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US, Bk 1, "A Modern View of God"-

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""


Preface (below Table of Contents - background and overview) Chapter 1................Intellect Vs. Intuition Chapter 2................Life Path Directions Chapter 3................A Modern View... Chapter 4................Cause and Effect Chapter 5................Love ******

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TABLE OF CONTENTS & PREFACE for LPRWW.US, Bk 1, "A Modern View of God"-

A Modern View of God is offered by an energy calling itself The Buddha Consciousness(*), I began to channel this guide in March, 1988 after a long (seven-year) association with my previous guides, the Universal Oneness, who authored my first book, the "The Spiritual Heart."

The Buddha Consciousness comes with a special purpose, that of uplifting and teaching the planet new spiritual principles by which to live. They stress the imperative nature of our learning to live by new spiritual principles rather than continuing as we are. They state that the planet, in terms of future generations, is in grave danger if we continue in our negative ways, do not become more positive and uplift ourselves.

A Modern View of God provides a new view of the Ten Commandments, which can be incorporated into modern day life and are sensible for the times in which we live. This new treatment of the Ten Commandments affords each of us greater guidelines by which to live and shows us how to live our lives more harmoniously.

In addition, other new concepts and ways of viewing ourselves are provided that can effect change on the very deepest level. This is the purpose of this book, as well as my purpose as a channel, to provide a continuing message from other
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TABLE OF CONTENTS & PREFACE for LPRWW.US, Bk 1, "A Modern View of God"-

realms that speak of world peace and brotherhood. Along the way comes the tremendous benefit of a process which is described as beyond transformational change and benefit. Read on, and learn how we can begin to contribute to world change on an individual level and at the same time begin to live more spiritually day to day.

Diane McCarthy (later Rev. Diane Chapin)

NOTE: (*) At this time, The Buddha Consciousness did not identify itself as anything more than an entity. The term Consciousness was not introduced until after Don came on the scene, with a wider academic (Don: but not experiential :-) knowledge of the channeling process. *******

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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""


It is I, the Buddha, and I have come to speak to you of the thoughts and activities of those of you who live on the earth plane. It is important to comprehend the singularity of the Godhead and all that is available to mankind at this tremendous juncture in history. Mankind is destined for holiness which is the purpose of the seeming chaos that abounds. There is holiness and order in all chaos which is purposeful. It is through the understanding of the basic concept of holiness that mankind will begin to turn in the direction of God rather than the direction of negativity and greed. In all darkness there is some light. It is to be understood that we touch that which is God in us and in all things when we begin to search for the light in darkness. This text is provided to give you light. It is the light of God that shines in the darkest of hearts, it is the light of holiness that blesses you each day. God is the answer to all your prayers. God is at the center and the root of all things known and unknown. Science looks for the theoretical answer to the creation, but creation began with the heart of God and the light of upliftment. It is through upliftment that we begin to discern that which is holy and that which is of mankind. It is ego and ignorance which leads us to consider that we can come to understand God in any human context. God is the essence of light and light is the answer to the creation. As the light of God intensified in magnificence and radiance, The Godhead created the world and all its contents to endure

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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

throughout eternity as the learning place of those who incarnate on the human plane. The earth was created to be purposeful and filled with holiness and light but as the intellect evolved, mankind set aside the light for darkness and with it, the understanding of God and the creation. It is our purpose to discuss with you intellect vs. intuition in this chapter. Mankind relishes reliance on the intellect and adamantly sets aside the intuitive process. Those who rely on intuition to give a broader scope to their decisions readily agree and acknowledge that their choices are sound, their decisions workable and viable. While many intellectually made choices may seem reliable they are filled with the absence of light. Light is the key to chaos and seeming lack of order in any given situation. It is the inability to see the light that blocks answers to our deepest questions and keeps our hearts desires from unfolding. Mankind consistently turns to the negative in the process of understanding, and automatically sets aside intuition and light. Intuition in its earliest phases are felt as urges, later experienced as impartations and in its fullness, experienced as an inner knowingness as to the correctness of any given decision. When making a decision, rely on your inner feelings, fill yourself with the light of inner knowingness. Examine your decision from all aspects and shed the light of intuition on it. That is not to say that any individual should blindly rush into decisions thinking they have contacted intuition, rather, one should listen for an inner recognition as to the correctness of any given choice. Individuals on the earth plane view choices as unspeakable acts of fate, rather than understanding the true nature of choice. Choice is the essence of life, it is the opportunity for all to create their own reality rather than enduring the stagnation which befalls those who turn away from the responsibility of making their own decisions. The inability to make decisions puts off the entrance of choice into a given life experience. The reluctance to begin to make choices turns mankind away from the opportunity to explore and develop intuition and consequently, to turn away from a closer association with their own divinity. Intuition and the development of psychic ability are closely related. The cause of anxiety is rooted in one's reluctance and opposition to creating their own life changes, i.e., listening to their own inner voices. Often, those most fraught with anxiety are those individuals who are most
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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

suggestible to their own inner voice of intuition. However, they turn away from this inner knowingness because they are unwilling to experience the progressive order of holiness. This willingness to see order in all chaos, be it in illness or any other negative life experience was at the basis of the Christ Consciousness. The Christ's ability to perceive the true nature of the universe enabled him to perform acts of healing, known as grace. Grace is at the basis of all order and purpose, whereas, negativity is at the root of all that is chaotic and purposeless. Be willing to give up darkness and you will see the light. You will see the light of God and, in so doing, you will see your own life's purpose. It is said that all are here to reflect the Glory of God. Understand, then, that you are to reflect the light of God which is Glory. Creativity is the essence of light. As you create, like the shutter of a camera, more light is acknowledged in the life. A life that is not working has areas of darkness. Be willing to create your own life experience by revealing to yourself the attitude of lightness. As you become less bogged down with darkness, that is, lighter, you will find you are experiencing lightness, an upliftment of consciousness that actually can be seen as a revelation of God. God is always revealing the details of your own life purpose in small ways, but through the intuitive process, these details become parts of a larger picture that is cohesive. Those living in darkness experience their lives as fragmented, only through the acknowledgment of light and intuition can the life experience be realized in its ful1 ness. Life was meant to be lived in purposefulness, order and light. When mankind chose to exercise free will, thereby turning away from a direct relation with their own divinity, The Godhead provided intuition and psychic understanding as the door to return to light, divinity, and the purposefulness of the life experience. When we indicate that the earth plane is a schoolhouse, negative connotations begin to emerge. Learning does not have to be a painful experience nor does it have to be loaded down with negativity. Most who experience repeated incarnations on the earth plane come in with the notion that they must suffer in order to return to God and to grace. If this one single concept were to be discarded by mankind, war would end and peace would prevail. However, mankind resists this notion of light and order and clings to the idea that the earth plane is negative, dark and chaotic. This idea is causing the shift in the earth and the conflict between races. When viewed correctly, it is easy to see that if all live in light, then there are no differences from one to another. The absence of light is also the basis of the conflict from male to female the negative
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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

view each has of the other causes the darkness that is the rift between the sexes. We who live among the lights wonder what your attraction is to darkness and the only answer is addiction. From one incarnation to another, mankind becomes addicted to negativity and darkness. Pain is a powerful avenue of negativity and darkness and many are addicted to pain and painful experiences. In fact, many of you seek to perpetuate the painful experiences in your lives by repeatedly turning away from positive choices. What you often fail to miss is that in so doing, you are turning away from God. The Ten Commandants were set down to provide mankind with a powerful resource into psychic and intuitive understanding. Let us here reinterpret the Ten Commandants for you in a way that is more up-todate for you. It is pertinent to remember that the consciousness of mankind was very different at the time of Moses than it is now. For many of you are seeking greater light in your lives, necessitating a greater understanding of holiness. The Ten Commandants were set down to provide you with a doorway to holiness in your daily lives, not to restrict you, not to bring you into fear of God, rather, to teach you light and love of God. So, to reflect the light of God, begin to perceive yourselves differently, as intrinsically holy, rather than as unholy. Unholiness is the personification of darkness. It is relevant to review the first commandment, THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE YOU. If you understand that you are the very essence of God, that God flows through you, and is you in the truest sense of the word, then, you will begin to relate to yourself as full of light and reflecting the Glory of God. Actually, there is nothing else you can do in that state but be a reflection of order, divinity and purpose. God is purposeful in every action, mankind, in negativity, is purposeless. THOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD OUR GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, WITH ALL THY SOUL AND WITH ALL THY MIND: Accept the light of God and you will fulfill this commandment easily. If you do not accept light, if you turn away from choices, if you deny intuition, you are turning away from God's messages for you at every given point. Review the commandments with upliftment and light, and you will see intuition knocking at every door. DO NOT COVET: Do not covet darkness so much. Do not covet what is
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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

not yours and do not look with jealous eyes on another. Honor yourself and your divinity within by looking to your own choices, not those of another, feeling that if they were your choices your life would be better. Touch the hem of God, reflect on your own choices, your own good, your own well ness. Adjust to your own beauty. Many who dwell in ugliness, in negativity and darkness are not able to adjust to the beauty of their own souls. Beauty is not of the countenance, rather, beauty stems from reflecting the light and Glory of God. That is your own inner light reflecting itself in understanding and radiance. Radiance is an aspect of beauty, radiance is the significator of grace, grace is the reflection of God's choices in the life experience. So, covet not what is not yours, rather, look to your own intuition and your own choices. About marriage. Honor your spouse and honor yourself through the eyes of light. Understand that all who come together in marriage, do so for a variety of purposes. In its highest form marriage forms the number 1, which is the highest number in the universe. Those who shy away from this union, shy away from the opportunity to experience their own divinity multiplied by the essence of love and understanding. Marriage is at the basis of the universal order, through marriage, each individual has a particular opportunity and obligation to create order out of chaos, love out of negativity and meaning out of what may seem senseless. in today's world, multiple marriages are not unusual. In its original sense, marriage was a union for life, but as this next ten to twenty years are so historically significant, many have come to work through a series of marital relationships. Each in its own way contributes to the opportunity to experience your own divinity through love, forgiveness and understanding. Many turn away from these opportunities daily through the avenues of anger, jealousy and resentment. If you have failed marriage, view this dissolution as a sequence of growth experiences and know that each failed experience affords you the opportunity to experience love more deeply in the next marital experience, for adversity can be exchanged for light. It is the absence of light that restricts the growth of marriage. It is the clinging to darkness and fear that creates marital conflict. Not one another's short comings, but your own fear of experiencing marriage at its fullest, through the acceptance of self and the acceptance of another fully into your own heart. God is your essence and your heart, if you turn another away in anger, you turn away from God. Do not fear the multiplicity of marriage, rather, fear the agony of aloneness, for aloneness separates you from yourself, thereby separating you from experiencing light and radiance at its fullest. Remember, marriage is not about two, rather, it is about one, and one is the significator of divinity and of God.
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INTELLECT VS. INTUITION, Chap 1 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

Honor yourself in every aspect. Be honest in your dealings with others and be honest with yourself. Honesty and integrity are the root of light. The absence of light is negligence and greed. Do not seek out that which is not yours. Be gracious to yourself. HONOR THYSELF IN NOT TAKING A LIFE. Life is meant to be purposeful. Not taking a life does not necessarily refer only to murder, but also refers to not taking charge of your own life. Many misconstrue this commandment on a deep level and become passive to life's messages, urges and opportunities. Missed opportunities are the repression of life, of the life experience and of the reflection of the beauty that is of purpose and light. Intent and purpose are the core of intuition. In the absence of intent and purpose, intuition seldom flows forward, for spirit cannot display itself unless purpose is acknowledged. The life that reveals itself in little or no change is a life without acknowledged intent and purpose. For example, if you find that financial assistance does not flow forth readily or comes in dribs and drabs, then, spirit has not received the impartation of intent and purpose. To spirit, you appear satisfied with what you have, remember, anxiety is the significator that you are blocking intuition and spirit. So, if you are anxious, then it appears to spirit that you are lacking in faith. Faith is at the basis of all that exists, faith and light. Light without faith or faith without light lead to emptiness in the life experience. The key to a spiritually fulfilled life is that the life be filled with light, that is, the body and heart be continuously filled with light on a daily basis with the acknowledgment of God's grace through faith. Before you arise in the morning take three minutes to fill yourself with light, review your personal color at noon and fill yourself again at night with light. Your problems will begin to dissolve in unexpected ways. The means to any given situation are always available though light and faith. Be faithful to yourself, honor yourself in every way, be singular in your faith and belief in God and beauty will be your watchword. Be true to yourself. If you experience anxiety, know that you are not being true to yourself. On the earth plane, each has an opportunity to take risks daily and to learn the life path direction. We shall address life direction in the next chapter. *******

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LIFE PATH DIRECTIONS, Chap 2 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""


Touch the Hem of God. Realize your own inner direction through the activity of intuition and grace. The life path in any given incarnation is created before the earth plane experience begins. As each soul realizes for itself that an incarnation is necessary to work out, review, or complete a given set of tasks, certain agreements are made while the entity is still in spirit. Spirit can be understood as a continuation of the life experience in another life dimension. However, tasks are learned and unlearned in spirit as well as on the earth plane. The life experience we are revealing to you now is at the essence of the purpose of incarnation and life. Throughout all incarnations there is a single life path experience which should be recognized by each soul. That is not to say that each life purpose is not to re-recognize our at-one-ment with God, rather, it is to be realized that in the greater scheme of things we come to learn the creation of our own inner path. It is our given purpose to understand that each life experience is interlinked with God. The life path can be described as that which blesses us in every way, that which sheds greater light upon the soul and that which creates a sense of peace and accomplishment within the deeper recesses of the soul. If your current occupation does not fulfill you in

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LIFE PATH DIRECTIONS, Chap 2 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

this way, then begin to forsake it in favor of that which does fulfill you. Understand that menial tasks can be all but eliminated through the creation of greater order in the universe. At this time in history, man is continually cleaning up after himself because of his lack of order and indulgence in negativity. If we live in the fullness of creation, then we live in light and harmony. It is harmony that signifies that the life path is a true and accurate choice for a given soul. Choose not what is pleasing and do not feel smug if you have adjusted to an unsatisfactory life. For smugness only masks your deeper sense of loss of control over a given life experience. Do not wait for God to make your life better for, as has been indicated, spirit cannot accomplish much for you without faith and grace. Spirit co-creates with you at a rapid rate when right life choices are made. Right life choices are those choices which offer the soul the chance to reflect God's glory. Reflect on the glory of God and know that you are holy. Know that all that you reflect outside yourself should be of holiness rather than the negativity that you are currently living. Living in the in the moment reflects the holiness of God and that which is of spirit. Spirit lives through you in every way, spirit glorifies itself. It is the human way to reflect on itself rather than the glory of God. Reflection on oneself and one's successes is a reflection of personality and ego. To reflect on God is to reflect on the goodness in the life, the grace of the life and the gratitude which opens the heart chakra. Open the heart chakra through the door of the Ten Commandments. Observe that which is good in yourself, that which is of grace and you will observe that life changes radically. The human experience is that life does not change. It is our purpose to indicate that the life changes drastically when you open to your own good. Open your heart to good and to God and know that grace will soon follow. Follow gratitude to your own good. Most stop with gratitude instead of understanding that through gratitude, the door to grace is opened fully. Concentrate on upliftment to God. Concentrate on that which is of God and know for yourself that all good flows from God. DO NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN: Do not swear upon yourself daily. That is, do not look to the negative in yourself, for that is
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LIFE PATH DIRECTIONS, Chap 2 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

taking the name of the Lord in vain. Love God, speak of God, speak to yourself of God and know that God does not hear your negative cries, but, the 1aw of cause and effect does. It is through the law of cause and effect that you will find negativity enters your life. The only way to transcend negativity, or karma as you humans wish to call it, is to look, to the good in your life and recognize that all good is of God. That which is of negativity is of your own creation. You create your own negative flow and cut off the universal mind. You cut God off from yourself by petty thoughts, by entertaining the negative flow in your own mind. If good comes into your life, do not assume that it is temporary or accidental. Rather, view good as long lasting and view negativity as temporary. Most humans take God's name in vain daily by viewing negativity as a permanent state of affairs, rather than looking upward, rather than viewing the negativity as being self created and KNOWING for oneself that even in the most negative of situations, there is the positivity. Call for positivity in your life. Assert yourself and ask that the positivity in any situation reveal itself and, it will. Look to God for grace and when grace comes, give thanks. THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME: Know for yourself that there is only one God. That it is the God of universal wisdom and grace. Know for yourself that it is through love of God that transformation is achieved and that the life truly changes. Let us here discuss the nature of superficial change. Superficial change occurs when the human experience initially seems to change, but the nature and character of the life do not. Many are deceived by superficial change and engage and indulge themselves in these sorts of activities. If the life does not change deeply, if the life does not change thoroughly, then the change is not of God. This is not to say that the change is not helpful, but it is to say, that you have not looked to God's name. Look to God's name in your thoughts and in your heart and know for yourself in doing so that your life will transform itself. If love is the problem, request more love and let that love activate itself. Let that love create more love and bring forward everything you have dreamed about. Do not take the name of the Lord in Vain. Do not set love aside. Love yourself and love those in your household. Self love is of the creator, self love is of God. Self love in the spiritual sense does not include the ego or selfishness and is not to be construed as such. Rather, self love is all inclusive, as is God. Self love is the love of self which bespeaks of respect, caring and an attitude of glorifying God in
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LIFE PATH DIRECTIONS, Chap 2 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

the positive way one greets each new day, each new hour and, in fact, each new problem. Let each problem be faced with an awareness that God is available for all that is necessary. God is love, and love is the solution to all human difficulties. Love God, do not swear upon yourself. That is, if illness is your difficulty, look to light of God for healing. Do not necessarily look to the human or karmic cause, rather view God's love in its fullest aspect, as the element of perfection that flows through you. Be knowledgeable about yourself. Turning away from your basic nature is to turn away from God. Turning away from your own needs is to turn away from God. Create love in your life, create wellness in your life by looking to upliftment. Upliftment is achieved through release. We can disclose all the information the universe has to offer, but if release does not unveil itself to you, than change will not come, good will not come and grace will not appear in the life. You must experience an inner sense of contentment and release before the life changes. Do not expect this to happen in the metaphysical sense of release, but rather, look to the spiritual sense of release. Release can only occur when you are in alignment with yourself in reflection. Do not be afraid to set time aside to ask your negative thoughts to return to you and to reflect upon your inner self. Be knowledgeable about yourself. Know yourself in order that inner release can be achieved and obtained. Obtain inner release through alignment of the self with the difficulty. Do so fearlessly. Fear of release keeps most from God. Fear of release is most likely the single greatest human difficulty. Fear of release causes illness and war, for what is illness but a war within the self. War cannot exist if there is no fear. Do not be afraid of kindness, kindness within the self or kindness from God. Be kind to yourself, be fearless with yourself and know for yourself that a resolution will be reached in regard to your troubles. Troubles are only an avenue to God. Troubles are the blessing which pushes you forward toward God and toward the honoring of yourself. Do not fear prosperity. Prosperity is the hallmark of the spiritual life. Prosperity comes in many forms, not just the monetary reward that comes with spiritual alignment, prosperity includes freedom of choices, freedom from illness and freedom from debt. Let us discuss debt more fully. Debt is an indebtedness to the self. If you are in debt, recognize that at some point, you felt you had not fulfilled
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LIFE PATH DIRECTIONS, Chap 2 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

yourself or your dreams and you created debts in order to punish yourself. That is not prosperity, nor is it of God. Many on your planet have created this condition for themselves and insist on maintaining that it is due to other circumstantial causes. Self indebtedness is not necessary. It is only another aspect of not loving the self thoroughly. Let us be clear with you and say that we recognize that you may have self worth and self love...but is it thorough? Thorough self love allows the level of spiritual growth to increase dramatically and the experience of God to enhance the life experience. Do not stop yourself. Do not feel that if things are satisfactory that you are experiencing the Godhead. Elation should be experienced in the life if you are experiencing the Godhead. Elation, grace and gratitude are the hallmark of prosperity, not outer trappings but that which stems deeply from within. If elation, grace and gratitude are beginning to flow through your life, know that the life transformation is not far behind. If it does not come right away, know for yourself that you must love yourself more thoroughly, more completely and more freely. Love yourself freely, love God freely and give up restraint. Restraint is a human value that is very much extolled and one that is at opposites from spiritual values. Restraint is a convenience for a very crowded planet that soon becomes an inhibitor. For, through restraint, you have come to love God with reserve, with limitation, and with views that you should not love others, yourself or God too much. Restraint should not be valued so highly, but understood as an aspect of negativity. God can only be experienced in fullness. Restraint excludes fullness. Restraint is the damper on the spiritual life, the spiritual light, which is of God. Restraint keeps many couples from enjoying the fullness of their relationship. Through restraint, the door to negativity is experienced. Through fullness, the door to positivity and goodness is opened and God is then experienced in the life. Experience God. That is what not taking the name of the Lord in vain is about. Experiencing God. You take God's name in vain every time you restrain yourself, every time you shut away fullness, every time you elect to be negative or unhappy, every time you defer your own health and prosperity. Love of God is experiencing time and space in its fullest. Your days should be filled with fullness, with elation, with joy. Do not fear that which brings you happiness or elation, rather fear that which detracts from your feelings of happiness and elation. Fear that which does not allow fullness in the life, and fear that which is an attitude of lack of
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love of self. For, love of self is love of God and all that is divine within. Let that which is of divinity come forward. Let your intuition guide you, let your feelings of positivity take you into elation and that elation open the door to the Divinity of God. Do not try to understand God, rather, experience God in your life each moment of each day. Set aside the idea that you have come to the earth plan to experience your karma or experience a given life based on past lives. Rather, view that you have come to experience God through human eyes, the human experience, and to fulfill your soul's growth in that way. Let it be a way of gratitude and grace, of positivity and elation, rather than one of fear and degradation. Do not allow the self to be degraded in any way. Do not degrade? yourself, do not allow others to degrade you. For surely, that is to take the name of the Lord in vain. Take the name of the lord in love and light. Take the name of the Lord in guidance, and experience that loving guidance through the medium of intuition and the inner awareness that your life choices are guided by a greater wisdom and that wisdom is holy. The basis of all that has gone before is that you recognize your own holiness and your own divinity. Holiness is at the center of yourself. Where you stand is holy ground. That is, you, in your essence, are of God and are holy. Through the self deception of negativity, degradation and fear, you have stepped away from your own holiness, your own grace and your own positivity. Do not cast aspersions on another who seems to be doing well, rather, look to that soul and learn. Many who seem to be doing well have captured an aspect of intuition which may appear to be grace. Look thoroughly and see if they return the good that has been done them and, if they do, then know that they are experiencing the Divinity of God in the life. If they are selfish, if they are uncaring and if they do not have fullness in the life, then know that they are not experiencing God, but only appear to be experiencing our Father's grace. Walk with God and know that God walks with you. *******

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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""


Let us begin this chapter with a discussion on the importance of being centered. Centering is not merely an aspect of self obtained through Yoga or meditation, rather, centering is the aspect of self that is connected to God. Centering is a recognition of that part of self that loves God and recognizes the divinity within. That is to say, center yourself daily with the use of personal color and a brief affirmation that all is of God. All good flows from the God source, all good is of God and will remain so throughout eternity. How to center the self is of primary importance. As we disclosed, centering the self occurs through the recognition of the divinity of God within and of your own personal divinity. Divinity is to be recognized as a part of your own personal essence, that is, as you. Once you separate yourself from your own divinity you have stepped behind your own good. Actively seek out your own good. That is, ask for what you want and do not be afraid to do so. Set aside those silly notions that you cannot ask God for your good, for God is goodness itself. If you entertain negativity in the life, you are separating yourself from good and from God. If you feel stuck, you are not actively asking for your good. The secret to asking for your good is to acknowledge to yourself that you are, indeed, ready for good to flow through you. Understand that good is a universal source and a flow, not something that comes to you in bits and pieces.

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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

Good is an aspect of elation, gratitude and grace. It is difficult to experience elation in the life when things are bleak and negative and things are not going well. However, when things are flowing forth, when the life is permeated with happiness and with goodness, gratitude should flow forth as well. Many stop their good and experience it in bits and pieces because they do not give thanks... thanks is the doorway to gratitude and gratitude is the doorway to elation. Through the experience of elation, the flow of good begins to be more even in the life. So then, if good is uneven in your life look to your understanding of the nature of divinity in your life and realize for yourself that divinity is you, that goodness is you and that you are an aspect of God. Know this deeply as you give thanks and enter into elation and grace. Your planet is filled with a lack of gratitude and grace. Many planetary problems will be resolved with the attitude of upliftment and thanks. Give thanks to God for what you have in the life and do so frequently throughout the day. Give thanks, recall your negative images and thoughts and see for yourself how readily the life changes. Life is meant to change, stagnation is the hallmark of a lack of love of self and a lack of love of God. Love yourself, love God. Do Unto Others As You Would Wish Them To Do To You. Although this is not a commandment, it is a rule to live your life by. As you experience upliftment through gratitude, elation and grace, the level of compassion and kindness in the life changes greatly. Do not associate with those who are unkind, and if you do, know for yourself that you must recall all the negativity that you experience while with those entities. Do not associate with those who show a lack of charity for they have no charity for themselves. Do associate with those who show forth the God within the self and do so with knowledge and insight that you are making a conscious life decision. Make your decisions according to positivity in the life, do not make decisions that cause you disease or anxiety. That is to say, do not make decisions that you know intuitively are incorrect. Do not enter into relationships that you know intuitively are wrong for you because negativity has filled yourself for so long that it is familiar and you find this comfortable. Rather, do unto yourself which you would wish and do for another. If you wish another all good things, then wish the same for yourself, if you would wish for another success and happiness in marriage then know that the same fulfillment is available to you through the giving of thanks
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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

for the relationship you have. If you have a relationship, give thanks for it and uplift into grace and gratitude, and be aware that through this upliftment, the relationship will take on the characteristics of suitability, compassion and kindness. Be thankful to God and be satisfied with the accuracy of your intuitive decisions. Do unto to others as you would do for yourself and do so graciously. Do not let others disturb you from your attitude of grace and happiness. At first, they may openly resent or even misinterpret your attitude of grace and happiness, they may misinterpret your compassion and kindness, but a change should become apparent even in these souls toward the same aspects in themselves. If they do not begin to show some of these blessings, do not focus on them so much, but refocus on yourself and let them learn through your example. Do not concern yourself that others are not like you, or do not understand you, taut know for yourself that the rule of thumb is to be kind and compassionate, loving and gracious to others. Your every act should speak of grace and integrity. Grace is the key to inner beauty and light. Be aware that your personal vibrational level and personal inner light are of serious importance. Do not associate with those who show a lackluster ray about them. Rather, associate with those who have a light about them of beauty and grace. By association, we do not mean to show lack of compassion and kindness toward others, but we do mean close association. Keep your dwelling uplifted and your persona free from the negativity that many seem to literally imbibe you. Bless yourself daily with the keeping of kindness to others and above all be kind to yourself, do not fear being kind to yourself in your every thought, action, word and deed. Let that inner kindness bring you forward into the beauty and blessing which is of God and not of man. It is this level of inner good which is of God that we speak of when we speak of close personal associations. Know that many thirst for the word of God, but very few are able to absorb all the positivity that is of God. Positivity is absorbed through a high level of compassion, kindness, grace and gratitude. It is far easier to be kind to one another if you are kind to yourself. Be charitable toward yourself in your dealings with yourself and set aside self punitive behavior, for self punitive behavior does not bless you in any way. Do not deny yourself happiness. Do not deny yourself the pleasures of a beautiful day and be aware that your life experience was never meant to be one of suffering. Observe the beauty that is always
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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

about you and know that that beauty is of God and is, in essence, God. God is all that is beautiful and all that is good. Holiness is that state which is beatific. Holiness is that uplifted level of consciousness which is pure in It's essence and is manifested by the light of grace of God in the life. The manifestation of the light of God in a given life does not necessarily mean that that life is entirely problem free but, it should be a life that is solved by inner intuition and grace. Problems should resolve in a short time and in a most beneficial way. Remember, if a problem is seemingly unsolvable, shed more light upon it and let that light be a demonstration of active intuition and light in the life which is the light of God. God is the activity of life and God is always active. That is, the vibrational level of any given problem is always changing as is the very vibration of the planet, it is only through the human experience that life does not change. Be aware that life and vibrational levels are always changing. Attune yourself to the vibrational frequency of a problem and it will change. Another way of achieving this end is to allow the good in a given situation to become apparent. HONOR THEY FATHER AND THY MOTHER: Be aware that that is the honoring of the male and female energy within the self. Be aware that the honor of the parental side of self is the honoring of inner wisdom and intuition. By shutting out intuition, you shut out wisdom and accurate decision making. Be aware of who you are in relation to the wise side of yourself and be not a child in your responsibilities to yourself or to the planet. Be aware that you have a responsibility to be a spiritual adult and to honor that side of yourself every day. It is childish to turn away from wisdom, beauty and grace in the life and it is childish not to honor yourself. THOU SHALL NOT KILL OR STEAL: We have discussed the issue of murder previously, but let us say that to do murder is also to steal. The compulsion to steal has to do with the life that is less than complete. The appearance is that one steals to take what is not his which, on the surface, is true enough, but to steal is also an effort to achieve completion of the 1ife/Completion of the inner self and completion of what is lacking within the self and within the life. Once again, the spiritual answer is that God is lacking in the life and that a true sense of the spiritual self has not been disclosed to those who lie, cheat or steal. To steal is to take away from the life the opportunity to create a complete life for oneself. That is, by stealing what is not yours, you in a sense create a block for your own good.

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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

Good cannot come into life unless there is space for that good. Good cannot be appreciated unless you are in touch with the concepts of grace, gratitude and elation. Those who steal or take another's life are cutting themselves off from that part of themselves which is divine. You may look at that life and say that they have come to learn certain difficult lessons, but that is not necessarily true. It is purely acting on the human emotions that causes murder or stealing. The compulsion to complete the life in some way is so great that you on the human plane fulfill this emotional gap by stealing and killing rather than letting the life fulfill itself with peace and grace. Stealing and murder cut off true prosperity in that it is most difficult to realize that true prosperity is ever flowing and increases in breadth and depth. If you are murdering or stealing, you are living on the surface of the life experience rather than exploring the avenue known as God. God Is An Avenue. Understand that God is an avenue just as you are. Although God is the totality of all things, and of all divinity, God is still an avenue. That is, you choose your life avenues, you choose the avenue of lack and despair or you choose the avenue of God through the attitude of your being. What should the attitude of your being be in order to more fully experience God? You on the human plane should experience God fully and recognize yourself as an avenue in alliance with God. That is, recognize yourself as a stream overflowing with the grace of God. Picture yourself as a stream of divinity and recognize as you do so that you are contacting the center of your being. Recognize that the center of your being is the source of your creative abilities. When we speak of creative abilities, we speak of the creation itself. You are creating each moment of your life with your view of God and how you revere yourself and God. God is an aspect of yourself, an aspect of your divinity. If you do not revere God then you do not revere yourself. Know for yourself that God is you and you are God. The stream of divinity which is of God and flows through you is also you. Do not think that through the divinity of your being, life problems will not exist, rather, understand that harmonious solutions will present themselves and what might have appeared to be a serious problem is resolved easily. That is, right people will come into your experience to resolve the problem. Funds will be made available. Grace appears in many forms, even the act of dying is an act of grace, for death is the ultimate spiritual experience on the human plane. Death affords you the opportunity to advance to your next avenue of expression and allows you to experience your own divinity and your sense of divinity in an ever changing way. The act of dying is not fearful,
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and you, on your plane, seem to experience two avenues of expression with equal fear...the avenue of death and the avenue of financial impoverishment. Let us examine these avenues which seemingly are so set apart and say, they are very interrelated. Financial despair is a death experience each day and should be viewed as an opportunity to explore life more fully. If you are in financial lack then the message to you is that you are not fully experiencing the life experience as it should be experienced. That is, you are experiencing life in fear, in lack and in unhappiness. In other words, you are fulfilling what many fantasize what the death experience is about, that is, lack of life. Lack of life is not a true death experience, rather, it is filled with light and peace. For, at the moment of physical death, the soul is illuminated from within as the soul passes from the physical body into spiritual living. The soul is filled with light and life and so should your living experience on the earth plane be filled with illumination and light. If it is not, look to God for a solution and realize that that solution may come in ways that surprise you, in ways that should please you, and in ways that will lift you out of the current avenue you are choosing. Choose the avenue of light and life, do not choose the avenue of living death, all the while fearing physical death itself. Financial straits are a signal that you are experiencing deep inner fears in regard to physical death, and that in order to avoid a traumatic death experience you are just barely living in the current incarnation you have chosen. Be aware, for yourself, that God is an avenue, that you are an avenue and that grace is an aspect of you as well. Let us define grace here as an activity of God, not some mystical occurrence that you wait and hope for, but an every-day activity of God that allows fulfillment on whatever level is necessary. Fill in the cavities of your life, fill them in with grace and love of God rather than death and despair. When the time of physical death arrives, you will experience it as a quick transition into spirit and in a sense, as a continuation of your present life experience. Incarnations can be bridged in this way and the life can be experienced more fully. That is, you can experience life as one with God, or you can experience life in discontinuity and fragmentation. There is no mystery about death or life incarnations, rather it is to be understood as the human need for expression in different forms that creates and recreates ongoing incarnations. Those who persist in incarnations are caught up in the need to express themselves emotionally in this way. It is not necessarily a pursuit of God, rather, it is the pursuit of the emotional
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concept of perfection, for let us understand now that perfection is the way of the universe, you are already perfect and so is this present incarnation. However, in the interplay of human emotions you persist in doing and undoing over and over again the need for perfection as you think it should be, or as you think it exists. Perfection is a state of Isness and Isness is the on-goingness of God. With that understanding the need for reincarnation should desist, but those in and out of spirit seem to lack the objectivity to realize that God is and always will be, therefore, all else is immaterial and of a transitory nature. However, in the human scheme of things, even the most transitory elements become seemingly concrete and unmovable. Try to reflect on the concept that seeming imperfections, be they physical, financial or within the self, are movable blocks. The simple way to resolve these issues is to grasp the transitory nature (or lack of objectivity) of the human experience, and let God's grace and glory fill in that which seemingly reflects imperfection. Imperfection only exists on the human plane, it does not exist in spirit, although emotional overlays from the human experience do, up to a certain point, in spiritual evolution. A more complete and comprehensive way to view the life experience is to experience yourself as empty and let God's grace fill you up. By experience, we mean know deeply that your troubles are transitory. Know also for yourself, that if you are filled with the complications of your troubles, it is very difficult for spirit to flow through you. Worry is your worst human detriment to spiritual living. If you are filled with worry and fear, it is quite impossible for spirit to do its job and bring forth a loving light-filled human incarnation, as it was meant to be. Don't worry, be happy. Happiness is the doorway to grace, gratitude and elation. If you are unhappy, it is almost impossible to recognize grace when it appears in the life. Trust yourself, trust your intuition and know, for yourself, that you can trust the appearance of grace in your life. If you have been associated with negative experiences throughout the life experience, be aware that this does not have to continue but often does out of habit. Happiness is a habit, a usual way of experiencing the life. Negativity is also a habit and a usual way many have continued of viewing their lives. Let the good flow forth in your life and do not assume that each negative event is a major blockage to happiness forever. Rather, understand that
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brief negativity may enter the life, but is not permanent. The expectation that a negative experience means the permanent end to good in the life bogs many people down and keeps their good floating around them in the universe. For example, if lack of financial success has been experienced it is automatically assumed that financial distress will continue forever. Not true. Assume that your life is filled with perfection and that you radiate to light, love and God. Believe in God and believe in yourself and remarkable results will reveal themselves. If your relationship-history has not been a successful one and a new one is given, don't assume that this too is the same and treat it as such. Rather, if you have been striving to recognize the perfection of your being, if you have been striving for greater enhancement on the soul level, understand that you are reflecting that growth through a relationship that has been given by grace rather than by lust, strife, or the fulfillment of the ego. This should be the pinnacle of what you achieve spiritually, for a relationship affords the opportunity for self expression, creativity and spiritual growth at its fullest on the human plane. If your financial picture begins to improve, do not automatically assume that it is some error in the universe and that you will repeat your negative impoverished experience forever. Rather, let that increased financial experience be as a beacon to you, a spiritual signal that you have entered into your true self which is the perfected experience of God. If debts remain, do not consider them as indicators that the negative life experience still follows your every direction. Rather view yourself in the positive expression of yourself, as changing your life in such a way as to bring more funds into your life. Do not be afraid to consult God for an answer, to your difficulties. Rather go within, go deeply to that center of self that provides release and grace and know for yourself that in so doing you have touched the center of your being and automatically released your problems. Rise above your problems by going into the center of your being and be aware that the release is the beginning of your solutions. Let that release be a blessing. Do not be afraid to ask for what you want - Ask, And It Shall Be Given. While not a commandment, per se, what we are disclosing in this text is a modern way of viewing God, grace and fulfillment. The Ten Commandments were provided to keep the life clean and to allow perfection into the life. However, life is more complex and complicated today than when the Ten Commandments were first set down and there
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is much that seems unknown to so many of you. Therefore, we offer this information in the spirit of love and growth: Love yourself, love God and let God fulfill your life for you. Do not be afraid to ask for happiness and do not be afraid to ask for health and prosperity. Do not be afraid to ask for the relationship that you want, even if you are in one, be aware that each relationship, no matter how starved of the proper elements, can be fulfilled in a different way. Bo, do ask for the relationship you want, do ask for happiness and health within that relationship and empty yourself enough to allow spirit to fulfill itself. Do not fill yourself with worry or lack of trust. Ask and let the Lord give you all that is of God, that is, all that your inner world could desire. As Within, So Without. If your inner world is filled with frustration and fear, with negative ways of viewing yourself then the without will reflect that style. Let your life be restyled for you through the precepts of grace, gratitude, and elation, and ask for what you want. Know what you want on a deep inner level. Commune with God on those aspects. Do not fear physical death and do not fear poverty, for one is the same as the other. Ask to appreciate life in every aspect, be grateful for what has already been given, and look into the inner self for answers in regard to what you really want. Really Know What You Want Before You Ask For It. Do not make trivial requests of spirit. What is meant by trivial is do not make requests of spirit that are without thought. Spirit will fulfill your every request and your every thought, but cannot do so if your thoughts are unclear. Spiritualize your thinking enough to know that you never wish another ill while wishing yourself well. Spiritualize your thinking and ask spirit for the fulfillment of the life through grace. Spiritualize your thinking and ask for peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Ask for a right relationship and you will find that the materiality of the physical world falls away, for through the fulfillment of right relationships, right livelihood and not being so involved in the trivial nature of the earth plane, you will have risen above most of what troubles you today. Rise above your troubles consistently and do so through the recognition of God as an avenue, as yourself as an avenue, and through viewing yourself as a stream flowing with God, flowing through eternity and filling itself with grace continually. Grace does not come to you in bits and pieces, you as a human soul experience grace in this way by being unclear about what it is you really want and by being
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trivial with spirit on this level. So, do not be trivial with yourself and do not be trivial with spirit. Take yourself seriously on the level of your understanding that God is an avenue and so are you. After all, what kind of avenue do you wish to express to the outer world? What kind of inner life do you wish to live? The inner life should be filled with clarity and understanding of your deepest needs and wishes. Your inner life should be filled with your connectedness to God and to yourself. Do not disconnect yourself from God by entertaining continuous negativity. Connect to God and to grace by realizing that there is a solution to every problem, by being very clear that you have an ongoing relationship with God, that you have allowed negativity to interfere with God and with the flow of spirit through you as an avenue, and as an expression of God's grace on earth. Do not do yourself the disservice of believing that God has left you and that you are in despair forever. You are only in despair as long as you are unclear about your wants and needs. Be gracious to yourself about your wants and needs and recognize that change may come in mysterious ways. For example, you may publish a book and find your problems resolve rapidly, or the relationship you have may grow or change so much that it is the relationship of your dreams. Do not be afraid to dream. You say "publish a book, how does that relate to me?" It does if you will allow a more comprehensive and creative avenue to open forth for you. It does when you recognize that spirit takes into account all your needs, not just the aspect of financial despair, rather the solution should satisfy you in more than one way. The solution should reflect a comprehensive hand at the tiller rather than merely the human touch of bits and pieces, here and there, and willy-nilly. Let perfection flow through your life in the form of consistency and, in that way, the self that views itself negatively will soon fade and the more positive God-self will come forward, allowing the life to be an example to others and to reflect your own inner state of grace and beauty. Understand that state of beauty to be that state of grace which is described as that which is of God. Grace in the life is that state which reflects the inner beauty of the soul. The soul and it's growth is the key to grace. Grace cannot be forced, contrived or faked. Rather, it is that state which radiates directly from the soul itself. When the soul has entered into grace, the life flows forth freely and is evidenced by the accomplishment of all aspects with ease and very little effort. What we are discussing in this text lies beyond the transformational
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process - it is the process of living by God's love rather than from ego or the mind. The transformational process teaches you to live by love, but does not necessarily teach you to live by God's love. Let us discuss love. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF: Love in its purest sense is unconditional. That is, love is freely given in the human sense from one to another. But those of you who experience love on the human plane seldom, if ever, experience the unconditional love of God. God's love is love pouring forth as everything you see, touch and feel in the Universe. God's love created you, God's love brought you into the beingness that you are and the perfection you enjoy. Perfection and love are one in the same. But you, on the human plane, tinker with what is given and make efforts to change God's love into love which has strings and conditions upon it. Love yourself, love others and let love be the light of your heart. Open your heart to beauty and love and you will soon see the center of yourself opening up. That is what it is all about, to open the center of yourself so God's love can flow forth as ideas, creativity, imagination, funds and everything else that is needful for you. Until you open the center of yourself, most likely, you will experience God's love in dribs and drabs, in little chunks of positivity and lots of negativity inbetween. Open yourself to love and understand that that is the beginning. Be prepared to see yourself change. Be prepared to find a new honesty, integrity, and a new sense of yourself when you open to God's love. Do not be disturbed by these changes. Rather, be comforted that you are at the beginning of what is necessary for you. Universal law is predicated on God's love. Indeed, it is impartial and functions quite apart from anything else, but it was set forth in love so that the order of the universe could be maintained. Once again, if you feel anxiety, resistance or fear, you are most likely beginning to open to God's love and are finding this a fearful experience. Open your heart to compassion, grace and peace. Open your heart to yourself and open your heart to mankind. All are brothers and it is most important to experience and express God's love in brotherhood. You may feel that God's love is not provided to you on a daily basis, but that is not true. God's love is provided to you every minute of the day and night, but as you go about your duties on the human plane, ego and mind take over and God's love is left behind... left behind in meditation, left behind the scenes, leaving the soul to do the work for you.

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So then, take God's love out of meditation and out of the soul. Experience it in your daily life. We mean just that, experience God's love. Practice loving God and know, for yourself, that God's love will be returned to you many times over. How many of you can truly say that you love and honor God in your heart; that you feel love for God through and through. Too few of you even begin to grasp the concept of God's love for you, let alone the concept that God's love is freely given. You are a child of God that is, you were created in God's love and sent into the universe to teach the word of God and live in peace. Harmony is the axis which love turns on. Harmony is the basis of order in the universe and harmony is the basis of love. Therefore, love yourself, love God and keep in mind at all times that God loves you. It is the sense of the loss of God's love that keeps many from loving themselves or their neighbors. They feel unloved in the core of their being and are unloving in return. Replace that core feeling with the right vibrational attunement, that is with God's love, and you will see another whole sense of self emerge. Practice loving God just a little each day and you will see the character of the life change for the better. Change is not always dramatic nor does it strike like a bolt of lightning. Many on your plane of action misconstrue spiritual growth feeling that if change like lightning does not occur, then, perhaps you have failed to achieve any growth at all. Practice loving God and mankind daily and you will experience the change at the core of your being. "As within, so without." Understand that there is no permanent change without core changes in the center of your being. Spiritual growth cannot be achieved without core changes. What are core changes? Core changes are those changes which emanate from the center of your being, that is, from God's love for you and from your love of self and others. You will find that as core changes take place, selfishness, greed and lack fall away from your life. Lack in any area has to do with a central lack of love for the self. That does not mean that you are totally lacking in self-esteem or self love, rather, it means that you must uplift yourself and be aware of the level of God's love for you. That level is to know that it exceeds anything else you have ever experienced. Experience God's love as you practice loving God daily and you will find that lack, loss, and similar emotional experiences disappear. For what is lack and loss but an emotional experience. As God's love fills the center of the self, the sense of a void is given up and the level of love is experienced and sufficient. With sufficiency of love comes sufficiency
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in all areas. Know for yourself that sufficiency is more than enough to meet your every need, every day, every hour. In this instance, we have covered a great deal of information for your use. We are covering the aspects of universal law and its use. Without love, there are no core changes, without core changes, there is no real application of universal law. That is, universal law as an applied science. We speak to you of universal law as a science because it is. The receiving of what it is you wish to obtain is, indeed, an application of science. How so? The methods are as follows: 1. Put out your word. 2. Trust and have faith. 3. Love yourself enough to know that your intuition is correct. 4. Be willing to make core changes. 5. Do not give up on yourself or your goals. By putting out your word, we speak to you of uplifting yourself out of negativity. That is, do not put negative thoughts out into the universe, for negative thoughts and actions create a recreation of themselves, that is, negativity begets negativity. Positivity on the other hand brings about benefits to you as well as to others. That is, positive thoughts actually uplift your vibrational state, allowing you to make core changes more easily. Core changes are those changes that are from deep within the self and are lasting. Be willing to make deep changes in your application of universal law. Universal law, that is, the law of cause and effect, was created for the specific purpose of allowing as much of God's grace as possible to flow through you. By denying the existence of universal law, you deny the existence of grace and almost completely cut yourself off from that benefit. Think of universal law as a benefit of the universe for your use... in other words... employ it. Have trust and faith in universal law. Put out your word and then turn to the task at hand. That is to say, do not dwell constantly on fruition. Fruition is automatic if the law is applied with love, consistency and the application of core changes. If you have put forth this effort, understand that you are now free to go on to other tasks and to let the universe provide for you what you have asked.
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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want And Need! We are aware that this is contradictory to some of the modern day teachings that are available to you today, but we say, without a clear concept of what it is you want, the universe is in difficult straits to provide you with anything. Fuzzy thoughts generate incomplete results. Do not be fuzzy in your thinking. Be complete in what you wish, make core changes as needed. That is, don't be afraid to view yourself differently if you are asking for great change. To see yourself through the same eyes and ask for striking life changes is to delay your request. Make your core changes from within, see yourself in the new way and know that in so doing, you are applying the law of cause and effect. Know what your goals are. Write them out, if necessary, and then turn to the task of actualizing them... the universe will provide for the details. If money is needed, ask for that. Do not do so in a meek and mild manner. Ask for funds with forcefulness and see yourself not only as the recipient, but worthy of those funds. The requesting of funds goes beyond this, the requesting of funds implies that there has been a core change to require additional funding. Have you made thorough core changes? Understand that i f you are initiating considerable change, funds may come in slowly at first as your inner view of yourself changes gradually. It is this gradual change from the inner realm that causes so much anxiety on your plane of action. Most entities on your plane of action employ core changes slowly and so, the financial aspect of the change is somewhat behind the actual desire for those changes. Do not give up on your goals. This is part of understanding the spiritual nature of the universe. Miracles sometimes take time. If you give up on your requests, they may well be in process and because you gave up, you actually passed by your good as you went onto something else or returned to old and familiar ways. Returning to old and familiar ways is a great seducer. We say, do not be seduced by that side of the self which is negative. Do not be seduced by that side of the self which craves familiar experiences. Above all, do not be seduced by that side of yourself which says that all this is nonsense and cannot effect changes. Understand for yourself that you are applying the scientific law of cause and effect, therefore, the process is automatic. What goes out must come back. So, the great seducer, negativity, may try to woo you away from your core changes, or your
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A MODERN VIEW OF GOD, Chap 3 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

trust and faith and belief in your efforts, but realize that you are not completing the formula. Again, when you are awaiting funds, if the formula is unclear and you are making efforts to build something new, funds may come in slowly until you have more completely formulated what it is you are about. The more you know what you are about, the more directly can the universe benefit you by fulfilling your request. Read our material of selfempowerment and learn more about how you can apply your core changes from a place of power. So then we say, live by your inner truth, by your core changes, by your faith and trust. Honor yourself in every way and be aware that you are using an applied science as you do so, the law of cause and effect. See yourself as a scientist, one who goes about applying scientific principles with care, thought, adherence to scientific principles and belief in a system that has worked for thousands of years. Do not see yourself as experimenting with the law of cause and effect. Do not apply the law some of the time and live by your old ways the other part of the time. Be complete in your application of the law, be thorough and scientific with the methods described and believe that you are now, in the flow. For, through the use of scientific law, you have entered into the realm of God and you are now in the universal flow of good, peace and harmony. Use this law in health and happiness and let it bless you and bring you the benefits that you request. Know that you are in the flow of your good as you read these pages. For, as you read these pages, you are becoming more uplifted and prosperous, even as you read these lines. Live by your own truth then, live by your core changes and let your good bless you every step of the way. *******

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CAUSE AND EFFECT, Chap 4 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""


We have spoken to you of many things, but the basis of all we have spoken to you of is Individual personal empowerment. This empowerment comes to you through your own efforts as you apply (or misapply) the law of Cause and Effect. We wish to speak to you of this law, and to speak to you more specifically of the science of applying this law. Let us be clear and state again that the law must be employed with consistency and purpose. You must use the law completely, thoroughly, and as if your very life depended upon it, for, indeed, it does. The law of Cause and Effect was given for your protection and, your use. If you employ it only some of the time, then you are failing yourself. This is our message: that you must not fail yourself. If your life runs smoothly only some of the time, then, you are failing yourself and that failure comes to you in negativity and wrong turns in the life. Listen to your intuition and your heart, and when you are certain of your direction, then employ the law of Cause and Effect. Put your word out as to what it is that you need and want. Be responsible for yourself in your thoughts, words and deeds and be aware that you are known by your thoughts and actions. In every area, they reflect who and what you are, more than you would believe... what are you expressing to the universe about yourself. Are you expressing spiritual thinking, positivity, and are you living from your heart? Do you deeply care about the condition of your life and your soul, or do you go

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CAUSE AND EFFECT, Chap 4 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

along with the general consensus that you are a victim of life's whims? We say to you, our message is that you are directly responsible for the condition of your life. You must enter into each day with purpose and intent. Do you awaken each day and consider that it will be just like the day before, unsatisfactory, or do you give the universe a chance? We ask you to make an inventory of your thoughts and to be aware of how you are living your life. You are the creator of your own life by your agreement with yourself as to how each day is going to be. We say to you, agree to be the best that you can be each day and give the day a chance. It is very difficult for spirit to assist you if you do not leave room for spirit. Spirit is you, you are the energy and essence of God and through that essence and energy you can re-create your own life from moment to moment. Many of you have gotten into the habit of agreeing that you are not enough, not good enough, or that you have not been enough. Our purpose is to tell you that through the scientific application of the law of Cause and Effect you are more than enough. Know, for yourself, that the universe is available to validate your needs and to fulfill them. However, you must persevere in your use of Cause and Effect. Through the law of Cause and Effect you begin to take charge of your life. Taking charge of your life is at the root of health, success and prosperity. Do not give up on yourself, have faith and trust yourself more fully. Trust your intuition and live each day as if it were to be your last. Know, for yourself, that any given act could be your last act. Let this information empower you from within. Create your own destiny by becoming personally empowered by taking charge of your life. Be aware that your personal empowerment comes from your deepest inner convictions about how your life should be and how your life should progress. What are your convictions about yourself? How do you see yourself? Have you made core changes? Be aware that you must be responsible and purposeful toward yourself before you can reach true personal selfempowerment. This is your daily duty, to recognize your own responsibility for your thoughts, actions, words and deeds and, by so doing, to consistently apply the law of Cause and Effect each day. Begin to apply the law consistently. That is, use the Law more and more each day until it becomes a habit. What are your habits? This is very much our thoughts and message to you, that is, most of you function on automatic and let your thoughts wander where they will. Most of you are
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barely alive each day and you go through your routine wishing that the drabness of your life be lifted from you. Our word to you, is that you can change your life from within by recognizing your own responsibility to yourself and letting that knowledge form the basis for better daily habits. That is, control your thoughts more actively, take charge of your thoughts. Recall your negative thoughts. Be aware that thoughts are form and that they return to you as manifested negativity or positivity in your life. It is crucial for you to understand that destiny does not await you, per se. Rather, destiny awaits your instruction. If you have a hint about yourself, if there are things you long to do, then, begin to correct your thoughts. That is, make your core changes from within and begin to see yourself differently. See yourself as how you wish to be. Be active in this and take whatever actual life steps you can take toward these changes. Be patient with yourself and be aware that inner changes do not always come overnight. As within, so without. Your inner world is reflected by the overall tone and character of your life. Are you filled with anger, deceit, hatred and jealousy? Does your life reflect that you are always in crisis and always having problems? Do you find that you have to rely on others for assistance out of your problems? Then, be aware that you are not taking an active part in your life and that you are not being responsible for yourself. Be responsible for yourself through agreeing each day that you will take more responsibility for your thoughts and actions than previously, until your thoughts and actions reflect upliftment, integrity and, shall we say, self-empowerment. Prosperity cannot come to you unless you are available to it. Be aware that you must make yourself available to the changes you wish for in your life. Many miss opportunities that will bring them the longed-for changes because they are not truly available to change. They have grown into the habit of wishing their life away. Do you wish for magical change? If so, be aware that you are limiting your life experience. You are limiting your destiny because you are not taking an active part in that destiny. PARTICIPATE in your own life. Do not deaden yourself to life by wishing your life away or by agreeing that you are not enough. Let the light and love of God enter your life more fully through the door of right thoughts and right action. That is, through your own sense of self-empowerment as you take charge of your thoughts and actions. Be in charge of yourself all of the time. Do not give up your life to another. That is, do not be asleep to your own lack of participation in your life. By so doing, you are allowing others to set the
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CAUSE AND EFFECT, Chap 4 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

direction, tone and character of your life. Is this what you want for yourself? If not, then begin to spiritualize your thinking. That is, understand that you are applying scientific principles as you take charge of your thoughts and actions and that these principles are the key to well being and success. True prosperity is evidenced in the overall well being of an individual. Wealth for wealth's sake is not enough. Along with wealth should come the reflection of an inner-life at peace with itself. That is, the life should be filled with a deep sense of self love. Prosperity has to do with not being punitive to yourself. Love yourself and let that self love generate thoughts and actions that are spiritualized. Generate a sense of what it is you want in your life and be aware that you are co-creating your own destiny. God is light and energy, and you are in your truest essence, light and energy. Connect with yourself as fluid and energy and do not be stuck in rigidity. If your life is not flowing forth as you want it to be, be aware that you are standing outside of yourself. You are not living in the moment, you are not living fully, and you are not in charge if your life. Be open to new opportunities and be willing to change how you see yourself. If you see yourself as unloved, then, how can another love you? If you see yourself as poverty stricken and lacking in selfempowerment, how can you possibly attract the funds you need? You must come to terms with yourself on a daily basis and agree to be in charge of your life and agree that each new day holds within it the seeds of change... not of the possibi1ity of change, but of change. You, on the human plane, are constantly missing opportunities because you close your eyes to them out of feelings of fear and not wanting to take responsibility for your own lives. Power comes through taking responsibility for your own life. Power comes from knowing you who are, that is, that you are the light and energy of God. If this is so, then, your possibilities are without limits. But, you will experience limitation as long as you persist in remaining rigid and as long as you do not see yourself as empowered from within. Uplift yourself at the beginning of each new day and be aware that you have only to take charge of your thoughts and actions in order to more scientifically employ the law of Cause and Effect. Cause and Effect was given to you to work on your behalf, not against you in bringing negativity into your life. We say, it is imperative that you align yourself with right action and positive thoughts and actions. You will quickly find that if you are positive in your actions, then, the
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reflection is that you are positive within yourself. If you are positive within yourself, you will automatically put forth thoughts and ideas that will come back to you in that same form, as positive occurrences in your individual life. Remember, your thoughts are returned to you in like form. That is, negative thoughts generate negative life experiences for you. Positive thoughts, uplifted thoughts, thoughts centered on peace will generate those same life experiences. These positive life experiences may not come over night for you, but they will come if you persist in being responsible for yourself each day. Enter into spiritual adulthood today. That is, agree that each new day is given to you for your use and enhancement, and that it will be in accord with your deepest convictions about yourself by expressing a positive image to the universe through your thoughts and act ions. We see your light and we say, let that light be a beacon of positivity and spiritualized thinking rather than one that reflects irresponsible actions and thoughts through negative thinking. Let your light shine brightly and do not be afraid of your own inner essence of goodness. Many shy away from their own goodness, as they were brought up to believe that life is a struggle and that life had to be difficult. Getting in touch with your own goodness is absolutely the door to becoming more personally empowered and being more responsible for your thoughts and actions. Know that your goodness is of God, that it is that which is the best in you. Do not be punitive and self-destructive by surrounding yourself in negativity and self-pity. Do not feel sorry for yourself that you have not achieved to date. Rather, look to this day as the day when you will begin to apply the law of Cause and Effect for yourself by becoming personally responsible for your thoughts and actions. Begin to create your own destiny and move toward that destiny with purpose, conviction and intent. Know that you are your own best friend through your application of the law of Cause and Effect. So, we say, be in charge, be empowered, and be responsible for yourself. Enter today into spiritual adulthood and you will begin to see, for yourself, what it does for you. Be adult and scientific about what it is you want. Do not be afraid to make a careful assessment of yourself, your needs, your deepest convictions and your thoughts and, as you do this, let this inner knowledge of yourself begin to empower you from deeply within. We say then, bless each new day as a new opportunity to be personally empowered and personally in charge of yourself and your thoughts.

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CAUSE AND EFFECT, Chap 4 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

Know that you are light and love, all else is the stuff of the ego. You are truly the captain of your own destiny. Create your destiny anew each day and be empowered each day by the God light that is within you. *******

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LOVE, Chap 5 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

From the Free Church website, Light Path Resources,


(LPRWW Book 1, ISBN 978-1-879807-24-2 for HTML, ISBN 978-1-879807-26-6 for PDF format.) Copyright 2011, Light Path Resources, per ""

Let us speak to you of love. Love is that al1-encompassing quality that is so often misunderstood by those on your planet. We speak to you not only of romantic love, but love that expresses itself beyond what is generally experienced by those of you as you read this text. You may feel that you know love and are loving, but we say, love is unconditional. That is what we would wish to address as our closing message for this brief text. The purpose of this text is to assist you to become more in tune with the God within yourself, but in so doing, to recognize yourself for who and what you really are. You are light, you are energy and you are the spiritual essence o f God. What does that mean and imply in your daily life? We say, it means everything. Not to understand that you are an aspect of divinity is to turn away from yourself. Your life can only go forward in spasms if you do not understand, not only your own divinity, but the divinity of others. By divinity, we mean that which is connected with the Source, with the Creator, that which knows All and understands All. We are speaking of spiritual mental health, as it were. What do we mean when we say understanding your divinity is everything? We mean just that. By understanding, we speak of recognition, a recognition that you are in the flow when you recognize
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LOVE, Chap 5 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

your own energy. When you are in the flow, life goes forward with a sense of completeness and well being. Completeness and well being are key aspects of what signifies a life spiritually on course. Let us discuss completeness. Completeness is that sense of self which knows that finally, you are in agreement with the inner self. If you are not in agreement, you are not walking the way of peace. Completeness is beyond a sense of having completed a task, or a job well done, or even that sense of productivity that comes with a good day. If you feel good at the end of a productive day, that is well, but true benefit is attained when completeness and productivity go hand in hand. Completion comes from a deep understanding of the self and the inner self's needs. Completeness is beyond productivity. Let us define completeness. It is that sense of self which is attained at the end of a circle of spiritual growth such as a core change. When a significant segment of spiritual growth has come to fruition, then, the soul is in accord with what is produced on the outer. Thus, a true sense of well being is attained as the soul and the outer activities of the day come closer to matching. Accept completeness. Many come to that stage of rest and even peace and mistake it for passivity or non-productivity and shun it and move on to forced growth. Completeness comes from growth that is sequential and orderly, not from growth that is thrust upon the soul in an effort to achieve enlightenment. True enlightenment comes through completion. That is, the orderly progression of the soul's growth. Do not be confused, we do not say not to pursue spiritual enlightenment, but we do say, do so with purpose, intent and gratitude for all that is done for you. Completion comes through upliftment. What is upliftment? Upliftment is the ability to be a visionary. That is, to see the orderly progression of events in the universe, to see beauty in seemingly "bad things" and to understand that beauty is the essence of the universe. Many of you literally turn away from the beauty that rests just behind your eyes. Learn to see through events to the beauty behind everything. That is the essence of upliftment and the nature of God. Behold, what is most holy blinds you by its brightness. We say, do not cover your eyes to beauty, rather, adjust your selves. Much of upliftment is about adjusting yourselves to new spiritual revelations and elevation. With
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LOVE, Chap 5 of LPRWW.US, Bk1, "A Modern View of God"

each level of elevation, comes completion. You must rest in a sense of completion in order to progress onto the next phase of your growth. And, how is that done? ... by loving yourself without condition. Let us speak of love and completion as one. That is accurate in many respects, although, it may be new to you. When a soul reaches that stage of its growth in which it has completed a significant amount of soul growth, or in some cases made a core change, completion occurs, but so does unconditional love. Those of you who have seen the beauty behind your eyes need to be aware that at that time you are in a state of unconditional love. What is unconditional love? We say to you it is 1ove without condition, but that seems beyond the comprehension of many of you on your plane of action. That is, beyond your understanding. Yes, it means loving without condition, that is, without strings, or the assumption that another should meet your expectations. But there is more to unconditional love. It goes beyond mere acceptance of another to seeing the beauty within another soul. That is, to see the order, beauty and divinity in another. This is how your pets see you, they see your beauty despite a negative personality, they see your divinity and they understand their own connection with that divinity. That is the essence of brotherhood, the understanding of another's divinity and the acceptance of that divinity which is all encompassing. By all encompassing, we mean, once again, that beauty is the basis of all. Therefore, so is love, for love is comprised of beauty and the acceptance of another's divinity. Not just their worth, but their divinity, not just their goodness, but the God within. This is how you should love: connect your lights, connect your recognition of your own divinity from one to another and be gracious to yourself at all times. Love without condition and 1ove without limits. We say to you in closing, go in beauty, peace and understanding and know for yourself that we not only see your lights, but we see your beauty. *******

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