Major Injury Case Study - Below Knee Amputation

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Rehabilitation services

Major Injury Management Service case study

Traumatic emergency below knee amputation as a result of an employee trapping his leg in machinery.

A 27-year-old man caught his leg in machinery whist at work in October 2006. The injury was extensive and he was trapped for two hours until the emergency services could free him by way of an emergency and traumatic amputation at the scene.

He was discharged from hospital after a period of 2 weeks. Initially it was unclear whether he would return to any employment given the severe nature of his injuries and the medical evidence. He was referred to the QBE Rehabilitation Team in November 2006 - 2 weeks after notification of an Employers Liability claim. The claimants solicitors originally appointed their own rehabilitation provider but the QBE Rehabilitation Advisor negotiated agreement to one of our panel rehabilitation providers under joint instruction in line with the Rehabilitation Code of Best Practice.

Key Facts
Total cost of Rehabilitation 6,339.50 Total cost savings achieved 34,480.00

The case manager:

Established additional therapy services including occupational therapy and physiotherapy to compliment the NHS treatment he was receiving in line with his medical teams agreement. Regional NHS services vary greatly and have limitations on the frequency and number of treatments that can be provided. Private therapy supplemented the therapy provided on NHS, which resulted in a quicker return to function Arranged revision surgery. He suffered a bone infection which necessitated him undergoing stump revision surgery this was organised and managed privately 7 months after the date of the accident Organised home adaptions and alterations and later assisted/advised on alternative, more suitable accommodation Organised the purchase of a suitable prosthesis privately after it was identified that the NHS prosthesis proved limiting it fitted poorly and was not suitable for the physical nature of the job he wanted to return to. The private prosthesis allowed more range of movement and allowed a normal gait pattern which also prevented any further problems associated with an abnormal gait. The improved fitting also meant he could wear the prosthesis for longer and mobilise further

Co-ordinated a work site assessment 2 years 5 months after his accident with his employer. As a result it eventually allowed him to return to work for our insured, performing alternative duties. The case manager also liaised with our insured so he could have the same shift patterns as his brother in order to travel to work in his brothers car Ensured he commenced a gradual return to work 2 years 6 months after his accident. A great result considering the current evidence shows after 2 years absence from work there is only a 10% chance that an individual will return to work*. For this type of injury the evidence suggested a bleaker outcome still, proposing his absence from work would be indefinite**. Over a period of 3 months his work was increased to 50% of his pre-injury hours which was the maximum advocated by the medical practitioners. *Musculo-skeletal injuries, British Medical Journal: August 1996 353-358 **MDA - Medical Disability Advisor.

The successful return to work 2 years 9 months post accident to pre injury duties was not anticipated or expected given the medical evidence and as such resulted in reduced legal costs and considerable cost savings a great outcome. Further information If you would like any further information or advice on our rehabilitation service please contact the QBE Rehabilitation Team on +44 (0)20 7105 4000.

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1144/REHAB/CASESTUDY/AMPUTATION/JAN2011 QBE European Operations is a trading name of QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited and QBE Underwriting Limited. QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited and QBE Underwriting Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. QBE Management Services (UK) Limited and QBE Underwriting Services (UK) Limited are both Appointed Representatives of QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited and QBE Underwriting Limited.

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