Six Sigma 0 - Concepts

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Six Sigma (6)

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Introduction

Quality Management Brief History The origin of the name: Six Sigma
What does it means

Six Sigma RoadMaps

RoadMap : a map to get you where you want to go = list of sequential activities

Six Sigma Organizations

Activities must be supported by 2 main factors
competencies of the people Organization informal/formal

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Quality Management Time Dimension

Jepang memulai konsep kualitas manajemen setelah kalah perang dengan AS di tahun 1945 (+60 years ago)
1980an, Produk Jepang mengagetkan karena berhasil mendominasi asia dan mulai menggerogoti amerika, karena kualitasnya yang sama dan harga lebih murah

Amerika mencoba untuk mencari tahu kenapa? Tetapi ada language barrier dan ketergantungan quick fix yang cukup besar
Statistical Quality Control Total Quality Management Six Sigma (+20 years ago)

Japanese Investor introduce the concepts since 1980s

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

What is Six Sigma Six Sigma is a results-oriented, project focused approach to quality. Six Sigma is a way of measuring and setting targets for reductions in product or service defects that is directly connected to customer requirements Six Sigma Consists of:
Principles and Concepts Tools Basic and Advance Informal Organization Design
4 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

What is Six Sigma

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

The Real Story

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

The Real Story High Top Management Commitment The basic principals is the same
Speak with facts and figures Continuous effort and resources

It is a recipe for success, but not everybody can enjoy the meal Choose the right way for your company Use the Horse Sense
7 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Overlapping Quality Tools

basic DPMO 7 tools of statistical 6 quality tools Qualitative Measurement Chart Tools SIPOC QFD advanced Hypothesis statistical tools Testing Six Sigma Tools Quality/Process Improvement Collection Tools
8 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

7 new tools of quality

Force Field Analysis


Conjoint Analysis

Six Sigma Introduction

Quality Management Brief History The origin of the name: Six Sigma
What does it means

Six Sigma RoadMaps

RoadMap : a map to get you wher you want to go = list of sequential activities

Six Sigma Organizations

Activities must be supported by 2 main factors
competencies of the people Organization informal/formal

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

The Origin of the Name: Six Sigma

A parameter used in statistical models of the manufactured goods quality Six Sigma means six standard deviations from normal distributions


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma
1 per 1000 0.0013 per 100 1 per million 0.04 per 10000
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

The old Third Sigma

Bayangkan Nyari Ketombe Dengan 2 tipe Sisir Rambut

The Sixth Sigma


6 Sigma dan 3 Sigma

Sigma () is a measure of the statistical variation about an ideal or target value Dengan Sisir yang lebih rapat maka kita akan meminta dan mendorong kualitas yang lebih baik (Acceptable Window)
Target Target

Defects: 308,000 per million opportunities

Defects: 3.4 per million opportunities

Acceptable Window or Spec Limits

Acceptable Window or Spec Limits

2 Quality

6 Quality
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Doing the math

6 Sigma = 3.4 defects per million 5 Sigma = 230 defects per million 4 Sigma = 6,210 defects per million 3 Sigma = 66,800 defects per million 2 Sigma = 308,000 defects per million 1 Sigma = 690,000 defects per million DPMO = Defect Per Million Opportunities

3 = 1.5 misspelled word per page in a book 4 = 1 misspelled word in 30 pages in a book 5 = 1 misspelled word in a set of encyclopedias 6 = 1 misspelled word in all of the books in a small library


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Apa arti DPMO?

DPMO bukan = product reject
berarti hanya boleh 1 produk rusak dalam sekian ribu produk jadi (rusak=tidak sesuai dg harapan konsumen yang telah kita janjikan)

1 produk memiliki X kemungkinan kerusakan untuk dikatakan rusak

Misal sebuah novel bisa memiliki 3 kemungkinan kerusakan yg signifikan- halaman tidak lengkap, lem kurang kuat atau cetakan cover buruk 3 opportunities of defects per produk (This is the meaning of Opportunities dalam DPMO)
14 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Apa arti DPMO?

Bukankan kemungkinan buku rusak tidak hanya 3 diatas?
Halaman terbalik, halaman lengket, kualitas potongan pinggir, motong menceng dsb

Sangat penting untuk mencari keseimbangan antara [usaha/biaya perbaikan] dengan [jumlah kemungkinan kerusakan]
Semakin tinggi opportunities maka semakin tinggi pula tuntutan kepada proses Semakin rendah maka semakin mungkin banyak produk yang mengecewakan konsumen

Pilihlah yang signifikan, gunakan kriteria = sering terjadi, penting (misalnya karena menjadi dasar proses selanjutnya) dan/atau yang menjadi perhatian khusus dari end-customer kita
15 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Benefits of Fewer Defects


Lower scrap costs Lower rework costs Shorter cycle time Lower warranty cost Fewer complaints Lower capital costs Higher productivity Higher customer satisfaction Higher Profit
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

The Normal Curve and Capability

Units of Measure

Area of Yield

Performance Limit

Probability of a Defect

Units of Measure

Units of Measure

Poor Process Capability

Very High Probability of Defects Very High Probability of Defects Very Low Probability of Defects

Excellent Process Capability

Very Low Probability of Defects





Low LowSigma Sigma


High HighSigma Sigma

Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Process Capability Process Capability is a Six Sigma Concepts that address the long term views of a quality improvements
It is not enough to satisfy that you are within targets, but it is also important where the targets is

Jika anda mengambil data 50 kali dalam 1 hari atau 1 kali dalam 50 hari, kira-kira akan berbeda nggak?
18 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Short Term Centered versus Long Term Shifted

Higher Defect Yield in Long Term Process Capability than Short Term Process Capability


Process Capability

Six Sigma Centered

.001 ppm

-6 +6

.001 ppm


USL Process Capability

Six Sigma Shifted 1.5

3.4 ppm




Akhmad Hidayatno 4.5 USL Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia


Illustrasi Pengukuran Toleransi Ketebalan

Six Sigma Aims

The process is not capable

20 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Illustrasi Pengukuran Toleransi Ketebalan

The process is not capable

21 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Illustrasi Pengukuran Toleransi Ketebalan

The process is capable


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Cost of Poor Quality The American Society of Quality (ASQ) estimates 5.4 8.6% of sales is the cost of poor quality United Technology US$2 million Raytheon 20-30% of cost of quality which related to design


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

How to measure Cost of Quality Formula

Hitung kejadian defects (loss of quality) yang terjadi dalam tenggang waktu tertentu (per day, minggu, bulan dst) Hitung Labor Cost untuk memperbaikinya Hitung Material Cost Variasi: Hitung Loss of Purchase from a Life Time Customer


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Introduction

Quality Management Brief History The origin of the name: Six Sigma
What does it means

Six Sigma RoadMaps

RoadMap : a map to get you wher you want to go = list of sequential activities

Six Sigma Organizations

Activities must be supported by 2 main factors
competencies of the people Organization informal/formal


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

What is the Six Sigma Roadmap? D.M.A.I.C, (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) Provides a logical sequence for applying existing problem solving tools and concepts
However it is still based on PDCA


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Process and Sub-Process of Six Sigma DMAIC


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Road Map


Root Cause

Problem Solved

Real Problems


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Road Map

Develop charter Map the process

Collect baseline data on defects and possible cause Plot defect data over time & analyze for special causes Create & stratify frequency plots & do Pareto analysis Calculate process sigma Create detailed process maps

Develop focused problem statement

Create possible solutions for root causes

Develop & document standard practices Train teams

Explore potential Select solutions causes

Understand voice of the customer

Organize potential causes Collect data Use statistical methods to quantify cause & effect relationship

Develop plans Pilot plans Implement plans Measure results Evaluate benefits

Monitor performance Create process for updating procedures Summarize and communicate results Recommend future plans


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Tools in Define Phase

Affinity diagram Charter Communication plan Control charts Critical to Quality Characteristics Tree Data collection Pareto chart Run chart Process concept, (SIPOC) Review y = f(x)

Define project purpose and scope Obtain background information about the process and its customers


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Tools in Measure Phase

Control charts Data collection High level process map Detail level process map Histograms Preliminary fault tree analysis, (FTA) Measurement System Analysis, (MSA) Pareto chart Process sigma Run chart Taguchi loss function

Gather information about the current situation


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Tools in Analyze Phase

Brainstorming Cause and effect diagram Initial capability study Design of experiments Focused problem statement Histogram Hypothesis testing Scatter diagram Tree diagram
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Identify root causes and confirm these with data


Tools in Improve Phase

Project implementation timeline Brainstorming Control charts Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Histograms Pareto chart Prioritization matrix Process sigma Run chart
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Develop, try out and implement solutions to address root causes Use data to evaluate solutions


Tools in Control Phase

Standardize improvement of methods and processes in order to maintain gains in process performance Anticipate future improvements Identify and share lessons learned
Communication plan Control charts Control plan Final capability study PDCA cycle Run chart Six Sigma storyboard Process owner sign-off


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Introduction

Quality Management Brief History The origin of the name: Six Sigma
What does it means

Six Sigma RoadMaps

RoadMap : a map to get you wher you want to go = list of sequential activities

Six Sigma Organizations

Activities must be supported by 2 main factors
competencies of the people organization informal/formal


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma Belts

3 belts based on Tools Understanding Capabilities and Leadership Experience Based on level of competence and expertise in understanding and applying related tools
Green belt basic analytical tools; works on less complex projects Black belt emphasis on application and analysis; works projects with help from Green belts Master Black belt understands application and statistical theory behind application; trains other belts; leads project reviews

Definition and competencies for each belt may vary by organization and training institutions


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Own vision, direction, integration, results Lead change

Project Team Members

Part-time Project-specific

Project owner Implement solutions Black Belt managers

All employees
Understand vision Apply concepts

Green Belts
Part-time Help Black Belts

Master Black Belts

Black Belts

Full time Devote 50% - 100% of time to Black Belt activities Train and coach Facilitate and practice problem solving Black and Green Belts Train and coach Green Belts and project teams Statistical problem solving experts 37 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Executive Leader Roles:

High Level Executive committed to Six Sigma Success Commitment : Time, Money and Other Resources Knowledgeable in Six Sigma Process Assign key individuals to the Champion/Sponsor Position.


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Champion/Sponsor Roles:

High Level Executive Oversee the Black Belt positions Benchmark with other organizations Provide resources to complete the job Assist Black Belts to select projects selecting projects; identifying Black and Green Belt candidates; Set improvement targets Review the projects on regular basis and Remove any road blocks to programs success.
Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Master Black Belt Roles: Resource for the Black Belts-experts on the mathematical theory of statistical methods Experts on the Six Sigma process (Technical leaders of Six Sigma) Works with the Champion/Sponsor to select projects. Serve as instructors for Black & Green Belts; Provide ongoing coaching and support to project teams to assure the appropriate application of statistics; Provide assistance to Project Champions; Deploy Six Sigma program.
40 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Black Belt Roles: Leaders of the Six Sigma process Solely dedicated to Six Sigma Program Oversee Green Belts Backbone of Six Sigma deployment; Highly qualified; Lead teams; Manage projects; Drive teams for solutions that work; Attack chronic problems; Responsible for bottom line results: Bring the project vision to reality
41 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Green Belt Roles: Project Leaders Support the Black Belt to complete the project Assist in data collection, input; Analyse data using software; Prepare reports for management.


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

What to Do Then 9 Appoint a Champion 9 Select a Cross-functional team 9 Develop quantifiable goals 9 Develop an implementation plan
9Establish a training program (Create Green Belts, Black Belts etc) 9Address data collection requirements and issues 9Develop a change control and maintenance program

9 Coordinate your road map

43 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Closing Slides


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Six Sigma the limits? GE Americoms Telecommunication has reache 8.7 Sigma 8.7 Sigma means 99.9998% reliability


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Quality Dashboard Show the current progress of quality improvement Anyone can see it and contributed to the improvement Medium for communications, motivations and cooperation


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Quality Dashboard

Just like car dashboard, which gives you speed, distance and engines, indicator. How about Quality Dashboard?
47 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Quality Dashboard
Improvement so far

Procedure currently developing


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

Quality Dashboard Tips Choose carefully which info should be display, be SMART (Simple, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, Timely) How often should be updated Different indicators for different department Use group agreement, not personal decision Be attractive to look
49 Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

GEs Quality Dashboard Show the current progress of quality improvement Anyone can see it and contributed to the improvement Medium for communications, motivations and cooperation


Akhmad Hidayatno Teknik Industri Universitas Indonesia

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