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Revision Answer 1. Aerobic n Anaerobic Resp.

Structure 2 Commons: - produce ATP - take place in animal n plant cell - involve catabolism of glucose - produce heat energy (by-products) Differences: Aspect O2 Products Aerobic Required CO2 n H2O Anaerobic NOT Required Lactic acid muscle cell ethanol n CO2 plant / yeast 210 kJ fermentation 150 kJ muscle cell 2 molecules (B) fish - organ: gills - 4 pairs in pharynx - gill arch has 2 rows of gill filaments - each gill filaments have gill lamellae on upper n lower surface - gill lamellae form resp. surface - no air sacs

(C) insects - organ: tracheal system - parts: spiracle, air sac, trachea, tracheole - blood NOT transport gases - pair of spiracle: 2 in thorax, 8 in abdomen - chitin kept trachea open - tracheole end on plasma membrane on each cell in body cell

Energy produced

2880 kJ

Number of ATP produced Location Oxidation of glucose

32 38 molecules in mitochondrion Complete

in cytoplasm NOT Complete (D) birds -

2. Breathing Structure in Essay 2 (A) mammal - organ: lungs left n right - parts: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, alveolus, diaphragm - have air sacs (alveolus) resp. surface - right lungs larger - carry oxygenated blood

3. Human Breathing Mechanism Essay 2 Breathing Change External inter muscle Internal inter muscle Rib cage Inspiration/ Inhalation Contract Relax Rises - upwards n outwards Flattened Expiration/ Exhalation Relax Contract Lowers - downwards n inwards Bulges upwards Decrease Increase (Higher) Lower

5. How Animal Ensure Survival of Their Young Structure 4 a. Frog - produce egg in large amount - egg covered by jelly b. Scorpion n crab - bring offspring on their back until mature n have poison (scorpion) c. Kangaroo - bring offspring in pocket until mature d. Snake - circle eggs until offspring get birth e. Tortoise - lay eggs in deep hole in sand beach - offspring has hard shell at the back f. Penguin - bring egg between foot until crash


Thoracic vol. Increase Pressure in Decrease lung (Lower) Atmospheric Higher pressure Air Into lungs Out of lung movement (O2) (CO2) 4. Human n Rabbit Digestive Sys. Essay 3 Common - nutrition contain cellulose - stomach has one part - do not secrete cellulase digest cellulose

- depend on bacteria n protozoa (secrete cellulase) for cellulose digestion Differences Aspect Human Amount of Small cellulose eaten Caecum size Very small n short Digestion of Not occur cellulose Rabbit Large / all Big n long In caecum by symbiotic bacteria n protozoa Yes

6. Asexual reproduction Structure 4 (A) Binary fission - formation of 2 individuals of equal size from splitting of parents body - parent n offspring are genetically identical - involve mitotic division of nucleus n cytoplasmic division - eg: Amoeba sp. n bacteria

Re-ingestion of No faeces

(B) Fragmentation / Regeneration - reproduction where body fragment can regrow into new individual - interstitial cell involve in regeneration - parent n offspring are genetically identical - eg: Flatworm, Starfish (C) Budding - new individual is formed as bud of parent - when bud reach certain size, get off from parent, then grow individually - parent n offspring are genetically identical - eg: Hydra sp. n unicellular fungi

PROTECT FROM ENEMY a. Big Lizard Sesumpah - Change colour same with envi. b. Caterpillar - doing mimicking as has fake eye c. Snake n porcupine - have poison in mouth (snake) - have poison in thorn (porcupine) d. Skunk - smell very stinky e. Artic polar bear - have white n shiny fur

7. Physical adaptation Structure 4 (A) Hot climate Camel - long eyelashes = prevent sand enter eye - nostrils open n close = prevent sand enter - bumper = store water - rough fur = minimise water loss - wide foot surface = prevent feet sink (B) Cold climate Artic polar bear - sharp toenails = hold ice prevent fall - rough foot surface = create more friction - more fat = prevent heat loss - white n shiny fur = protection - hibernate during winter = save energy

f. Turtle - have hard shell at the back

8. Balanced diet Essay 1 - contain all food classes (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral salts, fibre n water) in correct proportions. - function a. Carbohydrate supply energy b. Protein produce n repair cell c. Fats provide energy, store food d. Vitamins Fat-S (ADEK), Water-S (BC) e. Mineral salts help in body grow f. Fibre prevent constipation g. Water medium for biochemical reaction

- deficiencies Vit. A = night blindness, B1 = beri-beri, B3 = pellagra, B6, B12, iron = anaemia, B9 = spina bifida, C = scurvy, D, calcium = rickets, E = barren, K = prevent blood clotting - factor affecting dietary-intake age, body size, sex, occupation, pregnancy, climate, lactation n life-style FOOD PROCESSING (A) Canning n Bottling Steps 1. Can is cleaned n immersed in hot water 2. Food is put into can 3. Can filled with food is heated to get rid of air in the can 4. Can is soldered to make them airtight 5. Canned food is heated in high temp. (115OC) to kill bacteria 6. Can is labelled, packed and marketed (B) Pasteurisation heating of milk - 2 ways a. temp. = 63OC, time: 30 min b. temp. = 72OC, time: 15 sec (C) Fruit Freezing / Preservation Steps - select, wash n sort best-quality fruit - do not use equipment that will react with fruit (eg: iron, copper) - use ascorbic acid

- recommend: use dry sugar / sugar syrup - pack fruit into plastic bag n keep it safely IMPORTANCE of food processing a. extend food lifespan, so food can be stored long b. prevent spread of disease due to food poisoning c. diversify usage of food substance d. increase food commercial value e. ensure enough food supply for future

10. Importance of photosynthesis Essay 3 a. release O2 which is used by animal, plant organism for respiration b. heterotrophic org. get energy from organic comp. synthesised by plant c. green plant is producer of biosphere FACTOR AFFECT PHOTOSYN RATE 1. Light intensity - light intensity increase, rate increase - reach maximum rate (plateau), as (CO2 concentration n temp.) being limiting factor

2. CO2 concentration - concentration increase, rate increase - reach maximum rate (plateau), as (light intensity n temp.) being limiting factor

3. Temperature / temp - photosyn is enzyme-catalysed process - max rate: about 30-35OC temp. - temp. above 35OC, rate decrease as enzyme denature

(D) Air movement - moist air decrease rate of water vapour diffusion - still air: less water vapour diffuse out - current air: more water vapour diffuse out

11. Factor Affect Transpiration Rate Structure 3 (A) Light Intensity - high: stomata open, more water loss - low: stomata close, less water loss - max rate: at noon 12.00 pm

12. Transpiration n Gutation Structure 3 Aspect time process Transpiration daytime losing water to atmosphere Gutation night adaptation for removing waste material suitable envi. excess glucose hidatod

condition material occur through effect

(B) Temperature - high temp. kinetic energy of water mol. increase, more water diffuse out

harsh envi. water (vapour) pores in leaf structure can affect plant not affect too (if too high rate) much 13. Adaptation on Structure 4 (A) Mesophyte adequate water supply - leaf wilting to reduce water loss (B) Xerophyte in desert - have thick with waxy cuticle stem - have long tap root

(C) Relative humidity - air outside dry, more water diffuse out, rate increse - air outside wet, less water diffuse out, rate decrease (C) Hydrophyte in water - stem has many air space buoyancy (D) Halophyte - widely aerenchyma transport oxygen Ya Alah, terangilah hati org yg bace, Amin

Answer Essay Spotted Question 1(a) Suggested dietary of secretary intake amount 1. High carbohydrate - provide energy to spend time more for working 2. Low protein - no need to repair cell as not active 3. High vitamins - A: good vision for working at night - B6: prevent fatigue 4. High mineral salts - Mg: prevent dizziness, hypertension, tiredness - NaCl: prevent muscle cramps - Iron (Fe): prevent fatigue, headaches 5. High water - increase oxygen intake into body - to prevent sleepy 6. Low lipid n fat - prevent fat storage which causes obesity 7. High fibre - prevent constipation as not moving too much

1(b) 3 ways for food preservation (A) Canning n Bottling Steps - meat, fruit, veggie n drink 1. Can is cleaned n immersed in hot water 2. Food is put into can 3. Can filled with food is heated to get rid of air in the can 4. Can is soldered to make them airtight 5. Canned food is heated in high temp. (115OC) to kill bacteria 6. Can is labelled, packed and marketed (B) Pasteurisation heating of milk 1. The milk is heated through 2 ways a. temp. = 63OC, time: 30 min, OR b. temp. = 72OC, time: 15 sec 2. Cool the milk rapidly to below 5OC 3. Taste of milk is not affected (C) Fruit Preservation Steps 1. Select, wash n sort best-quality fruit 2. Do not use equipment that will react with fruit (eg: iron, copper) 3. Recommend: use dry sugar / sugar syrup 4. Pack fruit into jar n keep it safely (D) Drying - veggie, fruit, meat 1. Dry the food under the sunshine 2. Ensure all part is dried up

2(a) How various part of plants get O2 from atmosphere (A) Through stomata 1. Stomata Opening - is promoted by high light intensity n low CO2 level - as H+ pumped out of guard cell, cell become negatively charge - K+ ions diffuse through potassium channel into guard cell, Cl- ions enter to balance charge - accumulation of K+ cause water potential in guard cell become more negative - water enter by osmosis - increased turgor pressure cause stoma open 2. Stomata Closing - triggered by high temp, increasing low level of CO2 - accumulation of Ca2+ inhibit proton pump - K+ and Cl- move out from guard cell - water potential in guard cell increase - water diffuse out by osmosis - turgor pressure decrease, cell become flaccid n stoma closes (B) Through lenticels - cell around lenticels are arranged loosely to allow diffusion of gases into n out of stem n root tissue

2(b) Characteristics of mammalian resp. surface to maximise rate of gas exchange 1. Alveoli provide large surface area - more gaseous exchange take-part 2. Surfaces of alveoli are moist - gas dissolve before being diffuse 3. Alveoli have thin wall (one-celled thick) - minimise distance for gas diffusion 4. Alveoli are surrounded by numerous blood capillaries - bring CO2 for diffusion into alveoli n carries away O2 in blood system 5. Alveoli wall are permeable - easy to O2 (diffuse in) n CO2 (diffuse out) 6. Good ventilation - provide constant supply of O2 gas into alveoli n removes of CO2 7. Elastic fibre in lungs - permit inspiration optimum extension during

3(a) Describe autotrophic n heterotrophic nutrition Autothrophic nutrition - synthesizing OWN FOOD from simple inorganic compound (A) Chemosynthetic autotroph - organism that synthesise organic matter from simple inorganic comp. using energy from oxidation of inorganic mineral - eg: sulphur bacteria use energy released from oxidation of hydrogen sulphide to form carbohydrate (B) Photosynthetic autotroph - organism that synthesise organic matter from inorganic comp. of H2O n CO2, using sunlight as energy -eg: green plants, algae Heterotrophic nutrition - obtaining nutrients by feeding other organism (A) Holozoic organism - take in food n digest it in their bodies - have specialized digestive system -eg: herbivore, detritivore (B) Saprophyte - feed on dead and decaying matter - secrete digestive enzyme onto their food, digesting it externally before the absorb digested food -eg: fungi n decomposers omnivore, carnivore,

(C) Symbiotic organism 1. Commensalism remora fish - host: not get benefit, commensal: receive benefit 2. Parasitism - tape worm - host: affected, parasite: get benefit 3. Mutualism Rhizobium in legume plant - both organism get benefit

3(b) 5 adaptation to survive in alimentary canal 1. Reduce nervous system n sense organ - prevent from moving anywhere 2. Reduce digestive tracts n absorb nutrients through whole body - maximise nutrients absorption 3. Have protective cuticle n produce mucus n anti-enzyme - prevent being digested by hosts enzyme 4. Most have flattened shapes - to cling / attached to host - to increase area of absorption of nutrient 5. Capable to carry anaerobic resp. - live in anaerobic cond. 6. Produce a lot of gamete - widely dispersed to ensure their suvival

Answer Structure Spotted Question Q1 1. Why meristemic cell has mitochondrion? - Mitochondrion provides energy, ATP for meristemic cell dividing mitotically. 2. Differences Aspect Shape Animal Not fixed Plant Fixed n regular Present Present Present

- still air: less water vapour diffuse out, rate decrease - current air: more water vapour diffuse out, rate increase 2. Effect if no leaf - Transpiration still occur, but very low rate because water loss through lenticels of stem 3. Factor effect a. light intensity b. relative humidity c. temperature 4. Precaution a. Cut the plant stem in water to prevent air bubble in xylem vessel Q4 1. Example of -Wind-pollinated: Dandelion, angsana -Insect-pollinated: Sunflower, Rose 2. Three characteristics of wind-pollinated flower a. white or dull colour b. not scented - not attract animal

Vacuole Absent Chloroplast Absent Cell wall Absent Q2 1. Aerobic n Anaerobic Resp. Differences: Aspect O2 Products Aerobic Required CO2 n H2O

Energy produced

2880 kJ

Number of ATP produced Location Oxidation of glucose Q3

32 38 molecules in mitochondrion Complete

Anaerobic NOT Required Lactic acid muscle cell ethanol n CO2 plant / yeast 210 kJ fermentation 150 kJ muscle cell 2 molecules

in cytoplasm NOT Complete

c. long filament - easy to blow by wind 3. Common between reproductions of earthworm n cockroach - both involve asexual repro. earthworm: regeneration cockroah: parthenogenesis

1. Affect of air movement factor affecting - increase the concentration gradient of water vapour in leaf n in surrounding

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