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CommonPurpose I Frontrunner

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inspiring leaders with

"'ffi Frontrunneri s^ a ib ur-dayresidentialprograrnme, fiee of charge. for between 40-60pre-career leaders froi.,* the uK. e who havealready evidenceof teadershipskilts in civil societythrough :l:Ii .gtltneir activitiesand aims to inspirethem to continue for changein their future careers. i Ncampaigning I t"l is year the-programme r,viilbe herdbetween 2- 5 Juryat the

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United Kingdom


campus. rhe prlgramme consists of a wide varietyof inspiring speakers. Lastyearthese incruded:

niversity of westrninster's Harrow


. EnglishNeyort andNq\ffi&m lhil Harding,,,Director o Dr Musharraf Hussain, [.r:]r,:s,*'(' Member of theMusrim councir of Britain .. . MediaCampaigner, lyr Stapley, euillerConsultanrs ,,, ' Piers Le Marchant, Managing Director & europeun Legal Director, Lehman Brothers ' Madi shanna Memberofttre European Economicsoci"al Co@.. YKrish Ravel, Social Entrepreneur o BrettWigdortz, ChiefExecutive, TeachFirst
Participants_will go on visitsacross different sectors and learn hip skillsrequired to be efl'ective campaigners in the

r Peter Tatchell, spokesman, Outrage!

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place andchange society we live in.'Alipre_*.., the eaders

roconrinue romake a Oifferenie shoutO go lilg^.:ld_yants on this programme!

L-'#tast lf"how year'sparticipants described it asa great wayto realise much-l wanito change things andhowI cando it.,,

who havealreadytakena teadin creating'eff.ctiue

What will you gain?

rhis programme will helpyou become a moreeffbctive campaigner for change in the workplace and will alsoprovidea diverieandstimulating new networkof otherleaders across the uK.


drposeI Frontrunner

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ivelop your skillsto be an eff-ective leader at rvorkand in civil society lrtroduceyou to leaders r.r'ho havealreadymadea difference in society Get you involvedin the UK's mostdiversenetworkof leaders and form a networkof otheryouns people who aretakingan activerole in civil society o Learnto LeadBel,ond Authority,bothpersonally and prof-essionally

Who is Frontrunner for?

The Frontrunner residential is an intensive fbur-dayleaclership programme for young leaders who: - big or smallin their school, o havedemonstrated leadership university, workplace or community r will contribute to the breadth of perspectives andthe dynamics of'thegroup o will participate fully in the four-day programme.

How do I apply?
to aaplyonlineusingthe CommonPurpose website.

Theapplication period for Frontrunner 2007 will open onMonday 26February 2007. Youwill beable

Please email or telephone Tracy Thurgaron +44(0) 207 608 8148for moreinfbrmation. Places are limited and the programme is alwayssold out. Note: The person who hassignedthe application form, or returned the fbrm via email or the internet, agrees to the termsandconditions, andhasthe authority to do so.If the form is not signed dueto the fact it was delivered via email,agreement to the termsandconditions is implicit in th6 sending. In the eventthat he/she is not so authorised,, he/she will be personalty liablefor paymentof the agreJdfee.

When is the applicationdeadline?

Friday4 May 2007 . Please continueto checkthis pagefor more information.

Theapplication period for Frontrunner 2007 will open onMonday 26 February 2007 andcloses on

Is it free for me to attend?

Yes,the programme is free and includes accommodation and food. You will, horvever, needto pay fbr y'ourown travellingexpenses to and from the residential.



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