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Tell the LA County Board: Ban Fracking NOW

To: Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

5,339 of 6,000 signatures

Campaign created by Anna Grigoryan

Fracking is an inherently dangerous threat to our air, water and health. Ban fracking now.

Why is this important?

Fracking is a toxic method of oil and gas extraction that involves blasting vast quantities of water and toxic chemicals deep underground--and it's endangering countless Californians' health, safety and livelihoods. Big Oil has plans to massively expand fracking in a huge section of the state--roughly 1,750 square miles from Southern to Central California, from Modesto to San Diego County--putting our precious water, our farms, and our health at risk. In the last ten years, fracking has expanded rapidly in states like Pennsylvania, North Dakota, Texas and Colorado. Residents living near fracking operations suffer from constant noise and light pollution, endless diesel truck traffic, toxic spills, contaminated water, dangerous air pollution, increased crime, and falling property values. If fracking continues to expand, it could spell ruin for California farmers. Appallingly, even in times of drought, the fracking industry regularly outbids farmers for water rights, increasing the price of water and directly

jeopardizing their livelihoods. And the toxic chemicals and heavy metals associated with fracking operations can contaminate the soil, air and water, leach into crops, and kill livestock. But despite the clear risks posed to Californians by the oil industry's plans to frack our state, legislation that would have placed a moratorium on fracking died in the Assembly and Governor Brown appears eager to encourage the expansion of this toxic industry. That's why we have to take matters into our own hands and ban fracking at the local level. Cities and counties in California have broad authority to ban fracking, and we should pressure our elected officials to step in where the state government has so far failed to act. Local bans on fracking may also be one of the most effective strategies for winning change at the state level. If a wave of cities and counties in California reject fracking, it will put increased pressure on Governor Brown to ban fracking in all of California. Hundreds of communities across the country, from New York and New Mexico, to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado, have successfully passed local bans or moratoriums on fracking in order to protect their homes and pressure state officials to act. Now it's up to us. Please sign my petition and help me ban fracking in our community. Together, we can pressure our elected officials to act. Sources: "Vast Oil Reserve May Now Be Within Reach, and Battle Heats Up," New York Times, February 3, 2013: "Fracking Our Food Supply," The Nation, November 28, 2012: "The Fracturing of Pennsylvania," New York Times Magazine, November 17, 2011: pagewanted=all "This is Your Town on Fracking," OnEarth, June 13, 2013: "Fracking presents new strains on water supplies in some drought-stricken areas of the US," Associated Press, June 16, 2013: ""; "Fracking Tests Ties Between California Oil and Ag Interests," New York Times, June 1, 2013: "California Drought is No Problem for Kern County Oil Producers," Circle of Blue, August 24, 2010:

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