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Layered Materials and Patterns in Space

Performative Assemblies

STDELSCHULE ARCHITECTURE CLASS Architecture and Performative Design 2012-13

Agenda Brief

Architecture and Performative Design

........................ 5

Layered Materials and Patterns in Space

........................ 7


Prototyping Performative Models for Design

........................ 8


Installation for a spatial structure by SAC APD

........................ 10

NODE Competition APD Master Theses

Design Competition for NODE 13

........................ 12

........................ 15

APD 2012

STDELSCHULE ARCHITECTURE CLASS Architecture and Performative Design

Architecture and Performative Design (APD) is informed by a range of material, constructional, manufacturing and environmental considerations and technologies. The performance of an architectural design is conceived as its ability to incorporate various requirements resulting from programmatic, functional, structural and environmental aspects in a synergetic fashion. APD specialization focuses on how computational techniques and processes are changing the methodological and strategic make-up of architectural design by linking projective and analytical phases informed by technical data in the work process.

Visiting Professor Mirco Becker Structural Design Consultant: Visiting Professor Mark Fahlbusch Studio Tutor: Philipp Mecke Technical Training Kangaroo: Christian Karl & Ata Mansuroglu

APD 2013

Layered Materials and Patterns in Space

APD will investigate the relation between the material that forms space and the bodies which inhabit it. This is the negotiate between form, space, and material articulation informed by structural-, environmental-, material- and occupational-performance. In its second year APDs agenda maintains with an emphasis on material assemblies but shifts focus form cellular aggregation to layered build-ups. Firstly tries to challenging the bias in design computation that favour modular concepts. Secondly we see an advantage in better scaling possibilities of layered build-ups for architectural applications. Performative design criteria, analysis will include structure, material properties, geometry, environment, ergonomic and occupational behaviour. A special emphasis will be on the development of new spatial analysis and the simulation of user patterns.

Material Assemblies

We are mainly looking at the building-up of sheet material and multi-material composites. From gaining an understanding of different material properties, connections, build-up techniques, and fabrication technologies, we develop material assemblies that have the ability to be highly specific in their performance. Along with the development of the assembly architectural problems such as, openings, fixings, connections will be introduced to the system.

Cellular Material Assembly

Layered Material Assembly

Program Brief - THE CLUB

By the beginning of the second semester each student will develop their own programmatic brief that is based on the notion of a club, as a social institution of people that share a similar interest. The brief then serves as the basis for developing a spatial artefact for that club. This could be a gym, a private member club, a music-dance venue, a rowing club. Choice of programme and site are informed by the tendencies of the Material Assembly, the main criteria is to support its key features. This methods requires that the programme brief and site become subject to the design process itself. The first design test of the Material Assembly will be a two week competition for NODE Forum for Digital Arts in December 2012. APD students are invited to submitting a proposal for an exhibition design system that frames digital artwork and installations for NODE 13 at Frankfurter Kunstverein.
6 APD 2013 7

Prototyping Performative Models for Design

by Mirco Becker There is a tradition in architecture and even more so in engineering to build performative models. They are best known to us through the work of Antonio Gaudi, Hans Isler and Frei Otto as a tool to compute form and structure where numerical models where not available or to slow to execute. These types of models go beyond representation as they are used to test behaviour and performance. In recent years some of the numerical methods are running well on laptop computers and are implemented within design software. Still, the direct relation a designer can have with a physical model is unprecedented, but the fabrication of these often laborious. Abstract methods of analysis Only with graphical methods for structural analysis found by Carl Culmann in 1865 a first analytical tool was at hand to test a given design in an abstracted fashion without the need for building it in order to verify its structural soundness. Later in the 19th century a the Elasticity Method was found for numerical structural analysis. This approach is partially implemented in computational mass-springs methods for simulating soft body behaviour. These methods are now available as plug-ins to parametric design tools. (Kangaroo by Daniel Piker) but already have a tradition in niche disciplines such the design of tensile structures. New methods for blending analysis and design As mentioned in the introduction the model used by Frei Otto soon became replaced by numerical methods when computation power caught up with the demands of the algorithms. A computational form finding model of the Munich Stadium now runs on a normal laptop computer in real time (Carlos Perz, 2011). Since rapid prototyping technologies advanced to a degree where the level of detail, material qualities and cost make it feasible to build functional models, physical models again become interesting for design analysis. These models and there mechanisms can derive directly from discretization strategies employed in computational models. In doing so they path the way for developing and calibrating computational methods, liberating the designer from methods at hand and bridging the gap between computational and physical design practice.

Physical test exhibiting planking behaviour using masking tape on a free-form. Workshop - msa, 2013

Node Folding - Aluminium sheet deformation under point loads in a soft mold. Sean Buttigieg 2012/13

Photoelasticity - Stress distribution in a plastic spanner made visible by cross polarized light. Recent developments in rapid prototyping, namely 3d printing, created opportunities to manufacture intricate mechanisms such as joints and to control functional properties such as elasticity. This approach has the potential to couple physical and numerical simulation and design strategies. 1:1 experiments in historic construction Historically building techniques evolved over time with trial and error, where the collapse of a structure defined the limits of a technology and was a call for innovation. This evolutionary approach resulted in some phenomenal developments like Gothic cathedrals where form and material are pushed to their very limits but often took centuries to evolve. Further more it made it very difficult to venture into new territories, beyond the forms and methods evolved over time and step out of the accumulative experience.

gPlanks - Python component to simulate planking behaviour on any given mesh.

Simulation of Node Folding using a mass-spring model by Daniel Piker. Sean Buttigieg 2012/13

Experiments in Gothic Structure Robert Mark, The MIT Press, 1984 Graphic Statics Carl Culmann,1865 Carlos Perez, Munich Olympic Stadium Video link: 3d Print. Functional mechanical model of the planking algorithm as implemented on gPlanks. 3d Print. Functional mechanical model showing the mesh for sheer resistant and sheering material.

APD 2013

NODE13 - Forum for Digital Arts

February 11th - 17th 2013 at Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany

Installation for a spatial structure by SAC- Architecture and Performative Design

Schematic sequence of fabrication technique

Fabrication of NODE wall components

Innovative re-use of plastic bags

The design is based on the material system of HeatPressure Lamination (HPL), whereby used shopping plastic bags are layered on prefabricated moulds and are fused together into one monolitic component using a household flat iron. For optimum results the process is carried out on flat surfaces to maximise heat and pressure surface distribution, therefore a modular moulding system was developed with only planar surfaces. The geometry of the moulds is based on a set of polyhedrons abstracted from the NODE13s visual corporate identity. From the four shapes box, ramp, chamfer and pyramid countless geometries can be assembled. Once the layering is done the moulds can be removed and placed in a new position for further layering.

This way a wall-like element of 2,50m height and 4,50m width, that served as a backdrop for a projection mapping on a rotating NODE logo by Grosse8, could be realised with only a limited set of moulds. In the case of the CableTrayClusters, the wooden (MDF) moulds were kept to provide the necessary rigidity. During the daily workshops, the CableTrayClusters provided electricity to the workshop participants at all desks and in the evening they could be piled up and turned into sculptures during exhibition hours.

Formal language developed out of corporate identity and logo of NODE

Supervisor: Guest Prof. Mirco Becker Design and Fabrication: Sean Buttigieg & Moritz Rumpf with Amr Al Janadi, Gosha Muhammad, Kavin (Win) Horayangkura, Melissa Swick & Shima Moradi Technical Assistance: Ayax Garcia, Gde Aditiya, Peyman Poostchi & Theron Burger A project of the Architecture and Performative Design (APD) specialisation at the Stdelschule Architecture Class (SAC)

APD 2013

NOD Competition
Design Competition for NODE 13 Exhibition at Frankfurter Kunstverein
The Competition SAC Architecture and Performative Design (APD) students are invited as small teams of 2-3 students to submit for a exhibition design competition. Aim of the competition is to design of a coherent spatial structure for NODE 13 at the Frankfurter Kunstverein. The emphasis is on providing a continues spatial experience from the outside of the build into the main exhibition and workshop area. The design should create a strong identity for the festival and reflect the theme of THE RULES. NODE believes in the processes and methods of design employed by APD. Teams are encouraged to further develop their initial research in context of this competition.


Team: Ayax Abreu Garcia, Gosha Muhammad, Kavin Horayangkura

Competition Jury

Johan Bettum, SAC Sebastian Oschatz, Meso David Brll, NODE Eno Henze, NODE Yara Dobra, NODE


Team: Moritz Rumpf, Sean Buttigieg

Plans (1:200)
Capacity Meter


Birds of a Feather

Team: Melissa Swick, Shima Moradi, Pieter Francois Theron Burger


Capacity Meter

ExtentionTrayCluster_aggregated during exhibition






ExtentionTrayCluster_distributed during workshops


4th/3rd Floor

1st/2nd Floor



Capacity Meter Capacity Meter


InfoClusters_Labeling Artworks EntranceCluster_NODE





Binary Based Guiding System

*000_Hacker Space


Entrance *011_Inspektor *101_Lindemayer *110_De Niro *100_Trautner

Level 3/4





Applying a set of perameters informed by existing site conditions allows for rule based form generation. Mapping the walls of the Frankfurter Kunstverein based on structural analysis established edictal design criteria for the NODE13 forum space.


Level 1/2 Level 0 *111_Basement




The development of a path nding tool allocates a heirarchy of ow patterns throught the NODE13 space at the Kunstverein. Way nding through projection mapping directs visitors thorugh the space based on their individual required paths assigned to their ID cards.



The NODE Forum is the linking of networks that creates a community of individuals with uni ed common interests. An aggregation of artists, designers and engineers. Clustered network systems inform the design re ecting the NODE philosophy.



Level -1



Design Explanation
The Main objective behind our proposal was to create a continuous spatial and visual experience that simultaneously guides the visitors from the outside of the Museum into the main exhibition and workshop areas. The omnipresence of power cables in events like these and the general efforts to conceal these tenuous monsters was another factor we felt the need to intervene upon. Starting from this premis we opted for complete exposure of the wiring system over their conceilment by using their threadlike characteristic as guides for the visitors to know their way through the spaces. We did this by generating a simple binary based guiding system were the sequence of different coloured wires relate to different spaces within the Museum. (refer to diagram X) In order to reach their desired destination the guests follow this simple coding system. Since most of the rooms at the Frankfurter Kunstverein will be doubling up as exhibition areas as well as workshop spaces the next underlining factor was to design a system that could be adaptable and therefore modular in order to be easily populated and moved 'out of the way' during potentially chaotic transition times when workshop spaces are being turned into exhibition spaces. The material system that we opted to base our design upon consists of layering plastic bags in array and the application of simultaneous hear and pressure (using an iron) to fuse these layers of plastictogether into one monolithic component. (Heat-Pressure Laminating - HPL) This method can be applied on most surfaces (as moulds) however for optimum results this process should be carried out on flat surfaces due to the use of the Flat iron. As a result of the above a modular moulding technique was adopted that links the material studies carried out at the Staedelschule and the spatial requirements of the Festival. The geometry of the modular moulds is based on a set of polyhedrons abstracted from the 2d data available concerning NODE_13's visual Corporate Identity. These geometries are then used as moulds onto which the plastic is HPL'd. Once the layering is done the mould can be removed and placed in a new position for further layering. By doing so we not only managed to maintain the concurrent visual (formal) identity of the festival but also managed to enhance it by providing a basis for threedimensional spatial exploration and propagation. The use of crowd simulation software that essentially maps the flow of people through a specific space exposed the areas of most traffic and from this we were able to identify the most adequate locations for these clusters. These clusters would then be aggregated according to their specific location. The aggregation logic followed was simple (diagram X): In spaces of transition the polyhedron moulds were aggregated mono directionally (in x, or in y), in areas of bifurcating program these clusters would be aggregated in two directions (in x and y) and in spaces of little or no traffic these clusters could be aggregated in multi directions (in x, y and z) thus generating a three dimensional sculptural element. Apart from providing generic directions through the space these clusters provide a solid backdrop for the binary based guiding system to organize itself. The power cables weave through the spaces guiding the way to the specified locations in a chaotic manner, however when the cables approach a cluster they are organized and facilitate way finding and signify workshop titles. The success of this system spans multiple levels: its a sustainable approach to design (used plastic bags), is modular and flexible and therefore does not detract from any ongoing activities within the festival, it aids orientation into and through out the building and provides an aesthetical justification for the chaotic omnipresence of the power cables. Whilst doing all the above it also satisfies the material studies carried out at the Staedelshule and manages to sit perfectly within the NODE_13 visual Corporate Identity.


Quantities Report / Effort Report






Raw Material_used plastic bags (PE-Foil)

time: money: 30 h (collect used plastic bags) 0,-

Modular Moulding System

time: money:

30 h (building 5 sets of moulds) 150,- (aprox. 10 sqm mdf-board, releas agent)

Binary Based Guiding System_extention cables

time: money: 20 h (putting it in place) 0,- (if provided by satis-fy)



Time = Money; if (1h = 10,-) then: time = 728 h or: money = 7280,- 528 h (11x students, 6 days, 8h/d) 2000,- Simultaneous Application of Heat & Pressure_manpower
time: money: < 633 h (building the objects) 0,-

given time: money:

estimation time: 713 h (APD-students + additional manpower) money: 150,-




APD 2013


APD Master Theses 2012/13

Adaptable Surfaces and Shedded Structures

Amir Peyman Poostchi

Plastic Dunes

Amr AlJanadi
Plastic Behaviour - Internalising the Edge

Ayax Abreu Garcia

Woven Flexure

Gosha Muhammad
The Flexible Formwork System

Kavin Horayangkura
Latex Tensility

Melissa Swick Moritz Rumpf

Heat-Pressure Lamination The Maker Paradigm & Architecture

Pieter Francois Theron Burger Sean Buttigieg Shima Moradi

Node Folding - Archuaponic Environment Bristle Beach Pavilion


APD 2013


Adaptable Surfaces and Shedded Structures

Amir Peyman Poostchi
This system is designed from an investigation into the behaviour of fabric material and the technique of freezing forms in order to master a generative system. During the research of this system, several prototypes were tested, such as infilling layers of fabric with aggregates such as saw dust in order to control the expand the material behaviour of fabrics. An addition to this the application of specific hardener agents onto the fabric material have been studied. This opens the opportunity for freezing the form, and physical prototypes address the opportunities to define certain spaces that can perform not only structurally but also -by infilling layers with various granular aggregates- acoustically etc.. Moreover, another advantage of fabric is the opportunity to project different lights onto it comes to the account. Throughout the design process, the notion of a structural spider web has been considered which had its inspiration in the lines that control the geometry. The result of material testing is applied to this technique in order to fabricate this generative and layered system. Eventually, the filled layers of fabric produce the webs, while unfilled layers start to produce the surfaces. The compilations of these results address this system to be employed within the framework of a film club in a specific site in front of the film museum near Main River in Frankfurt, Germany. The proposed site has the advantage to interact with numerous people who pass by it during the day and night. Suggesting a film club with a cinema hall in this context provides a public forum for debate. In this situation it cooperates parallel to the film club, it is also as well used for occasional events and festivals. On the other hand, having debating zones in this club would cover the lack of such spaces in the film museum in front of it for professions and ordinary people who want to interact. Considering the spatial organization of a film club within the site - cinema hall and debating zones Pressure Simulation Different Bending Angles

b a 1 4 d 3
Variation in Fixing Points and Behavior of the Surface

b 2 a 2 c 4 1 c

b a 1 2 d 4 c 3

b a 4 1

2 c

Different Pulling Directions

Local Pulling Simulation

Generating the Geometry on the Fabrics by imaginary Guidlines

4 5 6 7 8

Dening Anchor Lines at the Boundaries to Control the Shape

Particle-Spring model of initial membrane model.

storing performative information. Hence, by vacating the aggregate form the frozen fabric forms the system provides a lightweight structure. Throughout this process, the essence of fabric has been decontextualized and new performances were discovered, such as structural purpose in different scales from furniture to architectural layouts according to the programmatic demands in the architectural realm. In this regard, the behaviour analysis of fabric has been considered physically and simulated digitally in different actions such as pulling, bending, twisting, wrinkling etc. in order to control the system and further develop from initial steps of design to fabrication procedure. This approach provides us to find a better solution for design and construction of our built environment by systematic investigation of design. The results of these examinations through digital

Wrinkle Simulation in Type 1

Filled Layers

Structure and membrane catalogue

Top - Side Pressures and Effects on the Shape Wrinkle Simulation in Type 2

Wrinkle Simulation in Type 3

and the results of physical and digital testing together as well as fabrication method, this project pursues a performance-based architectural expression.

APD 2013


Plastic Dunes
Amr AlJanadi
System Summary
The system is a result of controlling the deformation of Polystyrene sheets under non-uniform heat application. The deformation behaviour of these sheets is digitally analysed taking into account the duration of heat application. These deformed surfaces have a potential to create continues surfaces in relation to the position of the heating point. This technique technique where a several forms can be created from one mold. The system is able to create a wide variety of forms and shapes within only one mould in accordance to the heating paths within very simple process, those sheets would be used to create unique perforated surfaces which will build up exhibition spaces using the visual qualities of the material.

Design Description

The system is put in context for a exhibition design for a classic cars pavilion in Frankfurt. In a central location where several facilities already exist. The actual site is located in a central point of the city next to a main shopping street and above one of the most important metro stations. The proposed pavilion will be a connecting interface between the public and these unique cars. It gives the owners a platform to exhibit in a situation which is superimposing their collection within the context of public transportation facilities. The building encourages a new entrances and circulation paths throw the metro station which are used as an exhibition spaces too. would be applied to sheets and strips of various size, where every unique piece could behave as part of a whole. These pieces could be structurally rigid when they interlocked internally within a bigger structural frame. The surfaces have the potential to perform in horizontal as well as in vertical orientations or transition between both orientations.

Panel layout

Thesis Statement

The investigation aims to achieve a degree of control over the heat-forming process which exhibits some chaotic behaviour. It is taking into consideration that the material change its physical characteristics during the heat-forming process. The material has its own ability to stabilized within the processed areas and develop a unique visual qualities. The research helped to understand the material behaviour within different conditions and takes advantage of its characteristics to be deployed within architectural context. Several techniques were used to meet up with this aim. Firstly the heating of certain points on the surface in respect to duration of heating time. Secondly the distance between the source of heat and the surface. Lastly different controlling external control techniques were tested: heat resistant spray, foams and negative pressure
18 APD 2013

Site sections and programmatic links


Plastic Behaviour - Internalising the Edge

Ayax Abreu Garcia
System summary
The material system is comprised of a singlelayered, rectangular sheet of plastic of varying thickness (1-3mm). First, in order to activate material behaviour on the plastic sheet, an operation was introduced: a linear incision of varying length (10-15cm) in which a connection is made to create material overlap. The operation of pulling the material perpendicular of the incision creates the whole plastic sheet to acquire curvature, both locally and globally. The amount and position of these incisions is of chief importance in the control of surface curvature, buckling and controlled material-failure. Additionally, the force needed to create material overlap is inversely proportional to the length of the incision, meaning: smaller incisions need more force in order to perform the connection. Several prototypes were digitized in order to understand and assess the initial position versus the final position of the plastic sheet, in order to acquire a material understanding of the geometric system and build up design intuition. Lastly, the surfaces extend horizontally creating spots of structural rigidity and ultimately creating vaulted spaces (shed typology). position of the incisions, sheet size and curvature direction, as well as assembly logics and structural analyses.

Design Description

Situated in the periphery of Frankfurt am Main, the project proposes a bath complex that offers a place of internal reflection, permanence and quiet acoustics through micro-environments and rich architectural effects.

Initial sheet deformation

Plank layout on sheet model

The material system implementation departs from the understanding of its natural tendency to create curvature and vaulted spaces; thus, these are the reasons why the location of its deployment is Rebstockpark due to its landscape conditions as compared with the city fabric. My project draws from an extensive year-long body of research on plastic sheets (surfaces) and its structural performance.

Plank path distribution

Building section

Thesis Statement

The ability to create a formal repertoire, or a material palette derived from the faculty to manipulate plastic sheets as of required specific rigidity points, with a material-behaviour driven methodology to create usable architectural spaces. One should note that the end result of the system always delivers developable surfaces; that is the main reason why a construction system was devised as a translation from the model scale to the architectural scale through the development of a plank-based system. The plank system follows and reacts to the

The deployment and differentiation of these surfaces (units) in the final building is derived through the ability of each individual unit to be nested and manipulated according to context specificity and programmatic conditions. The ensemble organizes and handles space differently (for example: ceiling height, orientation, openness, porosity) creating a field-object that creates natural circulation and heterogeneity. The building signals attentive detail to the ritual of bathing, nakedness, and privacy.

APD 2013


The Flexible Formwork System

Kavin Horayangkura
System Summary
This project is researched through the analysis of the elastic behaviour of sheet material. It is used as a double-layered, flexible formwork to produce a variety of solid casts. The system takes advantage of the elastic material seeking new methodologies to generate architecamount of formwork material needed. The volume of the inside and outside space is controlled by the system. The form of the structure can be changed towards certain architectural conditions and context. The solidifying liquid casting aggregate can create different textures and pattern relating to the movement of the activities. The solid cast can relate to program as well as flows of vertical and horizontal activities, such as sport club or recreation centre. The project site is located in the Frankfurt am Main near the river tapping into a variety of already existing urban activities. It creates a continuity of activities, so the building can be a part of the urban activities, creating a new communal space in the city.

0.40 0.60 5 cm 5 cm GRID PATTERN SET OF POINTS





10 cm

0.5 cm





Design Description


The flexible formwork system could be regarded

System drawing of double layer membrane formwork

tural forms associated with force and structure. The tensile forms of the elastic sheet material are translated into a geometrical system which are then integrated into a computational simulation to predict and extend the possibilities of forms. The aim of these experiments is the exploration of forms which integrate tensile form and compressive forms generated by the solidifying liquid casting aggregate. According to the resulting form of the elastic formwork, its characteristic as a compression form could be generated to be a complex geometry structure, relating to the optimization method, in any scale of architectural structure. This flexible formwork system has the potential to adapt to various architectural conditions such as environmental context, and human activities.

-0.34283 0.280072 -0.307905 -0.31445 -0.23571 -0.196546 -0.156935 -0.146999 -0.146999 -0.156935 -0.196546 -0.23571 -0.31445 -0.32172 -0.346195 -0.359629

-0.08932 -0.150176 -0.202501 -0.22698 -0.355945 -0.41531 -0.331239 -0.100151 0.259149 0.367157 -0.428307 -0.413137 -0.309992 -0.231973 -0.16586 -0.063141

Thesis Statement

Two main topics can be found in the architectural application of the flexible formwork system: Firstly the generation of form and secondly the emergence of various textures resulting from the solidifying casting aggregate. The flexible formwork as a construction technology can produce a variation of solid cast forms that can be applied to vertical and horizontal structure of buildings. Moreover, compared to existing formwork system this technique can produce many types of forms and minimizes the

as a design machine that generates cast forms. This machine has a lot of variation to create different forms depending on the architectural condition. The system can expand into multiple units, creating a 3-dimensional a field condition. The design has to follow the logic of the machine not only the the resulting form but also in the process of construction. In the design part, the form of this project emerged from the three different forms of prototype to create different outdoor space and generate the different flows of space. Moreover this machine can be integrated with the technique that produce the different patterns and textures of the solidifying liquid casting aggregate. Relating to the program of a recreation centre, it can take advantages of the flexible formwork to create unique surfaces for rock climbing area as well as structural support for the vertical circulation. Moreover, the solidifying liquid casting aggregate can created surface of varying roughness to diffuse the sound for the amphitheatre space.

Simulation of cylindrical double layer membrane formwork

APD 2013


Woven Flexure
Gosha Muhammad
System Summary
Woven Flexure is derived from an investigation into woods intrinsic properties and its characteristics as an industrial layered material system, aka plywood. Taking advantage of the materials elastic bending behaviour a three-fold system of plywood strips is devised. It is constituted by: locally differentiated cut patterns that splice the strip at each side, a degree of intersection of the splices, and the grain directionality. The interface between each module is fixed through continuous point connections of the overlapping splices These woven assembly constructs a configuration with global curvature that has the capability to carry its own weight. The system sets out a logic that has the potential to be applied to the screening and diffusing of light and wind in a diverse construction scale from furniture to large span roof structure.


cable strap
tension compression


Design Description

The material system has the advantage of being easy to deploy, lightweight, and can tolerate certain level of movement. Taking this into account, a site in Bali
binder clip element A binder clip element B



cable strap
section rotation degree


After Bending
binder clip

tension elastic neutral axis compression elastic neutral axis

unit fixation hole

flex formation void

bending moment

system connection hole

Thesis Statement

Elastic bending behaviour has the capability to be employed as material-forming strategy by producing differentiated building components from a flat standardized industrial product. Weaving, on the other hand, allows the component interface to be

-Indonesia was chosen based on the position of high seismic activities, extreme topography, unskilled labour resources, and the need of large span structure. The site is a seafront cliff with seventy-eight meter height difference and small creek running in the middle. Within the material performance and geometry boundary, a system was designed to pro-

cable strap

Initial Condition

Bent Condition

Before Bending

Global bending behaviour

Unit Parameter - Width

Forming the unit

Unit Parameter - Lenght

width 20 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 11.4 mm | connection 4.5 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 200 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 8.3 mm | connection 5.6 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 12.9 mm | connection 6.3 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 250 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 10.6 mm | connection 6.0 mm

width 40 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 14.2 mm | connection 7.8 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 12.9 mm | connection 6.3 mm

Catalogue of different units arranged within certain level of movement tolerance while keeping the integrity of the structure. Combining these two aspects together through parametric strategies allows a range of adaptability of the final geometry within relatively simple fabrication methods out of common hand tools. As an integrated design tool this method has the potential to provide alternate ways of reading tectonics. It provides an ontological technique to articulate the structural capacities of a selected material to perform as an art form. Instead of seeing elements in separate ways, the produced artifact is a blend of structure and ornament that represent the specific design process.

vide differentiated structure and infrastructure. This will allow a visitors journey from top of the cliff to ocean below as a rich journey of shifting spaces through resting place and informal gathering place as well as place for artistic performance. The result is an articulated condition of structures and enclosures, which relates to topography, body ergonomy and environmental condition.

width 50 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 15.3 mm | connection 8.9 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 350 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 15.1 mm | connection 6.5 mm

width 60 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 16.3 mm | connection 9.6 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 400 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 17.3 mm | connection 6.6 mm

width 70 mm | lenght 300 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 17.1 mm | connection 9.8 mm

width 30 mm | lenght 450 mm | bend point 0.5 | intersection 0.75 | amplitude 19.6 mm | connection 6.7 mm

APD 2013


Latex Tensility
Melissa Swick
The distinctive hyperelastic material property of natural rubber, or latex, is alike that of biological tissues. The visceral quality of latex engendered a foundation of intrigue for the process of material studies. By means of tensility, imbedding structural members (wooden reeds) within a latex membrane, a series of small-scale physical models were produced to investigate the non-linear elastic properties of latex in the form of sheet material. The series of models can be subdivided into four categories: aggregation, pleating, tensegrity and rotation. The studies rendered a variation of results, from surface articulation to volumetric form conception. The chosen program of a wellness club emerged through the research of stretching apparatus design development. Historically this particular typology of machinery was used primarily as a means of physical therapy, and additionally in more recent times as a form of physical fitness. With the idea of wellness in mind, and the extreme flexible boundaries of the material system, a site with equally extreme conditions and a site-specific reference to wellness was necessary. The concluding site selection is a natural hot springs park located in the Colorado Rocky Mountains of North America. The site has an extreme climate with an average annual snowfall of 900 cm and approximately 250 days of sunshine, with a reference to wellness through the healing properties of the naturally heated mineral spring water. The tensility system responds to the extreme environment by means of site intervention. Placing structure above and around the natural hot springs creates entrapment for the continually released steam, creating a naturally heated and humidified environment and membrane serving as protection from snow and dry heat.
15 cm 6 cm 4 cm
7 cm 4 cm

15 cm 6 cm 4 cm

3 cm

reed lenght

9 12 15

7 cm 3 cm

4 cm

reed lenght

9 12 15

Simulation of membrane erection

Reed and membrane

Through scalar prototyping, the tensility system materializes and performative architectural features of the system were revealed by means of materiality, suggesting a potential for unprecedented structural systems. Further development of the tensility system provides design opportunities in the form of spatial variation, having the ability to create multifaceted structures encompassing a large range of spatial situations, by means of an ever-adaptable structural system. This aspect, the flexibility of form, in combination with the hyperplastic quality of the latex membrane provides for a new dialog between the user and the architecture. The non-static attributes of the system propagate performative design qualities in the form of a flexible architecture. The structure serves as an apparatus for physiological stretching by means of elastic resistance through physical human interaction. The structure becomes a tool for physical wellness thus blurring the line between machine and architecture.

Analysis showing the local elasticity in the membrane.

The positional relationship between the structure and the hot springs allows for an even greater range of variability in user interaction. The architecture as a stretching apparatus permits both water and land based stretching exercises as well as heated steam environments, propagating expanded physical flexibility. The variation in tensional forces allows the architecture to not only serve as a flexible stretching apparatus but also as a stable building system with structural integrity.

APD 2013

Heat-Pressure Lamination
Moritz Rumpf
System Summary
Heat-Pressure Lamination of PE-Foil

Evaluation of Abstraction #1 Physical Model

#3 Phisic-Simulation [Ination-Simulation]

Used plastic shopping bags are the primary material for the system presented. They are made of lowdensity polyethylene (LDPE), come at low costs but also in small sizes and dont have good structural properties in the first place. Therefore multiple layers of PE-foil are laminated together by applying heat and pressure at the same time. From 20 layers onwards the material has board-like characteristics. To get a smooth material build-up a flat device for heat application and a flat working surface or mould is used.

A modular moulding system that allows large tessellated formations and can be moved during fabrication facilitates the production of large, seamless structures with only a limited set of moulds. The size of the moulds determines the resolution of the pixelated geometry. Through the implementation of build-in cushions, three-dimensional structures are created from flat source material. Layers of non-adhesive material are placed between layers of PE-foil during lamination to create cushions, which are filled with concrete or granular materials PU-foam was used for prototypes. With varying numbers of layers on each side, the PE-foil folds around the cushion, whereby the angle depends on the ratio of layers on the respective sides. Furthermore the cushions locally strengthen the structure since envelope and contents are one structural unit. The primary technique of heat-pressure lamination allows creating variable thickness throughout the construction, to weld it seamless into very large pieces in almost any direction and to integrate details by welding.

particularly in its testing and simulating; both in the physical and digital realm. A physic-simulation, which incorporates material properties and abstracted simulations operating with surface folding allowed for the generation and evaluation of families of shapes. Local structural optimization both in regards to geometry as well as in regards to material efficiency was achieved through interactive, parametric structural analysis. Both applications come with their respective range of geometric constrains and potentials. Using the modular moulding system any shape will be tessellated but can have almost every overall shape and can be theoretically seamless in any size. Using integrated cushions to generate form limits the system to geometry that can be produced though straight and curved folding of planar material and therefor to structures of medium size.

#2 Diagramatic Drawing
- no gap between cushion and edge

#4 Abstracted Simulation [Folding-Simulation]

- no gap between cushion and edge - creas insdead of cushion, thus no diminution

From inflated cushions to curved folding. Physical test and numeric simulation.

Design Description
Recycling Eurotower The Eurotower in Frankfurt provides the framework for an intervention with elements of intermediate scale, designed for a certain timespan. A spatial landscape - built from the described material-system with build in cushions - will facilitate an environment for co-working spaces, student- and other lowcost-housing as well as flexible event spaces. Considering the vast amount of vacant office space, it is assumed that the Eurotower will be unoccupied for a time span of at least five years after the European Central Bank (ECB) will move to its new premises in spring 2014. Taking the constant need for residential space in Frankfurt into account, it is proposed that the target users will move in to make temporary use of the building. As the users incrementally move in they will build their required spatial configurations and furniture at an in-house fabrication. The structures will provide areas for seating, bridge levels, partitions and enclosed spaces.

Structural analysis for vertical loads, countered by increased folding.

Thesis Statement

Simulating, Optimising and Evaluating

The thesis focus lies not only on the development of a material system and its test applications but

APD 2013


The Maker Paradigm & Architecture

Pieter Francois Theron Burger
Digital design, and parametric design in particular often lead to relatively complex geometry, with fields of unique components, each varying slightly based on its individual parameters, its relationship to its siblings. cally complex pavilion is proposed on the doorstep of the Stdelschule Architecture Class, using a combination of inverse catenary shells and structural surface folding formed by a network of simulated intelligent agents. This structure results in a plethora of complex geometry where every tessellated polygon in the surface is described by several points, lengths and edge angles, each one structurally significant. This complex field of information is however never unduly exposed to the end user. Instead, as a part is needed, its form is projected onto the appropriate piece of raw material in the workshop, and the edge angles are automatically passed to a circular saw just before cutting. While every length , angle and position is unique to the second decimal, this complexity is managed internally by the system, allowing the end user to simply cut and assemble the pavilion as per the computer model. The result is a competitive level of complex geometry, realised using only an eight hundred euro projector, and Festo circular saw augmented with a small stepper motor to control its cutting angle. System drawing, extracting miter angels form each panel

Augmented hand-held circular saw, equipped with stepper motor and link to parametric model to control cutting angle. This complex geometry quickly becomes unmanageable for even skilled craftspeople, both in the realization of the geometry in physical form and the management of the components during assembly. In order to bring these designs to life, we turn to computer aided fabrication techniques. The problem is that for the most part, these tools are debilitatingly expensive, confining the ability to realise these designs to a select few. In this project I explore how recent developments in technology have allowed us to realise a similar level of complexity with dramatically simpler and therefore cheaper tools. Instead of the classic approach using a myriad array of complex and expensive tools, passing parts from a CNC milling table to flank miller to a drilling rig I propose augmenting simple hand held tools with the ability to receive their final instructions from a digital model. This allows the end user the same level of outsourced complexity afforded to expensive CNC tools using only a projector, and a augmented circular saw. For the purpose of example, a relatively geometri30

Cut pattern projected form parametric model to guide the fabrication with augmented hand-held tools

APD 2013


Node Folding - Archuaponic Environment

Sean Buttigieg
System Summary
Node folding is a technique of articulating structural folds in metal plates. The process emerges through the investigation of the sequential process of layering aluminium plates over an underlying soft mould, a layer of sponge, and the later imposition of nodal forces on the resulting sandwich composite. The digital tools empirical studies can be digitised and optimised according to the briefs criteria.

Design Description

The system was designed to work with stranded sized metal sheets in order for the resulting components to be of manageable size and proportions for ease of transportation and fabrication. By optimising rainwater collection and distribution the question arises of what to do with the water collected. With this in mind a space was designed that takes advantage of the most recent advancements in horticulture and integrate an aquaponic system within the skin of an semi-permeable envelope. The project aims to prove that fruit and vegetables need not to be System drawing of initial forming mechanism Geometry of formed aluminium sheet

system takes advantage of the rigid and isotropic nature of aluminium and the opposing yet highly influential flexibility of the underlying soft mould. This material system has been adopted as a plate moulding process for aluminium forming components that vary significantly to common methods relaying on expensive and rigid tooling. Due to the intrinsic outdoor prone characteristics of aluminium and the resulting geometric articulation of the node folded plates, climate based performance criteria are considered as potential applications for the architectural deployment of the system.

produced in fields horizontally but walls can be capacitated with the necessary infrastructure to grow adequate amounts of fruit and vegetables to feed urban dwellers. A site in Amsterdam was chosen due to the high levels of annual rain fall and the high rates of daily fruit and vegetable imports making us question the authenticity of the term fresh.

Plastic deformation analysis

Thesis Statement

Node folding geometrically alters the plates surface articulation lending structural depth to the components thus making them tectonically capable of carrying their own weight and that of their neighbours. Aesthetically, the fabricated plates are characterised by their folded flanges and surface relief pattern that can be adjusted by varying the arrangement of the nodal forces. Therefore a taxonomy of plates can be fabricated that relate to one another whilst satisfying different programmatic, ergonomic structural and environmental criteria. With the help of an array of
32 APD 2013 33

Material Investigation
Bristle Connections
Fixing Bundle of sticks

stles other

Bristle Friction , System

Bundles assembly

Bristle Beach Pavilion

Shima Moradi
System Summary
The system investigates the advantage of friction connections in bristle bundles. This research explores the aggregation of components in order to achieve structural soundness. A first prototype was build by putting cooper wires together as a bundle and fixing them in predefined the components, the resultant form changes within the range of possibilities. With this system it is easy for designer to design spaces that are flexible in response to the human ergonomic scale.
Move Bristles on each othere

In this step ,circle or strip perforated sheet used in order to creat bundels

Using third element to make surface

gaging ther

Design Description


holes of a flexible surface. The system has the potential to generate freeform surfaces by using three elements: wires, ring (for making bundle) and a perforated flexible guiding surface surface. The friction among the component and the degree of interlocking depends on the density and height of the bundles. The components of the system - the bundles -interlock with each other by friction force without using any kind of mechanical or chemical fixings such as screws and glue.

The interlocking bristles assembly has been Push bristles employed to design a temporary beach pavilion atto each other tourist attractive site in Zingst, Germany. The site was chosen with respect to the sandy ground condition and topographic slope. The system allows to be fixed on the unstable ground without any need for foundations. Besides, the existing elements - brakewater logs - are fixed in the sand and extended along the beach. The design intention is to create several spaces varying from enclosed to open. The resulting Bristles engaging form is a differentiated envelope that creates a canin each other opy and shelter suitable for various activities. These include a bar, caf to relaxing facilities and activates people usually do by the beach. The concept for

The basic system consists of a perforated surface and a set of elements or "sticks" which are placed vertically to the perforated surface .

APD/Architecture and Performative Design

Friction locking of brushes

Friction locking bristles

More pressure

Thesis Statement

In a later prototype the flexible surface was replaced by flexible strip to connect the bundles together and result in variation of bundle connection. The aggregate structure displays tremendous strength and resilience. The failure of one member will not lead the beach pavilion not only includes the provision to an overall collapse; instead, the new stress/load of spaces to extend the program of beach-life, but configuration will be automatically redistributed also reusing the natural materials during the winter within the network of wood members and remain season when the need for such a pavilion is limited. structurally stable. By using the flexible strip, APD/Architecture Performative During this and stormy month of the yearDesign the system wooden sticks can be rotated in any direction and will help to stabilize the vulnerable dune scape and each strip can be twisted and connected to another limit erosion. one. The architectural performance of the bristles friction system has the potential to be employed in temporary structure, since it can be assembled easily and fast. In effect, the result of the various relations between the wooden sticks, ends up as a space. The system having both specific rules in connection and flexibility in direction and degree of interlocking, leads to a design both random and rational. Therefor the designer directs the design in a various range of possibilities by each decision made in connecting
34 APD 2013

APD/Architecture and Performative Design


STDELSCHULE ARCHITECTURE CLASS Staatliche Hochschule fr Bildende Knste-Stdelschule Drerstrasse 10 60596 Frankfurt am Main T +49 69 6050 0869 F +49 69 6050 0878

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