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Contents Aliens Behind World Government Nibiru and The Anunnaki Nibiru and The Anunnaki - An Interpretation On the

the Brink of Anunnaki New World Order The Anunnaki Remnants Are Still on Earth The Spirit World and Spirit Karma
Is There a Spirit World Where the Departed "Souls" Reside?

by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.) March 2004 from XeeATwelve Website

The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth it is a system devised by aliens. The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long, long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world. The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world. During transition into a global government smaller and weaker nations are being forced or lured into accepting selfappointed stronger nations to act as their police force. Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedom, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community. The New World Order is a One World Order with a hidden agenda to rule by fear, control, exploitation and bullying. The ruling elite of the worlds wealthy, powerful and influential have been pushing for a New World Order with a One World Government under the pretence of establishing world peace while they are in fact imposing their will upon every nation. They call themselves the "peacemakers" but in truth they are an international police force which organized "war crimes" tribunals, supposedly to give the "political criminals" a fair trial before persecuting them. The vast majority of the ruling elite of the world are either descendants of Anunnaki Remnants or their supporters. A trait of the Anunnaki is to rule by instigating people to remain in a state of perpetual conflict. Peace is not even a consideration of the Anunnaki, who are a warmongering, bloodthirsty, lustful, perverted, deceptive, brutal race of beings who have controlled the Earth for a long time. At present, the fragmentation, conflict, hate, jealousy, suspicion, mistrust, intolerance, biasness amongst nations, cultures and those of diverse religions etc. appear to be obstacles to the realization of One World Order. However, each of those traits was introduced by the Anunnaki as part of their plan to rule by segregation and division. The rule by fragmentation was only a transitional phase in a very long-range plan to bring about a One World Government by claiming that such a government can bring

about world peace. In fact, the One World Government is a tool for the establishment of an absolute dictatorship over the entire world a tyranny. Once the plan is in its final stages, it will be forced upon everyone. The people of the world will have no choice but to toe the line and follow the dictates of the One World Order or face severe consequences. For a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together under supposedly one common cause, humanity becomes enslaved to its One World Order sovereignty. The New World Order will not happen overnight. The idea was seeded a long, long time ago, and slowly but certainly it is weaving its way unsuspectedly through the monetary, political, religious, cultural, educational, scientific etc. systems. It started to gain momentum in the last 10 years. The speed of its emergence has taken a quickened stride in the last three years, with one planned event after another taking place in various parts of the world in order to test and exercise the power of the would-be New World Order under the leadership of self-proclaimed, "high" moral standing personnel with the backing of a powerful dictatorial government. At present, while the current push for a New World Order appears to be under the control of an elite group of Anunnaki Remnants which I call the "Vulturites", the real control is under the more cunning group of Anunnaki Remnants, which have been called the "Reptilians". These two groups of Anunnaki Remnants are in perpetual conflict with one another. However, for the time being, the Reptilians are purposely backing off to trick the Vulturites into doing the dirty job of setting up the New World Order before taking it over from them when they feel the time is right. As I have stated a long time ago, most of the consciousnesses of the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants who were previously residing in human bodies predominantly in the United States and some parts of Europe have now shifted their locations to China. Consciousnesses of the Vulturite Anunnaki Remnants have now taken over most of those bodies previously occupied by the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants. The process towards the One World Order was implemented long ago on Earth. Recent aspects of the move are seen in the evolution of credit card systems, identification systems, smart card systems, social security systems, taxation systems, health care cards etc. these are just some of the recent systems introduced to control, condition, profile and keep tab of the whereabouts and activities of people. Yet superficially, these systems appear to be signs of advancement in technology and affluence so most people are not aware of the hidden agenda behind these schemes. Already, humans are being secretly micro-chipped with physical implants for ease of identification and location of those chipped individuals while also controlling their minds by those working under the Anunnaki Remnants who have control of all facets of systems in this world, be they political, cultural, educational, commercial, pharmaceutical, monetary, military or otherwise. Every day when popular programs are aired on radio, movie screens and especially on television, people are exposed to the risk of being programmed subliminally through the flashes of light, camera angles used, words uttered, musical accompaniment etc. to "think" as the Anunnaki Remnants want them to "think". However, there is a small minority amongst the population in human bodies, especially those with alien ties, who have stronger WILL than most to resist such programming provided they do not give in to the ruling elites threats, bribes etc.

The minds of people are currently being altered. The minority of the population on Earth who are resisting the "controller" are currently under surveillance. This minority group contains those who openly or quietly resist the so-called conventional and popular beliefs. They are not without the assistance of a Force which is fighting the Darkness of the "controller". Soon, this will become obvious. However, not everyone who is engaged in resisting the "controller" is of the Light. Audible and inaudible sounds have also been released over the years to weaken human bodies and minds so as to control and poison their bodies, minds and actions. These sounds are also used to regulate various aspects of individual and collective human bodies and societal functions. Ultimately, the aim of the ruling elite is to get rid of the majority of the human race before openly inhabiting and controlling the world that they now secretly control, and they have been doing so for a long time. Many have considered how vast the conspiracy for a One World Order would have to be, and they have attempted to refute it by stating that certainly someone involved in such a massive project would have broken ranks and disclosed the conspiracy. This would be a valid argument, EXCEPT only the highest echelon participants know of the agenda. However, none of the upper echelon have the entire picture they are only aware of fragments of the plan. The upper echelon cannot sort out the actual plan because it is built upon lies within lies within lies. Even the highest echelon on Earth are not the ultimate conspirators, they are merely following orders from their "controller" who is not in a physical body. The minions unknowingly follow the plan to its inevitable conclusion because of programming and other factors. Further, those of a Dark essence will naturally gravitate towards compliance with the Anunnaki Remnants agenda. The public has little or no knowledge of what is occurring. Many of those who are resisting the One World Order have discussed at length the physical occurrences on the planet that point to the conspiracy and the New World Order. Some of those have even addressed spiritual aspects of the plan to decimate and enslave the human race, however, most of those people are coming from a perspective of conventional religious backgrounds, and as I have discussed repeatedly, the Anunnaki have set up and facilitated all popular religions on the planet including the New Age movement. Unfortunately, there are always some good beings who get trapped in these movements. Hence, those who promote a global community are really assisting the "controllers" plan, whether they are conscious of this or otherwise. There are some humans who have already been chosen for survival by the ruling elite. These human survivors will be slaves to their masters. Many have been chosen according to bloodlines, professions, ontological essences etc. to accommodate the needs of the Anunnaki Remnants agendas. The "controller" has an "elite guard" of fighters who are called the "Rumblers". These Rumblers rarely left the "controllers" side in the past. They were only used in desperate situations. However recently, a few of them have arrived on the planet to try to block the Attas, (The Rescuers of the Light, The Amoebas) who are in combat with the "controller" and all its minions. Soon, the Rumblers will arrive on Earth in numbers. This will be a time when the battle between the forces of Light and Darkness will be in heightened conflict. The release of the Rumblers shows just how desperate the "controller" is becoming, especially since the

"controller" is compromising its own protection by releasing its elite guard onto the planet. Contrary to popular belief, the Earth is not an important place it is just one of the final hiding places for the Anunnaki they have very few places to go to in these final stages of the Correction Process. The Attas are the targets of the Rumblers. The average person could not withstand assaults by the Rumblers; however, the Rumblers are no match for the Attas. Many of these Attas have arrived as "walk-ins" on Earth in humble positions, in female and male human bodies. There are many examples of mass mind control tests upon the population of Earth. One such example is the case of Diana Spencer. To the unaware, it appeared that her death had touched their hearts, but this was not the case. They were in fact programmed to respond with an enormous outpouring of emotions, grief and distorted views about the deceased. Most of these people did not even know her, nor did they have any ties to her. Little do the people suspect that emotional energy they spent was being sucked out of them and collected by the "controller" for its own selfish purposes and agendas. Imagine the vastness of the mind-control project necessary to condition so many millions into "spontaneously grieving" for the deceased. On the other hand, when United States President John Kennedy was assassinated, there was an outpouring of grief and emotion, but some of the grievers were Light beings who sensed that they had lost a dear friend on this Earth. His death was felt by all the Attas parts in one way or another. However, his departure was expected by the Attas, and no attempt was made by the Light to try to prevent it for a very good reason. This was true grieving by many. The emotional mass programming by the ruling elite was only in its infancy at the time. As another example of mass programming, the "controller" can now summon up millions of protestors to spout whatever slogans are desired to bring about a desired situation. And, yet, on the surface, it appears that the actions of the protestors occurred as an understandable and even reasonable reaction to a particular situation. In reality, the protestors are being programmed and used by the ruling elite to allow them to implement a particular plan. In the near future, travel will become even more restricted than it is today; internet services could also be restricted. The time may come when internet services will be available only to certain ones using frequencies that will be unavailable to the population at large. Wars, revolutions, famines, epidemics, recessions, depressions, major catastrophes and casualties, bombings, murders and other meaningless destruction and sometimes even natural disasters are planned by the "controller" for its own agenda. There was a document released entitled The Report from Iron Mountain which was commissioned by President John Kennedy in August of 1963. Kennedy was overshadowed by an Attas consciousness (he had to play a double-game with many Anunnaki politicians in order to be accepted by them and be elected President of the United States), and while there were some reports about him that are not particularly complimentary, most of these are contrived or exaggerated by the ruling elite, who also sponsored many of the libels.

This is much like what was done to Thomas Jefferson, another Attas consciousness. Kennedy was assassinated three months after commissioning the report in which he was about to expose the warmongering mindsets of the people who are in control of the world. The stated purpose of this report was to consider the problems involved in the contingency of a transition to a general condition of peace and to recommend procedures for dealing with this contingency. This report, which was published three years after Kenneys death, reveals the darkest recesses of demonic minds. It is filled with openly revolting revelations from many different political appointees about what is really on the minds of the ruling elite. In short, it is disgusting. Even though the report was leaked, it was never intended for public reading. Many means of denial were employed to attempt to invalidate this document because the American government understandably wanted to distance itself from the report. Editors of newspapers were recruited and supposed authors came forward to claim they wrote it as a satire. It is hard to imagine that this document was intended as a satire, as it is devoid of humor express or implied. Likewise, it is difficult to accept that a single author could be responsible for the extremely different styles and energies contained in the paper not to mention the vast knowledge necessarily required to have written the document, which would not be available to a single person as even the higher echelon of the ruling elite have only fragments of the total plan. This paper commences with the query of what would happen with a general dtente amongst America, China and the Soviet Union, and asks the question:

"Is the abolition of war, in the broad sense, really possible?"

In analyzing the query, the paper states that stability of society is the common assumed objective of both peace and war. Amongst other things, the paper dares to argue that were the war-making machines halted, all of the money saved would have to be rapidly consumed or else the people would have too much wealth, and become too cocky and difficult to control. Therefore, it was presented that in order to maintain stability it would be necessary to keep the people poor. The paper presented several wasteful programmes to dissipate any extra wealth that peace would bring to maintain economic control over the population. Thus, it is learnt from the paper that since war is a system that has worked so effectively for so long it should be maintained. In a stark quote, the reader learns that:

"Wars are not caused by international conflicts of interest. . . . war-making societies require and thus bring about such conflicts."
The report also concluded that:

"The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers."
When considering the report one begins to realize that since it is impracticable for everyone to be at real war, there are mini-wars throughout the society. Families are but microcosms of nation states with their miniature struggles for power and control. People

within families use varying tactics for seizing power and control, whether it be done via manipulation or oppressive violence. Sports are another substitute for war, where the participants are actually putting less energy into the contests than the followers of the various sports. In a sense, sports are the poor peoples wars, where millions will buy a strong conflict instead of the billions or trillions necessary for all-out-nation-state wars. And, to show the attitudes of the warmongering minds responsible for the report regarding the prospect of peace, consider this quote from the report:

"In a broad social context, an eye for an eye still characterizes the only acceptable attitude toward a presumed threat of aggression, despite contrary religious and moral precepts governing personal conduct."
This repulsive attitude continues today, and in fact has escalated with a huge percentage of the worlds population being programmed to support the "eye for an eye" attitude. The ruling elite is worried that if there were no wars, they could lose power and control over the people. Hence, they believe that there must be a substitute for wars, otherwise, the people might not bow down to their leaders. This shows not only the warped minds of the people who thrive in this exploitative world, it clearly shows that for their own selfish gratification, they want to keep the evil system afloat at all costs. As a part of the tyrannical plan, the Anunnaki Remnants intend to clone the human mind and insert it into artificial life forms. Worse still, they spread the untruthful propaganda that everyone is a "god" in the making, appealing to the egos and playing upon the ignorance of those receiving this nonsense. There is even the promotion of biological immortality, supposedly under the guidance of the so-called "Ascended Masters". These Ascended Masters, by whatever name they usurp, are actually Anunnaki. What is actually happening by spreading such outrageous and dangerous untruths is that the peoples thinking is being altered so greatly that the Anunnaki Remnants hope to capture the spirits of the victims and encapsulate those spirits in a "time capsule". It is the distorted belief of the "controller" that if it could imprison these spirits and could clone artificial spirits, these would have no will of their own, but would be totally at the mercy of the "controller" and its hierarchy. While this sounds like science fiction, it is indeed the plan. Many prominent figures in the world, in diverse roles, are not at all what they appear to be. Many have been placed into these positions because they do the bidding of the Anunnaki Remnants, whether they are conscious of this or not. This world has long been controlled by the Anunnaki and its Remnants, who rule by fear, brute force and deception. Those who dare to go against the system are disadvantaged or removed from power. This can be seen by the assassinations of several of the American presidents. Conversely, the British Prime Ministers do not share the same fate as their American counterparts because their positions were filled by Anunnaki Remnants or their representatives, such as Winston Churchill. Having said this, it is imperative that we bear in mind the Anunnaki wear many disguises. They can appear to be a passionate proponent for peace, like Mahatma

Ghandi, yet they are the very essence of deception of the Anunnaki. Contrarily, Indira Ghandi is a being of Light. Yet, both were assassinated. Surrounding the American Revolutionary period, there were many Anunnaki Remnants and a few Light beings involved in playing prominent roles. For instance, John Adams, James Madison, John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton were Anunnaki-sponsored participants Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are all of Attas consciousness

Elvis Presley, with his outward appearance of entrapment by glitter, glamour, fame, wealth and other issues, was not really trapped at all. He is an Attas who was here to do a specific job under the cover of a popular singer. His death took place, but not in the way the world believes it did. Like John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, Elvis too, was removed by the Dark Force, however, it was the time for each of them to go as they had completed their respective work. It has recently been admitted by China that they execute at least 10,000 people each year, and it is easy to assume that the real figure is far greater. China has always been an important battleground between Light and Darkness, even though Darkness seems to flourish there because China has always been a stronghold for the Anunnaki Remnants. Since the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants have shifted their consciousnesses to China the increase in executions in that country is no surprise. Likewise, the increased interest in UFO activities amongst the people of China is to be expected. These days, there is a lot of talk about weapons of mass destruction. The real danger of weapons of mass destruction comes from the Anunnaki themselves. Many of these weapons were developed because of the work and theories of Anunnaki scientists such as Albert Einstein. These horrible weapons were developed so the Anunnaki in power can use them to threaten, coerce and enslave the people of the world. This may sound like a very grim picture of the fate of humanity but this time the Attas are here with a whole host of reinforcements. They have come from the future and are amongst us today. As I have stated before, the Anunnaki Remnants are running out of time. Soon, they will be no more. In the meantime, each of us must consciously strengthen our WILL and never give it over to the oppressors. I hope the energy contained in the following words I wrote a year ago will give strength to those who embrace the Light. At the time of publication, many mistakenly thought that the words dealt with the invasion of Iraq. However, they are more current today than they were a year ago. The words follow: Other countries are going to join in. Syria will be the first. The birthplace (country) of Jesus will tremble. Internal rebellion will occur in the number one on the top (Vulturite side) which will eventually fall and will be humiliated and punished. The road to Damascus will lead to many places. Bloodshed everywhere will cover the whole earth, streaming far and long. All heads will turn as they witness the horrific end of mankind.

Humanity in transit will not rest in peace. The voice of Old will scream out and be heard for miles around. Those who caused the grim will find no place to hide. They will cringe in fear and be breathless. Their hearts will fly out in fear and numbness. Their days of Old will catch up with them. They will cry but no tears will come, they will scream but none will hear them, they will cry for help and forgiveness but none will be given to them. The gnashing of teeth and the tearing out of their hair will signal the end of the bloodthirsty tribe of Aaron. "Mountains" will turn over to crush the evil ones. The mountain of giants will advance in numbers never witnessed before and march towards "Golgotha" and together the wind of fate will gather strength and push eastwards, northwards, southwards and even to the west. The land of Zion will cry and then will be no more. Hosanna in the highest all will shout but there will be none to hear or sing the song "Hosanna, Hosanna." Here are more words of encouragement for those who find comfort in them. I wrote and published this last July. The crop of the serpent is about to be cut down. The meaning of the boulders is about to be known. The purpose of the quest is about to be realized. The meeting of the fortunates will soon commence. Be not fearful of the events. Be ever on the ready. The serpent has ruled unjustly and unfairly. The bell will toll. The Light will shine. I will soon gather all that are mine. Best Wishes, M 24 Amitakh

by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.) September 2002 from CyberSpaceOrbit Website

As world events continue to unfold, more and more will witness the ugliness of the predominance of bullying behavior. The rulers of the stronger nations are forcing their will upon the weaker nations and will become more demanding and unreasonable. Nation states are using an enormously oppressive power much like that of masters over slaves. History is repeating itself - again. There was once a super race of aliens known to the ancient people of the Earth as the Anunnaki. For many reasons, the Anunnaki have been reduced in power today. This race of beings thrives on conquest and enslavement of those who are under them. This is my account of the story of Nibiru and the Anunnaki: In recent years, there have been many speculative writings about Planet X, which is also known as Planet Nibiru. Most of these writings are based somewhat on Zacharia Sitchins book, The Twelfth Planet. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Darwin, used his own theories to support his claims. A question arises: Is Nibiru real? The answer to that is a resounding "Yes". There are those who believe that the Anunnaki of Nibiru are coming back to Earth soon. They believe that Planet X is going to pass by Earth, in May or June of 2003, on its 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Such believers are terrified of the consequences that a close pass by Nibiru might bring. They fear this will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, severe flooding, food shortages due to climatic conditions, diseases, meteor fire storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are afraid that it will result in a great catastrophic infliction of loss of life on Earth. Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X The Twelfth Planet Marduk Paradise

"Heaven" "Kingdom of the Heavens",

...and etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibirus solar system was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.

The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from. Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". In the Old Testament these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim". Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS".

The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave. If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz". The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races. Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians. There are different types of Reptilians amongst them. Their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, are not the Ducaz. Like anything associated with the Anunnaki, there is a rigid, inequitable and regimented class structure amongst the Ducaz. The Reptilians, or Ducaz were sent by their "masters", the Nephilim or Elohim to fight in wars with other alien races and to serve as their spies, bodyguards and police force. There are many factions amongst the Anunnaki. One of the most bitter enemies of the Ducaz call themselves the "Pers-sires", a group of aliens for which I coined the word "Vulturites" many years ago. They are called Vulturites not because they look like vultures, as some have claimed. In fact, they dont look like that at all! There are very apt reasons why I have called them Vulturites which I will not go into in this discussion. Ironically, the Pers-sires are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) and the Pers-sires (Vulturites) have always been bitter enemies even to this day. The descendents of these two groups are now on Earth vying for supremacy of the world. Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry. Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins. The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control. This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived. There was so much resistance to the elimination of the worship of the Divine Mother that the Anunnaki set up replacement "mothers" for various cultures such as the earth mother, mother nature and thereafter further corrupted the Divine Mothers image by falsely attributing Her with lustful, vengeful and jealous qualities. The interpretation of Kali is one of those false attributes. Due to a great collision, the Earth and the planets and moons of our solar system were severely affected. Nibiru too suffered great damage as a result of this celestial collision.

This caused the Anunnaki to come to Earth in search of a permanent home. They did not come to search for physical gold, as Sitchin hypothesizes. Oddly, gold is not a native mineral to Earth, so the Anunnaki would not be expecting it on Earth. Nor did they come to Earth to mine for gold to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru (If they did, they did not succeed in saving their planet, because their planet was destroyed). What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru, many light years away. However, the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They also imported many slaves to mine the gold, and they used many of the Anunnaki lower classes to do the same. Since their home, Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth. By then, the other Anunnaki races were already placed in different worlds that they had conquered, including Earth, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. They were also interspersed throughout the Orion and the Pleiades systems. Thus it can be seen that the Anunnaki are extraordinarily powerful and they were feared by many. The Anunnaki Elite and those who were permitted to travel moved from the orbiting spacecraft in smaller shuttlecrafts to visit Earth below. They also sent freighter class crafts to Earth for commercial and military purposes. Inter-planetary slave trade was prevalent and lucrative. It is no wonder that the ancient people feared their gods who they claimed lived in the sky. The majority of the earthlings now are genetically and symbolically part of the offplanet civilization of the Anunnaki. You will see why I say that as the story unfolds. The Anunnaki Elite of Nibiru are genetic manipulators who know how to create artificial life forms. In their arrogance they tried to play God. Their highly advanced technology and their overbearing size and strength made them nearly invincible in the eyes of the early people. Thus, the Anunnaki Elite were seen and worshiped as gods by them. The Anunnaki Elite have sometimes been referred to as the Nordics or Blondes. They are tall, robust, full of vigor, athletic and usually of fair complexion. Their symbol of status and power is the winged disc that represents their home star ZAOS. These Anunnaki Elite were later known as Elohim and Nephilim. These evil Elohim must not be confused with the Divine Elohim of the True Creation. The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance.

The Anunnaki planted hybrids from other worlds on Earth when they came. Not long after their arrival, they began to spread themselves as far and as wide as they could and took control of sections of the planet by genetic engineering. They forced the indigenous people out of their own establishments and forced them into total submission. They used the indigenous people for controlled experimentation of biological breeding. Today, there are aliens who abduct earthlings for cloning and they also mutilate animals. Most of these abductions and assaults are carried out by Anunnaki Remnants (a term I use to indicate those Anunnaki who were stranded on Earth). As mentioned earlier the Anunnaki Elite conquered and enslaved the primitive people who were already residing on Earth. Some claim that Jesus was a hybrid from Nibiru, which maliciously implies that he was an Anunnaki. This is patently false. Jesus is in fact, an Avatar of the Light who "incarnated" here to remind and to reawaken the "sleeping" divine beings of their true divine origin. In Genesis 6:2-4 it is recorded by the Anunnaki (who wrote most of the Old Testament) that "the sons of God" (the Anunnaki males) "saw the daughters of men that they were fair". In developing this doctrine, the Anunnaki were trying to show that the "sons of God" were lured to Earth and corrupted by the indigenous women of Earth. In fact, the women of Earth at that time were purer than the males and they were revered by the males because earthlings spirituality still retained closeness to the Divine Mother. The Anunnaki had to twist this to make it appear that women were a gender that could not be trusted and that they must be oppressed by the males. The "sons of God" abused and horribly mistreated the indigenous women of the Earth to set the example of a misogynistic model for the indigenous men of the Earth to follow. It was very critical to the plans of the Anunnaki to switch the gender of God from mother (feminine) to father (masculine). Anunnaki chauvinism has caused women to be subjugated to men and treated as their "footstools" in many cultures including the Arab, Asian, Jewish and Western societies. In Isaiah 66:1 is found the saying,

"Thus saith the lord, the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool..."
In Ephesians 5:22-24 Paul, who was an incarnated Anunnaki, wrote: Wives submit yourselves onto your husbands, as onto the lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject onto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." Therefore according to the teaching of Paul, the wives are the footstools and the husbands are the thrones. In one usurping stroke, Paul, on behalf of the Anunnaki, subordinated all christian women to an inferior status. Many churches equate the teaching of Paul to the teachings of Christ. As evidence that the Anunnaki authored much of the Old Testament and also corrupted it, let us consider how they have manipulated the writings of Moses, who was one of the incarnated Attas of Light.

In Exodus 24:7 is found a passage telling the people that they must "be obedient" to the blood sacrifice. Further, in Numbers 27:20, Moses was supposed to have said that the people must "be obedient" to Joshua. Again in Deuteronomy 4:30 Moses supposedly commanded his people to "be obedient" to Gods voice in the tribulations and the latter days. Yet again, the Anunnaki purposely corrupted the sayings of Moses in Deuteronomy 8:20, where one is told that one must "be obedient" to God or:

"As the nations which the lord destroyth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the lord your God."
These cannot be the words of the true God of Love. These are the words of the Demiurges chief agents - the Anunnaki. The true God does not punish people or nations or any thing. The only other time that the words "be obedient" appear in the Old Testament is in 2 Samuel 22:25 where it is found that,

"Strangers shall submit themselves unto me: as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient unto me".
Clearly, these are the words of the slave masters, the Anunnaki. There are only three other occasions where the words "be obedient" appear in the Bible, and all these are attributed to Paul, the Anunnaki. In 2 Corinthians 2:9 Paul directs his (Pauls NOT Jesus) followers to be obedient in all things. Ephesians 6:5 reads: "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling and singleness of your heart, as unto Christ". Is not this awful? The last time the words "be obedient" appear in the christian Bible is in Titus 2:9 where Paul says, "Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things"

Clearly, Paul was a representative for a god of terror and a slave masters henchman. As can be seen by the examples of the quote "be obedient" it can be seen that Jesus tried to undo the teachings of the Anunnaki in the Old Testament but Paul corrupted Jesus teachings and in so doing, returned the "god" of fear and terror to power. The creation myths throughout the world are similar in their major thrusts. Why is this so? This is because the various creation myths were spread by the Anunnaki as they migrated around the world. The religions set up by the Anunnaki to control and manipulate the populations incorporated the various creation myths. These religions are not based upon love, they are based upon fear. Wherever the Anunnaki went and conquered, they consolidated the people into densely populated communities so they could better force the people to work for them and to control them - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and economically - as

slaves. They control by instilling fear and keeping the people ignorant. These patterns still exist today. However, they are more subtle and often appear more attractive today than they did in the past. Thus in this sense, humans were slaves to the Anunnaki before, and they remain so today. The Anunnaki introduced the adornment of the body with jewellery. They also promoted very expensive tastes that would force people into economic slavery. They introduced polygamy, incest and pedophilia, which are hallmarks of the Anunnaki. Such traits are noted in various cultures, including the ancient Egyptian royalty and the patriarchs of the Old Testament who followed the precepts ordered by the Anunnaki. In many senses, we in this technologically advanced age, are slaves to the modern commodities, governments, economic systems, cultures, religions, customs, mores and etc. But most importantly we are slaves to this Virtual Reality, blinded by its subtleties and falsehoods and its simulation of the Divine Realms. The Anunnaki first visited the Earth about 500,000 years ago. By then, they had already conquered the Pleiades and Mars and many other worlds. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth. This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labour, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc. Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. Apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds, reptiles, fish, beasts and plants. The Anunnaki also practice bestiality. They created monstrosities, some of which are legendary, some were half-animal, half-human, others were half-bird or half-fish and half-human. The Genesis story was created and recorded by the civilization that was re-started by the Anunnaki. The Sumerians were amongst the earliest ones to possess recordings on tablets describing the history of the Anunnaki on Earth which was in accordance to what the Anunnaki dictated. The advanced civilization of Sumeria did not evolve over many, many thousands of years. Instead it was dressed up almost instantly by the introduction of many facets of civilization by the Anunnaki, including: legal system social order

economic models religions science mathematics weights and measures writing literature music the performing arts cosmology painting sculpture astronomy astrology medicine animal husbandry domestication of plants homeopathy culinary skills art entertainment, etc...

Sumeria became a civilization that other backward societies envied and feared. About 35,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon man took over the Earth from the Neanderthal man. The Anunnaki Elite murdered the entire Neanderthal population after they had finished using the Neanderthals as specimens for genetic experiments. Homo sapiens were the result of the second wave of genetic engineering. This second wave allowed the Homo sapiens to procreate with the civilian Anunnaki. As time went by things got out of control, with monstrosities abounding and many halfhuman half-beasts were running amok. In the heyday of Atlantis, there was space travel for the privileged classes. Teleportation was also common in those days for the privileged classes. As the Atlantean "slaves" became more and more advanced, they began to disobey their "gods", the Anunnaki Elite. This concerned their masters. Thus a decision was made by them to destroy Atlantis. Some of the Anunnaki Elite and their chosen attendants fled the Earth in huge spacecrafts and went to other planets, such as Mars, and even to other systems. Most of the Anunnaki were left behind. Upon fleeing the Earth, the Anunnaki Elite blew up Atlantis and destroyed it, hoping to kill all of the remaining Anunnaki and the rest of the inhabitants. However, some of the Anunnaki slaves discovered the plans of the Anunnaki Elite to destroy Atlantis. Some of these slaves were able to escape before the destruction, taking with them some of the knowledge, artifacts, technology, writings, weapons and culture of Atlantis to various parts of the Earth. Another reason the Anunnaki Elite decided to blow up Atlantis was because they were under extreme pressure from the investigation of the Attas (the Amoebic Rescuers of the Light who are like 'space-patrol').

The Anunnaki Remnants who escaped Atlantis began constructing cultures which we now know as Aztecan, Inca, Mayan, and most importantly the ancient Egyptian. There are many Anunnaki on planet Earth today. Some are the descendents of the survivors from Atlantis who escaped before it was blown up. After the destruction of Atlantis, the third wave of genetic engineering performed by the higher classed Anunnaki Remnants took place about 20,000 years ago. One group of Anunnaki Remnants built the pyramids by employing massive amounts of forced human labour and advanced technology. These sites were used as launching pads for spacecrafts for the privileged classes of the Anunnaki Remnants. The early Egyptians who built the great pyramid and the Sphinx were also Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis whom the Anunnaki Elite had intended to annihilate when they destroyed Atlantis. When they returned to Earth after destroying Atlantis, they saw Anunnaki Remnants cultures. The rulers and kings of various cultures were usually appointed by the Anunnaki Elite. When the Anunnaki Elite fled and the Anunnaki Remnants took over, the Remnants adopted this pattern of appointing kingships. This is why many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Western European followed the order of the divine right of kings. Thousands of years ago, when the Anunnaki Elite returned to Earth planning to re-start their dominion on Earth, they were surprised to find the Anunnaki Remnant cultures blossoming. This concerned them greatly as they thought they were losing control of the Earth to their former slaves. In desperation, the Anunnaki Elite set upon re-taking control of the Earth. They did this by causing a deluge which catastrophically destroyed almost all evidence of the former cultures. Only the huge monuments such as the Sphinx, the pyramids, the Ziggurats, etc survived the flood. Nearly all the huge monuments around the world were created at the behest of the Anunnaki Elite or later, the Anunnaki Remnants. Fearful that there would be Anunnaki Remnants left after the deluge who could rapidly re-construct the culture, especially in Egypt, the Anunnaki Elite took the tremendous risk of selecting an area of the Earth onto which they could instantaneously deposit a culture that would be far superior to that of any tribe on Earth. This emergency plan was executed in Sumeria. Sumeria developed almost instantaneously because of an extremely urgent situation. The Anunnaki Elite were losing influence over the Earth to the Anunnaki Remnants of Atlantis who had escaped, amongst other places, to Egypt and to the Americas. These Anunnaki Remnants were developing the Egyptian, Aztecan, Mayan and Inca cultures and could attain dominance if left to their own devices. Therefore the Anunnaki Elite took the extreme risky decision to create a super culture complete with written language and records in Sumeria. At this point, the most powerful of the Attas of the Light interceded and captured a great number of the Anunnaki Elite. Many of the Anunnaki Elite fled the Earth yet again in their spacecrafts and returned to Orion and the Pleiades systems. These once proud and "mighty" Anunnaki Elite are now nothing but fugitives cowering in hiding.

The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story? There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth. There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elites latest colonization of the Earth. The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what was recorded on the tablets by the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods, was self-serving. Through past experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. This is an important tool that they use for control. The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is very male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divines" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge. In the Sumerian texts there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story. The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere. Today the Anunnaki Remnants are planning to re-establish the "majesty" of bygone days when the Anunnaki Elite had a complete tyranny over the Earth. They plan to re-start the world again. The Anunnaki Remnants, with the help of humans as well as the incarnated Anunnaki in human bodies, have built massive underground bunkers and railway lines that are a part of their structure for allowing them and their cadre of attendants to survive the catastrophes that they believe the fugitive Anunnaki Elite are planning for the Earth. They cannot leave the planet in spacecrafts because they were left with limited resources after the Anunnaki Elite escaped with all of the technologically advanced spacecrafts. The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (like their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth.

The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they also think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth. But the Anunnaki Remnants plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave. The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world. The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. This diabolical scheme is not known to the general public and it will be vehemently denied by the world leaders and their minions. Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers! The Anunnaki on Earth are awaiting reinforcements from their masters, the Anunnaki Elite who escaped temporarily to other solar systems when the Attas were after them. However, the reinforcements will not be coming to Earth this time because the Attas have restricted their reinforcements, so the existing Anunnaki on Earth are stuck. The Sun Cruisers that have been detected recently are part of The Rescue Team from the Light. They are not of Eridanean origin as has been speculated by some. The Sun Cruisers are on standby because the Light anticipates that the Anunnaki Elite will attempt to return to the Earth to cause all manner of catastrophes, and to re-supply the Anunnaki Remnants. However, should any Anunnaki Elite attempt to come to Earth, they will encounter invincible forces from the Light. The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Lights security and so the Anunnaki Remnants are becoming terrified to the point that world leaders are now irrational. Already there are those who are so deluded by the programming of the Anunnaki Remnants that they are saying things like,

"this Earth is a prison but it can be turned into a paradise".

The Anunnaki have incarnated in human forms. Some are also in the astral. The Anunnaki have great influence over the astral world also. Many messages channeled today are deceitful messages from the Anunnaki. The Light has waited for this very time to perform Its Final Rescue of all the Viable beings of Light from all levels and from all types of consciousness who are trapped in this evil dimension. THE PROCESS IS WELL UNDERWAY! Something will be coming our way very soon but it will not be Nibiru.

by Steffan Stanford April 2004 from XeeATwelve Website

Of recent, the article "Nibiru and the Anunnaki" by my wife Amitakh Stanford, whose pseudonym is D. M., has been the subject of a great deal of discussion. I hope that I can shed some light on that discussion with my interpretation of a few points concerning her article. Some readers have misread "Nibiru and the Anunnaki" and think that the piece agrees with Zecharia Sitchins theories. In fact, Amitakh states very early in the piece that a great deal of speculative writing about Nibiru seems to be based upon Sitchins "Twelfth Planet." She goes on to say that:

"Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Darwin, used his own theories to support his claims."
In that sentence she shows that she disagrees with Darwins theory of evolution and that she believes the premise upon which he based his theory is unfounded. She also demonstrates her disagreement with Velikovskys theory that Venus was a comet that was captured by our solar system and thence became a planet and that his premise was likewise unfounded. The same is true with her assessment of Sitchins theory as to why the Anunnaki came to Earth. Amitakh explains that she is presenting her account of the Nibiru, which is quite different from those currently in circulation for the very reason that most accounts of the planet are in fact based upon Sitchins writings, and she disagrees with Sitchin.

Sitchin theorizes that the Anunnaki are near neighbors to Earth, being a planet that he refers to as the Twelfth Planet. (Amitakh calls this planet Nibiru throughout her article). Sitchin then hypothesizes that the atmosphere of the Anunnakis home planet was deteriorating and needed bolstering so the people of Nibiru travelled to Earth to mine physical gold which they subsequently used to construct a shield to protect their home planet. He argues that while the Anunnaki were on Earth they enslaved the inhabitants of the planet to force them to mine the gold. "Nibiru and the Anunnaki" disagrees with that premise, and states that the Anunnaki are a bloodthirsty, conquering race that came to Earth for conquest of the planet. When they arrived, they discovered physical gold, a non-native element of the planet; the gold was merely a bonus for the Anunnaki in their conquest of the Earth. With Sitichins theory and his presentation of the story, one can actually feel sorry for the Anunnaki as he argues that their home planet is dying and that the Anunnaki are attempting a rescue of their planet. On the contrary, no possible sympathy for the Anunnaki can be found in Amitakhs writing about them. She exposes them by stating:

"If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted the impression of the Anunnaki."
Finally, Sitchin discusses the theory of the salvation of Nibiru with the golden shield and presents the story to make the actions of the Anunnaki palatable by even making their home planet a part of our solar system. Amitakh avers that Nibiru is not a part of our solar system at all, but is a foreign planet whose inhabitants invaded the Earth and that they seek conquest of our entire solar system. She also explains that Nibiru is extinct, along with its home star (sun) ZA-OS, so there is nothing to salvage, and she exposes the Anunnaki for what they are dreadful, sneaky, deceptive, manipulative, vengeful conquerors of the Earth. A fair and insightful reading of Amitakhs article and Sitchins writings would lead one to believe that the two authors are from opposite camps.

by Amitakh Stanford (republished from the Nara site) 22nd April 2006 from XeeATwelve Website

This is a very difficult article to present because what is about to happen is most disturbing. Things on the Earth are about to take a tremendous turn for the worse. Most of the people on the planet are oblivious to what is happening; the New World Order is about to engulf the world. Of those who have some awareness of what is occurring, only a small percentage of them understand that Anunnaki aliens are behind the New World Order. Whilst humans can be cruel taskmasters, the people of the world are unprepared for the evilness that alien taskmasters will soon be expressing after they implement their plans for the NWO. In the short term, the Anunnaki slave masters will no longer hide behind invisibility technology and remain behind the scenes, nor will they worry about making good impressions on people or personal-relation issues. In the long term, it will be all out slavery, with the humans who survive the onslaught being subjected to masters as never before. There are many reasons why the Anunnaki remained hidden from human eyes on the planet all this time, and why they have not used their technology to annihilate the whole human race. One of the reasons is that most of the races of Anunnaki are not particularly attractive in physical terms. When they arrived on Earth, they were taken in by the human form and admired its appearance. This led to many aliens mating with human women, either forcibly or voluntarily. Many of the Anunnaki have strong sex drives, and the fact that humans can mate whether in or out of season was a bonus for the aliens on Earth. Today, many of the Anunnaki preferences for males and females are apparent in the marketplace. Beauty shops abound, and fashion trends are often presented to satisfy Anunnaki sexual urges. Anunnaki are particularly attracted to large breasts, hence they have urged and otherwise programmed women to pursue breast implants. The recent trend towards full lips and big buttocks are examples of Anunnaki programming. Males' hunk-look is another Anunnaki influence. Anunnaki also groom children and exploit them to fulfill their sexual appetites. The "free love" movement of the 1960s was Anunnaki sponsored, as was the move of Hollywood from entertainment towards fullblown pornography and the desensitization towards injustice and horror. Another Anunnaki reason for keeping humans on the planet is to use them as slaves to do their bidding. This has been effectively done from behind the scenes, so to speak, with few humans ever suspecting they were working for alien slave masters.

Eventually, many aliens later adapted themselves to fit into human shells, but it should be remembered that these are alien consciousnesses in human bodies. That is, they do not think or act like humans, they just look like them. As I have explained in other writings, the Reptilians and the Vulturites are the two most powerful Anunnaki groups, and they are bitter enemies. When the Reptilians decided to re-locate their top secret Atu-waa to the Earth, a great many aliens became interested in the secrecy surrounding the planet. The other aliens watched, visited and hoped to colonize the Earth. The Reptilians retreated into human forms so they would blend in with the locals and be able to operate in relative obscurity. However, many other alien races did the same thing. Over time, the human populations became infested with alien consciousnesses in human forms. One thing that occurs when aliens take on human forms is that it becomes difficult for them to identify their own kind, so difficult that only a few of the highest echelon can do so. Most humans lack even the knowledge of alien consciousnesses in human bodies. They are completely unaware of the alien invasion that has riddled the Earth for millennia, and even if they were aware, very few would be able to identify aliens amongst their populations, much less ascertain which alien races are where. It is the plan of the Reptilians to implement the NWO so they can control the entire planet. They had hoped to rule the Virtual Reality from this base because they had secured the Atu-waa on the planet. With that tool and total control of the Earth, the Reptilians believed they could master all worlds by starting and re-starting time when most opportune for them. Of course, the Atu-waa is now totally inoperable since the True-Light being that was enslaved in the device was rescued. We are on the brink of the NWO, which looms ominously before us. It can be felt by those who are sensitive to it. The implementation of the NWO has begun. Australia is the launching pad. Originally, the ruling elite had intended America to be the first nation to be absorbed into the NWO, but several things altered that decision, which led to a change to move it to Australia. Many Greys have moved to Australia, as can be seen by the recent push by various shires to fluoridate water supplies. As I have indicated in previous articles, the Greys have lived underground for so long that they have developed deficiencies that are corrected by regular doses of toxic fluoride, which are administered to them in "medicinal" doses through water systems on the surface of the planet. People in the affected areas are subjected to fluoride poisoning for the benefit of the Greys. The authorities responsible for fluoridation, and the health professionals who support fluoridation of water systems, are nearly all ignorant of the Grey/fluoride connection. Wherever there is pressure to fluoridate water systems, there is a very good chance that Greys are about to re-locate to the area. As I have indicated, for the time being, Greys are closely aligned with the Reptilians. The Greys have co-operated with the Reptilians because they have been promised that Grey DNA and human DNA will be merged and moulded to form a new race that will emerge as the dominant race on Earth after the NWO is fully implemented. The Greys have conducted horrible experiments on humans to work with both sets of DNA. However, the Reptilians have lied to the Greys; their DNA will not be used for any new emergent species.

In addition to contaminating water supplies with fluoride, the aliens are bombarding water with beams that instill programming into the water to make people more accepting of the NWO. As a side affect of the programming in the water, people who have tendencies towards obesity become more obese, and those who would be marginally overweight become obese. There are other side affects, but obesity is one of the more obvious ones. Any drinks that are readily available and widely distributed are likely to contain both fluoride and the alien beamed-in programming. Although it is in the early stages of implementation, the foundation for the NWO was laid millennia ago. It appeared ever so slowly and aspects of it seem to be unrelated, but it moves forward, involving various facets of life, such as: health, legal, financial, political, communication, media, marketing, education, social, trading, military, police and other systems. The NWO will not happen overnight. The ruling elite is altering peoples' health and structure in preparation for the implementation of the NWO. Thoughts are being modified through all the services, activities and bombardments directed especially at the youth, who will be the examples for the NWO. One thing has led to another, and, finally, the stage is ready for the implementation of the early stages of the NWO. Terrorism has changed security systems and brought about the demands for obedience of the law and resulted in divisions of various nationalities and races of the world. The United Nations and other national composite associations are being used to implement the NWO. What will emerge will be self-appointed bullies over certain nations, who will take power much like schoolyard bullies overpower their classmates. Bullies will increase in all fields and at all levels. Bullying will be the norm in the workplace, schools, organizations and on the streets. The very young are now learning to bully their classmates, which behaviour is condoned. Older people are also encouraged and even rewarded for bullying. The whole system is going mad. People are openly rude and disrespectful. Hating, bullying, looting and marauding are directly or indirectly encouraged by the system and by the socio-political environment. The minds of people are changing. What we are seeing is reminiscent of the Anunnaki mentality and behaviour before the collapse of their own social systems a long time ago. Humans, animals and plants have been slowly poisoned and modified in various ways over the years until now, when it is time for more specific mind control and physical restraint. For example, the alien force has begun implementing particular mind-control beams targeting certain travellers in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales in Australia. At this time, the most targeted areas in Queensland are along certain highways, especially along portions of the New England Highway. Roads that link major towns to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia, are among the most affected. Currently, those who unsuspectingly travel the New England Highway do so at their own peril.

Specific areas in Australia have been reserved for the higher echelon of the ruling elite. Already, a particular shire in Queensland has been selected to house a huge prison, four times the size of any other prison in the state. Retired military and police are being encouraged and programmed to re-locate to the shire. Many more will soon be getting the "call" to move to the shire to be standby personnel for the NWO. Prisons are being constructed in anticipation of resistance to the elimination of freedom as the NWO is implemented. However, with all the increased programming for obeying the authorities being played repeatedly, it is doubtful that there will be much resistance to the NWO in Australia. Travel will get more and more expensive, difficult and dangerous. Speed limits are being reduced on the basis that there are more accidents occurring, especially on the roads mapped out as NWO routes. When people travel on these routes, they are bombarded with beams imbedded with whatever type of programming the ruling elite uses to influence the motorists. Slower speed extends the time motorists are subjected to the massive programming, and allows the programming to be more deeply imbedded. Road works are also used for stopping, slowing and more effectively programming motorists. Many road signs now contain strong programming, as do lights and other distractions that motorists are

being subjected to as they travel on highways. A few people may sense something is not right, but they will not quite understand what is going on. The programming can cause sleepiness, lack of concentration, irritability, sickness, all of which contribute to accidents and road rage, giving more excuse for greater police presence. More importantly, the programming also influences the mindsets of the victims. It is worth mentioning that nearly all of the agents of the NWO do not suspect what is happening. For instance, police are programmed to believe that lower speed limits will reduce accidents and they are further programmed to want to increase revenues for the government by booking people for exceeding those speed limits. Military personnel are programmed to believe that they are needed in foreign and domestic situations to help maintain a "better" world, and they are further programmed to abuse, torture and even kill any that interfere with this "better" world. In most cases, the police commissioners and ministers are ignorant of the Anunnaki plans for a NWO. Likewise, general officers and even commanders of entire military forces may also be ignorant of the Anunnaki plans. This is a very secret conspiracy, and very few agents of Darkness are entrusted with substantial parts of the plans. The demiurges are very fearful of rebellion and overthrow by underlings. It is for this reason that nearly all False-Light beings are only given information on a "need-toknow" basis. Even when a demiurge "incarnates" into a physical body, whether human or alien, that body is denied much information because the demiurge fears overthrow by Its own incarnation. The Virtual Reality is built upon distrust from the top down. True-Light beings who are trapped in this Virtual Reality are restricted from receiving information due to the filtering systems imposed by Darkness to keep all beings ignorant. True-Light beings are able to connect with the True Creator, despite the obstructions erected by Darkness, but such connections are not always easy, and do not last long in this realm of Darkness. Areas have been mapped out for the NWO. Physical safety may be available in certain alien areas, but at an expensive compromise of one's Will. Aliens are in populated and isolated areas as well. In short, there will be aliens and agents of the NWO almost anywhere you go on the planet. You need to be guided inwardly to the safest places and routes. Some of us may need to be in the war zones, others may be guided to relatively safe areas. Remember, one's physical demise is not a sign of punishment or a sign of one's spiritual failure or success. In other words, a dedicated True-Light being may still suffer greatly or die a horrific death, just like beings of Darkness may likewise suffer and end tragically. Physical relocation may not be feasible for everyone and one can gain inner strength from wherever one is located and in whatever situation one finds oneself, whether it be a war-torn country, a NWO infested area or a disaster prone territory. Some of you may be inflicted with illnesses, injuries or other traumas. Understanding that the physical shell is only temporary and is not the real you can assist you to let go of the fears that bind you to this Virtual Reality. People are being encouraged to turn one another in to the authorities for anything that is suspicious and might be considered as terrorist activity. Whether the accusations are

true or unfounded is basically irrelevant. What is important to the ruling elite is that people are turning in others for mere suspicions. The plans to close off certain towns and cities are quite disturbing. Once the whole NWO is mapped out and the flow of food, water, electricity, medical supplies etc. is controlled, people will be virtually disabled throughout the controlled area. Oil prices are being manipulated in order to restrict travel and for other reasons. If this continues to escalate, very few people will be able to afford to travel overseas. Those who can travel will be the rich and the privileged classes that are given advantages because they are favored by the system. The Port Arthur massacre was staged in order to bring about the implementation of strict controls of firearms in Australia. Earlier attempts in America to do this failed, which is one of the reasons why America will not be the first country to have the NWO implemented in it. Australia is now restricting the possession of swords, knives, dogs and other imagined or perceived weapons. Concentrated localities have been slated for the most control. Many things are going on simultaneously. the the the the air we breathe water we drink food we eat sounds we hear around us...

....can all be impregnated with various programming agents to help bring about the NWO. The introduction of various seen and unseen things, audible and inaudible sounds that affect humans and animals, are moulding people into certain categories of controllability. This is very real! What is horrifying is that people are not aware of what is going on in and around them. This includes most of the agents who are ignorantly doing their alien masters' bidding. Most people are not aware that they are being affected, manipulated, used, controlled, influenced and subjugated against their wills. The mind energy of people has been reduced and modified to such a great extent that they will be like robots, carrying out actions according to which buttons are being pressed to activate them. What is so horrifying is that on the surface, things appear normal, yet something is very, very wrong. This is like a small replica of the reality of beings of Light being trapped in the Virtual Reality of Darkness, and not knowing they are being trapped and that they have forgotten their true spiritual identities. It was not funny when recently one alien being was talking to another telepathically about me. She said that she could not understand why "this one", meaning me, was able to escape the programming by sensing side-affects to the programming that were supposed to go unnoticed. The Anunnaki are deeply involved in the implementation of the NWO. Humans will either be their agents or their slaves. There are no other choices for humans.

In addition to controlling the physical world, the Anunnaki also control the astral world, so death is not a solution to what is rapidly approaching. Ironically, the living may envy the dead, yet the dead will envy the living. Once Australia is well within the NWO grasp, other countries will be included. All the while that countries are being brought under the NWO umbrella, the two main Anunnaki groups will be fighting for supremacy over the planet. It will be a time of terrible strife and struggle. People might want to consider self sufficiency if feasible. What is looming is a very dangerous time. Compliance with authorities will not assure anything. Marauders will run rampant. Humankind is in for a horrific assault. Certain dog breeds are being outlawed because fierce dogs are generally feared by the Anunnaki. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of rebellious beings are forced to incarnate in the physical bodies of dogs. Aliens especially do not like wolves, coyotes and dingos. Some Australian shires offer bounties for dingo scalps. Americans will remember that the English taught Native Americans to take scalps for bounties, and Australians will recall that not so long ago, Aboriginal scalps and ears were still subjected to bounties paid by the authorities. Only a minority are awakening to the slave masters' controls. And very few of these even suspect the slave masters on top are the Anunnaki. The Earth is entering an unprecedented time of calamities, injustice, strife, struggle, disasters, wars, oppression, civil unrest, madness, hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, suffering and trauma. Culling of areas and races has already begun. The African drought and Africa's AIDS epidemic were Anunnaki instigated as a part of this culling process. It is noteworthy that the Anunnaki have learned how to cause droughts, but do not know how to remedy them, and they will not "waste" their resources seeking to discover how to correct a drought once it has done the intended damage to the areas. The Anunnaki just let the droughts run their course and wait for them to self-correct. There are some third-world countries that are of use to the Anunnaki. These countries are providing goods or services to the ruling elite. Many other third-world countries are seen by the Anunnaki masters as useless baggage that will not be carried after the NWO is fully implemented, and their entire populations are scheduled for extermination. Still other third-world nations are seen as threats to the NWO for various reasons, so their populations are also marked for annihilation. The culling of people in the developed countries will be more selectively done. This is an ugly picture of the reality that is soon to come. It is pointless saying that these are negative things. They are what will soon come. Nothing will change what is to happen. However, there are some things that one can do for oneself to prepare inwardly and take external precautions whenever possible. That is why it is so important that the Virtual Reality be dismantled so there will never be a REPLAY of the horror that Darkness has wrought upon the beings trapped in the Virtual Reality. Many of us may have to live through this nightmare before Liberation occurs. Again, I stress that we must not give our Will over to Darkness, no matter how difficult the situation becomes. Demonic behavior will express more and more in humans against one another and against other species. Vulturites will spread lies to strike at Reptilians and vice versa.

Some of the latest examples of Vulturite propaganda involve The Da Vinci Code and the "discovery" of the Book of Judas. These are both designed to destabilize the Reptilian religious foundations. People will be more and more divided as the Vulturites and Reptilians strike at one another. Up to this point, the aliens have superficially tolerated one another for the common goal of establishing NWO control. Over millennia, there have been many skirmishes and wars between them in which they exercised great restraint, even during the two world wars of the twentieth century. However, they hate one another; both sides strive for the ultimate supremacy on the Earth. Once the NWO is well on the way to being established, the two main Anunnaki groups will fight to the death for ultimate control of this planet. The alien wars will be horrendous. Darkness will hold onto every True-Light being as long as possible as It drags them through the Anunnaki wars, all the while trying desperately to pull them down to its putrid level. Darkness will try to make True-Light beings lose confidence in their True Divine identities. It is a crucial time to hold onto one's Will and trust inwardly that the True Creator loves us despite our outward crude appearances and is rescuing us as quickly and painlessly as possible under the horrific circumstances. Many will condemn and denounce "god" for what is about to happen. The only "gods" responsible for what is to come are the Anunnaki "gods" and the demiurges. The True Creator is undoing and dismantling the Virtual Reality that was created by the demiurges. Hence, Liberation from Darkness will soon become a reality, which has been promised by Messengers of the True Creator over the ages. Fear is a powerful, crippling agent. Fear can paralyze a person, destroy confidence and change one's outlook. Fear can remove one's focus and steer one off course. Fear can indeed do many destructive things. Fear of poverty, loneliness, sickness, death, losing loved ones, injury, incapacity and other worries make up some of the ingredients of fear. Horror is used by Darkness to bring about fear. Many have noted that Hollywood, television and other media now employ a lot of horror in their productions. Some people have the fear of not having banking, dental, medical, legal and even beauty services available to them. Remember that while you have come to depend on these services, they are all systems created by agents of Darkness. It is in your best interests to believe that you can overcome the fear of going without these conveniences, even if you do not believe that you are a "warrior" of the Light. You have the power to overcome these artificially imposed fears in this world of Darkness simply by being a being of Light, a child of the True Creator. Once you realize that your True Creator loves you and has resolved to Liberate you from this suffering, you can overcome these programmed fears (weaknesses) imposed upon you and you will begin to cope better. These situations may or may not exist in your life, or may not have occurred yet. If your life is not crippled by them, you will be better able to cope even if you are not able to totally overcome your fears. What I say to you are things that I know that you can do. These are things that people have experienced and overcome in the past and at present. I will not suggest anything to you that is impossible to reach, whether you are a warrior or not.

Once you have overcome your fears, you will realize that every child of Light is a warrior of True Love, Light and Power. This warriorship is one of Love, Light, Power, Justice, Wisdom, Inner Strength and Perseverance. It has nothing to do with the bloodthirsty, deceitful, murderous, cannibalistic, hateful, jealous, cruel, vengeful, power-hungry, controlling, exploitative, warring, covetous warriorship sponsored by Darkness. Beware that, like most other groups, the survivalist groups have been infiltrated by agents for the NWO. Beware that all major religions, old and new, were originally sponsored by agents of Darkness or were later infiltrated by them, and the original messages were corrupted with the design to turn them into religions that trap True Light beings. Connecting with the True Creator does not require a mediator, a church, an assembly, a congregation or a mentor. Inner Strength comes from within. Through sincere personal "desire" to reach out to the Creator, one can take the first step towards connection with the Light. The rest will follow naturally as the Creator pulls you out of Darkness. This is very different from the haughty claims some make about being able to contact the Divine directly because they arrogantly believe that they are better and more spiritually advanced than others. Fear of "god" is an Anunnaki imposition. They project "miracles" and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods. If you fear God, this fear must be overcome. The True Creator is a Loving God that can be held in awe, but not in fear. The Anunnaki want you to fear "god" because, in many cases, they are the gods of the ancients who demanded to be worshipped and feared. The demiurges also want you to fear them. Fear is crippling and through fear, physical power is bestowed upon the Anunnaki agents and the demiurges. The True Creator and all the beings of Light are akin to a happy, loving family where you can feel confident that no matter what, they will always love and welcome you. What is important is that you re-connect with your Creator by sincerely wanting to do so and not give your Will over to Darkness. The rest will fall into place naturally.

by Amitakh Stanford (D.M.) April 2004 from XeeATwelve Website

The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki - not whether they exist - nor whether they have been to Earth - as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for those in denial of the truth. The debate is whether they are still here today. For years, much of the focus on investigating the Anunnaki has fallen upon the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, who has presented many theories, but also some hard facts. As any who have read my Nibiru and the Anunnaki can see, I agree with Sitchin on a few points such as the Anunnaki invaded the Earth, enslaved humans, and forced them to build huge temples and other structures for the Anunnaki pleasures. Likewise I agreed that the Anunnaki have carried out extensive genetic engineering on this planet. However, in the same article, I disagreed with Sitchin on many major points, such as: the Anunnaki being from a planet of our solar system that there is a 12th planet in a huge elliptical orbit of our sun that the Anunnaki came here to mine physical gold to build a shield for their ailing planet that their planet which has been called Nibiru is extant we VEHEMENTLY disagree on WHY Sumer was dropped onto the Earth as a super culture I am in total disagreement with Sitchin about the destruction of Atlantis he does not even acknowledge the difference between Anunnaki Elite who fled the Earth, and those remaining on Earth which I called the Anunnaki Remnants, which are dominated by Ducaz and Pers-sires, etc. I also stated that the home star or sun of the Anunnaki is called ZA-OS and that their home planet, which will be called Nibiru for purposes of this writing, orbited ZA-OS. Their home planet and ZA-OS, which are foreign to our solar system, have been destroyed. Neither exists. In other words, Nibiru will never again come near the Earth or our solar system because it no longer exists.

Sitchin poses the question: Are the Anunnaki still on Earth? This, I will answer herein with a resounding yes. A brief look at some very obvious evidence in existence today will show that indeed aliens have been on Earth. The aliens are primarily Anunnaki, who came to Earth for conquest of it. Their planet was destroyed, and they wanted another base.

The two major Anunnaki groups that came to Earth are known as the Reptilians and the Vulturites (a term I coined for this particular group of aliens). The Reptilian Anunnaki are known by the Attas as the Ducaz The Vulturite Anunnaki are known by the Attas as Pers-sires The Vulturites and the Reptilians are bitter enemies, and they are still waging horrific wars on Earth, using humans as their cannon fodder The third largest group of Anunnaki are known to the Attas as the Masa-karas.

They have two main bases on Earth. There is a concentration of Masa-karas based in central Germany, although many of this group have immigrated to Australia over the last decade. Many other groups of aliens are also starting to migrate to Australia. Eventually, Australia will be one of the worlds main alien centers. The Masa-karas have been constantly intimidated by Ducaz and Pers-sires who have bases in Germany, so the Masa-karas began moving to Australia. Masa-karas use many clones, but they can also take over existing human bodies. After centuries of resistance, the Masa-karas have finally succumbed to the control of the Ducaz. The Anunnaki have forced humans to build huge structures such as the pyramids in Egypt and the Americas, huge statues like those found on Pacific Islands, and huge runways and identification monuments for crafts visible to observers from the air etc. Many of these items had to have been designed by advanced cultures. Engineers today marvel at the feat of the great pyramids and wonder whether we have the technology today to construct them. Obviously, a group of highly advanced beings were responsible for the pyramids. And, more obviously, many humans were enslaved and forced to build them. Many stories say that Jewish people were the slaves who built the Egyptian pyramids. However, there were not enough Jews to do so, nor were there known to be Jews in the Americas or the Pacific Islands during the construction periods; the Anunnaki Elite responsible for building these vast structures enslaved many races and peoples. Back to the question of whether the Anunnaki are still on Earth, the signs of their presence are manifold. Those of the Attas connection all see through the Anunnaki faade. The major issue is that of slavery - the Anunnaki are slavers - they enslave all who they conquer. They conquered Earth and enslaved it and all its inhabitants. Before the Anunnaki came to Earth, there was no slavery. The Anunnaki taught it to the humans. But, if the Anunnaki were to leave the Earth, eventually the humans would return to their natural state, which is without wars and without slavery. The fact that wars and slavery continue, in and of itself, is glaring proof that the Anunnaki are still on the planet. Of course, slavery need not be forced servitude, as the Anunnaki have designed many other forms of enslavements using tools such as money, usury, and police power. These tools are used to divide the "haves" from the "have-nots", the rich and the poor, the fortunates and the unfortunates etc. The Anunnaki control religion and education and make certain that true knowledge is very difficult to acquire or impart. They use propaganda and disinformation to confuse, program and control the people they enslave. It is important that misinformation and disinformation are mixed with enough truth to fool people, otherwise, they would be useless tools. Religious inquisitions show just how thoroughly ignorance was once

imposed upon the people. Today, such inquisitions are accomplished more subtly by skeptics and disinformation agents who use tools like scorn and ridicule. Further, those who dare to go against the system are persecuted. Many have said that the human condition is explained away by human greed. Adam Smith, an Anunnaki, even dared to say in The Wealth of Nations that everyones greed leads to everyones good! This is one of the many lies that the Anunnaki spread, and it is the foundation of what we call "capitalism" today. However, the human condition is NOT caused by human greed, it is caused by Anunnaki enslavement agenda. If the Anunnaki were removed from the Earth today, tomorrow would be much brighter. The Anunnaki have elevated the value of gold and silver. They use these and other precious metals to manipulate prices of goods, appeal to peoples vanity, and often use them as the basis of money systems. Many believe that gold and silver are the only true money today. In times of struggle, people tend to invest in gold and silver. However, the Anunnaki invented money to help them enslave the people. Gold and silver are used by the Anunnaki to make their contrived money systems appear to have sound foundations. The Anunnaki have developed tax systems which keep the rich and poor blatantly separated and segregated. The rich feel superior to the poor and the poor feel inferior to the rich. Hence there is a crevice which divides the upper and lower classes. The Anunnaki do not want any real middle class. They want the poor to be poorer and the rich to be richer and richer. One of the ways that this is being accomplished is via the tax system in the capitalistic countries. However, class separation is also being done in socialist and communist countries. The social/economic classes are clearly divided in all Anunnaki-influenced cultures. Under the current situation, the poor are literally put into a "poor box" that they cannot get out of short of winning a lottery, inheriting something or acquiring money or fortune via some other means. Often those other means are very shadowy means. The rich, on the other hand, are getting richer under the tax systems. The Anunnaki have created class systems for their benefit, and in the most serious of cases, they have created castes. The Anunnaki have made the Earth a hedonistic hellhole, which suits them fine. However, they have created an illusion of things being pleasant here when in fact, all life on the planet suffers tremendously under Anunnaki tyranny. The Anunnaki thrive on energy of people via the emotional bodies of those beings. To extract this energy, the Anunnaki create wars, conflicts, factions, religions, racial hatred, national boundaries, class systems, sporting events etc. They also impose drugs, sex, and paedophilia on the people, while also promoting cruelty to humans, animals and nature. These are NOT human traits - they are Anunnaki forced characteristics that are programmed into the consciousnesses of the people on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are walking around on Earth today in human bodies and some of them are seen regularly on the network news. They include many of the ruling elite and otherwise powerfully placed people on this planet. Some of the ruling elite are aware of their Anunnaki connections, while most are not. The Anunnaki Remnants, which included Ducaz, Pers-sires, Masa-karas and other smaller groups, like all consciousnesses on the Earth, re-incarnate again and again. When Anunnaki die in the physical, they reside in the astral until such time that they re-

incarnate again. The Anunnaki Elite fled this plane and cannot return because the Attas have blocked their re-entry. However, the Anunnaki Remnants cannot leave this plane because the Attas have sealed all their escape routes. Slavery is the mainstay of the Anunnaki. It can be seen throughout history. The British were exporting it all around the world. The Attas were very involved in the American Revolution, and there were two main fronts. First, the Attas were trying to break the shackles of the British tyranny over the American colonists. The British were the chief Anunnaki agents at that time, which is why they ruled the world. By breaking the bonds of tyranny of the British rule, the American Revolution went a long way to dissipating the British hold on the world. Over time, after the American Independence from the British, the United Kingdom was forced to release its iron grip on Canada, India, Australia and other nations it controlled. The second front was to break Anunnaki hold on many institutions in America. The most important was to allow freedom of religion. Thomas Jefferson introduced A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom into the Virginia House in 1777, which took almost a decade to get passed. That bill was the foundation of Americas First Amendment protections of religious practices and insured there would be no religious inquisitions in America. Also in the second front was an attempt to abolish slavery in America. The British had firmly entrenched the American economy and culture with slavery. The Anunnaki slaving control in the American Colonies was so strong that even the later adopted Constitution sanctified slavery and shamelessly protected it. In other words, the Constitution of the United States of America is fundamentally an Anunnaki-sponsored instrument. The Bill of Rights, would probably never have come into existence except Jeffersons strenuous insistence upon it, was the saving grace of that document. Despite the valiant efforts of abolitionists like Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, slavery remained in the United States. Only with great daring and through a civil war was the Anunnaki-influenced constitutional protection of slavery busted. Abraham Lincoln, an Attas of the Light, dared to challenge the Constitutions insane authorization of slavery and ejected that vile institution from America. Today, slavery still exists and is flourishing in many countries in the Western and Eastern world. This can be seen in child labour situations, forced labour, and especially in the sex industry, most especially in third-world countries. The most vulnerable to exploitation are women and children of the poorer classes. This is an Anunnaki exploitative trait. The Anunnaki are male chauvinists with devious sexual fetishes. They are murderous and dishonest, and harbour deep resentment for the female gender, and especially for the Divine Mother. The Anunnaki attempted to eliminate all worship and acknowledgement of the Divine Mother, but the roots of this practice were so deeply imbedded in the psyche of the earthlings that the Anunnaki have been forced to tolerate acknowledgement of the Divine Mother by the inhabitants of the Earth. Other traits of the wicked, bloodthirsty, and conquering Anunnaki include gambling and squabbling. They are also cannibalistic and reports today show this trait is clearly on the increase, as is paedophilia, and wanton physical and sexual abuse.

Genetic engineering has been quietly practiced on this planet for a long time. I have discussed this extensively in other writings over the years. Today, genetic engineering is no longer a secret. It is publicly acknowledged that plants, animals and humans are being genetically manipulated and cloned. However, the vast extent of this activity is being hidden from the public eye. The Anunnaki run a war economy, and real peace is never considered by them. They waste resources to keep people enslaved. They usurp all surpluses for their own gratification. The Anunnaki are behind the New World Order, which has been planned for a long time. The industrial revolution was planned by Anunnaki, not to improve the lives of the masses, but to trap them with desires and dissatisfaction so that people can easily forget about spiritual existence. Besides it altered lifestyles and confused people, and moreover, it afforded items of material comfort for the ruling elite. Also, it was necessary for this stage of the Anunnaki plan to have a major scientific revolution so there would be aircraft, bombs, mass media control etc. Before the industrial revolution, technological advancements were literally at a standstill for untold centuries. This allowed them to better enslave and control the people. The Anunnaki needed the advanced technology to finalize their plans to totally enslave the inhabitants on Earth with the NWO under a single power with a single police force. With technological advancements, identification, classification, tracking and profiling of all the people is now possible. In America, without a credit card, it is almost impossible to hire a rental car; without a social security card, it is also almost impossible to open a bank account. Since the incident of 11th September 2001, many countries are imposing serious restraints on travel and forcing identification procedures on their people, including fingerprinting, retinal tracking, DNA sampling etc. DNA sampling is currently being carried out in many forms without the knowledge of the people in most instances. The NWO plan has been imposed upon many other planets in the past, and it is the basic conquest plan of the Anunnaki for every planet they conquer. The Anunnaki Remnants have had great difficulty in getting the NWO accomplished quickly because the Attas have been disrupting the Anunnaki plans and the Anunnaki Remnants lack the assistance from the Anunnaki Elite. The NWO is being imposed by the ruling elite, who many call Zionists. Some people think that all Jews are Zionists, which is not correct. Not all Jews are Zionists, nor are all Zionists Jews. Zionists can come in any type of body or gender for purposes of effecting the NWO. They can be of any nationality, race, creed, career or religion. Many people think that America is going to be the NWOs police force. For a while, this will appear to be so. However, when considering the Anunnaki plan for the NWO, one must always keep in mind that the Pers-sires and the Ducaz are fighting amongst themselves for supremacy. In fact, the long-standing struggle between those two factions is nearly over. The Ducaz have the upper hand, and they have temporarily retreated and allowed the Pers-sires to be very active and tricked them into doing much of the dirty work in bringing about the final implementation of the NWO. When it happens, the Ducaz plan to take full control of the world and the Pers-sires will be eliminated or be subjected to them.

Under the plan, when the Ducaz take full control, the tyranny will be absolute on the planet. It is these horrible beings, the Anunnaki, that Sitchin has written an apology for. Reading Sitchins material, he has painted these evil aliens as palatably as possible by presenting the story that they are trying to save their own planet, and leaves the readers to believe that after that is accomplished, they would leave without a trace, so to speak. But, the Anunnaki came here to conquer and enslave, not for any worthy purpose whatsoever, nor will they leave voluntarily. Anunnaki cull people and other species from the planet. Before, this was often referred to as genocide. However, today the more euphemistic term of "ethnic cleansing" is used. The disdain of other races is another vile Anunnaki-sponsored trait to divide people into factions and create hatred and distrust of one another. Any fair look at history will verify this as true. The twentieth-century Holocaust is one such example. For whatever reason, Sitchins treatment of the Anunnaki comes across as propaganda for the evil, conquering aliens. This is akin to the apologists who protect those responsible for the Nazi Holocaust. While Zionist propaganda has egregiously inflated the number of people (which included not only Jews, but also Gypsies, Germans, Poles etc.) who were murdered, worked to death, or starved by the Nazis, there is no denying that indeed a horrible thing occurred. In my opinion, Sitchin is an Anunnaki apologist. His writings which come across as protecting and mitigating the Anunnaki history do a great disservice to humankind just as those who deny the Holocaust ever occurred do a great disservice to truth. Esoterically speaking, the entities responsible for maintaining the financial system on Earth are also being abused and enslaved by the Anunnaki. Fortunately, like the being called "Time", these money entities will soon be liberated. This is known because the Attas are from the future and they have nearly completed the mission of removing the Anunnaki from the Earth, but until it is fully accomplished, the Anunnaki plan for the NWO will appear to progress. The Attas have already restricted the return of the Anunnaki Elite; they cannot return to Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are floundering without the support of the Anunnaki Elite. This is one of the reasons why it has taken them so long to implement the NWO. They have no escape and their fate is sealed. It has taken a long, long time to break the Anunnakis inertia on the planet which has enslaved and trapped not only the people, but also all consciousness in the physical and the astral, including even the "soul" of the Earth. Liberation from Darkness is at hand. The Rescuers and the Trawlers of the Light with their courageous team of Light workers will soon liberate the True-Light beings from the enslavement by the agents of Darkness the Anunnaki. The more people awaken to the nefarious plan of Darkness, the quicker will it dissipate.

by D.M. (Amitakh Stanford) from CyberSpaceOrbit Website

Is there a spirit world where the departed "souls" reside? What happens when one dies? Materialists, atheists and skeptics could argue that there is nothing left when we die. They believe erroneously that life is a purely biological process. For them, when the body dies, everything stops and that is the end of the personality. For some, there is a vague uncertain something beyond the physical death. However, there are those who have no doubt that there is a life after the physical death. For them, there is a spirit world. When someone dies, it brings home the reality that one day we will all die. When you are ill, the colors of your aura go dark or dim and pull in close to your body. When death comes, the aura withdraws into the body in readiness to leave the physical body. We are not the body. One's physical body houses the spirit. The body is like a garment we put on while we are alive and we discard it when we die, just like we discard our clothes. The physical body is run by the gross life force called prana in Sanskrit. This life force permeates the physical, the astral, the mental and the spiritual subtle bodies. In humans, the life force is connected at the seven major centers of consciousness known as chakras in Sanskrit. The seven major chakras in the etheric correspond to the endocrine glands of the body and run upward along the spinal chord. The human body is surrounded by an aura which resembles a symmetrical egg of light. This light has seven layers of predominant colors. The colors of the aura change continually according to one's state of emotion and thought, although one may be surrounded by a dominant color throughout one's life.

The part of the body that interacts with the physical body is the etheric field. It can be perceived by the physic eye as a line of whitish/light bluish/light greenish/light along the frame of the physical body. When death draws close, the aura of a person contracts and gradually it is withdrawn into the body. When this occurs, the light around the person becomes dull or lifeless. Contrary to some Hindu Yogic teachings, at the moment of death, the "spirit" or consciousness of the person leaves via the crown centre at the top of the head regardless of whether one is spiritually advanced or not. Since the consciousnesses of human beings are trapped in this Virtual Reality, the ones who have dropped their physical bodies will reside in the various levels or dimensions of the astral world, which was created by Evil. The astral world is a "place" where beings reside when they are not in the physical. The physical world is a "place" where the same type of beings reside when they are not in the astral. The astral world is a complex place full of subtle entrapments just like the situation here in this physical world. In one sense it is far more deceptive than the physical dimension. No one is wiser just because they are from the spirit world. So do not let those from the spirit world dictate to you. There are mischievous entities - just like in the physical world. Some will put on an air and impersonate a wise sage, a deceased relative or a good friend, and will try to fool you or manipulate your life. Although some spirit communication is genuine, it is not advisable to become hooked on it. The illusions in the astral world are far greater than in the physical world. The astral is where the ideas are being transmitted to the physical level to influence the minds of the physical inhabitants here. Here on the physical plane, the evil lords of Karma, through their so-called laws of "cause and effect" have caused much pain, suffering, fear and confusion. Karma was never dispensed justly. People are not aware that there is such a thing called astral karma as well as karma in this physical world. Karma is evil Even in the astral world, one is subjected to the astral "laws" of karma. Astral beings are forced to re-incarnate again and again for reasons that are based upon lies. In the astral, one is forced or coaxed into believing that one has to do this or that in order to rid oneself of astral debts in order to attain liberation from the astral rebirths. If this is true, one has the horrible task of ridding oneself of the unjust karma. It is unjust because, contrary to its claim, karma is not administered fairly, even though its main claim is that "you reap what you sow." This is not always true. Karma is carried out in such a way as to make sure the true beings are always being disadvantaged.

There are, however, some loopholes and means of bypassing or modifying karma, but few know of these or are capable of using them. Unless there is some special intervention by those who can avoid karma, astral beings are stuck in the endless and pointless cycle of birth and re-birth. This perpetual cycle forces being to move from the astral to the physical and back again, endlessly. Whether a being is in the physical or in the astral, that being is incurring karmic debts. These debts are impossible to repay under the evil system. Trying to pay off physical and astral debts is like attempting to pay off a perpetual mortgage for the soul. The evil lords of Karma extract such high interest that nobody can pay off his/her debts. As an example, according to the law of karma, it is believed by many that if "X" assists a disabled person, "X" could be interfering with that person's karma, hence "X" would be punished with karmic debt for the interference. On the other hand, if "X" doesn't assist the disabled person, "X" could also be blamed for not assisting, and also incur karmic debt. How can "X" or anyone else know whether to act or not according to another's karma? "X" cannot know. Karma is a capricious system; it is devoid of justice. Even the purest of heart can and probably will be strapped with infinite karmic debt in this evil creation. Some believe that a spiritual guru on this plane can advance to the point that he or she can wipe off his or her karma in just a few lifetimes. This is absurd. Apart from the Rescuers of the Light such as the Amoebas, nobody leaves this plane except through the loophole and etc. described earlier. In the astral, one soon learns that everything is based on thoughts. Thus, the astral beings can use their thoughts for good or evil. They can delude themselves by creating thought forms which appear to be real and continue to live in that illusion until the bubble breaks or until they become bored and restless. If one does not participate in the activities or programs imposed by the archons of the Evil usurper, one will be greatly disadvantaged. The evil ones on earth are usually rewarded by being given favorable roles and important positions which further help program the astral and earth people according to the ways the administrators of the astral world dictate. Those who try to do the right things by the Light are given minor roles at best. The less fortunate ones are manipulated and disadvantaged throughout their astral existence. Everyone in the astral is eventually forced in one way or another to reincarnate on the earth plane again. In the astral, there are those who appear to be helpful, loving and genuine. But, most often they are evil deceivers. In reality, the inhabitants of the astral world are very much under the control of the evil astral system. The danger is that it has the appearance of freedom, light and spirituality to keep many temporarily happy. As in this physical world, things are not what they appear to be in the astral also. If ever you should accidentally wander into a lower astral realm where things are really bad, you can move out of it by calling for Divine help or by projecting positive thoughts of where you want to be. Be not fearful of the lower astral beings because they feed on your fear.

When one dies suddenly, such as in an accident, that person may become a "lost soul". If one takes his or her own life or if one has great desires due to attachment to people or material things, or when one has great anger, jealousy, fear or confusion at the time of death, one can become a "lost soul" after the physical passing. A "lost soul" is one who doesn't realize or accept that he or she is dead. He or she hangs around very close to the earth plane. When he or she is stuck in-between the earth and astral world, he or she is called a "lost soul". However, not every person who commits suicide or dies suddenly is trapped as a "lost soul". Why is that? The reason is that karma is evil and capricious. It favors some and abuses others. Such an unjust and horrendous plan can only be the creation of a very sick and very evil god. It is very obvious that the war between Good and Evil is also being waged in the astral world. The chaos exists in this physical dimension also exists in the astral and to a much higher degree. Although your pain and illness will be gone when you become a citizen of the astral world at physical death, there is still a type of suffering which is quite agonizing for all beings involved, but this is especially true for the true beings. This suffering is a pain of the spirit and it cannot be quenched by any means except through Divine healing. Fortunately, in the astral there are some Light beings who operate as true healers and teachers to help heal, guide and support the ones who needed assistance. These are under the direction and protection of high spiritual beings of Great Power and Love. They are not placed in the astral by the evil demigod, but have been placed there by the Light. This is one aspect of the war between Good and Evil in the astral world. The Halls of Learning in the astral world that so many speak highly of, are in reality halls for various mass programming as well as individual programming. In other words, those who enter the Halls of Learning are brainwashed and programmed. This is also where the evil controllers in the guise of great spirits program the beings on earth. The so-called "natural laws" that operate in the astral world are actually "laws" dictated by the Archons of the usurping Evil god. Those who co-operate with the "natural laws" of the astral world are rewarded according to the whims of the evil controllers. Those who resist the evil controllers are punished, but most of those being punished are unaware of their punishment due to programming. Often, they are forced into horrible bodies in their next incarnation. However, they will be told or programmed into believing that it is for their highest good that they must incarnate under certain conditions. These will be told that they have more lessons to learn on earth and that they have a life purpose to fulfill. Some people on earth parrot this programmed message, and "teach" others the same lie - that, we have all come to the earth plane to learn and to enrich our souls by fulfilling our life purposes. There is a saying that this world would be a better place if women were to rule it. This is quite untrue.

Take for instance, many of the female politicians who are far worse than their male counter-parts, given the same situations. This is mainly due to the fact that more of the "demonic consciousnesses" are placed in female bodies, far more than in the male bodies. No wonder women are often looked upon with suspicion and scorn - and rightly so in many cases - because often females are used as tools to beguile, to manipulate, to entice and to corrupt the opposite sex. This situation also exists in the astral world. The Anunnaki "spirits" control the astral world just as they control the physical world. The Anunnaki Elite serve the evil lords of karma. They are the beings who play a major role in the administration of karma in the astral world. While it appears that the hierarchy of the "heavenly" government is run according to the advancement of souls, the truth is that, like karma here, it is never justly meted out as it is falsely proclaimed. "Souls" are forced or coaxed into reincarnating while they appear to be given the free will to choose to incarnate or to remain in the astral world. The karma operating in the astral world forces "souls" to reincarnate. The astral inhabitants are programmed to think that they have the choice of selecting their own parents, place, time and culture of birth. This is in appearance only. In truth, they are programmed to think that all is planned for the highest good of the "soul". What a big lie! Just like in this physical world, there are also demons in the astral world who give false information about religion and spirituality. There are those in this physical dimension who support and spread the same type of false information to lead people astray and to sidetrack the true searchers. These evil "teachers" in the astral as well as in the physical dimension are there to trap others with their lies. Thus, it is very difficult to break out of this tightly woven scam unless you do some serious thinking yourself instead of swallowing everything you are being told. Under normal circumstances, no matter what explanations are given for the cause of one's suicide, ultimately suicide occurs because the victim has been influenced or programmed by unseen entities to take his/her life. Then they are either punished or allowed to escape punishment according to the dictates of the despotic, evil astral controllers. That is why you get different reports about the consequences of suicide from the astral world. Remember one important point: To break the bondage of karma here and in the astral, you should not accept karma. Instead, you should do what your heart or your essence feels right about at any particular time. The astral planes are now breaking down and more and more of the barriers between this world and the astral are thinning out. This makes it easier for the astral beings to mingle and to communicate with the beings on this plane. The viables who are now in the astral world will not be forced to re-incarnate because they have already been rescued from the evil wheel of karma. However, they still must wait to be picked up or transported out of this evil dimension.

They are basically in a half-way house where they are being healed and readied for their eventual pick up by the Light and finally taken Home. In this lifetime, some of you will be transformed into the Light without being forced to return to the astral because the astral may not be there by the time you make your exit out of here. Instead, you will be on your way home without any "stopovers" - what a beautiful one-way ticket HOME. May you be amongst the fortunate ones...

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