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The Quest of Zi Mo and Hua Jin (Level 40 Quest)


Zi Mo and Hua Jin is another stage where your character can become more powerful and learn new special skills. Here's how to become one. TITAN version changes : The NPC for the quest are now located at different places and the quest is now much more difficult to finish.

First of all, you must complete Elder Tien Ki quest 1st (this quest is like a "Prologue to become Zi Mo and Hua Jin", if you skip this quest you cannot start the lv 40 quest) and reach lv 40. Find Elder Tien Ki again at Lo Yang to start the questmission. Search for the 5 Secret Jades (FIRE, WATER, GOLD, WOOD and EARTH) at these locations : 1.Mt Min Sa - Water jade 2.Dragon cave Entrance - Fire Jade 3.Cheng Chow - Wood Jade 4.Hwang River Bay - Earth Jade 5.North of Mt Tai or Mo Go cave Entrance - Gold jade (NOTE : since the quest is available at vl 40 and above, some people may do it when they reach lv 5x or higher. Therefore, there are two places to get Gold jade actually, new lv 40 should go Mo Go cave entrance cuz you cannot kill North of Mt Tai mobs (lv 6x) that easily alone or without help.) Just kill any mob on the particular maps to get the Jades, it drops randomly so it maybe easy or hard-as-hell to get them. Go back to elder Tien Ki and now choose you path to become Huan Jin or Zi Mo. Depend on the path you choose : Zi Mo ->Top of Mt Tai, find Au Yang Feng. Hua Jin ->Shaolin Temple, find Hong Qi Gong IMPORTANT!! Before speaking to them, make sure you brought enough heal pots cuz the mobs for the test is VERY HARD to defeat, especially Hua Jin's. Boss pics are here : For Zi Mo

For Hua Jin (pics are courtesy of Vaporizer)

Zi Mo and Hua Jin boss fight walkthrough ZI MO You'll fight a giant green scorpion in the 1st round, careful not to get killed cuz this mob can poison you. Then the Zi Mo boss will appear. It is a super tough boss you'll ever face, you'll be eating Heal potions a lot so if ran out of heal potions you better pray for luck. If get killed, no minus EXP and you'll be back to the save point. Refill your potions and try again. Hua Jin You'll fight a giant red scorpion in the 1st round (*no poison attacks). Then the Hua Jin boss appear. Like many who faced it, it is your ultimate challenge cuz this boss can STUN you like crazy. Same like Zi Mo, if die no minus EXP. After defeating the quest boss --> Congratultions!! You are now a member of Hua Jin or Zi Mo. Note 1 : after the 1st round you can meditate before start the boss fight. BUT only if you are far away enough from the boss cuz the boss will attack you if he sees you. Note 2 : in both boss fights, it is suicide to use Tu na when fighting them, your main objective is to deal damage no.1 and healing no.2. Use healing items instead.

Note 3 : use Jin Jong ONLY when it wears off, you'll have little time to recast while fighting. Note 4 : Can use Po Huan skill on the boss to deal high damage, MUST NOT FORGET!! Tips on fighting Hua Jin Boss The boss will have one attack that stuns, the kicking attack won't stun but the the one that looks like throwing a dart is. Start Po Huan after the boss have kicked 2 times cuz it is immune to Po Huan before the 2 kicks. Before Po Huan you'll damage the boss around 1.4K, with Po Huan can reach 10K damage!!! Patience is the key to win this boss. Extra tips : Range attacks will make the Hua Jin boss to use the stun skill more often. Melee attack or close range ranged attacks is recommended cuz she can kick you more than using her "stun darts".

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