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Dear All, I would like to say my words on topic "will privatization to be a favorable instrument to control the corruptions".

I will say "YES" with long term objectives. I will says not only privatization is responsible to cater corruption; some others are as: It's very true that, corruption can not be zero in society/any segment and we every one is agree on this. It is well known that practices and researches always make problem to solve. No one institution is going to start working on the corruption issues and govt is also not ready to provide any research fund on this. I am taking your attention on other dimensions of corruptions, as types of corruption; now you will understand what we can do to save us and our society. 1. Systemic corruption: Systemic corruption is not a special category of corrupt practice, but rather a situation in which the major institutions and processes of the country are routinely dominated and used by corrupt individuals and groups, and in which most people have no alternatives to dealing with corrupt officials. 2. Political corruption: Political corruption is any transaction between private and public sector actors through which collective goods are illegitimately converted into private-regarding payoffs. Political corruption is often used synonymous with "grand" or high level corruption, distinguished from bureaucratic or petty corruption because it involves political decision-makers. This may include with low level corruptions, corporate corruption. 3. Legal and Moral corruption: A legal interpretation of corruption provides a clearly demarcated boundary between what is a corrupt activity and what is not. If an official's act is prohibited by laws established by the government, it is corrupt; if it is not prohibited, Please say your words; which corruption we have to cater first, please write your views.
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Manikandan said: (Wed, Jan 2, 2013 07:15:55 PM)

Hi Friends, Just pay attention to our day-to-day life. Best ex is :roads and highways you won't experience a pleasant drive in our roads pit holes play a pivotal role, two wheeler s get a major damage, instead take our private sector highways they are just like heaven. There is corruption everywhere it depends upon persons to decide which way you fall. There will be strict rules and good environment in private sectors. Why do many prefer private buses rather than our govt bus, its their clean chit work.
Rate this: +8 -2

Josiri said: (Tue, Dec 18, 2012 10:48:26 PM)

Hi. I agree with everyone. Lets have our own self control. We themselves have to initiate the change then only we will see a corruption free India. Whether he/she is private or public employee should work sincerely. Parents should mold their children not to do bribing because they learnt everything from their parents.
Rate this: +3 -4

Dhamodharan said: (Sat, Dec 15, 2012 09:48:36 PM)

Hai Friends. Corruption is a common factor both in government and private organisation. In Private organisation the rules are strictly followed so it is less. So in my opinion privatization will never control corruption. Take examples of Arab countries the severe punishments, strict rules and apart from all speedy judgement ensured corruption less country. So my recommendations to control the corruption are, (a) Severe punishments. (b) Rules be followed strictly. (c) Speed up the judgment. Thank you for patronage.
Rate this: +15 -2

Jenish Rana (Dbim, Surat,,Gujarat) said: (Sun, Dec 9, 2012 10:10:53 PM)

No doubt, I m agree with statement that privatization will lead less corruption but according to my opinion Privatization is one of the way of reducing corruption it will not remove to corruption from grass-root level. Because corruption is also there ex. Satyam Scam. Sometimes Government and private sector both are responsible for corruption ex. 2G scam. Privatization leads less corruption but it will also lead monopoly in future also. And as we all know that all private sectors come in to the existence only for profit not fully for public welfare. So it may happen that they might be involved in malpractices such as to sell inferior quality goods at higher prices and black marketing and so and so forth and ultimately society has to suffer. So privatization is good up to a some level and up to a some industry. Ex. Telecommunication industry where too many players are there and and ultimately to sustain in this field all companies are trying to reducing their charges even BSNL (government sector) also. So in order to overcome from corruption and so many serious problems occurs in privatization we should have so many other ways. 1. To determine new rules and regulations that work against the corruption in government sector as well as in private sector also and strictly follow by them. Such as "Lokpal Bill".

2. To determine standard of incentives and give good basic salary to government employee, introduce good pension schemes etc. So ultimately employee become efficient and effective automatically. 3. Self-control (Be ethical and never engage own self in corruption) if people have not self control then it is impossible to reduce corruption. Ex. While many people are going to take admission of their child in well recognized school at that time they gives bribe and even in front of child. It teach to child a lot of things about corruption. If people have corruption in blood then we can't do anything. Conclusion:. In order to reduce corruption we all have work together against it. Only privatization is not way to reduce corruption in country.
Rate this: +21 -2

Prasu said: (Wed, Dec 5, 2012 08:47:20 PM)

Hai friends. In my view privatization will not lead to less corruption, of course there is no corruption in private sector. But apart from private sector there is a full of corruption in public sector. Most of the people who are working in the public sector are corrupted. Government should take necessary actions in order to make country corruption free. So privatization will not lead to less corruption.
Rate this: +3 -15

Dhara said: (Thu, Nov 29, 2012 10:53:33 PM)

Hello friends, I appreciate all suggestions and ideas of my friends I want to say one thing only the concern is corruption not the privatization so if we are able to reduce the corruption any how than no need to go for privatization instead of it. We should make our public sector like private and each rules and regulations should we implemented like private sector. Salary should we determine on the basis of performance and if any one find any guilty than behave with him/her like private. Instead of all these thing if we an individual neither indulge in any corruption nor accept any corruption activity than we can say that we can root out the corruption otherwise there is no way to vanish this evil. Thank you. That corruption is bad thing and we should.

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Anand Sahu said: (Wed, Nov 21, 2012 11:30:56 PM)

Hello everybody. Most of you may be thinking that privatization will reduce the corruption but I think corruption is equally prevailing in the private sector too. Because every individual is earning money weather he or she is in public or private sector and for that he has to pay tax to the government people working in the public sector are bound to pay the true tax according to his salary he can't hide it, but in private sector stealing of the tax is at it's peak and it directly affects the economy of the country. So encouraging public sector will improve the economy of country remarkably and will make the country a develop nation and all other problem will solve automatically once the nation becomes the developed one.
Rate this: +9 -2

Sumit said: (Mon, Nov 19, 2012 12:38:54 PM)

I think that when a person is working in a private company, he is under supervision of his boss so he can't get chance to take bribe while in a government office the investigation process is to long. More overall this I believe that it depend on individual and his morals.
Rate this: +12 -5

Sandip said: (Sun, Nov 11, 2012 10:25:34 PM)

Yes some extent it reduces the corruption but it couldn't be done by any organisation or sector it happened by people in our society. This is become mind set of the people that privatization will reduced it. If any body want to take bribe or do some illegal work he can do anywhere and at anytime. Any boundary can't stop this. So first ally remove from mind because we have many of example both of. But if go for privatization it would become monopoly in society so better to do strict rule and increases jail, and restrict them. Third government employees should submit their annul income report. Proper allocation of resources and authority.
Rate this: +1 -8

Nitish said: (Fri, Nov 9, 2012 12:03:47 PM)

Hello everyone. I support what everyone has said. But every coin has two sides. But according to my point of view when the people is in private field he has to work under his boss and there is some rules and regulation he/she has to follow and be in discipline. So this become his just like a daily routine so the word corruption will go far away from his mind. But there are some people, they have the corruption in their blood. They can't be good. So the privatization will lead to less corruption.
Rate this: +8 -1

P.K.Pathak said: (Sun, Oct 21, 2012 06:22:21 PM)

Whether you are in private or government domain its persons self discipline which can change the fate of society. People if take pledge that they will not take or give bribe for their self interest only than we can say we have overcome it & change will be visible automatically in the society.
Rate this: +5 -4

Punit Tiwari said: (Sat, Oct 20, 2012 07:41:57 PM)

Privatization may minimize the corruption for few month or years, because corruption rises due to the economical falls whether of the country or enterprise. Enterprise or big rich people try to maintain their brand status in society or market. So when they feels that coming months or year their might be economical falls (mostly few years before the election time). They hide some money to maintain their status which is the seeds for the corruption and its roots spread when they share that amount with the other people to hide these corruption. These corruption might add to the economical falls in the country and even in the global market. So with the privatization, a better managerial strategies should also be developed to handle the economical falls of the country or an enterprise.
Rate this: +10 -2

A Sreenivasulu said: (Thu, Oct 18, 2012 09:55:21 AM)


According to my point of view privatization leads a less corruption but we can't remove entire corruption in the sectors. We have many options to trample the corruption. Here the privatization is only one way. Now a day's corruption we can see in our government offices. Because most of government officers taking bribe for do their duty. In government offices we can remove the corruption by using Anna hazard's lokpal bill. It's very powerful. In India parliament first lokpal bill passed in the year 19681969. The Lokpal bill also passed recently in the Parliament 2011. But it is not passed in the parliament from 1968-69 to still anna hazare's lokpal bill because it's powerful bill. Is The corruption only in government offices, It's not a right thing see some private sectors also corruption for example take a medical college. In medical colleges more number of seats are selling for large amount instead of counselling. Finally my suggestion is we don't need privatization sector when the government increase the salaries, pensions of the employees in government offices. Not only increase the salaries put some strict rules for employees for not corrupting. If the employee corrupted dismissed or remove that employee from the job and also no promotions for that employee means they are not going to higher positions. The government put the above points in regularization in the offices we can see corruption -less government in India.
Rate this: +9 -9

Simrandeep said: (Thu, Oct 18, 2012 06:26:48 AM)

I don't agree that privatization leads to less corruption because private sector only works on price mechanism and is not concerned about public welfare. And due to this they even adopt some malpractices like black marketing, selling low lower quality products on a higher price etc so the only thing that can control corruption is our own effort and resolution to stop and protest against it.
Rate this: +21 -3

Shailendra said: (Sun, Oct 14, 2012 08:18:22 PM)

Yes, privatization is necessary to eradicate corruption but this atrocity cannot be removed overnight or in a day the process of eradicating corruption can be inherited from private companies which have set up stringent rules an regulations to avoid loopholes in proper functioning of the organization. There is no doubt that if rules of private companies implemented in public sector will necessarily reduce corruption. The public sector employees just think that the present existing rules made by government could be easily overlooked by them this tells that these rules are so weak and ultimately could not be used in the benefit of common man. So finally I would say that if privatization could not be implemented as the government think then they can at least incorporate private organizations rules in order to make this country corruption free up to certain extent or so.
Rate this: +3 -1

Abhijeet said: (Sun, Sep 30, 2012 01:40:48 PM)

Yeah, I agree that privatization have more transparent, scrutinized and ethical in nature but it can not be a solution because it always driven by individual's motive public interest and welfare is not prominent. So we can not go for that because public interest first come in our country. I think that there is only two way in our society to reforms that are. 1. We should be self discipline. 2. We forced to be that. When country comes first than our self motives we we'll be in zenith. What happens in a private firm which is owned by an individual who thinks always for upliftment of one's firm while in a public sector they think that they are here just to take the salary not to give the output but when take their own job they do with great interest and when same spirit come for a public work it will give a flamboyant result.
Rate this: +20 -2

Nishi Jha said: (Sat, Sep 29, 2012 02:01:04 AM)

First of all I want to say that corruption is due to person's bad mind i.e. to earn money with less effort or freely. Ya there is no doubt government sector is completely corrupted and private sector is less. This is due to the fact that hard rule of private sector and proper watching of workers workS and activity. So after making rule more strict rule and complete watching of worker works and activity we are able to decrease corruption.
Rate this: +15 -3

Ravi Ranjan said: (Sat, Sep 22, 2012 10:40:06 PM)

I think privatization will help a lot in eradicating corruption because in private sector the main aim of the organization is to make profit, and for this they force their employees to work properly on regular basis, As they want their result fast, it will also help public to get their things done quickly. So their will not be any need to pay for your work to be done on time. This will certainly help in eradicating corruption.
Rate this: +12 -2

Deepak said: (Sat, Sep 8, 2012 07:06:15 PM)

According to me, privatization will surely reduce the corruption and would make India a better place to live in. But at the time its equally important to change the mentality of the people working in the public sector because problem is in their thoughts, they don't want to work, they are taking bribe. These are reasons which pulling the public sector down day by day. So time came to make some changes in the process of running a public sector and also push the employee to work honestly and make our country a developed country.

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Sushil said: (Thu, Sep 6, 2012 02:01:56 PM)

Dear All Members, I read your all views, few was good and few was very good poins. As for as my understanding is we do'nt need privatization because again people will do what they were doing in government secter. We can not transeform them. Let see few property the work of govenment secter and private sectorGovernment - Loos Rules - no body follow rules because they know that no one can fire him or risticate. Private - Tite Rules - Every body have to follo the rules other wise he will be fire or resticate. So Governmete need to make tite rules like private secter, If you are not following rules you will be fire and resticate. Whether he has taken any highter position. Rules shuld be equal for each and every one. And second thing is that Government need to give as much as higher sallery, shelters, Old pention, as much as job vacancies for youngester. This two point if government follow so we do'nt need to privatization.
Rate this: +41 -6

Sheru said: (Tue, Sep 4, 2012 08:16:20 PM)

Main difference that a private sector will bring to table will be:a transparent system,an efficient scrutinizing mechanism,strict management,less bureaucratic intervention and a constant threat to lose you job if your performance is not upto the expectations.This will reduce corruption. Lack of transparency,dilution of accountability and job security in public sector sometimes might result in its employee tampering with the system:result corruption.
Rate this: +12 -1

Rudra said: (Thu, Aug 30, 2012 03:20:59 PM)

Well, for doesn't matter whether one is in public sector or private sector, the thing that counts is one's ethics and character. we do offer 'gifts' in all forms in order to get our work done. Right from the begging of the system it is there in some form or the other. But with the passage of time it has taken vicious for and became a big problem when the public servants(I am afraid, that's how they should be called)started demanding it. As I already said this cannot be changed over night. of course the people should know and realize

that they have the right to get the work done without gifting shouldn't be in a haste to get their work done. If we start practicing it we can bring tremendous change in the system. Wait, before withdrawing let me tell you a peppy fact that even when the entire Govt sector is transferred to private sector it can only lessen the corruption but cannot eradicate it. Hope now you understand how well it rooted in our conscious minds.,
Rate this: +20 -3

Poonam said: (Thu, Aug 30, 2012 01:45:21 PM)

Hi Friends, According to me Privatization can help us to reduce the corruption but we can remove it completely just through our self recognition. In our country parents always think about to save more and more for their children so sometimes they will take sometime by Hook and by Crook method due to this corruption is increasing. So if Government will provide some job security to the children may be this thing can be reduce.
Rate this: +2 -5

Diya said: (Thu, Aug 30, 2012 12:19:17 PM)

Hello frnds,

I think privatization leads to definitely less corruption ...and ofcourse corruption are there everywhere in private and public sector but we can say the quantity is less in privatization people have to perform well for their promotion they have to given performance and their is limit if they will not perform they will be they are honest to their work and they are less corrupted but as for as mentality are concerned public sector employees have the mentality first of all one has to change the mentality of his own and in privatization corruption are in it but in less amnt and in public sector its ratio is very very big amnt which is not feasible for even the growth of our it actually hampers our country growth because if such big level scams and scandel are happend how can our counrty be in the list of developed country..its a big challenge in fornt of govt.
Rate this: +2 -1

Poonam said: (Wed, Aug 29, 2012 04:50:02 PM)

Hi Friends,According to my point of view privatization will lead less corruption but not completely remove.We can remove this only by our own self recognization.
Rate this: +3 -5

Sardendu Kumar said: (Wed, Aug 29, 2012 03:29:07 PM)

Hi. Frds,

I agree with all of you according to me privatisation to less corruption because if a sector is get privatised then it will compete with other sectors and try to be better. And if a person employed in private sector were caught in any offence will be immediately dismissed, so a employee have fear of that and this curb him to do offence. But on the other side in a government sector if a employee were caught in any offense then it take so many time to dismiss him. And a employee in pvt. Sector try to improve thier efficiency for getting promotion in thier field. As we can see as an example of mumbai airport.
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Poonam said: (Wed, Aug 29, 2012 01:30:49 PM)

Hi Friends, I would like to share my views on this topic. According to me privatization can help to reduce the corruption but without our own recognition we can't completely remove it from our country. In our country people always think about ourselves, our family etc. They want to save money or things for their family and children. So they want more and more money and higher position by hook or by crook. In developed countries like US, UK their government provide food, shelter and job security to childrens and the old aged people. So Parents have not worried about their future related to basic needs. According to me if that thing can also start in our country through some extent we will be able to remove corruption. Our.
Rate this: +3 -2

Durgesh Patel said: (Fri, Aug 17, 2012 08:17:41 PM)

Privatization can be a better option for reducing corruption, but without having the feeling of self respect in individual no one can make our country free of corruption. For example- Anna Hazare is fighting for a corruption free India, but without having the mentality to change ourselves ie. To think first for country not for self satisfaction India can't be free from corruption. So, a person having a private or public job both can get corrupt if their mind allows them. So, first change yourself.
Rate this: +34 -6

Sushant said: (Thu, Aug 16, 2012 11:35:50 AM)

Hi freinds, Privatisation also connect to curption by so many ways as level of public sector. I think it could not be routed out but we can reduce it. By some following points. 1. Every government servant, politition would be speak out about their trip, gift investment money on work in every month. 2. Anti curruption agency would not be connected any government sector, every month they should be raid at respective government sector and they every month declare their work as

well as property. 3. Streect law against it. 4. Who informed about bribery he would be awarded and protect too. 5. More freedom for media. 6. Every People will aware about it.
Rate this: +6 -7

Midhun said: (Thu, Aug 9, 2012 11:51:20 PM)

I think the privatization will reduce corruption because if it's privatized then there will be proper management to control, they will try the best to defend it, because their ultimate aim is to get maximum profit. The public sector the management can't succeed to destroy corruption, it's because no one have any problem whether the company running in proper manner, and sometimes the looting is taken place with the blessings of management. They won't loose anything because of that and sometimes they are gained.
Rate this: +9 -3

Anil said: (Sun, Aug 5, 2012 01:41:38 PM)

As for my point in private sector also do corruption but its more or less compare to public sector and politics. Its not a matter of privatization will control the corruption first we have change people mind set and also Indian law have introduce new system to control the corruption in practical way that should follow everyone.
Rate this: +11 -2

Shubham Pahwa said: (Sat, Aug 4, 2012 02:10:12 PM)

I think to a great extent privatization is going to remove corruption but then its not only the solution to it because we are the one who are to form an organization being public or pvt so we have to take initiative for erasing corruption from our mentality then from our society. "Corruption is not the weed which has developed on its own but a seed brought up by us".
Rate this: +28 -1

Pranjal said: (Fri, Aug 3, 2012 02:35:47 PM)

Friends. I think privatization will lead to less corruption. Because the word government is somewhat a vague term in public sector compared to an chairman or CEO of an private sector and when the identity of the individual who is solely responsible for a private organization is clearly available and it is known that a limited number of objectives are assigned to the private organization a sense of commitment, dedication, honesty and sincerity can be developed in the working people because there can be no association of present government,

who is responsible for inflation or poor roads or increased tax, with their works. Most people who are appointed in government offices works for that government with whom they are not at all satisfied and which consciously or unconsciously led to poor performance and dishonesty leading to corruption, so I think privatization will change the mindset of people and motivate them to work honestly leading to less corruption.
Rate this: +18 -0

Pranjal said: (Wed, Aug 1, 2012 01:20:58 AM)

Friends. I think privatization will lead to less corruption. Because the word government is somewhat a vague term in public sector compared to an chairman or CEO of an private sector and when the identity of the individual who is solely responsible for a private organization is clearly available and it is known that a limited number of objectives are assigned to the private organization a sense of commitment, dedication, honesty and sincerity can be developed in the working people because there can be no association of present government, who is responsible for inflation or poor roads or increased tax, with their works. Most people who are appointed in government offices works for that government with whom they are not at all satisfied and which consciously or unconsciously led to poor performance and dishonesty leading to corruption, so I think privatization will change the mindset of people and motivate them to work honestly leading to less corruption.
Rate this: +4 -1

Kavitha said: (Tue, Jul 31, 2012 09:19:16 AM)

Hi friends. In other words we can take privatization means control, so if we control private sector and public sector we can see our country as free from corruption. We have to change the mindsets of people who are working in public sector because every body thinking about their own life not about future of the country for example take a department what ever it is, in that department if High authority is corrupted the lower employees think that why not I take the money, in every department this is the case so we have to change people's mindsets so we can save our country from the corruption. Thank you friends.
Rate this: +9 -3

Dhilip said: (Mon, Jul 23, 2012 04:34:04 PM)

No privatization won't make India a corruption free country. We should change our people's mindset. For an example people don't like to stand in question, they try some short cut to buy a ticket. Just to buy a ticket people doing some silly things, when it comes to life, career and money,

people tents to some more unwanted things without thing of others life. We have to educate people with awareness of anti-corruption, we have to educate our child's with humanity. I think this is the only to get rid of the corruption.
Rate this: +17 -0

Pankaj Adhikari said: (Sun, Jul 15, 2012 11:11:19 AM)

Hi friends, According to my notion its all about making strict laws and following them to eradicate corruption, if we do, then there is no matter of private or public, but yes at the same time I just want to quote one thing that it is a human tendency that in a private organization there is a direct interest is associated with your work so people do it in a better way whereas in a public organization it is about a common interest towards your work, so people could take it in a slight lenient way. Thank you friends.
Rate this: +28 -3

Jeevan said: (Wed, Jul 11, 2012 09:17:58 PM)

I agree with this topic. Privatization means giving ownership to private there by decreasing the corruption. Government need to provide norms to private companies.
Rate this: +8 -3

Anant said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 11:34:05 PM)

I don't agree with the fact that privatization will lead to less corruption because either it is private sector or it is public sector the corruption is due to the people working there and all the people have common mind set that if they are doing something for other's they should get paid for that and for that they should exploit the people not only financially but also mentally so it make hardly any difference if the public sector get privatized. The only thing which will change by privatization is the work environment and the infrastructure so overall I can say corruption can only be decreased by making strict laws and following that.
Rate this: +25 -6

Garima said: (Thu, Jul 5, 2012 05:50:12 PM)

I totally disagree because : 1) Whether its government sector or private sector people are same so what is the thing which needs to change is the mentality of people.

2) If in government sector people shake hands with politicians then in private also somebody or other will be related to them only. So its not the matter of private or government but again I will repeat people. 3) The only benefit we can get is everything will be arranged properly the infrastructure will be more good and English will improve because I have seen people in government sector are not using English in daily routine. 4) The main drawback is no pension if privatization will happen. 5) Nowadays private company's are offering job's and telling the course fees as 1 lakh + so is this not a kind of bribe, but they are doing it legally and smartly by giving the name of training cum recruitment program. 6) Nothing gonna happen guys in government also the main culprit will live his life lavishly and the others who are really. Innocent they will be punished for the sins that the others have committed so our government and our justice everybody should be more smart and should start thinking from there point of view rather than thinking from somebody else's point of view. If somebody has given them the right to decide that who is innocent n who is culprit then they should do it with full dedication.
Rate this: +16 -8

Kitty said: (Tue, Jul 3, 2012 12:19:15 PM)

I totally disagree with the quote that privatization decreases corruption because according to me it is either private sector or public sector the corruption is a cancer on which even the chemotherapy doesn't work on the first stage. It is the case similar to smuggling when a commodity is not permitted to sold in the open market then it is smuggled alike to this when the bribing and all will be the common practice in private sector. Privatization is not the way to eradicate corruption but there is a need of srict laws to be implemented by the government so that there is a sense of fear in everyone's mind that this is against the law.
Rate this: +9 -2

Sridhar said: (Thu, Jun 28, 2012 08:35:54 AM)

I don't agree with statement privatization will lead to less corruption since can anyone loose the choice to get the money from others. No, it is impossible. In this world everyone, whatever he is, is trying to suck the blood of the people but he never tries to help the people, may be there are but invisible. Whatever it is whether private or public it doesn't matter but the matter is whether. We got profit or not, that's it. Of course there are more opportunities to the graduated youth to get the jobs from the private sector than public.
Rate this: +6 -2

Phaniram said: (Wed, Jun 27, 2012 11:54:42 PM)

In my point of view, Privatization will lead to less corruption because the organizational structure and members were bound to unbreakable norms. So this results that the public can freely interact with the organizational workers as the workers are not free enough to delay the work or talk about rules just like government Employees. But the government should take care of the people by looking deeply into the organization of the company and how transparent the company was to the people. By privatization the corruption will decreased but the chances for malpractice by the organizational members is more. So the privatization should be given only on some set of rules and regulations to follow. So that the people will not be cheated. But the basic needs should not be privatized like hospitals etc.
Rate this: +8 -2

Saurabh Gupta said: (Wed, Jun 20, 2012 12:48:59 PM)

Privatization is not necessary for corruption free country. First of all we have to change taking the shortcut for doing any work. Then the judicial will we so tight and strict for any corruption case. They will give the judgement with in one week only for these cases. When the peoples are having fear for punishing then corruption free country will happen.
Rate this: +7 -3

Sudarshan said: (Sun, Jun 17, 2012 05:27:02 PM)

To some extent it is proper to say that private organizations are to some extent corruption free. But, it is improper to say that privatization will lead to less corruption, because, corruption can be minimized through proper control and governing policies which is not impossible for public enterprises. Further corruption is a matter of choice and associated with human psychology, not with type of organization.
Rate this: +8 -3

Shobhit Garg said: (Sat, Jun 16, 2012 06:40:37 PM)

Privatization should be there so there must be less chances of corruption and license should be cancel of those who are indulge in all these type of malpractices, and if can take the example of private sector organizations we can see the particular work is done very soon as compare with government sectors even they ask for extra money which is not required in pvt. sectors.
Rate this: +2 -1

Amit Ghildiyal said: (Wed, May 30, 2012 11:44:56 PM)

From my point of view privatization should be brought into the economy, as there are less chances an individual to fill his mind with wrong ideas. every individual is bound to perform well at his level so as to get promotions and excel.
Rate this: +4 -7

Keshav Jha said: (Wed, May 30, 2012 10:04:08 AM)

Hi friends, 1. I m not fully satisfied that "privatization will lead less corruption". Because corruption is so entice that can attract the people, whether it may be workers, bureaucrats and everyone to a great extent. 2. Organisation may be the govt sector or the private sector, terms & condition to run the office likely to be same with a minor differences. Malpractice is going on in both sector. Its depends upon how the administrator looks after every nook of his organisation. 3. Lot of instances have been brought to notice that private sector too indulged in big scandals like satyam or others. 4. When the possibilities of malpractices are same in both sector, then why we choose privatization to wipe out corruption. 5. I recommended that bureaucrats & officers (who are prone to corruption) the govt sector be tightened enough so that their heart does not allow to indulge in malpractices or corruption. Make such a vigil on the all govt org that can create a fear to involve in such cases. Thanks.
Rate this: +20 -3

B.K.Roy said: (Wed, May 16, 2012 08:10:32 PM)

Yes I do agree with the statement that Privatization will lead to less corruption but at the same time I must say that it will not lead to complete eradication of corruption as some of my friends have already stated the Satyam scandal which is a full proof private sector. Corruption is the reason from each individual, unless people don't understand their basic responsibilities, it can not be rooted out.

Rate this: +17 -0

Shyam Sunder Rai said: (Wed, May 16, 2012 07:15:07 PM)

Privatization cannot be a panacea for corruption problem. It is not possible to privatize all the government sectors. But of course to an extent certain areas can be allowed for privatization. We need to strike a balance between Private Public relationship to ensure smooth functioning of our economy. The government should keep vigil on the functioning of the private firms and check any misappropriation of funds and money-laundering activities. Privatization certainly leads to higher living standards by enhancing competition in market, but there can be some untoward fallout as well. The only expedient being the profit motive can lead to consumer exploitation.
Rate this: +3 -2

Tilak Raj said: (Wed, May 2, 2012 09:31:25 PM)

I am totally agree with this statement. Most of the corruption is in the public sector where every person is totally independent and has the power to work freely in his own way. But in Private sector even the co-workers take the concern about others. Also if there any kind of illegal work is going on then it is easily caught in short duration. As every person wants to dug others and improve himself/herself. So no any kind of such cases arises. Some persons are saying that corruption is in the minds. But they have to know that corruption occurs in mind only when they have been given the space to do the same. And it is not provided in the private sector. In Public sector the persons know that there is so much of hard procedure and long term case to get him dismissed. So he doesn't afraid of this. But in Private sector a person has the afraid of losing his job even under a small mistake.
Rate this: +18 -5

Amardeep Kurukwar said: (Wed, May 2, 2012 03:20:13 PM)

When a person does not adhere to the values, when he do not exercise his true power, authority and responsibility, when he try to avoid his basic duties.. the other thing which is growing in his mind is corruption. It may be in the form of money or it may be in the form of barter. It is simply give and take. So, we have to forget about our focus only on public sector and its tarnished image with corruption. Corruption can be attracted by any individual, so dont think from the point of view of public sector only, it may be there in the private sector also. When we look at the corruption issues in income tax, pwd, rationing etc. and on the other hand like

2G, Satyam Scam; we need to say there is little difference between these two as per as the existence of corruption is concern. What is privatization? When public organization do not able to perform the duties within a given time period and scope then it has to be directed to the second group of national economy, the private sector. And the main or some thinkers and economist will define.. the ultimate objective of private sector is to earn and churn profit. And when we talk about profit, there are number of profit centers in a private organization, sales and marketing, finance and accounts, production, human resource etc. That means, one has to face the issues either in product or pricing. It means the citizen or need to say, the common man of a country will have to suffer in the long term, where on the other hand he is suffering since short term as per as the public sector is concern. Coming to the conclusion, a country should have a public-private partnership in every sector with transparent policies.
Rate this: +9 -1

Sushmita said: (Sun, Apr 22, 2012 05:51:29 PM)

I don not agree. Corruption is a failure in the system and the system is made by individuals so until and unless each individual does not own up to rooting out corruption it cannot be solved.
Rate this: +17 -4

Upasana Kamthan said: (Tue, Apr 17, 2012 11:22:47 PM)

Ya friends I agree with suresh. The private company are less corrupted as compare to government we see in different govt offices their employee is always take bribe for the work because they don't have proper salary as compare to private companies.
Rate this: +9 -2

Sushil Kr. Verma said: (Thu, Apr 12, 2012 09:27:13 PM)

I think we do not need privatization because if in all sector privatization will come it might be possible that rate will be increase according to company owners as we can see in petroleum, Diesel, Gas and some where in electricity sectors. Only we need transparency and tight rules and regulation in government policy. One thing more that we need to change our thinking and selfishness because every thing starts from inside.
Rate this: +9 -4

Himani said: (Tue, Apr 10, 2012 08:14:57 PM)

Hi All, I don't agree with this statement because it is not the sector or any business who leads to corruption but it is done by people itself so when there is a corrupt person who doesn't realize

his/her values & ethics then it doesn't matter whether it is private or public sector. A corrupt person can take bribes or do work illegally for his/her personal benefit irrespective of sector. In private sector we can take satyam scam in which no involvement of government officials so corruption is not related to any sector. There are also some cases in which involvement of both private as well as public sector exist such as 2G Scam. But now a days Corruption is becoming a contagious disease to our system and that system can be a educational system, a political system, a social system, an economical system or a global system. Everyone talks to eradicate that disease of corruption but actually no one wants that's why we are not able to pass Lokpal bill till now in Rajya sabha. Thanks.
Rate this: +66 -3

Mukesh Jha said: (Thu, Apr 5, 2012 12:06:38 AM)

First thing I would like to say that corruption lies in the mind of person. And mind does not see whether he is under the control of govt or any corporate entity. I m saying this because a lively picture of corruption is still encircled my mind i.e. satyam scam and it was not done by any govt officials. So saying that privatization leads to less corruption is wrong partly. Rather than privatization a air we should come up with such type of machinery and regulation which can keep a knot over corruption. It is a vital problem weakening our moral and economical strength. But to get rid of one problem to intrude into other kind of monopolized system will lead down our country into more fatal problem. Our democratic structure is very liberal and so many loop holes are in our laws so corrupt entity always try to make benefits from there. I would say we need to go into the deep of the cause of problem and after some we will find its our educational structure, lack of literacy rate, poverty, greenness, materialism and to become a wealthy person by adopting a shortcut way are the fundamental reasons to enhance the corruption. We are not the single country having suffered from this problem, some of country like china, japan are also suffering from this. Initiatives taken by respectable anna hazare was really seeming to abolished corruption upto to some extent but our corrupt system did not allow him to succeed in his goal and the problem is still at the same corner.
Rate this: +22 -2

Saikat Saha said: (Sat, Mar 24, 2012 01:23:40 AM)

In a Democratic country like India, here govt has no reply for this corruption. Anna Hajare asked to govt a big question but govt did not say any answer. Every govt sector has occur corruption. So, privatization is only solution to reduce this corruption and people, other educated persons will get job. It is very necessary that public in this type of country will satisfy to make privatization.

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Taruni said: (Sun, Mar 18, 2012 09:44:37 PM)

In case of education, privatization will build more gap between the rich and the poor! The private schools are minting money in the form of school fees! I agree they are providing so called "Quality Education" but overall the gap between the rich and poor is getting more wider than ever before! will India really transform into a developed nation by 2020 as dreamt by great leaders and hoped by millions like us? Hence I feel, corruption can be prevented only by self realization and empathy towards fellow beings. Each of us need to learn to be honest with oneself. Make living and let others live!
Rate this: +33 -3

Pawan Kumar said: (Thu, Mar 15, 2012 01:59:45 PM)

Its too late in India to escape form corruption either govt.rules of privetization rules. I myself exprienced both of them by working under both condition, so if we want to escape our India the only way is to Educate one and each people and make them aware of their wrights and duties towards their country.Besides all these we needs thousands of Anna Hazare and his team to rule over India.
Rate this: +6 -9

Deepak Sahani said: (Mon, Mar 12, 2012 02:30:23 PM)

Hi, friends yes privatization is good for stopping corruption, but if we set it all at once, you know the lazy people in government sector, they will go on strike and other things, this will affect a lot on routine life, because by this their under table money will be affected and they would be forced to work which they don't usually, In my opinion every detail of government policies should be transparent, for an instance if any small road project is going on, the details should be displayed on public places, like who is quoting what and who is selected and why, what is the time limit, what are the expenses, What they are paying for what, so if public will also be able to cross check it. And if we find anything wrong we can raise complains against who is responsible for the mistake, Governments every scheme and policy should be display at public places, so people who don't do their work properly and taking bribes will be scare of doing this, Also every one should be allowed to give their ideas in making a good envelopment, I want to say much more but not getting proper words for now,
Rate this: +9 -5

Dennis said: (Sun, Mar 11, 2012 02:13:32 PM)

Privatisation of power sector, banking, education has all led to improvements in the society. It takes a load of burden from the government for development of infrastructure and helps it to channel funds in the direction of the poor. A PPP is what is essentially required. This is because if any one party is given entire power for a long time, there creates a room for corruption and misuse of power. Hence a regulatory role, played by the government, safeguarding the demands of the country and ensuring that the operational role, done by the private parties, actually reach the population in a transparent manner. With privatization there will be better inputs of technology, skilled staff and better service compared to the pure government sectors. But all sectors need not be privatised. For eg. Railways. This is a huge source o revenues for the govt and being under the railway ministry ensures faster reforms and actions. Electricity boards can be privatised as a huge investment is needed to achieve 100pc electrification and there is a huge part of rural India which does not receive these basic facilities. Privatization of water can lead to better metering and recording facilities, better billing encouraging citizens to conserve water use in households, better pipelines and better service.
Rate this: +9 -4

Ashish said: (Sun, Mar 11, 2012 09:51:25 AM)

Privatisation leads to less corruption. Yes I agree to this statement. As you all know privatisation is the conversion of public sector into a private sector. Some of them above said that if the government employees are given all those allowances like free accomodation, education for their children. Etc corruption can be controlled to an exent. It can be controlled to a very little extent. There is no limits for a person to dream. So he only has a desire to get more and live a life more luxurious than others. So even if there is a lot of compensations or allowances. Whatever. There is of not much use. Man is desirous and he wants more and more. There is no extent to his limits. Then to our topic of privatisation. Compared to a public sector in my opinion a private sector will be having a greater preassure. There will be a greater competetion when compared to a public sector. In a public sector we usually come across lazy employees sleeping during work. I'm not saying that there are no such people in a private sector. But we can find a lot of them in the other. Even in the case of privatisation there is no big capital as compared to the public sector so there will be a value for money a lot much compared to the public sector. And to some extent I can agree to the statement privatisation leads to less corruption.
Rate this: +17 -2

Praveen said: (Fri, Mar 9, 2012 08:54:11 PM)

Ya here we got an intresting topic on privatization, yes in my point of view privatization will lead to less corruption when compared to the government sector as the people who are inbound with the government organization will not take care of the profit or loss. Where as in public sector profit and loss will play an important role so one will take Good care of what is going on the company and hence we can avoid corruption. By privatization we can get healthy competition so that quality of product is increased. And also people get good services unlike in public sector. Finally privatization is one of the best way to decrease corruption in India.
Rate this: +3 -0

Tanmay said: (Sun, Mar 4, 2012 08:56:40 PM)

YEAh its perfect. As in privatisation in every part and at every moment its always under the invistigation so its very difficult to someone to do any mistake or misinterpretation while in government sector its probably not.
Rate this: +7 -2

Raviteja Vaddi said: (Sat, Mar 3, 2012 09:01:29 PM)

According to my opion privatization is less corruption because if the employee will not work properly or efficently he/she always afraid job loss. Where as in public sector companies there is no deadline to complete their work. In public sector comapanies if a common man cannot done his work untill they pay bribe to them. I would like to add one point in telecom sector Reliance, vodafone, Tata Docomo they proving good services and offers. Where as in public sector BSNL customer if they have any problem they just make a call to customer care it will take more time to connect. Here we can understant that public sector companies they won't bothar customer problem if any problem occurs they simply give bribe and escape from the problem. As we all know that 2G scam and 3 scam. Here all the politicians are involved. During the 2008 time telecome minister was p. Chidambaram was a one of the major role played in issuing licencing. But still now CBI not done their job, b. Because of bribe.
Rate this: +7 -3

Abhishek said: (Sat, Mar 3, 2012 07:44:20 PM)

I think that govt personnel indulge in bribery because of their pay. I mean they do get a lot of benefits like free accommodation, other financial perks etc but what they lack is liquid cash. Moreover their salaries are literally like "peanuts". A Delhi police Constable is getting approx 12000/-. Imagine what could a person buy anything with that kind of money in delhi a place where even the creme de la creme complain about hardly surviving. So these people indulge in activities

like bribery. So if the whole pay package is re-designed and if the govt people are given more liquid cash rather than cash equivalent non financial benefits like accommodation, free education for children etc. The corruption can be curbed to some extent. This applies not only in the police dept but all govt depts. . And another aspect is that its a personal choice. There are people in govt services who work only by the rules and don't do any corrupted activities.
Rate this: +6 -0

Kuldeep said: (Fri, Mar 2, 2012 09:48:50 AM)

Hi friends after reading views of many of you and anlyzing it I came to know that in our country corruption has gripped its root deep and hard and so only solution which can help us to come out of this is resolution of youth. Yes if everyone of us will be ready to join hands to eradicate it then even god can't stop us. Let alone government. In other words we should join hands with NGOs toremove it bit by bit.
Rate this: +2 -4

Lohit said: (Sat, Feb 25, 2012 01:22:13 AM)

I completely agree with this topic. It is privatization which can help eradicate corruption from India in a major way. Just look at a private organisation its priority is profits for which they would need more number of customers. To draw customers towards itself it needs to provide good services which would attract them to stay with them. So it is important for every employee of the private organisation to behave in a pleasing with way with the government. On the other hand in case of a government company the first and foremost thing that the employee gets is job security due to which complacency creeps in and so does the services provided by it deteriorate and they start demanding for money to get the work done which people have to pay to get their work done. It is easy for an employee to get away as there is less accountability in government organization. Hence, privatisation may help eradicate corruption in a big way.
Rate this: +14 -0

Suchi Smita said: (Fri, Feb 10, 2012 12:40:00 PM)

There is no relationship between these 2 terms privatization & corruption. Because corruption is about the person's openion. The persons who are in private sectors, there is no guarantee that they are not corrupted. So privatization is not the only solution, it requires self awareness for not being corruped in every individual. The summation of individuals becomes a mass. So it is the best way as per me.
Rate this: +8 -9

Gowri Sankar said: (Thu, Feb 9, 2012 10:21:53 AM)

No one live without money. Privatization not enter in the any industry in service minded. They also Money minded. The private sector makes currupt free but if the government sector is not surviving, the private sector will makes get more mooney fronm the people for some basic needs.
Rate this: +5 -8

Saravana Rex said: (Sat, Feb 4, 2012 03:49:47 AM)

Hi citizens, The reason why corruption has become such a great issue is that it affects normal life of a common man.People often ask ,are corruptions not in developed and other countries. The answer ,yes. But what makes the difference. In countries like US, they don't bribe for doing common and most basic duties like issuing licence,cards,etc. In India corruption is pyramid-shaped where mass are affected and in US inverted where the corruption doesn't affect the mass and takes place at higher level(bureaucrats). The privatization can be good option but consequences can't be determined. Because Educational Institutes are one such example where the private corruption is to the maximum extent.
Rate this: +25 -3

Sanjay S said: (Fri, Feb 3, 2012 06:01:03 PM)

I appreciate your views but as per my knowledge first of all we should know about the reason why they wanted to do privatization instead of public because of corruption. If we go to any public sector units office they taking bribe for doing work instead we have all the proof. We should change the system then is no problem to be privatization.
Rate this: +1 -9

Kanika said: (Tue, Jan 24, 2012 10:38:18 AM)

Hi all, in my opinion privatisation can play a major role in reducing corruption in our country. In private jobs people have the fear of loosing the job if they are found guilty of any such thing such as taking bribes or something whereas in a government job first of all the people are quite sure of te fact that the last thing that can haapen to them is to get dismissed unless and until they are caught red-handed, and in cases where people get caught of being involved in such things they can easily get away with it as the person at an higher authority will be ready to take a share in the bribe and close the matter then and their since all of them have job security in a govenment

organization which is not so in case of private organiation.

Rate this: +21 -6

Raghav said: (Sat, Jan 21, 2012 05:27:18 PM)

In my opinion. I think that privatisation is not a only solution to eradicate corruption. We can get good result over this concern of corruption if we can change the low grade mindset of today's generation but it is impossible. But we should use technology as weapon against this. We can remove each root related to corruption with the help of technology. I want elaborate my point with some facts. When we go few years ago, then we can see that banking was not an easy task. We had to face employees of bank during any official work in bank. And some of them hav arrogant attitude. And still we had to interact that kind of personality. But now we hav got relief for some extent because we are using technology like internet banking, atm, smart phones hence there is no need to interact with that kind of narrow minded people. Conclusion: we hav to invent such kind of advanced technologies n strategy which hav ability to change our system whether it is accounted to public or private sector.
Rate this: +34 -4

Arya said: (Wed, Jan 18, 2012 09:43:33 PM)

In my point of view privatization will wipe out corruption as there is strict and cut and dried rules and regulations. Also the recruitment of employees, product quality,etc. must be under merit and strict observation as they have to ensure their reputation. But the government must make sure that privatization will not affect the common man's life and all should get the same oppurtunity.
Rate this: +6 -5

James said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 02:15:51 AM)

According to me things that can be done is :1) Launch a website that has all the sectors included and all regional and national level bodies are included under a same banner. 2)It would be controlled by Lokpal kind of body which would have the complete authority to take strict actions. 3)People can lodge thier complains which would be conveyed to the concerned authority. 4)If actions are not taken within one month the concerned person or body would be dismissed or the operations of that body would be stopped. 5)A list of hackers can be recruited who would be floating the company secrets and shared to the competitors which would hold back the reins of the bodies who would oppose. 5)Moreover the public support should be there or else it would be a waste. 6)The corruption should be

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Amol said: (Mon, Jan 9, 2012 06:38:10 PM)

First I want tell about the curruption. All the basic need of people is money one canot travel without money. As all of us knew about the government that they give such small amount of payment to the workers that they have to find another way of earning. If government gives them good payment why they ask for money other than government. Now we can't solve the problem of curruption by private sectors because it is the part of the system and our entire system is currupted. So in my point of view unless and until our system is get out of curruption India won't be corruption free.
Rate this: +6 -7

Teja said: (Sun, Jan 8, 2012 11:09:50 AM)

Privatization means process of transfering ownership of a business. Corruption means giving payment for the service or work by illegally. Present days private sectors need to be develop there sectors by doing malpractice or doing corruption. So everywhere corruption is there.
Rate this: +2 -12

Vishnu Vardhan said: (Thu, Jan 5, 2012 03:45:59 PM)

Hi friends, The topic given to us is "Privatization will lead to less corruption. ". First of all I want to explain what privitization means. It means the change of ownership from public/government to private enterprise. Corruption on the other hand is to payment for services or material through illegal means. Privitization will lead to free-markets (w/o any restriction). It will lead to a healthy competition, which leads to better quality products for customers at lower prices. (which can be observed in the telecom sector when Airtel, vodafone, idea conquered the business of BSNL) Privitization leads to better accountability, transparency and better performance. (Can be observed through the quarterly results of the companies) ! But the other side of the coin shows. The satyam scandal, the 2G spectrum scam (in the same telecom sector which I have referred) in the private sector. Conclusion: It depends on the moral ethics of a person or enterprise whether it is govt or private sector to curb corruption. As corruption in the public sector is institutionalized. Privatization provides us some flexibility to curb corruption.

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Prabhu said: (Wed, Jan 4, 2012 12:17:36 AM)

In my point of view...corruption is doing by every one especially by they get low marks means they will join by management seat only...first we want to stop that..because students are the future generations and want to develop their nation..
Rate this: +10 -30

R.Joseph Kumar said: (Tue, Dec 27, 2011 01:20:41 PM)

Before talking about this, first i want to say something about corruption.Where corruption is happened?? e.g Suppose if someone going to some area by bike without having license, suddenly the traffic police stop that person and asking him fine or bribe. In this situation what will we do? i am sure, most of them give bribe. In this place who did make the mistake? In my point of view, the public was make the mistake. Because if that person paid the fine, then here we avoid the corruption. But we r n't do it? so, we don't say privatization leads to avoid corruption. Each and every person should responsible for corruption(not only Government).And people should know their rights as well as rules and regulations.People should leave their ignorance.

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Saurabh said: (Sun, Dec 25, 2011 08:41:24 AM)

Corruption is not related to the modus operandi of organization or whether it is publicly held or privately held....there are many private firms which follow malpractices to bag heavy tenders...if corruption has to be dealt we should change the mindset, and this change should be done at budding stage of an individual that is right from preliminary education moral values should be inculcated...
Rate this: +29 -0

Kartika.L said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 06:58:21 PM)

My perception is that corruption can be eradicated only if every single individual cooperates in a society or nation. Privatization can reduce corruption but cannot completely eradicate. One possible measure that can be implemented is ,educational institutions should take necessary steps to inculcate the basic values such as honesty,loyalty in the young minds of future generation so that

we can aim india to be corruption-free nation.

Rate this: +6 -2

Tejaswini said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 11:31:13 AM)

According to my view privatization does not totally abolish corruption. The people who encourage corruption should change their opinion, A special team should be build against corruption that should have all the powers and rights to punish the people who are corrupted, so that every individual should be scared of taking money from innocent people and people should be aware of what happens if we encourage corruption.
Rate this: +9 -4

Vikas Maheshwari said: (Thu, Dec 15, 2011 04:09:23 PM)

Guys ' I seriously agree with that such line " Privatization will lead to less corruption ". My perception is that some area to be needed to come under the private sector. Once some thing area will comes under in private Sector then likely to reduce and can take the step to reduce the correction. But if we go to finished out the correction then we have to take some important discussion. Anticorrection has to prove them self. Each and every person has to read and speak on the topic as well as fight with them who are corrupted. I think we use to think as practical not diplomatically. Privatization will make sure to reduce corruption.
Rate this: +3 -7

Pankaj said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 10:04:04 PM)

In my point of view. Privatization will lead to less corruption than now. But if it is said that it will totally abolish corruption. That is not true. We have a very strong example that delhi electricity board. Is being privatized and is in the hands of reliance. But instead of getting better. The situiation has worsened. Similarly. The case with corruption. Privatization is not a method to counter corruption. Its upon us only. When private companies will come. They will also act in the same way as govermental institutions. They will also charge bribes. If we have to counter corruption the first thing we have to do is to stop giving bribes. Its only us who are teaching these peoples to take bribe. If we'll stop. Everything will be allwright.
Rate this: +14 -3

Dinesh Sharma said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 04:19:24 PM)

People out of fear of being noticed very fast may be less corrupt. It reduces prices of goods and has less interference of government. There is a close relation between employees and managers. They both work together in order to maximize profits in the correct way. Certainly, if there are profits, corruption will be less. Salaries of people are high as compared to government sector. People are constantly motivated. This reduces the changes of bribes etc.
Rate this: +6 -6

Ankit Agrawal said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 04:17:03 PM)

Though privatization lead to reduce the level of corruption, it is always not recommended to privatize all the sectors. For instance let us take railways. If Indian railways are privatized, then there are more chances of further increase in the fares of trains as private sectors can't handle the huge amount of transportation. Govt may manage the funds by seeking the centre's help. So if there are more sectors being privatized, then there will be a risk of monopoly also.
Rate this: +12 -5

Gaurav Jain Gla said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 01:02:10 PM)

Privatization definately leads lesser corruption because after privatization a particular employee or anyone will be visulise more closly and secondly there is lots of people in our country who indulge in corruption just because another persons are engaged. like some of you not paying full income tax because you think its better to consuming your money by your own instead of any leader utilise your hard earned money in his personal care. so we need to developed a privatization that is not purly private. there should be hierachy like one group visulise lower one and higher one is visulised by more higher one.
Rate this: +1 -3

Modak Kaushik said: (Mon, Dec 12, 2011 12:40:16 PM)

Because of privatisation no one can control corruption because corruption is started when the person is in power. Private sectors are helpful to us no dout. But govt sectors work for employee welfare or other aspect of life. In private sectors fear of job are highly situated in employees mind. So in the end we can say that corrupyion is a two way procees.
Rate this: +13 -3

Arpit Sharma said: (Fri, Dec 9, 2011 09:48:11 AM)

Privatization, where employees are normally paid as per market rate and normally companies are taking care of other requirements. Privatization also have better management control, system and practices. These all will help to curtail corruption, if not eliminate. In my point of the corrupution is started with the students. It incerase the day by day. In govt organisation the most of them people is corrupted and it is actped with the students why because one student is apply for the income certificate the officer is ask the some money he will give the money other wise the income certificate is not giving in oneday now in this point of view the students will encarage the corruption.
Rate this: +6 -2

Varun Sharma (Gla University) said: (Fri, Dec 9, 2011 09:42:36 AM)

My point of view there are Few factors which curbs corruption through privatization are: * * * * * * Performance orientation-increases knowledge and skills of the employee. Marketability scope-increases production by providing more functions. Least Political Influence-helps in free decision making. Accountability-makes responsible. High salaries-controls easy money making attitude. Increased job satisfaction-controls corruption and increases productivity.
+43 -2

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Dinesh.S said: (Thu, Dec 8, 2011 10:49:54 PM)

In my point of view. 1. Privatization or government can't control corruption until or unless there is proper management. 2. India is in 87 th rank in corruption list. These are the list of questions we have to ask ourselves. Why corruption is very high in India? Main reason is because of its population. Ex:A person going to get a certificate in Govt. Office there will be 100 persons standing already. But that person is in a hurry. He will ask the clerk over there is there any solution to get it fast. And this is the chance for the clerk to get some money. This is how corruption exits. Can it be eliminated? the answer is yes but only with proper management. When there is a need for more people working place put skilled people there to control the crowd in the office. Apply this concept in small cities and then to states and then the whole country will corruption free.
Rate this: +22 -2

Mohammed Mohtashim said: (Sun, Nov 27, 2011 04:25:03 PM)

HI friends good evenin, We all know that working with government sectors a worker thinks that he is the best and the system is very slow incase of punishment when a employee found taking maoney for completing their work becuase he knows that the process is very slow and he can use his power t save himself. But if we talk other hand in private sector every one is thinkng about profit and growth becuse as everyone knows that they can not grow without working hard and putting effrot. Private sectors are afraid to compete ohter companies so that if a employee found curropted nobody will bear and he will be dismissd quickly. But only privatiazaton is not the solution. Currroption is in mind it would be either in private or govt. . Currption would not be removed untill and unless everyone has to commit to themselves to remove corruption.
Rate this: +13 -2

Ravinder Sangwan said: (Sun, Nov 27, 2011 01:45:05 AM)

In the present days corruption is a basic need for everyone whether it is a normal person or a big enterprise. Everyone can do corruption easily for there benefits. So privatization is not only the solution for removing the corruption. The government should makes some strict laws and regulation which force everyone to follow it.Then we can remove corruption at certain level from our country.
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Mohammed Mohtahism said: (Sat, Nov 26, 2011 06:14:09 PM)

HI Friendssss good eveing, Now a days people are using force and power of thier position. Everyone is currpted in government sector and who is not currrpted can not stable for more time becuse currpted people will punish him for his honesty as trnsfer so that people who want to do remove currption aso afraid. And we knpw most of the workers are in thiere position by reference of thier high positionaers not becuase fo thier education or thier skills. Now lets talk about private sectors where the creteria forhiring of an employeeis only well education all private companies prefer well educated employees and skillled professionals who can bring thier business on top os that everyone know that to make a good carrer they have to perform and work well. Nobody have time for currption in private sectors they thing only about profti of thier company so we can say that privatization would lead t less curruption and will help in development.
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Puja said: (Fri, Nov 25, 2011 05:14:29 PM)

Hello everyone, corruption arises from a corrupt mind so wherever this mind will be, it will be involved in corruption whether its is a public sector or private. We should not.

Forget about Satyam scam though I agree in government institutions it is more prominent. So I think if we went to eradicate corruption first of all it should be removed from our minds and this is only possible if good education is provided to all. The system procedures should be made more transparent and a more severe punishment should be given to corrupt people.
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Venkat said: (Sat, Nov 19, 2011 11:33:02 AM)

No I strongly oppose that, because privatization will not lead to less corruption. First we should know where corruption was started. What were the reasons for corruption. For example a person go to any govt office for any certificate, there are some formalities that person have to do. But in the present generation we are living in speed life. We don't have the patience, we want any work will complete with in the seconds. Officer says the you have to wait for 3or 4 hours than that person says that I don't have that much of time please give me with in half an hour. In that situation the officer catch your need and he asked some money for that. If you ready to pay that will habituated to you. We are encouraging the corruption. Than coming to private organizations present days private organizations are more corrupted. Because of competition. If we take any IT company, today they are not conducting any interviews they simply taking some amount and giving jobs to them. It is also corruption. The main reason, I our India population is more. Every thing there is a competition. Some rich people they are not ready to face the competition the simply go for these type of ways. So if that public or private organization that organization have to follow some ethics and mainly people have to change their behavior they must have patience and also they are ready to face anything, than only the corruption will decrease in our India.

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