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Carlos Allende and his Philadelphia Experiment

"Death Bed Statement" of Carlos Allende

Home Austin Stanton Michael Ann Dunn Z-416175 Keel "Confession" John Keel Page 2 John Keel Page 3 Notification of Birth Registration Death of Jessup Birthplace of Carl M. Allen "Death Bed Statement" of Carlos Allende Introduction to the Varo edition of M. K. Jessup's Case for the UFO The Infamous Allende Letters to Morris K. Jessup

The newspaper that published the following Carlos Allende "death bed statement" story is "THE NEWS of Colorado Centennial Country," (USPS 748-510) published weekly by Old Weldpress, Inc., 627 8th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado, 80631, John J. Dugan Jr, Editor and Publisher, Volume 2, Number 31, dated August 22nd, 1986, page 1 and page 8. Every attempt has been made to duplicate the exact spelling (including misspellings) and punctuation of the original news article. It is reprinted with the kind permission of Elva F. Dugan.

MYSTERY MAN OFFERS DEATH BED STATEMENT - - Riddle of Carlos Allende resolved - by JIM FRAZIER Carlos Allende, a mystery man and recluse of the

20th Century, has been hiding out in Greeley, Colorado. Sought by many, he is the subject of at least 22 books. Most authors conclude by asking his true whereabouts. "If we could only find Carlos Allende..." states one writer. "We could ask him our questions..." Carlos Allende, with his own writings, spawned numerous books and a movie based on The Philadelphia Experiment, an alleged classified defense project in 1943 during which a Navy destroyer was supposedly displaced -instantaneously -- from Philadelphia to Norfolk, Virginia and back again. The day was bright and sunny. We sat on a bench in downtown Greeley near the Centennial Building, seat of the Weld County's government. Located 50 miles north of Denver, Greeley is home to the Denver Bronco training camp. Formed originally as Union Colony in New York City, the town was established by Nathan Meeker and Horace Greeley, who promoted the westward movement of our nation. Greeley was an 1869 experiment to colonize and civilize The West - - it worked. Because of Greeley's success thousands of settlers moved westward beyond the Mississippi River. Now, in 1985, at the center of Greeley, Carlos Allende, says that America should try another experiment. "The Philadelphia Experiment worked," Carlos said. "That was what frightened the military. They didn't know what Einstein was doing. He used them to accomplish his own research in propulsion. He believed we could travel faster than the speed of light. That's what he was doing, and they didn't even know it." Allende maintains that in October of 1943, he was in a convoy of ships sailing to Algeria. "They did experiments then. I say they must have done it 144 times. I don't know. At least a thousand men have

seen the ship become invisible. They radiated the target ship with electromagnetic beams. It started out as an experiment in degaussing ships so they wouldn't attract mines, and in making ships invisible to radar. But Einstein took it farther than anyone expected. He made the ship invisible to your eyes. "Einstein was on the test ship the DE168. I was on the U.S.S. Feurseth. We were in a military convoy with many, many ships. I was on the bow. There is a place where you can stand on top of thick covers, about a foot above the deck. That's where I was. The railing was curved. I hooked my left hand under the railing and leaned out as far as I could. The force field was under my nose, you might say, really it was under my chest and neck. It had spread out from the target ship. I reached into it with my right arm. It kicked. Curiosity -- they say. That's why I did it. You might say I was satisfied. I had my question answered -- for the moment. "The visibility of the force field is what disturbed Einstein and the defense investigators. As the ship became invisible the force field became visible. They couldn't figure it out. That's why Einstein came to me. He saw me put my arm in. He wanted to know what I saw, what I had felt, if I smelled anything, and why I had done it. He sort of gave me an intelligence test -- you might say. Once he realized that I did it out of a deep scientific curiosity, he spent time with me. He gave me a rapid course in the physics of invisibility during the next two and a half weeks. "Einstein and his team were using the Navy for their research. The whole group was Jewish. Steinmetz wound the coils on the beam generator. It was based on the work of Tesla, but only Steinmetz could make the winding. That little drawf -- a hunchback -- was the world's best researcher. What Einstein really was working on was a starship propulsion system. You have to realize that this was before rockets. This was before NASA's space

program. This was Einstein's test of space travel -starship drive at faster than light. "What Einstein proved was that invisibility is a precursor to propulsion beyond the speed of light. Invisibility is nothing more than the precondition to a practical utilization of the magnetic field related to the Einstein Tunnel Propulson system. There is nothing to be afraid of with invisibility. Of the many combinations of human blood type, bone type and flesh type, there is only one that remains invisible for life. Others are not affected adversely. This means that the door is open for star travel for all Americans. We must do it. We must proceed. This is the future. As Carlos talked, he nodded to people who smiled at him. The day was bright and beautiful. The morning sun was rising towards noon -- August 14, 1986. Carlos is 61. He wore tweed trousers and a jacket. In his pockets were stuffed a variety of pens and pencils, papers and notes. He was thin. On his wrists were medical braclets. He had been hospitalized with a racing heart several times during the previous week. "It must be fate," he said. "This is my death bed statement. In case I die, the questions will be answered. All except one -- that will die with me," he said. "America has had the answer since 1943. All the answers are right under the nose of NASA and the Department of Defense but they are still afraid. The secret is that the Philadelphia experiment is repeatable. It should be repeated, again and again. It will lead to star travel and to a fleet of starships capable of protecting America. Travel faster than light has been documented as a phenomenon. Now we must learn again what Einstein knew in 1943. Man can create transportation at speeds faster than light. "The first and most important statement is that the

experiment is repeatable. We must do it. You must continue this research. The second thing is that Einstein came to me, and trained me in the theory of invisibility. He said they were using the Navy for his own research into Starship propulsion. All the Navy wanted was degaussing and radar invisibility. You can imagine their surprise. Thirdly, when the ship was radiated with the energy beam, particles were thrown off. It formed a thin haze which increased in density. The haze became a mist -- then a good solid fog of particles, atomic particles and even whole atoms. It wasn't green, or blue as has been reported, but an ultra-violet glow. The increasing density of the field caused a breaking effect. This breaking effect on every atom in the electron shell is vital to invisibility. It stopped the orbital motion. Electrons were slowed to a stop. That moment when they do stop, the enormous distances in atoms becomes apparent to the eye. If a nucleus were the size of a pea, the first electron shell would be about 2,500 miles out, on that scale. That is an enormous distance. Mostly empty space. When the electron shell orbital motion is stopped, the illusion of solidity is removed. That is the basis of invisibility. You are simply seeing the empty space. The next important thing is that the applied exterior force field prevents the nucleus from exploding. The beam is creating a super dense flowing magnetic field moving at the speed of light. It is moving from the electron shell to the epi-center of every atom in the effective mass. The instant jump of strength in the nuclear bond stops the detonation. "But you still have the transportation to worry about. The next important statement is that you have an imbalance of particles in the effective mass. This creates a particle hunger. The particle hunger has to be satisified once the force field developes

because it becomes an acute particle hunger in the worst, and most serious way. There are three ways, at this point to cause the instantaneous transport. Let's say there are two ways for certain, and possibly a third way. Einstein tried two of the ways, and they worked. The experiment is repeatable. Repeatability is the criterion of science. I've never stated this before, but since this is my death bed statement, I will say it clearly -- IT IS REPEATABLE. The last step, is to utilize the Einstein Tunnel Theory. That will triple the speed. Proof exists right now that we can travel at 4.5 times the speed of light. If you want to talk about that I will, with examples that everyone can check. If you don't mind, for a moment, I'd like to pause and smoke a cigarette. I'm tired too, as I have been up all night." Carlos was nearly penniless. I loaned him $10 and drove him to the Greeley post office where he mailed out 5 copies of his most recent book: Roots of Controversy. He said that various people around northern Colorado had received copies of manuscripts, and documents of his life history. But, his national acclaim has come from his annotated copies of a book by an astronomer named Morris K. Jessup. Dr. Jessup had studied the Philadelphia Experiment and told associates that he had been hired to continue the research in 1959. On his way to another professor's house with his manuscript on "instantaneous displacement," Jessup allegedly committed suicide, by stopping along a road and inhaling carbon monoxide from his car. Jessup had apparently corresponded heavily with Carlos Allende in preparing the manuscript. "Are you afraid for your life?" I asked. "Always," he said. "I am perpetually in hiding. Foremost from Communist sources. One thing I will say about Jessup is that he did not commit suicide. Since this

is my final statement, I will tell you that I met him about two years after his supposed death. We talked all night long. He had killed the man who was sent to kill him, and taken the man's identification. That's why there was no autopsy. Is Allende afraid of the U. S. Government? "No, not at all. They have given me some of the best protection I've ever seen. They have guarded my life. The U. S. has done a wonderful job, and I compliment them for such beautiful protection all this time. You see, my dream is the same as NASA's. My dream is for the United States to travel to the stars. If we build starships using Einstein's theory, we will never be short of natural resources like aluminum or copper, or iron. We will regain our number one position in the world. "But right now there are only four men in the United States who understand Unified Field Theory. I am one of them -- but I am not a scientist. My knowledge is from experience and from time with Einstein. He taught me what he could and made me understand. "We can have starships, and need them for defense. Imagine them out in space beyond the moon. Russia launches a nuclear attack. The starships could return with LASER cannon's blasting -- repeating LASER cannons -- capable of incinerating every major city in the USSR. It is reasonable. We could have a fleet of starships unrivaled in the world, starships capable of protecting America from surprise attack. Carlos said that he feels comfortable in Greeley, as we visited some of his favorite sites. These are his friends. People wave and smile at the brightminded, colorful old man. He talks to strangers, too; winks at college girls, and flirts with beautiful women. Anyone who has met Carlos seems to remember the friendly, disheveled, out-going man. He speaks in various accents and languages. His Spanish is refined and intelligent. Few people know

that Carlos Allende -- legally born Carl Allen in Kensington, Pennsylvania -- is a mystery to readers and authors all over the world. "I have been in Greeley off and on now for over thirty years. It is one of my favorite cities in the world," he said. "It is a farm town, people are close to the land, and the town is filled with farmers -people whom I enjoy. Farmers are my own people, I was a farm boy, and though I have sailed the world, I am a farm boy at heart, and always have been. But also, Greeley is quiet, and the rent is reasonable," he said. [THE END]

Brother Carlos Allende

Holy Observer of the Philadelphia Experiment
"I watched the air all around the ship ... turn slightly, ever so slightly, darker than all the other air ... I saw after a few minutes, a foggy green mist arise like a thin cloud ... I watched as thereafter the DE 173 became rapidly invisible to human eyes."

The Enigmatic Allende Letter

[presented "as is" so as not to lose any of the original flavour] My Dear Dr. Jessup, Dr. Morris K. Jessup Your invocation to the Public that they move en Masse upon their Representatives and have thusly enough Pressure placed at the right & sufficient Number of Places where from a Law demanding Research into Dr. Albert Eienstiens Unified Field Theory May be enacted (1925-1927) is Not at all Necessary. It May Intrest you to know that The Good Doctor Was Not so Much influenced in his retraction of that Work, by Mathematics, as he most assuredly was by Humantics. His Later computations, done strictly for his own edification & amusement, upon cycles of Human Civilization & Progress compared to the Growth of Mans General over-all Character Was enough to Horrify Him. Thus, we are told today that the Theory was "Incomplete." Dr. B. Russell asserts privately that It is complete. He also says that Man is Not Ready for it & Shan't be until after W.W. 111. Nevertheless, "Results" of My friend Dr. Franklin Reno, were used. These Were a complete Recheck of That Theory, With a View to any & Every Possible quick use of it, if feasible in a Very short time. There Were good Results, as far as a Group Math Re-Check AND as far as a good Physical "Result," to Boot. YET, THE NAVY FEARS TO USE THIS RESULT. The Result was & stands today as Proof that The Unified Field Theory to a certain extent is correct. Beyond that certain extent No Person in his right senses, or having any senses at all, Will evermore dare to go.

I am sorry that I Mislead You in My Previous Missive. True, enough, such a form of Levitation has been accomplished as described. It is also a Very commonly observed reaction of certain Metals to Certain Fields surrounding a current, This field being used for that purpose. Had Farraday concerned himself about the Mag. field surrounding an Electric Current, We today Would NOT exist or if We did exist, our present Geo-Political situation would have the very timebombish, ticking off towards Destruction, atmosphere that Now exists. Alright, Alright! The .result" was complete invisibility of a ship, Destroyer type, and all of its crew, While at Sea. (Oct. 1943) The Field Was effective in an oblate spheroidal shape, extending one hundred yards (More or Less, due to Lunar position and Latitude) out from each beam of the ship. Any Person Within that sphere became vague in form BUT He too observed those Persons aboard that ship as though they too were of the same state, yet were walking upon nothing. Any person without that sphere could see Nothing save the clearly Defined shape of the Ships Hull in the Water. PROVIDING of course, that that person was just close enough to see yet, just barely outside of that field. Why tell you Now? Very Simple; If you choose to go Mad, then you would reveal this information. Half of the officiers and the crew of that Ship are at Present, Mad as Hatters. A few are even Yet confined to certain areas where they may receive trained Scientific aid when they, either, "Go Blank" or "Go Blank" & Get Stuck." Going-Blank [an after effect of the Man having been within the field too Much, IS Not at all an unplesant expierence to Healthily Curious Sailors. However it is when also, they "Get Stuck" that they call it "HELL INCORPORATED". The Man thusly stricken can Not Move of his own volition unless one or More of those who are within the field go & touch him, quickly, else he "Freezes". If a Man Freezes, His position Must be Marked out carefully and then the Field is cut-off, Everyone but that "Frozen" Man is able to Move; to appreciate apparent Solidity again. Then, the Newest Member of the crew Must approach the Spot, where he will find the "Frozen" Mans face or Bare skin, that is Not covered by usual uniform Clothing. Sometimes, It takes only an hour or so Sometimes all Night & all Day Long & Worse It once took 6 months, to get the Man "Unfrozen". This "Deep Freeze" was not psycological It is a Result of a Hyper-Field that is set up, within the field of the Body, While the "Scorch" Field is turned on & this at Length or upon a Old Hand. A Highly complicated Piece of Equipment Had to be constructed in order to Unfreeze those who became "True Froze" or "Deep Freeze" subjects. Usually a "Deep Freeze" Man goes Mad, Stark Raving, Gibbering, Running MAD, if His "freeze" is far More than a Day in our time. I speak of TIME for DEEP "Frozen Men" are Not aware of Time as We know it, They are Like Semi-comatoese person, who Live, breathe, Look & feel but still are unaware of So Utterly Many things as to constitute a "Nether World" to them. A Man in an ordinary common Freeze is aware of Time, sometimes acutely so. Yet They are Never aware of Time precisely as you and I are aware of it. The First "Deep Freeze" As I said took 6 months to Rectify. It also took over 5 Million Dollars worth of Electronic equipment & a Special Ship Berth. If around or Near the Philadelphia Navy Yard you see a group of Sailors in the act of Putting their Hands upon a fellow or upon "thin air", observe the Digits & appendages of the Stricken Man. If they seem to Waver, as tho within a Heat-Mirage, go quickly & Put YOUR Hands upon Him, For that Man is The Very Most Desperate of Men in The World. Not one of those Men ever want at all to become again invisible. I do Not think that Much More Need be said as to Why Man is Not Ready for Force-Field Work, Eh? You Will Hear phrases from these Men such as "Caught in the Flow (or the Push) or "Stuck in the Green" or "Stuck in Molasses" or "I was "going" FAST", These Refer to

Some of the Decade-Later after effects of Force-Field Work. "Caught in the Flow" Describes exactly the "Stuck in Molasses" sensation of a Man going into a "Deep Freeze" or Plain Freeze" either of the two. "Caught in the Push" can either refer to That Which a Man feels Briefly WHEN he is either about to inadvertently "Go-Blank" [Become Invisible" or about to "Get Stuck' in a "Deep Freeze" or "Plain Freeze."] There are only a few of the original Expierimental Crew Left by Now, Sir. Most went insane, one just walked "throo" His quarters Wall in sight of His Wife & Child & 2 other crew Members (WAS NEVER SEEN AGAIN), two " Went into "The Flame," I.E. They "Froze" & Caught fire, while carrying common Small-Boat Compasses, one Man carried the compass & Caught fire, the other came for the "Laying on of Hands" as he was the nearest but he too, took fire. THEY BURNED FOR 18 DAYS. The faith in "Hand Laying" Died When this Happened & Mens Minds Went by the scores. The experiment Was a Complete Success. The Men were Complete Failures. Carlos Allende (ca. 1943) Check Philadelphia Papers for a tiny one Paragraph (upper Half of sheet, inside the paper Near the rear 3rd of Paper, 1944-46 in Spring or Fall or Winter, NOT Summer.) of an item describing the Sailors Actions after their initial Voyage. [see below -B:.B:.] They Raided a Local to the Navy Yard "Gin Mill" or "Beer Joint" & caused such shock & Paralysis of the Waitresses that Little comprehensible could be gotten from them, save that Paragraph & the Writer of it, Does Not Believe it, & Says "I only wrote what I heard & them Dames is Daffy. So, all I get is a "Hide-it" Bedtime Story." Check observer ships crew, Matson Lines Liberty ship out of Norfolk, (Company MAY Have Ships Log for that Voyage or Coast Guard have it) The S.S. Andrew Furnseth, Chief Mate Mowsely, (Will secure Captains Name Later) (Ships Log Has Crew List on it.) One crew member Richard Price or "Splicey" Price May Remember other Names of Deck Crew Men, (Coast Guard has record of Sailors issued "Papers") Mr. Price Was 18 or 19 then, Oct. 1943, and Lives or Lived at that time in His old Family Home in Roanoke, VA. a small town with a Small Phone book. These Men Were Witnesses, The Men of this crew, "Connally of New England, (Boston?), May have Witnessed but I doubt it. (Spelling May be incorrect) DID witness this. I ask you to Do this bit of Research simply that you May Choke on your own Tongue when you Remember what you have "appealed to be Made Law" Very Disrespectfully Yours, Carl M. Allen

A Regional Philadelphia Newspaper Article

Strange Circumstances Surround Tavern Brawl October 1943 Several city police officers responding to a call to aid members of the Navy Shore Patrol in breaking up a tavern brawl near the U.S. Navy docks here last night got something of a surprise when they arrived on the scene to find the place empty of customers. According to a pair of very nervous waitresses, the Shore Patrol had arrived first and cleared the place out -- but not before two of the sailors involved allegedly did a disappearing act. "They just vanished into thin air ... right there," reported one of the frightened hostesses, "and I ain't been drinking either!" At that point, according to her account, the Shore Patrol proceeded to hustle everyone out of the place in short order. A subsequent chat with the local police precinct left no doubts as to the fact that some sort of general brawl had indeed occurred in the vicinity of the dockyards at about eleven o'clock last night, but neither confirmation nor denial of the stranger aspects of the story could be immediately obtained. One reported witness succinctly summed up the affair by dismissing it as nothing more

than "A lot of hooey from them daffy dames down there." Who, he went on to say, were just looking for some free publicity. Damage to the tavern was estimated to be in the vicinity of six hundred dollars.

More on the Dynamic Duo of Jessup 'n Allende

January 13, 1956 The "mysterious" Allende letters are noteworthy mainly because of their prominence in the UFO literature. The mystery surrounding them arose in 1956, when an annotated copy of Morris K. Jessup's book, "The Case for the UFO" arrived at the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR). It looked as though three men (named Mr. A, Mr. B., and Jemi) had passed the book back and forth among them, adding notes to Jessup's text. Jessup also reported that he had received several letters from one Carlos Allende (alias Carl M. Allen) over a period of months. The letters and notations seemed to indicate that the writers had some special knowledge of UFOs and alien cultures beyond that of any government on Earth. The merits of the Allende letters and notations have been argued since that time. Books have been devoted to the subject, and dozens of articles have been written about them. UFO researchers have investigated the case; and the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) staff members have met Allende. Many say that Allende knew a great deal about UFOs, while others say that he was involved in an elaborate and useless hoax. The story, as it is usually told, begins with the book, "The Case for the UFO," arriving at the ONR. Some claim that the Navy, after reading the notations, became very interested and contacted Jessup. By this time, Jessup had already received the Allende letters. Curiously, the first (of four letters) is dated January 13, 1956, exactly one year after Jessup "signed" the introduction to his book. The Navy, according to many UFO-authors, requested and received permission to reproduce the book in a limited edition of twenty-five copies. The notations were printed in red, and the original text in black. All letters sent by Allende (including those signed: Carl M. Allen) were included as an appendix. During the next several years, the Navy is supposed to have spent time, money, and a great deal of effort researching the incident. Navy investigators reportedly looked for Allende but never found him. The book had been mailed from Seminole, Texas, one letter from Gainesville, Texas, and another from DuBois, Pennsylvania. After checking all the addresses and following dozens of leads, so the story goes, Allende eluded them. The letters were intriguing. They told of a Navy experiment based on Einstein's Unified Field Theory. During World War II, the Navy was supposed to have successfully teleported a warship, the S.S. Andrew Furnseth, from its dock in Philadelphia to a dock in the Norfold-Newport New-Portsmouth area and back again. The teleportation, which took only a few minutes, was allegedly witnessed by Allende, a member of the crew; he claimed that a brief article about it appeared in a Philadelphia newspaper. Unfortunately, he could not remember the date, so that a copy of that issue could not be located. Although the teleportation was a success, according to Allende, one half of the crew was lost during the experiment and the rest suffered a variety of strange side effects. Some were "mad as hatters," while others would "go blank" or "get stuck." He said they would seem to disappear or "freeze" on the spot. Their position had to be marked, and other members of the crew had to step around the mark.

Fellow crew members, when they saw a sailor "freeze," would rush forward and "lay their hands" on the stricken man. The laying on of hands was the cure for the freeze, but the men quickly lost faith in it. One sailor "froze," and a friend ran forward to lay on the hands. Allende says, "possibly because of the metal on him, he began to smoulder. Both men burned for 18 days." The notes added to Jessup's book were no less confusing. Terms like "mother ship," "great war," and "sheets of diamonds" were used. It was explained how, why, and what happens to the men, ships, and planes that have disappeared. They seemed to explain many things that no one had been able to solve. Therefore, some UFO investigators thought that the Allende letters might provide a solution for the UFO problem. Some claim that a study was completed 1by the Navy but is highly classified and will never be released. One man even claimed that his entire Allende letter file was mysteriously destroyed by fire. References in several published articles made it clear that a private researcher could not see the book. But, somehow, some of the investigators were apparently obtaining everything from copies of the Allende letters to complete copies of the annotated books. In 1970, the writer wrote to the Chief of Naval Operations to request a copy of the book. The Navy replied quickly, saying that they had no copies, but that the book had been reproduced by the Varo Manufacturing Company of Garland, Texas. It was possible, they said, that Varo might still have copies, and suggested that the writer write to them. The writer was living near Fort Worth, at the time, and called Varo to ask about the Allende letters. The secretary knew what he was talking about and put him through to one Sidney Sherby. Sherby told the writer that he had been at the ONR during the Allende "era." There had been copies made but not as part of any official Navy project. Sherby revealed what had transpired at ONR when the annotated version of Jessup's book first arrived. Sherby said, first of all, that no one there expressed any excitement, as many have been led to believe. One researcher pointed out that sending the book to the Navy was ridiculous. The Navy would either throw it out or classify it. Apparently, according to Sherby, they wanted to throw it out. That, of course, is the first departure from the traditional lore of the Allende letters; time after time, UFO writers have claimed that there must be something to the mystery because the Navy was so interested. Since Sherby's statement discredited so many theories, the writer pursued it further. It turned out that ONR members acting on their own had been interested in the book. The Navy had no objection if they wanted to go to the trouble and expense of reproducing it. The only stipulation was that it could not be done on Navy time, and it could not involve Navy funds. It boiled down to this: Members of ONR did the work; the fact that they were employed by the Navy shadowed them. Jessup's book, along with the annotations and the Allende letters, was reproduced by Naval officers, on their own time and with their own funds. Some UFO researchers have followed the Allende letter, not because there was good information in them, but because they knew Jessup, and were intrigued by the fact that Jessup eventually thought there was something to them. At least, toward the end of his life. Jessup began to accept the letters as something valuable and important. But, he may have had other reasons for his belief in Allende. One man reported that Jessup was upset by his career. He had been trained as an astronomer, and though successful for a while, he eventually became entangled in a number of other affairs so that his pursuit of astronomy suffered. He was also involved in a business in Washington, and that is where he became interested in UFOs. His job did not require a great deal of time, and he began to read books on the subject. Only a few were in print at that time, so he began to write his own. The result was "The Case for the UFO." The book was relatively successful. Jessup made some money, but not enough to warrant his writing full time. Other books followed, but they did not have the success of his first. This was another professional disappointment for him. Later, in 1958, Jessup decided to go into the publishing business himself. He planned an expedition to Mexico to search for proof that UFOs were real and planned a book to follow the expedition. But the expedition, and hence the book idea, fell through. All this compounded the disappointments he

felt. Finally, almost in desperation, Jessup began to talk about and study the annotated ONR book and the Allende letters, and a number of his friends became interested in them. The search for the solution came to an end on April 29, 1959, when Jessup was found dead in a Dade County, Florida, park. Writers have speculated about his death, an apparent suicide. Some though that he had come too close to the truth and was murdered. Ivan T. Sanderson, world-famous naturalist and writer about UFOs, placed some emphasis on the Allende letters, because he had known Jessup personally. Sanderson told others about Jessup's belief, and he included sections about the letters in one of his UFO books. And so, Sanderson's claims, founded on his friendship with Jessup, have become another support, attaching a false importance to the Allende letters. One might ask: "If there is nothing to them, why did Jessup, and later Sanderson, place such emphasis on them?" Now, there are answers to those questions. In the years that followed, more researchers began to write the Allende letters off as a hoax, while others continued to research them. Writers made references about researchers "somehow" obtaining copies of the book. They implied that the books were difficult to find. The writer had no problem. Sherby mentioned that the copy he had was the last of five that he had been given. But, if the writer had some way to run a photostatic copy of the book, or if he wanted to borrow it to make notes, Sherby had no objections. Everyone was open and cooperative. There had been so many rumors on the subject that the writer contacted APRO to see if they had anything new on Allende. Jim Lorenzen, the International Director, wrote back, stating that Allende had been to Tucson and confessed the whole thing. "He (Allende) was on his way to Denver, Colorado, suffering from what he believed to be a terminal illness. He stopped by APRO headquarters here in Tucson and, after talking to us for hours, admitted that he had made up the whole thing. We even obtained a signed statement by him saying that it was a hoax." It is interesting to note that Allende, who produced identification documents, had with him, at the time, a copy of the Varo reproduction of the annotated book. Lorenzen asked Allende why he had faked the letters. His answer was: "Because Jessup's writings scared me," he said. "I didn't want him to write anymore and this was the only thing that I could think of." Before Allende left, he asked Lorenzen if he could leave some of his personal belongings at APRO. In Denver, he managed to be "cured;" he returned to Tucson, picked up his baggage and returned home to Mexico. It has been said that dozens of Allendes have come forward, trying to cash in on the original's fame. One researcher claims that the real Allende lives in Mexico, and that there are various documents showing his name as Allende. He did not have to go to all the trouble. Apparently, his Allende and the one who visited Tucson are the same. In Tucson, Allende admitted the hoax. Now, supposedly, he is trying to take back everything he said. However, even with Allende's confession, Sherby's story, the lack of the Philadelphia newspaper article, and the failure by anyone to collaborate anything that Allende said, the controversy continues. Some writers still claim that it is the key to the UFO problem, and some researchers are still trying to "track down" the books. A standard dodge used by some "researchers," when the evidence of their favorite case breaks apart and vanishes in the light of good research, is to scream "cover-up." Even though the writer has found evidence of cover-ups in connection with some aspects of the UFO mystery, he found none in connection with the Allende letters. The annotated book was made available; Sherby answered all questions satisfactorily; and there is the confession in Tucson. The thing should have died with the confession. The Allende letters were not the key to anything. They had only confused the issue with clouds of lies and fables. Serious researchers have wasted a great deal of effort studying them. The big question about why the Navy would waste valuable time on them has been answered too. They didn't.

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