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Written by Sharlene Lea'uanae

FIRST DRAFT Copyright March 2013

Sharlene Lea'uanae 14C Tilse Street Mareeba, QLD 4880 07 40 92 5030 0458475081 (c) Sharlene Lea'uanae

BLACK BETTY Voice over - STEVIE. Scenes 1-2 1 INT. HOUSE - DAY 1

CU of an extension cord being plugged into an electrical socket. The shot follows the extension cord through the lounge, passing band memorabilia, a guitar - Black Betty in prime position, a baby girl photo and progressive primary school photos. The cord leads out of the room, through the house, out of the back door and down the steps. 2 EXT. BACKYARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS The extension cord runs across the backyard. STEVIE V.O.) (V.O.) My dad said it only took one look at my newborn squashed up noggin to know. He said I gripped his fingers, the same ones he played C and A chords with, and he knew that he would walk away from screaming fans, late night jams and being almost famous. That was 13 years ago today; because today I am a teenager. 3 EXT. BACKYARD - DAY -- CONTINUOUS 3 2

The end of the cord is being plugged into an amp by Bruce (37). Bruce is on his knees and his bum crack says hello over his tight black jeans. He stands to face his pleading, 13year-old daughter, Stevie. STEVIE Why cant I have a normal birthday party? BRUCE Youre darn lucky. Not all kids get to have a live band. SPEARS (38), balding, jeans too tight, turns up with drumsticks in hands. BRUCE (CONTD) Heres Spears. Itll rock out, honey. Look Ill let you put a few on the play list Stevie gives a cold look. Bruce hands her a piece of paper the play list. Stevie looks at it briefly.


STEVIE I dont even know what these are. Bruce takes the list back. Despite the darts from his daughters eyes he keeps his cheerful tone. BRUCE Classics, honey. Dont tell me I didnt raise you right. Come on, sing the next line. (Singing)Cause Im bound for glory!... STEVIE (Unimpressed) We played that when I was 3. 13. This is my 13th birthday youre ruining it! (Storming screaming) Youre ruining my

Im and off, life!

Bruce watches her leave. Spears walks up to him. BRUCE Shes right. SPEARS Nah, performance nerves. BRUCE Shes becoming a woman and I dont know the first thing about women. Spears sees hes serious. SPEARS Hey, youve done a darn good job raising her all by yourself. From his back pocket, Bruce hands Spears a solicitors letter. Spears is curious. BRUCE She wants back in. The letter is a custody application from Stevies mother. SPEARS Back in? She left before the umbilical cord was cut. Bruce plucks the letter from Spears hands and stuffs it in his back pocket. BRUCE Now shes back.


INT. OFFICE - DAY In a mediators office sits an expensively dressed SANDRA (33) (Stevies mother), her solicitor, the mediator and Bruce. They are in discussion. Tension fills the air. BRUCE No visits. No birthday cards. SANDRA I wasnt in a place before... Bruce shakes his head. SANDRA (CONTD) (Confident) I am in a place now, a very financially stable place. I can provide a future for Stevie.. Bruce interjects. BRUCE Hang on. Stevies provided for and besides, it never hurt a kid to work for the things they want. I mightnt be wearing Armani suits but her and I are navigating just fine. SANDRA Maybe. But a 13 year old girl is becoming a young woman. A young woman needs...things a man doesnt understand. Bruce knows the truth behind the words. Sandra slides her business card across the table. SANDRA (CONTD) Think about her. Bruce is impacted by the words and looks to the card.


Bruce sits, munching pub peanuts, drinking a glass of milk and perusing Sandras court order application. Stevie arrives home from school. He quickly hides the papers. Stevie walks in, excitedly chatting with her friend, RACHEL (13). Bruce takes two more glasses. BRUCE Hey sweeties. How was your day? He pours their drinks. Stevie excitedly places a school dance flyer on the table.


STEVIE Just the best dad. Its official. The end-of-year graduation dance. The girls excitement overflows. They take their drinks. Bruce picks up the flyer. BRUCE Looks fancy. STEVIE It is. Theyve decided to make it formal. The girls clink glasses. BRUCE Have they got a band? Sounds like a pretty solid gig. Stevie loses her smile. BRUCE (CONTD) Who would I contact? Principal? P and C? Bruce sips his milk. Stevie slams down her drink and, taking Rachels hand, storms off. Bruce is left with Stevies mess, his milk moustache and bewilderment as to what he did. 6 INT. PUB COUNTER - DAY Bruce and Spears sit side by side on bar stools. The dance flyer is placed on the pub counter. BRUCE I thought it was a gig. Lord knows we need the money. (Spears nods) We used to be so close, but lately, I can never say the right thing. SPEARS Who knows what she wanted you to say. The Barmaid intercedes, taking the flyer. BARMAID Its not an invitation for a gig. Its an invitation to buy a dress. The two men look at each other, enlightened. 6




An uncomfortable Bruce and Stevie are formal dress shopping. The SHOP ASSISTANT eyes Bruce. Bruce selects a dress. Stevie screws up her face. She holds up an extremely short one. Bruce looks at the price. BRUCE For that price youd think they would have a bit more material. Stevie shakes her head and chooses another. They both decide against that one. Finally Stevie finds a beautiful princess style gown. STEVIE This is it dad. She holds the dress against herself, captivated. Bruce looks at the price tag in disbelief. He knows this is way beyond their budget. The Shop Assistant arrives. SHOP ASSISTANT Would you like to try it on? Bruce shakes his head no but Stevie jumps at the chance and is in the changing room before he can respond. Bruce forces a false smile at the Shop Assistant. CUT TO: Stevie exits the dressing room looking like she has just been named Prom Queen. Bruce is impressed but lacks the skills to express it. BRUCE Yeah, looks alright hey? Stevie looks at herself in the mirror. The Shop Assistant corrects Bruces emotionless response. SHOP ASSISTANT You look like a princess. Are we decided? Stevie looks to her dad, her eyes pleading for three little letters - yes. He knows they cant afford it. BRUCE Ahh, its nice sweetie, but you dont want to pick straight away, Lets look around a bit more, hey? Bruce nervously rubs his chest. Stevies disappointed but gives a little nod and walks back to the changing room. On the way she spies two other girls accessorising with their mum. Bruce follows his daughters eyes to the mother-daughter exchange and then looks back to Stevie.


INT. HOUSE - DAY CU Sandras business card beside the phone. Pan out to show Bruce and Stevie talking. BRUCE You nervous? Stevie shakes her head no but Bruce feels the hesitancy. STEVIE What do you reckon shell think of me? BRUCE Thats easy. That youre awesome, great,(points to her chest, she looks down) gullible.

Bruce smiles. She pushes his hand away. They catch each others eyes in a quick but heartfelt father-daughter moment. They are interrupted by a KNOCK on the door. They look to it and then back to each other. CUT TO: 9 INT/EXT HOUSE - DAY Bruce, Stevie and Sandra are talking at the front door. SANDRA. You really are grown up. Quite the young lady. Stevie smiles. SANDRA You ready to go? Bruce is uncomfortable. Stevie looks to her dad. STEVIE If its alright with you, dad? Sandra eyes Bruce who attempts to appear confident. BRUCE Yeah, sure, go. Ill be here, for when you get back. Right here. Sandra looks to Stevie and shows the way. SANDRA Shall we? They leave. Bruce watches them go. Stevie is impressed by Sandras flash car. 9


STEVIE Wow, is that your ride? Sandra nods and activates the central locking. STEVIE (CONTD) Sweet! They climb in and drive off. Bruce watches them leave. 10 INT. DINNING TABLE - NIGHT. 10

Bruce is putting dinner on the table. He takes a seat. Stevie comes from behind and excitedly talks and plays with her new bangles as she makes her way to the table. STEVIE Do you know that you can bargain at jewellery stores? Sandra got 3 for the price of 2. Stevie collects two glasses to bring to the table. STEVIE (CONTD) We had a caesar salad for lunch. She said she knew girls my age liked to watch their figure. Bruce looks at the KFC he is serving. Stevie goes to take a seat but Bruces attention is immediately drawn to her hot pink mini skirt. BRUCE Whoa, what is that? Stevie sits. STEVIE Relax, dad, all the girls are wearing them. BRUCE Its a bit short. STEVIE Only if you arent wearing tights. Sandra says your skirt length determines the type of man youll attract. Bruce nearly chokes on his food. BRUCE (Upset) She said what? She has no right saying that to you. Youre a kid.


STEVIE Im not a kid. Sandra said at 13 I am old enough to know Bruce fires up. BRUCE I dont care what she said. She cant just come in and change our life. Where has she been all this time? Whats she ever done for you? Ever given up? I changed my whole life for you. Stevie feels the full force of every word. STEVIE Dont I know it! Stevie stands and runs to her room. Her door slams. The impact causes Black Betty to tilt. Bruce angrily pushes his plate away, annoyed with his own actions. 11 INT. DRESS SHOP - DAY Sandra and Stevie are in the formal dress shop looking for the perfect dress she had found earlier with her dad. Stevie is a little concerned as she cant find it. STEVIE Im sure this is where it was. Its just not here. Stevie asks the shop assistant, who shakes her head. The dress has been sold. 12 EXT. SHOP FRONT FOOTPATH - DAY -- CONTINUOUS Sandra and Stevie are walking along the footpath eating an ice cream. STEVIE I cant believe I lost the perfect dress. Sandra puts an arm around her daughter. SANDRA Men. They dont know that when you find the perfect dress, cost doesnt matter. Stevie nods. 12 11


SANDRA (CONTD) How are you going to wear your hair for the dance? STEVIE Im not sure. SANDRA I can do it for you if you want? Stevies delighted. STEVIE Really? Thatd be great. Dad just doesnt care about those things. He doesnt care about anything unless its rock. SANDRA I did want to talk to you about that. Well, about us... Sandra stops and looks directly at her daughter. Stevie feels the deepness of the moment but her attention is drawn away by something in the shop window behind Sandra. Sandra turns to see what has diverted Stevies attention and sees Bruces famous guitar -Black Betty in the front window of a pawn shop. They are both shell-shocked. STEVIE Its... SANDRA Black Betty. Stevies upset by her dads treasure being in a pawn shop. STEVIE I have to go. Sandra takes her daughter by the shoulders. SANDRA You are not responsible for your dad. Stevie shakes her off. STEVIE I have to go. (Forceful) Now. CUT TO: 13 INT. SANDRAS CAR - DAY -- CONTINUOUS 13

Sandra pulls into their driveway. Stevie quickly goes to get out. Sandra grabs her arm.


SANDRA Just think about it, okay? Stevie nods and exits the car. Sandra watches her run into the house. 14 INT. HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY -- CONTINUOUS Stevie runs through the house and into the lounge room. STEVIE Dad! She pulls up short. There hanging on Black Bettys guitar stand, is her dress. Bruce walks in behind her. BRUCE Thought youd get more use out of it then I get from Black Betty. STEVIE Dad. No.. BRUCE I know youve got decisions to make and maybe youre old enough to make em. But dont make them thinking I gave up my life cause everything that matters to me fits into that dress. Stevies heart melts. They look at each other. STEVIE Shes asked me to live with her. Bruce nods to himself a few times, accepting the words. 15 INT. BEDROOM - EARLY EVENING 15 14

Stevie sits before a mirror with her hair and make-up done. She is wearing the dress. The shot moves out to reveal Sandra standing beside her, placing a clip in Stevies hair. SANDRA I never thought Id be helping my daughter get ready for her first formal dance. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. Stevie smiles. Sandra quickly directs the conversation from tear jerking territory. SANDRA (CONTD) Well, lets not keep the fans waiting.





Stevie enters the lounge room where Spears is fixing Bruces tie. He may wear a tie but below his dress shirt is his trademark skinny jeans. Sandra gets their attention by clearing her throat. Bruce is taken aback by his daughters beautiful appearance and attempts to speak but cant. Spears looks at his mute mate and sings under his breath. SPEARS Then when she asks me do I look alright.. Bruce clues in and steps forward. BRUCE You look wonderful tonight. Stevies smile lights up the room. 17 INT/EXT. BRUCES CAR - EARLY EVENING 17

Bruces car arrives at the school hall for the dance. Music spills from the building and kids gather out the front. Bruce opens Stevies door and assists her out. BRUCE Looks happening. You sure they got a band? I can call the boys.. STEVIE Dad! Bruce smile lets her know he is joking. BRUCE Show em how a rock queen does it. Stevie kisses her dad and hurries to her waiting friends. Bruce closes her door and walks around to his door. STEVIE (V.O.) My dad says tight jeans should never have gone out of fashion cause fellas in those baggy, jock showin pants dont have the same passion. He said his greatest song is still being written and the inspiration comes from a heart that has him smitten. Stevie pauses at the hall entrance and looks back at her dad. He pauses at the open car door and looks at her. STEVIE (V.O.) He said it started with one look because one look was all it took.


She waves and he raises his fingers in a rock pose. They smile and she walks in. Bruces mobile rings. As he listens to the caller he pops the boot and walks around to it. There, in all its glory, is Black Betty. A note attached reads - No-one should lose what they love, treasure & create music with. Under the strings are the court papers with a big black line through them. Bruce takes them and breathes a thank you into the phone. He puts the phone down, throws the papers in the boot and takes out his girl, Black Betty. He closes the boot. Music starts- Black Betty. Bruce straps Black Betty in the front seat. He gets in and drives off, singing loud and proud.

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