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Dissertation On How motivation effects on performance of employees of Wasabi Sushi and Bento?

I am feeling great pleasure in acknowledging the support and assistance of all my colleagues and other people who helped at different stages of this entire dissertation. Without proper guidance from my instructor, it would not be possible for me to attain my objective of this current research paper. They all guided me in writing the dissertation in systematic way by using various concepts. I also feel immense pleasure in expressing my thanks for the participants in primary research for their valuable opinion and support. Their opinion and views were proved to be very helpful in this research. At last, I would like to thanks all my family members and friends who provided me moral support during writing this dissertation.

The present report tries to understand that what exactly employee motivation is and what role motivation plays in enhancing employees performance. This study will be carried with Wasabi Sushi & Bento restaurant group through which it will be understand that how motivation affects performance of employees of Wasabi. It is very essential for every organization, especially for the hospitality enterprises to satisfy its customers effectively by providing quality product and services to them, and this is only possible when employees are dedicated towards their work and are well aware about their function. Employees are the one who have direct contact with their customers, so when they are satisfied then only they can make customer satisfied. Thus in this present era companies are now focusing more on their employee satisfaction, they are adopting various tools and techniques to motivate their employees and make them work towards organizations effectiveness. To carry out the research process, a well designed methodology is used to collect required information. This research report will help in identifying various motivation factors and its impact on employee performance. Both primary and secondary sources have been used to collect the data so as to study the subject deeply. This research report will also be helpful in finding the solution or drawing the conclusions related to employee motivation and how it affects performance. This report will also provide some useful recommendations to Wasabi to improve its motivational practices for employees and thus make them satisfied in every aspect.

CHAPTER 1- INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Chapter structure .................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Focus and purpose.................................................................................................................. 5 1.4 Research Question ................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Framework and Analysis ....................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Potential Significance ............................................................................................................ 6 CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Concept of Employee Motivation ......................................................................................... 9 2.3 Theoretical Models and Framework ..................................................................................... 9 2.3 Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic ..................................................................................... 12 2.4 How Motivational and attitudinal patterns relate to the organization................................. 14 2.5 Employee Empowerment as Motivation ............................................................................. 15 2.6 Significance of Motivation on employees performance .................................................... 16 2.7 Wasabi Sushi & Bento Team .............................................................................................. 16 2.8 Employee Motivation in Wasabi Sushi & Bento and its affect on their performance ........ 17 2.9 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 21 3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Research Philosophy ........................................................................................................... 21 3.3 Research design .................................................................................................................. 22 3.4 Research Approach ............................................................................................................. 23 3.5 Research Type ..................................................................................................................... 23 3.6 Data Collection ................................................................................................................... 24 3.7 Sampling Technique ........................................................................................................... 26 3.8 Justification for research methods selected......................................................................... 27 3.9 Data analysis ....................................................................................................................... 28 3.10 Validity and Reliability ..................................................................................................... 28 3.11 Ethical Issue ...................................................................................................................... 29

3.12 Limitation .......................................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER 4- DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ................................................................................ 30 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 30 4.2 Analysis............................................................................................................................... 31 4.3 Thematic Analysis .............................................................................................................. 32 CHAPTER 5- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEDATIONS ...................................................................... 42 CHAPTER 6: REFLECTIVE STATEMENT ........................................................................................... 45 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 47 APPENDIX 1 ................................................................................................................................... 53

1.1 Overview A main issue that is being discussed in our present report pertains to the aspects of employees motivation of Wasabi Sushi and Bento restaurants. The diversity of employees in todays business environments has caused a major problem for the organization in identifying the factors that makes the employees satisfied. Every employee has different needs, motives or desire which influence him to behave in a certain way. Thus it has become very essential for the business to understand these needs and desire of its employees and thus motivating them in order to enhance their performance and therefore achieving the organizational objectives (Valencia, n.d). On contrary, there is no specific way to deal with employees and motivate them to work better. In addition to it, many scholars and researchers have believed that high employees turnover is caused by the nature of the work, long working hours and unfair pay, which in turn affects the organizations effective functioning (Bellehumer and, 2009). Therefore it has become utmost important for management to address this turnover trouble effectively. Due to this reasons, motivation of employees has become necessary. Thus, it is implied that employees play a crucial role in the organizations success or failure. Many authors have considered the human capital as very critical resource for the organization (Noe, 2000). In today organizations human resources are considered as the asset of the company on whom the success and the growth depends. Every organization in the current era is working hard to enhance the skills and competencies of its employees and making them work towards the achievement of goals and objectives. Human resource department has also gained its importance over the period of time which is responsible to make the employees satisfied and thus enhancing their performance. In this present dynamic and competitive environment, it has become essential for every business enterprise to meet the expectations of its customers in order to retain him with the business for long period. And for this reason, employees are the major element of business, especially for the hospitality industry by which it can satisfy its customers needs and demands effectively and efficiently (Robbins and Decenzo, 2007). Employees are the medium by the company relates with its customers and thus delivering its product and services to them. Employees are the one by whom the company can create a positive and ever-lasting image of company for the customers. The motivation, thus become vital by which the organization 1

influences the behavior of its employees and make them work in the way of achieving the organizations objectives and also achieving the high-level of customer satisfaction. Many models and theories have defined employee motivation in various ways. However, these definitions are based on similar idea. From the context of human resource management, motivation is about using various strategies in order to influence staff members in such a manner so that they become dedicated towards their work, enhance their productivity and contributes their level best in achieving the organizational goals (Chuadhary and Sharma, 2012). Motivation not only improves the employees performance towards organization but also helps them to achieve their personal goals. Motivation helps in improving both personal as well as professional life of an individual (Nahedd, and, 2012). Many previous researches related with our topic showed that hospitality firms tend to provide only hourly wages to their employees and bonus and other benefits were also based on the employment law (Palaiologos and, 2011). However with the drastic change in the business environment, globalization emergence of the large private organizations and most importantly growing demand of efficient workforce, the companies have now learned the importance of the employees for the their business success. They are now implementing various techniques to retain the best employees and also to enhance the performance of existing employees. Many small firms are also formulating various strategies to make its employees satisfied and committed towards them (Nahedd, and, 2012). Although many studies suggested that together with these practices, right attitude towards employees is also important. Baum stated that the major functions of the human resource department are to: Attract the efficient employees Develop an efficient team of employees Maintain or retain efficient employees He further stated that employee motivation is essential component of the human resource department. Many scholars seek to identify that motivates employees in different organization, particularly in hospitality and what motivation factors influences them. There are wide range of factors identified like prime factors is considered to be the pay, other than this, monetary incentives, fringe benefits, rewards, opportunity for development, promotions, appreciation and recognition, challenging work, work environment, working hours, job security are the some

important factors that motivates the employees. These are further grouped under Intrinsic and extrinsic factors (Savery, 1989). Effective motivation leads to reduced employee turnover and absenteeism and it also make them able to work better even under heavy pressure, for long hours. Further motivation helps in enhancing employee satisfaction and thus makes him loyal and committed towards the organization (Palaiologos and, 2011). Leaders and managers of every organization including hospitality companies in order to motivate their employees effectively, they first have to identify the employees interest with company. After identifying the motivational factors for every employees manager can influence their behavior and make them work better. Many theories and models are there which have suggested factors of motivation and are relevant with our topic. These are discussed below under the literature review chapter. How Motivation affects the employees performance will be examined in the context of Wasabi Sushi and Bento. Wasabi is the UK based restaurant that offers variety of Japanese Cuisines to its customers. The firm has become successful in providing the lunchtime alternatives of sashimi, sushi and other authentic Japanese dishes to the Londoners who seek to taste something new, different and healthy (About us, 2013). Its success is not only because of the food it is serving but the also the dedication of its employees who work hard to provide this quality food at affordable prices with instant and efficient services. The philosophy with which it is operating has remained the same from the start i.e. to provide quality food and services which in turn has got appreciation from every guest visiting the restaurant. Wasabis employees are very much dedicated towards their work and all their activities and efforts are coordinated towards the common goals. Wasabi consider its employees as a Team and gives more emphasis on team work. The open and friendly culture at Wasabi is itself the motivating factors for employees. However, various practices are adopted by Wasabi to enhance its employees performance and thus to make them function effectively. So Wasabi can be said to be the appropriate research subject through which it will be easy to understand the affect of employees motivation on their performance and how it impact the organization efficiency (Our team, 2013). 1.2 Chapter structure Our present research topic about examining how motivation affects performance of employees at Wasabi Sushi and Bento and to carry out the research process in right direction and flawlessly, a pre-determined and systematic format or structure is required (Samuoel and, 3

2003). Considering this, our current dissertation is divided under five chapters which are described briefly below: Introduction: The first chapter is introduction which attempts to provide a brief overview about the subject background, aim and objectives of research and what is rationale behind this research. It will also provide the detailed explanation of the entire research process that will be carried out. Literature Review: As the information related with the current topic is vast but is not possible to include all the relevant information in the report, so in this chapter key theories and models related to employee motivation by different authors will be studied and mentioned. In addition to it, major factors that affect employees motivation will also be included. This section will conclude by giving the base for the current research and also determines the gaps or deviation in the previous researches related to the topic. Research Methodology: The third chapter of research methodology will outlines the methods and techniques that are employed in research. Research design, type of research, research philosophy, data analysis techniques that are implemented in this report will also be explained. Thus, this section will describe the entire procedure or research process from collection of data to ultimate data analysis tools that are adopted. Data analysis: This section is the most critical section of the research report as it requires the deep knowledge of every tool and technique by which the information so collected can be effectively and accurately analyzed in order to draw appropriate conclusion. The data that is so obtained from the different sources such as primary and secondary will be processed here in this section in order to extract relevant information (Johnson and Gill, 2002). Primary data will be collected with the help of interviews and questionnaire and then it will be analyzed by the way of thematic analysis. Graphical representations will also be used in analyzing the data. Conclusion and recommendations: Conclusions will be drawn on the basis of the findings that are derived from the data analysis chapter. This chapter will also provide the suitable recommendations or suggestions to Wasabi Sushi and Bento through which it can improve its employees performance and can motivate them effectively towards the ultimate goals. This chapter will also be able to provide the ground for the future work and suggestions to carry out the further researches 4

1.3 Focus and purpose The purpose of this research report is to identify the factors that affect the employees motivation and how these motivation factors do affects their performance. Moreover, how the motivated employee affects the organizations effectiveness will also be studied. The research study will help not only identify the motivational practices done for the employees by Wasabi Sushi and Bento restaurants but it will also help the company realize the more effective ways of motivating its employees to work better and collectively and thus developing the high performance team. This research aims at studying the link between motivation and employees performance within Wasabi and how it affects the business growth and success. To achieve these aims, certain objectives are formulated and thus ensuring that the research is going on right track. These objectives are as follows: To analyze the role of motivation in enhancing employees performance To access what are motivation factors and how they influence employees To determine practices done by Wasabi in order to motivates its workforce To examine how motivation improve performance of employees of Wasabi

1.4 Research Question Research questions are of utmost importance for any research as it guides the direction to the entire process and ensures the systematic move towards the research objectives. Wellstructured research question helps in channelizing the researchers efforts and available resources on the right track. For this study, Research questions are as follows: What is the current situation of human resource department in Wasabi? What factors motivates the employees to work better? How motivation is significant in enhancing the organizations performance? To what extent Wasabis employees are motivated to achieve the firms objectives?

1.5 Framework and Analysis There are numbers of approaches, methods and techniques to carry out the research study, but only some are appropriate for our present topic. To conduct the research in systematic way and to avoid distraction from the key aim of the study, a well-defined structure is prepared in advance that will direct the entire research operation (Research Methods: Data Analysis.). It is important to specify the overall framework beforehand which includes the type of research, 5

research design, methods of collecting the information, sampling techniques, and how the data will be analyzed. Research design: Vast literature is there which is relevant to our research topic and provides the basis for the carrying the present research. So, this research can be said to descriptive. With the help of descriptive research the varied findings from the previous researches will be compared with the responses so collected from the primary methods and then it will be interpreted (Gardner and, 2004). Research approach: In this report Inductive approach is employed as the selected methods are helpful in analyzing the problem or issue clearly which in turn does not require any form of hypothesis tests (Deduction and Induction, 2006). Research Type: Data that will be collected for the research purpose is of both qualitative and quantitative nature so; the type of research is also both quantitative and qualitative. Methods for collecting Data: Various books, articles and Journals are reviewed to collect the required information. But as it is difficult to access the vast literature, therefore relevant information from employees of Wasabi was also collected so as to get deep insight in the research topic. Hence, both primary and secondary methods of data collection are employed (Reilly and Harrison, 2011). Sampling technique: There are various sampling techniques, but in this report random sampling technique has been used. This is the shortcut method for understanding the whole population. This technique is considered to be the least biased from all other techniques as the respondents have equal chances to get selected (Panneerselvam, 2004). Data analysis: For the chosen topic, both qualitative and quantitative analysis is appropriate as it is important to understand deeply the employee motivation and to what extent motivational practices adopted by the company enhance their performance. Statistical analysis will not be appropriate for this research, so thematic analysis and graphical representation will be conducted to analyze the data so collected (Thornhill and, 2009). 1.6 Potential Significance Because of the tough and competitive business environment, organizations are facing many issues and problems that have huge impact on their productivity and performance. Some of these issues are related with employees of organization like employees turnover, increase 6

absenteeism of employees, lack of commitment from their side, negative attitude towards work etc which directly affects the overall performance of organization and thus hinder it to achieve the desired success. Therefore dedication of employees and their best efforts are very essential for the positive results and the sustainability of the organization for long term. Evidence in the literature investigated the importance of employee motivation for organizations effectiveness. But many of these studies were conducted a long time ago and as the time has changed the overall business environment drastically, therefore it has become necessary to conduct the present research in order to understand the todays workforce, their motivation factors and ho w these factors influence their performance (Gold and Bratton, 2007). This research study carried out with the employees of Wasabi Sushi and Bento helped in understanding the human resource of Wasabi And what initiatives the firm is talking to motivate its work force and thereby improving their performance. Not only this, but the present study will also recommend the new ways and techniques that Wasabi can adopt to motivate employees and thus ensuring smooth functioning of the organization.


2.1 Introduction Literature review takes into account the works of researchers and authors that have already been done in relation to the subject matter. It is a detailed account of already established theories and models. The purpose of conducting this review is to identify the gaps in existing literature. The current review of literature has taken into consideration the different aspects of motivation and how it affects the performance of people in a workplace. Motivated employees will work harder to achieve the greater output within the prescribed time, thus fostering the production efficiency, less supervision, dedication towards work and thereby making the positive impact on the customer. Motivated employees tend to have greater focus on the work and are less likely to involve in conflicts (Gitman and McDaniel, 2008). They also show great loyalty and commitment towards the company and helps in reducing the turnover and absenteeism. On the other hand, dissatisfied and demotivated employees negatively affect the quality of the work and organizational growth. Motivation of the employees in the hospitality industry has been the concern of many researchers and scholars. Although hospitality industry is wide which comprises of different sectors such as hotels, resorts, pubs, night clubs, restaurants etc. However, in this report our main focus is on Wasabi Sushi and Bento restaurants. The result of the organization in this sector cannot be judged only by the food quality, types of facilities for the consumers, drinks that are offered, variety in menu or dcor. However, it is also judged by the staffs attitude, service quality, appearance, the way they conduct with the customers and also with their work (Hughes and, 2011). To support the growth, Wasabi Sushi & Bento requires staffs that are highly motivated, well-trained, and flexible; who can effectively recognize the customers needs and make necessary efforts to satisfy those needs. For this reason, it is essential for the firm to develop each of its employees personally as well as professionally by supporting them in their roles and responsibilities and encouraging them to perform better. Wasabi recognizes that employee motivation is vital for its growth and success. This report looks at how motivation affects the performance of employees of Wasabi Sushi & Bento and what activities and practices the company takes to increase the knowledge, skills, competencies and job satisfaction (Wasabi Team, 2013). 8

2.2 Concept of Employee Motivation Motivation in management context can be defined as reinforcing the desire within an employee to make him perform best of his ability in pursuit of achieving the organizations objectives. While, Harris has defined motivation as an educational program through which employees' effort are channeled towards the organizations activities and thus, enhancing the performance based on set standards (Ardichvilli and, 2003). Thus, motivation with this reference is explained as a tool that enables the supervisor or manager to persuade others to achieve the set targets. With the change of time, these theories were modified accordingly. For instance, Fredrick Winslow Taylor suggested that no individual can motivate others instead he only can create such atmosphere or conditions for others in order to get self-motivated. Different theories of motivations provided deeper insight into the individual behavior, his needs and motives and what factors make them behave in the way as they do (Deci and Ryan, 2000). To understand how employees should be motivated and what motivates them, various appropriate theories and models are reviewed in order to make the research content strong and evident. 2.3 Theoretical Models and Framework What motivates employees and what factors motivates them was the focus of several researchers. A considerable number of researchers have formulated the theories on motivation of employees. Some of the major theories that are related with the present research topic are discussed below: Economic theory These theories are based upon the conception of scientific management and Taylorism. This theory believes that employees operate because of their self-interest. They generally dislike the work and are forced to do it, hence supervision and direction is necessary to make them clear about their jobs (Swift and, 2010). This theory also suggested a system for hierarchical control and authority in order to ensure pursue of set policies and procedures. The more you produce, the more you earn was the principle idea of these theories. However, Wasabi Sushi & Bento implemented this for recruiting Managers to carry out the function of Task Management effectively. The manager gives direction and instruction to impose task management and thus reduce individual thinking, conflicts and confusion among employees. 9

Maslows need hierarchy theory Abraham Maslow advocated that an individual has a hierarchy of needs, which starts with psychological needs like food, shelter, clothing etc. and ends with the realization of selfpotential. In between comes the security, social needs, and esteem needs. Maslow divided these five needs into two parts lower level needs and higher level needs. Psychological and safety needs are the lower level needs while social, esteem and self-potential needs are higher level of needs. Employees working at the lowest level of organization works for satisfying their lower level of needs and they can be thus motivated through bonus, incentives and other monetary incentives. While, the middle and higher level of employees including head chefs, managers, supervisor works to satisfy their higher level needs. Although in the present dynamic environment, this theory is not that significant but, it helps in understanding the motives of employees (Lam and, 2005). Equity Theory This theory proposes that it is the tendency of employees to compare themselves with the other employees in terms of their input and output ratios. Imbalanced ratio creates dissatisfaction and thus, influences the performance. While equity in ratios creates job satisfaction and also motivates the employees to maintain the current ratio or increasing their input in order to raise output (Osterloch and Frey, 2002). Output can be of varied types such as pay, incentives, fringe benefits, job security, status, promotion, appraisal, opportunity for advancements and anything that employees receive from the company for performing the task. Input, on the other hand comprises of training, education, work experience, skills and creativity, time and anything that employees contribute to organization for achieving the prescribed goals and objectives. True Motivator theory The true Motivator theory describes some factors that are related to the job and directly results to reward of performing the task well. These factors motivate the employees to improve their performance, accept challenging projects, availing opportunities for growth and development etc. For instance, achievement, promotions, salary hike, recognition are considered to be the true motivator for employee (Braskamp and Maehr, 1986).


ERG theory Alderfers revised the Maslows need hierarchical theory by grouping the five needs into three main groups that are being known as Existence, Relatedness and lastly growth (ERG). Existence needs are similar to that of the basic needs and security needs of Maslows while Relatedness need is concerned with the need of belongingness and position in society, in turn it is concerned with social and esteem needs of Maslow and growth need is concerned with internal desire of individual for his own growth and development (Ardichvilli and, 2003). Unlike Maslows theory, ERG theory states that multiple needs might act as motivators at the same time and individual may be motivated to achieve the higher level of needs first. Herzbergs Two Factor theory Two factor theory states that there are different set of factors namely Hygiene factors and Motivational factors that influence an employees behavior. Hygiene factors are related with the organizations working condition, work environment, salary and incentives, job security, companys policies and management, etc while Motivational factors are related to ones work profile such as responsibility, achievement, personal growth, recognition, advancement etc. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees are based on these various factors as per the theory of Herzberg. He further stated that hygiene factors greatly affect the employees attitude towards the work and their absence make him dissatisfied (cruz and, 2009) On the other hand, motivational factors make the employee satisfied but their absence doesnt affect him that much i.e. employee is not dissatisfied when he doesnt achieve them. Expectancy theory This theory was based on the assumption that an individual can be motivated to do things if they believe in worth of doing it. It suggested that motivation of employees depends on expectancy, which states that reward can influence ones behavior to attain the organizations goals. Employee are willing to perform to their best when he feels that this will lead to some rewards. It also states that motivation is caused only when employees believes that his efforts lead to task performance, which in turn leads to rewards (Soverall and Khan, 2007). Goal setting theory Goal setting theory of motivation emerged from the idea of expectancy theory, which suggests that setting goals and targets are important tool in regulating the employees action, 11

which leads them to attainment of these goals (Plotnik and Kouyoumjian, 2010). Goals and objectives affect the employees performance by mobilizing their efforts and directing their attention towards the common goal. 2.3 Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Intrinsic motivation can be explained as doing the task or activity to satisfy inherent needs rather than for some separable outcome. In other words, intrinsically motivated individual is influenced to act for the challenge or fun instead of external pressures like reward etc. Deci and Ryan presented Cognitive Evaluation theory argued that interpersonal structures and events like feedback, communication can develop intrinsic motivation for a particular action as they allows the satisfaction of the need for competence, for instance, challenging tasks, feedbacks are all considered to reinforce intrinsic motivation. This theory further specified that intrinsic motivation will not only be enhanced by sense of competence unless is combined with the feeling of self-sufficiency (Sansone and Harackiewicz, 2000). Many theories have also showed that employees are also motivated when they get the positive feedback for their work. When an individual performs a task in order to accomplish some distinguishable outcome then he is considered to be extrinsically motivated. Factors which exist externally and influence the internal needs and behavior of an individual are known as extrinsic motivators. Some of the extrinsic motivators are rewards either monetary or non-monetary, sense of competing with the fellow employees, praise, promotion etc. (Goncharuk and Monat, 2009.). However, many scholars have suggested that for motivating the employees effectively, manager needs to make connection between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors. Individual is motivated when his different needs are satisfied, needs varies from person to person in terms of situation, their work, position in the organization, educational qualification of the employees, skills etc (Lin, 2007). Therefore, it can be said that all employees have different motivation factors which influence them to work better. Different theories have suggested different factors to motivate the employees. Pay although is considered to be the prime motivating factor. Other than this, some intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors are mentioned below; Challenging task: Challenging work attempts motivate employee intrinsically to work their best. By providing the challenging projects and assignments to employees with some authority to take decision will lead to sense of ownership of that work and


employee will be motivated to give his level best for effectively completing it (Kinman and Kinman, 2001). Appreciation/ Recognition: Recognition or appreciation programs where employees are publicly praised or promoted to high position are some of the intrinsic factors that build a sense of being valuable for the company. In turn it motivates him to gain more recognition and appraisals from company by doing the assigned task effectively, efficiently and as per the norms of the company (Manzoor, 2011). Appreciation and credit for the work is one of the major desire of an employee, which motivates him to continue to do his best in the future in terms of productivity. Recognition enhances employee morale, which thus allows him to contribute his best for the achievement of goals and objectives. Employees at the highest level of organization tend to have high self-esteem needs, which make them intrinsically motivated. Due to this they are willing to work harder and with best potential (Nawaz, 2011). There are various ways by which employees' efforts are recognized such as publicly praising, promotion, appreciation for the new and unique ideas etc. Feedback: Positive feedback from managers or the supervisor influences an employee to work harder and also makes him aware of his own position in terms of his own performance. Regular Feedbacks and addressing them constantly motivate an individual to identify the areas of improvement and constantly addressing them. Opportunity for development: When an employee feels that he has a bright future with the company and has potential to grow, then he will be more dedicated and committed towards the work and also for the company. He will be intrinsically motivated to move ahead in the direction of growth and career advancement, which is indirectly vested in the companys interest and its success. Therefore in that case employee will contribute his best in the achievement of organizational goals. Training, skills enhancement, promotion and opportunities for growth are identified as effective motivation factors which satisfy the needs of self-esteem and self-potential or actualization needs. As per the two factor theory advancement and personal growth are intrinsic motivational factors that make employees satisfied internally (Xaxx, 2013). Although the company must ensure that growth and promotion policy are appropriate to employees' needs so that enhanced performance can be achieved. 13

Participation and empowerment: Employees who are invited into the companys decision making process are also intrinsically motivated as it develops a sense of having stake or contribution in organizations results and its success. They feel that their views, ideas are valued and their efforts and inputs are also being recognized (Employee motivation factors, 2008). Work environment and work itself: Although good working conditions may not motivate the employees directly but, it helps in improving their performance and productivity (Lin, 2007). Type of the work or work profile and the environment of organization significantly affect the employees level of motivation. Challenging work, job security, atmosphere, other employees and relation with them, flexible working hours, Clarified job causes the motivation. There are three motivators namely recognition, achievement and work itself which leads to job satisfaction (Tyilana, 2005). Relation with the managers and supervisor: Healthy relation between employee and the manager or supervisor is one element, which causes the job satisfaction. Employees bad perspective towards his boss impacts his performance, which in turn leads to lack of motivation and dissatisfaction (Miller and Harshman, 2009). According to many scholars biased company policies and administration, unfavorable supervision and unhealthy relationship with supervisor leads to job dissatisfaction. However, these days companies take many steps to develop positive work related through feedback, employee participation, their suggestions, providing consultation to them, marinating trust and respect for each other etc. Company and its policies: Employee feels proud when he is the part of one of the renowned and financially sound firm, which also makes him satisfied. Generally, when an individual is working with a stable company, he feels secure in his job which in turn causes the job satisfaction. As per the Herzbergs two factor theory companies management and policies are considered as Hygiene (Hughes and, 2011). 2.4 How Motivational and attitudinal patterns relate to the organization A research conducted by the Institute for Work attitude & Motivations focus identified the relationship between attitudinal and motivational patterns and performance of employees. They observed that the pattern not only affect the employees' performance but the organizations


as well. This study further reflected how an organizational culture influences employees behavior and motivation, thus leads to effective performance. Motivational and Attitudinal pattern such as high equality, high coordination, compliance, low differences among employees contributes to consistency and stability within the restaurant (miller and Harshman, 2011). Most of the employees are recruited for the entry-level position who further receives inhouse training and development. They are then promoted, which is based on the performance and experience. In order to gain such promotions, other employees work harder and better. As the proper management of time is the essential to coordinate the activities of Kitchen as well as floor staff so that they can deliver prompt food and services to their customers. Therefore, focus on time by employees is the main MAP to provide the timely services to their guests (Devanna and, 2006). 2.5 Employee Empowerment as Motivation Empowerment has been defined as an approach whereby a manager allows his subordinates to take certain decisions with a view to improve organizations effectiveness and also to motivate employees to take responsibilities. It can be also explained as a process of liberating potential and giving authority to employees. Empowering makes the individual feels that their efforts are being appreciated and thus, they are drive to perform even better. Employee participation and empowerment comprises of their contribution in decision making regarding policies, strategies and objectives and administration of the organization. Many theories have observed the significance of empowerment and participation in employees gratification, motivation and their commitment towards the organization. It results in motivating employees, which further leads to consistent growth and expansion of the organization (Luthans and Peterson, 2002). Evidence in the literature stated that employee empowerment is related to the motivation in the hospitality sector, because of the reason that as the most Frontline workers has direct contact with the guests or customers. So, the customer satisfaction can be increased by empowering these employees to deal with the customers in their own way i.e. resolving the customers problem and addressing their request instantly without relying on the managers or heads support. This also means that workers should be able to take his own decision to deal with the unexpected situation without any delay (Schular and MacMillan, 2006). This will in turn


motivate them to perform better in delivering the services to the customers and making them satisfied completely. It also directs faster decisions for the customers problems. 2.6 Significance of Motivation on employees performance Employees commitment, his satisfaction and motivation towards the job refers to the perspectives of employees about the organization and his contribution in serving the organization. Employee performance directly influences the organizations effectiveness in attaining the desired objectives energetically and efficiently. Various theories have attempted to explain what factors motivate the people at work. For the management, it is very essential to understand that what influences the employees behavior; by this the manager will be able to identify the ways by which he can motivate his employees perform better and thus, lead to positive results for the company. Many researchers have shown the relationship between employees performance and motivation. These researchers suggested that different individual has different goals and aims in their life. Hence, motivation factors are different for the different individual. In an organization, some employees may be motivated by the extrinsic factors (Osterloch and Frey, 2002). These employees are of two types: Status seeker and Income Maximizers. Status seekers look for the position or status in the organization. For them, a task which has the potential of giving a sense of accomplishment and recognition is a tool to gain high position in the company. On the other hand, income maximizers are only concerned about earning a high income, for them work is not that essential (Anderson, 2013). Effective Motivation makes every employee committed and loyal towards the organization. Employee turnover and absenteeism is also being reduced by proper motivation. They perform enthusiastically and consistently throughout the day without getting distracted (Kirstein, 2010). 2.7 Wasabi Sushi & Bento Team Wasabi Sushi & Bento was founded in the year 2001 with the idea of Japanese food and sushi takeaway services with the aim to provide healthy lunches to busy London citizens. It became the first outlet on all over the UK that sells sushi wrapped pieces. Its food quality and the quality of services it is providing like takeaways, freedom of choice to customers, diverse range of Japanese food at affordable prices has made Wasabi to expand its business in different cities of UK. Food is not only the reason for its success, but the services that are offered is also the 16

main reason. Wasabis staff is dedicated to provide its customers with the ultimate dining experience and thus maintaining the Wasabi value (Our history, 2013). The success of the restaurants depends on how well the management of the organization directs and manage employees who does the work on their behalf. That means, employees are the most important assets of the restaurants whether they are at the top level or at the lowest level. Wasabi provides its every employee the opportunity to develop themselves personally as well as professionally. Various training and development programs and schemes are conducted within the company to improve its employees performance. Wasabi aim is to make every employee dedicated toward the company, in return its offers various benefits and development opportunities to motivate them (Quick and Nelson, 2007). Employees are well trained, motivated and dedicated in giving their customers the best possible experience in terms of food quality as well as services. Staff at every level of the organization whether they are floor team member or kitchen team members, they are directed to provide the high level of services and are trained to enjoy working even in a fast paced environment. Employees are flexible, hard working and enthusiastic who are able to work under pressure of the busy and hectic schedule. Employees at the middle level of management including Area Managers and Branch Managers have adequate ability and skills to guide and support their team all through the day and especially on the busy lunchtimes. Maintenance, Logistic teams are also so trained to work at varied working hours while traveling to various sites and locations around the city (Our Team, 2013). Wasabi strives to develop its employees efficiently through facilitating training to work in teams, adapt to the changes etc. People at Wasabi are referred to as the team rather than just employees so as to develop a sense of family and ensuring the open and friendly work environment. This atmosphere further helps in fostering the remarkable team work which is vital to provide the excellent services to the customers. Us or them culture doesnt prevail at wasabi, every employee either manager or head chef work with each other in order to achieve maintain the value of wasabi and to provide maximum customer satisfaction (Our history, 2013). 2.8 Employee Motivation in Wasabi Sushi & Bento and its affect on their performance Motivating employees in the hospitality sector especially in the restaurants is not easy for the managers, this is because getting all the employees from higher level to floor level to work in


a team is challenging task. Every employee has diverse needs and wants, their ideas and thoughts are also different from other, so making them work together as a team is very tedious. However, various types of initiatives are taken to influence the employees to make them perform in a certain way to attain the desired objectives. At Wasabi Sushi & Bento, with the objectives of maintaining the traditional value and delivering the quality product and services in order to retain customer satisfaction and loyalty, various practices are undertaken to improve their performance and making them capable of giving their best (Furnham and, 2009). Some of the Motivation practices adopted by the company are as follows; Training and development: Training and development programs in regard to service delivery to customers, the instant provision of meals aims to make employees efficient towards their work. Proper training and development avoids confusion about the work and thus enhance the employees knowledge and his performance (Turner and Guilding, 2011). Working together: All employees of Wasabi are regarded as the team, so their activities and efforts are directed to achieve the business goals collectively. From food preparation to ultimate food delivery to the customers every employees whether chef or Frontline worker works as a team in making the customers satisfied in terms of food as well as service quality. A sense of team helps in developing trust and respect among employees (Milne, 2007). Empowerment: As the Frontline employees have direct contact with their customers, therefore they are empowered to take decisions regarding addressing the needs and requests of the customers (Seo and, 2010). This is turn enhances the service quality as the employees know that about the needs of his customers and thus he can efficiently meet them and making the customers satisfied. Empowering also improves personal development and how he conducts with the customers. Incentive: Incentives for performing well are provided to employees of Wasabi in either monetary or non-monetary forms such as fringe benefits, flexible working hours, accommodations etc. in order to motivate them towards doing the work more efficiently. Employee Involvement and Engagement: Employees are given right to involve in discussions and planning of the work. Ideas, views and suggestions of every employees


are invited and respected. Meetings and discussions are frequently conducted with a view to maintain healthy employee relation (Luthans and Peterson, 2002). Professional development: Various personal and professional development programs are undertaken by the Wasabi Sushi & Bento to enhance its employees performance and making them effectively work in a team. Enhancing Competencies and skills: Conducting such activities that induces an employee to use his skills and competencies is one of the powerful ways used by the Wasabi for motivating his employees. For instance, when an employee is empowered to deal with the customers on his own, he utilizes his skills and abilities to make a good impression on customers by providing him quality services. Thus, it not only motivates him to do better nut also enhances his skills and competencies (Amaanda, 2011). Employee Survey and Individual review: Open feedback culture among employees and management ensures proper communication and healthy relation among them. Surveys are also conducted to know the employees' perspectives. This also helps in identifying the needs and their motives, which in turn helps in influencing their behavior. Daily Communication: Discussions and information sharing intensify the team dynamics. Employees are given opportunity to express their views, ideas and even their personal matters with the managers or supervisor. They are also made aware about the news about the new branch or any other related matter (Kirstein, 2010). 2.9 Conclusion Motivation is essential for improving the employees performance and to direct his efforts towards the goals and objectives of the organization. Empowerment and recognition are considered to be the effective ways for enhancing the employee motivation. It can be concluded from the above discussions and theories that when employees are praised for the work done and are involved in decision making and management staff, it satisfies them internally and thus, make them satisfied with the job, organization and its environment. Motivated employees perform their best and in the interest of the company, which in turn leads them towards prosperity, growth and productivity (Panwar and Gupta, 2012). Highly motivated staff contributes to the establishment of the strong and flourishing culture of organization. Following the standard procedures, high focus on time, maintaining consistency in product and services,


prompt delivery to customers etc. are some of the key elements of what makes the Wasabi Sushi & Bento successful (Employee Motivation Factors, 2008). All types of individual works in the organization, having different attitude, age, gender, and background and thus, having different needs and motives. Due to these differences, it has become important for the management to understand each employees needs and thus, motivating them accordingly.



3.1 Introduction A research study is intended to enhance the existing knowledge. It is a systematic process of investigation that is carried out with the aim of understanding the research problem or the subject and thus, to draw the conclusions or to find out the solution to the problem. So, basically the research comprises of collecting data, organizing and analyzing it, making deductions in order to draw conclusions or suggesting solutions to the research problem. Research demands the accurate investigation and observation to the related facts and issues. To conduct our present research in proper way and to draw the conclusions accurately and systematically, various techniques and methods are implemented. Just knowing the number of techniques and research methods is not only required, but it also needs to know that which techniques and approaches are relevant and why. And hence the methodology is designed for the subject, which directs the entire research process. Research methodology means various steps and methods, which are relevant and are adopted in research for understanding the research problem along with giving the logic behind those methods. The central idea behind the research process is to investigate the relationship between employee motivation and organizations effectiveness. In other words, this research is conducted to study that how employee motivation affects their performance and how it enhances the organizations effectiveness. This section of the report thus provides the foundation for carrying out the investigation on the subject. It gives knowledge about the various tools, techniques and methods employed during the entire research process in order to identify and analyze the need of employee motivation for an organization and how it affects its functioning. This study is conducted with the employees of Wasabi, which in turn helped in identifying the culture of wasabi and what practices they adopt to motivate their employees. 3.2 Research Philosophy Research philosophy attempts to develop the knowledge, background and the nature of the research and it comprises of the essential assumptions of the individual beliefs, views and their perception about the world and its reality. It influences the researchers perception, beliefs and values in order to make him able to provide valid and accurate arguments so as to make


conclusions. The authors suggest that research philosophy one should adopt depends the type of the research questions (Saunders and, 2009). There are four types of philosophies: positivism, pragmatism, interpretivism and realism. The pragmatism philosophy views that it is possible to conduct research with variations; multiple methods such as qualitative and quantitative methods can be used collectively for the research. Positivism philosophy believes that researchers values and ideas are not valuable, quantitative data should be considered and hypothesis tests and experiments must be conducted to examine the data and for making the conclusions. The main feature of this theory is the hypothesis testing of data that is so collected with the help of in-depth interviews. Realism is somewhat related with the positivism, i.e. these both theories lay emphasis on scientific methods to develop the knowledge. It further believes that there is a reality which is free from human beliefs and thoughts. The method selected should have connection with the research subject; it can be either qualitative or quantitative. Lastly, the philosophy of Interpretivism argues that the world is too complex and dynamic to make rules, theories and law-like generalizations. It is necessary for the researchers understand the differences between the individuals and their behavior, therefore researchers own beliefs and value are considered to be important to analyze such differences. This dissertation has adopted the philosophy of Interpretivism which is appropriate in the human resource management field. This approach aims at studying the specific business issues by inspecting the qualitative data. For this purpose sample was made by employees who were randomly selected and analyzed in order to understand the large population of employees of Wasabi. 3.3 Research design The framework with which the study is being carried out is defined as research design. It provides the meaningful structure, which in turn ensures that entire study has been done with respect to the research topic and is valid. Generally it covers four main aspects such as: What are the research questions What type of data is required How the relevant data has been collected What methods of analysis will be used


On the basis of these questions, the research is conducted. Our present report has been designed by considering these above mentioned questions. However considerations about the time factor, cost factor and surrounding convenience and most importantly the vast literature available influenced the decision regarding the selection of the research methodology, descriptive research design was deemed to be appropriate. So, the research design used for this study purpose is descriptive method and the target population included the employees of Wasabi Sushi and Bento restaurant. This design allowed the objective and precise measurement of the different aspects of employee motivation, their satisfaction and the organizations effectiveness. 3.4 Research Approach There are two main research approaches that are available to carry out the research process. These two approaches can be deductive or inductive. The inductive research approach is related to the philosophy of Interpretivism and qualitative research type. In this approach, the data are collected from the respondents in order to analyze it. Then with the help of this analysis theory is developed. Such type of approach is more flexible than other as the researcher can make the necessary changes during the research progress. In other words inductive approach moves from specific to general concept. Deductive approach is totally opposite with inductive; it follows a pre-determined design and is related to the positivism philosophy and quantitative research type. In this approach, first the idea or hypothesis are developed from the existing theory and then it is tested so as to examine the outcomes and to confirm the theory, and at the end necessary modifications are done if required. This approach moves from general things to specific. In this present dissertation, Inductive approach has been implemented as the no hypothesis is required to be developed and first the data will be collected in order to form specific conclusions. The data that so collected is based on personal experience of the respondents. 3.5 Research Type The research can be qualitative, quantitative or both. Qualitative research aims at understanding the individual behavior and what are the reasons that rule such behavior. As our present research subject is about studying the effect of motivation on the employees performance, therefore qualitative research is appropriate. In this research type, broad questions 23

related to the topic are being asked of the respondents. This type of research is not wellstructured therefore it allows the researcher to study the various aspects of the subject. This type of research creates the link between various theories and models that are adopted. Quantitative research measures the numerical information and then compares it with the previous records and thus attempts to forecast the future. This research type utilizes the concepts and testing of hypothesis. It uses the numerical data which may be figures or values which are collected through interviews and surveys and the analysis of these data also done quantitatively. The current research report uses both quantitative and qualitative research as it will provide a broader way of looking at the phenomena and make the research more logical and meaningful. Qualitative research will support the formulation of the indices and scale for the quantitative research and will also aid in analyzing the quantitative data. Since our research study examines the relationship between employee motivation and their performance, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is deemed to be appropriate with a view to get more valid and accurate evaluations. 3.6 Data Collection Selecting the suitable research design and methods of collecting data depends on the availability of the required resources and the extent to which they are related to the research subject. The aim is to get deep understanding of the views and perception of employees. This study is based on the theoretical explanations of the employee motivation and the empirical facts from the past researches. Various books, articles, journals were reviewed in order to gather the relevant information. Theories and models by different scholars and researchers were also studied. However, collecting the information from the vast literature is not easy, which comprises of several obstructions like sometime it is not allowed to access certain journals and articles etc. Therefore to collect more reliable and accurate information primary source of collecting information is also adopted for the research. In addition to it our research subject demands existing facts and figures which further governs the use of primary source of collection. Both primary and secondary have certain merits and demerits, hence it is necessary to use both these methods complementing each other.


Primary data collection source Primary data imply that the data is collected for the first time; it can be collected with the help of two methods that are qualitative and quantitative means of collecting data. Primary data can be collected through surveys, observations, schedules, interviews or online questionnaire etc. This source ensures the flexibility and openness, which does not exist in secondary sources. The researcher can get deep insight to the research problem and can get adequate information from the respondent by asking him questions. It also helps in identifying the perspective and views of respondent in context with the research subject and what is the logic behind them. A collection of information from primary source depends on the skills and tact of the researcher that how efficient he is digging out the information from the respondents. In this report we have gathered the responses from employees and managers of Wasabi Sushi and Bento, which comprises of their views and perception on motivation and how it affects performance. For this purpose, Interviews and surveys have been used. A sample of 30 employees has been designed with whom the survey is conducted and for collecting the information from managers sample of 5 managers was selected. Employees responses have been gathered with the help of survey which includes the predetermined questionnaire. Survey technique is appropriate for this study as it helps in determining the diverse attributes and motives of employees and will also help in making the comparisons between them. Survey method is well-suited with our research design i.e. descriptive. Managers view about the employee motivation and what practices they are implementing to motivate employees has been gathered through interviews. The interview can be conducted by various means such as it can be structured, unstructured or semi-structured. When the researcher has well-structured set of questions having the specific order then the interview is said to be structured. While on the other hand when the researcher conducts the interview without any set questionnaire, he asks the questions in his own way then such interview is defined as unstructured one. Semi-structured Interview is flexible and there are limited questions which allow the researcher to ask new questions during the interview. For this research purpose, Semi-structured interview has been conducted with the managers through which different policies and practices adopted by them to motivate employees have been identified. Thus it provided the in-depth information which alone questionnaire method cannot. 25

Secondary data collection Source Secondary data refers to the data that has already been collected by some researchers, agencies or individual. Secondary data aid the entire research process by making it easy to formulate the basis of study and supports the collection of primary data. It saves energy, cost and time when the required information is available and accessible. It provides the clear picture to researchers about the present research position and what needs to be done for collecting more information that is not available in various literary sources. It also helps in determining the deviation or gaps in current literature and theories. When relevant secondary data is available; the researcher can easily draw conclusions and find solutions to the research problem. Although gathering information from the secondary sources can prove to be tedious and challenging. It might be possible that even after the rigorous research process adequate information cannot be obtained or sometimes the reliability and validity of the data may pose the problem. Time constraint can also be one limitation of these sources. However, for our present study two sources observed to be appropriate that are mentioned below: External Sources: External sources are those which are present outside the organization. that means they are available in the market or libraries or online. These sources may be online articles, books, journals, magazines or periodicals. For this report, mixed sources has been utilized which includes books, journals, articles which are relevant with our research subject. In this context, companys website has also been accessed. Internal sources: Internal sources exist within the organization and the data so collected from these sources are assumed to accurate and authentic. Organizations policies and employment laws has been reviewed to get in-depth knowledge. The reports and publication of the Wasabi has also proved to be helpful. 3.7 Sampling Technique Cost and time has hindered the collection of data from the large population. For this reason, the sample is drawn from the vast population. The method of drawing the sample is known as sampling. This method makes it easy for the researcher to conduct the research and to find out the solution for the research problem. Sampling methods can be categorized as either non-probabilistic or probabilistic. In non-probabilistic sampling method, the probability of all items being selected for a sample from the large population is not equal. Some items may have 26

more chances of getting selected as compared to other items. In this method, the selection depends on number of factors including the existing situation. This method has certain limitations such as the sample so drawn may not be able to appropriately represent the entire population. Some of non-probabilistic methods are quota sampling, convenient sampling, snowball sampling and purposive sampling. The other method i.e. probability sampling implies that all items of the population have equal chances of getting selected for a sample. The first step under this method is to determine the type of population which is relevant to the research subject. After this, the researcher selects the sample randomly. There are four type of probability sampling that are: Systematic random sampling, simple random sampling, cluster sampling and stratified sampling. A sample of 30 employees and 5 managers currently working with Wasabi has been selected. The employees selected works at different level and the managers are generally from the human resource department. In this report we have employed the simple random sampling technique which is a form of probability sampling or chance sampling. In such type of sampling technique every item in the population have fair and equal chances of getting selected. For this research, the sample population comprises of random selection of employees and managers of Wasabi. 3.8 Justification for research methods selected The dissertation has been carried with the philosophy of Interpretivism with an inductive approach. In order to give logical answers to the research questions, surveys and interviews has been conducted with the employees and managers of Wasabi Sushi and Bento respectively. As the views and perception of every respondent is valuable and unique therefore by the means of interviews and surveys deep understanding about the research subject can be developed. As our present research is about studying the motivation so the qualitative research type is appropriate. It will help in looking the issues from different perspective. Additionally, the population was huge and it is difficult to gat views of every item of population, so sample of 30 employees and 5 managers is chosen for the research purpose which in turn will represent the whole population.


3.9 Data analysis After collecting the data from various sources secondary and primary, internal as well as external, the data so collected is analyzed with the aim of reaching to the conclusions. This section of dissertation assumed to be utmost importance. Data analysis is well-structured method which helps in analyzing the information so collected by the primary sources. Different tools and techniques are used with regard to this. Data analysis section provides the logical basis through which appropriate solution to the problem can be found. There are two methods for analyzing the data that are quantitative and qualitative. Further the quantitative analysis can be done through statistical and graphical representation of the data. Some main techniques for quantitative analysis are Correlation and Regression method, SPSS and ME Excel. This technique assists mathematical evaluation of the data collected primarily. On the other hand qualitative method of data analysis, thematic analysis is useful under which various themes are prepared from the responses in order to draw inferences. The resent report utilizes both of these methods i.e. quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative analysis is done by using the thematic analysis in which the responses collected from employees and managers will be grouped under specific themes and then these themes will be analyzed. Graphical representation of the data so collected will also be prepared in order to get the desired outcome. 3.10 Validity and Reliability Authenticity is considered to be the major concern of every research. Certain information are not allowed to be accessed while sometime there is lack of adequate information, moreover lack of required skills and knowledge or the lack of interest on the part of the researcher affects the reliability and authenticity of the research report which in turn reduces the credibility. Therefore it is necessary for report to be valid and reliable in order to make it credible. It must aim to enhance the existing knowledge base of the viewer. Every research has some or other limitations which tarnish the quality of it. In this dissertation, required concern and care is taken during the entire research process. It is ensured that information is collected from the valid and reliable sources like Companys employment policies, websites etc in order to maintain the authenticity of the report.


3.11 Ethical Issue While conducting the research, various legal, political, economical and ethical issues are need to be considered. Basically there are three main ethical considerations that must be taken into account that are as follows: First and most important consideration before carrying out the research is the approval of respondents without which the study is in vain. Second suggests that the research has been done in interest of various stakeholders like government, society and individuals etc. The third consideration is about the privacy and confidentiality of the information that is collected including the identity of participant needs to maintained 3.12 Limitation Limitations are referred to as the barriers or constraints that hinder the research process. This research study faces below mentioned limitations: This present research is based on the sample therefore it may lack complete accuracy. The respondents were observed to be reluctant during the interview and surveys, so the quality of their responses is doubtful. The data collected from different sources may be contradicting as the different researcher uses the different methods of evaluation. There exists element of biasness which is usually caused by the externals forces. Lack of knowledge, skills and competencies may also be one limitation that affects the research study. Access to certain data and reliability of available data can also be considered as barrier.



4.1 Introduction After collecting the required data from various sources, a researcher gets the pile of information of which some are very important while others are just irrelevant. In order to get ultimate results from available data, it is first evaluated and analyzed. There are various methods by which data analysis can be done. However it depends on the type of methodology adopted to conduct the research. The goal of data analysis is to understand the role of motivation in an employees performance and in turn its impact on the organizations effectiveness (Research methods: Data analysis, 2004). To attain this goal, this research report has attempted to seek differences and similarities among the employees within the sample. In this section of the dissertation the summary of main outcomes and findings of research so conducted will be depicted. In this report variety of tools has been used to collect the relevant information from various sources. This tools and methodologies were based on the type of research and its design, which in turn ensured the systematic conduct of the process. And with the help of our present research methodology, it has become easy to draw appropriate outcome. Thus selecting the appropriate research methods is essential to get the adequate and relevant information (Creswell, n.d.). The purpose of this study is to determine what practices Wasabi adopts to motivate its employees and how it affects their performance. Using a standard framework as a guide of direction, data so collected with the primary sources was analyzed and then reduced to particular themes. Thus, with the help of this chapter a clear image of present research subjects will be presented. In this report both quantitative and qualitative analysis has been adopted in order to analyze the accumulated information. For collecting the relevant primary and secondary information sources has been used. Primary data is collected from employees and managers of Wasabi through Survey and Interview respectively. A questionnaire was prepared to carry out the survey with employees. 10 Questions were administered to a sample of employees. While secondary data is collected by reviewing wide range of journals, articles, books by eminent authors with a view to get deep insight about the motivation factors and how it affect performance of employees.


There are many theories propounding that to create a competitive advantage for a business, human resource and their effective management is pre-requisite. It is implied that the organizations effectiveness or its performance greatly influence with the quality of human resources it is employing. This concern for quality and commitment from employees calls for the focus on employee motivation. In this context, management of organization takes various measures in relation with incentives or others in order to retain efficient employees with them and to improve the performance of existing employees and make them work toward goal achievement. The fundamental problem that every organization deals with is that how to exploit its employees potential in the way that enhances organizations effectiveness? Does motivation practices are positively related to the employees performance. As discussed in the above chapter, it can be said that along with the efficient workforce, a company can achieve its goals and objectives, especially the organization under hospitality industries, the role of employees in providing the quality services to potential customers in order to make them satisfied is very important. Attributing to this fact, it can be said that employee motivation is of main importance for any firm in improving their performance and influencing them to work better so as to achieve organizations goals and objectives. However, there are many factors that motivate an employee but they are different for different employee working with the organization. 4.2 Analysis Primary data that is collected through survey and interviews held among employees and managers of Wasabi. As the population was large, therefore a sample of employees was made to make the task easy and time effective. With the help of Simple random sampling employees and managers were selected for sample. This sample will in turn act as representative of the entire population or workforce of Wasabi. The survey was conducted with 30employees of Wasabi who work at different branches and are at different level of firm. While responses from managers was gathered through unstructured interviews. The responses so received from employees and managers of Wasabi have been analyzed with the use of thematic analysis along with graphical representation which has been elaborated below.


4.3 Thematic Analysis The type of analysis depends on type of outcome derived and approach that has been undertaken to carry out the research. In this report, we applied inductive approach which has descriptive orientation and the information so collected is of qualitative nature so it is clear that thematic analysis will be more appropriate. Thematic analysis requires more interpretation and involvement of researcher. It aims to identify and examine both explicit and implicit ideas within the responses or data. That means various themes are prepared for analyzing purpose. After that codes are develop with a view to represent the particular themes (Muir-Cochrane and Fereday, 2006). This type of analysis may or may not include graphical representation between codes. In simple words, thematic analysis uses the different recurrent patterns for the purpose of examining the data. Themes can be defined as the cluster of related category, which conveys the same meaning. There are various steps for doing the thematic analyses which are mentioned below: It starts with preparation of data, which means that the information collected through interviews should be transcribed into text. After this sorting is done though, which relevant and important information is gathered and is converted into proto themes. Then this proto themes are examined carefully as the data within the theme may be contradicting. At the fourth step of thematic analysis, final from is constructed for each theme At last the formed themes are described in order to get clear meaning. Theme 1: Wasabi values its workforce for their work and contribution to firm When the employees working with Wasabi were asked that whether their work and contribution to the company are valued than most of the employees revealed that company values and respect them for their work while some employees believes that their efforts are not valued as they should be. The sense of being valued to great extent affects employee performance, i.e. ifan employeee feels that his efforts and contribution to company are being valued then it motivates him to do his job more efficiently while on other hand when feeling of invaluable de-motivates employees and make him dislike his work.


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Neither Responses Disagree Strongly disagree

Findings: It was observed that around 60% of employees working with Wasabi strongly believes that their efforts and contribution to firm in achieving its goals are valued. When they get appreciated for their efforts, it makes them feel that they are valuable for the company. 20% of employees viewed their work is valued but not to the level that is expected. While 10% of employees said that they neither agree nor disagree with the statement that company values them. The remaining 10% viewed that the company does not recognize their efforts, further they said that for company they are just the non-valued employees who does not have any contribution in companys growth and success. This provides that company values its employees according to the position they hold in the organization. Theme 2: Company assigns them challenging task as per their ability Respondents were asked whether the company gives them challenging task then it was found that most employees feel that company gives them challenging task with some authority to take decision at times when more customer pressure is there. The management allows them to handle customers requests and demand in their own way. This in turn makes them confident about their task and thus enhances their performance.


45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Strongly agree agree Neither Responses Disagree Strongly disagree

Findings: From the above graph it is clear that 40% of employees agree with the statement that they are given challenging task at times while 17% disagree. However, Most of employees were not sure about their position. This reflects that employees are given the opportunity to get the task done in their way as they are given some authority along with responsibility which make them do the challenging task effectively and efficiently. Theme 3: Employees are treated equally by the company. When the respondents were asked whether the company treats all its employees fairly and equally regardless of their education, efforts and experience, then it has been revealed that employees at the same level are treated equally. No discrimination in terms of nationality, color, background and position is done by Wasabi. Moreover the company believes in recruiting diverse staff members and value their views and perception. It means that they are given fair and equal chances for their growth and advancement. It is also observed that all employees are invited to express their views, ideas, feelings and even suggestions with the management so as to maintain the healthy relation with them. This equal treatment satisfies employees towards their job and position with the organization.


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree agree neither agree nor disgree Resonses disgree Strongly disgree

Findings: It was found that 60% of respondents strongly agree with the statement depending on their level in organization, the company relatively treats them equally in terms of pay, opportunity for advancement etc, 10% of them agrees that company treats all its employees equally while 10% are not sure and remaining 20% disagree. Further, it is observed that employees are involved in management stuff and decision making process. Their ideas, suggestions and feedback are invited in order to increase the organizations effectiveness. Theme 4: Pay and Reward are the factors that motivate workforce the most. By conducting the survey with employees, it was explored that being at the different level of organization, the key motivating factor for employees is Pay and Reward. With the help of questionnaire tool it was analyzed that pay is a prime factor in motivating employees and has a huge impact on their performance. Beside this, rewards in the form of fringe benefits, monetary and non-monetary incentives are also said to important motivating factor, which makes the employees work in a better way. Money plays a dual role in influencing employee like when an employee is not satisfied with the pay he is getting either he will work harder to increase his pay or he will dislike his work, thus it affects his performance in both ways positively and negatively.


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Pay Reward Promotion Responses Recognition Others

Findings: By analyzing the responses of employees when they were asked that which factor motivates them the most, then 50% of employees said that the pay is the utmost important motivating factor. It has huge impact on their performance. On the other hand 20% of employees' views that for them monetary and non-monetary rewards motivates them to perform better and rest of the respondents was found to be motivated by other factors like promotion, Recognition and any other factors like working conditions, work culture and the like. This implies that the salary given to employees have a huge impact on their level of performance. Theme 5: Training and development program enhances employees performance When it was asked from employees that do training and development programs adopted by company enhance their performance then it was observed that most of employees believed that these programs make them work better and efficiently. Various techniques such as timemanagement, customer grievance handling, quality services techniques aids them in their work and make them able to handle the customers demands and request efficiently even when there is so much rush in a restaurant.


60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Not sure Responses Disagree

Findings: 50% of employees strongly agree that training & development programs are effective, these programs enhance their skills and capabilities while 20% believes that to some extent these programs are helpful in their routine work. The rest of them views that training and development programs are not effective and thus they totally disagree. More than half of employees of Wasabi feel that through training and development programs they get to learn different techniques which help them while dealing with customers. This in turn improves them continuously with their skills and competencies. Theme 6: Various motivation practices are adopted by Wasabi. When employees were asked that what practices the company adopts through which they get motivated then it uses a variety of tools to motivate its employees which includes bonuses to workers who perform better than others, fringe benefits, responsibility for challenging task, Certain decision making power, promotion of hardworking employees, supportive work-culture and many. However, the study also found that training and development programs are also conducted by a company in order to develop them professionally and personally and to enhance their existing skills and knowledge base. This in turn clarifies their function and makes them work without any confusion and disruption. So, it thus motivates them to put in their maximum efforts considering the training lessons. Various informal programs are also being conducted by


Wasabi where all employees equally participated regardless of their level, this develops a sense of equality among all employees and makes them trust and respect the organization. Theme 7: Company adhere to standard employment practices which greatly affects its employees performance When the employees were asked they does the company comply with the employment laws and practices; then most of them agreed to it by saying that company follows the standard practices of employment, salary is provided to them timely and if there is some deduction from salary then proper justification is also provided. The company is also concerned with providing healthy and hygienic working condition for employees. The company also ensures that all of its employees from lower level to higher level are treated equally without any discrimination on the basis of caste, gender, color or nationality. This in turn develops a sense of equality among every employee and makes them committed toward organization. All employees are given fair chances for their growth and advancement being at any level. In case when conflict arises between employees then a committee is set up in which all staff members are invited and conflict parties are given equal chances to give their views, and lastly the decision is made without any biasness. The companys equipments and machines including kitchen equipments; generators etc. are timely checked to ensure any malfunction which in turn helps in making the safe working condition for employees. From this it can be said that company strictly adhere to the standard human resource practices including safety of employees, job security etc which further makes them feel secured and respected by organization. This also makes them loyal and committed towards organization and hence improves their performance. Theme 8: Motivation has positive impact on employee performance When employees were questioned to indicate whether motivation affects their performance then it was observed that maximum number of employees feels that motivation by management influence them to work more harder and to put their maximum potential for the assigned task. Highly motivated employees were less likely to make any errors or mistake; they were seemed to be more dedicated towards their work. Motivated employees observed to be more positive and cooperative than others.


80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Not sure Responses Disagree

Findings: Considering motivation as prime factor in enhancing employees performance, 70% of respondents from total extremely agree with the statement that motivation have positive impact on their performance. When they get appreciation or reward from their managers then it makes them feel to perform more effectively so as to get more recognition from them. 17% Disagree with it while the rest of them are not sure. With this, it is evident that motivation tends to have great influence on employees performance. In other words it can be said that when the company wants is employees to perform better, then it needs to motivate its employees regardless of their position or level with the company. Theme 9: Adequate employee satisfaction in terms of job When the employees were asked that whether they are satisfied with their job then it was observed that most of employees are satisfied with their job. That means they are satisfied with the level in organization, pay they are getting, work culture, companys policies and practices etc. Job satisfaction can also be considered as one of the major motivating factor that intrinsically motivates employee and thus, make him dedicated and loyal towards his work.


70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied Responses Dissatisfied

Findings: It was analyzed that 60% of employees in spite of their level in organization were highly satisfied with their job. While 30% said that at certain time they dont feel satisfied. While 10% not at all satisfied with their job. It can be said that company does it level best in satisfying its employees in terms of their salary, recognition etc. It thus understands the importance of employee satisfaction in achieving success. Theme 10: Effective motivation practices adopted by Wasabi When the unstructured interview was conducted with managers of Wasabi various questions regarding employees motivation, employment policies of the company, what practices company adopts and how effective they are in motivation employees were asked, then it was found that to a high level company is effective in motivating its employees. Employees are more committed to their work and organization, all employees trust and respect others for their work, no discrimination is observed between them which in turn develop the healthy, personal and mutually cooperative environment. In spite of this, no rigorous supervision is as such required as all employees are clear with their roles and functions and are always ready to support others in their work. Employee participation and engagement, delegation of responsibility, public recognition, reward for their extra efforts are the common practices adopted by Wasabi to motivate its employees. The company follows the open communication method which provides employees right to express their views and ideas with management. 40

Timely feedbacks are also invited from employees that help an organization to take steps for improving the organizations effectiveness. The organization has also set up Grievances handling system through which employee in private can share his problem with management. This and makes employees feel as family and maintains his trust towards the organization. Lastly but most importantly all employees are regarded as Team rather than individual which makes them one unit. This also guide their behavior and influences them to work collectively with other employees. Team cohesiveness is ensured by management and various activities are conducted to build the high performance team.



The primary objective of this dissertation was to understand role of motivation on performance of the employees of Wasabi Sushi & Bento restaurant group. This dissertation has commendably provided as to what factors motivates employees to perform better and how does it affects organizations effectiveness. In the first chapter of this report, a brief overview of the research topic and information about the structure of the entire report is provided. Following the introduction part, literature which comprises of various articles, academic journals, books and previous researches done by eminent authors is reviewed. In this chapter a precise knowledge about various motivation factors for employees and motivation tools that Wasabi adopts to motivate its employees is being discussed. Impact of motivation on the employees performance has also been investigated. A survey questionnaire was formulated and administered among 30 employees of Wasabi. From this tool it was analyzed that Pay and other financial incentives consider being major motivation factors for employees in past, present and even in the projected future. Furthermore by exploring the literature and conducting interviews and survey it has been found that each employee has different factors that motivates them. For some pay is the prime motivating factors while for other reward and other monetary incentives motivate them. Recognition and appreciation from management also motivate some employees to perform better (Sansone and Harackiewicz, 2000.). Apart from this, job satisfaction also affects the employees motivation level i.e. employee who is highly satisfied with his job, he is very much dedicate to his work and company and thus he is intrinsically motivated while an employee who is not satisfied with his job seemed to dislike his work and not at all concern about his performance. So, attributing to this fact it can be said that Job satisfaction and security also plays major role in motivating employees. It has also been found in our present research that personal growth and advancement is also most valued by employees of todays generation. From the present study that factors that motivate employee to perform better are varied and distinct, so understanding what employee went from a job or what factors are more essential for him, the organization may generate important information for effective management of Human resources and thus ensuring the long term survival and profitability of the organization (Snell and Bohlander, 2004).


Numerous researches carried out illustrate that since many years motivation of employees has became the major concern of management of organization. Although it is very complex to identify that what really motivates employees, yet Wasabi find all ways and methods possible to understand its employees and their motivational factors in order to retain them with organization and also to improve their performance. Such motivation practices reduces employees turnover and absenteeism while enhances high productivity and profitability of organization. Survey and interview method contributed to great extent in assessing different motives of employees of Wasabi. From the former chapter of data analysis it can be found that motivation plays a major role in enhancing the performance of employees. The motivation practice that has been adopted by the company helps in retaining the efficient employees and also to enhance their performance. From the above analysis, it has been observed that maximum employees of Wasabi are satisfied with their job and also with the human resource practices including motivation practices of the company. Further it is also noticed that these motivation practices influences performance of employees and in turn enhances the organizations effectiveness (Stringer and, 2011). Thus the current research findings validate those previous researches that suggest that motivation greatly influences employee performance. Thus the study discovered that motivation is the prime factor that affects employee performance level. As because when respondents were asked that whether motivation has a positive impact on their performance than 70% of employees strongly agreed with this statement. Nonetheless, the research also found that the company needs to consider and focus on whether the tools and practices that it implements are identical to the needs of its employees and if not then they should adopt right practices that appeal employees. By surveying employees of Wasabi, this dissertation report was able to gather primary data and attempts to present accurate and realistic data. This study found that Pay is foremost essential motivation factor. But it must also be considered that alone Pay should not be regarded as a basic need factor as it was in Maslows need hierarchy theory as this factor have potential to de-motivate employees and thus negatively affect their performance. Attributing to this fact, it can be said that Money plays the dual function in employees motivation (Panwar and Gupta, 2012). However may vary from person to person. These findings enhance existing knowledge on employee motivation and also provide some recommendations which Wasabi may consider to make its employee perform more effectively and efficiently. Making employees loyal and 43

committed towards their work and organization is not easy task, but using results from present research could guide the organization to adopt right and effective motivation practices (Chaudhary and Sharma, 2012). Recommendations for Wasabi Sushi & Bento to improve employee motivation From the present study, it would be argued that long term survival and sustainability of a company depends greatly on motivation of its employees either through financial or nonfinancial factor. Therefore a company should on regular basis conduct employee survey in order to understand what its employees expectations from job are. It is required on part of company to carry on surveys and interviews with its employees so as to identify what motivates their employees to do their best. The findings or results from such survey will help companies to adapt themselves with changing preferences and motives of their employees. This exercise will be very beneficial for Wasabi, as knowing what its employee wants and his attempt in meeting those needs reinforces a mutual and supportive working environment for the organization as well as for an employee (Amaanda, 2011). It is also recommended that the company should also focus on employees who are not satisfied with their job, such employees should be given challenging task and responsibility, along with that some authority to make decision. This will make them responsible toward their work and thus it will ensure effectiveness. Choosing the right motivational tool for every employee is important for any organization. The company should also get innovative and unique ideas from its employees and should employ them to improve effectiveness. This in turn motivates them highly and makes them feel valuable for the organization. In order to make organization effective, it should also implement such changes that require employee involvement also (Mowday and, 2004). By considering their suggestions and ideas, a sense of belongingness will prevails among employees and they will work efficiently in rendering their services to customers. Finally, it is suggested that the results from this study and those discussed and presented in this report could prove useful in directing the organization to determine what motivates its employees today and in the foreseeable future. Moreover it will also help company to understand why some employees put great efforts in their work or why some employees are more efficacious than other in their job (Kim, 2006).



This entire research process was truly an enlightening journey for me, which has enhanced current knowledge about the subject to great extent, though it was challenging at certain time. This dissertation has provided me vast knowledge in context with employee motivation and its different aspect. This report has focused mainly on understanding role of motivation in enhancing employee performance. Further deep insights about various factors that motivate employees and influence their performance were also identified. From the above chapter of conclusion it can be said that while selecting the motivating tool for an employee, it should consider his expectations from the job and his preferences. In order to develop a healthy work environment, organization needs to undertake various approaches including motivation. Collecting information from various sources required more attention and dedication as well as the time and energy. In order to keep me focused, committed and to keep progressing in the right direction, I developed a systematic and pre-planned structure. Time limit for every task was planned considering the main objectives of research and time constraints. This has helped to accomplish desired goals and objectives within the specified time. In this report, data have been collected from various sources including primary as well as secondary. Wide range of books, journals and articles were explored which was some time proved to be monotonous. In addition to this, primary collection of data was also complicated and time consuming. Employees and managers were seemed to be more reluctant in giving answers. Thus there were many challenges and issues that intrigue me during the entire process of research. However, I recommend that future researches should be conducted to gain continuous insight, knowledge and view of what exactly motivates an employee to work their best. Even for the coming year employee motivation will be a major concern and challenge for organizations. Moreover factors like globalization, advancement in technology, retrenchment etc. will create problems like unsecure jobs, uncertain future etc. Thus future researches could be undertaken to confirm this present study either fully or partly. In addition to it, further research can also take into consideration factors such as age and other demographic factor, location of organization, economic conditions or regional tendencies like developing or developed countries etc.


At last, I just want to say that this dissertation has accredited my knowledge base and confidence immensely. At this stage, I can say that this report has effectively attempted the academic phase and now I am looking forward for bright future prospects.


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APPENDIX 1 Questionnaire for employees of Wasabi Sushi & Bento

Name: __________________________ Age: _____________________________ Designation: _________________________ Work Tenure: ________________________


1) Do you think that your work is valued by the company? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

2) Are you satisfied with your job? Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied Dissatisfied

3) What factors motivates you to perform better? Pay Reward Promotion Recognition Or any other


4) Do you think that your company employs effective motivation practices for its employees? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 5) Does your company give all its employee equal opportunity for their advancement? Strongly agree Agree Not sure Disagree Strongly disagree

6) Do you think that training and development programs adopted by your company enhance your performance? Agree Not sure Disagree 7) Does motivation by your employees have positive effect on your performance? Agree Not sure Disagree 8) What practices your company adopts to enhance its employees performance? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 9) Does your company adhere to the standard employment practices? If yes, then how it affects your performance? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 55

10) Suggest some improvement that company must implement to make its employees satisfied? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Thanks for your co-operation


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