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The term albinism refers to a group of inherited diseases that affect the production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that colors skin, hair and iris (the colored part of the eye). People with albinism have less melanin or may not have it at all. Symptoms of albinism vary depending on the amount of melanin present. Usually, hair, skin and eyes are clear, but some people may have brown or reddish hair and colored skin.

What is Albinism?
The term albinism refers to a group of inherited diseases that affect production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that colors skin, hair and iris (the colored parts of the eye). People withalbinism have less melanin or may not have it at all. The symptoms of albinism vary depending on the amount of melanin present. Usually, hair, skin and eyes are clear, but some people may have brown or reddish hair and colored skin.

What assistance?
If an adult or a child is diagnosed with some type of albinism, you may be recommended genetic assistance, that is a consultation with an expert in human genetic sciences (a geneticist). The geneticist can explain in detail what caused that particular type of albinismand how the disease was inherited.

What causes it?

Genetic mutations that affect the production of a pigment called melanin. There is a cell called the melanocyte that is responsible for giving skin, hair, and eyes pigmentation. In albinism, the melanocytes are present, but genetic mutations interfere with their pigment production or their ability to distribute it to keratinocytes, the major cell type comprising the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin. There are currently five known genetic types of albinism, the most common beingoculocutaneous type 1 (OCA1) and type 2 (OCA2). Oculocutaneous means affecting the eyes and skin ("oculo" meaning eye and "cutaneous" meaning skin)

Abdominal Cramps
The cramping abdominal pain is perceived in the abdominal area. The abdominal cramps are caused by disorders that affect the abdominal organs.

What is abdominal cramps?

Abdominal cramps, commonly called "stomach ache", refer to pain that is felt in the abdominal area. Abdominal cramps are often caused by diseases that affect the abdominal organs, namely:

Stomach Small intestine colon liver gallbladder pancreas

Allergy refers to an adverse reaction of the body to a particular substance in the environment. Many substances that cause allergies are not harmful and have no effect on those people who are not allergic. Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Some of the most common allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold and pets.

What are allergies?

Allergy means an adverse reaction of the body to a particular substance in the environment. Many substances that cause allergies are not harmful and have no effect on those who are not allergic. Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Some of the most common allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold and pets. Few other common allergens include nuts, fruits and latex. An allergy develops when the body's immune system reacts to an allergen, as if it were a threat, an infection, by producing antibodies to fight it. This process is called immune response. The next time the person comes into contact with the allergen, the body "remembers" previous exposure and produces more antibodies. This causes the release of chemicals in the body leading to an allergic reaction. The most common disorders caused byallergy include asthma, eczema and hay fever. Symptoms may include:

Sneezing Wheezing Cough Rash Symptoms depend on how a person came into contact with the allergen. For example, you may have respiratory problems if inhaled pollen.

What are the causes of allergy?

An allergy develops when the immune system reacts to allergens, and they are considered to be harmful, as if they were an infection. There is a type of antibody (protein that fights viruses and infections) called immunoglobulin E (IgE), that fights the allergen. When the body comes into contact with the allergen, IgE antibodies are released causing a chemical production. Together, all these things cause the symptoms of allergic reaction. One of the chemicals involved in an allergic reaction is histamine, which causes:

The contraction of muscles, including respiratory Increased production of nasal secretions, which causes itching and burning An allergen is any substance that causes a stronger reaction of the immune system by producing antibodies against them. There are thousands of allergens, but the most common are the following:

Dust mites Pollen Pet hair or small flakes of dead skin The spores of fungi or mildew Food (especially milk, eggs, flour, soy, fish, fruits and nuts) Stings of wasps and bees Some medications such as penicillin and aspirin Latex Household chemicals

How to treat allergies?

Where possible, the best way to defend against an allergy is to avoid contact with the allergen causing the reaction.

An arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. A normal heart rate ranges from 50 to 100 beats per minute. Arrhythmias can occur with a normal heart rate, slow heart rate (less than 50 beats per minute) or rapid heart rate (faster than 100 beats per minute).

What is an arrhythmia?
An arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. A normal heart rate ranges from 50 to 100 beats per minute. An arrhythmia may occur with a normal heart rate, slow heart rate (less than 50 beats per minute) or rapid heart rate (100 beats per minute).

What causes an arrhythmia?

An arrhythmia can be caused by several factors, including:

Coronary heart disease Electrolyte imbalances in the blood (such as sodium or potassium) Changes in the heart muscle Injuries caused by a heart attack The healing process after heart surgery.

How is an arrhythmia treated?

Treatment depends on the type and severity of the arrhythmia. Some people witharrhythmias require no treatment. For others, treatment may include:

Medications Changes in lifestyle

Shivering cold sensations are accompanied by mild tremors. The chills are often related to high fever, greater than 38 C.

What is shuddering?
Shuddering is a cold sensation accompanied by mild tremors. Shuddering usually occurs in one or both of these situations:

As an accompaniment to fever After exposure to a cold environment Any condition that can produce fever (including infections and tumors) can cause shuddering.

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