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INTRODUCTION What is National Bible Week Celebration?

It is common for Filipinos at the beginning of the year to review what were accomplished and we did not. And as we recover from 2012 and its impact in our lives and while bracing for the surprises of 2013, there is no better season than now to set our paths and ensure we are on the tamang landas and tuwid na daan. The Philippine Bible Society has introduced to people the Bibles transforming power. One way is to celebrate the National Bible Week which is being celebrated annually. This has started when President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed Presidential Proclamation No. 2242 on November 19, 1982. This declares that national attention be focused on the important role being played by reading and study of the Bible in molding the moral fiber of our society. Reaffirming the proclamation were two noble ex-presidents, Corazon Aquino and Fidel Ramos. Since then, the nation has set aside a week every year to commemorate the importance of the Bible in nation building. Many types of prayer-gathering and promotional efforts such as streamers and distribution of Bible for free were made possible. Amidst this world of temptation, we are all invited by our Pope Benedict XVI as he declared October 2012-October 2013 as the Year of Faith to relive and strengthen our faith. With this years theme: Proclaim the Word, Profess the Faith , the celebration is slated on January 21-27, 2013. The theme was inspired by Psalm 119:105: Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path, and 2 Timothy 4:2, Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.



Faith belief and trust in and loyalty to God; belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion Discipleship following Christ Apostleship representing Christ Profess to confess ones faith in or allegiance to; to practice or claim to be versed in

Proclaim to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing Sacrament a Christian rite (as baptism or the Eucharist) that is believed to have been ordained by Christ and that is held to be a means of divine grace or to be a sign or symbol of a spiritual reality



JOHN 1:1 In the beginning, the Word already existed;; the Word was with God and the Word was God. Most people may not have ever heard of National Bible Week. Some people may actually not even think that it really exists. It can be certain that some people in this country dont want it to. During these days, students like us spend most of our time for schooling. As a matter of fact, we even burn the midnight oil just to finish reading school books, writing reports and doing other necessary things in order to pass a subject. Whenever we look around us, we see so many people giving their hearts out for their chosen crafts. Teachers, engineers, accountants, architects, managers, doctors, nurses, politician, and all sorts of other people with different kinds of jobs endure long days of hard work, but for what reason? Truly, we live in a time where people strive for financial and economic progress. Some strive for it so much that they willingly take overtimes but refuses to spend an hour to go to church. Some students even read variety of books to pass a subject but often times, take f or granted the Bible which is the main source of wisdom. Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one spirit so as to form one body whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Stated is a Bible verse taken from 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, this verse talks about unity and diversity of the members of the body of Christ. This verse is very inspiring for it makes us feel blessed that God welcomes us as part of this Christian body even though we are just students

with limited capacities. It will make us realize that no matter how small a body part is, it still plays a significant role to the whole body. As Christians, we all have responsibilities in this body. All of us have God-given potentials to take part in forming a stronger and better Christian community. The main fact that we were given this life is already enough for us to know that we can help in proclaiming the Word of God. As students, we can do this by encouraging our fellow students to read the Bible. Even the simplest things such as talking how the Words of God has helped us to overcome challenges in life can already inspire people to seek for His words. This year, the celebration challenges Filipinos to proclaim Gods Word and profess the faith towards national transformation. The basic call is for each one of us to honor the Bible by reading, studying and living its precepts. However, this challenge has been stepped up and now calls on all Filipinos who believe in the Bible to proclaim Gods Word and to profess their faith. These times call for boldness and determination, for collective efforts and action to bring people back to God and His Word if they aim for the betterment of our nation. The celebration encourages churches, local government units, schools and organizations to help create awareness and the importance of the Bible in peoples lives. The celebration aims to make every citizen realize that the Bible is a source of strength and wisdom and is not just being read during trials. It serves as a guiding light all our lives. Wisdom becomes attractive if intellectual people ask for it. But this wisdom can be achieved through the reading and living the messages of the Scriptures. The call for us now is to heed Gods Word and obey its precepts if we really want to see true development and lasting change in our lives as a people and as a country. Psalm 119:14 - I delight in following your commands more than having great wealth. As we face challenges as individuals and as a nation, we are reminded that genuine transformation is only possible through the grace of the Lord. If we allow God to rule in our lives, then we open the doors to His grace. Psalm 119:27 Help me to understand your laws, and I will meditate on your wonderful teachings. A daily encounter with the scripture gives us the opportunity to be attuned to His love and grace. This is the key to the renewal of our lives. Sharing His words to others is a great way to live the faith of a Christian. Celebrating the sacraments is also one of the ways to renew our faith, for whenever we gather together in His

name, we receive Him. And as we receive Him, we also receive the strength in making this society spiritually active.



We gather together and celebrate as a family to listen to Gods Word. Proclaiming the Word and professing our faith as Christians can do wonders in the community. There are many positive effects and change why we celebrate National Bible Week. The commemoration gives witness to our firm hope in the bright future of our country. The reading of the Bible helps bring the light to settle conflicts and confusion in the country. The celebration will also encourage people to read and engage with the Bible. It aims to bring a lasting impact in our lives as people of God. This also aims to inculcate in the youth a love and zeal for God and His Word, to bring together people from different regions. This gives an opportunity for parents to build and deepen their relationship with their children and other people. It will stimulate the interest of Christian educators in the value of studying the Bible. Having faith in God helps us see ourselves as a valuable creature whos given numerous potentials in making this world a better one. Being knowledgeable of His words will help us make decisions that will not only benefit ourselves, but also others. Our faith in Him will make us see the world in a whole new perspective. Trials will no longer be seen as hindrances; instead, they will be seen as Gods way in molding us into the Human Person He wants us to be. Through His words, we can all be transformed into new persons who believe that nothing is impossible through Christ, Our Savior. These effects brought about by the powerful book, the Bible, will help every one of us, whether young or old, become better and worthy citizens of this country.



The Center for Christian Formation advocates and challenges everyone to faithfully read the Holy Bible and to become part of ones everyday activity. Amidst all the difficulties and trials

of our time, may we find peace in reading the Bible. May the Sacred Scriptures inspire and move us to work in solidarity with one another, in particular, to achieve a genuine social and moral transformation in our society. We believe that the Word of God is powerful. We can see Gods power works in us if only every Christian who listens with it, live the values and truth of the Gospel, then we can transform and make our country a home of Gods kingdom where every citizen feels the power of the Word of God. As Christians, another challenge for us is to be vocal and aggressive in sharing and living our faith and be able to inspire others specifically our respective families, friends, and coworkers. We are all called to become true followers of Jesus. To be a follower of Jesus is to be faithful to the Word of God. We should make The Word alive in our everyday lives, May we be one in proclaiming the Word and professing the faith by becoming more MABUTI, MAGALING AT MAY MALASAKIT SA KAPWA.



The Bible will serve as an everyday manual and instrument for transformation in our personal lives and as well as in the life of the society. One CFE professor often says, Faith with no action is dead. Therefore, as Christians and as members of the body of Christ, we must act on our faith. True discipleship comes from reading, studying and living with the Word of God. By sharing or proclaiming the wisdom of God and His messages to us, and by putting those messages into our hearts, teaching them to people we encounter is the real essence of the National Bible Week Celebration. By obeying the timeless principles of the Bible, a nation can change for the better. One must not only know the words and the gospel written in the Bible, for in line with knowing is a responsibility to act as living bread to others a living bread that will help them nourish their faith in their Christian lives. Midterm examination is fast-approaching. Despite the fact that we are expected to achieve and attain excellence in our studies, may we not forget the values from the teachings of our Holy Bible.

The Bible will serve as an everyday manual and instrument for transformation in our personal lives as well as in the life of the society. We can proclaim Gods grace and salvation through the Scripture. May the celebration of the National Bible Week inspire us to read, live and share the teachings of God. In conclusion, this celebration invites all Filipinos to realize that the Word of God is alive. Therefore, we can go forward as we learn the importance of its principles, and bring our new day to its fullest. We must never take for granted our spiritual life, for worldly attainments may fade, but the word of God will never perish. This celebration is a call for unity. Let us join hands in making the Word known to the world so that real transformation in our nation and within ourselves may indeed happen. Come let us walk into the side of the Lord. Isaiah 2:5

V. References: CCF Advocacy Paper

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