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UNIT 1: EXPAT TALES, text, vocabulary

PARAGRAPH ONE a shift (n.) harrowing (adj.) to take toll PARAGRAPH TWO an observatory (n.) a boundary (n.) to probe (v.) 12-strong IT team 24/7 (n.) puffed (adj.) PARAGRAPH THREE itchy feet (n.) to point out (v.) a CV (n.) CHILE PARAGRAPH FOUR a barrier (n.) a handful (n.) baggage (n.) a native speaker (n.) to converse (v.) an advertising campaign (n.) a destination (n.) municipal (adj.) a walkway (n.) a seafront (n.) PARAGRAPH FIVE greenery (n.) KOREA PARAGRAPH ONE soccer (n.) to cheer (v.) PARAGRAPH TWO an officer (n.) a big shot (n.) crowded (adj.) PARAGRAPH THREE cross-legged (adj.) a mat (n.) a cramp (n.) a mattress (n.) fluently (adv.) Chinese characters (n.) PARAGRAPH FOUR comics (n.) awesome (adj.) a slam dunk (n.)

Translate to English. 1. Moja uloga je osigurati da raunala rade bez prestanka. 2. Tako je mojih prvih nekoliko sati u ileu prolo u pokuajima traenja mojih izgubljenih stvari. 3. Recimo da Antofagasta i nije ba turistika destinacija (to bi se moglo redi za moj rodni grad, Crewe!). 4. Osjedao sam se usamljeno, kao da sam usred niega. 5. Uvijek loe napiem te testove.

Advantages and disadvantages LIVING IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY advantages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 disadvantages

UNIT 2: PARADISE LOST, text, vocabulary

PARAGRAPH ONE a local (n.) to cash in (on) (v.) a national (n.) to buy up (v.) idyllic (adj.) vital (adj.) per capita income (n.) too much of a good thing to ration (v.) to worsen (v.) affordable (adj.) housing (n.) to evict (v.) to make way (v.) a venture (n.) logging (n.) a holiday resort (n.) PARAGRAPH TWO bn = billion (n.) trillion (n.) PARAGRAPH THREE to cope (v.) relentless (adj.) massive (adj.) a charity (n.) to campaign (v.) a spring (n.) to pipe (v.) PARAGRAPH FOUR revenue (n.) a low-end package (n.) to coop (v.) a hotel compound (n.) a chambermaid (n.) a tour operator (n.) at bay prime (adj.) gridlock (n.) to boost (v.) admission (n.) PARAGRAPH FIVE to do ones best a master plan (n.) a study (n.) in hindsight to have second thoughts an asset (n.) to exploit (v.)

Translate to Croatian and explain the meaning. 1. In the last quarter of the 20th century, the locals cashed in on foreign nationals, mainly Germans, wanting to buy up property on their idyllic island. 2. To millions of tourists, foreign destinations are exotic paradises. 3. The host country may not see the benefits. 4. People like to discover ever new parts of the world, they are tired of mass tourism. Translate to English. 1. Ne negiraju kljuni doprinos turizma lokalnom gospodarstvu. 2. Na drugoj strani svijeta je 250 Filipinaca izbaeno iz svojih domova. 3. Najbolji primjer ovoga je Italija, gdje se veliki centri kulture kao to su Firenca i Venecija ne mogu nositi sa svim turistima koji ih posjete svakog ljeta. 4. ini se da je sudbina turizma biti rtvom vlastitog uspjeha.

Advantages and disadvantages MASS TOURISM advantages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 disadvantages

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