) Morpheus prepares the way for his coming with relentless faith (John 1:6-8, John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the coming Messiah, Jesus.) The Oracle predicts that in order to save his friend, Morpheus, he would need to give up his own life. Neo chooses to enter The Matrix with this knowledge. (John 10:17-18, Jesus chooses to enter human history and lay down His life. It is His choice.) In saving Morpheus, Neo is shot dead by Agent Smith. (Rom. 5:8, Jesus dies for us) Neo is raised from death, possessing more power within The Matrix than ever before. (Rom. 6:9, Christ has raised from death. Death has no longer holds power over Him.) Neo humiliates the Agents by showing his supreme power over them within The Matrix. They are no longer able to harm him. (Col. 2:15, Jesus disarms and shames the rulers/authorities) The final scene of the movie depicts Neo phoning in his mission to the other Red Pills, that they show people a world free from bondage. (Mark 16:15, Jesus gives His last orders to His followers Bring the truth of freedom in Christ to all people) Neo hangs up the phone, and then takes off into the air apparently now able to fly. (Mark 16:19, Jesus ascends from this earth.)

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