Egp Week 3

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buchrim now have in learning (though

it seems that Yossi and Levi may

have too much chayus, I wonder is
there more going on here, then what
meets the eye). Anyway the buchrim
are learning which is obviously the
reason the came to camp, and are
definitely giving the Rebbe a lot of
nachas. Keep it up!
no matter
what it is, is
always excit-
ing. Whether
its stomping
on balloons,
plays (last
year was so
much better),
or trying to do
more push-ups than Yossi, the
buchrim are always involved and is
always a highlight of the days.
The nine days are tough, so no trips
or swimming (but yes soaking
Chaimle, well done boys) but next
week is Tishaa Bav and then, Oh
boy, things are going to get crazy!!!!
Till next week, year good friend and
news reporter,
Totally Wrecked, (and totally exhaust-
Wow I cant believe visiting day is
already here; the parents all came,
those who had no visitors went
down to the river, the staff com-
plained about the tips, ahhhh a vis-
iting day to remember.
Anyway after everyone got settled
back in we got ready for a smash-
ing week of
sports, night-
activities, learning
classes, and late
nights. After an
exciting week of
sports, the great
teams have
started to show
why they are the
great teams,
especially S.
Esaguis team as
well as M. Rutmans, but there is
plenty of time left to go, especially
after the blockbuster five team
trade that went down on Thursday,
and playoff seeding is still wide
open. The intensity is picking up
and it will be a lot of fun to see
which teams will pick up their
game, and which teams will fold
under the pressure. And as al-
ways, Insert name
here is the worst ref EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
KLUGER kicked off this week,
and its great to see the chayus the
Week in review


V O L U M E 7 , I S S U E 3
This week we asked a random
1000000 E.G.P. Bochurim
to how many coun-
try's has BLTHKLS
been to?
99% all country's
65% we love yeka
54% he's only been to
33% what is Shloimy
45% Africa, Saudi Ara-
bia, zimbabwe, japan,
dnepr, and up

The weekly

Shabbos chazon
Vov menachem-av

TZH General's

Quote of the week: one day in the middle of the night
Down 1, seven seconds left to the
game to the game, team somebody was desperate to win the
game after thirteen straight games without a win, coming
out of the huddle Uziel takes the ball, dribbles it down
court, fve seconds left, Uziel bounces the ball from left to
right, three seconds left Uziel spins around his defender,
Uziel pulls up for a jump shot, Uziel releases the ball over
his defender, one second left the ball is in the air the shot
clock is of the ball goes in, nothing but net and Uziel gives
his team the frst win in three weeks. Ball game over team
somebody wins team somebody wins.
Nothing can be done without Uziel
(Think something Torahdik)
Down seven, game three in the volleyball series, winner takes all,
theres not a sound in the volleyball court, everyone is focused cap-
tain Y. Ezagui takes the ball goes behind the serving line and serves
over the net, back and forth the heads in the audience are going lef
and right lef and right , a minute and six seconds past and the ball
stll did not drop, all of the sudden a voice from the lef front post
Levi Mishulovin says think something Torahdik , fve seconds later
the ball dropped in team anyones ground and from that point the
momentum shifed to team everybody and for the next fve minutes,
everything went team everybodys way and from down seven team
everybody caught up and went on to win the volleyball game.
(Think something Torahdik)
Published by sports director Yossi Gersovitz

Everybody 15 -3
Anyone 13-5
Someone -9-9
Anybody -8-10
Somebody -5-13
Nobody -4-14


A message from the underground
hey you guys.
Its me. yepperdee. Thats right
debaga bedaga.
heres what happened in the last
Baruch Hashem i made it to the
airport, with my entire luggage,
except for two pairs of pants.
i have 2 suitcases 3 garbage
bags, 1 zip lock bag and a bag
for my pet raccoon.
hears whats in my luggage
1. five and a half pairs of pants.
2. 3 shirts.
3. 75 socks ( 326 holes).
4. 23 hangers.
5. a bag of cotton candy.
6. tefiilin.
7. a teddy bear, his name is fluffy.
8. a light bulb.
9. some silly putty.
10. a empty water bottle.
11. leftover cholent from shabbos.
12. a rock.
13. 2 walking canes.
14. a half of a paper plate.
15. and 107 pennies.
Anyway I got on a plane by
sneaking into someones suit-
case, it was green. But when I
got out of the suitcase I had no
idea where I was, until I saw a
sign that said deneperpetrovsks,
so I looked around for my
luggage and I only found my
pet raccoon and 3 socks. But I
thanked Hashem for getting
me safely to land.
I was really cold so I put on
the socks and I went to a
store to buy a coat. But when
I handed the store man the
107 pennies that I had,
He said it is not enough
So I told him that I am go-
ing to EGP and I need to
walk all the way there.
So he said you are crazy
And I said I know
So he said, do you know
how far away you are from
And I said no
so he said you have to
take a plane to get to EGP
So I said I just did
So he said ok you could
have the coat
So now I am on my way to
you guys and I think Im go-
ing to be there very soon.
Cant wait to see you
Bye bye!

Line of the week: why are the showers hot or cold
Wow! What a fun flled week! Sports galore, late nights, plays
the list just doesnt end! But more importantly, the davening and learning this week improved awesomely! Guys,
keep it up!! But do try to come on tme, so me and asher can go to breakfast and not have to sit and wait with
Anyway, this week is Shabbos chazon, when every single Jew, yes even the uly guys gets a vision of the 3
hamikdosh. It is a ray of hope in the dark 9 days. Even if we dont see it, our neshomos do, and that has an efect
automatcally on us. The mashal is given by r levi yitzchok of berditcev, about a father who loved his son dearly.
He bought him a beautful new suit. But the son was an immature kid, and played in the suit. Before long, the suit
ripped. In his great love, the father bought another expensive suit for his son. But yet again, the kid ripped it. The
third tme around, the father bought a suit, but didnt give it right away. He put it away in a closet, and once every
3 months would show it to his son, reminding him to repent and be a good boy. The son, who really wanted the
suit, eventually shaped up and deserved the garment.
The nimshal is obviously the beis hamikdash. Hashem gave us 2 batei mikdash, but we in our sins,got them de-
stroyed. So now, hashem shows us the third beis hamikdash, this Shabbos. This arouses a desire for moshiach, and
for us to receive the revelatons of the 3
beis hamikdash. This makes us want to become beter. Amen, and
moshiach now
A word from our hc
Once again its Friday a few minutes
before Shabbos and its tme to write
up the newsleter, I am not sure even
where to start from because this whole
week was flled with a Chassidishe envi-
ronment, startng from Tanya Bal Peh
that most of the Bochurim learnt, with
a total of 687 lines learnt (wow!) Chev-
rah you guys are capable just put in all
your efort and youll see that you can
Moving to Chayolei Beis Dovid BH this
week we had a lot of Bochurim who
flled in the Duch IYH next week well
have a lot more Bochurim involved.
Keep it up and just remember you all
have potental just give it all ya got!
A Word From our TZH director

Pick a Caption

Picture of the week
Who is that?
What is that?
Why is that?
Is that ????????? fluff

We would to give a big Mazel Tov
to our Dear
HC Chatan Hageula
On the occasion of his
May they have a binyan adei ad..
25 years ago in The Shtetel of Brnoy
the Three legendary staf members
get together and start planning how
they can give a great time to the EGP

Qustion of the week: When will we actually have a strict lights out?
To our Beloved Camper all the wy Miami Beacvh Florida
which came to spend his 2nd summer here in Chayolei
and Recruited hundreds of thousands of campers to
Chayolei inall division none other then
Motty Druin Shlita
Mazal Tov

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