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Our Kaseph and Neduniah

This is an exciting time for our family as the weekend has finally arrived for the wedding of our youngest, Allyson, to Scott Stephens. We are so grateful for your love as a church family. Western weddings have long been influenced by Jewish custom. There were two stages of the wedding the Kiddushin (the betrothal) and the Huppah (meaning canopy which represented the actual ceremony). The groom would go to the brides house and bring her back to his home for a Dr. Hayes Wicker weeks feast. They were treated like king and queen, wearing festal clothes, not working, looking on at the games, and Senior Pastor occasionally joining in with the tambourine accompanied celebrative dance and then the consummation. Love songs were sung along with speeches in their honor. The youngest age for marriage was 12 for the girls and 13 for the boys, and most around 18. Though they were usually arranged by the parents, there were also love marriages; the young man would make his preferences known to his parents. With the average wedding in America now costing $27,000, its not hard to imagine that gifts were involved long ago. The mohar was a present to the brides father, as compensation for the loss of a daughter who helped with the familys livelihood. In the Talumudic law, there was a legalized special contract with the formality of the Kaseph (money). A man gave to his chosen bride a piece of money or an object of value in the presence of two witnesses, then said, You are consecrated to me. The bride brought with her the Neduniah gifts, or dowry, from her parents to be given to the grooms family. As the father of the bride, I will not adhere to some of the old admonition to the dad, Sit down, shut up and shell out! It is my joy to not only give her away but to perform the ceremony and whatever else is needed. Janet and I want to give special gifts to our daughter which will in turn bless her new husband. Greater than gold, we give the gift of sincere gratitude for her as she has been planted in the house of the Lord with the love of a church (Psalm 92:13) and that God has allowed us to be the joyful parents of children (Psalm 113:9). We also give the gift of precious memories. I remember when Janet called me while I was in my church office to tell me the good news of pregnancy, when we chose her name to represent truth, when she made her first bike ride and told us of a guy named Scott. We give the gift of ongoing counsel to be helpful without being bossy, to keep open the lines of communication, and always to constantly guide her to Gods wisdom in His Word. We give the gift of unconditional acceptance of not only her but also of her choice of Scott and his family, vocation, and choice of residence. We will rejoice knowing that they are in the will of God no matter where they live and that they will serve the Lord with the greater priority of molding lives than making a living. We give the gift of authentic example, seeking to be sweeter as we get older, finishing the race strong, and being true to what we have taught over the years. We thank God that Allyson has been a godly example to others as a witness and rejoice that in her moral purity she has waited on the Lord for His timing. We are still thrilled that Scott has been her one and only boyfriend and that she has been his one and only girlfriend! We praise the Lord for her love for us and her family and friends. We are proud that she teaches children and disciples girls. As my Jewish friends used to say in the store where I worked in Phoenix, Such a deal, already!

Upcoming Events
The children in Immokalee need our help. Donated school supplies may be dropped off around campus in the designated collection bins in the Commons, Discipleship Center 1st floor, Education Building 1st floor, and Fellowship Hallway. Deadline is July 21. Needed items include crayons, markers, pencils, paper, glue sticks, notebooks, and three ring binders. These gifts will be delivered to the children in Immokalee on Saturday, July 27. We will be hosting a Backyard Bible Club event that includes games, snacks, and a Bible story. For more information, email Jinny Baker at beholdthebaker@

School Supplies for Immokalee

Blessings aboundas we build our capital fund for our next home for developmentally disabled men! God has truly blessed our efforts at Protected Harbor, and has provided an anonymous donor who will match up to $250,000.00 in raised funds! We have already exceeded $100,000.00, so if we can raise another $150,000.00 by July 29th, then it will be matched and we will have $500,000.00 for our next home! Each home costs approximately $1.25 million in construction costs. You can Make a Difference first of all by praying for Protected Harbor every day. Then prayerfully consider what God would have you do as you honor Him, as you give back to Him a portion of what He has given you. Whether you make a one-time gift or commit to becoming a sustaining partner by regular giving, or whatever God lays on your heart. You, and our precious residents, will be blessed by your participation. Important: Protected Harbor is a non-profit organization and 501(c) (3) corporation registered in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.

Our Senior Adult Ministry will be going to Der Dutchman in Sarasota for lunch on Tuesday, July 16, leaving the church at 9:30am. If you want to join us, please sign-up in the Fellowship Hallway, or call Vada at 596-8600 x268. Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, July 14.

Legacy Builders Trip

July 11 9:00am-2:00pm July 16 9:00am-3:00pm July 20 10:00am-4:00pm Bring money for lunch. Transportation provided (meet at the Family Life Center). Sign up during Intersect or BLGs. Call 449-4480 with any questions.

Middle School Serving at FCA Camp

Let no one seek his own, but each one the others well-being.
1 Corinthians 10:24

Join us Sunday night, July 21 at 7:00pm in the Chapel for a Night of Prayer and Praise. We will worship through song, observe the Lords Supper, and have a season of prayer for our nation at this crossroads in our history. Lets join together in seeking the Lord on behalf of our country. For the 5th year, the C2 (college and age 20s group) will be going to Lynch, Kentucky to work at a horse camp for underprivileged youth July 27-August 4. If you are interested in going, or in sponsoring someone who cant afford to go, please contact Pam at 272-5583. We also play softball every Monday night at 6:00pm at the FBCN baseball field. All skill levels are welcome to join!

Night of Prayer and Praise

College/Career (20s) Horse Camp

In The Missions Kiosk This Weekend

Becky G. is currently serving in a Central Asian country whose population is 99.8% Muslim. After two years of intense language and culture study, she is excited to be moving into a more hands-on, intentional ministry of sharing the Word and discipling new believers. If you would like to hear more about her ministry or get involved through prayer or finances, she will be in the Commons after all services this weekend. Note: Missions Kiosk has been relocated in front of the FBCN bookstore this weekend only. Please visit her table by the stairs.

Summer Baseball Outing Friday August 2rd

Rays VS Giants, Tickets are $15.00 Middle School Students & Parents are welcome. Meet at the Family Life Center at 4:00 p.m. Will return at 1:00 a.m.. For questions please contact the Student Ministry office at 449-4480.

High School Summer Camp will be July 29-August 2 for 9th-12th grade. Cost is $350 for recreation or $370 for missions. $60 will hold your spot. Register online at Deadline to register is Monday, July 15. There will be a parent/student informational meeting on Saturday, July 13 at 8:45pm in the Student Center. It is our desire that every student be able to attend camp. Contributions to our scholarship fund enable us to lower the overall cost, and therefore provide a way for students to go who could not otherwise afford it. Please contact the Student Ministry office for more information at 449-4480.

High School Summer Camp

Baptisms Emma Ricardo Jamie Giesing Daniel Eberly, II Hilda Greenwell

Decisions for Christ

Rededication July 6 & 7 Ed & Barbara Wayner Saturday Night 1,123 Sunday 9:30 a.m. 1,605 Total 2,728

Worship Attendance

2013-2014 Operating Revenues July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Budget Actual Variance

Financial Stewardship

July 6 & 7

Bible & Life Attendance

Debt balance as of July 7 $5,318,207

$130,365 $7,254

Saturday 5:00 p.m. 12 Saturday 7:30 p.m. 655 Sunday 8:15 a.m. 93 Sunday 11:00 a.m. 718 Home Groups 258 Total 1,736

Live streaming Saturday at 6:00pm and Sunday at 9:30am! Go to our website ( and look for the live streaming icon. Simply click it, and join us for worship, LIVE! For more information about our church and our ministries, please visit our church website at, like us on Facebook at, and follow us on Twitter @FBCN.
First Baptist Academy
Come visit FBA to see for yourself why we think we are the best among private schools in Collier County. FBA offers a comprehensive program balanced with a biblical worldview, college preparatory academics, competitive athletics, and compelling fine arts. Students benefit from this total educational experience that includes opportunities to learn, demonstrate leadership, and prepare them to excel in life beyond graduation. For more information, visit us online at, or on Facebook at FirstBaptistAcademy. You may also call 597-2233 x566.

There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and Sunday morning worship services. Pastor Wicker would love to meet you!

Guest Reception

Deacon of the Week July 15 - 21 Kevin Carter & Buddy Smith

If you need assistance, please call the church deacon hotline at 800-732-9573. For Spanish, call 404-7764.

Wednesday Family Meal

Meal for July 17 (4:45 p.m.-6 p.m. in the Fellowship Recreation-Gym) Chicken Cordon Bleu with Egg Noodles, Vegetable Salad, and Dessert
Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse Cafe during regular business hours or at ` the door for $6 each or $25 for a family (immediate family residing in home). Alternate choices include grilled chicken breast, hamburger, pizza, or hot dog.

Saturday, July 13
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 6:20 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Weekly Schedule

Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Spanish Worship Service: Chapel Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Worship Service: Worship Center Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modulars 3 & 4 Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED222 Vietnamese Bible Study & Worship: DC220 Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus Spanish Worship Service: Student Center Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym Wacky Wednesdays for Kids: Education Building Summer Bible Study: Worship Center High School Ministry: Student Center Middle School Ministry: Familiy Life Center-Gym Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room Orchestra Rehearsal: Worship Center

Sunday, July 14

Wednesday, July 17

Other events this week include: Divorce Recovery, C2 Softball, Holding onto HOPE, and Celebrate Recovery. For a full weekly schedule listing, please go to

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Church Receptionist................................................................... 597-6057 Enter ext. # for direct connection 596-8600 Lighthouse Bookstore................................................................. 449-4488 First Baptist Academy Naples 597-2233 24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729) Church

First Baptist Church Naples

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