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Poll Finds Quinn, Weiner and Spitzer Are Out Front - NYTimes.


7/15/13 8:07 PM

July 15, 2013

Poll Finds Quinn, Weiner and Spitzer Are Out Front


Anthony D. Weiner and Christine C. Quinn remain at the front of the pack among Democratic candidates for mayor, and Eliot Spitzer holds a comfortable lead in the Democratic primary for comptroller, according to a new poll released on Monday by Quinnipiac University. With a little under two months until the Sept. 10 primary, the poll suggested that Mr. Weiner and Mr. Spitzer were benefiting from their high name recognition. It also found that the scandals that drove them from political office may not be weighing down their campaigns as much as some political experts had predicted. In the mayoral race, Mr. Weiner, a former United States representative who resigned after exchanging sexually explicit messages with women he knew only online, captured 25 percent of the vote among registered Democrats. He was followed closely by Ms. Quinn, the City Council speaker, with 22 percent. The difference between Mr. Weiner and Ms. Quinn was not statistically significant, because it was within the polls margin of sampling error. The poll found a significant drop-off after Mr. Weiner and Ms. Quinn: William C. Thompson Jr., a former city comptroller, claimed 11 percent; Bill de Blasio, the public advocate, at 10 percent; and John C. Liu, the city comptroller, at 7 percent. The findings were a setback for Mr. Thompson, who in a Quinnipiac poll released late last month had 16 percent of the vote, a level of support that put him in a statistical tie with Ms. Quinn and Mr. Weiner. But the predictive value of early polls is uncertain; Mr. Weiner may have benefited from an avalanche of news coverage since he entered the race. Mr. Weiners high standing was in part the result of strong support among black Democratic voters. Nearly a third supported him; only 14 percent supported Mr. Thompson, who is black and had been expected to be the most formidable candidate within the citys African-American electorate. None of the candidates for mayor seems to have anything near the 40 percent required to avoid a Page 1 of 2

Poll Finds Quinn, Weiner and Spitzer Are Out Front -

7/15/13 8:07 PM

runoff; if no candidate receives 40 percent of the vote in the primary, the two leading candidates will face off on Oct. 1. In the race for comptroller, the poll offered worrisome news for Mr. Spitzers opponent, Scott M. Stringer, who until a little over a week ago had expected to coast to the Democratic nomination, but now appears to be the underdog. The poll found Mr. Spitzer, the former New York governor who resigned after patronizing prostitutes, with the support of 48 percent of Democratic voters, compared with the 33 percent who supported Mr. Stringer, the Manhattan borough president. Women favored Mr. Spitzer over Mr. Stringer, as did black and Hispanic voters; white voters favored Mr. Stringer. Over all, Mr. Spitzers last-minute entry into the race appears to have been well received: 58 percent of Democrats said he should run for comptroller, including 53 percent of women. Fiftythree percent of Democrats had a favorable view of him; 32 percent had an unfavorable view. Mr. Stringer, on the other hand, is still relatively unknown to many voters: more than 6 in 10 Democrats said they had not heard enough about him to form an opinion. The poll, conducted by telephone, began on July 8, the day after Mr. Spitzer said he would run for comptroller, and continued through July 14. It included 738 Democratic voters and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points.


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