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Volume 28, Number 2, June 2012


2012 Annual Meeting Edition

Message from the Chair
This years Spring Meeting was sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim in Danbury, Connecticut. Barb Litzenberger created an excellent program entitled Biomarkers: Past, Present, and Future. For those of you that missed the event, it was another exceptional symposium. Barbara assembled a highly knowledgeable panel of experts to present a review of biomarker challenges by reviewing past strategies, present challenges, and new biomarker candidates. I found the title to be quite telling of our industry as well. We clearly have our tried and true gold standards, those biomarkers that have been proven over time in diagnostic venues as well as in pharmaceutical safety assessments. Our present view of biomarkers continues to be complex with an exceptionally high bar for acceptance of new biomarkers. Yet we push forward, not only because our business requires us to be more predictive and productive, but because our human spirit drives us to innovate and improve. In the words of BudIn This Issue: Pg.4 Annual Meeting Program Pg.5 Lunch & Learn Abstracts Pg.7 Annual Meeting Poster Titles Pg.5 Lunch & Learn Abstracts Pg.8 Division Award Announcement Pg.9 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry Pg.11 Photos From the 2012 Spring Meeting Pg.13 Short Scripts

dha, What you are is what you have been. What youll be is what you do now. When I talk to the current director of our Safety Biomarker labs, he reminds me daily, This is the best job Ive ever had! I love what I do! I recognize that not everyone is in that position. Indeed, many individuals may be struggling to find a job. But regardless of the challenges we face, how much better would we be if we could focus on the aspects of our job that we do love. Although I currently work outside of the biomarker arena, I too can say that I love the science of biomarkers. What an incredibly diverse environment and what an opportunity to work with individuals who are truly experts in their fields. The DACC gives me that opportunity to retain connections

> continued from page 1. . . with others who feel as passionately about laboratory medicine and biomarker development as I do. This years Annual Meeting will be in Los Angeles (July 15-19). Im hoping that some of you will be able to face the economic challenges of meeting attendance and be able to join us. The DACC will host a 2-speaker symposium. The title of the symposium is: "Benefits of Biorepository Utilization and Genetically Diverse Models as Predictors of Drug Safety and Efficacy". Its scheduled Wednesday July 18 from 10:30am to Noon. Most of us are being asked to face the challenges of the future by contributing biomarkers to precision medicine and improve our translation of biomarkers to human tissues, serum, and DNA samples. This symposium will give you an opportunity to address those issues. Our Lunch and Learn has become a very popular event. We will again host a free Lunch and Learn symposium on Monday, July 16 from 12:30pm to 3:30. We have invited our recipient of the 2012 DACC Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry to speak to the group. We are also compiling a variety of case studies for presentation. They will provide an informal learning opportunity for DACC members. For those of you that have confirmed that you will be joining us, if you would like to present a case study, please contact Rich Giovanelli (email address at the end of this newsletter). There is still time for you to be included. As usual, lunch is free so thats another reason to show up. But the best reason for showing up is reconnecting with other DACC members. Our Executive Team meeting on Monday July 16 10:00am is also open to general membership. If you would like to hear about the activities of the DACC and/or get involved with activities, we have an open door policy and would love to have you. In the coming months you should expect a few things. The DACC elections will take place in early Fall. We will be voting for a new Chair-Elect and Nominating Committee Member. Please note, that with the recent discontinuation of the DACC Fall meeting, that the duties of the Chair and ChairElect have been substantially minimized. We now have a team approach to symposium generation whereby the Chair-Elect and Chair will co-sponsor the Spring Meeting. This greatly minimizes the burden on any single individual. I encourage individuals to strongly consider this role. I have personally found it to be a growth opportunity and a satisfying way to give back to the field

that I love. Because we have opted to discontinue the Fall Meeting, you will also be receiving a survey. We want to present the most impactful topics for our Spring Meeting. Therefore, we are going to give membership an opportunity to help select the topic for the Spring Meeting. Additionally, we recognize that meeting location can impact attendance. Therefore the survey will also query whether location will impact your ability to attend the Spring meeting. Finally, we are working through the possibility of providing a webinar in the Fall in lieu of our symposium. We hope that this will provide an option for membership to attend a scientifically rigorous program without the cost of travel. Were still exploring the potential of this option. If it becomes an option, we will advertise via the ListServ. As the manager of a group, I also get the opportunity to hear complaints and suggestions for improvement. The effects of economy are often at the top of the list. Corporate constraints preventing attendance at scientific meetings often tops the list. I still feel fortunate to work in health care and have an impact on bringing new medicines to fill unmet needs. I look for ways to navigate a more difficult environment and still be successful. Being a leader within DACC, allows me to attend the AACC Annual Meetings and Spring Meetings and partake in the rich variety of scientific sessions offered. Its all in how you look at it what an opportunity! Dale Carnegie said it well, One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizoninstead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today. Kay

DACC Poster Session

AACC Annual Meeting Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 2:00 4:30pm Animal Clinical Chemistry Session 05
Read Abstracts Online At: sKey=cb5b443d-2c37-4c93-9c116a2996a7c4a5&mKey=%7b7463CE86-9391-49DC-9028 -CBE15D2F246F%7d



DACC Supporters
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics

Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Huntingdon Life Sciences, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Pharm Res and Dev Merck & Co., Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Pfizer Global Research & Development

Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics

For Sponsoring DACCs Award and Reception for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry at the 2012 AACC Annual Meeting To:

GlaxoSmithKline IDEXX Laboratories Merck Research Laboratories Sysmex America, Inc.

Kay Criswell Pfizer Global Res & Dev

DACC Executive Committee

For Putting Together an Excellent Summer Symposium Program and Lunch & Learn Educational Session for the 2012 AACC Annual Meeting

Michael Aleo Pfizer, Inc. N. Leigh Anderson Plasma Proteome Institute Steven R Binder Bio-Rad Laboratories Eric Blomme Abbott Laboratories Mark Fidock Huntingdon Life Sciences Alison Harrill Hamner Institute Jon Kimball The Potter-Hawkins Group Igor Mikaelian Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Jonathan Phillips Boehringer-Ingelheim Shelli Schomaker Pfizer, Inc. Sharon Sokolowski Pfizer, Inc. Jessica Whritenour Pfizer, Inc.

2012 AACC/DACC Annual Meeting

Sunday July 15 Annual Meeting Opening Mixer
6:45pm 8:00pm

JW Marriott Los Angeles at LA LIVE Diamond Ballroom Open to All Registrants. Enjoy Networking with DACC Members!

Free Drinks!

Monday July 16 DACC Executive Committee Meeting

8:30am 10:30am

JW Marriott at LA LIVE Plaza 1 Open to All Members! Come Join in the Planning of DACC Activities! JW Marriott at LA LIVE Olympic 1 See Program Details on the Following Pages RSVP to

Free Breakfast!
12:30pm 3:30pm

DACC General Business Meeting and Lunch & Learn

Free Lunch!

DACC Awards Presentation Reception and Mixer Evening: TBD Recognizing an Outstanding Contributor to Animal Clinical Chemistry
Generously Hosted by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Watch the DACC ListServ for Details

Free Dinner!

Tuesday July 17 Thursday July 19 Animal Clinical Chemistry Poster Session Clinical Lab Expo Auxiliary Meetings Symposia Sessions
1,990 Booths! 2:00 4:30pm Session 05

Wednesday July 18 DACC Morning Symposium Benefits of Biorepository Utilization and Genetically Diverse Models as Predictors of Drug Safety and Efficacy
AACC Session No.34103 Moderator: Barbara Litzenberger, Huntingdon Life Sciences
10:30am 12:00pm

Free Science!

Predicting Drug Safety and Efficacy The Benefits of Biorepositories

John Jakubczak, PhD, Director, Pfizer Tissue Bank, Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT

Using the Mouse Model of the Human Population to Predict Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Karissa Adkins, PhD, Associate Research Fellow, Pfizer, Inc., Groton, CT
Note: Register for this Symposium at: 4

Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry DACC Lunch & Learn

Monday, July 16, 2012, 12:30-3:30pm JW Marriott Hotel, Los Angeles
The DACC Lunch & Learn session welcomes keynote speaker Dr. Jean-Pierre Braun, Dr Vt, Dr Sc, Diplomat ECVCP; Professor of Biochemistry-Biophysics Department of Sciences Cliniques Ecole Nationale Veterinaire. Dr. Braun is the recipient of the 2012 DACC Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry. The award recognizes the outstanding achievements of an individual who has made significant contributions in the field of animal clinical chemistry in its broadest sense including teaching, training, practicing and research. Keynote Presentation: Uncertainty in Clinical Biochemistry from Metrology to Clinical Diagnosis Jean-Pierre Braun, Dr Vt, Dr Sc, Diplomat ECVCP at the Ecole Nationale Vtrinaire de Toulouse (ENVT), Toulouse Cedex, France Estimation of uncertainty in clinical pathology has long been limited to metrology. It is a now well known subject with internationally accepted recommendations on precision, accuracy, quality control. Biological (inter-individual and intra-individual) variability has also been investigated for quite a long time and there are many data available for many variables in human clinical pathology, much less in animal clinical pathology. Uncertainty on calculations made with results produced in clinical pathology is becoming more and more often reported, with confidence intervals (CI) of means and medians, of reference limits, of criteria of diagnostic efficiency (sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, odds ratios). All these uncertainties raise many questions, such as: what is the quantitative importance of the CIs? Is it possible to evaluate the CIs when they are not reported? What use is made of the CIs? Is a CI relevant for the interpretation of data or for diagnostic purposes? Are CIs reported only because it is a requirement of the Editorial boards? What is the possible influence of the uncertainty of the clinician who has asked for the test and makes the interpretation of the results? This presentation will address the many questions regarding this topic. In addition to Dr. Brauns presentation, this Lunch & Learn session will also focus on three different interactive Clinical Pathology/Biomarker case studies: Case Study 1: Analysis of Lactate in Cynomolgus Monkey Plasma and CSF on the Advia-1800 Chris Perigard, Group Leader, Clinical Pathology, Bristol-Myers Squibb Research and Development Company, New Brunswick, NJ An investigation was conducted to determine plasma and CSF lactate levels in samples collected from two cynomolgus monkeys. For plasma, whole blood was collected from the femoral vein into Vacutainer tubes containing sodium fluoride, transported to the lab on wet ice and processed to plasma in a refrigerated centrifuge. CSF was collected at necropsy, transported to the lab on wet ice and centrifuged to ensure cell-free supernatant. Variations in sample processing and analysis were included in this experiment to examine the stability of lactate under different storage and handling conditions. In addition to lactate, glucose, protein and CO2 were analyzed in the CSF samples.

Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry DACC Lunch & Learn

Monday, July 16, 2012, 12:30-3:30pm JW Marriott Hotel, Los Angeles
> continued from previous page . . . Case Study 2: Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Injury Using Novel Skeletal Muscle Biomarkers in Both Sprague Dawley and Wistar Rats Richard Giovanelli Clinical Pathology Lead, Pfizer Research & Development, Groton, CT Accessible biomarkers of Skeletal Muscle (SKM) injury are helpful for the diagnosis of SKM injury. Serum creatine kinase enzyme activity (CK) and serum aspartate aminotransferase enzyme activity (AST), in particular, have been used for decades to help diagnose SKM injury in humans and veterinary species, and are key components of contemporary clinical pathology panels. CK and AST are robust and low cost assays; however both biomarkers have poor tissue specificity and sensitivity in addition to the inability to infer the type(s) of injured muscle fibers for skeletal muscle necrosis in rats and possibly humans. Six novel skeletal muscle biomarkers were analyzed in a 14 day investigative study as well as in the aged rodent study using compounds that induced skeletal muscle injury. I will discuss the performance of these biomarkers in the two pre-clinical toxicology studies. Case Study 3: Effects of Mitochondrial Inhibitors Kay Criswell, PhD, Executive Director DSRD Research, Pfizer Research & Development, Groton, CT Development of new antibiotics continues to be important as resistance to preexisting medications increases. Several antibiotics block protein synthesis in bacteria. Unfortunately, this mechanism is also functional in human mitochondria. Drugs that exhibit mitochondrial inhibition have the potential to produce sideroblastic anemia. This case study will review data obtained during the development of a new antibiotic. A review of characteristic hematology and bone marrow results in nonclinical rodent studies administered these novel antibiotics will be presented. The importance of closely examining peripheral blood findings will be discussed since signs in peripheral blood may be modest compared to bone marrow effects. The overall function of the mitochondria will be reviewed and the mechanism of antibiotic hematotoxicity explored.

Looking forward to a productive and collaborative scientific session! Thank you, Richard Giovanelli, DACC Chair Elect

Animal Clinical Chemistry Poster Session

Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 2:004:30pm
Session 05: Link to Abstracts
B-01: Effect of Piperine on Lipid Profile of Non-Transgenic Mice J. R. Peela, et al., Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya B-02: Clinical and Experimental Study of Acute Intoxication as a Result of Ingestion of Stone Hair Dye Containing Para-Phenylenediamine H. A. Ahmed. Ministry of Justice, Assuit, Egypt B-03: The Comparative Study of the Cytoprotective Effect of Thymohexin and Lansoprazole in EpinephrineInduced Gastric Lesions in Rats C. Nasadyuk, et al., Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine B-04: Amylase Activity in Cervical Mucus and Serum During Estrus in Repeat Breeder Cattle M. S. Yadav, et al., Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izzat Nagar & SMS Medical College, Jaipur, Izzat Nagar, India B-05: Beta-Sitosterol Promotes an Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Murine Activated Neutrophils in a Calcium Uptake-Dependent Manner T. S. Frode, et al., University Federal of Santa Catarina, Brazil B-06: Evidence of Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Rosmarinus Officinalis L. in the Mouse Model of Pleurisy Induced by Carrageenan T. S. Frode, et al., University Federal of Santa Catarina, Brazil B-07: NT pro-BNP Method Comparison in Cynomolgus Monkeys with Congestive Heart Failure D. Wescott, J. Hennan, D. Pavlock, J. DiPiero, D. Bounous, Bristol Myers Squibb, Lawrenceville and Hopewell, NJ, USA B-08: Metformin Attenuates Neointimal Formation in Fructose-Induced Insulin Resistant Rats: The Pathological Role of Methylglyoxal in Stenosis Q. H. Meng, et al., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada B-09: Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid on Ifosfamide-Induced Central Neurotoxicity in Rat Brains G. Ozturk, et al., Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and Research Hospital, Department of Biochemistry, Ankara, Turkey B-10: Protective Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester on Ifosfamide-Induced Central Neurotoxicity in Rats Z. Ginis, et al., Diskapi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Ankara, Turkey B-11: The Role of RNase L in IBD B. Yun, et al., Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA B-12: The Effect of Chronic Long-Term Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Bone Metabolism N. Yelmen, et al., Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey B-13: Can Benchmarking be Used to Monitor Global Analytical Performance of Laboratories? M. M. Menises, et al., Aleman's Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina B-14: Comparison of Benchmarking and Quality Control to Evaluate Bias with Lot Reagent and Calibrator Switches in Clinical Chemistry M. M. Menises, et al., Aleman's Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina B-15: The Possible Involvement of Serotonin in the Cigarette Smoke Induced Pulmonary Hypertension in Chemodenervated Dogs G. Sahin, et al., Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey B-16: The Effect of Pentoxifylline on Endotoxin Induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats G. Sahin, et al., Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey

DACC to Receive Prestigious AACC 2012 Division Achievement Award

Past DACC Educational Offerings 1976-1999 Too Numerous to List 2000 Renal Function and Toxicity and in Laboratory Animals 2000 Clinical Pathology Data Interpretation 2001 Evaluation of Clinical Pathology Instrumentation 2001 Regulatory Requirements in the Analysis of Animal Samples 2001 Outsourcing Studies: Current Trends, Problems and Perspectives 2001 Immunotoxicology 2002 Multispecies QC & QA 2002 Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabonomics in Preclinical Studies 2002 Neat New Things in the Same Old Place 2003 Regulatory Compliance Issues 2003 Endocrine Disruptors: Effects, Assessment, and Health Concerns 2003 Flow Cytometry in Non-Human Species 2004 Assay Validation Criteria Veterinary Clinical and Nonclinical Studies 2004 Biomarkers: Cardiac and Vascular Injury 2004 Multispecies Hemostasis in Drug Development 2005 Reproductive Effects in Animals 2005 Multispecies Chemistry 2005 Lipoproteins: Mechanisms & Physiology of Dysregulation 2006 Acute Phase Proteins in Preclinical Drug Development 2006 Nephrotoxicity: Evaluation of Renal Effects in Multiple Species 2006 Drug-Induced Hematological Abnormalities 2007 Analysis of Non-Standard Samples 2007 Animal Models of Human Diseases 2007 Dev of Biologics 2007 Diagnostic Power of Peripheral Blood & Bone Marrow Evaluation 2007 Lab Computer System Validation 2008 Translating Biomarkers 2008 Zoonotic Diseases 2008 Bone Marrow Evaluation 2008 Nutritional Effects on Clinical Pathology 2008 Thyroid HPT Axis: Endocrinology in Drug Development 2009 Biological Assay Val. & Regulatory Qualification Considerations 2009 Expanding Role of Clinical Pathology: Adding Value to R&D 2009 Kidney Biomarkers: Preclinical Through Clinical Perspective 2010 Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammatory States 2010 Flow Cytometry: A Valuable Tool for Drug Development 2010 From Bench to Bedside: Translational Science 2011 Hepatotoxicity: Mechanisms, Predictivity, and Biomarkers 2012 Biomarkers: Past, Present, & Future 2012 Biorepository Utilization and Genetically Diverse Models as Predictors

Jean-Pierre Braun, Dr Vt, Dr Sc, Diplomat ECVCP to Receive 2012 DACC Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry


Establishing this award was a milestone for the AACCs first division, and it is now in its 20th year of recognizing significant contributions in the field of animal clinical chemistry. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics commitment to supporting excellence in clinical laboratory medicine of all types, including multispecies laboratories, is underscored by their continuing sponsorship of this annual DACC award. This years recipient will be Dr. Jean-Pierre Braun, Dr Vt, Dr Sc, Diplomat ECVCP, at the Ecole Nationale Vtrinaire de Toulouse (ENVT), Toulouse Cedex, France, who is Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Toulouse University Veterinary School and is Head of the ENVT Department of Clinical Sciences. Dr. Braun is a Past-President of the International Society for Animal Clinical Biochemistry (ISACB/ISACP), and a founding member of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Additionally, Dr. Braun has served as mentor and research director for 13 PhD and 68 DVM graduates.

ing Contributions to Animal Clinical Chemistry.

Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry (DACC) highlight for DACC attendees in Los Angeles this July will be the presentation of the Award for Outstand-

As in past years, the award will be presented to Dr. JP Braun at the DACC reception hosted by Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics at the AACC Annual Meeting in July. Dr. Braun obtained his DrVet (1970) at the Universit Paul Sabatier, in Toulouse, the Agrgation (Teaching Grade) in Biological and Medical Chemistry and Physics (1976), a PhD (1978) and Doctorate of Naturalle Sciences from the Universit Paul Sabatier. Jean-Pierre Braun has authored or co-authored over 250 publications including 130 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 25 book chapters, 30 technical articles, and over 140 continuing education communications. As an invited international expert he has presented on various aspects of animal clinical chemistry over 150 times at scientific congresses. J-P Braun has served as reviewer or editor on a variety of international journals including the Journal of Small Animal Practice, Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Revue de Mdecine Vtrinaire, Research in Veterinary Science, Veterinary Medicine International and Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

Medal (1970), the ISACB Heiner Sommer Prize for Lifetime Contributions to the Field of Animal Clinical Biochemistry (2006), and was recently named to the ESVCP Veterinary Clinical Pathology Hall of Fame in 2011. J-P Braun was also the recipient of the Groulade Prize for best continuing education article in Pratique Mdicale et Chirugicale de lAnimal de Compagnie (French Journal for Companion Animal Practice). In addition to his being a member of the AACC/DACC since 1981, Dr. Braun has been and remains actively engaged in a number of major veterinary professional societies including the Association of European Comparative Clinical Pathology (AECCP), French Society of Clinical Biology (SFBC), International Society for Clinical Enzymology (ISCE), International Society for Animal Clinical Biochemistry (ISACB/ISACP), American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) and the European Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP). In short, Dr. J-P Brauns entire career has been exemplary in his accomplishments and contributions to the practice of, education, teaching, training, and advancing research in animal clinical chemistry. The DACC Awards and Executive Committees are proud to recognize Dr. Jean-Pierre Braun as the 20th recipient of this award as a scientist who will continue the legacy of excellence that our previous recipients have represented.

Dr. J-P Braun has had many honors and distinctions,

including Laureate of the Faculty of Toulouse, Bronze


Jon P. Kimball, Chair, Awards Committee AACC Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry

P. Kimball

The DACC Needs YOU!

Members Are Needed to Serve the DACC in the Following Capacities: Elected Office Candidate sought for Chair-Elect Candidate sought for Nominating Committee Member
Note: The Executive Committee will not need to seek a nominee for Treasurer for the 2013-2014 term because Lila Ramaiah has generously volunteered to serve another term

Volunteer Position Available Volunteer Sought for Membership Committee Member Your Participation in OUR Division is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT to Ensure Continued Quality of the DACCs Business and Educational Activities With the discontinuation of the Fall symposium, the responsibilities of principal organizer and session moderator of our divisions educational programs has changed thusly: Spring Symposium: Chair (planned jointly Chair-Elect with Chair as Lead) Annual Meeting Lunch & Learn: Chair-Elect Annual Meeting Symposium: Past-Chair (planned the previous Fall while Chair) The Executive and Scientific Program & Long Range Planning Committees assist with the planning of each educational event
Reach out and speak with the Chair of our Nominating Committee, Karen Lynch
(, 610-270-7785), or any of our divisions Chairs of the past 10 years, to

learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a DACC elected office. Every one of them will gladly tell you why they are personally glad and have been professionally rewarded for serving the DACC: Kay Criswell:, 860-686-9430 Barbara Litzenberger:, 732-371-0852 Michael Bieraugel:, 714-246-6051 Rosemary Nicklaus:, 973-235-3654 Doug Thudium:, 215-652-9646 Doug Neptun:, 919-277-0822 Gail Walter:, 269-383-0025


Images from the 2012 Spring Symposium Biomarkers: Past, Present, & Future

Presenter: Mark Fidock

Moderator: Barb Litzenberger

Presenter: N. Leigh Anderson

L-R: I.Mikaelian, M.Fidock, L.Anderson, S.Sokolowski, S.Binder, B.Litzenberger, J.Phillips

Presenter: Jonathan Phillips

Presenter: Steven Binder 11

Presenter: Igor Mikaelian

Presenter: Sharon Sokolowski


2 0 1 2 M E E T I N G



Volunteers Are Needed for DACC Committees. Join Your Colleagues in Determining the Future Direction of YOUR Division


ACVP / ASVCP ANNUAL MEETING Seattle, WA December 1-5, 2012

DACC Lunch & Learn

Monday 7/16/2012 12:30pm JW Marriott at LA LIVE Olympic 1
900 West Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles

ee r F


RSVP for the Reception:

Hosted by the

DACC Executive Committee 2012 DACC Fall Elections

This is the Year YOU Should Run for Office The Division Depends on YOUR Volunteerism!

See Which Positions Are Open On Page 10


AACCs Division of Animal Clinical Chemistry
DACC NEWS Editor Emeritus Robert E. Emmons

DACC NEWS Editor Mike Bieraugel


DACC NEWS Associate Editor Jon P. Kimball


DACC 2012 Executive Committee

Kay Criswell
Pfizer Global Res. & Dev. 860-686-9430

Richard P. Giovanelli
Pfizer Global Res. & Dev. 860-686-2176

Barbara Litzenberger
Huntingdon Life Sciences 732-371-0852

Lila Ramaiah
732-371-2550 ext 2683

David F. Adams
GlaxoSmithKline R&D 610-270-7228

DACC 2012 Committees

Nominating (Year as Chair)
Karen Lynch (2012) Joe Sansone (2013) Dave Desmond (2014) Rosemary Nicklaus (2015) Barbara Litzenberger (Exec Rep)

Joe Sansone (Chair) Rosemary Nicklaus

Fund Raising
Jon Kimball Doug Neptun Chris Perigard Lila Ramaiah (Exec Rep)

Jon Kimball (Chair) Jiro Kaneko Bob Emmons Doug Neptun

Scientific Program & Long Range Planning

Barbara Litzenberger1,2 Kay Criswell3 Richard Giovanelli4 Rosemary Nicklaus Doug Thudium Jon Kimball

Principal Organizer: 1: 2012 Spring Symposium, 2: 2012 Annual Meeting Symposium, 3: 2013 Annual Meeting Symposium, 4: 2012 Annual Meeting Lunch & Learn 14

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