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Dalhousie University (Sexton Campus), Department of Civil & Resource Engineering CIVL4801 Senior Project I Instructor-of-Record: Dr. D.

Hansen, P.Eng. Course Notes

The Terminating Facilitator (in your degree program).

Sept.8, 2010

CIVL4801 Senior Project I




(ii), 494-3115







Dalhousie University (Sexton Campus), Dept of Civil & Resource Engineering


FALL 2010
Instructor: Dr. D. Hansen, P.Eng. 494-3115 (
TA: ?? (email: ????

Textbook: none, but all students are required to buy and use a log book (Lab Notes, blue hard cover, $5.95 + tax at Sexton Bookstore outlet). This is to be used for documenting attendance at meetings, group decisions, and any notes taken during field trips.

NOTE: Each bulleted item below is a deliverable, due at 11:59 PM on the stated date.
1.0 OUTLINE (i) Fundamental Principles of Format and Style for Engineering Documents.

Choose sub-discipline1 and find partners2. Submit both by email to TA by ???day Sept.??.
(ii) Citations of Authorities and Preparation of Reference Lists. CIVL4801/2 philosophy and standards. (iii) Using Compendex to Find Citations and Build your Lists of References. (Tutorial in B-316, tentatively ???day Sept. ??.)

Choose group leader and draft title of Senior Project II. Group leader to submit names and
title, by email to the TA, by ???day October ??. (iv) Morphologies of Design. DVD on Critical Thinking: Analyzing Problems & Decisions (v) Organisation of Senior Project Reports. Tables of Contents to be used; section headings and their content. Hand in Literature Review section of proposal3. To be submitted ???day Nov. ??. (vi) Equations and Graphs. CIVL4801/4802 standards and specifications. (vii) Tables and Figures. CIVL4801/4802 standards and specifications. (viii) Style. CIVL4801/4802 standards and specifications. Use of Foreign Phrases.

Pass in draft proposal to the dedicated CIVL4801~2 box on ???day Nov ??. Have 15 minute
meeting with Dr. Hansen the next day to identify deficiencies. (Use appointment sign-up sheet on the door of D-113 for ???day Dec.??).

Structural, hydrotechnical, geotechnical, environmental, transportation. Construction management can only be a partial choice/responsibility. Preferably 4 students per group. The TA, under the guidance of Dr. Hansen, will match groups to projects using a statement of student sub-discipline preferences, partner preferences (optional), and project preferences. One such handed in per group, but with the sub-sections prepared individually and according to the previously-decided-upon sub-discipline responsibilities. An improved version appears in the final CIVL4801 Senior Project Proposal. To pass it in, use the special Senior Project box near the entrance to the main office of the Dept of Civil & Resource Engineering.

2 (ix) Explanation of use of log books, CIVL4802 monitoring system, and peer review system. Deductions for common errors; viewing of example Senior Projects. Details on how your CIVL4802 project and presentation will be evaluated.

Pass in cerlox-bound final proposal on ???day Dec. ??. Use dedicated CIVL4801-2 Senior
Project box. As with all CIVL4801~2 deliverables, the evaluation will reflect what was handed in on time. Method of Evaluation: CIVL4801 has a Pass or Fail outcome, the decision is based on the revised proposal. Note: CIVL4801 is a firm prerequisite for CIVL4802. 75% of the mark in CIVL4802 will be based on the technical calibre of your work, 25% will be based on the format and style of your report. Deductions, such as those for failure-toparticipate or lateness, will then be applied. With regard to technical calibre, it is possible for one person in the group to get a different letter grade if the sub-discipline for which they were responsible represents too little work or work of low calibre.


Professional engineers shall conduct themselves in an honourable and ethical manner. Professional engineers shall uphold the values of truth, honesty and trustworthiness. They shall seek to safeguard human life and welfare, and care for the natural environment. In keeping with these basic tenets, the professional engineer shall: 1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment. He shall also promote health and safety within the workplace. 2. Only offer services in, advise on, or undertake engineering assignments in his area(s) of competence. He shall only engage in the practice of engineering in a careful and diligent manner. 3. Act as a faithful agent of his clients or employers, maintain confidentiality, and avoid conflicts of interest. 4. Keep himself informed in order to maintain his competence, strive to advance the body of knowledge within which he practices, and seek to provide opportunities for the professional development of his subordinates. 5. Conduct himself with equity, fairness, courtesy, and good faith towards clients, colleagues and others, give credit where it is due, and accept (as well as give) honest and fair professional criticism. 6. Present clearly to employers and clients the possible consequences of having his engineering decisions or judgements overruled or disregarded. 7. Report to his association and/or other appropriate agencies any illegal or unethical engineering decisions or practices by engineers or others.

8. Be aware of, and ensure that clients and employers are made aware of, the societal and environmental consequences of actions or projects. He shall seek to endeavour to interpret engineering issues to and for the public in an objective and truthful manner.

see also Canadian Council of Professional Engineers web site.

9. Treat equitably, and promote the equitable treatment of, all clients, colleagues and co-workers. This shall be done regardless of race, religion, gender, age, physical or mental ability, marital status, or national origin.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

3.0 ISSUES OF INTERACTION5 3.1 Specific Issues The following specific issues are relevant and important to the timely execution of your projects. (i) You will have a regular weekly meeting in CIVL4802, with an assigned monitoring professor, starting in January. Log books are to be kept starting in mid-November of CIV4801, noting such things as the outcomes of group meetings. These books are to be passed in at the end of CIVL4802, along with two copies of the final project report. (ii) In terms of working with and getting advice from members of the faculty, you are free to approach any professor for advice or input on any matter of technical import. The calibre of your report will be judged by a committee of professors that may also include your clients. Clients are often present at final presentations and often submit written assessments. (iii) It is up to the student(s) to determine what engineering codes and pseudo-codes are relevant to a project. Although a professor(s) may not mention the specific need for a given design to comply with a given code, this does not mean that the design does not need to comply with the relevant code. (iv) If you are having problems with member(s) of your group in group projects, notify Dr. Hansen immediately. All the individuals in a given group do not necessarily get the same mark. Reference will be made by the judging committee to the Division of Labour, provided in the final Proposal and re-stated in your Final Report (and required as part of the Appendix therein).

especially with Faculty and Staff.

5 (v) You will be able view previous senior projects, but not borrow them. You may not be able to get the specific type or kind of previous project that you might like to see. You should not look at previous projects as a means to obtain guidance on technical matters. (vi) You will not be able to use the excuse that the professors guiding the technical content of your work were unavailable, and that you therefore could not achieve what was necessary to pass or get a fair mark in CIVL4801/2. A given professor may not have been in his or her office when you dropped by - this will not be considered relevant. You must use email and/or leave voice messages and make appointments. Record all such meetings in your log books. Diligent use of log books is good professional practice. (vii) If a dearth of critical data (perhaps from a client) is hampering your progress, you must take immediate action. Phone the client and explain the seriousness of the situation and the academic implications for your group. Professors can be asked to step in and contact the party in question. (Show your monitoring professor the email history and provide him with the contact information.) (viii) When sending attachments to professors or TAs, always put your surname at the beginning of the filename, followed by text that is suitably descriptive of what the file contains.
Example: Luthor Lex Design of Improved Kryptonite Dispensor (Intro) Feb 8, 2008.doc

(ix) You cannot arbitrarily make significant changes to the technical content or scope of your project. You cannot arbitrarily make changes to your stated Division of Labour. However, the necessity for changes can sometimes arise because of new information gleaned from the client (for example), but you must notify Dr. Hansen and your monitoring professor about the apparent need for such changes asap. (x) When submitting your CIVL4801 proposal or CIVL4802 report, return the previous version (the one that was marked-up with red ink), along with the newly revised version. (xi) Dr. Hansen has the final say on the exact wording of titles. Most start with Design of. and end with mention of the location in Nova Scotia. Example: Design of Replacement for Stewarts Bridge, North River, Colchester County, NS

6 (xii) Every student must pass in their individual log book. It is your record of group meetings, decisions at meetings, field trips, meetings with your client, key items of guidance communicated to you in person or by telephone, and anything else of significance to the flow of the project. These are to be passed in along with the actual final design project reports. You will be allowed to have them back (if you pick them up). (xiii) A CD of all your work (report Word doc of report itself, Excel sheets, computer programs, extra photographs, AutoCAD drawings etc) is to be placed on the inside back cover of each copy of your final report. One of these CDs will go to the client. (xiv) If your project is going to involve the use of lab equipment and/or sample preparation and/or sample testing, or if it is going to involve departmental equipment that will be used in the field, and especially if your work will require the involvement of one of our technologists (Blair Nickerson or Bryan Kennedy), explicitly show this in your time-line or GANTT chart. Also point this out to Dr. Hansen and the appropriate technologist, before the end of this semester. This will help our support staff to plan for your needs. Becoming upset with a technician because he cannot help you on short notice will be highly unproductive. (xv) The TA will organise, publish, and post the timetable and classroom bookings for the CIVL4802 Senior Project Presentations, usually held in H-19. She must have your final and exact project title in good time. It is bad form if the published title does not match your first Powerpoint slide! (xvi) If you would like to see the present version of the form that will be used to evaluate your final design and project report, this can be emailed to you (upon request). As shown on this form, 75% is for Technical Calibre and 25% is for Format and Style. Students correctly and thoroughly applying the material that they have been taught in 3000-level courses can expect a grade of B on a given technical component. Students correctly and thoroughly applying the material that is available6 in our 4000-level suite of courses can expect a grade of A. (xvii) Dress for your final presentation is business formal (shirt and tie7 for men, jacket optional).

so choose your technical electives wisely!

3.2 Examples of Project Troubles Here are some examples of how students got into trouble with their Senior Projects. (i) They waited too long to get quotes from suppliers and then found out that the nature of the information that can be provided was both less than and different from what they needed. This was due to supliers concerns about proprietary information being used by foreign companies to reverse-engineer their products. (ii) They asked (by email) for, but were not supplied with, certain topographic data from the client, but the client was silent for three months. The project went nowhere for that time period. (iii) They collected good quality field data but then sat on it for four months. They then found out that they amount of work needed to make sense of the large amount of field data was twice as much work as they had anticipated. (They also happened to have a poor grasp of how to execute the proper engineering methods for analysing and using the data, even though these had been taught in 3rd year). (iv) Some of the constraints on the project were derived constraints. They were not part of the terms of reference supplied by the client; they were found in engineering design specifications (codes and pseudo-codes) that the students were not familiar with, and the students took too long to find these constraints and make them specific to their problem. 3.3 Psychology of Procrastination. Psychologists8 tell us that some students procrastinate because of poor independent planning skills. Such students benefit from frequent reminders from colleagues and more structure being imposed by their professors. Others procrastinate as a type of adolescent opposition to authority and actually procrastinate more when more frequently reminded to work. Some students procrastinate due to overconfidence about being able to "pull it off" at the last minute. Still others procrastinate because they are so anxious about doing the job well enough that they cannot concentrate. Perhaps unfortunately, the Department of Civil and Resource Engineering

western or European standards for business attire should not be considered the only standard for CIVL4801/2; attire that is more appropriate to your own culture and country of origin is not only acceptable, it is most welcome! Dalhousies Student Services has regular courses on time management, given by such professionals.

8 is not particularly interested in the idiosyncrasies of your psychopathologies of procrastination; the deadlines are the deadlines. Fear is generally a poor basis for deciding to defer research, learn techniques, or delay project-management decisions. Yet, students often seem to procrastinate with respect to learning how something should be done because they are apparently afraid that it might give rise to the need to learn something that is difficult or time-consuming. However, it is obviously better to understand what is difficult and time-consuming about your project months before your presentation and report deadlines, rather than weeks before these deadlines! Advance appreciation of exactly where the true computational difficulties are, in a given project, also gives one time to look for alternative methods of analysis, methods that may be much simpler and less time-consuming! The extra effort and stress of trying to cope with having only weeks to figure out what technical work is needed can very adversely affect all of ones courses, not just CIVL4802.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

4.0 GROUPS AND INDIVIDUAL SUB-DISCIPLINES9 By 11:59 PM on ???day, Sept.??, 2010, email ???.??? (i) (ii) (iii) the names of the people in your group, your own first choice sub-discipline and second-choice sub-discipline, given the importance of email in CIVL4801~2, include ALL your email addresses after each name, within your message (gmail, hotmail, etc). Table 4-1. Areas of faculty expertise in Dept of Civil & Resource Engineering. Sub-discipline (choice) Construction Management Environmental Geotechnical10 Hydrotechnical Structural Transportation11 Professor(s) No full-time professor, possibly PTF + N. Ali G. Gagnon, M. Walsh C. Lake, G. Fenton, D. Garagash, L. Liu D. Hansen, M. Satish C. Barnes, D. Forgeron, Y. Liu, J. Newhook, F. Taheri, J. Thorburn N. Ali

If you are in the Earth and Environmental Option, you are expected to take a subdiscipline that is environmentally-related. It is obviously ill-advised to avoid the course(s) which give you the proper tools to analyse a given problem. You will not be forgiven for such avoidance. For example, a structural design problem may be so specialized that no standard code covers it. Custom application of the FEM method may therefore indicated. Your work will be judged as if you took the FEM course (CIVL4541), even if you did not. If an urban drainage design implies the need for non-trivial hydrology (beyond the rational method) and you apply trivial hydrology, you will not be forgiven for just using Q = C i A (CIVL4431 material is implied). You should therefore think

Deadline: ???day, Sept. ??, 2010. The sub-components of the work must be very clearly laid out in your CIVL4801 proposal under Division of Labour. including Geo-Environmental. Mr. David McCusker, P.Eng., of HRM has helped to guide students in the past.

10 11

10 very carefully about your choices of technical electives, in light of your choice of Senior Project topic.


Addresses Three Key Questions: 1. How can the needs of society for sound basic infrastructure be met? 2. What are the impacts of our natural environment on that infrastructure? 3. What are the impacts of the infrastructure of society, proposed or existing, on the environment?

Six Major Sub-disciplines

1. Hydrotechnical and Water Resources Engineering assessment of adequacy of a water resource (for consumption or for industrial use, from lakes, rivers, or groundwater); development of a water resource (for domestic or agricultural or industrial use, from lakes, rivers, or groundwater); groundwater contaminant transport modelling; prediction of floods; prevention/mitigation of flood damage (open channel and reservoir design); multi-objective water use allocation (recreation vs irrigation vs hydro vs human consumption vs navigation); hydraulic structures (hydroelectric dams, spillways, fish passageways, canals, coastal defences, diffusers, culverts); water distribution system design (potable water pipelines and watermain networks, water pumping and storage systems); wastewater collection (hydraulics of sanitary sewer networks, pumping station design); storm water management and urban hydrology (design of new systems, evaluation of existing networks of systems via hydrologic and hydraulic modelling). 2. Environmental Engineering characterisation of water & wastewater (physical & organic aqueous chemistry, aquatic microbiology); water treatment unit operations (to make water potable: disinfection, pH adjustment, sedimentation, filtering); wastewater treatment unit operations (screening, settling, aeration, stabilisation by bacteria, anaerobic digestion, engineered wetlands); water quality modelling (movement and fate of contaminants introduced by man into surface and groundwaters); solid waste management, environmental impact assessments.

11 3. Construction Management task scheduling and on-site management of equipment and personnel; rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures (sometimes while still in use: bridges); inventory control (wood, concrete and its ingredients, reinforcing steel, structural steel); selection, optimal use, and management of machinery. 4. Geotechnical Engineering soil-structure interaction and design of foundations (soil bearing capacity and settlement rates); soil improvement (e.g. compaction); pressures on retaining walls and tunnels (soil & rock mechanics); seepage and the effects of subterranean waters on structures and embankments; soil responses to earthquakes and other forces of nature; slope stability analysis (embankment design, natural landslide prediction); design and use of liners to contain landfill leachate, contaminant migration, site remediation (geo-environmental engineering). 5. Structural Engineering design and analysis of buildings, bridges, concrete dams, wharves, towers, and monuments; assessing and/or enhancing the material properties (e.g. strength) and performance of wood, concrete, steel, and composites used in structures; computer simulation of the responses of structures to earthquakes, hurricanes, and snow loads. 6. Transportation Engineering traffic engineering (design and analysis of road networks, intersections, interchanges, cloverleaves); pavement engineering (asphalt mix design, road construction & management, life cycle management of roads); transportation planning (design & operation of bus, subway, railway, airport systems & infrastructure). NOTE ON AWARDS APENS Award for Best Senior Project in Civil Engineering Program: $100 per person12 Deptl 1st Prize: ~$75 per person13 2nd Prize: ~$50 per person14 The above are awarded once per year, in the spring. Co-op and non co-op Senior Projects are therefore judged together.
12 13

up to a max of $500. up to a max of $300. 14 up to a max of $200.

12 The Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, the Canadian Geotechnical Society, the Canadian Dam Association, the Atlantic Chapter of the American Water Works Association, and various other learned organisations and societies have prizes and awards for undergraduate theses and/or for conference papers that may be based on Senior Projects.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I



5.1 Accept Report Specifications of Employer Virtually all companies and institutions have their own style, to be used by everyone in the organisation. Some aspects of these specifications may seem arbitrary, and it may be somewhat irritating to have to follow them. As a junior engineer it is best to simply get used to them. 5.2 Promote

(i) clarity (i.e. good correspondence between intended meaning and readers comprehension) (ii) efficiency (e.g. use the minimum number of words to express thoughts) (iii) completeness, and logic in report structure & organisation
(e.g. quality Table of Contents; good correspondence between form & function)

(iv) interest (e.g. engaging writing style; generous use of photos and figures) (v) aesthetic acceptability (analogous to how one dresses for an interview) (vi) consistency (e.g. no reason to randomly change report style within a given company or
academic unit, there is no reason to use a different citation style for every citation in a list of references) 5.3 Avoid

(i) ambiguity and impaired clarity (i) redundancy and inefficiency (ii) confusion and user-unfriendliness in report structure & layout (iii) boredom (e.g. low information content, poor thought connectivity, many consecutive
pages of pure text)

(iv) cognitive dissonance (e.g. untidiness, visual incongruities, aesthetic or tonal clashes) (v) inconsistency
(e.g. random changes in style and format, such as random font changes) 5.4 Other Issues Legal and scientific and ethical issues: (i) be honest with your use of raw data;

13 (ii) cite authorities properly, giving credit where credit is due; (iii) maintain professional integrity.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

6.0 COMPENDEX TUTORIAL15 Most engineering disciplines use an author-year system when citing a source or authority. If a reference is not specifically cited in your report, it cannot be placed in the 'References' section. Conversely, a reference that is listed in the 'References' section must be cited somewhere in your proposal or report (CTRL F is useful for catching such inconsistencies). Do not include bibliographies in CIVL4801/4802 proposals or final reports. Shown below is the start of an example References section (it happens to show only journal articles): References Ergun S. 1952. Fluid flow through packed columns. Chemical Eng. Progress, 48(2):89-94. Garga V.K., Townsend R.D., and Hansen D. 1991. A method for determining the surface area of quarried rocks. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 14(1):35-45. McBean E.A. and Perkins F.E. 1975. Convergence schemes in water profile computation. ASCE Journal of the Hydraulics Division, 101(HY10):1380-138416 McCorquodale J.A., Hannoura A., and Nasser M.S. 1978. Hydraulic conductivity of rockfill. IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, 16(2):123-13717.

Task: Find some of the above articles in Compendex and convert them to the above format. Suggestion: Use this tutorial to find articles of particular interest to your own CIVL4802 project.

15 16

in C-300 or B-316. Dalhousie subscribes to all the electronic versions of the journals of the American Civil Engineering Society, the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, and the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. If you run WPA or VPN from your home computer, you will be able to download specific articles at home. Try downloading one of interest. Instructions for obtaining and installing WPA or VPN are available on the Dalhousie web site, and assistance is available at the Sexton Help Desk (494-3139), Some journals would show vol.16, no.2, p.123-137. This is becoming defunct, do not use it.


Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

7.0 CITATION OF AUTHORITIES AND PREPARATION OF REFERENCE LISTS 7.1 Preamble The Civil Engineering program at DalTech uses the author-year system for citing a source or authority, as is the case with most of the engineering disciplines. However, if you intend to send your manuscript to a specific journal, check the requirements of the journal in question. Many journals make the specifications for their manuscript available via pdf files, which can be downloaded from the web site for the journal in question. If a reference is not specifically cited somewhere in your report, it cannot be placed in the 'References' section. If you perused a reference and found it helpful, but do not cite it in your report, it might be put it in a 'Bibliography' section. However, a 'Bibliography' section is not to be included in CIVL4801 or CIVL4802. Your senior project, or that of prior student(s), is essentially an undergraduate honours thesis and must be treated as if it may be read and/or cited by any civil or environmental engineer anywhere in the world; that is, the community of engineers at large. Prior CIVL4802 Senior Project reports can be cited, and yours must be considered to be a citable document. However, citing or making passing reference to material that such engineers could not possibly know anything about, or citation of printed materials that would be very difficult for such an engineer-at-large to obtain, should be avoided. It is also undesirable to make reference to the course notes from one of your undergraduate courses. Students doing so will be required to replace such a citation and reference with one that is more available to, and more recognised by, our intended audience and readership: the engineering community at large. 7.2 Examples

Here are some example sentences in which references are cited.

It has been demonstrated experimentally that no significant increase in friability occurs if the strata is exposed to fewer than four freeze-thaw cycles (Edgemount 1982). This was first observed by Gardiner (1986) and then by various other investigators using more sophisticated laboratory equipment (Lau and Tardiff 1990; Kirchov et al. 1991). Notice how it is sometimes desirable to put the authors name outside of the parenthesis. This highlights his contribution. The et al. shown above in italics because it is an abbreviation of a foreign phrase, the Latin phrase et alii, which means 'and others'. The citation of authorities is done from various perspectives. Two common perspectives are illustrated by the following examples: Kundaya et al. (2003) concluded that annual daily traffic, total rainfall, and the average duration of the inter-event period accounted for 70% of the year-to-year variation in the mass of sediment generated by 23 urban catchments.

16 The person citing Kundaya et al. (2003) is nicely summarizing what Kundaya et al. found out, the writer doing the citing is not interpreting their work. This is part-and-parcel of what literature reviews are about - covering the bases in terms of prior work done. An increase in runoff also causes an increase in surface-borne pollutant loads, and it appears that this increase is often due to land-use changes, especially if these changes decrease the percentage of the watershed that is previous (Blinder 2001). The person citing Blinder (2001) is doing so to lend support to a statement that he has framed as a general truth by using the present tense. This is more than covering the bases, the writer is providing an interpretation - his own perspective on the work of Blinder.

Example of style (found within body of report) for making a direct quotation:
Kravitz (1982) has made the following interesting observation: It has been demonstrated experimentally that no significant increase in friability occurs if the strata is exposed to three or fewer freeze-thaw cycles. This was first observed by Gardiner (1986) and then by various other investigators using more sophisticated laboratory equipment (Lau and Tardiff 1990; Kirchov et al. 1991).
Note: the quote is within double-quotation marks and uses single line spacing, whereas the rest of the report would be done using 1.5 line spacing. In addition, the direct quotation is set off by itself.

Example sentences (found in the body of a report) for citing a design code or government standard:
The pre-design described herein was also subject to the Design Guidelines of the Public Works & Transportation Services (DG-PWTS hereafter) of the Halifax Regional Municipality (2004). Later in the same report one might read: As per Section 3.6.6 of DG-PWTS (HRM 2004), manholes were located at a separation of not greater than 120 m for all sewer pipes with diameters less than 600 mm. Note that the author-year system is maintained. The name of a manual is not an author.

Exception in citing references: example of style used for citing personal communication in body of reports (pers. comm. must be added):
As defined by eqn [13b], the value of T ranges from zero to unity, and is the definition that is most commonly used by soil scientists (Shackelford, pers. comm. 2001).

Citing a Specific Clause in a Design Code

There are two ways to cite the clause that is of particular interest to you at a given juncture in your report. The following examples are based on a fictitious design code. Method 1: Cite the Precise Location of the Clause within Your Sentence

17 "The slenderness of a wooden column affects its resistance to buckling, as does the quality or grade of timber from which it was made. Section 3.6.8 of CTDM (2005) deals with this by providing buckling coefficients that depend on both of these considerations." Method 2: Cite the Precise Location of the Clause in a Footnote "The slenderness of a wooden column affects its resistance to buckling, as does the quality or grade of timber from which it was made. CTDM (2005) deals with this by providing buckling coefficients that depend on both of these considerations1." Then at the bottom of the page, underneath the solid line that MS-Word automatically puts in to separate footnotes from the main body of your text, you would see: 1 Section 3.6.8 Slenderness Coefficients. The meaning of CTDM would have to be spelled-out at its first appearance in your report. The second method above is more efficient and makes for better readability in the body of your report. It also allows you to include more information about the clause in question (in the footnote). Footnotes are inserted in MS-Word by executing menu sequence Insert Reference Footnote. You can an icon to your icon tool-bar for doing this, it looks like .

Citing an Authority with regard to an Equation

A very common failure by students to cite appropriately is often seen in the context of stating equations. Essentially, if you do not cite any authority before presenting an equation, you are implying that you invented the equation! Note that eqn [7-1] in the example given below does not appear anywhere in the sentence that precedes the statement of this equation, nor should it. Two Examples: The ultimate friability can be computed using the following equation, first suggested by Edgemount (1982): FRC = Yn Pi
i =1 n


The Edgemount equation (Edgemount 1982) is often the one used to determine whether the friability exceeds the critical magnitude associated with brittle failure, and may be stated as: FRC = Yn Pi
i =1 n


(See handout on Equations with regard to how to properly define terms and variables within equations - not shown in the above examples so as to save space here.)

Order of Appearance of References

The references in the References section must appear in alphabetical order, on the basis of the surname of the lead author. If you are writing for a specific journal, you can determine how its citations are done by looking at the end of any article published in that journal. In your own

18 list, do not separate your references according to the type of publication, as shown below. Use hanging paragraph format it helps the reader find the lead author. Although the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is not usually included in citations, you may need it in order to place an interlibrary loan and/or in order pay CANCopy royalties. If you directly use material from the reference in question within your document, it will be necessary to pay this royalty. Dalhousie University has a Copyright Officer through whom it can be paid (phone 494-6685). For any of the types of citations following, if the date of the article is unknown, one simply puts the word undated where the year would normally go.

Ponce V.M. 1989. Engineering Hydrology: Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 640 pp. Taylor D.M. 1948. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 700 pp.
Note: The total number of pages is shown, not the pages that you used or referred to.

Articles in Conference Proceedings:

Campbell D.B. 1989. Some observations relevant to the performance of flowthrough rock drains. 13th annual BC Mine Reclamation Symposium, June 7-9, BiTech, Vancouver, BC, p.119-128.
Note: It is good practice to cite the publisher, if any. An established publisher can become the vendor of a set of conference proceedings if they decide to take over the sale and distribution of the remaining copies of the proceedings (a fairly common occurrence for very high-profile conferences). If a publisher exists and is cited, the city where the publisher is based is the city that is cited, rather that where the conference actually took place. On the other hand, there is more often no long-term official publisher of printed conference proceedings. This is because the conference organizing committee arranged for local printing and binding, and the printer will usually keep no leftover copies. The name of a local printer, as distinct from a publishing company, is not mentioned in citations.

Lane D., Berdusco R., and Jones R. 1986. Five years' experience with the Swift Creek rock drain at Fording Coal Limited. Proc. Int. Symp. on Flowthrough Rock Drains, Cranbrook, BC, Sept.8-11, p.7-11.
Note: BC, not B.C.; use the same province codes that Canada Post uses.

Wilkins J.K. 1956. Flow of water through rockfill and its application to the design of dams. Proc. of 2nd Australia-New Zealand Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Canterbury University College, Christchurch, New Zealand, p.141-149.

Journal Articles:
Chetan M. and Sudheer K.P. 2006. A hybrid linear-neural model for forecasting flow in the Motobo River. AGU Water Resources Research, 42(4):W04402, 8 pp. Ergun S. 1952. Fluid flow through packed columns. Chemical Eng. Progress, 48(2):89-94. Garga V.K., Townsend R.D., and Hansen D. 1991. A method for determining the surface area of quarried rocks. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 14(1):35-45.

19 McBean E.A. and Perkins F.E. 1975. Convergence schemes in water profile computation. ASCE Journal of the Hydraulics Division, 101(HY10):1380-1384.
Notes: (i) It is helpful to indicate the learned or professional organisation that is responsible for the journal in question. This is not part of the name of the journal but helps to clearly distinguish between the ASCEs Journal of Hydraulic Engineering and the IAHRs Journal of Hydraulic Research (for example). (ii) Only proper nouns are capitalized in the titles of articles. (iii) With the advent of the simultaneous co-appearance are journal articles on the web, some journals have dispensed with consecutive page numbering within volumes or issues, instead assigning a unique alphanumeric code to each article (note how this is handled in the citation of the Chetan and Sudheer article above). (iv) If the article appears in a journal which has a conventional printed format (as is most commonly the case) but is also viewable or available on-line, one does not also present the web page (such as the Science Direct url) for said article as part of the citation.

Discussions of Journal Articles:

Reggio P.Q. 1975. Discussion of Convergence schemes in water profile computations by E.A McBean and F.E. Perkins, ASCE Journal of Hydraulics Division, 101(HY11):38-39.

On-line Journal Articles:

Pfeiger C.D. 1997. The fundamentals of information security. IEEE Software [Online], 14(1): 15-16. Available at: [2000, August 29].

Design codes and government standards:

HRM 2004. Design Guidelines of the Halifax Regional Municipality, Part A. Halifax Regional Municipality, Public Works & Transportation Services Division, 2750 Dutch Village Rd., Halifax, NS, 69 pp.
Note: The abbreviation of the name of the code is used in place of the author because this abbreviation is the most precise and efficient way to cite the specific standard in question. Who the author actually is becomes clear within the citation.

Consulting Reports:
CBCL Ltd 1989. Inflow and Infiltration Study of Timberlea NS. CBCL Ltd., Hollis St., Halifax NS, 210 pp.

PhD or MASc theses:

Hansen D. 1987. Generation of Suspended Sediment Loads for Kennebecasis River by Sediment Rating Curves. MScE thesis, University of New Brunswick, Dept of Civil Engineering, Fredericton NB, 251 pp.

Prior CIVL4802 Reports:

Yeadon A. and Brutsaert W. 2001. Design of New Bridge for Fall River NS Geotechnical and Structural Aspects. Submitted in partial fulfillment of CIVL4802, Dept. of Civil and Resource Engineering, Dalhousie University, 91 pp.


Land Registration and Information Services 1991. Five Mile Lake, Hants County. Topographic map sheet 10 44 8500 63 900, 1:10,000 scale, ATS system, NTS reference number 11D/13. Nova Scotia Dept of Lands and Forests, Halifax, NS.
Note: the federal government decided some years ago that all apostrophes would be dropped from place names, on Canadian maps. Joe Batts Arm became Joe Batts Arm.

Newspaper Articles:
Chronicle-Herald Mail Star 2008. Winds of change to blow in new rules. Jan.17, K. Shiers reporting, p.C1.

Haestad Methods 2002. WaterCAD (computer program). Haestad Methods Inc., Waterbury, Connecticut, USA.

Course Notes:
Hansen D. 2001. Course notes for CIVL4720 Civil Engineering Computations, section entitled 'Cascade of Linear Reservoirs'. Dalhousie University, Dept of Civil & Resource Engineering, 23 pp.
Note: It is very undesirable to make reference to the course notes from one of your undergraduate courses. Find a generally-available reference that has the same material, and cite it instead.

Public Interviews:
Jones G. 1999. Taped interview of David Smith July 18. Recorded for CBC Radio Halifax and aired on 'Cross-country Check-up' on July 31.

On-line textbook

Harcourt Inc. 2000. Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology [On-line]. Available at: [August].

Waterworks Industries 2007. The hydrant setter [On-line]. Available at: http://www.waterworks (October).
Note: websites are not considered by professors to be authoritative sources of information. 'Surfing the web' does not constitute a proper literature review.

Personal Communications:
Telephone conversation

Jones P. 1999. Telephone conversation of July 18, with D. Hansen.

Face-to-face conversation

Jones P. 1999. Personal conversation of July 18, with D. Hansen.

Notes: (i) 'Personal Communications' are generally an undesirable type of reference with respect to authoritativeness. (ii) Reference can be made to them only with the explicit consent of the person in question Mr. Jones in this case! You therefore must ask the person in question May I quote you on that?, and can only make the above citation if agreement is obtained (preferably in writing).

Richardson, D. ( 1999. Email of May14 Disk upgrade schedule, to H. Powell (
Note: Email is considered an undesirable type of reference, having very little weight in terms of technical authority. It should be avoided. Permission to use email with respect to looking for technical authority or support for a statement is not automatic.

7.3 Philosophical Note Showing the context of ones work is fundamental. It is very important to be able to show the relationship between your work and the learned or professional context in which it falls. This is not something to be ashamed of - you have probably not invented something completely new and revolutionary. It is worth pointing out that it is actually dangerous to deliberately obscure the depth or breadth of previous scientific work within a particular area, especially in a Ph.D. thesis. Beyond technical ability and computational prowess, a person with a Ph.D. in engineering is also considered to be a scholar in his or her field of specialization. How can this be true if the person only knows about his own research (albeit complicated research) but is very unfamiliar any other research? There is no shame in showing that someone has already done similar work, the operative word being similar. Previous research is almost never identical to your own. The Guiding Committees of graduate students actually look more favourably upon candidates who can clearly demonstrate where science has gone before, not less favourably. In engineering, especially environmentally-related aspects of civil engineering, most problems have sitespecific components that automatically bring in elements of uniqueness. Sometimes the scope of work had to be adjusted along the way, in light of what you and your advisor found in the literature. This is especially true of the Ph.D. degree, the contribution of which is of a much higher calibre than that of an MASc. The time period over which a Ph.D. is done is about twice as long as that of a typical MASc. Keep in mind that it is far better to make adjustments to the research direction than to find out that years of work and research work are simply redundant. The worst-case scenario is to have this redundancy pointed out by the External Examiner during a formal PhD defence!

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

8.0 SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND HISTORY OF DEGREES The Table of Contents used for scientific investigations, as might be described in an MSc thesis, seeks to reflect the thought processes described below. 1. Choose or identify your problem. (i) What is it that you want to explore? Choose something that interests you. At least be able to take ownership of an idea (even if it is not your idea). (ii) Choose a problem that no one really knows the answer to, or that has an aspect to it that has never been thoroughly investigated (MSc, PhD). Choose some aspect of a problem that has not been completely investigated, or which is site-specific. (iii) Choose something that you can work with and are able to do; that is, it seems logistically feasible and practical for you to conduct the implied investigation. (Lab equipment? Computer software? Manageable theory?) 2. Research your problem. (i) Check related textbooks. Perform a detailed journal-literature search as to what has already been done. Along the way try to ascertain the whys and hows of the methods used by previous researchers. (ii) Get advice personally (your Academic Advisor, members of the Guiding Committee of your thesis or report, other professors, email, telephone). (iii) Surf the web, but be aware that the web is heavily influenced by advertising and is often light on facts that can be cited in the academic sense. (iv) Beware or paradigms and broad presuppositions that may undermine your research by limiting the questions that you are allowed to ask (Kuhn 1972, Wieland 1981). 3. Develop a hypothesis (or hypotheses). (i) This is a statement that implicitly tries to explain a relationship between the relevant variables. (ii) Form your hypothesis from a simple question that uses the words if and then. Consider what is, and what is not, a logical syllogism: A syllogism: If A happens then B happens. A happened, therefore B will happen. Not a syllogism: If A happens then B happens. B happened, therefore A happened. (The second statement is not considered to be logical.) (iii) Your hypothesis must be very clear, so that it can be tested. (iv) It is often useful to ask yourself: What do I think the answer to my question will be? when trying to frame the question. (v) It is preferable to frame your hypothesis so that it can be falsified by counterexample (Gitt 2005). As a negative example, there is a German saying which goes (Gitt loc.cit.) When the cock crows on the dungheap the weather will change, or it will remain as it is.

23 4. Write down your procedure. (i) What will you do to test your hypothesis? (Experiments? Runs of a computer program?) (ii) Be sure that you will be actually be testing your hypothesis as stated. (Is there anything you havent considered that could affect your experiment?) (iii) List the materials that you will need. (iv) List each thing you will do and number each step. Write down everything that you will do. This is an important planning step but is also done in a formal way because others should be able to repeat your experiment by repeating your stated procedure. (v) Think about how you will control the important independent variables. Think about how you may want to freeze the independent variables in a sequential manner. 5. Test your hypothesis. (i) Get the necessary samples, materials, and equipment. (ii) Follow your procedures; that is, perform your experiments, whether they be physical, numerical, or a combination of computer-based work and lab-based work. (iii) Make detailed observations. Draw pictures, take digital photographs, take videos. Note that video frame-capture images may not be of sufficient quality for a thesis. (iv) Be honest about accepting outcomes. (v) Collect your data and record it. Back it up (burn a CD). 6. Organize your data. (i) Look at your raw data and your processed data. Group it in a variety of ways. Ponder it, cogitate over it. Look at it from unusual angles, sleep with it under your pillow. (ii) Make tables, flow-charts, and graphs which synthesize your results. (iii) Write down in words (point form) what these tables, charts, and graphs are telling you. 7. State your conclusions. (i) Interpret what happened. Was it what you expected? Did you find out what you wanted to know? (ii) State what your data tells you about your hypothesis. (iii) Decide how you or a future investigator might change the starting hypothesis based on your results. (iv) Think about what might be done in the future by way of additional experiments. (v) Verbally communicate your results to others. Do a dry run of your presentation before your actual defence.

24 On the History of University Degrees University degrees, including graduate degrees, have their roots in the Middle Ages when the language of educated people (mainly the clergy) was Latin. All important documents, including those specifically related to science, were written in Latin and this pattern endured for centuries. Our word "Bachelors" comes from the medieval Latin word baccalaureus. A baccalaureus was normally an unmarried vassal knight who did not have his own estate and lived in the house of a lord. The term also referred to an advanced student lecturer who was allowed to work under a master's supervision and who did not yet have a personal license to teach. Our word "Masters" comes from the Latin "Magister", meaning master or teacher. From this word we get magistrate (judge). The Magister was the supervisor of the Baccalaureus. In the Middle Ages the Doctor of Philosophy was the only advanced degree and was undertaken by very few individuals. It was primarily intended for clergymen, although others were sometimes allowed to participate in such advanced studies. Whatever the specific interest of an individual studying for a Ph.D. in those days (law, rhetoric, literature, etc.), he would have been required to acquire expertise in philosophy, especially in the teachings of Aristotle. Aristotle was considered to be both a philosopher and a scientist. Indeed, the learneds and intelligentsia of those days made little distinction between philosophy and science. Science was considered a branch of philosophy; literature, rhetoric and law were its other branches. In the academic world, the Ph.D. degree was very rare before the 20th century, and was still quite rare during the first half of the 20th century.

References Gitt W. 2005. In the Beginning was Information. Master Books, Green Forest AR, 264 pp. Kuhn H. 1972. Selbstorganisation molekularer Systeme unddie Evolution des genetischen Apparats. Angewandte Chemie, 84:838-861. Moore W.E. 1967. Creative and Critical Thinking. Houghton Mifflin, Boston MA, 340 pp. Wielend W. 1981. Moglichtkeiten und Grenzen der Wissenshafts-theorie. Angewandte Chemie, 93:627-634.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I


a) scientific method.

b) design method.

Figure 9-1. Comparison of scientific method and design method (after Dieter 2000). The scientific method has given rise to a typical or standard reporting structure for journal articles and scientific treatises: problem description, hypothesis, method of investigation, analysis of results, conclusions. It was influenced by such earlier writing structures and standards as the formal letter of the ancient Greeks, which had the following structure: (i) the Opening (name of writer and greetings), (ii) the Exordium (praise, and expression of concern for, the readers), (iii) the Appeal (presentation of the reasons for the need of the letter itself, and of its arguments), (iv) the Peroration (full exposition of the appeal), and (v) the Conclusion (which included closing salutations to the readers).


The McMaster Five-Step Strategy for Problem Solving

a) b) c) d) e) f) Understand the problem. Understand the words, drawings. Identify the unknown quantity or the stated objective. Draw a diagram or visual representation. Isolate the system and identify inputs and outputs - as stated in the problem. Identify the known; inputs, outputs, identified laws, and assumptions. Identify the stated constraints and list the inferred constraints. g) Identify the stated criteria and list the inferred criteria.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Recall past related problems or experiences. Recall pertinent theory and fundamentals. Identify tentative pertinent relationships between inputs, outputs, and unknowns. Hypothesize, visualize, idealize, generalize, and simplify. Gain an overall appreciation of the problem by solving an extremely simple version of it to find out "about" what the answer is. Translate the problem into another form. Discover what the real problem is; that is, what is the real unknown. Consider both short term and long term implications. Identify meaningful criteria. Identify real constraints. Choose a basis or reference set of conditions. Collect missing information. Guess the answer or result. Select useful heuristics and hints.


3. PLAN:
a) Generate alternative ways that the objective can be achieved. Consider both technical/practical aspects ("what?" questions) as well as mathematical aspects ("how?" questions). b) Identify problem type & select tactics: working-backwards, sub-problem, heuristic, or contradiction. c) Map out the procedure (algorithm) to be used. d) Assemble resources needed.

4. DO IT:
a) Follow the procedure developed under the plan. b) Calculate criterion functions. c) Compare alternatives and select the best.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Check that the solution is blunder-free. Check reasonableness of results. Check that criteria and constraints are satisfied. Check procedure. Study related problems (everyday, desert island, technical/engineering) Identify experience factors to be memorized. Identify what has been learned about problem-solving from the problem just solved. Communicate results.


Figure 9-2. Basic module within design process (after Dieter 2000).

a) after Cross (1994).

b) after Dieter (2000). Figure 9-3. Iterative morphologies of design.


Figure 9-4. Single iteration of design morphology (after Dieter 2000).

Figure 9-5. Design process which incorporates its communication (after Cross 1994).


Figure 9-6. Design which incorporates human elements (after Cross 1994).

References Cross N. 1994. Engineering Design Methods Strategies for Product Design (2nd ed.), John Wiley and Sons Ltd., Chichester, 179 pp. Dieter G.E. 2000. Engineering Design A Materials and Processing Approach. McGraw-Hill Inc., NY, 798 pp. (DalTech library TA 174 D495)

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

10.0 ORGANISATION OF REPORTS The technical aspects of the work should receive the emphasis in the body of the report. The description of the work done must follow the Table of Contents shown in the following pages. By way of background: Ph.D. dissertations describe the results of relatively comprehensive scientific investigations and have very original ideas and/or analyses. This originality is judged in light of all existing knowledge available within the sub-discipline in question. State-of-the-art analytical techniques are used, of the kind described in refereed journals. M.A.Sc. theses describe the results of scientific investigations and have original ideas and/or analyses; uses excellent or state-of-the-art analytical techniques usually only described in refereed journals. M.Eng. reports design or project-oriented reports that contain less than a thesis in terms of scientific contribution and originality but use relatively high-calibre analytical techniques. Very detailed case-studies also qualify. Undergraduate Senior Project Reports for CIV4801-2 describe the results of a group design effort and contain at least a modest amount of innovation. They present the results of applying good analytical techniques, at least of a calibre covered in an undergraduate B.Eng. program.

10.1 Some Specifics

(i) If your work pertains to a particular location or area, it is usually highly desirable to mention the location or area in your title. (ii) Brevity in the body of the report or thesis is encouraged. The liberal use of appendices to help achieve this goal is encouraged. (iii) Except for the top level headings (such as 4.0 SELECTION OF DESIGN), do not create sections (or subsections) without any text in said section or subsection. (iv) In the body of the report use a 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing. All left margins set at 25 mm. Left-only justification of paragraphs (not right and left). (v) As a matter of interest, one page of just text, with 1.5 line spacing and the proper margins for a thesis, has about 400 words. (vi) Number all equations to the right of the equation. Refer to "equation [3-2]" in the body of the text. Do all equations using an equation editor. (vii) Always use one space after commas and two spaces after periods.

Do not forget to pass in your individual log books. You will be able to retrieve them.


10.2 Layout
The order of items for senior project is: Title page Authority to Distribute Manuscript For graduate theses only. Table of Contents Start of lower-case Roman pg numbering.18 List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviations and Symbols (alphabetic but Greek separate from Roman) Acknowledgments Abstract (single-spaced) End of lower-case Roman page numbering. Body of Report Arabic numbering begins: 1 (top right). The body runs from Introduction to References (inclusive). Appendices Continuous Arabic numbering from body of report. (very important!)

The following formatting hierarchy is to be used; a part of the Table of Contents might be appear as follows: 4.0 THEORY AND ANALYSIS (bold-faced and all capitals) (bold & first letter of all important words capitalized) (not bold & only first letter of first word capitalized)

4.1 Open Channel Hydraulics Hydraulic resistance

4.1.1 Spatially-varied Flow Regime (not bold & 1st letter of important words capitalized)

The above headers have a 6 pt space after each line (Format Paragraph Spacing After 6 pt within MS-Word), which is half of the height of a regular line. Do not indent your subheadings within the body of the report. Chapter 4.0 within the body of a graduate thesis should be referred to as Section 4.0 within a senior project report. The above format for headings and sub-headings, as seen in the Table of Contents (ToC) must be precisely mimicked within the body of the report (except that the indents are not present within the body of the report). Each major section (such as 4.0) must be started on a new page. Except for the paragraphs under a heading, start paragraphs with a 0.75 cm indent (as this one does) so that it is not necessary to add extra vertical space between paragraphs. Use 1.5 line spacing, as this paragraph does, except for variable lists under eqns and the individual references in your References section.

centred at bottom of page:



a) Option 1.

b) Option 2.

Figure 10-1. Flowcharts reflecting content of proposal for CIVL4801. (Section 7.0 References and Section 8.0 Appendices not shown, these are also required.)


Figure 10-2. Flowchart reflecting content of final report for CIVL4802. (Section 7.0 References & Section 8.0 Appendices not shown but are required.)


Title of Your Senior Report (repeated here, centred, in 14 pt font)

TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables List of Figures List of Symbols and Abbreviations Acknowledgments Abstract 1.0 INTRODUCTION Page x x x x x 1

1.1 Background State the clients or users need (or needs). This is not very detailed and often stated in non-technical terms. Mention some of the key design constraints. A suite of figures is expected in this section: location of town/city in NS (map with inset), the inset of the immediate area of the site as a figure itself (a portion of a 1:2500 topo map is often used), a simplified 3-D view of the object that was designed (perhaps use Google Sketch-up), and photograph(s) of the existing conditions at the site. 1.2 Objectives Give an exposition of the implications of the clients basic need or design requirement. Elaborate upon these, where appropriate. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW The specific geographic location and its characteristics will often be a important aspect of your report. Therefore, if consultants have published significant studies specific to your site, you must provide a review of these studies in a sub-section of this chapter. It can be a challenge to do a literature review in design-based senior projects, especially if it is difficult to obtain and review consultants reports. However, there are often grounds for considering the more subtle aspects of a design problem. All codes (concrete, steel, wood, masonry, bridges, dams, foundations, urban drainage) are based on the implications of and application of good science. For example, the information used to come up with snow loads for the roofs of buildings included statistical analysis of snowfall data, studies of drifting behaviour for various building geometries, knowledge of how rainfall and temperature sequences can change snow density, and sometimes famous roof failures that were known to be caused by deep wet snow. Most such studies have been published somewhere in journal literature, and these scientific outcomes did eventually influence engineering practice (i.e. the codes). These articles, together with any dealing with current trends on the same (or analogous) questions, should provide a very rich basis for presenting a proper literature review. This section can also be used to cover some basic theory.

35 3.0 GENERATION OF ALTERNATIVES 3.1 Needs Analysis and Design Constraints A more detailed and formal needs analysis, using engineering language, followed by a careful description of all the relevant design constraints. This section is used to cover the relevant theory because how a physical thing(s) behave in response to external factor(s) is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry and is a kind of design constraint. 3.2 Supplementary Data Collection Optional. Sometimes the constraints on the design cannot be fully and properly defined without certain information that is quite critical to the design. This additional data is often obtained via field work or laboratory work, and might involve activities as diverse as interviewing taxi-drivers, digging test pits, or obtaining samples of corroded metal. The outcomes of such efforts are specifically directed at trying to better define and understand the problem. For example, the discovery of soft soil in one area but hard rock in another that is nearby might indicate that differential settlement is going to be a problem. This section is not, however, where a design that would be able to handle this differential settlement is presented; rather, it should describe how the soil samples were collected and analysed, and why this was considered necessary. If Section 3.2 does not apply to your project you should omit it. 3.3 Design Alternatives Present a number of seemingly viable alternatives. Figure(s) are usually needed in this section, in order to lessen the amount of text. With respect to the mental processes involved in generating alternatives, refer to a modern text that describes modern engineering design morphologies, such as Dieter (2000). The feasibility of a given proposed design, particularly one which is attractive for cost reasons, may imply the need to go and collect even more information (such as field data) before its true feasibility can be assessed (see Dieter 2000). This section should also be used to cover any of the more advanced theories not explained up to this point in the report. 4.0 SELECTION OF DESIGN Present the rationale for the final and best design alterative that you selected and are actually recommending. The ground has been prepared for your rationale in Section 3.0, so that this section can be relatively brief and broken down by sub-discipline. In some cases, competing designs are very close to each other in relative merit and the specific reasons for your final choice (recommended design) need to be explained and justified at some length. 5.0 DETAILS OF FINAL DESIGN Present the details of your design and the components comprising it. Use simple schematic and good quality line-drawings liberally. For the fine details the reader is simply referred to the various appendices. Two required sub-sections here: cost and potential environmental impacts.

36 6.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Simply numbered using (i), (ii), (iii). Preferably stated very succinctly, without using sub-sections. 7.0 REFERENCES Study the material provided in CIVL4801~2 as to how they are to be formatted. Each type of reference has its own format, as is standard with all theses and learned publications. 8.0 APPENDICES (continuous Arabic numbering from body of report - very important!) 8.1 Division of Labour (i.e. what actually happened) 8.2 supporting calculations (named appropriately and broken down into subsections) It is a gross waste of time to type your calculations. 8.3 supporting Tables and Figures (be specific with regard to their nature, using 8.3.1, 8.3.2) 8.4 Construction Details (and larger formats, if needed, go in the pocket) 8.5 Pocket with . (drawings and CDs, be specific).

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

11.0 EQUATIONS, TABLES, GRAPHS, AND FIGURES 11.1 Equations Make sure that the nomenclature that appears in the body of your report is exactly the same as that used in the List of Symbols and Abbreviations found in the frontal material. Present separated nomenclature lists for Roman and Greek symbols/characters, and place these at the end of the List of Symbols and Abbreviations section, in the frontal matter. NOTES ON EQUATIONS THAT HAVE CALCULUS WITHIN THEM: if you have a variable named V (for example), do not define dV in addition to defining V. You may usually assume that your readership knows basic calculus and therefore knows that dV means differential V. Table 11-2. Divergence, gradient, curl, and vector operator notation.



VX VY VZ + + x y z
+ j +k i y z x

div = divergence
V is

div V

a vector quantity

grad curl

grad = gradient is the scalar quantity

i x VX

j y VY

k z VZ
2 = 0 , sometimes called


( ) = 2

2 2 2 + + x 2 y 2 z 2

LaPlace equation or LaPlacian

Always use an equation editor, the one that is built into MS-Word is fine. Never use the forward slash character to indicate division, nor put fractions on single lines; always use overand-under style for fractions. Do not use an asterisk or a dot or an x-cross to indicate multiplication of variables within equations, these are not needed. A single space between variables will suffice (Ctrl-spacebar within Equation Editor). However, it is proper to use a small dot when expressing numbers in scientific notation (e.g. 110-6). Do not use italics in equations19. Using italics for equations makes Greek letters less readable and also makes the Greek completely indistinguishable from the letter v. Centre equations and use square brackets around your numeric identifiers. Place the numeric identifier of the equation on the same line and at the far right. These should all line up at the far right (see examples below). Use the SI abbreviation system, in which second is s, hour is h, and litre is L. State the dimensions of each variable if the equation is dimensionally consistent but state the units of

to turn off the Italics setting within eqns (the default condition in Word 2003), click twice on equation, go to menu at very top of the screen, click on Style, click on Define at the very bottom of the list, and un-check all the italics boxes. Some italicized Greek letters are very hard to read, a good reason to turn off this default.

38 each variable if it is dimensionally inconsistent. This obviates the need to point out this very important distinction to the reader, using sentence(s). In the list of definitions of terms found underneath each equation, line up your equal signs with tabs. Variables defined early in a report need not be redefined over and over again. Variable names must be assigned in such a way that no mathematical ambiguity is introduced. A variable name such as IET, indicating inter-event time (for example), is unacceptable as a name for a variable. It is not concise and raises the question Is the writers intended meaning I multiplied by E multiplied by T? Subscripts are very useful in making variable names more meaningful and easier for the reader to remember. A much better choice of nomenclature for inter-event time would be tie. Do not break down the numbering scheme for equations tables and figures to a level finer than the chapter level. Make the numbering of these items sequential within chapters, so if there are two equations in chapter 1 and three equations in chapter 2, the reader would see [1-1] and [1-2] in chapter 1, and then [2-1], [2-2], [2-3] in chapter 2. This is also more convenient when editing because if you add another equation part-way through a chapter, it only affects the numbering within that chapter. The word equation should be abbreviated as eqn when used beside the number of the equation, but not if it is the first word in the sentence. It is very important to note that equations usually require that a citation be made (see also handout on Citations). A half-line-space20 precedes and follows each equation. Here are five examples of how to refer to an equation within the body of a report: Example 1 The irascibility factor I can be found using the following eqn, first suggested by Goatcabin (1982) and later applied to extremely irritating people by Clampette (1991):

I = Yn Pi dt



where: I = irascibility (dimensionless), Y = yodelling intensity (db/hr), P = persistence effect (interruptions/second), = loudness exponent (dimensionless). Equation [11-1] is widely used in North America but the Chezy equation is more commonlyused in Europe. Technically, eqn [11-1] only applies to the condition of uniform flow. Note that the lead-in sentence does not make specific mention of the eqn number; this is completely unnecessary. Also note that in defining terms in variable lists, small words such as the and an are left out, as shown in the following examples. Example 2 Although developed a little over 100 years ago in the Republic of Ireland (Eire in the Gaelic language), the equation describing steady uniform open-channel flow attributed to Robert Manning is by far the most commonly-used such equation in North America. It may be written:
V= 1.49 2 / 3 1 / 2 R S0 n


where: V = average velocity of flow in cross-section (ft/s),


Format, Paragraph, Indents-and-Spacing, Spacing Before 6 pt, After 6 pt

39 n = roughness coefficient, R = hydraulic radius (ft), S0 = friction slope, equal to bed slope if flow is uniform (dimensionless). and where: R= A P [11-2b]

A = cross-sectional area of flow (ft2), P = shear perimeter, also known as wetted perimeter (ft). When referring to a variable in a sentence, separate it with commas. For example: "The shear perimeter, P, in eqn [11-2b] is also known as the wetted perimeter." The above example uses a [11-2a] and [11-2b] system because eqn [11-2b] is actually part of eqn [11-2a]. If they were mathematically distinct they would be numbered [11-2] and [11-3]. Example 3 The impulse-momentum equation is merely a finite-difference form of Newton's Second Law. It may, for example, be used to analyze the severity of a traffic collision. It may be stated as:
F t =M V


where: F = force exerted on mass M (F), t = finite time interval in which deceleration occurs (T), M = mass of decelerating object (M), V= change in velocity occurring within t (L/T). Example 4 At its most fundamental level, the phenomenon of hydrologic routing is governed by the requirement that volume be conserved. The following differential equation may be stated for a single reservoir (Ponce 1989):
d = Q IN Q OUT dt


where: = volume in reservoir (L3), t = time (T), QIN = inflow to reservoir (L3/T), QIN = outflow from reservoir (L3/T). The meaning of the derivative in example 4 above was deliberately not provided in the definitions under "where". If you are writing for an engineering readership, you may assume that they recognize derivatives, integrals, etc. This assumption may be incorrect if you are writing for lay-people, necessitating explanation that a derivative indicates instantaneous rate, or that an integral indicates an exact summation. Example 5

40 The Rational Method is often used to compute the runoff from small highly urbanised areas. It may be stated as: Q =k C i A [11-5] where: Q = peak flow from drainage area in question (L/s), k = units conversion factor (2.777), C = runoff coefficient (dimensionless), i = rainfall intensity (mm/hr), A = drainage area (ha). The general rule for CIVL4801-2 is that we state the dimensions of each variable if the equation is dimensionally consistent but state the units of each variable if it is dimensionally inconsistent. However, equations like Q = k C i A are special cases. Although it actually is dimensionally consistent, it is never applied in this way in practice. Engineers do not use or state rainfall in m/s and area in m2 so that they have a units conversion factor (k) of one! For your work, the value of k might be 2.777 because your Qs were in L/s, your intensities were in mm/hr and your areas were in hectares. For equations that have a practical set of units, state this practical set of units, together with any units-conversion factor that you used throughout your work.

-----------------------------------------The question of when it is desirable or perhaps even necessary to mention the specific number of an eqn, as numbered by another author (such as in a journal article) sometimes arises. If you have an issue with a given eqn, in that you wish to point out a dubious assumption or an important limitation (or especially an outright mistake), or if you are converting it to a form using nomenclature that is consistent with your own document, it is then worth pointing out the precise eqn number used by the original author. For example: "Brooks (1965) states that the following relationship between local boundary shear stress and roughness height has broad validity within the fully-developed turbulent flow regime (eqn 18.13 loc. cit.):
= 2.5 2 / 3 3 / 4 M L0 ks


It is difficult to see how eqn [11-3] can be readily applied to fully-developed turbulent flow. The loc. cit. means in the place just cited, Brooks (1965) in the above example.

41 Note on reporting changes in a quantity: It is usually better to report ratios (new value/old value) than it is to report percent changes. It is also preferable to do so in a table rather than in sentences. If you must report percent changes, explicitly state which of the following methods was used:
new old % change = 100% old
% change = 100% new old old

new old % change = 100% new

% change = 100%

new old new

11.2 Graphs as Figures A graph or figure must appear after being mentioned in the body of the text of a report, preferably on the very same page. It is not preferable, however, to break up a paragraph merely in order to insert a figure. If the sentence that refers to the figure is too close to the bottom of the page to permit putting the figure on the same page, it should appear on the next page, right after the end of the paragraph that contains the referencing sentence. The single-most important overriding principle in the design of figures is that they should be as self-explanatory as possible. The casual reader should not have to read any of the report in order to appreciate the basic message of a graph. One should include representative graphs in the body of the report. If a graph merely plays a supporting role, place it in an Appendix, and make sure that you refer to it. Graphs and other kinds of figures must be self-explanatory. Raw data points should not usually be joined with connecting lines. Conversely, lines or curves that are in some sense theoretical, either because they represent a best-fit curve or because they are the result of some kind of simulation, are best presented as lines or smooth curves having no markers. A possible exception to this rule is the presentation of time series data, wherein there are often very many closely-spaced observed data points, necessitating the use of a curve with no markers for raw data. Engineering journals rarely publish anything in colour. Some medical journals will publish in colour. Some non-medical journals may make an exception if a strong argument is made that colour is essential, but may then charge the authors page significant fees for publishing the paper. Colour adds complexity to report duplication. You must therefore assume that colour is not available to you as a means of differentiating symbols and lines on your graphs. 11.2.1 Excel notes Excel has two types of graph that appear to be similar, but are not similar: "Line Graphs" and "X-Y Graphs". Engineers rarely use "Line Graphs" but often use "X-Y Graphs", and there is a dangerous pitfall in using the former. A "Line Graph" is essentially a "Column Chart" that uses a series of connected lines instead of vertical bars. It therefore spaces the data at equal intervals even if the abscissa values of the data are not equally-spaced. A "Column Chart" is therefore preferable to a "Line Graph", especially if there is only one quantity (dependant variable) for the ordinate. Many specialty software packages (such as MatLab) do not produce plots that have a format that is acceptable for formal technical reports. Use care when formatting "Column Charts" having multiple vertical bars for each abscissa value; the result can be a mesmerizing pattern. This is very undesirable.

42 Engineering column graphs/charts can be very misleading unless they are carefully designed, and are sometimes simply the wrong type of graph needed to best present the data in question. You must decide whether your labels on the abscissa are merely indicators, or whether your intended meaning is a true scale, such as a distance or elapsed time. Indicators that must be textual are obviously merely indicators, as in the case of Figure 11-1 below, and may require reference to another figure in order to be fully understood (unfortunately). Labels on the abscissa that are indicators but which have numeric significance have a specific meaning. In Figure 11-2 below the reader is being told that the concentrations were measured at the exact distances shown on the abscissa, not somewhere in between the distances shown. The gap between the pairs of bars is therefore necessary and important. See also, however, Figure 2-4 and the comments on it that follow. Engineering column charts frequently require the specification of true intervals on the abscissa, often of time or distance. The bounds of such intervals should be placed at the bounds themselves, but Excel does not have a means of easily placing the boundary markers (tick marks) at the boundaries themselves, with the Data Labels located at the centre of each column. Figure 11-3 was generated in Excel as a Column chart but was subsequently modified as a bitmap within Windows Paint, in order to achieve the needed effect. If you use Windows Paint to do this, it is recommended that you switch it to black & white mode and save the file as a monochrome bitmap. Note how the title for the ordinate in Figure 11-3 helps to clarify how it is possible that there is a single value of concentration between the distances shown.

Figure 11-1. Concentrations of lead and arsenic in soils near Kinkaren Landfill Facility (see Figure 1-4 for sample locations corresponding to codes on abscissa).


Figure 11-2. Concentrations of lead and arsenic in soils near Kinkaren Landfill Facility.

Figure 11-3. Concentrations of arsenic in soils near Kinkaren Landfill Facility.

44 If the numeric values have literal and precise meaning, then a column chart is often the wrong choice. A true numeric scale is needed, especially if the identifiers are not integers. Figure 11-4 below will then be preferable to Figure 11-2.
1.50 1.25 Concentration (mg/L) . 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Distance from landfill (km) Lead Arsenic

Figure 11-4. Concentrations of lead and arsenic in soils near Kinkaren Landfill Facility. Figure 11-5 is an example of an acceptable 'X-Y' graph.

Figure 11-5. Kinematic viscosity of water versus water temperature.

(1.2 on ordinate 1.2 10-6 m2/s)

45 A typical graph will take up half of a page. Graphs that are somehow related to one another should be placed in groups. If the information content is not individually too dense, even four graphs to a page is acceptable in landscape mode. Landscape mode can be selected for a single page by using a Section Break in Word. Two-part figures can be done left-right or over-and under. The following is an example of left-right layout. It is actually a hybrid type of figure, being a pair of graphical schematics or line-drawings of hypothetical graphs.

a) moving operating point on characteristic curve of pump.

b) movement of system curve.

Figure 11-6. Schematic representation of migration of operating point and shift in system curve during pump-down test. If you are presenting a series of graphs that are related to each other, try to ensure that the abscissa and ordinate ranges are all the same so that the reader can compare like and like. A portrait-oriented graph should fill the width of the page (without exceeding the margins imposed on the entire document, typically 25 mm on all four sides). In expanding a graph that has been cut from Excel and pasted into Word (so that it fills the available width), the font of the axis labels may end up being somewhat larger than 12 pt. This is hard to avoid but is acceptable. The range for the abscissa and for the ordinate should be appropriate for the data and the fitted curve being presented, as in the example above. There should not be large empty areas, nor should there be the unnecessary maximization of the noise in the data. The latter mistake is promoted by using the maxs and mins in the data as the limits for the abscissa and ordinate ranges. If it makes engineering sense to include the value zero on one or both axes, do so. 11.2.2 Other formatting points Your senior project report will be checked for compliance with the following: 1. No interior shading is permitted in the plotting area. This reduces clarity, wastes printer-toner (ink), and does not always reproduce well (i.e. if photocopied the result is often blotchy). 2. No exterior border is permitted. This is best removed while still in Excel (i.e. before cutting-and-pasting into MS-Word). 3. All figures are to be centred.

46 4. Do not place an additional interior title at the top of the graph, as is often the case for graphs seen in Excel. This is redundant. 5. Do not include grid-lines for X-Y graphs with linear scales. Horizontal grid-lines may be needed for column charts. 6. Legend are to be placed inside the plotted area but must not interfere with the data. The legend symbols must be clear and easy to differentiate. If many data-sets are present and symbol differentiation becomes a problem, it may be necessary to re-distribute your data among multiple graphs. 7. If the legend starts to look confusing, note that hollow markers are easier to differentiate than solid markers. Lines/curves can sometimes be differentiated by thickness (within reason), and by dashing, dotting, and combinations thereof. Unfortunately, the latter choices do not usually work very well in Excel and you may only find this out when you actually print to paper. If you begin to run out of symbols and/or line styles, and space for your legend, this is a sign that more than one graph is needed in order to present your results. 8. The caption for a graph is placed underneath it, and outside of it. Nothing in a caption is underlined. The caption is part of the body of the report, not part of the graph, which is an inserted object. 'Small words' are avoided in captions (words like "the" and a). 9. The format for the axis labels is: Quantity (units) (i.e. using the same Times New Roman font as is found in your report, and not boldfaced). 10. The units for the abscissa and ordinate ranges must use real superscripts and/or subscripts, if needed. 11. At most two places behind the decimal is usually adequate for the numbers on the abscissa and ordinate. 12. Do not use Excel-style scientific notation. Use 1.50 10-6 for 1.50E-06. 13. If you have log(Y) vs log(X) data, plot raw Y vs raw X on log-scales, not the values of log(Y) and log(X). Grid lines are needed in this case because they help the reader to perceive that the scale(s) are transformed. Do not include any unused decades in such plots, unused decades compress your data and make any scatter that may be in your data points to appear to be deceptively small.

47 11.3 Photos as Figures Two-part figures must be done in a particular way with regard to captioning. The following is an example. Note how the main figure caption is suitable to both photos, and that the subcaptions add helpful further explanation.

a) setting up tripod for retrieval hoist.

b) looking down into access point; note how condition of rungs worsens with depth. Figure 11-7. Confined-space entry considerations (photo by C. Hansen, P.Eng., of Calgary Alberta, used by permission). Note also that the (a) and (b) captions are not inherent to the images, they are generated in and are part of the text of the Word file, just as with ordinary captions. The wording of the main caption is deliberately made generic; its information content nicely overarches that of the

48 sub-captions. On the other hand, the words for the sub-captions are not redundant and have the requisite specificity with respect to the visual content that they imply. Note that the source of the photos has been given. If you are the person who took the photo, then the caption might read: Figure 11-7. Confined-space entry considerations (photo by author). or: Figure 11-7. Confined-space entry considerations (photo taken on March 10, 2007 by A.G. Student). (See the end of this handout and the handout entitled Citation of Authorities and Preparation of Reference Lists for further details on this aspect). In general: 1. You may not scan a figure of any kind from another source and include it in your report without indicating where you obtained it. You must give the full citation (see guidelines on referencing). This citation can be done as part of the caption, parenthetically. 2. You may only make multiple copies of a report containing copyrighted material under the CANCopy agreement, even if the report is sold at cost. If duplication is to be done using Dalhousie Universitys Printing Services, a CANCopy form must be filled out beforehand (contact Dalhousies Copyright Officer, office in the Killam Library, 494-6685). This form requires the same information that would be included in an academic citation of your source plus the ISBN21 of the source document. Private duplication and printing companies like Kinkos may require a letter of permission from the publisher.


International Standard Book Number.

49 11.4 Flow-charts as Figures The flow-chart is an under-utilized type of figure, but has great potential for use in civil engineering reports. It is a simple and powerful way to communicate such diverse things as thought-processes, computational algorithms, or projected sequences of events (especially if there are contingencies). In the case of thought-processes and sequences of events (such as construction plans), it is not necessary to strictly follow the conventions of computer science in choosing the icons or geometric shapes that surround the text. It is better, however, when describing true algorithms, to adhere somewhat more closely to these conventions, depending on the desired level of detail. The table below gives the five most useful shapes. Table 11-3. Basic icons in flow-charts, and their meaning.


Start or end of process (can be used to set initial conditions in algorithm) Step or action or computation within the process Input or output


Connector (for joining subprocesses)

50 11.5 Tables Crowding of information is to be avoided, use a 6 pt (half-line) spacing above and below numeric entries. The caption title is to be placed above the table. The reported number of places behind the decimal within any given column must not be excessive but must be consistent. The decimal places should line up in the vertical. Table 11-4. Kinematic viscosity of water as a function of water temperature. Observed* kinematic viscosity (10-6 m2/s) 1.81 1.45 1.35 1.06 1.05 Estimated** kinematic viscosity (10-6 m2/s) 1.785 1.519 1.306 1.139 1.003

Temperature (C) 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0

* 1.81 1.81 10-6 m2/s ** using a curve fitted by ordinary least squares regression.

The footnoted statement that 1.81 1.81 10-6 m2/s is necessary because there is no standard way of reporting this; examples of 1.81 1.81 10+6 m2/s can also be found. The ambiguity can therefore only be avoided by an explicit statement. Phrases like "maximum average" and mean minimum in table column headers may need an explanatory footnote, especially if both time and space are involved. Copying a section of an Excel spreadsheet into Word not only results in a table with the wrong appearance, the resulting table is difficult to manipulate and properly format. Do not present a table of data in your report which is from another source without explicitly indicating where you obtained it. Cite the source in the caption of the table and include the full reference in your References section. Such a caption might run as follows: Table 11-5. Properties of water as a function of temperature (Zhang* 1972). Temperature (C) 0.0 20.0 Viscosity (10-6 m2/s) 1.81 1.05 Density (N/m3) 9806 9789

* see Table 9.23, pg.42, loc.cit.

51 The specific location within the cited work can be included as a footnote beneath the table itself, as in the example above. Scanned tables may not be presented as figures in the body of the report because there is often some background shading, the font is usually wrong, and the numbers are not crisp. It may be acceptable to include such a scan in one of your appendices, if cleanly done. If information from a table from another source must go in the body of your report, type up the part of the table that is important to you, manually in Word, and include it. 11.6 Referring to Photographs A photograph is also a figure and should be referred to as such. A photograph might be referred to in the body of your report in a sentence such as: "Figure 1-3 presents an aerial view of the warehouse and surrounding parking-lot for which drainage improvements were required." It is often desirable to combine the function of merely pointing out the presence of the figure with an observation about its content. For example: "Figure 1-8 shows that most of the area under consideration was impermeable. It therefore had the potential to generate large amounts of uncontrolled surface runoff." The caption for such a figure might read as follows: Figure 1-3. Photograph of warehouse and surrounding parking-lot that required drainage improvements; Stewiacke, NS (courtesy of Jon Noble, CBCL Ltd., used by permission). Only capitalize proper nouns. Note the use of 'hanging' paragraph format (hang = 2.2 cm in this case). In the following example the source of the photograph, a report by CBCL Ltd. (1989), would be fully cited in the 'References' section: Figure 1-3. Photograph of warehouse and surrounding parking lot that required drainage improvements (CBCL Ltd. (1989); used by permission). A third possibility is that one of the authors of the report that is in front of the reader took the photo himself. In this case, the caption for such a figure might read as follows: Figure 1-4. Photograph of corroded cross-bracing in Fairmont St. bridge (photo by J. Butts, taken Aug.10, 2006). A caption should state when a photograph was taken, or give some indication of when it was given. This fact may also have relevance to the scientific intent of the report. For example, this is case if a feature of particular interest has changed over time in character or appearance. 11.6.1 Giving credit for photographs There are some risks and limitations in this regard.

52 (i) At best it is impolite not to give credit for a photograph. At worst is can be legally dangerous to use a photograph without the permission of the photographer, especially a photographer who makes his living at taking pictures. Litigation can also arise from publishing photographs in which persons can be readily recognized. If someone can be recognized in a photograph that you use in your report and you use that photograph without the person's permission, that person can sue you.


11.7 Referring to Graphs In the body of your report a plot might be referred to in the following manner: "The kinematic viscosity was found to decrease markedly with temperature (see Figure 2-1)." or: "The viscosity was found to weakly decrease with temperature, as seen in Figure 2-1." or: Figure 2-1 depicts how kinematic viscosity was found to decrease with temperature. The above examples avoid a shift to the present tense, seen in an awkward sentence like: "Figure 1 plots kinematic viscosity as a function of temperature." The word "plots" is also awkward because it makes it sound like a figure can do something. Further, you may well be reverting to the past tense to describe work done in the very next sentence, resulting in an awkward juxtaposition of tenses. Repeated use of this kind of sentence becomes particularly undesirable if there are many figures, resulting in many apparent shifts in tense. 11.8 Referring to Drawings A schematic, line drawing, or flow-chart that is found in the body of your report might be referred to in the following manner: "The equipment used to measure kinematic viscosity was a computer-controlled Sayboldt system (see Figure 1-3)." "A schematic of the equipment used to measure kinematic viscosity is presented in Figure 1-3." Note on line drawings: Fuzziness of dimensioning lines and arrow-heads is highly undesirable. Pre-defining your bmp as black & white in Windows Paint can prevent this. A bitmap file named arrows & water level symbols & trees & miscellaneous (Dr Hansen).bmp and another named trusses (Dr Hansen).bmp can be emailed to you, for the asking.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

12.0 WRITING STYLE FOR ENGINEERING DOCUMENTS Technical writing is very different from creative writing. Technical communications are both more difficult and less enjoyable to compose, even for people who normally enjoy writing. This is because technical writing is a highly constrained form of communication. Three attitudes are important in learning to become a good technical writer: (i) patience, (ii) humility (when it comes to receiving corrections from editors), and (iii) willingness to attented to details. It usually takes many years to produce a good technical writer. Even the manuscripts of very experienced writers can be marked-up with red ink by editors and reviewers. Good technical writers are hard to find and engineering consulting firms value them very highly. 12.1 Readers Hate Filler An important rule-of-thumb for technical writing is to strive to be concise. At the sentence level, identify the idea that any given sentence is intended to communicate and use the minimum number of words to express that idea. Be laconic22 and never use pleonasms23. If you do not follow this principle your editors will probably put red lines through many of your sentences. At a larger scale, keep in mind that all the text in technical reports usually falls into one of two categories: it describes either someone else's work, or it describes your own. As noted in the write-up on 'Citations and Referencing, the former is necessary because it puts your work in its context; it sets the stage for the reader. The latter is what makes the report your report, and of interest to your specific readership, such as the client in the design context. A technical report is not a place to editorialize. Frequent expressions of opinion, often evident because no prior work is cited to support the opinions expressed, come across as dross and filler. Busy engineers hate to wade through filler. As you type page after page in which you express your views and speculate about your subject area, you may feel that your report is coming along very nicely - that its thickness will eventually be similar to that of many other reports that you have seen. Rather, you should realize that every additional sentence of filler will make your reader a little more annoyed and probably less able to perceive the good science that may be present in your document. Do not worry about having sufficient length! Filler is often found in the opening chapters of poor reports but is no less annoying when found in these sections; you are not getting off to a good start. There are usually no compelling reasons to express personal opinions in engineering reports. There is some latitude to express scientifically-based opinions in the 'Summary and Conclusions' section. In this section you may wish to extend the discussion of your results to realms that are more general than the confines of the specific investigation that you have just described.


laconic (adjective): Using, or marked by, the use of a minimum of words; brief and pithy; brusque. pleonasm (noun): The use of more words than are necessary to express an idea. Example: A phrase from President Nixon's era, much favoured by politicians, was "at this moment in time". Presumably these five words meant "now". This pleonasm probably did little harm, except perhaps to the reputation of the speaker. Eoin McKiernan, "Last Word: Special Relationships," Irish America, August 31, 1994. Related nouns are verbiage (applies to text in which there is a superfluity of words relative to the content) and verbigeration (the obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases).

54 12.2 Understand Purpose of Document It is very important to establish what kind of technical document you are preparing. Stevenson and Whitmore (2002) state that there are three main kinds of communication: i) expressive (useful in creative writing and love letters), ii) persuasive (useful for proposals), iii) informative (useful for final reports). Technical reports usually fall in category (iii) and therefore have a tone and a style that are impersonal and formal. If you forget your purpose, your audience, and what type of document you are preparing, your tone and style may drift within the document. This is extremely undesirable. Keep your audience and the purpose of your report uppermost in your mind, so as to maintain a consistent tone and style. 12.3 Care with Structure vs. Content at all Levels It is important to make sure that the content matches the structure, and vice versa, at all levels of structure, from the sentence (lowest level) up to the Table of Contents (highest level). Make sure that the content of a section matches the header of the section. A common mistake pertains to the content of the Objectives section. Getting your laboratory equipment ready and the various and sundry chores related to this effort are not Objectives, they are merely tasks. Do not list tasks as Objectives. Tasks are typically part of an experimental procedure. Such procedures (often contained in a class handout or an ASTM standard) can simply be placed in an Appendix and reference made to them. Your objectives implied the need to complete many tasks. Avoid long sentences. A sentence which is two sentences that have been improperly strung together is known as a run-on sentence. Get used to writing short sentences that relate to the facts. A sentence should usually express a single unqualified thought. If all your sentences consist of a thought followed by ifs ands and buts (qualifications), your document will be unpleasant to read and lose credibility. Regarding how a good writer treats his sentences, Mark Twain (1835-1910) once said: At times he may indulge himself with a long one, but he will make sure there are no folds in it, no vaguenesses, no parenthetical interruptions of its view as a whole; when he has done with it, it wont be a sea serpent, with half of its arches under the water, it will be a torchlight procession. Individual sentences should each contain specific pieces of information, some specificity. In order for there to be a proper flow in technical writing, the specific information found in any given sentence should be linked to both the previous and the subsequent sentence, giving connectivity to the information being presented. At best, technical writing that lacks these principles of specificity and connectivity fails to communicate with enough force. At worst, such writing is often confusing. If some sentences seem to be making specific points, but between them are found vague statements that seem to have no point at all, the reader may well become confused, and perhaps annoyed. It seems that engineers have a propensity to compose very short and unstructured paragraphs. This must also be avoided. A properly structured paragraph should start with a topic sentence that gives the reader an indication of the content that is to follow. The body of the paragraph should be an exposition of the topic sentence. The final sentence should bring

55 some closure to the exposition. Paragraphs of three to ten sentences are common. The sentences within a paragraph should all exhibit both specificity and connectivity. 12.4 Right-hand Extension Principle The right-hand extension principle means that the since the reader reads from left-to-right in the English language, it should never be necessary for him to look left. Sentences should be simple enough and short enough that the flow allows the readers eyes to keep moving to the right, and not have to go back and re-read part of a sentence in order to understand it. 12.5 Orality Principle Good orality refers to the ease with which a document can be read out loud by someone who has never read it before. Documents which follow the right-hand extension and orality principles can be read much more quickly and understood more easily than documents which do not. Long sentences with more than one subordinate clause, sentences with parenthetical thoughts, and sentences with many commas, are suspect. It is recognised that it is not always easy to follow the principles or right-hand extension and orality in technical documents because very complex operations and phenomena are often explained within them. However, the neglect of these principles may mean that your document fails to clearly explain the complex phenomena in question, and as such is a failure as an engineering document. 12.6 Important Rules and Stylistic Requirements

12.6.1 Tense It is very important to use the past tense to describe work done. Consider the following example of the need to maintain the past tense in describing the work that you did. An RCMP officer sits at his desk and fills out a report on a car accident, an accident that obviously happened in the past. He might write "...the vehicle that was struck from the rear was a 1997 Honda Civic..." He would not say "...the vehicle is a 1997 Honda civic..." even though the car in question is probably still in existence. This is not only correct style, it is consistent with the fact that the focus of his report is what happened in the past, not on the make of vehicles involved or whether or not they still exist. The same frame of mind should be adopted for laboratory and research reports; the reader is not interested in the fact that the laboratory equipment still exists; he is interested in what was done with it. The simple past tense is usually adequate. The pluperfect tense is a type of past tense that indicates that an action or activity took place for a period of time in the past and was brought to completion before some implied point in time in the past. It is to be avoided24. For example, do not write When the suite of permeability tests had been completed in compliance with ASTM standards Rather, use the simple past tense and write The suite of permeability tests were completed in compliance with ASTM standards. There is a temptation to use the future tense when writing up the Objectives or describing constraints. Do not write The columns will be designed according to CSA (2005) Write The columns had to be designed according to CSA (2005). Exceptions to the past-tense rule:

Other kinds of past tense include past perfect progressive, past continuous, and past perfect progressive. Use the simple past tense to describe work done, as much as possible.

56 (i) Statements of general truth can and should be stated in the present tense. For example It is well-known that sensitive clays can liquefy if subjected to very sudden loads. This is probably the most common reason for needing to use the present tense. Since much of the report will be in the past tense, it helps to sometimes preface such sentences with phrases like It is well-known that or It is generally accepted that when one needs to use the present tense. (ii) The statements-of-general-truth principle above also means that if you are systematically walking the reader through a set-piece procedure, the steps of a logical or mathematical argument, or the steps of a procedure appearing in an engineering code (such as an ASTM procedure) you would use the present tense. Widely-used and/or accepted engineering procedures that you lay out for the benefit of the reader can and should use the present tense. If you did not follow a standard procedure, say how and why and do so in the past tense. In this regard the correct use of tense has a useful discriminating effect. The reader can tell the difference between what you did and what is normally done by what tense you are using. (iii) The presentation of detailed mathematical arguments, such as new derivations, use the present tense. (iv) Statements describing existing conditions or a problem that is obviously on-going from the point-of-view of the expected readership (such as the client), can be in the present tense. For example, it is more natural for a report on specific on-going traffic-flow problems in Halifax to describe these problems in the present tense. This is particularly true if it is known that the expected readership will be people who live in Halifax and who are interested in solving the specific problem(s) in view. (v) Statements in the section entitled Recommendations can even be in the future tense. The subjective and the imperative voices are often seen in this Section; use them as needed. Near the end of a report it is common to move on to the general or future implications of the outcomes, as viewed from a broader scientific or design perspective. (vi) The presentation of details pertaining to the execution of a design are not stated in the past tense. The design in question has not yet been executed, and as such the details of its execution are like recommendations. The presentation of such details is often more strongly worded than recommendations, and is often expressed in the imperative voice with the future in mind. For example: Site-grading must not precede the proper implementation of the erosion-control measures illustrated in Figure 3-4. The coarse-rockfill aprons shown are to be placed at all exits from the active construction zone. Here are some phrases that help keep the tense from appearing to deviate from the past tense too often or too strongly: described herein (a very efficient phrase compared to to be discussed in this report It is surmised that (can be used when humbly interpreting your own results) It can be seen that (points out something fairly obvious without using an awkward tone)

57 12.6.1 Common mistakes There is a list of grammatical and other errors in the notes package for this course. A few examples may be helpful for certain mistakes those grammatical errors which have formal names. dangling participle25: After being delaminated, the technician repaired each beam. The above should read: The technician repaired each beam after each became delaminated. misplaced modifier: The following example of a misplaced modifier appeared in a church bulletin: For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. dangling modifier: The following example of a dangling modifier also appeared in an actual church bulletin. What additional word or words would have avoided it? Jean will be leading a weight-management series on Wednesday nights. She uses the program herself and has been growing like crazy! noun-verb disagreement as case disagreement: He distribute the equipment to the technicians. In a technical report the above should read The equipment was distributed to the technicians. It is not permissible to use personal pronouns such as he. noun-verb disagreement as number disagreement: The equipments was distributed to the technicians and labourers. The following web-sites have helpful examples of various grammatical rules: 12.6.3 Other stylistic rules and pointers If a series of adjectives are needed before a noun, it is often helpful to add a hyphen or two, especially if the possibility for ambiguity exists. For example: intense southerly traffic flow problems would be better written as intense southerly traffic-flow problems.., even though traffic flow does not require a hyphen in ordinary usage. Another example: a zero intercept second order polynomial was used to would be better as a zero-intercept second-order polynomial was used to Do not use common slang. For example, do not write The results of Kirby (1983) appear to be fudged. Do not use technical slang. For example, do not use the term water hammer, use

A participle is a verbal adjective, sharing in part the characteristics of both the verb and the adjective.

58 the term hydraulic transient, which is the proper engineering term for this phenomenon. Avoid using the following kinds of phrases: on average (technical slang, the average of a group of numbers is one of three existing measures of central tendency and has a specific statistical meaning) an order or magnitude larger (use this phrase only if you truly mean 10 times larger) a couple of years ago (slang, inappropriate tone, sounds imprecise) the size of the bridge opening was optimized (use this phrase only if you can quantitatively demonstrate what variables were altered in your search for the best answer, what criteria were used to arrive at the selected outcome, and are prepared to show graphs with minima or maxima that support your choice of outcome) If your intended meaning is "because", write "because". In scientific writing the word "as" is definitely not a suitable replacement for the word because. The word "because" has only one meaning. The word "as" has more than one meaning and sometimes results in the reader having to re-read the sentence to see which meaning was intended. Do not use as for because; using as for because often results in an awkward or ambiguous sentence. Place your larger direct quotations in separate paragraphs, and use double quotes. Use single quotes to indicate that your intended meaning is so-called, but do not over-use this device. Some journals even refuse to allow authors to use single quotes in the sense of 'so-called', they require the write to explain why the sense of 'so-called' is apparently needed, in words. Actually using the words so-called is sometimes the way to achieve this! Bullet lists have become over-used in engineering reports! In many cases a numbered list, using (i), (ii), (iii) is both more appropriate and gives greater flexibility as to the content of each item because each number in such a list can contain multiple sentences that are all complete sentences in their own right. The first word in a true bullet list should not be capitalized26. A true bullet list should not have a genuine sentence associated with each bullet, only a few words or a phrase followed by a period or a colon. A sign that a bullet list has gotten out of hand is that full-blown sentence(s) follow each bullet. The word input is now listed in the dictionary as both a noun and a verb, but only recently has it been listed as a transitive verb. This relatively recent change to the English language has given rise to such awkward constructions as was inputted. To improve readability and avoid noun-verb ambiguity, and to avoid such awkward constructions, it is recommended that that input never be used as a verb. For example The data on pipe diameter was incorporated in the input data-set for the EPA-Net software that was used to model the pressure variation throughout the system. Unfortunately, the word data can be found in the literature in both the singular and in the plural senses. In the interests of readability and unambiguousness, it is better to use the hyphenated word data-set when your intended meaning is the plural sense of 'data'. For example, do not write "these data", write "this data-set". Use of the phrase computer model is ill-advised in engineering. It was an appropriate phrase about thirty years ago when computers were not widely used to solve ordinary problems. Nowadays, if an engineer uses words like numerical model, algorithm, or mathematical model in the general context of an effort to simulate an observed phenomenon, it now goes

If it is capitalized and ends with a period, one might legitimately ask Why has this so-called sentence got a black dot in front of it? Because the writer is too lazy to compose it properly?

59 without saying that a computer was used to execute the algorithm. Further, if the work described in your report involved that use of various computer programs (such as specialpurpose modelling software like Stella and problem-specific software like EPA-Net), and your report presents the outcomes of applying such programs, use of the phrase computer model is too general. It is preferable to name the dedicated software that was used to get a particular result, being sure to put in a superscripted or with the name of the software. For example, one might write "The Stella software package was used to simulate the routing phenomenon." One should not specifically mention Excel or any other such mundane software. Unless a range of computer-generated outcomes is being compared, the means by which a given algorithm was actually executed, whether done using C++ or Java or Lotus, is not very important to the engineering outcomes. Furthermore, such details are not of interest to most readers. Such details can be mentioned in the Appendices. Do not write sentences like See Figure 4.1 below. The need for it can be fulfilled by simply placing a form of it at the end of a sentence. For example, The discharge from Tank #1 decreased as the water level in it gradually decreased, as can be seen in Figure 4.1. or The discharge from Tank #1 always decreased as the water level in it decreased (see Figure 4.1). Ten more specific points: (i) Do not personify your report; it is an inanimate object that cannot do anything. (ii) Do not use personal pronouns like "I", "you", he, we, or they. Use the passive voice for formal technical reports. Consider the following table (after Stevenson and Whitmore 1999): Table 12-6. Appropriate voice in various kinds of documents. Perspective 1st person (I, we) 2nd person (you) 3rd person (he/she, they) No person (passive voice) Use Memos, letters Manuals, procedures, letters Legal documents Scientific documents, technical specifications

(iii) Never raise a question, whether explicitly or implicitly, without answering it in the place where you have posed it. Do not write The stress level at joint A-2 was higher. or The discharge at tributary J5 was different. The reader must then wonder Higher than what? Different than what? Add to such sentences accordingly. (iv) Italics and bold-face formatting cannot be used in order to emphasize a point in a formal engineering report. Only words and phrases in foreign languages, such as Latin and French, can be placed in italics. (v) If there is a way to rework a sentence so that a parenthetical statement can be removed, rework it thus. The need for two sentences is often implied. (vi) Do not use the possessive case (eg. the engineers efforts).

60 (vii) Do not use contractions such as couldnt, "don't", "it's" (for "it is"), etc. (viii) Only use the imperative voice when it is clearly helpful and necessary to do so, as might be encountered in the Recommendations section. (ix) Numbers less than ten are written out; for example, three not 3. Numbers greater than ten can be presented as Arabic numerals. However, any number at the start a sentence must always be typed out: Twenty-three trials were conducted. (x) Named objects can, for the nonce27, be capitalized, especially if frequent reference must be made to said object(s). For example the word tank in the outflow from Tank 2 declined exponentially is better with a capital T if the report is concerned with the modelling of a sequence of tanks, and frequently needs to refer to same. Similarly, a subsection or chapter in your report should be referred in the following manner The theoretical basis for the type of foundation selected was discussed in Section 4. 12.7 Crafting of Titles Small words like a and the should not be avoided in titles. However, the title must still be easily understood after removing most or all of the small words. The title should indicate your context, especially if there is a specific geographic context, and often ends by naming the province, state, or region that contains the city or place in question. In general, such general geographic identifiers are added right after place names, especially places that people may be vague about. In fact, "Design of Prestressed Concrete Fixed-link for St. Kitts-Nevis, Lesser Antilles Archipelago" is a good title even though many people would not know exactly where the Lesser Antilles islands are. The word archipelago indicates that islands are involved and that the location is somewhat exotic. Adding the general location or region at the end of a title also gives a sense of completeness to the title. Many senior projects therefore have titles that end with "...Halifax, NS" even though the class knows where Halifax is. Further, your report will be cited using its title and there is no telling who might come across it. Many people are not very knowledgeable about geography. It is not uncommon for authors to want to use the word model in their title. However, the word model has many meanings in engineering and by itself will tend to raise more questions than it answers. Are you referring to a physical model? Was your entire study done using physical model(s)? Do you mean a computer program? The need for additional adjectives or a phrase may be indicated. Finally, in CIVL4801~2, one must never discard a draft that has been marked up with red ink by the professor. Always submit the previous (marked-up) version along with your latest version. 12.8 References Stevenson S. and Whitmore S. 2002. Strategies for Engineering Communications. J.W. Wiley and Sons, NY, 372 pp.



meaning because it is helpful and just for the sake of the little need that has arisen.

61 Group:__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 13.1 Mistakes in Grammar or Style A LIST Errors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Paragraph has no theme (disjointed sentences strung together) Non-sentence (e.g. no subject, no verb) or very awkward sentence Run-on sentence Unnecessary parenthetical statement Presence of non sequiter Posing of implicit questions by using words such as different, without answering them (different than what?) Dangling modifier Misplaced modifier Incorrect tense Deduction Report title:______________________________ Evaluator:________________________________ Date:__________

10 Incorrect voice 11 Noun-verb disagreement (in case or in number) 12 Started sentence with a conjunction such as and 13 Personifying the report, or something else, that is inanimate 14 Missing word(s) in sentence 15 Wrong word (e.g. word chosen does not have the intended meaning) 16 Spelling mistake (including use of American spelling) 17 Use of personal pronoun(s) 18 Use of contraction(s) 19 Use of possessive case 20 Use of as in the sense of because

62 21 Use of slang, colloquialism, or hyperbole 22 Paragraph with only one or two sentences 23 Abstract not a single paragraph 24 Abstract missing essential elements 25 Excessive use of small words in captions or in variable defns 26 Abbreviation or acronym not defined at first appearance 27 Punctuation missing or excess (period, comma, semi-colon, dash, etc.) 28 Used Arabic numeral for a number less than ten Miscellaneous A errors: 13.2 Mistakes in Format B LIST Errors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Missing information on cover page Table of Contents (ToC) has wrong pattern of boldfacing or capitalization Missing pg numbers for ToC items (especially Appendix sub-sections) Required section missing (such as Acknowledgements or Abstract) Section-header text in Table of Contents does not match text in body Orphan section header in body Paragraphs not left-justified only Incorrect paragraph indenting Missing page numbers (especially missing page numbers in Appendix) Deduction

10 Page numbers in the wrong place 11 Italics used where not to be used 12 Italics not used where they should be used (such as for de facto or et al.) 13 Font-type locally changes (Times New Roman is the only font to be used) 14 Font size locally changes (12 point is only size to be used for body text)

63 15 Spacing infractions, such as failure to put two spaces after periods and one space after commas 16 Excess space in the vertical 17 Equation(s) not numbered or numbered incorrectly (type of bracket wrong, numbered on wrong side, wrong system, not right justified) 18 Equation itself not centred 19 Asterisks or crosses used to indicate multiplication in equation(s) 20 Equation done in italics 21 Variables not defined beneath equations, or new variable not defined 22 Imperial units primarily stated or stated first, instead of SI units 23 Dimensions not stated (for homogeneous equations) 24 Units not stated (for dimensionally inconsistent or empirical equations) 25 Dimensions stated instead of units, or vice versa 26 Figure obviously needed but not included 27 Use of copyrighted figure as is 28 Figure presented but not referred to in body 29 Outer border present on figure 30 Margin boundaries exceeded by an item, such as figure or table 31 Text within figure smaller than 12 pt 32 Legend not inside of plot area when space is available; Legend unclear 33 Undesirable shading in figure (leftover from scanning etc) 34 Use of faint colours for curves or data points in graphs 35 Fuzziness of text in figure 36 Lines within figure not sharp; 37 Wrong font or incorrect capitalization for caption (must be 12 pt Times New Roman, not bold, only proper nouns capitalized)

64 38 Figure caption not single-spaced with hanging paragraph style 39 Incorrect model for beginning of figure captions (i.e. bold 12 pt Times New Roman, dash separates numbers, period, then two spaces, text not bold-faced): Figure 3-2. Cover of 40 Figure caption placed above instead of below 41 Figure has two captions, one interior and another exterior 42 Orphan figure caption 43 Table bordering incorrect 44 Table caption placed below instead of above 45 Table caption not single-spaced with hanging paragraph style 46 Incorrect model followed for beginning of table captions (i.e. bold 12 pt Times New Roman, dash separates numbers, period, then two spaces): Table 3-2. Reduction in 47 Orphan table caption 48 Zero missing in a number ( .75 instead of 0.75) 49 Too many places behind the decimal 50 No space between number and units (0.75mm instead of 0.75 mm) 51 Use of 1E-07 or 1.0EXP-07 format instead of 110-7 Miscellaneous B errors: 13.3 Citation Style in Body of Report C LIST Errors 1 2 3 4 5 6 Three authors names shown et al. not done correctly Authors initials or first names shown Comma between author(s) and year Year missing or wrong place pers. comm. missing for personal communication Deduction

65 7 8 9 Excess information in citation Citation appears in body but missing in References section Obvious citation needed but none given (e.g. eqn stated but not sourced)

Miscellaneous C errors: 13.4 List of References D LIST Errors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 More than half of list comprised of web pages Less than eight journal articles (less than four for proposal) Title of journal article underlined Title of textbook not underlined Missing information (pages, issue, publisher, city) Information in wrong place (such as the position of the year) Parentheses around year Incorrect use of italics Boldface font used Deduction

10 Not in alphabetical order 11 Not hanging paragraphs 12 Not individually single spaced but with half-line (6 pts) between citations 13 Excess commas (such as after authors surnames) 14 Authors first names shown in full 15 Authors initials in wrong place 16 Not cited in body of report 17 et al. actually appears Miscellaneous D errors:
There will be a deduction (typically a fraction of 1%) for every instance of most infractions.
Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 Senior Project I

66 14.0 COMMONLY-USED FOREIGN WORDS AND PHRASES28 Words in foreign languages must be in italics. The Latin names of biological species (after Linnaeus) and such legal terms as habeas corpus must therefore be in italics. This is one of the reasons why italics cannot be used merely for emphasis in a formal report. Table 14-7. Commonly-used foreign words and phrases, Word or Phrase a priori Meaning 'Beforehand.' "An a priori decision as to which numerical model should to be applied to a given problem is often required at the onset of an engineering research effort." 'Afterwards.' "An a posteriori statement of the cause of failure must often be made by forensic engineers." From the egg. Something that had a certain characteristic from the beginning of its existence or from birth. For example: Vinegar Joe Stillwell seemed to have a military nature ab ovo, having no patience whatever with those who were derelict in their duties. For this purpose; an ad hoc committee is set up to address a single issue. 'Going on forever.' ad nauseum angst 'To the point of disgust.' A deep-seated worry or dread that is almost unconscious; has connotations of acting-out uncertainty regarding one's purpose in life. (German). Good trustworthiness; true, legitimate, real. Of a fact; in reality. The de facto standard may not be the best standard but a given industry may routinely use it regardless. 'Seize the day!' 'Blank slate', full power or a free hand to do whatever one wishes. (French) 'Around'; J.S. Bach's music was popular c.1680.

a posteriori ab ovo

ad hoc

bona fide de facto

carpe diem carte blanche c. circa


from Latin, except where otherwise noted.

67 caveat caveo emptor cf. confer coup d'tat coupe de grce communis opinion 'Caution', some kind of qualifier on a statement. Buyer beware. Confer in Latin means 'compare'. A swift stroke of policy; often refers to the overthrow of a government. (French) A finishing stroke (allusion to sword-fighting), a deathblow. (French) 'Common opinion', the conventional wisdom on a subject; the received or traditional position of scholars (sometimes a position that deserves to be exploded). with, a preposition meaning along with or combined with or possessing, in the sense of something being a hybrid. Example: This particular column was considered to be a column-cum-beam because of the frequency with which loads were also applied laterally. 'With praise', indicating graduation with distinction. In law, rightful. A legally-constituted government is a the de jure government. In times of chaos and political instability this may be different from the de facto government. Of a fact, the reality of a situation. The indispensable, the obligatory. 1. In ancient Greek and Roman drama, a god introduced by means of a crane to unravel and resolve the plot. 2. Today, any active agent who appears unexpectedly to solve an apparently insoluble difficulty. en masse Behaving as a unit; many individual elements or units moving or acting together. E.g. "As a result of the wet conditions and tremors, the retaining wall and the hillslope failed en masse, causing many casualties." (French) Therefore or 'hence'. Spirit of comradeship. (French)


cum laude de jure

de facto de rigueur deus ex machine

ergo esprit de corps

68 et al. etc. e.g. et alii et cetera exempli gratia ex libris ex officio And others. And the rest. Example for free; for example. From the library of. Out of office For example His actions in handling this particular case were his own and ex officio; they did not have the blessing of the members of the committee of which he was the chair. 'False step', a social blunder. (French)

faux pas gratis holus bolus

'For free', free of charge, for nothing. All vegetables thrown in. Used to imply a lack of restraint in including anything and everything that one might consider relevant or want to include. 'Honorary', as in an honorary university degree. In the same place; used for subsequent reference to the same piece of literature or the same authority. The same; also used for subsequent reference to the same piece of literature or same authority. In a room; meaning done confidentially. The discussions of many official committees are primarily held in camera. Instead of. That is; what follows is a small elaboration. In its original place. In civil engineering it is often used to describe soil samples that were obtained in the field. Let it be printed. License to publish, mark of approval or legitimacy; perhaps a signature or the company's watermark or something analogous to such approvals. 'Among other things'. In the fact itself, virtually.

honorus causa ibid. id. ibidem Idem in camera in loc. i.e. in loco id est in situ imprimatur

inter alia ipso facto

69 lingua franca French tongue, a language spoken or understood by many people in a large geographic region, but not as their first language. For example, most of the western world could speak Greek around the time of Christ because the empire of Alexander the Great (356 to 323 B.C.) had previously ranged from Egypt to India. It is however an allusion to a period in Europe starting from when the Franks (a Germanic people) controlled Gaul (that is, France) around 550 AD. The phrase persisted because in the 18th century French was considered the most universal language and was also the accepted language of diplomacy in that century. This is no longer true; French has been replaced by English as the lingua franca. Location cited, in the same place as the one just cited. Temporary posting or job placement, often used in the medical profession. 'With great praise', indicating graduation with the highest possible distinction (rare). My fault. 'The little details', pronounced "mi-nyu-sha". Not more beyond the highest point, as of excellence or achievement; the pinnacle; the ultimate. The most profound degree of a quality or condition. Note well; meaning that we should pay attention. The marginal note 'n.b.' often appears in old used textbooks. Work cited; meaning in the work already quoted. 'Out of date.' Of itself. (French) (French)

loc.c it.

loco citato locum tenens magna cum laude mea culpa minutiae ne plus ultra

op.cit .

nota bene opera citato pass per se pro bono

'For the public good', the full phrase is pro bono publico, meaning to do something of a professional nature at no charge. 'Each'; literally per head.

per capita

70 post mortem After death. Literately, the autopsy and other investigations into the cause of someone's death, as would be required by homicide detectives. Sometimes used figuratively of the work done after things have calmed down; the analysis done carefully after a sudden event. 'By the year', 'By the day' 'By itself', by its own nature. 'As such.' 'Persons unwelcome', unwanted visitor(s). Often refers to someone who is about to be deported. Printed pages. prima facie First face. The prima facie interpretation of a testimony or statement is its obvious or apparent meaning. No extensions and inferences have been made. As a matter of form, for the sake of form or appearances In proportion; a pro rata charge results in an invoice that is proportional to the fraction of the goods or service actually used by the recipient. Tit for tat; an equitable exchange. "That which was to be demonstrated." Often put at the end of a mathematical proof, indicating that the problem statement or hypothesis has been shown to be true. 'Reason for being'; often refers to the fundamental justification for something. (French) Reduction to absurdity; the rather forced but pseudological reduction of an argument into an absurd statement. Thus; put in parenthesis within a quote, where the text of this quote contains an error. In this way the error is not attributed to the person making the quote! Tact, knowing how to behave. (French)

per annum, per diem per s persona non grata pp.

pro forma pro rata

quid pro quo

Q. E. D.

quod erat demonstrandum raison d'etre reductio ad absurdum (sic)

savoir faire

sine qua non

Without which not; some indispensable condition. In a

71 trial by jury a unanimous decision by the jury is a sine qua non for final sentencing by the judge. status quo 'As things were before.' Example: If candidates running for re-election were against changes to the system of government they would be advocating that the status quo be maintained. 'Under penalty'; a formal writ commanding a person to come to court and face charges (or accept the penalty for not showing up). "Of its own kind": sui, "of its own" + generis, genitive form of genus, "kind." Being the only example of its kind; constituting a class of its own. 'Solid ground'; having a firm footing. Unknown land. 'Head-to-head'; a face-to-face conversation. It has connotations of resolving an issue by having the important stakeholders deal with it decisively. (French) Word-for-word. Way; meaning using. Numerical simulations were confirmed via critical examination of the results of the tests done on the physical model. Like things exchanged; the two items under discussion interchanged. 'Face-to-face', meaning 'considered one against the other', i.e. two things taken or considered in opposition to one another, hence often used in the sense of with regard to. (French) Namely 'The voice of the people'; sometimes followed by vox Dei, (the voice of God), implying that it is difficult to challenge the will of the majority. (The masses often get what they want even when their desire is not wise.) Time-spirit, the intellectual or moral character of the age or period of time in question (capitalized because all

sub poena

sui generis

terra firma terra incognita tte-a-tte

verbatim via

vice versa vis--vis

viz. vox populi


72 nouns are capitalized in German).

The Latin word via has become part of the English language. The word via is therefore not usually italicized. For example: Large external stresses were applied along the principle axis via two 2.5 tonne weights suspended from a hoist mounted on the ceiling of the laboratory.

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4801 SENIOR PROJECT I

15.0 USEFUL TECHNICAL WORDS FOR THE ENGINEER 15.1 Relating to Spatial or Temporal Considerations ambit (noun): area within which something acts, operates, or has control; extent; sphere; scope. axial (adjective): along an axis. asymptotic (adjective): the limiting position or condition that is only reached at infinity (i.e. technically, never); in 2-D space it is often represented by a straight line. basal (adjective): at the base. benthic (adjective): at the bottom. bilaterally (adjective): a left-right split or equal sharing. cadastral (adjective): of or relating to a map or survey showing property lines, boundaries, etc. Example: "McDonald was only able to follow some sections of the Long Beach to Heyward Point route using cadastral printouts and a GPS receiver." capacious (adjective): able to contain much; roomy; spacious. coaxial (adjective): sharing the same longitudinal axis. contiguous (adjective): touching. conterminous (adjective): sharing a border. dextral (adjective): to the right. distal (adjective): the point farthest from the point of interest. efflux (verb): movement of mass, momentum, or heat through a control surface or out of a control volume. epiphenomenon (noun): a secondary phenomenon, one resulting from another. equipoise (noun): to place one thing against another so that their effects cancel, or in some way offset each other (in which case they are in equiposition). equitant (adjective): straddling or overlapping, as with the leaves of some plants. etesian (i-TEE-zhuhn) (adjective): occurring annually. evanescent (adjective): tending to disappear or fade away. infinitesimal (adjective): negligibly small. influx (noun): movement of mass or momentum through a control surface or into a control volume. interstitial (adjective): (i) being located in a space or spaces between things or parts (such as particles in a porous medium), especially of the spaces between things that are closely set; being found in narrow chinks or cracks, or (ii) an interval of time. juxtapose (verb): to place one thing against another (in which case they are in juxtaposition). lentic (adjective): describes waters which do not flow (lakes, swamps, bogs etc). littoral (adjective): coastal, along the shore.

74 locus (noun): a line or plane every point of which satisfies a particular condition. lotic (adjective): used of flowing waters (rivers etc). lacuna (noun): a blank space or missing part; a gap, small opening, or cavity in a structure (plural lacunae). maloccluded (adjective): poorly or incompletely closed. mesne (pronounced meen) (adjective): intermediate, in the sense of an intervening period of time. An Anglo-French variant of meen, derived from meien, which is from the Latin medianus. Other words derived from the same root are median, medieval, medium, and mediocre. Example: "In any case if the titles are in your favour, you can file the suit for recovery of the licensed premises from the licensee in Civil Court and also you can claim mesne profit from the date of termination of license." mimetic (adjective): apt to imitate; given to mimicry; imitative. Mimicry is often applied to animals and plants; as, "mimetic species; mimetic organisms." A physio-mimetic fishladder would be one that provides an environment that imitates the conditions of a natural stream. miniscule (adjective): very small. normal (adjective): at 90 to. nugatory (adjective): (i) having no force; ineffective, (ii) of little value; trifling. occluded (adjective): closed off, usually by a growth process of some kind. parse (transitive verb): to examine closely or analyze critically, especially by breaking up into components, or in computer science to analyze or separate (input, for example) into more easily-processed components. pelagic (adjective): in the water column (usually in reference to the fish found in the water column). peripherally (adjective): being part of the perimeter, or figuratively at the 'edge' of an issue. propinquity (adjective): (i) nearness in place; proximity, (ii) nearness in time, or (iii) nearness of relation (kinship). prorogue (transitive verb): (i) to discontinue a session of something, for example, a parliament, or (ii) to defer or to postpone. proximal (adjective): the point nearest to the point of interest. recrudescent (adjective): breaking out again after temporary abatement or suppression. rectilinear (adjective): a path which is 'gun-barrel straight'. refrangible (adjective): able to be refracted. seriatim (adverb): one after another; in a series. sinistral (adjective): on the left. stasis (noun, plural is stases): (i) state of balance, equilibrium, or (ii) stagnation or a stoppage of the normal flow of a bodily fluid or semi-fluid.

75 supernumerary (adjective): (i) exceeding the stated, standard, or prescribed number, (ii) exceeding what is necessary or desired; superfluous, or (iii) a supernumerary person or thing. suffuse (transitive verb): to spread through, or over, in the manner of light or of a fluid. taxonomically (adjective): pertaining to a formal system of categorization or classification; in biology the system that places every species in a family, genus, phyla, and order. ubiquitous (adjective): existing or being everywhere, or in all places, at the same time. unilaterally (adverb): proceeding from a single source or direction. 15.2 Relating to Shapes (adjective unless otherwise noted) acicular: needle-shaped. cingular (pronounced SING-gyuh-luhr): (i) Pertaining to a cingulum, an anatomical band or girdle on an animal or plant, or (ii) Encircling, girdling, surrounding, from the Latin cingulum (girdle). Example: "It differs in the greater degree of cingular development on cheek teeth, especially molars." cordate: heart-shaped. frustum: cone with point removed, resulting in a pair of parallel circles (top and bottom). lanceolate: shaped like the head of a spear or lance. napiform: turnip-shaped, round at the top and tapering down sharply at the bottom. nexus: a connected group of points. moiety (pronounced MOY-uh-tee, noun): one of two equal parts; a half. oblate spheroid: a disk-shaped spheroid. ogee: shaped like the edge of an onion. ovate: shaped like an uneven ellipse. ovoid: an ellipsoid (3-D), ovate refers to the 2-D case. parallelepiped: eight-sided object with opposing sides being identical rectangles or parallelograms. prolate spheroid: a rod-shaped spheroid. setiform (pronounced SEE-tuh-form): bristle-shaped or having bristles. toroid: donut shaped. (donut = torus, the noun) spatulate: shaped like a tapered spoon or spatula. 15.3 Relating to Material Properties amalgam (noun): (i) An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals, especially with silver as a dental filling. (ii) A mixture or compound of different things. asperity: surface roughness. diaphanous (adjective): (i) of such fine texture as to allow light to pass through; translucent or transparent. (ii) vague; insubstantial. Derived from the Greek dia-, "though" +

76 phainein, "to show, to appear." It is related to the word phantom, something sensed but having no apparent physical reality. excrescence (noun): (i) Something (especially something abnormal) growing out from, or which has been excreted by, something else, or (ii) a disfiguring or unwanted mark, part, or addition. frangibility: ease with which something can be broken; brittleness; fragility. friability: ease with which a material is easily broken-off into chip-like pieces. indurate (intransitive verb): to make hard. As an adjective: hardened. rugosity (noun): surface roughness, often used of particles found in a geologic context. spall: (verb) to break into small pieces; to splinter, (noun) a chip or splinter, especially of stone. transmute (transitive verb): (i) to change from one nature, form, substance, or state into another; to transform, (ii) to undergo transmutation. 15.4 Relating to Chemical Properties axenic (adjective): free from contamination. refractory: difficult to deal with, in an engineering sense. In the realm of sewage treatment refractory organics cannot be treated by ordinary unit operations, in heat transfer refractory means 'difficult to melt'. 15.5 Geotechnical and Hydrotechnical Words dilatancy : the tendency of compacted granular material to expand in volume as it is sheared. This occurs because the grains interlock and therefore do not have the freedom to move around one another. When stressed, a lever motion occurs between neighbouring grains, producing a bulk expansion of the material. On the other hand, if the granular material starts in a very loose state, it may initially compact instead of dilating. Dilatancy is a common feature of the soils and sands; it was first described by Osborne Reynolds in 1885. leach (verb): the movement of a liquid through a solid matrix in a way that results in the liquid becoming laden with chemicals that were not originally present in it. Most commonly, water infiltrating and percolating through mine tailings, contaminated soil, or some other form of waste material, thus dissolving certain soluble compounds that are present in the solid matrix. leachate (noun): a liquid permeant which is usually environmentally undesirable and is usually the result of water infiltrating and percolating through contaminated material (such as contaminated soil, municipal waste, or mine tailings). piezometric head: sum of elevation and pressure head (in most references). permeate (verb): (i) to spread or diffuse through. (ii) to pass through the pores or openings of. (iii) to spread through or penetrate something. permeant (noun): a liquid that is passing through the void spaces in a solid matrix, especially those of a soil, or is capable of passing through said solid matrix. rheopectic: see thixotropic.

77 solute: a chemical substance present within a solute, usually at a concentration which has little effect on the density of the solvent. solvent: a liquid in which is capable of carrying a dissolved chemical substance and which tends to dissolve certain substances. suffusion: the spreading of small particles into the void spaces present between larger particles. Occurs (for example) when Bertrams (Craig 1987) filter criteria are not observed in the design of the core of an earthen embankment; may evolve into outright piping. Sometimes spelled suffosion (Chapuis and Aubertin 2003). thixotropic: the property of some non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluids to show a time-dependent change in viscosity, so that the longer the fluid undergoes shear the lower its apparent viscosity. A thixotropic fluid is a fluid which takes a finite amount of time to attain equilibrium viscosity when introduced to a step change in shear rate. Fluids which exhibit the opposite property, in which shaking or mixing causes an apparent increase in viscosity, are called rheopectic. This is much less common.

References Craig R.F. 1987. Soil Mechanics, 4th ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, Berkshire UK, 228 pp. Chapuis R. and Aubertin M. 2003. On the use of the Kozeny-Carman equation to predictthe hydraulic conductivity of soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 40(3):616-628. Hansen D. 2003. A review of terminology pertaining to Darcy's Law and flow through porous media. Journal of Porous Media, 6(2):83-97. Hansen D. 2004. Discussion of On the use of the Kozeny-Carman equation to predict the hydraulic conductivity of soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 41(5):990-993.

Dalhousie University (Sexton Campus), Department of Civil & Resource Engineering

CIVL4801 Senior Project I DRAFT PROPOSAL


Cutie Pie B00123456 Louis Vitton B00354256 Max Factor B00654321 Yves Rocher B00654465

Submitted to: Dr. D. Hansen, P.Eng. Monitoring Professor Dr. Jane Thorburn, P.Eng. Clients: Dr. Mary Kay, P.Aes. Mr. Michael Jackson

(replace the word DRAFT with the word FINAL, for revised version submitted at end of term)

March 31, 2010

Dalhousie University (Sexton Campus), Department of Civil & Resource Engineering



Beef Cake B00123456 Knuckle Dragger B00654321 Charles Atlas B00354256 Ben Weider B00654465 Submitted to: Dr. D. Hansen, P.Eng. Monitoring Professor Dr. John Newhook, P.Eng. Clients: Arnold Schwarzenegger, P.Phys. Lou Farigno, P.Phys.

(remove the word DRAFT for your final submission)

Dec.??, 2010

Department of Civil & Resource Engineering, CIVL4802 SENIOR PROJECT II

Form for Evaluating CIVL4802 Senior Projects


PROJECT TITLE: Students Surnames: Client: Evaluator: Date:

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