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Digital Curation/Creative Interpretation Project Your final project for this class will be a creative project based on one

of the novels we read this semester. There is really no limit to what you can do with this project. There are two broad categories from which you can begin: you can curate artifacts and media related to your novel accompanied by a written narrative, or you can design and create an artistic interpretation of a novel accompanied by a written narrative. Project Components: Due Aug 1 by 11:59 PM o Storyboard Due Aug 17 by 11:59 OR a pre-arranged time if you are submitting something that cant be sent via email o Curated Collection of at least 8 artifacts/media OR Creative Interpretation o Accompanying Written Narrative (required for both options)

Project Objectives: Creatively interpret a theme or critical question from the novel you choose Demonstrate your point of view about the novel Collect at least 8 artifacts or media that best represent the story you want to tell about the novel --OR-Create an artwork/creative visual that interprets an aspect/theme of the novel Integrate concepts and keywords/themes that weve discussed this semester such as art vs. life, the creative process, imagination, womens roles (and the critique of them), the purpose of art, self-realization, isolation, etc. Write a narrative that explains your choices and how your project demonstrates your interpretation of the novel

Methods of Turn-in: Carefully consider how you are going to turn in your project as you plan it. Will you be able to send me a link or a file via email? Must you turn it in to me physically? If you create something tangible and arent in the East Lansing area, can you perform a video tour of it and send it to me or post it on YouTube? If you are sending me something that cant be transmitted via email, youll need to make special arrangements with me for turn in. Pick Your Novel: Consider the novels weve read this semester. Which one resonated the most with you? Why? Do you have a unique perspective or argument about one of the novels? Which one are you passionate about? Which novels supports your medium of interpretation, i.e., painting, diorama, film documentary, website, etc.? Does one of the characters experiment with an art form that youd like to experiment with? Do you relate to a character and want to use your project to explore that characters point of view? For example, what do you think Edna Pontelliers paintings looked like? What do you think her pigeon house looked like? Would you want to try to recreate one of those? Or, would you be interested in doing a little 1

research on Creole, Turn-of-the-Century New Orleans and create a museum exhibition about that based on the novel? Use Your Imagination: You should think about the point of view youre taking with this project. In order to interpret the novel, imagine both your audience and your own perspective. Are you a film documentarian? Museum Curator? Artist? Character? Website designer? Art historian? Fiction writer? Literary Critic? Something else? Are you creating your project as if you were one of the characters, or are you creating it from the point of view of a modern woman looking back at the novel? Storyboard: For your storyboard, you will turn in either a sketch or an actual storyboard of your final project, depending on which of these forms works best for planning the final result. Your storyboard should give me a general sense of the direction your project is taking, the argument, or interpretation youre making. You may use an actual storyboard program (as long as its sharable), or you may use something like PowerPoint or Word. This is a planning document, so use it to plan your interpretation and narrative in addition to what the final project will actually look like. You need to include the following information (in addition to the storyboard/sketch): Novel youre interpreting The form your project will How youre turning it in Various media you will use

Medium: Think about your choice of medium. Here are some ideas, but youre not limited to them. Creative Interpretation Scrapbook Diorama Short film Painting Collage Drawing Quilt (and maybe, instead of turning in the quilt, youd want to film yourself making it. Your process tells a story!) Original music composition Creative fiction Biopic Documentary Photography book

Digital Curation Website Transform a room into a museum and film it or people looking at it Collage Book Create a documentary film that might end up on PBS, Ken Burns style Must include at least 8 objects/media i.e., articles, YouTube videos, etc.

Go crazy.

Examples: Julia Callons dioramas:

Anne Carsons Nox:

Flavorwire, 10 Famous Feminist Artworks:

Writing Component: You will write a 2-3-page explanation or narrative that analyzes your creative choices. Some questions to think about: What is your interpretation of the novel, and how does your project demonstrate that interpretation? What is the story your interpretation is trying to tell? How does it do that? What is your point of view? Who is your audience? What was your creative process like and why did you make the choices you did in terms of medium, point of view, etc.? How do those choices demonstrate your interpretation? What part of the novel did you focus on? Use a passage from that novel that inspired your project and explain why. How does the visuality of your project demonstrate a theme from the novel in a way that words couldnt? Why? How does your collection of artifacts/media tell a story? Why did you pick each artifact? Your paper should ANALYZE the choices you made and why you made them, not just describe them.

Your paper should be formatted in the following way: At least two full pages MLA-formatted, with header and page numbers o Times New Roman, 12 pt. font Double spaced 1 margins all around You should save the final document with a file name that has your last name in it, e.g. Beard Final Project Written Analysis

Rubric Category Relation to Novel 3.8-4.0 Project has a strong relation to the novel; Engages a theme/keyword/ scene in the novel; All creative and interpretive decisions follow the spirit and tone of the novel 3.5-3.7 Project has a clear relation to the novel; engages a theme/keyword/scene in the novel; a few creative and interpretive decisions might not be clear, but most follow the spirit and tone of the novel 3.0-3.4 Project has a clear relation to the novel; engages a theme/keyword/ scene in the novel; more creative and interpretive decisions might not be clear, but some follow the spirit and tone of the novel 2.5-2.9 Project has a slightly unclear relation to the novel; barely engages a theme/keywor d/scene in the novel; most creative and interpretive decisions are not clear, only a few some follow the spirit and tone of the novel Projects interpretation of the novel is unclear Less than 2.0 Project has a Project is mostly unclear not relation to the related to novel; barely the engages a novel; theme/keywor does not d/scene in the engage a novel; mostly theme all creative etc., and demoninterpretive strates decisions not no clear interpret -ive decisions Project barely Project demonstrates lacks an an interpretive interpreti voice. ve voice. 2.0-2.4

Project has a Project has a clear clear interpretive interpretive voice voice but might not shed new light on the novel CreativProject uses Project uses Project is ity form/interpretati form/interpret borderline on in an ation in an imaginative imaginative and imaginative unique way and unique way Choice of Projects choice Projects Some choices of Medium of medium/form choice of form veer away strongly medium/form from the demonstrates demonstrates interpretive spirit the interpretive the of the project and spirit of the interpretive the spirit of the project and spirit of the novel follows from the project and spirit of the follows from novel; form the spirit of demonstrates the novel; content some choices might not be 5

Interpret -ation

Project has a clear interpretive voice and sheds new light on the novel

Project is borderline imaginative

Project demonstrates very little creative engagement Most choices of form dont follow the interpretive spirir of the project and novel

Project lacks imagination Project demonstrates that there wasnt a decision making process for the medium.

Many choice of form veer away from the interpretive spirit of the project and novel

clear, but most of the choices about form demonstrates content

Point of View


Point of view (as character, museum curator, etc.) is clear and demonstrates creative engagement with the novel Completed; demonstrated a clear plan for the project Each artifact was chosen creatively and with care; each artifact supports the purpose and interpretation of the project; some artifacts demonstrate careful research and were sourced from unexpected places. Written analysis is clear, concise and thoughtfully written. It engages the

Point of view is clear and demonstrates creative engagement with the novel

Point of view is slightly unclear but still creatively engages with the novel

Point of view is slightly unclear; engagement with the novel lacks creativity Completed; plan for the project is unclear Many artifacts were not chosen creatively or with care; many artifacts do not support the purpose and interpretation of the project; artifacts were not carefully researched

Points of view is mostly unclear; engagement with the novel lacks creativity Completed; plan for the project is still being worked out Most artifacts were not chosen creatively or with care; most artifacts do not support the purpose and interpretation of the project; artifacts were not carefully researched

No point of view; lacks creative engagem ent

Completed; demonstrated a clear plan for the project Most artifacts were chosen creatively and with care; most artifacts support the purpose and interpretation of the project; some artifacts demonstrate careful research and were sourced from unexpected places. Written analysis is clear, concise and thoughtfully

Completed; demonstrated a clear plan for the project Most artifacts were chosen creatively and with care; most artifacts support the purpose and interpretation of the project; many artifacts dont demonstrate careful research.

Not completed Not enough artifacts; artifacts that are present do not support the purpose of the project and demonstrate no research Written analysis is missing or

Artifacts (if applicable)

Written Analysis

Written analysis is clear, concise and thoughtfully written. It engages the

Written analysis is clear and concise but lacks

Written analysis is poorly written and has gaps in analysis.

questions in the assignment description and offers an insightful analysis of creative choices. It makes clear, creative connections between the novel and the project.

written. It engages the questions in the assignment description and offers an insightful analysis of creative choices. It makes clear, creative connections between the novel and the project.

questions in the assignment description and offers an insightful analysis of creative choices. It makes clear, creative connections between the novel and the project.

thoughtful analysis. It engages only some of the questions in the assignment description. It does not make clear, creative connections between the novel and the project.

Lacks clear, creative connections between the novel and the project.

unreadab le; has large analytic gaps; does not connect the project to the novel.

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