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It is commonly argued that physical weathering is confined to high latitudes and chemical weathering to low latitudes.

However, this is not always the case as there are exceptions. When referring to high latitudes, it is commonly associated with climatic conditions that are near the poles that would allow fluctuating temperatures, seasonal variations and comparatively less annual precipitation received. Low latitudes on the other hand are commonly associated with climatic conditions that are nearer to the equator with high levels of temperature, precipitation and vegetation. Although I agree that physical weathering is more dominant in low latitudes, there are a few exceptions that would show that the opposite is true. Physical weathering does take place in high latitudes. An example would be freeze-thaw action. The fluctuating temperatures of above and below 0c at high latitudes, such as the climatic areas of glacial and peri-glacial, allow freeze-thaw to occur by supporting the repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Water freezes and expands at 9% when it is frozen. This exerts pressure on the larger joints, crevices or pore spaces that water has initially seeped in. As a result, the rocks lines of weaknesses are widened. For larger joints and crevices, the rock will be prised away giving rise to large angular fragments. When freeze-thaw action is dominant in the area, it would lead to a castellated profile for mountain ridges and tops and also the presence of blockfields, which is the accumulated large pieces of frost-shattered rock, scattered across flatter uplands. An example of such places with such distinct features as a result of the dominance of freezethaw action would be the Italian Dolomites (also known as the Five Finger Nails due to its distinct castellated appearance) and the Ben Macdui blockfields in the United Kingdom. Since Italy and the United Kingdom are found in high latitudes of 30N and above, the dominance of resultant landforms are concentrated there. This relationship of physical weathering being dominant in climatic regions with low temperature and low annual rainfall is illustrated by the Peltiers model. Thus, it is true that physical weathering processes are concentrated in the higher latitudes due to the presence of favourable climatic conditions.

Nurul Syahindah 2SR27

However, physical weathering can also occur at the lower latitudes. An example would be salt-crystal growth. The warm temperatures at lower latitudes allow a high evaporation rate which is a key component in encouraging salt-crystal growth, as it is strongly required for capillary action of water and the evaporation of water itself to allow salt crystals to be formed. Also, the presence of saline water that can be greatly found in lower latitudes such as those of semiarid, arid and coastal areas as it is readily available is also another key factor to why physical weathering (in this case salt crystal growth) can also occur at lower latitudes. In groundwater, saline water is in abundance as mineral salts are dissolved in the groundwater (examples would include sodium chloride and sodium sulfate). This groundwater is drawn into joints and pore spaces via the process of osmosis where water molecules would move from an area of high concentration to a lower concentration. When the water evaporates due to the high temperatures at low latitudes, the salt crystals would be left behind. As this process keeps repeating itself, the salt crystals would eventually grow larger in size thus increasing pressure in the joints and pore spaces. As a result, the joints would widen and would eventually be prised away. In pore spaces, the rock would flake over time. It occurs similarly at coastal areas as it receives a constant supply of saline seawater for salt crystal growth to occur. Therefore, it is not true

Nurul Syahindah 2SR27

that physical weathering is confined to high latitudes, it can also occur at low latitudes if the conditions are favourable. Chemical weathering often occurs at low latitudes. An example would be the hydrolysis of feldspar. The warm temperatures and high mean annual rainfall allow hydrolysis of feldspar not to only occur but to occur at a faster rate. As a result, deep regolith (weathered materials from chemical weathering, especialy that of hydrolysis of granite with the byproduct of kaolinite) and distinct granitic landforms such as tors, inselbergs and castle koppies can be formed. Hydrolysis occurs when there is a chemical reaction between rock minerals and water. Igneous rocks, especially granite, are susceptible to hydrolysis as their silicate minerals react readily with water. An example of a well-developed domed inselberg would be the Pilot Mountain at North Carolina, USA. This relationship of chemical weathering being dominant in climatic regions with high temperature and high annual rainfall is illustrated by the Peltiers model. Therefore, chemical weathering is dominant in low latitudes. However, chemical weathering can be found in high latitude areas too. An example would be the carbonation of limestone. The cooler temperatures and lower amounts of annual mean rainfall received allows carbonation to occur dominantly in low latitudes. With lower precipitation received, there would be lower amounts of surface run-off and higher processes of infiltration and percolation. As a result, distinct underground limestone karsitic landforms occur due to the dominance of hydrolysis at low latitudes. Carbonation is the reaction between dissolved carbon dioxide in water and carbonate rocks to produce a soluble byproduct calcium bicarbonate. It occurs when atmospheric carbon dioxide is dissolved in rainwater or soil water to form a weak carbonic acid. With low temperatures at low latitudes, carbon dioxide dissolves even readily thus allowing large amounts of carbonic acid to be formed. It would then attack the susceptible mineral, calcium carbonate (calcite, in limestones) to form the soluble by-product of calcium bicarbonate that can be re-precipitated back to calcium bicarbonate. An example of a well formed and distinct underground karsitic landform due to hydrolysis would be the Skocjan Caves in Slovenia. Therefore, chemical weathering can be found in high latitudes too and that it is not only confined to low lattitudes. In conclusion, it is evident how important the role of latitudes in determining climatic conditions in order for certain types of weathering processes to occur. With different climatic conditions at different latitudes, different types of weathering assumptions are made. In my opinion, I agree that chemical weathering is dominant in low latitudes and physical weathering at high latitudes but I disagree that they are only confined to this relationship because, as discussed there are exceptions to give it a reversal trend.

Nurul Syahindah 2SR27

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