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What Saith The Scriptures?

Presented by the church of Christ in Galena Meeting at 5466 Featheringill Rd. Ask a Bible question:

Misconceptions About Salvation (3)

In two previous articles we discussed false teachings that provide a false hope for salvation, namely, 1) Were saved by grace alone through faith alone, 2) Some are predestined to be saved, others are not, 3) The sinners prayer, and 4) Were saved by a man, not by a plan (check web site for archives). This week we want to conclude this series of articles discussing common misconceptions about salvation.

We Must Earn Our Salvation

As discussed in the last article, God has indeed given us a plan that we must accept and obey in order to receive the grace of God that has been freely extended to us. However, it is a misconception that we must do something to earn or merit our salvation. The implication of such a teaching is that we must be good enough to go heaven. That this is a false concept could not be stated any clearer than the words of Paul in Rom. 3.20, For by works of the law no human being will be justified . Later in the same passage, Paul said that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. He then stated in 6.23 that the wages of sin is death. Truly Gods mercy and grace (his willingness to forgive our sins) is wholly unmerited and undeserved. It is his free gift to us (Rom. 6.23; Eph. 2.8, 9; John 3.16; Rom. 5.611; 2 Tim. 1.8, 9; Titus 3.47). There is absolutely nothing we can do to ever deserve to receive forgiveness and spend an eternity in heaven. However, it would be equally as wrong to assume that we do not have to do anything at all in order to receive Gods grace. If so, then all people would be saved and no one would go to hell. To receive the grace of God that has appeared, bringing salvation to all people (Titus 2.11), we must obey God in all things. Consider the following: in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him, not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven, and also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had (Acts 10.35; Matt. 7.21; Rom. 4.12). Much more could be said about every one of these misconceptions. If you desire to talk about these in more detail, feel free to contact us at anytime. Due to financial straits, next week will be our last article in the Banner. However, we will continue to post articles on our website on a regular basis. Lord willing, next week well conclude with an examination of what people in the first century did to be saved. JRG Service Times: Sun. @ 9.00am & 6.00pm | Wed. @ 7.30pm

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