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Their security discourse sanitizes global destruction by proliferating symptom-focused solutions to global power imbalances-causes cycles of violence that make global warfare and extinction inevitable, try or die for structural critique Ahmed 12 Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed is Executive Director of the Institute for Policy Research and
Development (IPRD), an independent think tank focused on the study of violent conflict, he has taught at the Department of International Relations, University of Sussex "The international relations of crisis and the crisis of international relations: from the securitisation of scarcity to the militarisation of society" Global Change, Peace %26 Security Volume 23, Issue 3, 2011 Taylor Francis
Complicity This analysis thus calls for a broader approach to environmental security based on retrieving AND

, effective, and joined-up policy-making on these issues.

Vote Neg to reject the dominant framing of security. A renewed focus on the epistemological and representational security lens is a prerequisite to effective policy solutions Bruce 96
(Robert, Associate Professor in Social Science Curtin University and Graeme Cheeseman, Senior Lecturer University of New South Wales, Discourses of Danger and Dread Frontiers, p. 5-9)
This goal is pursued in ways which are still unconventional in the intellectual milieu of AND resistant to them, or choose not to understand them, and why?

Interpretation infrastructure investment requires the building or maintenance of physical assets Chan, et al, 09 *March 2009, Chris Chan, Danny, Forwood, Heather Roper, Chris Sayers, Public Infrastructure Financing: An
International Perspective, http://www.pc.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/86930/public-infrastructure-financing.pdf]

Investment can be regarded as an act of forgoing current consumption by allocating economic resources AND
time even for projects that have the potential for full cost recovery.

Financing and refinancing that is, raising and allocating cash flows to meet resource costs play a crucial
role in overcoming inter-temporal funding constraints. This enables productive infrastructure investment to be realised sooner than otherwise possible (or which might not otherwise have occurred).

ViolationThe affirmative is financing not investmentthey raise capital for the purpose of investment but dont invest Vote negative a. Topic Shift shifts the aff focus to funding away from infrasturucture b. Limits financing is its own topic doubles the size of research burdens

Immigration reform will pass if Obama uses his PC in negotiations, but plan derails the comprehensive plan BusinessWeek 1/21 (A Hard Line on Immigration Reform Lurks in Obama's Inaugural Speech Elizabeth Dwoskin on January 21,
2013 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-01-21/the-hard-line-on-immigration-hidden-in-obamas-inaugural-speech Ajones) President Obamas second inaugural address was heavy on the theme of unity. He used AND

negotiationnot just between Democrats and Republicans, but among Republicans themselves.

Plan drains Presidential capital. Even once-popular transportation issues now hurt the White House. Freemark 12 (Yonah Master of Science in Transportation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Bachelor of Arts in
Architecture, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yale University with Distinction. Also a freelance journalist who has been published in Planning Magazine; Next American City Magazine; Dissent; The Atlantic Cities; Next American City Online; and The Infrastructurist He created and continues to write for the website The Transport Politic The Transport Politic On Infrastructure, Hopes for Progress This Year Look Glum January 25th, 2012 http://www.thetransportpolitic.com/2012/01/25/on-infrastructure-hopes-for-progress-this-year-lookglum/) President Obama barely mentions the need for improvements in the nations capital stock in his AND

more than replicate the existing law, perhaps with a few bureaucratic reforms.

Immigration reform is key to STEM Honda 1/24/2013 (Michael, member of the House Appropriations and Committee, Embrace president's call for immigration
reform, http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/278927-embrace-presidents-call-for-immigration-reform)

Business leaders, academics, and policy makers agree that the U.S. AND
with advanced degrees in STEM fields from U.S. research universities.

Absent STEM cyberattacks are inevitable Lips and McNeil 2009 (Dan and Jena Baker, Senior Policy Analyst in the Domestic Policy Studies Department and Policy Analyst for
Homeland Security in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation,A New Approach to Improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education, The Heritage Foundation, April 15, http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2009/04/A-New-Approach-to-Improving-Science-Technology-Engineering-and-Math-Education) Not Just Economics. The shortage of STEM workers is not only an economic problem AND of attacks depend on America's ability to produce citizens with superior STEM skills.

Nuclear War Lawson 09 Sean Lawson, Ph.D. in Information Warfare and Assistant Professor of Communication @ the University of Utah, 2009,
Cross-Domain Response to Cyber Attacks and the Threat of Conflict Escalation

So, from a theoretical standpoint, I think his concerns are well founded. AND lethal agent is regarded with the same or greater seriousness. *7+

a. Interpretation Government is all three branches
Blacks Law 90 (Dictionary, p. 695)
*Government] In the U nited S tates, government consists of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches in addition to administrative agencies. In a broader sense, includes the federal government and all its agencies and bureaus, state and county governments, and city and township governments.

b. Violation YOU ARE NOT EVEN AN AGENCY Snyder 2012 (Michael, Business Insider, 10 Things That Every American Should Know About the Federal Reserve, February 09, 2012,

#1 The Federal Reserve System Is A Privately Owned Banking Cartel

The Federal Reserve



all you have to do is go to the Federal Reserve website

c. standards 1. Limits they allow any affirmative anywhere in the world by any private agency the bill gates invest in Indian infrastructure becomes topical 2. Ground they destroy core generics because topic links assume investment by the United States

The United States federal government should initiate complete privatization of its transportation infrastructure by offering to sell all publically owned transportation infrastructures to interested private-sector entities. The CP solves comparatively better than the plan Winston 10 - applied microeconomist and senior fellow in the Economic Studies Program at the Brookings Institution. He specializes in
the analysis of and has written extensively on industrial organization, regulation, and transportation (Clifford, The Private Sector Can Improve Infrastructure with Privatization not a Bank, 9/29, http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2010/09/29-infrastructure-privatizationwinston) The notion of an infrastructure bank seems to be gathering steam among the AND

is the real long-term solution to the nations transportation infrastructure problems.

Government intervention causes instability in the market turns solvency Gerdin 11 (Erik Gerding, Associate Professor at University of Colorado Law School. His research interests include securities, banking law,
financial regulation generally, and corporate governance, The Inherent, Ineluctable Instability of Financial Institution Regulation, http://www.theconglomerate.org/2011/09/the-inherent-ineluctable-instability-of-financial-institution-regulation.html, September 12, 2011) Here is my second contribution to the Faculty Lounge Online Forum on the legislative and AND

moral hazard, distortion, cheap debt --> leverage and capital arbitrage.

Recent empirics go neg
Barnett, senior managing director of Enterra Solutions LLC, contributing editor/online columnist for Esquire, 8/25/9 (Thomas P.M, The New Rules: Security Remains Stable Amid Financial Crisis, Aprodex, Asset Protection Index, http://www.aprodex.com/the-new-rules--security-remains-stable-amid-financial-crisis-398bl.aspx) When the global financial crisis struck roughly a year ago, the blogosphere was ablaze AND
example, hasn't led us to anything beyond advising and training local forces.

ZERO RISK of trade shut down Ahearn 09 (Raymond, CRS Specialist in International Trade and Finance, The Global Economic
Downturn and Protectionism, March 23, 2009, http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/19395.pdf)
There are a number of reasons why the threat of a return to protectionist, AND (both investigations initiated and imposition of duties) surged in 2008.13

Even massive economic decline has zero chance of war Jervis 11 Robert, Professor in the Department of Political Science and School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University,
December 2011, Force in Our Times, Survival, Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 403-425 Even if war is still seen as evil, the security community could be dissolved AND

times bring about greater economic conflict, it will not make war thinkable.

No diversionary wars prefer our evidence

Fravel, Associate Prof Poli Sci, Security Studies Program MIT, 10 (M. Taylor, The Limits of Diversion: Rethinking Internal and External Conflict, Security Studies, 19:2, 307 341)
Yet despite two decades

of renewed research, cumulative knowledge on diversion remains elusive.

external threats to national interests, not internal threats to their political survival.

No impact to heg- 5 warrants Maher 11---adjunct prof of pol sci, Brown. PhD expected in 2011 in pol sci, Brown (Richard, The
Paradox of American Unipolarity: Why the United States May Be Better Off in a Post-Unipolar World, Orbis 55;1)
At the same time, preeminence creates burdens and facilitates imprudent behavior. Indeed,


have with Washington and to reinforce their security relationships with the United States.

Hegemonic retrenchments key to avoid great power war-maintaining unipolaritys self-defeating which internal link-turns their offense Nuno P. Monteiro 12, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University, "Unrest Assured: Why Unipolarity is Not Peaceful,"
International Security, Winter 2012, Vol. 36, No. 3, p. 9-40 From the perspective of the overall peacefulness of the international system, then, no

AND unparalleled relative power requires unequaled self-restraint.

Pg. 37-40

Government creates Asset price bubbles that turn the case PC 09 (The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social
and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians., Public Private Partnerships, 3/30/09, http://www.pc.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/86941/10-chapter8.pdf) From the beginning of 2000 until the global financial crisis in mid 2008, there AND cent of the debt finance for such investments (Esty and Sesia 2004).

Clean Tech
No impact to warming Idso and Idso 11 (Craig D., Founder and Chairman of the Board Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, and
Sherwood B., President Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, Carbon Dioxide and Earths Future Pursuing the Prudent Path, February, http://www.co2science.org/education/reports/ prudentpath/prudentpath.pdf) As presently constituted, earths AND

atmosphere contains just slightly less than 400 ppm of the

go to be able to meet the much greater challenge to which they aspire

Previous temperature spikes disprove the impact Singer 11 (S. Fred, Robert M. and Craig, PhD physics Princeton University and professor of environmental science UVA, consultant
NASA, GAO, DOE, NASA, Carter, PhD paleontology University of Cambridge, adjunct research professor Marine Geophysical Laboratory @ James Cook University, and Idso, PhD Geography ASU, Climate Change Reconsidered, 2011 Interim Report of the Nongovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

Research from locations around the world reveal a significant period of elevated air temperatures that AND
of the data employed by Mann et al. (1998, 1999).

Cant solve developing countries Socolow and Glaser 09 Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University and Assistant Professor at
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University (Robert H. and Alexander, Fall. Balancing risks: nuclear energy & climate change. Ddalus Volume 138, Issue 4, pp. 31-44. MIT Press Journals.)
In this paper we consider a nuclear future where 1,500 GW of base AND

, nuclear power is not on the list of solutions to climate change.

Warming is irreversible ANI 10 (IPCC has underestimated climate-change impacts, say scientists, 3-20, One India, http://news.oneindia.in/2010/03/20/ipcchasunderestimated-climate-change-impacts-sayscientis.html)

According to Charles H. Greene, Cornell professor of Earth and atmospheric science,


is unlikely to mitigate the risks of dangerous climate change," said Green.

Alt cause- china Hale 11 (Thomas, PhD Candidate in the Department of Politics Princeton University and a Visiting Fellow LSE Global Governance,
London School of Economics, A Climate Coalition of the Willing, Washington Quarterly, Winter, http://www.twq.com/11winter/docs/11winter_Hale.pdf)

Intergovernmental efforts to limit the gases that cause climate change have all but failed.
AND successor to the Kyoto Protocol, at least not in the near future.

Tipping points theory is wrong---zero data can reliably identify specific tipping points Andrew C. Revkin 9, senior fellow at Pace University's Pace Academy for Applied Environmental
Studies, has taught at Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism and the Bard College Center for Environmental Policy, March 29, 2009, Among Climate Scientists, a Dispute Over Tipping Points, The New York Times, online: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/weekinreview/29revkin.html?_r=1&pagewanted=print
But the AND

idea that the planet is nearing tipping points thresholds at which change

no one knows where the thresholds lie that would set off such shifts.

Mitigation and adapaptation solves. Mendelsohn 09 (Robert O., the Edwin Weyerhaeuser Davis Professor, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale
University, June 2009, Climate Change and Economic Growth, online: http://www.growthcommission.org/storage/cgdev/documents/gcwp060web.pdf)

The heart of the debate about climate change comes from a number of warnings from

range climate risks. What is needed are longrun balanced responses.

Climate change does not create refugees - empirically proven AC 11 (Asian Correspondent April 11, 2011 What happened to the climate refugees? http://asiancorrespondent.com/52189/whathappened-to-the-climate-refugees/)

In 2005, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that climate change would create 50 AND
, credit goes to the cartographer of the UNEP map, Emmanuelle Bournay.)

CO2 doesnt decimate the oceans-mixed effects Carter & Singer 11 (Robert M. Carter and, research professor in the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, S.
Fred Singer 11, Professor Emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, Climate Change Reconsidered, August 25, http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/2011report.html)

As more and more pertinent studies have been conducted, the extreme view of ocean AND
acidification is not as bad as the IPCC makes it out to be.

Oceans resilient-no rapid pH changes Carter & Singer 11 (Robert M. Carter and, research professor in the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, S.
Fred Singer 11, Professor Emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, Climate Change Reconsidered, August 25, http://www.nipccreport.org/reports/2011/2011report.html) Hendriks et al. conclude the worlds

marine biota are more resistant


pH in bulk waters of the range predicted during the 21st century.

Techno solutions to warming re-create problems Crist 07 [Eileen Crist, Associate Professor of Science and Technology in Society at Virginia Tech
University, 2007, Beyond the Climate Crisis: A Critique of Climate Change Discourse, Telos, Volume 141, Winter, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via Telos Press, p. 49-51]
If mainstream environmentalism is catching up with the solution promoted by Teller, and perhaps AND

civilization as presently configured economically and culturally, that needs to be changed.

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