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Inner Journeys Visualization improvement course by Edward "Maggador"Alexander. -Introduction.

Welcome to this course with exercises to improve your visualization skills. I'm Edward Alexander, from In this course you will learn some useful tips and practices that can help you develop very good and vivid visualization abilities. Visualization is of course to be able to see or sense a scenario in your minds eye, with your imagination alone and eyes closed. Many people find it difficult to conjure up clear images in their minds, and often have problems with meditations that requires some form of visual aspect. The good thing is that everyone can learn to improve their visual skills, and obtain clear images in their mind through some easy exercises. These exercises that I will present are good both for people with an actual visual way of seeing things when visualizing, as well as for people who are more tactile in their way of visualization and use other senses than sight when imagining and visualizing something. In fact, both these types of visualization methods will be increased and work better together by following this program. You will learn to both clearly see scenarios in your mind, while at the same time sense any attributes connected to the scenario. As an example, think of a black cat right now, with your eyes closed. When you think of the black cat, how do you perceive it? Do you actually see an image of the cat in your mind, or do you sense its presence otherwise, maybe you imagine the feeling of the soft fur of the cat and how its texture is, or maybe you sense hearing its purring and meowing? Maybe you even sense the smell of cats as you think of it. Some of you will sense the cat in only one of the different ways, while others will sense the cat in a combination of two or more ways at once. Regardless of the way you sense the cat when you imagine and think of it, the purpose of this course is to teach you how to obtain a crystal clear visual image of the cat in your mind, along with sensations of how it feels, smells, sounds, and so on just as you would perceive the cat in real life if it was sitting right in front of you, or in your lap while you cuddle it. You will learn to visualize and imagine anything, at any time, anywhere. Whether real locations and scenarios, or completely fabricated and made up fantasy ones. So this will suffice as far as the introduction goes, and we can move on to first lesson, which you can begin with as soon as you feel like and have some time on your own to relax and

practice a few minutes. -Lesson 1, Basic visualization. For now let us start with a very basic yet useful exercise. Find a place that is comfortable for you to either sit down and relax, or lie down reclined or completely. Now take a moment, with your eyes open, observe the room you are in, and look around slowly. Notice all details, colors, objects, furniture, and so on. Let your vision move slowly back and forth, while you take notice of everything. Take a deep slow breath, inhale completely, while you imagine you absorb everything in your field of vision into your Mind. Then close your eyes and exhale, and breath calmly and normal. Now with eyes closed, imagine the scenario you just observed, visualize the room from your eyes perspective just as you actually saw it with eyes open. With eyes closed, imagine yourself looking around the room again, just as you did before. Notice all details you can, all colors, objects, furniture and so on. In your minds eye, slowly look around, and try to recreate the scenario as good as you can with the eyes still closed. Imagine this for a while, and take a deep breath, and hold it. Breath out, and open your eyes, and see the room around you as it is, and take notice of what you got right, what you got wrong, how clear or unclear your visual image was when you had your eyes closed. This basic and simple technique can prove very useful on its own with regular practice, and I recommend you perform it several times a day in different situations. It is a very flexible exercise, that you can do any time and anywhere. You can take a minute to do it while at work, when sitting on a bus, when out for a walk, when watching TV, when you go to bed, and so on. In this course however, we will add more elements to the practice, and steadily advance with our visualization exercises. Please repeat this lesson a couple times before you move on to next lesson. Lesson 2, adding all senses. Now it is time to add some more elements to the visualization practice. This time we will incorporate the senses of smelling, hearing and feeling by touch as well. For this exercise you need to chose an object to work with. It can be anything, like a fruit, a book, a clock, potted plant, a sweater, a toy, really anything. So, find yourself an object of choise to work with, and sit yourself down in a comfortable position in a place you can place the object in front of you, such as on a table.

Now with eyes open, observe and study the object. Take your time to look over it, notice any visual details on it, any shapes and forms. Let your eyes wander around the object, slowly and inspecting. Then touch the object, while still looking at it and observing it. Notice how it feels, its texture, its temperature, its solidness, and its gravity. Let your hands and fingers slide around on the object, lift it up in your hands, move it around as you study it with your sense of touch and with your eyes. Now lift the object close to your face, and smell the object, notice its fragnance, and let your nose work its way around on it. Notice if there is only one type of smell, or several, weak smells or strong smells. Keep studying the object with your senses of sight, touch and smell, hold it in your hands and move it around. Now notice any sounds, if the object emits any sounds at all, if not, then notice any sounds around you were you are doing the exercise. Focus on sounds, as you keep studying the object, what do you hear, are there more than one sound, are they nearby or distant, loud or weak. Continue inspecting the object for a while, using all your senses, noticing all details of how it looks, what it feels like, how it smells, what sounds you hear. Then, put the object down, sit back, take a deep breath and close your eyes. Relax and exhale. With eyes closed, imagine yourself studying the object as you just did. Imagine seeing it the way you saw it. Imagine sensing and feeling it. Visualize it all in your mind, imagine yourself looking at the object, notice all its details, imagine yourself picking it up in your hands, touching it, feeling it. Imagine yourself holding it close to your face, smelling it. Sense it all in your mind, what it looks like, all its colors and features, its texture, its temperature, its weight, its solidness, its smell, and any sounds. Visualize and imagine yourself studying the object in the same manner you just did physically. Do this in your mind for a moment, noticing all details of the object, all its sensations. Now, with eyes still closed, imagine yourself putting the object down just as you did. See everything from your eyes perspective when you imagine and visualize it all, in the same way you saw and felt it all when you did it before. Take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes. Look over the object again, and notice what you sensed correctly, and if there are any additional details you did not sense when visualizing the object. Then this exercise is done. You can repeat this exercise regularly anytime you feel like, with all kinds of objects. It is a great exercise to strengthen the different aspects and elements of your visualization skill, beyond that of only visual sight alone. You learn to visualize and imagine with all your senses active. Do this exercise a couple times, before moving on to the next lesson.

-Lesson 3, moving around It is time to expand on the visualization skills and add a new element. This time we will add the element of motion and movement, such as yourself imagining moving through a landscape, making it all vivid, clear and detailed. For this exercise, you must be in a location where you can move from one area and surrounding, to another one. This could be a room, where you can walk into another room, or it could be in your garden, where you can walk over to another side of your house, and so on. You must also be able to either sit or lie down with eyes closed in the starting area, without being disturbed. Decide your location, and get ready to start by sitting or lying down. Keep your eyes open, and observe and notice everything around you. Use all your senses, what you see, what you smell, what you feel, what you hear. Take some time to observe your surroundings, letting your eyes move around, notice details, colors, objects and so on. Notice any smells around you, and any physical sensations such as temperature, humidity, whether its windy or still, how your body feels where its positioned, and any sounds you hear around you. Stay a moment like this, observing everything around you, using all senses you have. Then get up, slowly, while still observing everything around you, with all senses. Notice how your field of view changes as you move, and how physical sensations alters, start slowly walking through the location you are in towards your secondary chosen location. Do this slowly and peacefully, while constantly noticing everything around you, look around, see all objects and colors on the way as you move, notice any changes in smells and temperatures, any sounds you make as you move around, absorb everything around you through all your senses all the way to the other location. When in your other location, stop there, and look around, again using all your senses notice all details, all sights, smells, sounds, physical sensations. Stay there observing for a moment, before you return in the same manner back to your starting location, again noticing and observing everything on your way. Once back in the first location, sit or lie back down in the same place you started. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and exhale. Now, with eyes closed, imagine yourself doing the whole procedure over again. Imagine how you got up and moved to the other location, and imagine all that you sensed and saw on the way, visualize all details as you saw them, smelled them, felt them and heard them. In your mind, move all the way to the other location, still with eyes closed imagine yourself as you were standing there physically looking around. Observe everything around you as you did, using all your senses, notice all details. Stay for a moment, then imagine yourself walking back to the starting location just as you did, noticing all details, observing with all senses on the way, until you imagine yourself sitting or lying back into the very same spot you are now.

Then take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes. Get up, and with eyes open physically walk through to the second location again, noticing all details, and see if you missed anything when imagining yourself doing it. That concludes this lesson. Repeat this regularly, and you will achieve great visualization skills. You probably notice some improvements in your visualization skills already, in comparison to before you started this course. Practice is mastery, so do this and the other exercises regularly to constantly improve and strengthen your visualization skills, as well as your memory. You will notice that you will start getting much better memory, and be able to recall much greater details of any place you go and anything you see in life. After having practiced this exercise a couple times, you can move on to the next lesson. -Lesson 4, Fantasy journey Now it is time to go further. I will guide you through a visual meditation, with nice and calm landscapes, for you to experience deep relaxation and wonderful visions. So, prepare yourself by either sitting down or lying down. Make yourself comfortable and relaxed. Close your eyes, and take a deep breath, inhale all the way filling your lungs. Hold it for a while, and slowly exhale all the way out while you notice how it relaxes your body and releases any tensions. Take another deep breath, and hold it, before exhaling and releasing all tensions as you let all the air out. Now breath calmly and normally, noticing how you become more relaxed for each time you exhale. Feel your body soften up, making yourself relax completely. Continue breathing and relaxing, while you listen to my voice and follow my instructions. Notice your body becoming more relaxed. Focus on your feet, and let them relax completely, feel how they soften up and gets comfortable. Let your feet completely loose and relaxed. Become aware of that relaxing sensation in your feet, and notice how good it feels. Let that relaxing sensation start flowing slowly up your legs, and notice how your legs also becomes softer, looser, more relaxed. Let the relaxation flow further up your tighs, softening up, making them relaxed, as the relaxing energy flows further up into your lower body, relaxing your back, your stomach. Feel the relaxation flowing up your chest and upper back, all the way up your neck, softening you up completely, as the relaxation flows into your face, fills up your head, and you are completely relaxed, feeling soft, heavy and loose. I will now count to 10, and you will go deeper into relaxation for each number, becoming softer, heavier, feeling more wonderful. 1 going down, down, down, deeper, deeper, deeper

2 feeling softer, softer, softer, heavier, heavier, heavier 3 relaxing more, more more, feeling looser, looser, looser 4 even more relaxed, relaxing more, and more 5 feeling so at peace, more peaceful, more relaxed 6 becoming heavier, heavier, heavier 7 going deeper down, down, down 8 relaxing, relaxing, relaxing 9 so deeply relaxed, comfortable, at peace 10 completely relaxed, feeling wonderful, peaceful You are now very relaxed , your body is soft and relaxed, your mind is at peace. For each word I say, you notice you become more relaxed, feeling more wonderful. Now I want you to imagine yourself in a large calm field with grass and flowers. The sun is shining, it is nice and warm and serene. In the distance are some mountains , and nature and woods surrounds the field you are in. Notice the field you are in. Look at the grass and flowers. What colors are the flowers? How dense and tall is the grass? Observe your surroundings, the field, the grass, the flowers. Do you smell anything? Gently walk in the field, imagine yourself barfooted. Feel the sensation of the soft grass beneath your feet as you walk through it. Feel yourself walking through the field, and notice all the sensations on the way, what do you see, what do you smell, what do you hear? Imagine yourself stopping up, and looking down at the flower. Find one you really like, imagine yourself pick it up. Feel the sensation of your hands and fingers grabbing the flower as you pull it up. Hold it in your hand. How does it feel? Notice its texture and consistency. Hold the flower up to your face, smell it. Notice what smells it emits. Look at it and study its details, its shapes, its size and form. Study the flower for a moment, as you stand barefooted in the grassy field, feeling the soft grass under your feet, and the warmth of the sun on your skin. Now let the flower down on the ground, and start walking further in the field. Look towards the mountains in the distance, and see there is a small grassy hill not far in front of you. Observe the hill as you walk towards it, notice its size and shape, what type of vegetations is

growing on it, study it and continue walking towards it and notice how you see more details and how it becomes clearer the nearer you get. You are starting to get close to the foot of the hill. Stand still by the slope where it starts going upwards. Observe thehill in front of you, notice its details, what grass, flowers and other vegetation it is covered with. Look towards the top of the hill, and see a large circular stone there. Start walking up the hill towards the stone on top so you can examine it. Feel your feet walking your way upwards the hill, and the sun shining upon you as you walk. Notice any smells around you as you climb the hill, and look at the landscape around you and below you becoming smaller as you get further and further up on the hill. You are now getting on top of the hill, and standing right in front of the stone. Study it, look at it, notice its details, its texture, its colors. Touch it with your hands, and check if it is smooth or rough, cold or warm. This is an ancient healing stone. A ceremonial stone. A stone where people can go to sit down to let go of negative energies and emotions, and be filled with positive, healing energies, and increased vitality and well-being. So, sit down on the stone, and relax. Notice how you feel an energy connecting you with the stone. Imagine a bright white energy rising up from the stone, cleansing you, flowing up your body and to the top of your head, until you are surrounded and encapsuled by a brilliant, bright white healing light. Imagine this light around you, feel it, sense it, see it. Imagine how it draws negative energies out of your body and mind, and absorbs it down into the stone and into the ground. Imagine how the light fills you with wonderful, calming and peaceful energy. Natural healing energy. It is filling youwith positive energies, giving you vitality, strength, confidence. Making you feel wonderful, peaceful, relaxed. Sit and enjoy the healing and cleansing effects of the light emitting from the stone for a while. Let it work on you, cleanse you, make you feel great. Study it and observe it while it works on you. Now, feeling great, imagine how the light starts to dim and fade back into the stone. You are feeling wonderful, and have been cleansed and filled with positive energies. Your negative energies and emotions have been sucked out and absorbed into the stone. Stand up, feeeling happy and content, appreciating the healing stone. Look around, see the field of flowers down below. It is time to return, so start walking slowly back down. You are reaching the bottom of the hill, and entering the field. Slowly move into the field, towards the spot you started your journey. Now you are in the spot of the field you started at. It is time to imagine sitting down, relaxing. Feel the sun shining, and everything so calm and peaceful. Imagine you close your eyes, and

let the scenery fade away. In a moment I will count from 3 to one, and when I reach one, you will be feeling wonderfully refreshed, completely relaxed and at peace, awake and alert. 3. The visions of the field starts to fade away, and you are becoming aware of your physical body 2. You are starting to feel yourself back in your body, and sensing the room around you. 1. You are wide awake, feeling wonderful. Open your eyes and notice how great you feel. I hope you enjoyed this exercise, and that you find some improvements in your visualization skills from going through this course. As with the other lessons, regular practice is recommended, and you can do any of the lessons whenever you want. Feel free to adjust and alter them in any way you want, to create your own personal experiences. Good luck on your journey, and bye for now!

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