Testimony To Treasure

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My Testimony

Before, I always envy those who tell their spiritual life adventures: passing through mountains and really rough roads and was able to succeed from all of those because of His grace. I was hooked with every climax of the stories especially those who once turned their back, did something illegal or out of custom, or suffered from sickness and eventually was healed by God. I realized that I am too blessed that God is with me all the way, surrounded me with people who love me, care for me and bring me closer and closer to Him. He gave me strength with every battle that I am in so I may be able to fight and not give up in life. I may not have a story that will make my listener say WOW, He is Awesome in your life, but this is what God gave me something unique and something that I will really treasure. Wea Dorothy is my given name. Born and grew up in a christian family who used to go to church every Sunday. I was an active student then in our sunday school and graduated in a Christian kinder school. Mom even tells us Bible stories before we go to sleep, and sometimes we have our bible study. Dad occasionally led me and my brother in a prayer before we sleep especially when mom was not around. Our parents trained us to be a good child with faith and loves God. It doesnt follow that I have the best family. There are also fights in our house and also within our relatives. Dad has his other woman, and that made me a hate him a little. The family that I have has defect, a sensitive one which might cause the destruction of our home. Year of 2005, dad went to heaven without even hearing me telling him that I love him, and without even giving him a goodbye hug and kiss. I even blamed myself why it happened. It was my decision not to go with them in Negros to study there, so my sister and brother also didn't came with him because of that decision. I was thinking then, if only I said yes, then there would be someone who will take care of him when he was sick. There would be someone who will stop him going to work because of his fever, then the accident might not took place. That made me questioned God. " Am I not that good to take away from me my big man?". I hated Him not that much that I still utter prayers every night and went every sunday to church. September 29, 2006, during the cruelty of Bagyong Milenyo, we were stocked in our little apartment here in manila. There my mom shared us the gospel and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Every pain I had and every sin I made, I surrendered to him and asked for forgiveness. I also accepted what happened to Dad. I realized that I must thank God for lending me him, and for letting me experienced his love. God is really awesome, He was the one who ran to me, hugged me, and telling me to come home. I did came home with Him, victorious against the the past, victorious against self pity and emptiness. Since then, I nailed myself doing things with excellence and offering it to Him. I committed myself to do things that will put smile in my Gods face.

I am a part of dance ministry for 5 years and still counting and makes sure that every time I move my body it is for God alone, It is His only Name will be lifted. And just recently, I was entrusted for a spiritual daughter whom I treasured so much. God continually pour His love, blessings and grace to me and to my family. We are in different house now with a better home. A home with His presence. A home with love, peace and happiness. Being a disciple of God doesnt follow that life will go smooth. Still so many battles to struggle and so many rocks along the way, yet it is still the best to cross a very long rocky and mountainous road with Someone whom you are sure will never leave you, will guide you and even carry you along the way.

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