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A Functional Dialogue

May I have a ___________, please ? A Functional Dialogue Lesson Duration: 60 minutes Class size: 10 Class Level: Beginner Location: Classroom Materials needed: Teacher: Text Book, Exercise Book, Dialogue Strips, Clothes. Previously taught material: Vocabulary- Shirt, Headscarf, Tie, Shorts, Singlet, Jumper.. Anticipated student problems: Difficulty in remembering full dialogue line during drilling. Anticipated resolution: Chaining, reverse chaining to get students to drill accurately Warmer/Review: T shows a set of clothes to P; Shirt, Headscarf, Tie, Shorts, Singlet, Jumper, etc. Asks P to spell the words. T introduces the questions and answers to P. Q: May I have a shirt, please? A: Yes. Q; What size do you want? A: Medium,please. Q: What colour do you want? A: I want blue shirt. Q: How much is the shirt? A: It is RM5.00 T puts the sentence strips on the whiteboard. T reads the dialogue and P follow after her. T introduces a character (Kudin). This is my friend Kudin. Kudin is at a shopping mall. He wants to buy some clothes. T: May I have a shirt,please? T models this again and gets P to chorus 3 times as a class before checking some individual chorusing. T uses soft correction for any drilling errors and P repeat again. When modeling/chorusing is finished then T uses a paper clip to put the visual on the upper left side of the flip chart. T continues. T: What size do you want? T models this again and gets P to chorus 3 times as a class before checking some individual chorusing. T uses soft correction for any drilling errors and Ss repeat again. When modeling/chorusing is finished then T uses a paper clip to put the visual directly under the first. T continues the whole conversations using the same method.

Lets practice again. T gets class to repeat dialogue one more time. Now, this half of the class is Kudin and this half is Salesgirl. T gets each half of the class to repeat their part of the dialogue. After once or twice, T switches halves, so Ps are performing other part of dialogue. T: Now open your notebooks and write the conversation between Kudin and Salesgirl. T monitors class by walking around randomly to ensure they are writing the conversation correctly. Once a majority of the class has completed their dialogues, the T puts them in pairs to practice the dialogue, encouraging them not to use their notes but to speak the dialogue from memory. T gives them 3 or 4 minutes to practice this. T randomly calls on pairs to stand and give their dialogue. T creates a shopping mall environment in the class. T hangs and places the clothes in class. T asks P to imagine that they want to buy clothes for coming Hari Raya. T divide the class into 2 group ( Salesman/Salesgirl and Customers). T gives out a set of fake money to P. T will change the role after 15 minutes. Extension: If there is remaining time in the class, the T will distributes worksheet to pupils.

How do I get to _____________________?

Use any of the words in the box to write your dialogue.


post office

police station station school store

train station


Or use your own words.

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