2nd Written Test 7 - 2012

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Za ocenu 2 I Prepoznaj vreme. Podvuci odnosne recenice. 1. 2. 3. 4. I like music. We are sleeping now. She will come. He watched TV yesterday. recenici, a sta might? I was sleeping all night. He is going to help me with the test. I have seen this film seven times. II Podvuci u recenici gerund. IV

1. He likes skiing a lot.

1. I like people who are good.

2. She stopped eating sweets. 2. I need apples which are sweet. 3. They hate fishing. III Podvuci infinitiv. 3. These are animals which are nice. V Sta izrazava should u

5. 6. 7.

1. I promised to go there. 2. Marko likes to eat apples.

1. I should sleep now. 2. I might visit you.

3. They offered to buy me a drink. V Prepisi primer gde je iskazano slaganje sa

IV Prepisi recenicu koja ima QUESTION TAG. recenicom. 1. 2. He is happy, isnt he? Is he happy? Neither am I. 3. We are at home. 4. Are they at home?

1. I work in a bank. Really? 2. I work in a bank. So do I.

3. He is here. Great! 4. She isnt happy.

Za ocenu 3 I Put the verb into the given tense. IV Agree with the sentences. 1. She (work) in a bank. [present simple] wasnt happy. They (watch) this film many times. [present perfect] 2. He closed the door. They (sleep) all night . [ past continuous] Peter was sleeping. He (go) home. [past simple] Sonia is crying. III Write question tags.

1. She is a doctor.

1. She


2. They will arrive.


3. Mary hasnt written her homework.



4. Donny doesnt work here.


II Make questions and negatives from sentences ion exercise 1. gerund. Write 5 sentences. VI Write should or might. into gerund or infinitive. 1. You _______ stay here. Its dangerous. ______(sleep). I m not sure. They ______ come. promised _____(go). You _______ drink alcohol.

V Describe the picture using

VII Write who or which.

VIII Put verbs

1. There is a man ____ is rich.

1. He likes


2. She is a girl _____ I like.

2. They

3. 4.

3. Its a house _____ we bought. 3. They enjoy _____(swim). 4. She agreed

Dont go anywhere. The guests _____ come. 4. Hes a boy _____ stole my money. ______(stay).

Za ocenu 4 /5

I Put the verbs into the correct tense: statements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I have a plan. I (be) a doctor one day. Ouch! My leg hurts! I (fall) off the window. Yesterday morning I (miss) the bus to school. I think it (rain). While he (sleep) they (watch) TV. She (sleep) when it (start) to snow. sentences. I (lie) on the bed at the moment He (speak) Chinese.

II Add question tags.

III Agree with the

1. He broke his arm.

1. I bought a car. 2. She s bought a cat.

2. Theyve remembered to come. 3. Shes got a brother.

3. They arent sleeping. 4. He can drive.

4. He wont lie to me.

IV Describe the picture using gerund. Write 10

7. 8.

V Put the verbs into gerund or infinitive. 1. 2. Oh, no! I forget (clean) the house. Mum will kill me! She doesnt mind (smoke) in the house. they decide to come. Peter wants (stay) longer. I regret (tell) you hes no longer here. wait for him! She prefers (play) tennis. I have that book? Really? I forgot (buy) that book. relative sentences.

VI Put should, shouldnt, might not or might. 1. Hmm! I think you ________ do this better! 2. They _______ come! I would prepare lunch in case

3. 4.

3. Children ________ play with sharp objects. 4. He ________ come! It looks like we didnt need to

5. 6.

VII Join sentences. Use what you know about

1. He is a doctor. He works in childrens hospital. 2. This is my car. I bought the car yesterday.

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