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Conference Agenda

DAY 1 - AUGUST 29, 2013 Session 1 INAUGURAL SESSION: Restaurant Industry 2013 and Beyond Session Highlights

How will trends in Economics, Consumer demographics, Labour-force composition and Technology shape the future of foodservice markets and their suppliers? State of the Foodservice industry Food Law and Policy What makes Western brands a success in India? From Idea to IPO Between One to Many Moving forward with Sustainability reducing food waste

Session 2 BEEN THERE -SEEN THERE! Making Your Restaurant the Place to be Session Highlights

Creating differentiated positioning be known for Someone(Chef) or Something (Menu item) craveable that consumers can get only at your store Specialty Restaurants success all about right Customer & Location Delicious by Design creating Lifestyle Relevance right from Store Design to Food layout Level of Customization that can be incorporated Why do Restaurants fail how to avoid the death-trap?

Session 3 TRANSORMING FROM A LOCALTO A CHAIN: Whats Involved When a Popular Local Restaurant Decides to Grow from 1 shop to 5 or to 25? Session Highlights

What happens when expansion extends beyond the original geographic market area; how to keep the Stores consistent, and the locations similar? Master planning for building a successful chain with key focus areas on Sales, Branding and Operations How to retain your Culture and Personality &prevent it from fragmenting?

Session 4 SETTING THE TABLE FOR GROWTH: Whats In Store for Financing Restaurants

Session Highlights

How to structure an Early-Stage Equity Raise for rapid Growth? Current Market Valuations for Restaurants and the Outlook for M&A in 2013 Refranchising Company stores to promote growth an Investor outlook Evaluating the state of Private Equity investing in Franchisees Evaluating the anatomy of the bank-led Franchise Loan

Session 5 MULTIPLE UNITS, MULTIPLE CONCEPTS: How the Modern Day Franchise Owners' Model is Changing? Session Highlights

How to identify and recruit star Multi-Unit operators? Why are Food Safety audits & inspections non-negotiable in Multi-Unit? How to create an atmosphere of positive Franchise relationships and avoid the pitfalls of being always adversarial? How to find the Balance the slower you move the faster you die? How to avoid speed traps?

Session 6 GIVING CUSTOMERS MORE OF YOUR BRAND: How to Do It Session Highlights

How Catering can be an extension & introduction of your Restaurant? Home delivery? Creating a brand within a brand when Principal brand is hard to replicate Convenience store prepared foods market licensing opportunities for Restaurants for home meal products

Session 7 CREATING BRAND AMBASSADORS: How Inspired Staff Can Turn Customers into Fans Session Highlights

Best practices to hire for Attitude and then Aptitude How Restaurateur & Chefs can bond for better User experience? How to get Managers and Staff to engage more with Customers to stop just talking at consumers but learning to start real conversations?

Session 8

CLOSING PLENARY SESSION: Breaking the Mould: What's Next for Innovation in Restaurants? A candid conversation Day 2 - AUGUST 30, 2013 Session 1 MENU TRENDS 2013: WHATS HOT, WHATS NEXT! Eating-Out Trends for Casual dining & QSR industry Session Highlights

The Consumer eating out fact file Quality, Consistency, Food safety & expanded menu options Shift in dining attitudes moving towards healthy and sustainable Food & how to deliver them Cost-effectively and Profitably The Secret of Family Loyalty a family-friendly menu with Kid meals Bringing Breakfast in the menu engineering

Session 2 GOURMET DINING: New Gastronomy for In-Hotel & Fine Dine Restaurants Session Highlights

Serving unique needs within a diner group linking emerging Appetites & Menu innovations Bringing the Kitchen to the front of the house what you see is what you get (transparency!) How Restaurants communicate their use of Ingredients to Guests organic, natural, allergy sensitive In-Menu? Improving the shelf-life of your Bakery products how can Bakeries do this naturally without more chemical additives? Creating a midday Menu a little more than lunch, a little less than dinner

Session 3 THE BUSINESS CASE FOR MENU R & D: Food Technology & Menu Innovation Session Highlights

Menu innovation through collaboration between Supplier R&D Chefs and internal menu development resources Equipment efficiency and Ergonomics what are the latest considerations? How can Technological advances be smartly integrated into existing setup to improve the Efficiency and Profitability of a Restaurant?

Session 4 THE CONSUMER CONNECTION: An Integrated Marketing Approach Session Highlights

How to Advertise, Socialize & Monetize when word-of-mouth has moved online? How to make most of your BTL activities? De-mystifying web applications and its user experience? Enchasing Mobile Money, smart phones & your Restaurant Mobile commerce opportunity, timing, implementation Commercializing your online likes making your website do more

Session 5 REDUCING YOUR REAL ESTATE COSTS: Location, Location & Location Session Highlights

Closing the Wrong Store Fast, yet getting it right Getting the right combination of High street, Malls & Food courts How do non-traditional locations for Food service, such as Hospitals, make decisions on Restaurant tenancies? The new future of Mall Gastronomy QSR, Food court-dining or Fine Dine how do landlords view Restaurant tenants individually?

Session 6 OPERATIONS & CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT: The Comprehensive Operations Management Solution for Restaurants Session Highlights

How technology is enhancing the Restaurant experiences of Guests, Operators & Staff alike how it feeds the Business and feeds the Customer? How to increase Operational efficiency leveraging Back-of-House Management to yield Frontof-House success? Cloud Computing in Restaurants

Session 7 GETTING SUPPLY CHAIN RIGHT IN RESTAURANT CHAIN: Criterion for Restaurant/Supply Chain Success Session Highlights

Achieving Supply chain uniformity in Product, Price and Service Building internal Purchasing Management capability vs. Outsourcing How to maintain value position within the market place? What to look for in the right distribution partners?

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