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Decisions for Christ

Membership By Statement Gabriel & Lena Barry

June 29 & 30

Worship Attendance

Saturday Night 1,092 Sunday 9:30 a.m. 1,615 Total 2,707


2012-2013 Operating Revenues July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 Budget Actual Variance

Financial Stewardship

June 29 & 30

Bible & Life Attendance

Debt balance as of June 30 $5,324,005

$7,454,445 $10,295

Saturday 5:00 p.m. 15 Saturday 7:30 p.m. 616 Sunday 8:15 a.m. 84 Sunday 11:00 a.m. 716 Home Groups 261 Total 1,692

Live streaming Saturday at 6:00pm and Sunday at 9:30am! Go to our website ( and look for the live streaming icon. Simply click it, and join us for worship, LIVE! For more information about our church and our ministries, please visit our church website at, like us on Facebook at, and follow us on Twitter @FBCN.
First Baptist Academy
Come visit FBA to see for yourself why we think we are the best among private schools in Collier County. FBA offers a comprehensive program balanced with a biblical worldview, college preparatory academics, competitive athletics, and compelling fine arts. Students benefit from this total educational experience that includes opportunities to learn, demonstrate leadership, and prepare them to excel in life beyond graduation. For more information, visit us online at, or on Facebook at FirstBaptistAcademy. You may also call 597-2233 x566.

There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and Sunday morning worship services. Pastor Wicker would love to meet you!

Guest Reception

Deacon of the Week July 8 - 14 Buddy Smith & Roger Curran

If you need assistance, please call the church deacon hotline at 800-732-9573. For Spanish, call 404-7764.

Wednesday Family Meal

Meal for July 10 (4:45 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Recreation-Gym) Roasted Pork with Potatoes, Salad, Veggie, Roll, Dessert See up to a month of menus in advance online at

Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse ` Cafe during regular business hours or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a family (immediate family residing in home). Alternate choices include grilled chicken breast, hamburger, pizza, or hot dog.

Saturday, July 6
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Weekly Schedule

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Spanish Worship Service: Chapel Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modulars 3 & 4 Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED222 Vietnamese Bible Study & Worship: DC220 Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Spanish Worship Service: Student Center Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym Wacky Wednesdays for Kids: Education Building Summer Bible Study: Worship Center High School Ministry: Student Center Middle School Ministry: Familiy Life Center-Gym Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room Orchestra Rehearsal: Worship Center

Sunday, July 7
8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, July 10

Other events this week include: Divorce Recovery, C2 Softball, Holding onto HOPE, and Celebrate Recovery. For a full weekly schedule listing, please go to

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Receptionist...................................................................597-6057 Enter ext. # for direct connection 596-8600 Lighthouse Bookstore. ................................................................449-4488 First Baptist Academy Naples 597-2233 24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729) Church

First Baptist Church Naples

First Amendment Freedom

The opening lines of the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of religion, reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Sworn enemies of Christianity and other critics have used a broad brush to call us Dominionists. Journalist Christopher Hedges, a former correspondent for the New York Times, has tried to discredit the conservative Christian movement Dr. Hayes Wicker by saying: The final aesthetic of this movement is violence, the obsession with the apocalyptic end of the world with Senior Pastor the rapture, the torment that will befall unbelievers, the cult of masculinity, and the notion of Christ the Avenger. All of this has far more in common with despotic ideologies than it does with the message of love. If we exercise our freedom, we are seen as bigots or dangerous fascists. We have a right, he says, to believe whatever we want but not to apply that to government or culture. Justice Kennedy of the Supreme Court seemed to echo at least part of that sentiment in his ruling a week ago about marriage. Much of this is because of the interpretation of the separation of church and state, fueled by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union. Even after the First Amendment was ratified in 1791, religious conflict simmered in the states, because the Bill of Rights restricted the actions of the U.S. Congress and the Federal government, not individual state governments. It would not be until the 20th Century when the Supreme Court began to incorporate selectively provisions of the Bill of Rights through the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that the religious freedom clause of the First Amendment would be applied to supersede state law. In 1801, a group of Baptists from Danbury, Connecticut wrote newly elected President, Thomas Jefferson, expressing great concern about their State Constitution, which endorsed a state-established religion of the Congregationalist Church, and granted mere toleration rather than full-fledged freedom to minority faiths such as theirs. Jefferson affirmed freedom of conscience, their right to protest, and introduced the phrase, a wall of separation between church and state. This was seen as helpful, not hurtful. The groundwork for religious liberty was laid by Roger Williams, a Baptist minister, who was kicked out of Massachusetts in 1636 for believing that no one should be forced to attend Anglican services or pay taxes to it. He certainly believed that divinely revealed moral values also applied to oppressed Indians and that the settlers did not own the land just because it was given by the King. He later established Rhode Island and in his charter guaranteed religious liberty and separation of civil and ecclesiastical authorities. This was the first government anywhere in the western world in over a thousand years where people were truly free to worship or not worship at all. We should have the freedom to speak out on moral and ethical issues, assemble for worship, believe, or even not to believe as we choose. May we intellectually, prayerfully, persistently, and politically defend our unalienable rights given to us by our Creator. Even skeptical journalists do not want to lose the freedom of the press.

Upcoming Events
The children in Immokalee need our help. Donated school supplies may be dropped off around campus in the designated collection bins in the Commons, Discipleship Center 1st floor, Education Building 1st floor, and Fellowship Hallway. Deadline is July 21. Needed items include crayons, markers, pencils, paper, glue sticks, notebooks, and three ring binders. These gifts will be delivered to the children in Immokalee on Saturday, July 27. We will be hosting a Backyard Bible Club event that includes games, snacks, and a Bible story. For more information, email Jinny Baker at beholdthebaker@

School Supplies for Immokalee

Blessings aboundas we build our capital fund for our next home for developmentally disabled men! God has truly blessed our efforts at Protected Harbor, and has provided an anonymous donor who will match up to $250,000.00 in raised funds! We have already exceeded $100,000.00, so if we can raise another $150,000.00 by July 29th, then it will be matched and we will have $500,000.00 for our next home! Each home costs approximately $1.25 million in construction costs. You can Make a Difference first of all by praying for Protected Harbor every day. Then prayerfully consider what God would have you do as you honor Him, as you give back to Him a portion of what He has given you. Whether you make a one-time gift or commit to becoming a sustaining partner by regular giving, or whatever God lays on your heart. You, and our precious residents, will be blessed by your participation. Important: Protected Harbor is a non-profit organization and 501(c) (3) corporation registered in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.

Our Senior Adult Ministry will be going to Der Dutchman in Sarasota for lunch on Tuesday, July 16, leaving the church at 9:30am. If you want to join us, please sign-up in the Fellowship Hallway, or call Vada at 596-8600 x268. Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, July 14.

Legacy Builders Trip

July 11 9:00am-2:00pm July 16 9:00am-3:00pm July 20 10:00am-4:00pm Bring money for lunch. Transportation provided (meet at the Family Life Center). Sign up during Intersect or BLGs. Call 449-4480 with any questions.

Middle School Serving at FCA Camp

Let no one seek his own, but each one the others well-being.
1 Corinthians 10:24

Join us Sunday night, July 21 at 7:00pm in the Chapel for a Night of Prayer and Praise. We will worship through song, observe the Lords Supper, and have a season of prayer for our nation at this crossroads in our history. Lets join together in seeking the Lord on behalf of our country. For the 5th year, the C2 (college and age 20s group) will be going to Lynch, Kentucky to work at a horse camp for underprivileged youth July 27-August 4. If you are interested in going, or in sponsoring someone who cant afford to go, please contact Pam at 272-5583. We also play softball every Monday night at 6:00pm at the FBCN baseball field. All skill levels are welcome to join!

Night of Prayer and Praise

College/Career (20s) Horse Camp

Our New Member Ministry is growing at a steady rate. Weve seen many people become members, get baptized, and make decisions for Christ. We need more volunteers (both men and women) to come alongside our Director of New Member Ministry, Lou Falorio, to assist with phone calls, outreach, and ministering to those who visit our church, prospects, and new members. For more information on how to get involved, please call Lou at 596-8600 x258.

Ministry Volunteers Needed

High School Summer Camp will be July 29-August 2 for 9th-12th grade. Cost is $350 for recreation or $370 for missions. $60 will hold your spot. Register online at Deadline to register is Monday, July 15. There will be a parent/student informational meeting on Saturday, July 13 at 8:45pm in the Student Center. It is our desire that every student be able to attend camp. Contributions to our scholarship fund enable us to lower the overall cost, and therefore provide a way for students to go who could not otherwise afford it. Please contact the Student Ministry office for more information at 449-4480.

High School Summer Camp

Elyzabeth Mary Miller was born on June 23, 2013 weighing 8 pounds, 7ounces and measuring 22 inches long. Proud parents are Chris & Kayla and big brother is Max.

New Arrival

FBCN member Peter Kikkert passed away on June 28. We express our sympathy to his wife, Joani, and the rest of the family.

Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord

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