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IMCOM-Korea Lovesick Radio Soldiers, Family

recognizes rocks Yongsan members host
Soldiers, KATUSA Main Post Club English Camp at
of the Year Wonju Enclave
Page 5 Page 11 Page 22

Joint Chiefs Chairman conducts town hall meeting at Yongsan


See pages 9 and 16

for additional photos and story
ABOVE: Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, answers
questions from the audience Aug. 16 at Collier Field House town hall
meeting. Following the meeting, Pace met with the media and joined
8th U.S. Army Commander, Lt. Gen. David P. Valcourt in a tree planting
ceremony behind the Dragon Hill Lodge. See page 9 for full story.

LEFT: Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Ott, assigned to the 1st Signal Brigade,
251st Signal Detachment, shakes hands with the general following the
Aug. 16 town hall meeting at Yongsan. During the meeting Pace thanked
Servicemenbers for their contributions to peace and security on the
Korean peninsula and took time out after the event to personally shake
hands with members of the audience.
Aug. 24, 2007
2 The Morning Calm Weekly
Bell Sends # 38-07
The Morning Calm
Published by Installation Management
Command - Korea USFK 2007-2008 Winter Safety Campaign
Director/Publisher: Brig. Gen. Al Aycock We are responsible and we are accountable. identify Servicemembers in their formations
Public Affairs Officer/Editor: Edward N. Johnson
Volunteer Writer/Editor: Susan Silpasornprasit “No deaths and no excuses” is our charter for who have had previous cold weather injuries.
safety. The winter season is just around the All Servicemembers must be trained in
Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson corner, and it is time for us to refocus our efforts becoming pro-active, aware, and responsible
Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson on preventing hazards associated with the for their buddies’ condition as well as their
CI Officer: James F. Cunningham
colder months and wintertime activities. own. Using the buddy system to detect the
USAG-YONGSAN Throughout the winter, we must remain vigilant early onset of cold related injuries is a proven
Commander: Col. David W. Hall with pro-active measures to identify, assess, mitigating strategy.
Public Affairs Officer: David McNally
Staff Writer: Cpl. Jung Jae-hoon and mitigate environmental changes and their • Alcohol and Substance Abuse. Any
effect on ground, air, and off-duty operations. Servicemember misconduct involving alcohol
Commander: Col. John E. Dumoulin Jr. Leaders at every level must take ownership and/or substance abuse will not be tolerated
Public Affairs Officer: Bob McElroy for the safety of their personnel. The entire Gen. B.B. Bell in this command. The entire chain-of-
Writer/Editor: Andre D. Butler
chain-of-command vigorously executing its command must be fully engaged in ensuring
USAG-DAEGU responsibilities and empowering first-line leaders will their Servicemembers understand the consequences of
Commander: Col. Michael P. Saulnier produce the results we all want. Those results are alcohol abuse including underage drinking and abusive
Writer/Editor: Ronald D. Inman
Public Affairs Specialist: Samuel G. Hudson Servicemembers safely training and operating to standard, intoxication, ensuring that they know the range of very
Staff Writer: Pfc. Kyung Chul NA while achieving our readiness goals. negative implications for non-compliance. Leaders must
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for Our USFK Winter Safety Campaign begins 1 October 2007 remain aggressive in preventing alcohol and substance
members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The and continues though 30 April 2008. The USFK Winter abuse throughout the winter season, especially focusing
Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views
of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department
Safety Campaign Memo details information about the on extended weekend periods. It is paramount we instill in
of Defense, or Department of the Army. The editorial campaign and tasks commanders to develop and supervise each Servicemember the importance of looking out of one
content of this weekly publication is the responsibility of winter safety programs for their units. It is located at the another and helping prevent alcohol and substance abuse.
the IMCOM-Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205.
Circulation: 9,500 following website: • Motor Vehicle Safety. Vehicle operations continue to
C a m p a i g n / R e s o u r c e s / U S F K % 2 0 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 % 2 0 be an ongoing concern in Korea. Newly arrived personnel
Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way
connected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive Winter%20Safety%20Campaign.pdf. must complete the driver’s orientation program addressing
written contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The Composite Risk Management (CRM) process must unique hazards specific to the area. Prior to driving between
The civilian printer is responsible for commercial
advertising. The appearance of advertising in this
be integrated at every level during all missions/operations/ 1 November 2007 and 31 March 2008, special training will be
publication, including inserts or supplements, does not activities. Actively participating in CRM will set our campaign given to all operators of Government owned vehicles.
constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army or Oriental up for success. Leaders, down to and including first-line • Aviation Operations. The winter produces a range of
Press of the products or services advertised. Everything
advertised in this publication shall be made available for supervisors, must take ownership of the development and extreme flying hazards, including blinding storms, icing,
purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, implementation of unit winter safety programs. I expect all navigation challenges, and dangerous runway conditions.
religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other non- leaders to accept this charge, and strictly enforce standards. Add this to the unusually high numbers of young aviators
merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation We are all accountable. assigned to USFK and there is an increased potential for
or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an
advertiser is confirmed, the printer shall refuse to print
The Winter Safety Campaign focuses on the following catastrophic aviation accidents during the winter. The entire
advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. areas: chain of command is responsible for ensuring our aviation
• Leader Accountability. Positive chain-of-command force operates with caution and concern in executing risk
Oriental Press President: Charles Chong
Commercial Advertising involvement and engaged leaders are essential to a management and making flying decisions during winter
Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253 successful safety program. The degree of importance the weather.
Fax: (02) 790-5795
E-mail: commander places on safety determines the emphasis placed • There is no greater priority than the safety and welfare
Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 on the unit’s winter campaign. The “Under the Oak Tree” of the members of US Forces, Korea. Our Servicemembers,
Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post
counseling between Servicemembers and first-line civilian employees, and family members are all wonderful
SUBMISSIONS OR COMMENTS: supervisors for long weekends, passes, and other identified patriots and it is our responsibility to ensure their safety
Phone: DSN 724-TMCW (8629) periods of high risk is one of the best methods to positively and wellness. My charge to everyone is to work and enjoy
Fax: DSN 724-3356
E-mail: MorningCalmWeekly impact the behavior of subordinates. winter activities safely, with no tragedy, no sadness, no
• Cold Weather Injuries. The prevention of cold weather loss of life within our footprint, no excuses.
Sustain, Support, Defend injuries is vital in sustaining combat power. In cold weather
environments, all leaders must constantly be aware of the We Go Together!
condition of their personnel and be alert for the symptoms GEN B.B. Bell
and signs of cold weather injuries. Additionally, leaders must Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK
Visit us online
The Morning Calm is online at
Military Police Blotter
The following entries were excerpted from the military AREA III: Driving Under the Influence of Any Intoxicant,
police blotters. These entries may be incomplete and do Subject #1, operating a POV, was stopped at a KNP DUI
not imply the guilt or innocence of any person. checkpoint and administered a PBT with a result of 0.053%
BAC. Subject #1 was transported to the Pyongtaek KNP
AREA I: Larceny of Private Property, Investigation revealed Station where Subject #1 was charged by KNP under KRTL
Subject #1 borrowed a laptop from Victim #1, a backpack ART #44-1 (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol). Subject
valued at $145 from Victim #2 and a laptop from Victim #3 #1 requested to be released on a CJ Form 3 and was released
and has not returned any of these items. On Aug. 6, Subject into MP custody on a CJ Form 2. Subject #1 was then
#1 was interviewed under rights advisal and provided a transported to the USAG-Humphreys PMO where Subject
sworn statement in which Subject #1 admitted borrowing #1 was processed and released to Subject #1’s supervisor.
the listed items, but claimed Subject #1 either misplaced the On Aug. 11 at 10 a.m., Subject #1 returned to the USAG-
items or they were stolen from Subject #1. Subject #1 related Humphreys PMO where Subject #1 was advised of Subject
Submitting to Subject #1 had made arrangements to repay everyone for
their lost property. ECOL is $2,000. Investigation continues.
#1’s legal rights, which [were] invoked. This is a final report.

Morning Calm Weekly AREA II: Larceny of Private Property, Person(s) unknown,
AREA VI: Contributing Alcohol to a Minor, Underage
Drinking, Subject #1 was observed making an alcoholic
Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, story
submissions and other items: by use of the internet, scammed Victim #1 out of $3,100 beverage and giving it to Subject #2 whom Subject #1 knew through a Nigerian fraud scam.Victim #1 answered a was underage to consume alcohol. As Subject #2 was
For all submitted items include a point of contact name fraudulent internet employment add which hired Victim #1 escorted to Subject #2’s room to obtain Subject #2’s ID
and telephone number. All items are subject to editing for and sent Victim #1 counterfeit travelers checks, which Victim card, Subject #2 admitted to SF of being under the legal age
content and to insure they conform with DoD guidelines.
#1 cashed for $5,000. Victim #1 was instructed to keep a to consume alcohol and stated Subject #1 supplied Subject
IMCOM-K Public Affairs percentage of the money and wire the rest ($3,100), to the #2 with the alcohol. Subject #2 and Subject #1 were
and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located in
Bldg. 1416, Yongsan Garrison Main Post.
unknown person in Nigeria, which Victim #1 did via Western apprehended, transported to the SFCC where they were
For information, call 724-3365. Union, prior to finding out the checks were fraudulent. advised of their legal rights, which they invoked. Subject
ECOL is $3,100. This is a final report. #2 and Subject #1 were released to their unit.
The Morning Calm Weekly
Aug. 24, 2007 3
IMCOM-Korea Safety Update

Equal Employment Opportunity

New E-mail Address
SUV and pickup fatalities on the rise
The IMCOM-Korea Region Equal By Taylor Barbaree Family members for potential hazards such as POV accidents.
Employment Opportunity Office has U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center “Risk assessments are paramount in preventing our Soldiers
made it easier for individuals with YONGSAN GARRISON — Compared to 19 fatalities from becoming another horrific statistic,” said USACRC
questions or concerns to contact them. recorded in fiscal 2006 involving sports-utility vehicles Command Sgt. Maj. Tod Glidewell. “It is my hope, as engaged
The EEO Office has established an e- and pickup trucks, to date in fiscal 2007, the Army has leaders, that we will encourage those within our ranks to use
mail address that delivers e-mail directly experienced an increase in the number of fatalities involving the programs and tools that the Army has to offer such as the
to the entire IMCOM-Korea Region Travel Risk Planning System.”
these type of vehicles.
EEO Office. Employees can contact us
via e-mail at our new address IMCOM- At the half way point of this fiscal year, according to The Army’s TRiPs program is one of the tools that combat
K o r e a E E O @ k o r e a . a r m y. m i l . the Army database, there have been 50 fatal POV off-duty the hazards associated with operating POVs. TRiPS offers
Alternatively, users on the “Korea accidents, claiming the lives of 54 Soldiers. Of this number, key features such as encouraging dialogue between supervisors
Domain” can simply type “eeo” at the 24 accidents included SUV and truck fatalities. and subordinates. This allows them the opportunity to discuss
global address list to send an e-mail to “The increase in pickup truck and SUV fatalities is the planned trip, the risks involved, and how to control those
the EEO Office. This new initiative proportional to the increase in the number of registrations risks with the Soldier.
facilitates equal access to EEO services the Army is experiencing and the sales (nationally) of these Of those people who completed the assessments, four have
for all who may have questions, been killed with only two of those actually operating the vehicle.
type vehicles,” noted Walter Beckman, deputy of driving
concerns, or need assistance.
task force, U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center. Soldiers complete roughly three to five thousand assessments
Birthday Steak Surprise “One reason the Army may be seeing this increase is a day. Because of programs such as TRiPS, in comparison to
If you are celebrating your birthday in because Soldiers have more disposable income coming two-to-three years ago, the Army is seeing positive results,
the month of August, visit the Camp out of theater and are buying the bigger more expensive such as fewer fatalities involving off-duty accidents. However,
Kim USO Aug. 31, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and SUVs and pickups.” these numbers are not acceptable.
have a free steak lunch, cake, and USO Beckman’s explanation of the number of SUV fatalities “One is too many, especially if it is your battle-buddy or
gift bag. Active duty only. coincides with the number of increased vehicle loved one,” Glidewell said.
registration’s being recorded at Army posts. “Our statistics indicate that our younger Soldiers are more
Virtues Volunteers Needed
The Virtues English program requires The Army’s Office of the Provost Marshal General at risk when it comes to off-duty accidents involving SUV’s,”
active-duty Servicemembers to indicates there were 71,573 SUVs registered in 2006, a 21 Glidewell added “We must all continue stepping up and helping
volunteer two Saturdays per month percent jump from 56,826 registered in 2005. fellow Soldiers make the right decisions. If we continue to do
(2nd and 4th Sat.). The first class starts Risk assessment, however, is one of many Army safety this, we’ll be more successful in reducing loss and remaining
Oct. 13. Sign up as a volunteer today! resources available for preparing Soldiers, Civilians, and Army Strong.”
Being a volunteer for the Virtues
English classes will help to satisfy your
Good Neighbor Program requirement. SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post Events and Activities
Call Minhye Forge or Chris
Bartholomew at the Camp Kim USO for
more information, DSN 724-7781/7003.
Maskdance Festival (Sept. 28-Oct. 7) along a stretch that is connected to the outdoor pool. The Sauna,
The Mask Dance in Korea addresses various themes in the Sandy Pool, Diving Pool, Spa, and more are also great indoor
performance such as the four seasons, life and death, local attractions. For more information, visit,
USO Overnight Tours
religion, and the natural environment. Seeing the brightly, or call Everland at 82-31-320-5000.
USO has two overnight tours in
September. Mt. Sorak, Sept. 1-3 and colored masks with over-exaggerated features will surely
Jeju-do, Sept. 2-4. Pick up the flyer at make visitors laugh. A world-famous folk dance team has Royal Wedding Ceremony (Oct. 20)
the Camp Kim USO for more details or also been invited to perform at this annual event. Various This biannual ceremony is an exact reenactment of the royal
call DSN: 724-7781/7003. programs are also prepared for visitors to participate in such wedding ceremony for King Gojong and Queen Min of Joseon's
as a Mask Dance Contest in which visitors can wear face- imperial family. It offers a great opportunity to see royal costumes
Rugby Players Needed paint and make-up as well as show their dance creations. and the lifestyle of Joseon dynasty. The traditional royal
Players interested in joining a USFK/ Andong Folk Experience will give visitors a valuable chance costumes are spectacular. There is a photo session, so don’t
CFC rugby team to compete in the to feel the region’s traditional culture and enjoy folk plays. forget to bring a camera. The reenactment will take place at
Seoul International Touch Rugby The Andong Food Festival awaits visitors who want to taste Unhyeongung Palace, the original site of the royal wedding
Tournament, Sept. 15, should contact
the delicious regional foods. Andong Chicken Jjin (steamed ceremony on March 21, 1866, for emperor Gojong and his empress
Maj. Curtis at DSN 723-3917.
chicken), for which Andong is very famous, will prove quite Myeongseong. Based on thorough historical research and
AAFES Online Shopping satisfying. A number of additional events will be held consultation by the palace’s counsel panel, the event is organized
The addition of five new suppliers to including marionette performances, mime, art performances, to commemorate the significance of Korean history and to shed
the Army & Air Force Exchange Service exhibitions and contests. Various hands-on events have also new light on a fading traditional culture. The ceremony takes
Exchange Online Mall means even more been scheduled such as ‘Making Small Masks,’ and ‘Making place from 1-3 p.m. For more information, visit
savings and selection for military Wooden Sculptures’. For more information, call 82-54-841-
shoppers. ShoeBuy, BagsBuy, Ritz 6398 or visit or
Camera, BellaBlu Maternity and Seoul Air Show (Oct. 20-21)
Football Fanatics all have recently Everland Caribbean Bay Located at the Seoul Airport, the Seoul Air Show stands as one
joined more than 70 other name brand Caribbean Bay is the world’s first indoor and outdoor water of the most popular aerospace and defense exhibitions in the
suppliers already on AAFES’ virtual
park and is located on the outskirts of Seoul in Yongin. Asia-Pacific region. Thousands of visitors attend the show each
concession mall online at
Caribbean Bay has twelve indoor attractions and eleven year for an opportunity to see a wide variety of rotary and fixed
outdoor attractions, as well as a village featuring restaurants wing aircraft, and air weapons systems, as well as ground and
and visitor accommodations. From the last weekend in May naval weapons. Special outdoor exhibits also include the newest
For additional information about to the last weekend in August, Caribbean Bay holds special fighter aircraft, transport planes, armored vehicles and
events and activities scheduled dance and music performances. The most popular outdoor amphibious equipment. Although the show opens on the Oct.
throughout the region visit the pool at Caribbean Bay is the artificial Wave Pool with waves 16, it is only open to the public Oct. 20-21, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
IMCOM-Korea Region website online that seem to swallow up even the biggest person! There is Entrance tickets can be purchased online or onsite. Admission
at also the Water Bobsleigh, a high-speed water slide that gives for public visitors will range from 4,000 – 9,000 won. Visitors
the sensation of being in a dark cave. There are 3 types of traveling by automobile should also plan on paying for parking.
water slides: a high-speed cave type in a rotating dark cave, For more information, visit the Seoul Air Show’s online at
a free falling type from a 10-story apartment height and a 3-
Send us your stories stage dropping slide. The Surf Ride creates artificial rough
and photos waves and harsh currents to create a surfing effect. The
Adventure Pool features 2.4 tons of water falling down from If you are hosting an off-post event in Korea, tell us about it and
Send your story submissions and other items a skull to soak the swimmers from head to toe. There’s also will will publish it in the “Sights and Sounds” section of The
All items are subject to editing for content and
a Kiddy Pool for younger visitors. Indoor attractions include Morning Calm Weekly. Submit stories by calling DSN 724-
to insure they conform with the Lazy River, on which one can float lazily with a tube 3365 or via e-mail at
DoD guidelines.
Source:,,,, — No endorsement implied.
Aug. 24, 2007
4 The Morning Calm Weekly

USFK Installation Access Control Guide

Recent activities around our installations and worldwide have raised a
need to re-examine installation access policies to ensure that we keep our
community safe. Here in Korea, there is also a need to ensure ‘Good
Neighbors’ receive the access they deserve. With these objectives in mind,
USFK has made policy changes on installation access and the ‘Good Neighbor’
Program. The intent is to ensure that USFK access policies and the GNP are
working in harmony and not against each other and that they comply with
all relevant laws and policies. It is not USFK’s goal to reduce the number of
passes, and the number of passes may actually increase if properly controlled.
This ‘USFK Installation Access Control Guide’ is the first phase in
implementing our new policies. It is USFK’s hope you read it and gain a
clearer understanding of the policy and will support this implementation.

Old Practice
Our old practice allowed anyone who was a member of a recognized
friendship organization to gain access to USFK bases. In some cases, the
pass holder was merely someone buying base access through the payment
of membership. Because of this some USFK Good Neighbors were unfairly
treated when they were not members.

New Policy
Under the new policy base access will not be for sale or solely thru
memberships. Instead, only actual support of the ‘Good Neighbor Program
(GNP)’ will earn base access. Good Neighbors will not be adversely affected
by this policy. Being a member of a recognized friendship organization does
not earn access under the new policy.

How will it work?

The sponsor must document how pass holder supports the GNP.
EXAMPLES: served as member of the commander’s advisory council,
attended following GNP events, worked as volunteer, taught Korean
language, etc.

When does this start?

Now! But it is also a phased process. Training and education for pass
holders begins through unit and leader involvement and through media
campaigns like this guide. Starting October 1, 2007...the new regulation will
be in effect. Current passes will still be valid through the expiration date, so
pass holders will have time to demonstrate GNP participation. By October
1, 2008 all old passes will have been phased out and all annual guest passes
will have be issued based on being a Good Neighbor.

What do I need to do?

To gain or continue to keep base passes, one must actively participate in
GNP/Community Relations events and activities in your area. Your local
Good Neighbor Office has event information in your area. Their contact
info can be found at . Ensure your sponsor
understands your support and provide him/her with a record of how you
contributed to GNP events. Then working with your sponsor, go through
the administrative process of receiving your actual base pass. For more
information talk with the USFK Good Neighbor Office or Garrison
commander in your area.

The Good Neighbor Program

The Good Neighbor Program that we implement on the Korean peninsula
stands as the cornerstone of successful Republic of Korea - United States
For over five decades our two nations have been staunch allies, and
within that firm framework, personal friendships between the people of
South Korea and America have developed over and over again.
Stories abound about friendships kindled by a one-year tour, which in
turn evolved into a lifelong friendship of letters, email, phone calls and nurtured
through the decades with mutual visits. Collectively, we have already reaped
great benefits from the implementation of “The Good Neighbor Program”
and many great citizens have been honored for their accomplishments.
Our Good Neighbor Programs across the peninsula will strengthen our
Republic of Korea - United States Alliance through comprehensive programs
that actively engage the local community, government, media, business,
university, school, and military in order to provide public understanding and
appreciation of our mission on the peninsula.

“Good Neighbors working together today

to sow the seeds of tomorrow’s continued prosperity.”
Aug 24, 2007 Page 5


Brig. Gen. Al Aycock (left), Director of IMCOM-Korea, addresses the audience during the awards ceremony for Soldiers and KATUSA of the Year
held in Mitchell’s Club on USAG-RC Aug. 14. To his right stands Staff Sgt. Daniel Hoyt, Pfc. Randall White, and Sgt. Kenneth Reynolds.

USAG-RC Soldiers selected for

Soldiers and KATUSA of the Year
By Jim Cunningham Augmentation to the U.S. Army went on to compete great honor to stand up among them.”
USAG-RC Public Affairs at the 8th Army Headquarters, the candidates for “All three of these winners for the peninsula are
USAG-RED CLOUD—Even though the final Soldier of the Year and Noncommissioned Officer from Area I; that says it all,” said Command Sgt.
selection for Soldier of the Year for the entire U. S. of the Year continued to compete in Washington Maj. Marshall Downs, USAG-RC acting Command
Army has not been announced, three Soldiers from D.C. Sgt. Maj. “The entire IMCOM-Korea staff helped
USAG-RC have been selected as Soldiers of the “This is an outstanding time to recognize these these Soldiers attain success, all the way from their
Year for IMCOM-Korea. Cpl. Byun, Eun Ho of great warriors,” said Lt. Col. Donald Meisler, unit NCOs to the highest levels in Korea. This also
USAG-RC, Pfc. Randall White of USAG-RC, and USAG-Casey garrison commander. “It was a very shows if a Soldier does compete in boards, and is
Staff Sgt. Daniel Hoyt from USAG-Casey, were stiff competition; their training, leadership, and selected a winner, there are a lot of benefits.”
chosen by a jury of sergeants major to compete in devotion to duty are recognized as the best among
the Department of the Army final competition for the stiff competition they faced back in the states
Noncommissioned Officer of the year May 10. for the overall Soldier of the Year competition. They
“It is very important we all recognize excellence,” performed magnificently and we are here today to
said Brig. Gen. Al Aycock, director of IMCOM- recognize their accomplishments.”
Korea. “These Soldiers are the epitome of There are many competitions in which Soldiers
excellence. Everybody in this Installation can participate, and all sharpen the Soldierly skills it
Management Command supports our Soldiers and takes to hone the greatest Army history has seen.
their Families in Korea. By having examples like “Across the board, our Soldiers are stacked up
this, it gives our Civilians and our other Soldiers an against the best and they do a great job,” said
inspiration for what they do every day.” Command Sgt. Maj. Kevin Witt. “If they win at the
The competition for Soldier of the Year begins national capitol region, they will go on to compete in
with three days of very difficult tests. It begins with the Department of the Army board.”
physical training tests as well as general knowledge “This means much to me,” said Pfc. Randall Sgt. Kenneth Reynolds accepts the IMCOM-
of the U.S. Army including weapons qualifications White of USAG-RC. “It gives me some incentive Korea, KATUSA of the Year award from Brig. Gen.
ending with a jury in front of a panel of Sergeant to compete for the awards again next year.” Al Aycock, Director of IMCOM-Korea, on behalf
Majors. “We were up against some really great NCOs,” of Cpl. Byun, Eun Ho of HHD- USAG-RC during
While the candidate for Best Korean said Staff Sgt. Daniel Hoyt, USAG-Casey. “It is a an awards ceremony at Camp Casey Aug.14.
Aug. 24, 2007 USAG-RC The Morning Calm Weekly

ACI Recruiting
Special Agents
Army Criminal Investigation
Command is recruiting qualified
applicants to serve as special
agents. Applicants must be U.S.
citizens, at least 21 years old. For
more information visit: http://

Training Scheduled
EEO/POSH refresher training is
yearly mandatory training for US
Federal Civilian employees. The
refresher training classes are
scheduled for today. Supervisory
class is from 9-11 a.m., non-
supervisory is from 1-3 p.m.
Classes are held in the Camp Casey
Army Community Services Center
today and in the USAG-RC
Community Activity Center.

AAFES Layaway
Policy Changes
Effective Aug. 31, the existing
AAFES layaway policy will change
to new guidelines. This change will
affect AAFES facilities worldwide
that offer the layaway program.
For more information call: 732-

Motorcycle Safety Class

at Camp Mobile
The next Motorcycle Safety class
will be held on Camp Mobile from
Sept. 15-23. For more information (left to right) New incoming USAG-RC Deputy to the Garrison Commander, Richard Davis, meets James
call: 732-8529. Richardson, USAG-Casey deputy to the garrison commander, at the Aug. 17 dinner meeting with Uijeongbu,
Dongducheon and Paju city leaders held at USAG-RC Mitchell’s Club.

New DGC is the answer man

Second Taxi Service on
USAG-RC and Camp Stanley
A second taxi service is in operation
on USAG-RC and Camp Stanley. By Margaret Banish-Donaldson Housing Privatization courses. “I think the good thing about NSPS
This company is to help supplement USAG-Red Cloud Public Affairs Davis expects his background in is it will give us some latitude on hiring
the AAFES Airiang Taxi during USAG-RED CLOUD—Richard public works and housing will help him quicker and reaching out to a higher
peak times as requested by Soldiers Davis has a 27-year illustrious civil to meet the needs of the commander, level of qualified people to fill critical
in Area I. For more information service career making him well USAG-RC and USAG-Casey vacancies,” Davis said. “However, we
call: 732-6263/6307. qualified to assume the deputy garrison Soldiers and Civilians and their do need to get up to speed on
commander position at USAG-Red Families. He is a firm believer in performance plans. I have had the
Dept. of the Army
Cloud. treating people as he expects to be training, but others need to know how
Required Training.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder His previous assignment was deputy treated with dignity and respect. to fill out performance standards for
training and Mild Traumatic Brain to the garrison commander for the “My main focus is to concentrate their employees.”
Injury training will be held in the European Region Transformation on our Army Performance In the midst of support for the
Camp Red Cloud Theater Aug. 30 Group in Wurzburg, Germany. In Improvement Criteria, Strategic standard garrison organization at
and Sept. 6. All United States addition, he held positions as executive Planning and Army Communities of USAG-RC Davis is a firm believer in
Civilians and U.S. Military are officer for the 414th BSB and deputy Excellence,” Davis said. “By working making sure to meet the needs of the
required to attend training on either director of the directorate of public these three different programs we can commander at USAG-Casey also.
date. For more information call: works for the 104th ASG in Hanua, get recognition from the Department “During the transformation, I had 17
732-9103. Germany; plus two tours in Korea and of the Army. It is just a way of looking installations spread throughout
one tour in Panama. at ourselves and making ourselves a Germany for which I was
Mitchell’s “I joined the Army right after school better organization. It cannot be done responsible,” Davis said “There were
Dates to Remember and spent three years in the military,” overnight or by next year. This will many lessons learned that I hope to
Mitchell’s Customer Appreciation Davis said. “Afterwards, I went to take at least three years to implement.” incorporate into our master plan for the
Night will be today at 5 p.m. Furthermore, Davis plans to look at future, which is what I will be doing
work for the Bureau of Reclamation
for awhile and then went to the ways to improve the homepage with the directorate of public works
USAG-RC and Area I website
Department of Army and attended website, establishing a common file and plans, integration and analysis
Log onto the USAG-RC - Area I
website for more News and Notes, college in the evenings graduating with service for staff call slides; providing office using the milestones we have
weather, MWR events information, a bachelor ’s degree from the and tracking yearly training for military, been given by higher headquarters.”
and information regarding all events University of Maryland.” Civilians, American and Korean; Davis believes bringing it all together
and all subjects regarding Warrior In addition, his other advance holding in-process reviews for events, will require introspection, awareness,
life in Korea: http:// education includes the Army and ensuring everyone is familiar with courage, opportunity, wisdom and Management Staff College, Garrison the National Security Personnel diligence. The process is ever
Commander ’s Course and Army System. changing.
The Morning Calm Weekly USAG-RC Aug 24, 2007 7
USAG-RC honors W omen’s
Equality Day
Day,, Title IX
By Margaret Banish-Donaldson programs and activities, course offerings and access,
USAG-RC Public Affairs counseling, financial aid, employment assistance,
USAG-RED CLOUD—The Equal Opportunity facilities and housing, health and insurance benefits,
Office observance of Women’s Equality Day was marital and parental status, scholarships, sexual
celebrated Aug. 15 at Mitchell’s Club, with guest harassment, and athletics.
speaker, USAG-RC Army Chaplain (Maj.) Carol “Because of Title IX, I was able to play on the
Highsmith. In August 1987, Highsmith was ordained girl’s basketball team,” Highsmith said. “We played
as a minister in her hometown church, North Christian by the boys rules. I thought girl sports had finally
Church, Columbus, Ind. Currently, she is endorsed arrived. Women’s Equality Day is about all the girls
by the Evangelical Church Alliance. who do not want to be tied down to old ways of
Highsmith attended elementary school in the 1960s doing things. It is about encouraging our young
and high school in the early 1970s, during the Vietnam women to be bold enough and courageous enough to
era. She was considered a tomboy because she loved live out their dreams.”
sports. While basketball and soccer have achieved a certain
“I loved basketball, baseball, swimming, and level of exposure and funding, other sports are not
anything that involved excitement in sports,” Highsmith receiving adequate promotion. A study found that some
said. “So you might understand why I did not take female athletes must work two jobs to support
kindly to the teacher who broke up a fight between themselves—all the while trying to maintain peak
me and a boy who would not share his basketball physical condition.
with me during recess. The teacher decided from that “I am not sure where you are in life, what your
day on no girl would be allowed to play basketball dreams are, what your circumstances might be, but I
during recess.” do know God has designed each one of you
Title IX came along June 23, 1972, which was the intentionally with a plan and a purpose,” Highsmith
first comprehensive federal law to prohibit sex said. “Don’t allow others to limit you. Live your life
discrimination against students and employees of so that when you are as old as I am, you will have no
Sgt. lst Class Duane Park, Equal Opportunity educational institutions. Title IX benefits both males regrets.”
Office, introduces guest speaker, Army Chaplain and females, and is at the heart of efforts to create The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
(Maj.) Carol Highsmith, to a crowd of civilians gender equitable schools. The law requires educational which granted women the right to vote, was ratified
and Soldiers at the Women’s Equality Day institutions to maintain policies, practices and Aug. 26, 1920. This was the culmination of the long
observance held Aug. 15 at USAG-RC Mitchell’s programs that do not discriminate against anyone based struggle by women searching for the right to vote. In
Club.Title IX came along June 23, 1972, which on sex. 1971, the U.S. Congress designated Aug. 26 as
was the first comprehensive federal law to Under this law, males and females are expected to Women’s Equality Day to commemorate the page of
prohibit sex discrimination against students and receive fair and equal treatment in all arenas of public the 19th Amendment and to celebrate women’s
employees of educational institutions. schooling: recruitment, admissions, educational continuing efforts toward equality.

Incheon English students visit Casey

By Jim Cunningham to Hovey,” Toepper said. “Pleasant
USAG-RC Public Affairs showed the children what it is like for
USAG-CASEY—More than 100 the Soldiers and what is available to
English students from Incheon came them. He showed them the CAC,
to USAG-Casey Aug. 16 to learn what Bowling Center, Post Exchange and
it is like to be a Soldier in the U.S. Army. what it is like to be an American Soldier
“We have children coming from the in Korea.”
Incheon City Youth Center where they The Good Neighbor Program is
have an English Camp,” said Steve where everyone is involved at USAG-
Toepper, director USAG-Casey public Casey, Morale, Welfare, and
library. “The children come in and Recreation members as well as BOSS
study English two times per month.” members, according to Toepper.
Toepper volunteers at the Incheon “We do annual summer reading
City Youth Center as an English programs and events,” Toepper said.
teacher and had the idea of inviting JIM CUNNINGHAM “This is the final program to our annual
them to USAG-Casey to experience Children of the Incheon City Youth Center admire the 29th Armor Brigade Summer Reading Program.”
what it is like to be a Soldier in the while visiting the static display. When the children reached the 29th
U.S. Army when asked to answer Armor Brigade static display, there
many questions the children have Maj. Stephen Grey so we got the “Their visit today will start in the were many exciting things waiting for
about the American Army. armor brigade involved, which makes library,” Toepper said. “We begin with them.
“We thought this is a good good teamwork with the library. BOSS a story hour; have lunch, then visit the “Today the children saw an M-1
opportunity to show what Camp Casey and armor brigade made the Good Fire Department. After the visit to the Abrams tank,” said Staff Sgt. Steven
and the Soldiers are about and just Neighbor Program project for USAG- Fire Department we will go to the 29th Shrock, 29th Armor Brigade. “Also, an
have a good time,” Toepper said. “I Casey.” Armor Brigade for a static display that M-2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle.”
talked with Herbert Pleasant, director The Incheon City Youth Center Col. Christopher Queen and Command The children are allowed to go
at the Hovey Community Activities English students meet twice each Sgt. Maj. Grey have set up.” inside the vehicles and put on helmets
Center. I told him we were going to week. Toepper volunteers to meet with The static display features an that Soldiers wear.
invite some guests from Incheon. He the students to teach concepts in the American Soldier and a Korean “The Summer Reading Program
suggested I get Bettor Opportunities English language such as colors and Augmentation to the U.S. Army closes after today, but we will continue
for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers different English words to start the Soldier to explain the static displays to on with our preschool program for the
involved. BOSS agreed to help out students on a foundation for learning the children. children from USAG-Casey,” Toepper
along with the help of Command Sgt. proper English through experience. “We wrap up the day by going over said.
Aug. 24, 2007 Page 9

Chairman plants tree, thanks troops for service

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
has message for Servicemembers
By David McNally
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs
YONGSAN GARRISON — General officers
from across U.S. Forces Korea converged at the
Dragon Hill Lodge Aug. 16 to make a personal
presentation to retiring Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Gen. Peter Pace.
Eighth U.S. Army Commander Lt. Gen. David
P. Valcourt joined the chairman in ceremoniously
planting an East Asian cherry tree near the pagoda
overlooking the DHL courtyard.
Valcourt unveiled a stone monument that reads,
“Thank you Sir for your 40 years of dedicated service
to the Corps and Country.”
Pace said he understood the significance of tree
planting in Korea, where the Japanese occupation
and Korean War left the mountains and forests bare
for decades. Planting trees is symbolic of Korea’s
growth and stability.
“Hopefully I’ll be able to come back and visit now
and then and see how it’s doing,” Pace said. “It’s a
special gift that took some thought and I really
appreciate it.”
Pace said he had just
Editor’s Note:
come from a meeting
For more news with Korean President
coverage of the Roh Moo-hyun where
Chairman’s he was awarded the
Order of National
Yongsan visit, Security Medal. The
see Page 16 award is the republic’s
highest for those who
have contributed to national security.
After the ceremony, the chairman gave a short
interview to AFN-Korea and the Morning Calm

Pace talked about the success of the Korean- Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace (left) ceremoniously plants an East Asian cherry tree with 8th U.S. Army
American alliance. He said American and Korean Commander Lt. Gen. David P. Valcourt Aug. 16 behind the Dragon Hill Lodge.
forces have made it possible for stability to exist on
the Korean peninsula.
“This country continues to prosper and that can
only be made possible by a stable security
environment that has been provided for over 50 years
now through the partnership between the United
States and the Republic of Korea,” he said.
Pace also gave a sincere ‘thank you’ to U.S.
Servicemembers in Korea.
“I think sometimes guys and gals serving here
might wonder to themselves if what they are doing
is useful,” he said. “Things are happening in Iraq. Above: Gen. Peter Pace speaks with the media following a
Things are happening in Afghanistan. Why aren’t tree planting ceremony.
we there? Why aren’t we doing our jobs there? I Left: Pace thanks Servicemembers for contributions to peace
would say to you ... every day that Korea is not in and security on the Korean peninsula.
the headlines is another day where we have done
our jobs exactly right.”
Pace will complete a 40-year career with the U.S. matter is if you’re there in uniform, the mission needs Pace told leaders to look around at the people
Marine Corps when he retires Oct. 1. for you to be doing that job, and therefore embrace seeking leadership.
The chairman had two pieces of advice for young it. Grow where you are planted.” “Give them the best leadership that you can,” he
Servicemembers. The general also spoke to leaders at all levels. said. “If you do those two things, grow where you
“Grow where you are planted,” he said. “A lot of “It works by the same logic that leaders often are planted and on the leadership side, take care of
us think we should be doing a specific job at a specific find themselves where they prefer not to be, but the the people in you're charge of, you will have a
time. We’re disappointed that we didn’t get to go Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines under their successful 40 years or four years, whatever the case
exactly where we wanted to go. The fact of the command deserve honest leadership.” may be.”
10 Aug. 24, 2007 USAG-Y The Morning Calm Weekly

Power Outages
There will be a weekend South Post
scheduled power outage Sept. 29-30
from 9 a.m - 5 p.m. both days. Main
Post will have a power outage 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Oct. 13. The work is required for
critial infrastructure maintenance. The
inclement weather plan calls for
alternate power outages Oct. 20-21.

Seoul American
High School
„School begins 7:55 a.m. Monday for
all freshman and new students. There PHOTOS BY CPL. KIM SANG-WOOK
will be a welcome assembly in the Above: Jose Echevarria serves himself some Dragon Hill Lodge food Aug. 6.
SAHS auditorium with distribution of Right: DHL worker Im Song-pol makes an Italian Cuisine.

Dragon Hill spotlights catering services

schedules. Dismissal will be 2:45 p.m.
Buses will operate regular hours.
„The new school year begins for all
returning SAHS students Tuesday. By Cpl. Kim Sang-wook any kind of catering services here at “We planned this event four
Students will pick up their schedules USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs the hotel.” weeks ago with our DHL staff,” said
before school and report to their B1
YONGSAN GARRISON — The Holland said the purpose of the Executive Chef Tim Mitchell. “Each
first period class. Dismissal will be 2:45
p.m. Buses will operate regular hours. Dragon Hill Lodge held a “Catering expo was to promote the catering customer has their own needs and
„There will be a Seoul American High Expo” earlier this month to highlight program. She said DHL could cover a we can help guests customize the
School Open House 4-6 p.m. Sept. 6 unique party setups and capabilities. wide range of events such as weddings, menu.”
for parents, teachers and students. For hungry community members, the receptions and meetings with Mitchell praised the DHL staff
For information, call 738-8140. DHL Mezzanine was the place to be customized food setups requested efforts for preparing the event both
Aug. 6. from the consumer. materially and morally.
American Red Cross The event gave a glimpse for the “We hope people can get some ideas “The quality, amount and texture
Seeks Applicants community on how it provides hotel when planning an event,” Holland said. of everything is really good,” said
The American Red Cross is seeking standard reception, VIP set-up, special The Dragon caters more than 100 expo visitor Joe Gall. “From what I
motivated individuals to provide
wedding plans and complimentary events are served in a year, she said. have seen of their decorations, layout
emergency communications and
cuisines. The Mezzanine was decorated with and customer service, everything
casework services to members of the
Armed Forces and their Families. The “The purpose of the event is to various versions of events and people they do is topnotch.”
applicant must be an American citizen; show what DHL can do for catering were able to glimpse inside and taste Services are only available to
at least 18 years of age; a high school services in the community,” said DHL free food offered by DHL. The staff authorized DoD identification card
graduate; have base access; and Sales and Marketing Director Roxanne prepared seafood, grilled meats, holders. For information, call 738-
possess basic computer skills. For Holland. “It is an opportunity for us to beverages and desserts for expo 2222 or visit the DHL homepage
information, call 738-3670. do small, elegant and simple setups for visitors.

Garrison Hotline
Communicate directly with the Army supervisors learn equal opportunity issues
Garrison Commander with your By Cpl. Kim Sang-wook
suggestions, comments and valuable
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs
feedback at the new USAG-Yongsan
Hotline by sending an e-mail to YONGSAN GARRISON — Army employees refresh their equal employment opportunity knowledge each year
Community members can also leave in order to improve the working environment. This year,
voicemail at 738-3484. the Installation Management Command–Korea Equal
Employment Office presented different topics of disputes
Garrison Calendar and resolutions to training participants Aug. 14 at the Dragon
Connect to the Garrison Calendar from Hill Lodge Pagoda Room.
the USFK Global by opening Calendar, “The purpose of the training is to refresh the supervisor's
select “Open a Shared Calendar,” type knowledge concerning EEO and Prevention of Sexual
yongsan, click OK, select Yongsan
Harassment,” said EEO Specialist and Instructor Michael
again and click OK. For information,
call 738-7354.
Gaskey. “It’s conducted as a proactive measure to help
ensure that supervisors and managers have the most current
Newcomer’s Welcome knowledge to assist them in the performance of their duties
The American Forces’ Spouses’ Club specifically where it related to EEO.”
is hosting a Newcomer’s Welcome and Gaskey presented two two-hour sessions to employees
Activities Sign Up at the Dragon Hill in the morning and supervisors in the afternoon. He said
Lodge Naija Ballroom 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. the supervisors and managers have responsibilities to make
Thursday, Aug. 30. This is an office environments more valuable by extinguishing sexual
informational event only and the sale harassment and other illegal discrimination acts.
of goods is not permitted. For “We basically talked about the disability process and
information, send e-mail.
sexual harassment in the morning with the employees,” he
said. “For managers and supervisors, we covered more
Garrison Web Site detailed information compared to the employees.”
For more news and information, the EEO is a principle that asserts all people should work
weather forecast, heat index based on a merit and advance regardless of race, sex, color,
information and even a community religion, disability status, national origin or age. Gaskey
telephone book, visit the U.S. Army mentioned that all factors could violate in any workstations.
Garrison-Yongsan Web site at http:// There are two types of sexual harassment: Quid pro
See Equal
Equal, Page 12
The Morning Calm Weekly USAG-Y Aug. 24, 2007 11
Lovesick Radio rocks Yongsan Main Post Club
By Pfc. Jung Jae-hoon
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs
band “Lovesick Radio” performed live at the Main
Post Club, Aug. 18, treating community members
to a full night of rock and roll.
Lovesick Radio is well known for their ‘power
pop rock, edge music’ and they describe
themselves as an “unapologetic arena pop-rock
band that you actually want to hear.”
The band’s song list included Lovesick Radio
originals such as “Boys Don’t Matter”, “Take Me PHOTOS BY CPL. JUNG JAE-HOON
Home Tonight” and well-known rock favorites that Lovesick Radio plays the Main Post Club Aug. 18.
excited the rock loving crowd.
Lovesick Radio is currently working on a new
album. The people who attended this concert
were among the first to listen to the new music.
“Nobody deserves to rock out and let
themselves go more than the troops,” said
Lovesick Radio front man Justin Theriault. “We
plan on making sure that happens.”
Guitarist Dave Harris shows a wild head bang.
Theriault hoped that they will bring the
community members a piece of America that they
will never forget.
“You guys rock,” he said. “You people are an
amazing crowd, we had so much fun and I hope
you guys feel the same also.”
This was the second tour in Korea for the band,
sponsored by Armed Forces Entertainment going
through Okinawa, Guam, Japan and Korea, and
they hope to do more tours in the future.
See Lovesick
Lovesick, Page 12 Josh McGee performs a powerful drum beat. Lead Singer Justin Theriault roars during their concert.
12 Aug. 24, 2007 USAG-Y The Morning Calm Weekly

Labor Day, Sept. 3

he upcoming Labor Day At a minimum, safety briefings
weekend marks the end of should address: adverse consequences
the summer season. of alcohol abuse (including the hazards
Traditionally, many of our of drinking and driving), hazards
Servicemembers, Soldiers, Civilian associated with driving on heavily
employees and their Family Members traveled Korean roads, the
will take advantage of the last long requirement to use seat belts, adjusting
holidays of summer to visit families, speed limits to conditions, taking rest
friends and favorite recreational areas, breaks when needed, being familiar
and will be at risk as they participate with the areas when hiking and
in outdoor activities. camping and using caution in sports
To avoid accidents during this high- and recreational activities.
risk period, all personnel need to Accordingly, commanders,
exercise good safety practices in all supervisors and parents should talk
activities. Leaders should ensure that with your personnel and Family
all their subordinates are briefed on Members about safety awareness
common safety problems associated before the Labor Day weekend begins.
with holiday celebrations. The only Your firm commitment to ensuring the
way to ensure a safe and happy holiday safety of lives entrusted to our care
is for everyone to closely adhere to will aid in fulfilling out goal of an
recognized recreational safety accident-free holiday weekend.
principles. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Equal from Page 10

quo and hostile work environment Gaskey said. “As far as NSPS is
Quid pro quo is “this for that, favor for concerned, it is a new program that is
a favor,” Dewar explained. It could be scheduled to be implemented later this
where a supervisor is looking for sexual year.”
favors in return for employee benefits. The new system is a performance-
A hostile workplace defined in EEO based system, which will evaluate
handouts as conduct that personnel by their contribution and
“unreasonably interferes with job compensate them with bonuses.
performance or creates an The EEO should have a better idea
intimidating, hostile, or offensive after the first evaluation cycle, Gaskey
working environment.” said.
Gaskey also mentioned the new “We’re here to help you,” Gaskey
personnel system, the National said. “EEO is the proponent for
Security Personnel System, which will disability and reasonable
influence Army workers. accommodation issues.”
“We see a lot of promotion, More than 30 managers attend the
selection and extension complaint,” training.

Lovesick from Page 11

“It was great, they did a lot of cover of concerts that are sponsored by USO
songs which reminded me of home,” or Armed Forces Entertainment are
said U.S. Army Garrison- Yongsan always a good opportunity to meet
Pfc. Scott Launderville. “These kinds celebrities without having to pay.”

Connect to the Yongsan Calendar!

1. Open Microsoft Outlook. Go
to Calendar and click “Open a
Shared Calendar.”
2. Type yongsan and click OK.
Then choose Yongsan from the
list and click OK.
The Morning Calm Weekly
Aug. 24, 2007 13
14 Aug. 24, 2007 The Morning Calm Weekly

August 24-30

Evan Almighty Evan Almighty Live Free Or Die Hard Rush Hour 3 Ratatouille Waitress Evan Almighty
(PG) 8:30 p.m. (PG) 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 7:30 p.m. (G) 7:30 p.m. (PG13) 7:30 p.m. (PG) 8:30 p.m.
The Bourne Ultimatum The Bourne Ultimatum The Bourne Ultimatum Evan Almighty No Show No Show No Show
(PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m.
Rush Hour 3 Rush Hour 3 Rush Hour 3 Next Next The Condemned The Condemned
(PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (R) 9 p.m. (R) 9 p.m.
Licence To Wed Rush Hour 3 Licence To Wed Oceans Thirteen Rush Hour 3 Evan Almighty Pirates Of The Caribbean 3
(PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
The Simpsons Movie Knocked Up Georgia Rule No Show No Show No Show Evan Almighty
(PG13) 8:30 p.m. (R) 8:30 p.m. (R) 8:30 p.m. (PG) 6 p.m.

Pirates Of The Carribean: At Live Free Or Die Hard — On the Rush Hour 3 — While in Paris, Lee Evan Almighty — Newly elected Stardust — A young man named
Worlds End — Will Turner and July 4th holiday, an attack on the and Carter inadvertently get mixed up to Congress, the polished, preening Tristan tries to win the heart of
Elizabeth Swann are allied with vulnerable United States with the Chinese Triad crew. LAPD newscaster, Evan Baxter, is the next Victoria, the beautiful but cold object
Captain Barbossa in a desperate infrastructure begins to shut down detective James Carter and Chinese one anointed by God to accomplish of his desire, by going on a quest to
quest to free Captain Jack Sparrow the entire nation. The mysterious Chief Inspector Lee travel to Paris to a holy mission--walking in the retrieve a fallen star. His journey takes
from his mind-bending trap in Davy figure behind the scheme has figured battle a wing of the Chinese organized footsteps of Bruce Almighty. Evan him to a mysterious and forbidden
Jones' locker. At the same time, the out every modern angle -- but he crime family, the Triads. Rated PG-13 leaves Buffalo behind and land beyond the walls of his village.
terrifying ghost ship, The Flying never figured on an old-school (action violence, sexual content, shepherds his family to suburban On his odyssey, Tristan finds the star,
.Dutchman and Davy Jones, under the "analog" fly in the "digital" ointment: nudity, language) 97 minutes northern Virginia. Once there, his life which has transformed into a striking
control of the East India Trading John McClane. No mask. No cape. gets turned upside-down when God girl name Yvaine. However, Tristan is
Company, wreaks havoc across the No problem. Rated PG-13 (action appears and mysteriously commands not the only one seeking the star. A
Seven Seas. Now headed beyond violence, language, sexual situation) him to build an ark. But his befuddled king's four living sons, not to mention
the very ends of the earth, each must 130 minutes family just can't decide whether Evan the ghosts of their three dead
ultimately choose a side in a final, is having an extraordinary mid-life brothers, all need the star as they vie
titanic battle, as not only their lives crisis or is truly onto something of for the throne. Tristan must also
and fortunes, but the entire future of Biblical proportions. Rated PG (rude overcome the evil witch, Lamia, who
the freedom-loving Pirate way, hangs humor, peril) 90 minutes needs the star to make her young
in the balance. Rated PG-13 (intense again. As Tristan battles to survive
action, violence, frightening images) these threats, encountering a pirate
165 minutes named Captain Shakespeare and a
shady trader named Ferdy the Fence
along the way, his quest changes.
Rated PG-13 (fantasy violence,
resque humor) 124 minutes

Hairspray No Show Mr. Brooks Waitress No Show No Show No Show

(PG) 6:45 p.m. (R) 6:45 p.m. (PG13) 6:45 p.m.
Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Transformers Knocked Up
(PG13) 9:30 p.m. (PG13) 9:30 p.m. (PG13) 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m.
Live Free Or Die Hard Evan Almighty Evan Almighty Ratatouille Fastastic Four 2 No Show Stardust
(PG13) 9 p.m. (PG) 9 p.m. (PG) 8 p.m. (G) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
Evan Almighty Oceans Thirteen Live Free Or Die Hard Evan Almighty No Show Stardust Pirates Of The Caribbean 3
(PG) 8 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG13) 9 p.m. (PG13) 7 p.m.
Stardust Stardust Stardust Evan Almighty Evan Almighty The Condemned The Condemned
(PG13) 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 8 p.m. (PG13) 8 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (PG) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m. (R) 7 p.m.
Stardust Night At The Museum Night At The Museum Knocked Up Knocked Up Georgia Rule Georgia Rule
(PG13) 8:30 p.m. (PG13) 6:30 p.m. (PG13) 6:30 p.m. (R) 6 p.m. (R) 6 p.m. (R) 6 p.m. (R) 6 p.m.
The Santa Clause 3 Surf's Up Surfs Up Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 Evan Almighty
(G) 6:30 p.m. (PG) 6:30 p.m. (PG) 6:30 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG13) 6 p.m. (PG) 6 p.m.

U.S.IDCardHoldersEnjoyFreeMoviesCourtesyof ArmyMWRatU.S. ArmyInstallationsinKorea.

The Morning Calm Weekly
Aug. 24, 2007 15
—Worship Services—
Catholic Mass Sunday 8 a.m. South Post Chapel
11:30 a.m. Memorial Chapel
5 p.m. Memorial Chapel
Tues./Wed. 12:05 p.m. 121 Hospital Chapel
Mon./Thur./Fri1 12:05p.m. Memorial Chapel
1st Sat. 9a.m. Memorial Chapel
Jewish Friday 7 p.m. South Post Chapel
Episcopal Sunday 10 a.m. Memorial Chapel
United Pent. Sunday 1:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel
Collective Prot. Sunday 8 a.m. Memorial Chapel
(Weekly Communion) 9:30 a.m. 121 Hospital Chapel
(Korean) 9:30 a.m. Hannam Village
10 a.m. South Post Chapel
10 a.m. MTF (R.O.C.K.)
10:30 a.m. K-16 Chapel
11 a.m. Hannam Village Chapel
(Gospel) Noon South Post Chapel
KATUSA Thursday 6:30 p.m. Memorial Chapel
KCFA 2nd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel
3rd Tues. 11:45 a.m. Memorial Chapel

Area II Chaplains
Chaplain (LTC) James P. King (Area II Staff Chaplain) or DSN 738-3009
Chaplain (MAJ) Adolph G. DuBose (Deputy Area II CH) or DSN 738-4043
Chaplain (MAJ) Leo Mora Jr. (Family Life Chaplain) or DSN 736-3018
John Antes, MWR entertainment director, USAG-RC, passed away here Aug. 21. John dedicated
much of his professional career to entertaining Soldiers and will be missed by all who knew him.
16 Aug. 24, 2007 Feature The Morning Calm Weekly


Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Peter Pace speaks to nearly 1,000 Yongsan community members Aug. 16 at a Collier Field House town hall meeting.

Joint Chiefs Chairman visits Yongsan Garrison

Retiring Marine general Enlisted Advisor, Sgt. Maj. William J. Gainey, who
stood on stage with him.
a career that spans more than four decades.
Pace is a 1967 graduate of the United States Naval
thanks all Servicemembers The chairman spoke about the importance of the Academy. He served as the principal military advisor
U.S. Forces Korea mission. He said it was a good to the President, the Secretary of Defense, the National
By David McNally thing USFK was not on the forefront of the nightly Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs news. since September 2005. Before becoming Chairman,
YONGSAN GARRISON — Joint Chiefs of Staff “Every day that you do not see U.S. Forces Korea Pace served as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Chairman Gen. Peter Pace met with nearly 1,000 U.S. on the TV screen or on the front page is a win,” he Staff. According to his official biography, the general
and Korean servicemembers, civilian employees and said. “Why? Because the things that we are doing in holds the distinction of being the first Marine to have
family members at a Collier Field House town hall Iraq and Afghanistan are important, but they’re only served in either of these positions.
meeting Aug. 16. important because the international community failed Pace traveled to Korea with his wife Lynne. He and
“If you hear me say nothing else this morning, let to find a peaceful solution to the problem.” his family were stationed at Yongsan 1986-88 when
me say to you, thank you for what you do for our Pace told the gathering that what they were doing he was a lieutenant colonel on the USFK staff.
country,” Pace told the enthusiastic crowd. with their lives, serving in Korea, allows for a strength The general also held a town hall meeting with the
The general introduced and praised his Senior and presence that brings continued peace to the Osan Air Base community earlier in the day.
“You are the reason that Korea is strong and free,”
he said.
During a question and answer period, Pace fielded
queries from curious Servicemembers on topics
ranging from his retirement plans to the future of Iraq
and Guantanamo Bay.
In response to a question from the audience, the
general said a military draft was not being considered.
“I am absolutely confident that we will prevail
against all enemies,” Pace said.
“General Pace touched on a lot of different issues
A Korean Augmentee to the U.S. Army poses a question. from Iraq to the terrorists held at Gitmo; however, the The chairman answers questions from the audience.
most important thing he said was his thank you to the
Servicemembers and their Family Members here in
Korea,” said U.S. Army Capt. Wendall Hall,
Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 501st
Military Intelligence Battalion. “He sets a great
Following the town hall meeting, the general shook
hands with everyone at Collier Field House and passed
out his personal coin.
“This is my way of saying thank you for all you
do,” he said.
The general will retire from active duty Oct. 1, ending
The chairman shakes hands with members of the audience. Spc. Rosa Mendoza applauds as the general arrives.
18 Aug. 24, 2007 The Morning Calm Weekly

MWR Events
Stanley Baird Tour (Sept. 3-10)
Fresh off the release of Traffic Jam,
their celebrated fourth CD for Saxony
Records, The Stanley Baird Group
brings their blend of Island-influenced
jazz to the stage for some tasty chops.
Fronted by saxophone legend Stanley
Baird, this seven-pieced ensemble is
as spicy as jerk rub, yet as cool as a
Caribbean breeze.

Sept. 4, Camp Casey,

Gateway Club,7 p.m.

Sept. 5, Taegu Air Base,

Jake’s Place, 7 p.m.

Sept. 6, Chinhae Navy Base,

Duffy’s All Hands, 7 p.m.

Sept. 7, Kunsan Air Base,

Loring Club, 8 p.m.

Sept. 8, Osan Air Base

Officer’s Club Parkling Lot, 6:15 p.m.


Han River Cruise (8 Sept.)

Seoul, Korea, BOSS Soldiers will sail
the Han River enjoying a casino cruise
on Sept. 8 and tour Seoul via bus,
Sept. 9.

The theme is “Maverick” and costumes

are encouraged. No jeans, shorts, tank
tops, or tennis shoes permitted. Open
to active duty U.S. Military only.

Deadline for ticket purchase is Sept. 4.

Tickets are $25 per person. Contact
your local CAC to make a reservation.

RC Street & Dirt Track Rally

The regional RC “Car Wars” will take
place at the K-16 RC Race Track Oct. 6
at 10 a.m. Event includes a Car Show
& Shine Competition, Buggy Class
Competition, Monster Truck Class
Competition, Drag Race, and
Best of Show.

Awards will be presented following

the completion of races. Registration
deadline is Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. and
requires a $10 entry fee payable at the
time of registration. Open to all
authorized MWR patrons. Contact your
local CAC for more information.

Photo Contest Awards

Calling all photographers! There's just
enough time to get out and start
snapping. Submit entries for the
peninsula-wide 2007 Photo Contest!
The five categories include: People,
Place, Object, Military Life, and
Experimental Processes. Three
classes include: Black and White
Prints, Color Prints, and Short Film.
Contact your local MWR Arts & Crafts
Center for more information, or call

U.S. Army Soldier show to tour Korea

DSN 725-6070.
No. 1. The 1943 film version featured a
Upcoming Events military cast starring, among others,
Oct. 10-12, USAG-Humphreys MWR Marketing Soldier.” The first Army Soldier Show, Ronald Reagan, Gene Kelly and Joe
AFAP Conference IMCOM-Korea Region “Yip Yip Yaphank,” conceived and Lewis.
Oct. 13, Tae Kwon Do YONGSAN GARRISON — The directed by Sgt. Irving Berlin, appeared Concert brought to you by Army
Camp Humphreys U.S. Army Soldier Show is a high- on Broadway in 1918. Entertainment & MWR. For more
energy 90-minute live musical review The headquarters of the U.S. Army information, contact DSN 723-3749.
Oct. 17-20, Boxing, Camp Carroll
showcasing the talents of active duty Entertainment Division at Fort Belvoir,
Oct. 21-31, Bombshell Tour Soldiers who are selected by audition home of the U.S. Army Soldier Show, Soldier Show Schedule
Various Installations from throughout the Army. They are was dedicated to Irving Berlin and named
Oct. 24-26, USAG-Yongsan AFAP amateur artists who have a passion for the Irving Berlin Center on Oct. 30, Sept. 1 Camp Casey
Conference music, dance and performing. 2002. Sept. 2 Camp Casey
The show will visit Army installations The U.S. Army Soldier Show was Sept. 5 Camp Walker
Oct. 24-27, Soccer, Camp Walker
in Korea from Sept. 1-14. reincarnated during World War II on Sept. 6 Camp Walker
Oct. 27, Wrestling, Camp Casey The motto, mission and philosophy Broadway under the title “This is the Sept. 9 Camp Humphreys
of the show were established during Army,” written, directed and produced Sept. 12 Yongsan
Oct. 1 - Nov. 3, Flag Football
Camp Casey
World War I by a Russian immigrant, by Irving Berlin. Sept. 13 Yongsan
Sgt. Israel Beilin (Irving Berlin): Cast and crew were all members of Sept. 14 Camp Eagle/Long
“Entertainment for the Soldier, by the U.S Army Special Services Company
Aug. 24, 2007 Page 21

Deployed Marines find unexpected

comfort far from home during UFL
By Bob McElroy
USAG Humphreys Public Affairs
BARAN LIFE SUPPORT AREA —When Marine Pfc. Christopher
Mueller deployed recently from Okinawa to Korea for exercise Ulchi Focus
Lens he thought it would be a typical Marine field exercise with austere
living conditions.
Much to his surprise however, he and his fellow Marines found themselves
at the Baran Life Support Area with many of the comforts they enjoy at their
home base.
Set up on a soccer field at a Republic of Korea Marine Base, the Baran
LSA provides the Marines air conditioned sleeping and eating tents, hot showers,
a mini-shoppette, a Morale, Welfare and Recreation tent and a two chair
barbershop, also in an air conditioned tent.
“This is better than I expected,” Mueller said. “I thought we’d be in two-
man tents with no messhall. I didn’t think we’d have air conditioning or a
Mueller, a native of Lousiville, Ky., is a radio operator for the 7th
Communications Battalion based in Okinawa.
Another Marine who appreciated the creature comforts Baran offers was
Pfc. Juan Ramirez, an administrative clerk in the 3rd Marines Headquarters
Group, also in Okinawa.
Ramirez said compared to a June deployment he made to Australia, Baran is
“fine” and much better than he anticipated.
In Australia, Ramirez said, the Marines camped in two-person tents at a
place called Camp Growler and didn’t even have running water.
“We didn’t have the same facilities we have here,” Ramirez noted.
Had the Marines landed at Baran in early July though, they’d have found a
sun-baked dirt soccer field rather than a tent city with some creature comforts.
LSA Mayor, Army Staff Sgt. Robert Swanson from Headquarters and
Headquarters Company U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys explained how the
facility developed.
“We started setting it up on July 9; first we laid the flooring and then set up PHOTOS BY BOB MCELROY

the tents,” Swanson said. (above) Staff Sgt. Peter Henz, an Okinawa-based Marine took a break
Members of the 22nd Korea Service Corps did most of the work setting up for a quick haircut from Hong Flower a barber at the AAFES barbershop
the tents and support facilities, Swanson said. at the Baran Life Support Area. (bottom left) AAFES barber, Chantel,
Swanson said the camp was ready by Aug. 7 and houses more than 500. gives Okinawa-based Marine Staff Sgt. Kevin Kline a relaxing facial
When the Marines began arriving from Okinawa they quickly set to making massage at the LSA. (bottom right) Staff Sgt. Robert Swanson of HHC,
it their own, expanding the changing areas in the showers and holding a daily USAG Humphreys, is the Mayor of the Baran Life Support Area.
barbecue fundraiser to buy special commemorative coins to hand out at the end
of the exercise. The Marines also have a small camp services group led by a gunnery sergeant
Now that the LSA is up and running, Swanson remains on site with a small who ensures the LSA is well-maintained throughout the exercise.
detachment of Soldiers who provide maintenance and support. USAG Humphreys also set up and runs LSAs at Camp Long and Yongin in
There is also a KATUSA Soldier who acts as a translator at the LSA. support of UFL.
Aug. 24, 2007
USAG-H The Morning Calm Weekly

CDC Teacher Needed

Soldiers, Family members host
English camp at Wonju Enclave
Child and Youth Services, Child
Development Center is currently
looking for a qualified teacher to teach
brand new Pre-Kindergarten class, ages
4-5. Hours will be from 8 a.m -5 p.m with
classroom hours being 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Zhenya and Alisa Townley
Salary is $13.12- $15.69 per hour. Great Wonju Enclave
benefits package, including medical, CAMPS Long and Eagle - United
dental, 401K and COLA. Qualifications: States and KATUSA Soldiers and
Possess and maintain one of the Family members of the Wonju
following: Child Development Enclave welcomed 48 children of
Associate, Army School Age Credential Shimyang Won Orphanage to Camp
(Boys and Girls of Club America) or
Long for an English camp and
Army Practicum, Possess AA degree
with major emphasis in childcare. birthday celebration.
Preferred: Possess BA/BS degree with Elisabeth Townley, a Family
a major emphasis on ECE, Elementary member, led the march with Soldier
Education, Child Development, Home assistance by teaching an English class
Economics or Special Education. where the kids practiced introducing
themselves and announcing the names
U.S. Army Reservists Wanted of family members through interactive
The 343rd Support Center, USAG
and fun games. The English class was
Humphreys, is seeking Soldiers
interested in continuing to serve in the
only part of the activities for the day.
U.S. Army Reserves. You will retain PX, The kids took a tour of the
Commissary, MWR, banking and postal installation which ended at the
privileges just like active duty. Soldiers swimming pool where they enjoyed the
will be retrained in open MOS slots. cool water on a hot day.
For more information contact Richard The day ended with a barbeque and
Scott at USAG Humphreys 753-8634 or a birthday party for the five children from the orphanage. COURTESY PHOTO

“We partnered with this orphanage U.S. and KATUSA Soldiers and Family members from Wonju Enclave
Intermediate-level Education pose for a photo with children from Shimyang Won Orphanage.
about six months ago and this was the
ILE Phase I course will be held Sept.
10-12 in Yongsan. The course is aimed
first time we hosted them,” said Maj. job in preparing for and spending time complete with a cake and a magic
at Army Reserve majors and captains, Bruce Townley, garrison commander with the children,” Townley said. show.
but active duty officers can attend. for Camps Long and Eagle. KATUSA Soldiers have been The Soldiers and Family members
After completion of the course the “They are a great group of kids, teaching English at the orphanage on of the Wonju Enclave area continue
officers will be Military Education Level and they seemed to have had a a weekly basis, and the Townley family to build strong bonds as well as
4 (MEL4) qualified. Contact Lt. Col. wonderful time today.” “Our and various Soldiers provide a monthly develop long lasting impressions with
Dennis Davenport, 723-4394, volunteers always do an outstanding English class and a birthday party the local community.

Army Reserve Command

Position Vacancy
The Commander’s position for the
343rd Support Center, will be available
to interested Army Reserve lieutenant
colonels and majors NLT Oct 1. The
343rd Spt. Ctr. is located at USAG
Humphreys, authorized 34 Soldiers, and
is subordinate to the 501st SBDE.
Contact Lt. Col. Davenport, 723-4394,

Bowling League to Start

The Wednesday night bowling league
will have a meeting for team captains
Aug. 29 at 6 p.m. at USAG Humphreys
Bowling Center. Registration is now
open for participants.

Indoor Pool Closure

USAG Humphreys indoor pool is now
closed for repairs. The pool will re-open
in two to three weeks.
Please send us your
stories and photos

To submit information for publishing

‘It’s a Rap’
in The Morning Calm Weekly, USAG-
Humphrey’s common pages or for
submissions for the News & Notes
section, call 754-6132, 8847 or 8598. Lisa Hays reads to area children during the final day of the reading program. The USAG Humphreys
You can also e-mail all of your Library Summer Reading Program came to a close Aug. 14. Children listened to numerous stories and
information to received certificates and prizes for the number of stories they read through-out the summer. The program was a success with approximately 35 children participating.
The Morning Calm Weekly 23 Aug. 24, 2007

35th Air Defense Artillery unit supports ‘Good

Neighbor’ program, hosts party for kids
By Pfc. Gretchen Goodrich “The commander handed out gifts to the children had to leave the room at that point or else I would
35th Air Defense Artillery Public Affairs for the Soldiers who couldn’t physically be there, have cried,” said Johnson.
OSAN Air Base - Thirty-five Soldiers from and many Soldiers, including the first sergeant, After all the children received their backpack,
Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 35th Air adopted more than one orphan to take care of.” they ran off to their rooms and shared their new
Defense Artillery Brigade, made one of their For many of the Soldiers from the air defense gadgets with each other. Some even traded candy
annual stops at the Ae-Hyang Won orphanage as battlation who participated, the best part was seeing for pencils and other knickknacks.
part of their “Back to School Jam” project Aug. the children’s facial expressions as they received The Soldiers toured the building, spent time with
18. their backpack and rummaged their way though its the children and had lunch served by the orphanage
Eighty children from the orphanage received contents. staff.
backpacks full of school supplies from pens and “The best part for me was seeing the children’s Many of the children are at the orphanage
pencils to notebooks and glue sticks as part of the faces light up and watch them open their backpacks because their parents can’t afford to raise them or
battery’s activity to help get the children back to their parents have passed away.
school with all the right equipment. Because the orphanage can’t always afford to
“It’s always good when we’re able to give back get the right school supplies, having the battery
to the community — it does something for us,” said step in allowed the children to get what they need
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David G. Epperson, 35th ADA to start school out right. Although each
BDE chaplain. “It’s all part of selfless service.” participating Soldier took something different
Soldiers from the battery volunteered to help out away from the experience, Spc. Lawrence
by sponsoring a child to prepare for school. Ranches said the visit hit a little closer to home
After choosing a child to support, the Soldiers for him.
purchased various supplies from notebooks, “I had cousins who we (my family) adopted
backpacks, pencils and pens to crayons and jump and a lot of my friends were orphans,” said
ropes for their child and placed all of the materials Ranches.
into backpacks. “It’s always good to help out.”
“We get support from the Soldiers, no one P .G
RETCHEN As part of a way to give back to the

complains about picking names and the civilians who All of the children pick through their new backpacks community through the 8th Army’s Good
work with us participate as well,” said Staff Sgt. -- trading various pencils and pens and enjoying the Neighbor Program, the opportunity for the
Yvette D. Edmonds. After arriving at the orphanage time they spent with their good neighbors, the battery to support the orphanage not only helped
early Saturday morning, the Soldiers gathered in the Soldiers of HHB 35th ADA. the children out, but ended up helping the
auditorium and watched the children stream in from Soldiers.
their rooms. and see what’s inside,” said Pvt. Theresa S. Acfalle. “It’s important to give back to the community,
Backpacks lined the stage area, decorating the Cpl. Melinda Y. Johnson agreed. and it’s good the Soldiers have a focus besides going
hardwood surface with dashes of color and various “I like doing things for someone less fortunate out and partying and working,” said Sgt. Maj. David
cartoon characters. than myself,” said Johnson. M. Poehlein.
Each Soldier personally handed their gift to their As Johnson explained, she was even more “The second best part about being out here was
selected child one at a time. touched when a young girl refused to open up her the amount of Soldiers out here and the expressions
“It really is a battery event,” said Epperson. gifts because she wanted to give it to her mom. “I on their faces when they saw the kids’ expressions.”

Seoul students enjoy day

at USAG Humphreys


Good food, good friends, good neighbors—Spc. Willie Coleman and Spc.
Cashauna Morgan, cooks with 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion tell a visiting
Korean student what the Red Dragon Dining Facility has to offer for lunch during a
Good Neighbor Program visit to US Army Garrison Humphreys last week. About 30
high school students and advisors sponsored by Far East University in Seoul
enjoyed a lunch of lasagna and pasta. (left) After lunch at the Red Dragon Sgt.
Rodney Stariha, a Combat Medic from Charlie Company 3rd Battalion 2nd Combat
Aviation Brigade, showed the students how to strap down a patient for air medical
evacuation in the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. The students also saw a CH-47
Chinook and had a windshield tour of the post.
Aug. 24, 2007 Page 25

Life Support Activity critical to UFL 07 Soldiers

By Ronald Inman
USAG Daegu Public Affairs

CAMP HENRY - During the ongoing Ulchi

Focus Lens 07 exercise, coordination and cooperation
are critical to ensuring overall mission success. While
not as visible as the front line warfighting units, Life
Support Activity are just as critical to both Soldiers
on the ground and their commanders in supporting
the mission. While seemingly just a collection of
buildings or tents, LSAs require coordination by
several units in accomplishing their own mission –
of providing Soldiers with comfort in a safe
environment during UFL 07.
LSA, Page 27


MWR facilities provide entertainment such as Phone centers allow Soldiers to keep in touch with friends and family during the exercise.
televisions, video games and DVDs for Soldiers.

OSA Survey to provide powerful feedback tool

By Ronald Inman Baldridge National Quality Program. Baldridge, a anyone in the workforce can take the survey.
USAG Daegu Public Affairs former U.S. Secretary of Commerce, was a Those already identified will receive their user
proponent of quality management as a key to the name and password via their workcenter e-mail
CAMP HENRY - All segments of the United United States’ prosperity and long-term strength. He account. Those not already identified can see Capt.
States Army Garrison Daegu workforce will soon took a personal interest in the quality improvement Johnson in the USAG Daegu Headquarters Bldg.
have the opportunity to make a positive difference act that was eventually named after him and helped 1211, PAIO Rm. 142 to obtain their user name and
in their workplace by completing the Organizational draft one of the early versions. He passed away in password.
Self-Assessment Survey Sept. 10 – 21. The OSA is a rodeo accident in 1987. In recognition of his The actual web-site to take the survey will not
open to all Department of the Army Civilians, military, contributions, Congress named the award in his be active until the survey period (Sept. 10–21), but
non-appropriated fund employees, contractors, local honor. once it is, participants will log in to the Web site,
national employees and others such as volunteers, The Baldridge Award is given by the president of which will be provided in the e-mail with their user
detailed civilians and interns. the United States to businesses—manufacturing and name and password to take the survey.
According to USAG Daegu Plans, Analysis & service, small and large—and to education, health According to Johnson, a major improvement this
Integration Office Management Analyst, Capt. Sylvia care and nonprofit organizations that apply and are year from last year’s survey is that the survey is
D. Johnson, the OSA is a performance-indicative judged to be outstanding in seven areas: leadership, easier and faster to complete – it only requires two
feedback report which provides the commander with strategic planning; customer and market focus, narrative (typed) responses, to two issues that the
information on their organization’s strengths and measurement, analysis and knowledge management, responder feels needs the most improvement. The
weaknesses, and enables them to prioritize resources work force focus, process management and results. rest of the responses only require checks in the
to capitalize on strengths and make improvements. These are known as the ‘Criteria for Performance answer blocks.
“This is a way for the workforce to provide Excellence’. PAIO is currently conducting 30-minute overview
feedback on things that they would like to see Once the survey window closes, surveys are sent training sessions on the OSA Survey at various
happen,” said Johnson of the OSA. to a private firm in the US for analysis. Results are locations upon request.
The survey, which is conducted annually by the reported to IMCOM regional headquarters, sent to Alternately, locations have been set up on CP
Installation Management Command worldwide, is the garrison PAIO and presented to the commander Henry and Carroll for survey participants to take the
web-based and confidential. After obtaining a user within 30 days. OSA away from their workplace. Translation
name and password, participants log on at any USAG Daegu has already requested that assistance will be available if required. For more
computer — home or office — to complete the organizations within the garrison identify a certain information on the OSA survey, alternate survey
survey, which takes one to two hours. They can number of participants for the survey, based locations or to schedule a training session, contact
stop at any time to take a break. proportionally on the size of each organization, but Capt. Johnson at 768-6332.
The OSA is derived directly from the Malcolm
Aug. 24, 2007
26 USAG-D The Morning Calm Weekly

Daegu School Bus

UFL 07 guidance for heat injuries
Transportation By USAG Daegu Safety Office
Please stop by the Daegu Student
CAMP HENRY – Summer can
Transportation Office if you have
questions or need information on
be a very enjoyable season in the
school bus transportation in the Daegu, Republic of Korea. However, for
Waegwan, of Chinhae area. Office is Soldiers participating in the Ulchi
located in Bldg. 3019, Rm. 321 on Camp Focus Lens 07 exercise in the Daegu
George. Customer Service hours are area, it can be a very hard time
from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to because of high temperatures.
Friday. For information call Michael Therefore, Soldiers should be aware
Dudley at 768-7722/6301. of heat injuries which can be caused
by hot weather and the first aid
Factory and Culture
procedures to treat them.
Korean Foreigner Tourist Facility
Heat cramps are caused by loss
Association proposes a factory and of salt through excessive sweating
cultural tour for DOD Soldiers and and can occur in the stomach, legs or
Family Sept. 7. Participants will visit OB arms. Pale and wet skin, dizziness and
Beer Factory, The Korean Presidential extreme thirst can lead to heat
Villa (Cheongnamdae) and Mungyeong cramps. When you discover PHOTO BY RONALD INMAN

Pottery Exhibition Hall, Mungyeong someone with heat cramps, take the Staff Sgt. Michael Carr, USAG Daegu Headquarters Company Operations NCO, keeps hydrated
Museum and KBS historical drama victim to a cool, shady place first. with a beverage.
filming set. KFTFA and OB beer factory Have them drink at least one canteen
will provide some gifts for the attendees.
pour water on the victim and fan s e i z u r e s , n a u s e a a n d t h e i r
full of cool water. If there is no them. If they are conscious, give respiration and pulse may be rapid
OB Beer factory will provide OB beer
test taste opportunity, and non-alcohol
improvement, transport the victim to them cool water and get medical a n d w e a k . A d d i t i o n a l l y,
beer and soft drinks for the underage. a medical facility. help. unconsciousness and collapse may
For registration and information, call Heat exhaustion is caused by loss Heatstroke is caused by occur suddenly and body
Mr. Chong Young-kon at 768-6907. of water and salt through profuse p r o l o n g e d e x p o s u r e t o h i g h temperature may reach 106 to 110
sweating. The symptoms are the temperatures and the failure of the d e g r e e s F a h r e n h e i t . As the
Exceptional Family same as heat cramps, plus body’s cooling mechanism. It is heatstroke is a medical emergency,
Member Program headaches and weakness. The more likely to strike a person who t h e v i c t i m s h o u l d b e c o o l e d
The EFMP Respite Care program victim may appear drunk, dizzy, or is not acclimatized to heat or who immediately with ice packs directly
provides a temporary rest period (not drowsy. Skin is pale, cold, moist,
to exceed 16 hours a month) for Family
has suffered a previous heat injury. to the neck, groin or underarms. If
and clammy. The victim might faint. Victims of heatstroke may stop packs are not available, spray or
members responsible for the regular
care of a person with a disability, it’s
If you find a victim of heat sweating entirely. Their skin may soak the victim with cool water and
not to be used as routine child care. exhaustion, lay him or her flat in a b e r e d a n d h o t t o t h e t o u c h . fan the body, but do not immerse
The qualification criteria are school- cool, shady spot first. Elevate their Victims may experience weakness, in ice water. Do not try to give
aged children on an Individual feet and loosen their clothing. Next, dizziness, confusion, headache, water to an unconscious victim.
Education Program who have at least a
moderate disability as recorded on DD
Form 2792-1 and infants and toddlers Personality Spotlight: Park Hae-ju, PAO intern
on an Individualized Family Service Plan By Pfc. Na Kyung-chul chance to use practical English.”
(IFSP) who have at least a moderate USAG Daegu Public Affairs What did you learn at the PAO?
disability or developmental delay “Above all, I learned American
(including a high probability for a CAMP HENRY – Age: 24 lifestyle and culture. It was
development delay) as recorded on DD Hometown: Daegu
Form 2792-1. For information, call Vicky
interesting for me to experience new
Duty station: Camp Henry culture and to meet foreign people.
Kingston at 768-8329.
Duty position: Intern, USAG Also, I experienced the social
Homeschooling Hunt Daegu Public Affairs Office atmosphere in advance here. I
If you are a homeschooling family in College/Major: Kyungpook learned how to follow my boss or
the Camp George or Camp Walker area National University/English Language seniors and how to keep good
and would like to get together to begin and Literature relations with people.”
a Homeschool Support Group for the What did you do here in the Now that the internship is over,
2007-2008 school year, come to the PAO? what are you going to do?
Indoor pool on Camp Walker 2 p.m. Sept. “My main work was translating “I’ll do some work to make some
4. For information, contact Gail Lee at Korean media articles to English or or 010-8671-
money, then I’ll do another internship
English articles to Korean. I wrote PHOTO BY PFC. NA KYUNG-CHUL in the United States. It’s an airline
some articles also and gained Ms. Park Hae-ju talks about her public affairs company. I want to get a job in an
Women’s Equality Day experience interviewing some office life. She participated in an internship airline company in the future because
The United States Army Garrison Daegu people.” program as a member of the PAO staff for six airline companies need English
celebrates the women’s equality day What did you enjoy about your months, since Mar. 2007. speakers.”
today with online contest. This is for internship here? Do you think this is a good
commemorating women’s right to vote. “It was a very good work Why did you want to do an program for college students?
The prize will be given to first three environment for me. It was cool in internship at USAG Daegu PAO? “Sure. I think it is good for those who
entries with all correct answers and the the summer season and all of the “The reason why I applied to this have never been to America or English-
contest deadline is midnight Friday. people in this building were very kind internship program was my friend, who speaking countries. It is a very good
Please watch for USAG Daegu e-mail
to me.I became closer with my co- had been a previous intern here at chance to learn practical English,
distribution on Women’s Equality Day
workers in the office for six months. PAO, recommended it. I had heard business English and social life in
Additionally, I enjoyed many events about PAO many times from her so, I advance. I want to recommend this
like the Chinhae Music Festival. I was interested in this internship program to my friends or my university
think it was lucky for me to work in program. She recommended me to this juniors. I will never forget my PAO life
the PAO.” office for its good people and the good for six months.”
The Morning Calm Weekly USAG-D Aug. 24, 2007 27
LSA from page 25
According to LSA Coordinator James E.
McCall, during UFL 07, an average of 2,000
Soldiers occupy LSAs at CPs Carroll, Henry and
Accommodations for Soldiers include tents and
air-conditioned living, working and sleeping
conditions in hard-stand buildings, which are pre-
fabricated buildings permanently erected at LSA
sites. Morale, Welfare and Recreation amenities
for Soldiers include facilities staffed by MWR
personnel, with television, video games, board
games, and outdoor recreation kits featuring
games such as horseshoes. Phone centers are also
available for Soldiers to keep in touch with family
and friends.
To ensure the maximum safety and comfort of
Soldiers, conditions such as temperature,
sanitation, electrical safety, air conditioning and
plumbing are constantly monitored by a roving
The UFL 07 processing station facilitates the arrival and departure of thousands of Soldiers.
support detail at each facility. Directorate of
Public Works provides maintenance as needed.
While Soldiers are expected to tidy up after
themselves, custodial contractors provide twice-
daily cleaning of most facilities.
If Soldiers at CP Henry have issues with the
facilities, they can call the Joint Reception Center
at 768-6324 to report them.
Soldiers at CP Walker can call the LSA Office
at 764-3842. On CP Carroll, they can call the Joint
Reception Office at

Computers have been provided so that Soldiers Clean and air-conditioned living facilities enable
765-7879. can remain online during UFL 07. Soldiers to get some rest after a day in the field.
Aug. 24, 2007
28 The Morning Calm Weekly

ASAP coordinator helps Soldiers stay Army Strong

By Ronald Inman to eliminate through education. Kaderabek said that even though his office hours
USAG Daegu Public Affairs Kaderabek is the first line of defense against are from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through
CAMP HENRY - Jim Kaderabek knows substance abuse. In support of the U.S. Army’s Friday, but quickly points out that he goes where the
firsthand the consequences of not being ready for mandatory substance abuse training, he travels to units Soldiers are, whether it’s 6 a.m. or 6 p.m.
the mission. As a retired Soldier with three tours in and conducts Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention “Whatever it takes to get the job done, I will be
Southeast Asia and the former manager of an Army Training for any unit or Soldier in Area IV. there,” he said.
medical facility, he’s seen “Alcohol and drug abuse is He is also quick to point out his ‘point men’ – the
the costly effects of everybody’s business,” he stated Unit Prevention Leaders.
impairment-induced forcefully. “The chain of “They do a great job,” he stated emphatically.
complacency – limbs and command, the buddy system, my “They’re Soldiers with every unit who conduct
lives lost, irreversibly business, the counselor ’s urinalysis testing and teach their fellow Soldiers –
shattered. business, the alcohol/drug control they do a remarkable job. They are the unit
Kaderabek is still on officer’s business, the installation commander’s ‘right hand Soldier’, and provide
patrol, and still looking for the biochemical test coordinator’s guidance to them.”
enemy. That enemy is drug business…it’s all our business to Just as importantly, Kaderabek mentioned
and alcohol abuse among keep people from being alternatives to substance abuse for Soldiers at USAG
Soldiers at United States impaired.” Daegu.
Army Garrison Daegu. Like any Soldier, Kaderabek “Korea’s a beautiful country,” he said. “There are
As USAG Daegu’s knows that it’s important for a a lot of wonderful things people can do here in Korea –
Army Substance Abuse Program Prevention buddy to have your back. healthy lifestyles – such as MWR trips, tours, hiking
(ASAP) Coordinator, Kaderabek is responsible for “The nuts and bolts of abuse prevention are and skiing. Every season there’s a different theme,
educating Soldiers on the negative effects of drug working together, and not letting Soldiers get off post with so many wonderful things to do, and be happy to
and alcohol abuse and promoting healthly lifestyles and get in trouble – the buddy system. Gen. Bell be here – keeping in mind what the mission is.”
as a positive alternative to such destructive behavior. (Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK) spelled it out – it’s Finally, Kaderabek said he also is grateful for the
“You can’t have impaired people doing their job, very simple. If people take stock of themselves and support that unit commanders provide, which makes
where they’re at risk,” he emphasized. “The 38th don’t allow other people to get in trouble, then they’ve his program more effective.
Parallel is not that far from here, and…the Soldiers done they’re job. “I really feel that they support this program really
here have to be ready to fight tonight, and win – “I encourage unit commanders to call me and well,” he said. “They’re active, not reactive. They
that’s the bottom line. If they’re complacent, request this training,” Kaderabek said. “Just give actively support our program, ask questions, and get
impaired, they can’t do their job and they’re making me 24 hours notice and I’ll be out there to train them. involved with the Soldiers and drug testing. I don’t
the bad guys’ job a lot easier.” I can tailor my training to all levels - officers, NCOs have to ask them, they do it on their own. It’s really
Younger Soldiers are Kaderabek’s primary focus. and Soldiers. I’m located on CP Henry in Bldg. good to have proactive people at the command level,
Binge drinking, illicit drugs, abuse of prescription 1220, the same building as USA Federal Credit Union but commanders, UPLs and staff – we all work
drugs or new drug trends are the behaviors he seeks – we’re the half without the money.” together as a team.”
AUG. 24, 2007
30 Korean Language The Morning Calm Weekly

Learn Korean Easily

The Phrase of the Week :


“It’s cold.”

cold it’s

here ‘yogi’

over there ‘jogi’

there ‘gogi’

Situation of the Week : Fundamentals


How do you do?

GChoum boebkessumnida.

How are you?


This story is Annyonghi kaseyo.

See you later.


Joint Chiefs Kamsahamnida.

Thank you.

Chairman Chonmaneyo.
You’re welcome.

visits Korean Expression of the W eek

Yongsan Cool!
Literally means cool, but it also means
feels good.

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