Dotnet Projects: 1. A Coupled Statistical Model For Face Shape Recovery From Brightness Images

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1. A COUPLED STATISTICAL MODEL FOR FACE SHAPE RECOVERY FROM BRIGHTNESS IMAGES A coupled statistical model can be used to recover facial shape from brightness images of faces. This project is a software tool that helps a user to recover the face from the given input image. The input image may be either dark or bright image, where the image is not so clear to identify. This tool is mainly aimed for the users, who are in need to identify the face hidden in the input image, if present. We achieve this by capturing variations in intensity and the surface shape representations using a coupled statistical model. The model is constructed by performing principal analysis on sets of parameters describing the contents of the intensity images and the facial shape representations. By fitting the coupled model to intensity data, facial shape is implicitly recovered from the shape parameters. The Face Detection and shape recovery system provides a solution that can automatically detect faces and shape position and recover the hidden image from the given input image. The system takes photographic images as input. The output consists of an array of rectangles, which corresponds to the location, and scale of faces detected and comparison output. If it detects no faces, it results in informing that no face is found.

2. A SECURE AND EFFICIENT KEY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The project implements the fundamental establishment of group key through distributed and collaborative approach for a dynamic peer group. The main function of the project is to provide secured communication through key authentication process. Three Interval Based Re-Keying algorithms are used to eliminate the individual re-keying approach in which re-computation of the key is performed after each joining and leaving

of the member. The three interval based re-keying algorithms are 1. Rebuild Algorithm 2. Batch Algorithm 3. Queue-Batch Algorithm. The usage of these three interval based rekeying algorithm maintains the distributed nature in which there is no centralized key server and collaborative nature in which the key is generated in a contributory fashion. The interval based re-keying algorithms significantly out-performs the individual rekeying algorithm. Queue-Batch Algorithm performs the best among the three intervals based algorithms. More importantly, the Queue-Batch Algorithm substantially reduces the computation workload in a highly dynamic environment. The interval based re-keying algorithms concentrates on authentication, which focuses on security. 3. ADAPTIVE ROUTE OPTIMIZATION in Hierarchical Mobile IPV6 Networks. Introducing a Mobility Anchor Point (MAP), Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) reduces the signaling overhead and handoff latency associated with Mobile IPv6. However, if a Mobile Node (MN)s session activity is high and its mobility is relatively low, HMIPv6 may degrade end-to-end data throughput due to the additional packet tunneling at the MAP. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Route Optimization (ARO) scheme to improve the throughput performance in HMIPv6 networks. Depending on the measured Session-to-Mobility Ratio (SMR), ARO chooses one of the two different route optimization algorithms adaptively. Specifically, an MN informs a Correspondent Node (CN) of its on-Link Care-of Address (LCoA) if the CNs SMR is greater than a predefined threshold. If the SMR is equal to or lower than the threshold, the CN is informed with the MNs Regional CoA (RCoA). We analyze the performance of ARO in terms of balancing the signaling overhead reduction and the data throughput improvement. We also derive the optimal SMR threshold explicitly to achieve such a balance. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that ARO is a viable scheme for deployment in HMIPv6 networks.

4. DISTRIBUTED MOBILITY MANAGEMENT FOR TARGET TACKING IN MOBILE SENSOR NETWORKS The project Distributed Mobility Management for target tracking in mobile sensor Network proposes scalable, robust, efficient location database architecture based on the location- independent PTN. For mobile sensor networks that are deployed for surveillance applications, it is important to use a mobility management scheme that can empower nodes to make better decisions regarding their positions such that strategic tasks such as target tracking can benefit from node movement. In this paper, we describe a distributed mobility management scheme for mobile sensor networks. The proposed multi-tree database architecture consists of a number of database subsystems, each of which is a three-level tree structure and is connected to the others only through its root. Location management procedures involve numerous operations in various databases. These databases record the relevant information of a mobile user, trace the users location by updating the relevant database entries, and map the users PTN to its current location.

5. TEA ENCRYPTION (ALGORITHM) Sensors are tiny computers with limited computational capability and physical resources. The implementation of secure protocols for sensor network is a big challenge. In order to provide high security for sensor networks, it is very important to choose a small, efficient and effective encryption algorithm as a security primitive. The TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm) is an efficient algorithm that requires little memory and resources. These features make the TEA a good candidate for security mechanism for sensors. In this paper we describe an implementation of the TEA algorithm on the platform of sensor

networks. In our experiment, the data packets obtained from photo and temperature sensors are encrypted on the sensor node using the TEA algorithm. After that, they are sent to the base station by radio. The base station will receive the data packets and forward them to attached PC, where the data packets are decrypted and displayed. We also propose a particular approach to efficiently evaluate the performance of the TEA in terms of execution time on sensor nodes.

6. HIGH RESOLUTION ANIMATED SCENES FROM STILLS Current techniques for generating animated scenes involve either videos (whose resolution is limited) or a single image (which requires a significant amount of user interaction). In this project, we describe a system that allows the user to quickly and easily produce a compelling-looking animation from a small collection of high resolution stills. Our system has two unique features. First, it applies an automatic partial temporal order recovery algorithm to the stills in order to approximate the original scene dynamics. The output sequence is subsequently extracted using a second-order Markov Chain model.

Second, a region with large motion variation can be automatically decomposed into semiautonomous regions such that their temporal orderings are softly constrained. This is to ensure motion smoothness throughout the original region. The final animation is obtained by frame interpolation and feathering. Our system also provides a simple-to-use interface to help the user to fine-tune the motion of the animated scene. Using our system, an animated scene can be generated in minutes. We show results for a variety of scenes.

7. A grid portal for a parallel and Distributed Computing To develop grid infrastructure, enables extensive/accurate testing of student programming assignment without requiring specialized or expensive hardware, and provides the ability to run portability tests and field tests in distributed environments, a useful feature in courses on distributed programming. A grid infrastructure is to be created to automate the system of assignment submission. It supports the processing of two programming languages such as java and dot net. There are four modules available in the system 1. User 2. Main Server 3. Java Server 4. Dot Net Server

1. User There are three types of users in this system. 1. Admin 2. Staff 3. Student


The administrator is the responsible person to allow the users students and

staffs. The course registration is also done by the administrator. Staff The staffs are allotted a course by the administrator. When they log into the system, the course allotted for him, his students are to be displayed and they will post the assignment question. Student The students are allotted a course by the administrator. When they log into the system, the assignment allotted for him, his assignment results are to be displayed. 2. Main Server This is the grid server, which forwards the requests to the other servers for processing and the result will be stored in the Database. 3. Java Server This server process the request which contains the java program. 4. Dot Net Server This server process the request which contains the c# program.

8. Attendance Maintenance System This project computerized employee attendances which are done in an Office. The main concept of this project is time management, easy to use, flexible, no data repentance and office employee attendances are customized through Scanner device in a high secure manner. The project describes about Employee personal details, Employee Salary package.

Online Internet accessing facility, Weekly report, Monthly report and Yearly report are also to be maintained.

9. Chronicles Manager (Online Library System 3DMAX, FLASH)

Since today more and more complementary information is available in different electronic media there is an increasing demand for the integration of traditional digital library systems and multimedia systems. which is an advanced meta system and enhances existing digital library systems or retrieval systems by additional storing and indexing of user-defined multimedia documents, automatic and personal linking concepts, annotations, filtering and personalization.

Freely available library catalogue, giving access to the merged online catalogues of many major countries, as well as increasing numbers of specialist libraries. Library web service is a portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals...).

VIRTUAL LIBRARY Very useful "reference collection of online texts for students of the subject related. It links open-access texts from across the web." Fully Animated Process and show the page in 3 Dimensional view.

Password Needed: Database licensing requires that we provide remote access only to registered library users via a protected password, which can be obtained by logging into online library system with your library card number and PIN. Once you are logged in, click on My Profile in the thin blue banner. The current password is displayed here.

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10. IRIS Unlike other biometrics such as fingerprints and face, the distinct aspect of iris comes from randomly distributed features. This leads to its high reliability for personal identification, and at the same time, the difficulty in effectively representing such details in an image. This paper describes an efficient algorithm for iris recognition by characterizing key local variations. The basic idea is that local sharp variation points,

denoting the appearing or vanishing of an important image structure, are utilized to represent the characteristics of the iris. The whole procedure of feature extraction includes two steps: 1) a set of one-dimensional intensity signals is constructed to effectively characterize the most important information of the original two-dimensional image; 2) using a particular class of wavelets, a position sequence of local sharp variation points in such signals is recorded as features. We also present a fast matching scheme based on exclusive OR operation to compute the similarity between a pair of position sequences. Experimental results on 2255 iris images show that the performance of the proposed method is encouraging and comparable to the best iris recognition algorithm found in the current literature.


This document describes the design of a highly scalable differentiated services (DS) tested and its associated network monitoring, visualization, and control (NMVC) middleware. This integrated system is designed to allow end-users, applications, and administrators to monitor, visualize, and control the performance of their quality of service (QoS) across multiple autonomous networks (AN)s by integrating (1) advanced networking hardware, (2) QoS-enabled middleware, and (3) scalable visualization algorithms to support differentiated services across ANs.

This document also describes the first of a series of NMVC demonstration systems, each building on the experience gained by its predecessor. The initial demonstration system combines our real-time CORBA Audio/Video Streaming, Trading, and Naming services, Distributed Object Visualization Environment (DOVE) framework, and Distributed Object-Oriented Reliable Service (DOORS). This demonstration system will build our experience integrating these advanced components, define a rapid prototyping environment from which we can obtain valuable baseline performance and resource

costs, and provide feedback on the middleware components and hooks necessary to extend the system capabilities statically and dynamically. The key benefits of our NMVC middleware are to (1) ensure adequate end-to-end QoS to applications while (2) maintaining high levels of network and endsystem resource utilization. In addition, NMVC allows network administrators to calibrate and fine-tune network and application parameters in real-time according to observed traffic patterns. These capabilities of NMVC help to ensure that network elements, middleware network services, and applications adapt efficiently to dynamically changing conditions.

12. E-Hirer
The E-Hirer 5.0 which involves Master, Entry, Transaction and Report Modules. The Main module of master form check the Customer, Financier type, Stock Details, Expense Amount, Payment List and discount checking. The next module in Entry module to fill details about the customer details, Financier list, Stock register, Expense amount list, paramount type, discount finally and proof details. The transaction modules to check the details old customer, new customer, due, bind, billing through all the information about in calculate. The finally report showing customer,daily,monthly,yearly,bindle, stock, restore and day end information


This project proposes scalable, robust, efficient location database architecture based on the location-independent Personal Telecom- munication Number (PTN). Global roaming is a basic service of the future mobile networks, where terminal mobility and personal mobility must be supported.

14. e-consulting
This e Consultancy is to take care of the searching of suitable job by a candidate, identifying the required skill set by organizations and to provide the marketing. Here any candidate can enter their own bio-data for getting suitable job, the job provider can easily the identify the required potential and also to provide advertisement.

The main objective of my project is to reduce the time for both job seekers and job providers. For the system the Front-end is and Back-end is SQL Server. The system is developed by adopting top-down modular approach.

The system provides flexibility to run in all types of Browsing Software. The system is friendlier end user because any user can execute the system without any pre knowledge, and contains help assistance in options. This project clearly tested and implemented in over company Internet. The System followed 3-tier Architecture. So all the data are stored globally.

The system provides all most all types of security. With respect to security I have maintained one counter which is used for identifying authentication person. To access the above system full security is implemented by providing password to individual users. Proper controls are used in this system to avoid the incurrent operations.

15. Bug Tracking.

The project contains three main modules. These are Administrator, Staff and Customer. The administrator logins to the application and enters the details are Staff Entry, Project Entry, View New Bugs From Customers, Assign Bug to staff, View Bug case flow status details, Send message to customers. The staff details are username, password, category and Email Id. The project details are name and description. The bug details are project

name, error category, error details, print screen of the bug, due date to reply for the bug. Bug assign details include the ticket number which is generated for the bug and other messages. Case flow details include bug details, which staffs are involved in solving the bug, and the status. The message sending includes the message details for the bug solution. The staff may login to the site using username and password. Then he may view the bugs assigned to them. He can directly give solution message to customers or he can assign the bugs to other staffs if the bug is related to them. The user may view bug case flow details with which he involved. The customer registers in to the applications and login to the site using username and password, whenever a bug is raised from his software; he sends the bug details to the administrator with print screen of the bug generated. He may see the bug case flow details and bug status along with remedy details at any time using the ticket number generated during new bug entry.

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