Q WP I Handbook

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Water Polo Queensland

Player and Parents Handbook

Welcome to Water Polo in Queensland, the following handbook contains information which we believe is important for you to know to make your career in Water Polo enjoyable and safe. Our Mission is to be a leading provider of Water Polo Activities, education and development throughout Queensland and to offer social and competitive team opportunities for people of all ages and abilities in a safe and fun Aquatic environment.

Water Polo Queensland Executive Committee

Water Polo Queensland is governed by an elected President and Executive Committee. The current committee of Water Polo Queensland is as follows;

President Secretary Finance Competitions Athlete Dev Marketing Country

John Birch John Toole Jeff Cranley David Glassock Brad Lauder Steve Jurgs

The Executive can be contacted by email through the Executive Director. The operations and administration of Water Polo Queensland is conducted by the office staff of the organisation.

Office staff; Executive Director State Dev Coordinator Development Officer Administration Finance Officer Contact details;
Address: Suite 2.13, Sportshouse, 150 Caxton St, Milton 4064.

Peter Marriott, Email: peter@waterpoloqld.com.au Andre Teuwsen, Email: andre@waterpoloqld.com.au Ashley Richardson, Email: Ashley@waterpoloqld.com.au Gina Fabian, Email: gina@waterpoloqld.com.au Sandra Lucas, Email: sandy@waterpoloqld.com.au

Phone: Fax: Email: Web:

3367 1661 3369 8644 info@waterpoloqld.com.au www.waterpoloqld.com.au

Office Hours are 8.30am 5.00pm, Monday to Friday

The governing body of Water Polo in Australia is Australian Water Polo Incorporated. Water Polo Queensland is the only recognised State Affiliate with Australian Water Polo in Queensland. Australian Water Polo is based in Tasmania, their contact details are as follows; Address: PO Box 60, Lindisfarne, Tasmania 7015. Phone: 03 6216 8999 Fax: 03 6216 8990 Email: peter.hobday@australianwaterpolo.com.au Web: www.australianwaterpolo.com.au

Water Polo Queensland is supported through funding by the Queensland Government through its Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation. Water Polo is also assisted by the Queensland Government through its Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS). The QAS run a Men and Womens program for elite athlete. The Coaches of the program are; Aleksandr Osadchuk - Womens Program Simon Daley - Mens Program

Policies and Codes of Behaviour of Water Polo Queensland

Water Polo Queensland endorse the Australian Water Polos Membership Protection Policy which has been written to provide a safe and comfortable environment so all members can compete and enjoy the great sport of Water Polo, in a Harassment Free environment. Details of the Membership Protection Policy can be located on the Queensland and Australian Web Sites. The Membership Protection policy outlines the various Codes of Conduct which all sections of the Water Polo community must abide by. Please take some time to make yourself familiar with these codes of conduct. Water Polo Queensland also endorses the screening of volunteers and paid employees who are involved in the instruction, leadership, management and/or coaching of any member(s) under the age of 18 years. These people will be required to undergo the screening procedures as explained under (clause 6 & 7 of the AWPI MPP) and the Commission for Young People and Child Guardian Qld Working with Children Check BLUE CARD. For more information go to www.bluecard.qld.gov.au

What is a Membership Protection Officer?

A Member Protection Officer (MPO) is the first point of call for any concerns, enquiries or complaints about harassment and abuse in sport. An MPOS role is to: Listen Provide Support Provide information about options about what a person might do Support complainant in taking matter further if that what complainant wants Keep up to date with information on harassment, discrimination and other forms of inappropriate behaviour Understand their sports policies and procedures in relation to harassment and discrimination Be accessible, approachable and maintain confidentiality Member Protection Officers within Water Polo Queensland are: Peter Marriott Andre Teuwsen Scott Schweickle Helen Park

Parents/Guardian Code of Behaviour

Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours. Encourage children to participate, do not force them. Focus on the childs efforts and performance rather than winning or losing Encourage children always to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities Respect officials decisions and teach children to do likewise Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Administrators Code of Behaviour

Includes Committee member, employee, contractor and appointed officers of Australian Water Polo Inc, Members Associations and Affiliated Clubs: Involve young people in planning, leadership, evaluation and decision making related to the activity. Give all young people equal opportunities to participate Create pathways for young people to participate in sport not just as a player but as a Coach, referee, administrator etc. Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules are modified to suit the age, ability and maturity level of young players. Provide quality supervision and instruction for junior players Remember that young people participate for their enjoyment and benefit. Do not overemphasise awards. Help Coaches and Officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development, and help improve the standards of coaching and officiating. Ensure that everyone involved in junior sport emphasises fair play, and not winning at all costs. Give a code of behaviour sheet to spectators, officials, parents, coaches, players and the media and encourage them to follow it. Remember, you set the example. Your behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive Support implementation of the National Junior Sport Policy. Make it clear that abusing young people in any way is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Spectators Code of Behaviour

Remember that young people participate in sport for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours. Applaud good performance and efforts from all individuals and teams. Congratulate all participants on their performances regardless of the games outcome. Respect the decisions of officials and teach young people to do the same. Never ridicule or scold a young player for a mistake. Positive comments are motivational. Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or players. Show respect for your teams opponents. Without them there would be no game. Encourage players to follow the rules and officials decisions. Do not use foul language, sledge or harass players, coaches or officials. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Players Code of Behaviour

Play by the rules Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the official after the competition. Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport. Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team. Your teams performances will benefit so will you. Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition. Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor. Cooperate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them there would be no competition Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Referees/Officials Code of Behaviour

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, religion or ability. Be professional in your appearance and manner and accept responsibility for all actions taken. Display high standards in language, manner, punctuality, preparation and presentation. Display control, respect dignity and professionalism to all involved with water polo (including athletes, coaches, officials, administrator parents and spectators) and encourage other Referees/Officials to demonstrate these qualities. Be courteous, respectable and open to discussion and interaction. Make a commitment to providing quality service to officiating your state and AWPI by seeking continual improvement of your officiating knowledge and skill through study, performance appraisal and regular updating of Competencies. Maintain and improve your Australian Panel Rating. Operate within the rules and spirit of Water Polo. Abide by and respect the regulations governing water polo and sport generally and the organizations and individuals administering those regulations. Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards athletes, officials, parents and coaches. This includes verbal and physical abuse. Refrain from any form of sexual harassment. This includes explicit, implicit, verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment. Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else. Ensure that equipment and facilities meet rule requirements and safety standards. Be Impartial. Avoid any situation which may lead to a conflict of interest. Show concern and caution towards sick and injures athletes. Encourage inclusivity and access to all areas of officiating. Be a positive role model for Refereeing and officiating.

Coaches Code of Behaviour

Do not tolerate acts of aggression. Provide feedback to players and other participants in a manner sensitive to their needs. Avoid overly negative feedback. Recognise players rights to consult with other coaches and advisers. Cooperate fully with other specialists (for example, sports scientists, doctors and physiotherapists). Treat all players fairly within the context of their sporting activities, regardless of gender, race, place of origin, athletic potential, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs, socio-economic status and other conditions. Encourage and facilitate players independence and responsibility for their own behaviour, performance, decisions and actions. Involve the players in decisions that affect them. Encourage players to respect one another and to expect respect for their worth as individuals regardless of their level of play. Ensure that the tasks and/or training set are suitable for age, experience, ability, and physical and psychological conditions of the players. Ensure any physical contact with players is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the players skill development. Be acutely aware of the power that you as a coach develop with your players in the coaching relationship and avoid any sexual intimacy with players that could develop as a result. Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising. Actively discourage the use of performance enhancing drugs, and the use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal substances. Do not exploit any coaching relationship to further personal, political or business interests at the expense of the best interest of your players. Accept and respect the role of officials in ensuring that competitions are conducted fairly and according to established rules. Know and abide by rules, regulations and standards, and encourage players to do likewise. Accept both the letter and the spirit of the rules. Be honest and ensure that qualifications are not misrepresented.

Policy Statement Children and Images Queensland Water Polo Inc in conjunction with Australian Water Polo Inc is committed to providing a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for all our children and young people to enjoy the sport of water polo. In this regard Queensland Water Polo Inc endorses the policy of Australian Water Polo Inc which is listed below. AUSTRALIA WATER POLO INC POLICY STATEMENT CHILDREN & IMAGES
Dear Parent/Spectator, Recently there have been some concerns from parents about the risks posed directly and indirectly to children and young people regarding people taking video and photographs of players in junior water polo competitions throughout Australia. It is very rare but evidence in Australia indicates that sometimes this information can end up being posted on an internet site or published in a magazine or newspaper where it may be used by unscrupulous people to target children. Australia Water Polo Inc understands that many parents or relatives that have children playing within junior competitions, may from time to time, take video or photographs of their child or friends for family mementos. Australia Water Polo Inc fosters the belief that providing a safe environment for all children who compete every week in competitions and tournaments across the country is of paramount importance. To help Australia Water Polo Inc provide a safer environment for our children we would request that parents join us in partnership to address the following strategies to make water polo a safer environment for our children: 1. That all parents and spectators firstly ask the permission of the athletes parent / guardian prior to taking their image where practical. Ensure that they are aware of the way in which the image may be used prior to taking a photograph or video of their child. Do not use images of other children on internet web sites, and do not use names of children when displaying images in the public arena. Change rooms must be camerafree zones. as a parent if you notice inappropriate photographic behavior regarding people that you dont know, then we suggest that you advise pool management and the coach/manager of your team immediately. We also suggest that you advise your state body of these concerns as soon as it is practically possible. Professional photographers must register with pool management and the tournament director or the event coordinator.



Australia Water Polo Inc would like to thank you for your understanding in helping us provide a safer sport for all junior water polo players. John Whitehouse Secretary General Australian Water Polo Inc

Further to this, Queensland Water Polo Inc wish to advise that the following safety checks will be in place to ensure that reasonable control on the use of photographic and video recording equipment is adhered to. Any parent intending to either photograph or videotape their child/children competing will need to; o On arrival at the venue where their child/children is competing, register with the tournament director. (A list of these parents will be available at the tournament venue). The registering parent will need to produce photographic identification to receive their pass. A drivers license is suitable. On registration, the parent will be issued with a pass which they must wear whilst taking photos/video in the competition venue. On leaving the venue, the parent must return the pass. With each attendance, the parent will need to re-register. Queensland Water Polo Inc would expect that all parents would join us in partnership to ensure a safe, fun and enjoyable environment for their children to compete in.

Complaint Resolution Flow Chart

Club/local level issue


local or state police

Possible first options: member protection officer president of club manager of team

If unsuccessful, unsatisfied or not resolved

National level issue

Other options:

Play by the Rules website state equal opportunity commission

If issue relates to a person under 18 years of age contact: child protection agency If issue relates to a criminal offence contact: local or state police

If not previously contacted, possible first options: member protection officer president, general manager or other national organisation executive member manager of team

Other options:

If unsuccessful, unsatisfied or not resolved

Play by the Rules website alternative dispute resolution organisation Australian Sports Commission (Sport Services section)


level issue

If issue relates to a person under 18 years of age contact: child protection agency If issue relates to a criminal offence contact:

If not previously contacted, possible first options: member protection officer president of club manager of team

state police (of state incident occurred in)

If unsuccessful, unsatisfied or not resolved If not previously contacted, possible options: Play by the Rules website state department of sport and recreation state equal opportunity commission If issue relates to a person under 18 years of age contact: child protection agency If issue relates to a criminal offence

Additional options:

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Court of Arbitration for Sport (Oceania Registry) ANZSLA the sports law association

Registration and Insurance

Each season you and your parent/guardian (if applicable) complete and sign a registration form signalling your intent to play Water Polo for an affiliated club or association. By signing this form you are agreeing to abide by the constitution and bylaws of Water Polo Queensland and Australian Water Polo. You are also agreeing to abide by all Water Polo Queensland policies applicable to your membership including Anti-Doping, Codes of Behaviour and the Membership Protection Policy. In return for signing this form and paying your applicable membership fee Water Polo Queensland and Australian Water Polo permit you to participate in the sport of Water Polo administered by Water Polo Queensland and provide you with cover under the National Insurance scheme. Complete details of the Sports Injury Insurance cover can be located on the Australian Water Polo web site www.australianwaterpolo.com.au or the Water Polo Queensland Web Site www.waterpoloqld.com.au Please make sure you read the schedule of benefits as the cover is limited and is not a replacement to any private medical insurance or Medicare. Your club or association is also provided with Public Liability, Products Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. Registration and insurance each year expires on the 31st of August irrespective of when you sign your registration form and pay your registration fees.

My Clubs/Associations Contact details

Every year you register to play for a club it is important that you receive the up to date list of your clubs contact details as well as your Coaches and Managers details. Club Name: ________________________________________________________________ President: __________________________ Secretary: __________________________ Registrar: __________________________ Contact # ___________________________ Contact # ___________________________ Contact # ___________________________

Junior/Senior Coordinator: _____________________________________________________ Contact # __________________________

Coach: ____________________________ Manager: __________________________

Contact # ___________________________ Contact # ___________________________

Other Important Contact Names and Numbers ___________________________________ ____________________________







On behalf of Water Polo Queensland I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable Water Polo season.

Peter Marriott Executive Director Water Polo Queensland

Acknowledgements Australian Sports Commission Sport and Recreation Queensland Australian Water Polo Scott Schweickle National Development Manager Commission for Children and Young People

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