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vintage poster lenormand

the vintage poster lenormand is a free deck accompanied by a free information file. for educational, research & noncommercial purposes only

(C) Pepi Valderrama

About the images used in the collages: I was doubtful about which images to choose. There are many around, and some are really cute. All the images can be found out there on the internet in different web sites. Please note that I do not own the copyright on any of these images. All posters, postcards, retro art prints and vintage images copyrights belong to their respective owners. According to the websites I shed from these images, these are images that are into the public domain, or are believed to be so. So, you can use them within our rights according to the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (title 17, U.S. Code.) However, if you think that any of the images is infringing your copyright, send me a message to pepi @ depepi . com with a description of the work, a link to where the image is located, and state that the use has not been authorized by you, your agent or the law. Also include your signature. About the purpose of the deck and the information le: Both the deck and the information le are entirely for educational, research, and entertainment purposes only. They are also free and non-commercial. While I do not own the copyright on the images used, I do own the copyright on the collages (its design) and the information le. It is my wish to create a totally free deck with its information le, for noncommercial use. Again, both les (deck & information le) are for you to enjoy the Lenormand, and educational & research purposes (the Lenormand and the artwork of the images used).
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what can you do with the cards?

Use them for fun! Use the Vintage Poster Lenormand for reading the cards, to enjoy the Lenormand, to learn the Lenormand. Use them as a gift to your friends! You can print and use these cards as a GIFT to your friends, or as a GIFT to promote the Lenormand. (Remember that this deck cannot be sold!) Use them in your Workshops &/ or events! If you want to use this deck in your Workshop (or event), you might need to print more than one deck. Trimming it by yourself is a lot of time, so you might be thinking of asking it to print. If you do want to use it in your Workshops, let me know! Send me an email to with the title want to use your Vintage Poster Lenormand in my Workshop, describe it a little bit, and I will send you bigger les so you can order the deck to print. The deck has to be printed like it is with its back. I will also include information of your Workshops in my blog, dePepi magazine and dePepi Facebook page (I will include the location, hour, link to your blog, etc). You can send me images so that I can post them. You cannot sell this deck during your Workshop (or event), you give it to your students (or attendants) for free, as a GIFT. Remember to mention the author of this deck. Thank you! Use it to create free PDFs, in your blog, in your Youtube channel! You can use this deck to promote the use of the Lenormand. You just need to mention its Author &/ or include a link to Yay!!

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the card meanings:

01. the Rider messages, news, someone who comes from afar (it might be foreigner), intuition when the rider comes, he brings news, these news might be positive or negative. It can also indicate a person who visits us. This person can come from afar, or be a foreigner. It might also indicate starting something new.
Note: Since this deck has no extra Male/Female Consultant cards, you can use one of this as a complement. (Or you can print the Male/Female cards twice).

02. the Clover good luck, hopes, rewards, taking the chance This card indicates very good luck, but we have to take it as it comes. Good luck comes in a rush, and disappears as quickly.

03. the Ship journey, trip, growth, starting, something new, foreign lands This card indicates journeys and trips. These can be physical or spiritual. It also indicates foreign lands, exploring, starting something new without knowing much about it.

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the card meanings:

05. the Tree good health, natural environment, roots, time, traditions This card makes reference to our health (usually positive with this card but it depends on neighboring cards), but also our environment, nature, our roots, traditions and time.

04. the House home, family, materialism, the past This card makes reference to our home, our family, our past or the materialism in our lives.

06. the Clouds fears, doubts, problems without much importance, misunderstandings This card talks about non important problems, or our fears. Usually it talks about being worried. Remember that behind the clouds, the sun always shine.

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the card meanings:

07. the Snake cunning, treason, sex appeal, temptation, jealousy This card talks about temptations, treasons, cunning but also sex appeal. Its usually a negative card (but not always!!)

08. the Cofn (ruins in this deck) death, transformation, changes (we might not like), endings and beginnings, renewal This card talks about transformation, ending something and starting something anew (we might not like ending it though), but also talks about renewal.

09. the Flowers presents, gifts, recognition, friends, happiness, good period This card talks gifts that we might get, a happy period in our life, or even recognition from others.

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the card meanings:

10. the Scythe verdict, decisions, abrupt ending, cut off This card talks about decisions that need to be made, about abrupt endings, about verdicts. It could also talk about legal processes.

11. the Whip quarrels, debates, cleaning, purging This card talks about quarrels, debates, but also cleaning oneself, making some inventory, purging our sins.

12. the Birds conversations, someone who loves talking, excitement, new visions This card talks conversations, talks with people, but also it could be talking about someone who loves to talk. It also might indicate to be nervous in

13. the Child child, being like a child, nave, starting from zero This card talks about a child, or someone who is like a child. It indicates that a person is nave or is starting something from zero or is doing something for the rst time.
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14. the Fox intelligent person, gossip, good in business, cunning This card is a good one for business matters, however it also talks about malice and cunning or gossip.

the card meanings:

16. the Stars (the Universe) the Universe is with us, money, quietness, serenity, good opportunities in business This card usually announces quietness, serenity and wellness in love, work and health.

15. the Bear power, powerful person, strong spirit, strength, someone jealous This card usually talks about a strong or powerful person that might help us. In a negative sense it could warn about jealousy.

17. the Stork 18. the Dogs/ the Cats loyalty, friendship, satisfaction, happiness This card talks about friendship, our friends, but also loyalty and happiness birth, starting from zero, escaping from reality, transformation, moving This card talks about births, starting new projects, about moving, but also about escaping from our own reality.

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the card meanings:

20. the Garden 19. the Tower discovery, innovation, solitude, isolation, enlightenment, building, ofcial building, hospital This card talks about being isolated, but also about self discovery or innovation. It could indicate buildings. social meetings, parties, escaping from reality, creativity, bohemia This card talks about social meetings, parties, socialization, but also about being creative, about bohemians and escaping from reality. 23. the Mouse 22. the Path choosing, indecision, an independent person This card talks about choices that can be made, about being doubtful of what to choose, but also about a very independent person.
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21. the Mountain obstacles, problems, lack of possibilities, efforts, being desperate This card talks mainly about problems or efforts we must make to achieve a target.

errors, problems, debts, lies, anguish, distress, negative thinking, bad environment, bad vibes This card talks about errors, problems, poverty, debts, lies, bad environment, bad vibes... in short, negativity.

the card meanings:

24. the Heart love, friendship, wishes, romance, true love, infatuation This card talks about love, true love, feelings, romance, infatuation.

25. the Ring wedding, promises, contracts, union, payed work This card talks about promises and contracts in love, work and friendship.

26. the Book knowledge, secrets, history, schooling, a person who is intelligent but has a closed character This card talks about secrets, knowledge, but also a closed character.

27. the Letter news, exchanges, communication, curiosity This card talks about written news or messages that we might get, also about communication and curiosity.

28. the Man the consultant, masculinity This card indicates the consultant (if hes a male)

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the card meanings:

29. the Woman the consultant, femininity, womanliness This card indicates the consultant (if shes a female).

30. the Lily passion, sex, morals, rectitude, trustfulness, trust This card indicates the morals, the rectitude , the trust we might have in someone. But it also indicates passion and sex. 32. the Moon dreams, mysticism, intuition, taste for the arts, woman, mother This card indicates dreams, intuition, the arts, crafts, but also the woman, and the Moon cycles. 33. the Key understanding, we hold the key for everything, intelligence, means This card indicates the means, the understanding, the key that we hold to achieve our target.

31. the Sun being positive, energy, open minded, divinity, positiveness This card indicates positiveness, being positive, good vibes, lots of energy.

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the card meanings:

35. the Anchor / the Shoe security, stagnation, duties, indecision, a person who lacks the sense of security This card indicates stagnation, duties, roots, security, indecision or the lack of it.

34. the Fish abundance, economic success, questions, doubts, entrepreneurship This card indicates entrepreneurship, economic success and abundance. It also might indicate doubts.

Note: Choose the cards that you like the most. You can also print twice the Male and Female Consultants and put a mark or paint their hair to have more options for reading this deck. You can also use both the dogs and the cat at the same time (or just one), as you like. Enjoy!

36. the Cross sadness, karma, destiny, hardships, negativity, depression This card indicates sadness, negativity and also depression. A negative period.

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vintage poster lenormand cards

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the following page are the backs

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some layouts:
Past Present/Situation Future

Insights What can you see in this reading?

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some layouts:
Past Present/Situation Future

What can you see in this reading?

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some layouts:
About a relationship between 2 people :) On one side, the woman, on the other the man.

1 & 5: thoughts and plans 2&6: Wishes and hopes 3&7: Personality 4&8: Feelings 9&10: Their relationship 11: Outcome, advice Image: Alice in Wonderland Vintage Lenormand

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If you liked this le and the Vintage Poster Lenormand, please Like dePepi in Facebook.

You can also let me know what you think about it in my blog.

Thank You!!! Hi! My name is Pepi and Im an Indie Author. I write books, design decks, and teach Tarot, Petit Lenormand and other Oracles. I'm always practicing and learning, and putting that knowledge to use to create e-courses which will help you successfully create decks and enjoy your own wonderful Indie journey.

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Thank You!

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