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Friday 19/7/13

9.30 10.00-11.20 11.20-11.45 Worship (WA) JD Northey Lecture: Tom Wright* (WA) Morning Tea Engaging Scripture Artfully Please pick one of the following scripture engagements Dance: Ian Ferguson (Chapel) Performance Poetry: Cameron Semmens (G2) Biblical Story Telling: Annette Buckley (G3) Godly Play: Judith Watkins (G4) Lunch Workshops part A, including afternoon tea break. Through the Lens of Child Theology: Beth Barnett & Chris Barnett (G1) Turning your ministry around: Focussing on Disciple-ing rather than Crowd-ing': Mat Harry & Randall Prior (G2) Youre not stuck in traffic, you are the traffic! Curiosity & Culture - gifts for leadership: Cheryl Lawrie & Jenny Byrnes (G3) Beyond Babel: Biblical Interpretation in a Multicultural Church: Koh Swee Ann & Sean Winter (G4) Panel discussion of themes* Monica Melanchthon, Garry Deverell, Jione Havea (WA) Book launch and reception (WA) We will launch Grace: Immense, unfathomed unconfined. This book is a collection of essays in honour of Norman Young. The launch will be followed by a reception that includes a refreshments






Saturday 20/7/13
9.30 10.00-10.45 10.45-11.15 11.15-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-1.30 Worship (WA) Keynote presentation: Liz Boase* (WA) Morning tea JD Northey Lecture: Tom Wright* (WA) Questions to keynote speakers* (WA) Lunch A time of reflective processes on the theme or Discipleship, Education, Theology (DET) talks Conversations in Paint: Participants will be encouraged to turn their stories into painting and to articulate the values and priorities that matters most: Eleni Rivers (Chapel) Praying with scripture: A space to be lead in a guided praying of scripture : Joan Wright Howie (G1) Praying with icons: In contemplative mode, this session will focus on two icons, the Face of Christ on the Towel, and the Mother of Jesus with Immanuel: Rob Gallacher (G4) A quiet, free space. This space will have art materials if you would like some time to



Saturday 20/7/13
yourself to think, write, reflect or draw. (Pearson Room) OR Discipleship, Education, Theology (DET) talks, a series of fast and furious talks. Speakers include Jenny Byrnes, Graeme Harrison, Christine Sorensen, Sally Douglas, Age Greenwood, Avril Hannah Jones. Topics include the brain and faith, Worship, who are you including, 1 Clement, Geek worship, a perspective on ministry, formation Afternoon tea A time of reflective processes on the theme OR Discipleship, Education, Theology (DET) talks, a series of fast and furious talks. (As above) Evening blessing Dinner & Free evening (own arrangement see handout for local CTM recommendations)

3.00-3.30 3.30-5.00 5.00-5.15

Sunday 21/7/13
Worship at nearby congregations (see handout for local congregation information) 12.30-1.30 1.30-2.50 2.50-3.10 3.10-3.40 3.40-5.00 5.00-5.15 Lunch Lecture: Jione Havea followed by Small group conversation & Q&A* (WA) Kirk Robson Theology and the Arts Memorial Fund award presentation (WA) Afternoon tea Lecture Katharine Massam followed by Small group conversation & Q&A* (WA) Evening blessing Dinner (own arrangement see handout for local CTM recommendations) 6:45
Movie night at Nova with reflective process to follow Screening To the Wonder

Monday 22/7/13
9.30 9.45-10.45 10.45-11.15 11.15-1.15 1.15-2.15 2.15-3.15 3.30 4.15 Worship (WA) Keynote Presentation: Liz Boase* (WA) Morning tea Workshops part B (continued from Friday) (See details in Friday) Lunch Lecture: Geoff Thompson* (WA) Closing worship (WA) Conclude

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